// tests.cpp - tests for uxbud
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "uxbud.h"
#include "tests.h"
#include "winuserp.h"
#include "wingdip.h"
int GetStockAvailCount() { //---- slow but better than nothing! ----
int iCount=0;
HANDLE *pHandles = new HANDLE[10000]; if (pHandles) { //---- create a bunch of stock bitmaps ----
while (1) { HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateBitmap(1, 1, 1, 24, NULL); if (! hBitmap) { MessageBox(NULL, L"CreateBitmap() failed", L"bummer, man!", MB_OK); break; }
hBitmap = SetBitmapAttributes(hBitmap, SBA_STOCK); if (! hBitmap) { //---- finally used up all avail stock bitmaps ----
break; }
pHandles[iCount++] = hBitmap; }
//---- free a bunch of stock bitmaps ----
for (int i=0; i < iCount; i++) { HBITMAP hBitmap = ClearBitmapAttributes((HBITMAP)pHandles[i], SBA_STOCK); if (! hBitmap) { MessageBox(NULL, L"SetBitmapAttributes() failed to reset stock", L"bummer, man!", MB_OK); } else { DeleteObject(hBitmap); } } delete [] pHandles; } else { MessageBox(NULL, L"cannot allocate 10K handle array", L"bummer, man!", MB_OK); }
return iCount; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL ZapDir(LPCWSTR pszDirName) { //---- does this guy exist? ----
DWORD dwMask = GetFileAttributes(pszDirName); BOOL fExists = (dwMask != 0xffffffff);
if (! fExists) return TRUE; // not an error
//---- delete all files or subdirs within the dir ----
HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; BOOL bFile = TRUE; WCHAR szSearchPattern[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szSearchPattern, L"%s\\*.*", pszDirName);
for (hFile=FindFirstFile(szSearchPattern, &wfd); (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (bFile); bFile=FindNextFile(hFile, &wfd)) { if ((lstrcmp(wfd.cFileName, TEXT("."))==0) || (lstrcmp(wfd.cFileName, TEXT(".."))==0)) continue;
WCHAR szFullName[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szFullName, L"%s\\%s", pszDirName, wfd.cFileName);
if ((wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (! ZapDir(szFullName)) return FALSE; } else { if (! DeleteFile(szFullName)) return FALSE; } }
//---- this requires an empty dir ----
return RemoveDirectory(pszDirName); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL TestFile(LPCWSTR pszFileName) { DWORD dwMask = GetFileAttributes(pszFileName); BOOL fExists = (dwMask != 0xffffffff);
Output(" TestFile(%S)=%s\n", pszFileName, (fExists) ? "true" : "false");
return fExists; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL PrintFileContents(LPCSTR pszTitle, LPCWSTR pszFileName) { HANDLE hFile = NULL; DWORD dw; CHAR szBuff[MAX_PRINT_FILE_SIZE]; BOOL fRead = FALSE;
//---- open files ----
hFile = CreateFile(pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto exit;
ReadFile(hFile, szBuff, MAX_PRINT_FILE_SIZE, &dw, NULL); if (! dw) goto exit;
szBuff[dw] = 0; // null terminate string
fRead = TRUE;
Output(" %s: %s\n", pszTitle, szBuff);
exit: Output(" PrintFileContents: %S (fRead=%d)\n", pszFileName, fRead);
CloseHandle(hFile); return fRead; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL ErrorTester(LPCSTR pszCallTitle, HRESULT hr) { WCHAR szErrBuff[2*MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr2; BOOL fGotMsg = FALSE;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //---- error - should have FAILED ----
Output(" Error - %s Succeeded (expected error)\n"); goto exit; }
hr2 = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, hr, 0, szErrBuff, ARRAYSIZE(szErrBuff), NULL); if (FAILED(hr2)) { wsprintf(szErrBuff, L"Cannot format error=0x%x (FormatError=0x%x)", hr, hr2); }
Output(" %s returned hr=0x%x, error: %S\n", pszCallTitle, hr, szErrBuff); fGotMsg = TRUE; exit: return fGotMsg; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CompareFiles(LPCWSTR pszName1, LPCWSTR pszName2) { BOOL fSame = FileCompare(pszName1, pszName2); Output(" Compare(%S, %S) = %s\n", pszName1, pszName2, (fSame) ? "same" : "different");
return fSame; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL LoadTest() { Output("LoadTest\n"); BOOL fPassed = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//---- open and close a theme file a few times; ensure working set doesn't ----
