// Info.cpp - implements the information services of the CRenderObj object
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Render.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "Loader.h"
#include "sethook.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "RenderList.h"
#include "Services.h"
#include "appinfo.h"
#include "tmutils.h"
#include "borderfill.h"
#include "imagefile.h"
#include "textdraw.h"
HRESULT MatchThemeClass(LPCTSTR pszAppName, LPCTSTR pszClassId, CUxThemeFile *pThemeFile, int *piOffset, int *piClassNameOffset) { THEMEHDR *pHdr = (THEMEHDR *)pThemeFile->_pbThemeData; MIXEDPTRS u; u.pb = pThemeFile->_pbThemeData + pHdr->iSectionIndexOffset;
DWORD dwCount = pHdr->iSectionIndexLength/sizeof(APPCLASSLIVE); APPCLASSLIVE *acl = (APPCLASSLIVE *)u.pb;
for (DWORD i=0; i < dwCount; i++, acl++) { if (acl->dwAppNameIndex) { if ((! pszAppName) || (! *pszAppName)) continue; // not a match
LPCWSTR pszApp = ThemeString(pThemeFile, acl->dwAppNameIndex);
if (AsciiStrCmpI(pszAppName, pszApp) != 0) continue; // not a match
if (acl->dwClassNameIndex) { LPCWSTR pszClass = ThemeString(pThemeFile, acl->dwClassNameIndex);
if (AsciiStrCmpI(pszClassId, pszClass)==0) // matches
{ *piOffset = acl->iIndex; *piClassNameOffset = acl->dwClassNameIndex; return S_OK; } } }
return MakeError32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); // not found
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT MatchThemeClassList(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszClassIdList, CUxThemeFile *pThemeFile, int *piOffset, int *piClassNameOffset) { LPCTSTR pszAppName = NULL; WCHAR *pszIdListBuff = NULL; WCHAR szAppSubName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szIdSubName[MAX_PATH]; int len; Log(LOG_TM, L"MatchThemeClassList(): classlist=%s", pszClassIdList); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (! pszClassIdList) return MakeError32(E_INVALIDARG);
//---- first check Hwnd IdList substitutions ----
if (hwnd) { ATOM atomIdSub = (ATOM)GetProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_SUBIDLIST)));
if (atomIdSub) { if (GetAtomName(atomIdSub, szIdSubName, ARRAYSIZE(szIdSubName))) { pszClassIdList = szIdSubName; Log(LOG_TM, L"MatchThemeClassList: hwnd prop IdList OVERRIDE: %s", pszClassIdList); } } }
//---- now check Hwnd AppName substitutions ----
if (hwnd) { ATOM atomAppSub = (ATOM)GetProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_SUBAPPNAME)));
if (atomAppSub) { if (GetAtomName(atomAppSub, szAppSubName, ARRAYSIZE(szAppSubName))) { pszAppName = szAppSubName; Log(LOG_TM, L"MatchThemeClassList: hwnd prop AppName OVERRIDE: %s", pszAppName); } } }
//---- make a copy of pszClassIdList ----
len = lstrlen(pszClassIdList); pszIdListBuff = new WCHAR[len+1]; if (! pszIdListBuff) { hr = MakeError32(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto exit; }
lstrcpy(pszIdListBuff, pszClassIdList);
LPTSTR classId; BOOL fContinue;
classId = pszIdListBuff; fContinue = TRUE;
//---- check each ClassId in the list ----
while (fContinue) { fContinue = lstrtoken(classId, _TEXT(';')); hr = MatchThemeClass(pszAppName, classId, pThemeFile, piOffset, piClassNameOffset); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) break;
classId += lstrlen(classId)+1; }
exit: if (pszIdListBuff) delete [] pszIdListBuff;
return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTHEME _OpenThemeDataFromFile(HTHEMEFILE hLoadedThemeFile, HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassIdList, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; RESOURCE CUxThemeFile *pThemeFile = (CUxThemeFile *)hLoadedThemeFile; int iOffset; int iClassNameOffset; HTHEME hTheme = NULL;
//---- match classid list to theme and get the offset ----
hr = MatchThemeClassList(hwnd, pszClassIdList, pThemeFile, &iOffset, &iClassNameOffset); if (FAILED(hr)) { Log(LOG_TMOPEN, L"hLoadedThemeFile: No match for class=%s", pszClassIdList); goto exit; } hr = g_pRenderList->OpenRenderObject(pThemeFile, iOffset, iClassNameOffset, NULL, NULL, hwnd, dwFlags, &hTheme); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- store hTheme with window ----
