#include "dfhlprs.h"
#include <stdio.h>
static DWORD dwStartTick = 0; static DWORD dwStopTick = 0;
int _PrintIndent(DWORD cch) { // for now, stupid simple
for (DWORD dw = 0; dw < cch; ++dw) { wprintf(TEXT(" ")); }
return cch; }
int _PrintCR() { return wprintf(TEXT("\n")); }
int _PrintGUID(CONST GUID* pguid) { return wprintf(L"{%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", pguid->Data1, pguid->Data2, pguid->Data3, pguid->Data4[0], pguid->Data4[1], pguid->Data4[2], pguid->Data4[3], pguid->Data4[4], pguid->Data4[5], pguid->Data4[6], pguid->Data4[7]); }
int _PrintGUIDEx(CONST GUID* pguid, _sGUID_DESCR rgguid[], DWORD cguid, BOOL fPrintValue, DWORD cchIndent) { BOOL fFoundIt = FALSE;
int i = _PrintIndent(cchIndent);
for (DWORD dw = 0; dw < cguid; ++dw) { if (*(rgguid[dw].pguid) == *pguid) { i += wprintf(TEXT("%s"), rgguid[dw].pszDescr);
fFoundIt = TRUE; break; } }
if (fPrintValue) { if (fFoundIt) { i += wprintf(TEXT(", ")); }
i += _PrintGUID(pguid); }
return i; }
int _PrintGetLastError(DWORD cchIndent) { int i = _PrintIndent(cchIndent);
i += wprintf(TEXT("GetLastError: 0x%08X"), GetLastError());
return i; }
void _StartClock() { dwStartTick = GetTickCount(); }
void _StopClock() { dwStopTick = GetTickCount(); }
int _PrintElapsedTime(DWORD cchIndent, BOOL fCarriageReturn) { int i = _PrintIndent(cchIndent);
// consider wrap
DWORD dwDiff = dwStopTick - dwStartTick; DWORD dwSec = dwDiff / 1000;
DWORD dwMill = dwDiff % 1000;
i += wprintf(TEXT("Elapsed time: %01d.%03d"), dwSec, dwMill);
if (fCarriageReturn) { wprintf(TEXT("\n")); }
return i; }
int _PrintFlag(DWORD dwFlag, _sFLAG_DESCR rgflag[], DWORD cflag, DWORD cchIndent, BOOL fPrintValue, BOOL fHex, BOOL fComment, BOOL fORed) { int i = 0; BOOL fAtLeastOne = FALSE;
for (DWORD dw = 0; dw < cflag; ++dw) { BOOL fPrint = FALSE;
if (fORed) { if (rgflag[dw].dwFlag & dwFlag) { fPrint = TRUE; } } else { if (rgflag[dw].dwFlag == dwFlag) { fPrint = TRUE; } }
if (fPrint) { if (fAtLeastOne) { i += wprintf(TEXT("\n")); }
i += _PrintIndent(cchIndent);
if (fPrintValue) { if (fHex) { i += wprintf(TEXT("0x%08X, "), rgflag[dw].dwFlag); } else { i += wprintf(TEXT("%u, "), rgflag[dw].dwFlag); } }
i += wprintf(TEXT("%s"), rgflag[dw].pszDescr);
if (fComment) { i += wprintf(TEXT(", '%s'"), rgflag[dw].pszComment); }
fAtLeastOne = TRUE; } }
return i; }
HANDLE _GetDeviceHandle(LPTSTR psz, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwFileAttributes) { HANDLE hDevice = CreateFile(psz, // drive to open
dwDesiredAccess, // don't need any access to the drive
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // disposition
dwFileAttributes, // file attributes
NULL); // don't copy any file's attributes
return hDevice; }