//---- grow much for this process or for theme service ----
for (int i=0; i < 6; i++) { Output(" LoadTest: pass %d\n", i); //---- load the luna theme ----
HTHEMEFILE hThemeFile; //---- use "luna.msstyles" ----
WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsDirectoryW(szName, MAX_PATH); wcscat(szName, L"\\resources\\themes\\luna\\luna.msstyles");
//---- load for local (not global) use to avoid stock brush/bitmap issues ----
HRESULT hr = OpenThemeFile(szName, NULL, NULL, &hThemeFile, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
hr = CloseThemeFile(hThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; }
fPassed = TRUE;
exit: return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"LoadTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL ApplyTest() { BOOL fPassed = FALSE; HTHEMEFILE hThemeFile; WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr;
//---- apply "classic", "professional", and "luna" themes a few times ----
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) { Output(" ApplyTest: pass %d\n", i);
//---- apply "classic" ----
Output(" Classic\n");
ApplyTheme(NULL, 0, NULL); Sleep(500);
//---- load PROFESSIONAL theme ----
Output(" PROFESSIONAL\n"); GetWindowsDirectoryW(szName, MAX_PATH); wcscat(szName, L"\\resources\\themes\\professional\\professional.msstyles");
hr = OpenThemeFile(szName, NULL, NULL, &hThemeFile, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- apply PROFESSIONAL ----
hr = ApplyTheme(hThemeFile, AT_LOAD_SYSMETRICS, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; Sleep(500);
hr = CloseThemeFile(hThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- load LUNA theme ----
Output(" LUNA\n");
GetWindowsDirectoryW(szName, MAX_PATH); wcscat(szName, L"\\resources\\themes\\luna\\luna.msstyles");
hr = OpenThemeFile(szName, NULL, NULL, &hThemeFile, TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- apply LUNA theme ----
hr = ApplyTheme(hThemeFile, AT_LOAD_SYSMETRICS, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; Sleep(500);
hr = CloseThemeFile(hThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
Output(" ApplyTest: after applying Luna, StockAvailCount=%d\n", GetStockAvailCount()); }
fPassed = TRUE;
exit: return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"ApplyTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL PackTest() { BOOL fPassed = FALSE; WCHAR szParams[512]; WCHAR szWinDir[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//---- unpack professional.msstyles ----
if (! ZapDir(L"professional")) goto exit;
CreateDirectory(L"professional", NULL);
GetWindowsDirectory(szWinDir, ARRAYSIZE(szWinDir)); wsprintf(szParams, L"/a /u %s\\resources\\themes\\professional\\professional.msstyles", szWinDir);
//---- run unpack in "professional" subdir ----
SetCurrentDirectory(L"professional"); BOOL fRunOk = RunCmd(L"packthem", szParams, TRUE, FALSE); SetCurrentDirectory(L"..");
if (! fRunOk) goto exit;
if (! TestFile(L"professional\\default.ini")) goto exit;
//---- pack it up ----
if (! RunCmd(L"packthem", L"professional", TRUE, TRUE)) goto exit; if (! TestFile(L"professional\\professional.msstyles")) goto exit;
fPassed = TRUE;
exit: return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"PackTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL PackErrTest() { BOOL fPassed = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//---- run packthem on dir with missing "themes.ini" file ----
if (! ZapDir(L"TestTheme")) goto exit;
CreateDirectory(L"TestTheme", NULL);
if (! RunCmd(L"packthem", L"/e TestTheme", TRUE, TRUE)) goto exit;
if (! TestFile(L"packthem.err")) goto exit;
if (! PrintFileContents("Packthem Missing File: ", L"packthem.err")) goto exit;
//---- run packthem on dir with bad syntax "themes.ini" file ----
CopyFile(L".\\TestTheme.ini", L".\\TestTheme\\themes.ini", TRUE);
if (! RunCmd(L"packthem", L"/e TestTheme", TRUE, TRUE)) goto exit;
if (! TestFile(L"packthem.err")) goto exit;
if (! PrintFileContents("Packthem Bad Syntax: ", L"packthem.err")) goto exit;
fPassed = TRUE; exit: return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"PackErrTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL ApiErrTest() { Output("ApiErrTest\n");