if (! (dwFlags & OTD_NONCLIENT)) { //---- store the hTheme so we know its themed ----
if (hwnd) SetProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_HTHEME)), (void *)hTheme); }
Log(LOG_TMOPEN, L"hLoadedThemeFile: returning hTheme=0x%x", hTheme);
exit: SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); return hTheme; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTHEME _OpenThemeData(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassIdList, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; RESOURCE CUxThemeFile *pThemeFile = NULL; HTHEME hTheme = NULL; BOOL fOk; DWORD dwAppFlags;
if (! g_fUxthemeInitialized) goto exit;
Log(LOG_TMOPEN, L"_OpenThemeData: hwnd=0x%x, ClassIdList=%s", hwnd, pszClassIdList);
//---- remove previous HTHEME property ----
if (hwnd) RemoveProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_HTHEME)));
if (! g_pAppInfo->AppIsThemed()) // this process has been excluded from theming
{ Log(LOG_TMOPEN, L"App not themed"); hr = MakeError32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); goto exit; }
//---- ensure app allows this type of themeing ----
dwAppFlags = g_pAppInfo->GetAppFlags();
if (dwFlags & OTD_NONCLIENT) { fOk = ((dwAppFlags & STAP_ALLOW_NONCLIENT) != 0); } else { fOk = ((dwAppFlags & STAP_ALLOW_CONTROLS) != 0); }
if (! fOk) { Log(LOG_TMOPEN, L"AppFlags don't allow theming client/nonclient windows"); hr = MakeError32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); goto exit; }
//---- find Theme File for this HWND and REFCOUNT it for _OpenThemeDataFromFile call ----
hr = GetHwndThemeFile(hwnd, pszClassIdList, &pThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) { Log(LOG_TMOPEN, L"no theme entry for this classidlist: %s", pszClassIdList); SET_LAST_ERROR(hr); goto exit; }
hTheme = _OpenThemeDataFromFile(pThemeFile, hwnd, pszClassIdList, dwFlags); exit: //---- always close the pThemeFile here and decrement its refcnt ----
//---- case 1: if we failed to get an HTHEME, we don't want a refcnt on it ----
//---- case 2: if we do get an HTHEME, it get's its own refcnt on it ----
if (pThemeFile) g_pAppInfo->CloseThemeFile(pThemeFile);
return hTheme; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT GetHwndThemeFile(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassIdList, CUxThemeFile **ppThemeFile) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//----- check input params ----
if ((! pszClassIdList) || (! *pszClassIdList)) { hr = MakeError32(E_INVALIDARG); goto exit; }
//---- get a shared CUxThemeFile object for the hwnd ----
hr = g_pAppInfo->OpenWindowThemeFile(hwnd, ppThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
exit: return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT _OpenThemeFileFromData(CRenderObj *pRender, HTHEMEFILE *phThemeFile) { LogEntry(L"OpenThemeFileFromData");
*phThemeFile = pRender->_pThemeFile;
LogExit(L"OpenThemeFileFromData"); return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ClearExStyleBits(HWND hwnd) { Log(LOG_COMPOSITE, L"ClearExStyleBits called for hwnd=0x%x", hwnd); //---- see if window needs its exstyle cleared ----
DWORD dwFlags = PtrToInt(GetProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_PROPFLAGS))));
if (dwFlags & PROPFLAGS_RESET_TRANSPARENT) { Log(LOG_COMPOSITE, L"Clearning WS_EX_TRANSPARENT for hwnd=0x%x", hwnd); dwExStyle &= ~(WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); }
if (dwFlags & PROPFLAGS_RESET_COMPOSITED) { Log(LOG_COMPOSITE, L"Clearning WS_EX_COMPOSITED for hwnd=0x%x", hwnd); dwExStyle &= ~(WS_EX_COMPOSITED); }
//---- reset the correct ExStyle bits ----
SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle);
//---- reset the property flags ----
dwFlags &= ~(PROPFLAGS_RESET_TRANSPARENT | PROPFLAGS_RESET_COMPOSITED); SetProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_PROPFLAGS)), IntToPtr(dwFlags)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AddPropFlags(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwNewFlags) { DWORD dwFlags = PtrToInt(GetProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_PROPFLAGS))));
dwFlags |= dwNewFlags;
if (dwNewFlags & PROPFLAGS_RESET_TRANSPARENT) Log(LOG_COMPOSITE, L"Setting TRANSPARENT prop flag for hwnd=0x%x", hwnd);
if (dwNewFlags & PROPFLAGS_RESET_COMPOSITED) Log(LOG_COMPOSITE, L"Setting COMPOSITED prop flag for hwnd=0x%x", hwnd);
SetProp(hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_PROPFLAGS)), IntToPtr(dwFlags)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct EPW { WNDENUMPROC lpCallBackCaller; LPARAM lParamCaller; HWND *pHwnds; // OPTIONAL list of hwnds to remove as they are enum-ed
int iCountHwnds; // count of remaining HWND's in pHwnds
}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK ChildWinCallBack(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fResult = TRUE;
if (IsWindowProcess(hwnd, g_dwProcessId)) { EPW *pEpw = (EPW *)lParam; fResult = pEpw->lpCallBackCaller(hwnd, pEpw->lParamCaller);
//---- remove from list ----
if (pEpw->pHwnds) { for (int i=0; i < pEpw->iCountHwnds; i++) { if (pEpw->pHwnds[i] == hwnd) // found it
{ pEpw->iCountHwnds--;
if (i != pEpw->iCountHwnds) // switch last with current
pEpw->pHwnds[i] = pEpw->pHwnds[pEpw->iCountHwnds];
break; } } } }
return fResult; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK TopWinCallBack(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fResult = ChildWinCallBack(hwnd, lParam); if (fResult) { //---- we need to check for hwnd having at least one child ----
//---- since EnumChildWindows() of a hwnd without children ----
//---- returns an error ----
if (GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD)) // if hwnd has at least one child
{ fResult = EnumChildWindows(hwnd, ChildWinCallBack, lParam); } }
return fResult; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK DesktopWinCallBack(LPTSTR lpszDesktop, LPARAM lParam) { //---- open the desktop ----
if (hDesk) { //---- enum windows on desktop ----
EnumDesktopWindows(hDesk, TopWinCallBack, lParam);
CloseDesktop(hDesk); }
return TRUE; // return values from EnumDesktopWindows() not reliable
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL EnumProcessWindows(WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam) { HWND *pHwnds = NULL; int iCount = 0; EPW epw = {lpEnumFunc, lParam};
//---- get list of themed windows on "foreign" desktops for this process ----
BOOL fGotForeignList = g_pAppInfo->GetForeignWindows(&pHwnds, &iCount); if (fGotForeignList) { epw.pHwnds = pHwnds; epw.iCountHwnds = iCount; }
//---- this will enum all windows for this process (all desktops, all child levels) ----
BOOL fOk = EnumDesktops(GetProcessWindowStation(), DesktopWinCallBack, (LPARAM)&epw); if ((fOk) && (fGotForeignList) && (epw.iCountHwnds)) { //---- get updated count ----
iCount = epw.iCountHwnds;
//---- turn off list maintainance ----
epw.pHwnds = NULL; epw.iCountHwnds = 0;
Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"---- Enuming %d Foreign Windows ----", iCount);
//---- enumerate remaining hwnd's in list ----
for (int i=0; i < iCount; i++) { fOk = ChildWinCallBack(pHwnds[i], (LPARAM)&epw);
if (! fOk) break; } }
if (pHwnds) delete [] pHwnds;
return fOk; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CALLBACK DumpCallback(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDeskName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; BOOL fIsForeign = TRUE;
//---- get classname of window ----
GetClassName(hwnd, szName, MAX_PATH);
//---- get desktop name for window ----
if (GetWindowDesktopName(hwnd, szDeskName, ARRAYSIZE(szDeskName))) { if (AsciiStrCmpI(szDeskName, L"default")==0) { fIsForeign = FALSE; } }
if (fIsForeign) { Log(LOG_WINDUMP, L" hwnd=0x%x, class=%s, DESK=%s", hwnd, szName, szDeskName); } else { Log(LOG_WINDUMP, L" hwnd=0x%x, class=%s", hwnd, szName); }
return TRUE; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WindowDump(LPCWSTR pszWhere) { if (LogOptionOn(LO_WINDUMP)) { Log(LOG_WINDUMP, L"---- Window Dump for Process [%s] ----", pszWhere);
EnumProcessWindows(DumpCallback, NULL); } else { Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"---- %s ----", pszWhere); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------