//---- GetThemeColor() with bad HTHEME ----
hr = GetThemeColor(NULL, 1, 1, TMT_TEXTCOLOR, &crValue); ErrorTester("GetThemeColor()", hr); //---- OpenThemeFile() with corrupt file ----
hr = OpenThemeFile(L"rcdll.dll", NULL, NULL, &hThemeFile, FALSE); ErrorTester("OpenThemeFile()", hr);
fPassed = TRUE; return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"ApiErrTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL ImageConTest() { BOOL fPassed = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (! RunCmd(L"imagecon", L"image.png image.bmp", TRUE, TRUE)) goto exit;
if (! TestFile(L"image.bmp")) goto exit;
fPassed = TRUE;
exit: return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"ImageConTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL BinaryTest() { BOOL fPassed = FALSE; BOOL fFailed = FALSE; Output("BinaryTest\n");
//---- load the professional theme ----
//---- use "profesional.msstyles" ----
WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsDirectoryW(szName, MAX_PATH); wcscat(szName, L"\\resources\\themes\\professional\\professional.msstyles");
//---- load for local (not global) use to avoid stock brush/bitmap issues ----
HRESULT hr = OpenThemeFile(szName, NULL, NULL, &hThemeFile, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { Output(" OpenThemeFile() failed with hr=0x%x\n", hr); goto exit; }
//---- dump out the properties to "PropDump.txt" ----
hr = DumpLoadedThemeToTextFile(hThemeFile, L"PropDump.txt", FALSE, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { Output(" DumpLoadedThemeToTextFile() failed with hr=0x%x\n", hr); goto exit; }
//---- compare to known good file ----
if (! CompareFiles(L"PropDump.ok", L"PropDump.txt")) fFailed = TRUE;
//---- dump out the packed object to "ObjDump.txt" ----
hr = DumpLoadedThemeToTextFile(hThemeFile, L"ObjDump.txt", TRUE, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { Output(" DumpLoadedThemeToTextFile() failed with hr=0x%x\n", hr); goto exit; }
//---- compare to known good file ----
if (! CompareFiles(L"ObjDump.ok", L"ObjDump.txt")) fFailed = TRUE;
if (! fFailed) fPassed = TRUE;
exit: return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"BinaryTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
WCHAR *BitmapNames[] = { L"BorderFill", L"BorderFill-R", L"ImageFile", L"ImageFile-R", L"Glyph", L"Glyph-R", L"MultiImage", L"MultiImage-R", L"Text", L"Text-R", L"Borders", L"Borders-R", L"SourceSizing", L"SourceSizing-R", }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL DrawingTest() { BOOL fPassed = FALSE; BOOL fFailed = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//---- run "clipper -c" to produce drawing bitmaps ----
if (! RunCmd(L"clipper", L"-c", FALSE, TRUE)) goto exit;
//---- compare bitmaps to known good files ----
int iCount = ARRAYSIZE(BitmapNames); for (int i=0; i < iCount; i++) { WCHAR szOkName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szTestName[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szOkName, L"%s.bok", BitmapNames[i]); wsprintf(szTestName, L"%s.bmp", BitmapNames[i]);
if (! CompareFiles(szOkName, szTestName)) fFailed = TRUE; }
if (! fFailed) fPassed = TRUE;
exit: return ReportResults(fPassed, hr, L"DrawingTest"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TESTINFO TestInfo[] = { {DrawingTest, "drawing", "test out low level drawing"}, {PackTest, "pack", "test out theme file packing & unpacking"}, {PackErrTest, "packerr", "test out err msgs from theme file packing"}, {BinaryTest, "binary", "dump out text from binary theme data"}, {LoadTest, "load", "test loading and unloading of theme files"}, {ApplyTest, "apply", "test global loading & setting of themes"}, {ApiErrTest, "apierr", "test err msgs from api calls"}, //{ApiTest, "api", "test uxtheme public api"},
//{PrivateTest, "private", "test private api calls"},
{ImageConTest, "imagecon", "test out theme file packing & unpacking"}, }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL GetTestInfo(TESTINFO **ppTestInfo, int *piCount) { *ppTestInfo = TestInfo; *piCount = ARRAYSIZE(TestInfo);
return TRUE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------