//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Copyright (c) 1998 Citrix Systems
Module Name:
Reads hv (low) level structures in a hive and rewrites the hive structs after applying ACL fixes. Reads in the hive in block sizes. Scans for and processes security keys. Extracts the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure form a cell and checks consistency of sizes of ACEs and ACLs.
Usage: regfix in_filename out_filename
Maris Kurens (v-marisk (MS), marisk (CTXS)) Apr 1998
Revision History: Created - Apr 23, 1998
NOTE: This hive/registry tool does not read the entire hive into memory, but will read the hive file on a block by block basis, process each block and write out the block to a new file using file I/O.
// Include NT headers
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntseapi.h>
#include "cmp.h"
#include "regfix.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define INFILE 0x01
#define OUTFILE 0x02
#define BOTHFILE 0x03
int __cdecl main (int argc, char *argv[]); void openFile (void); void closeFile (unsigned which); void ScanHive (void); void DoKeySD (IN PCM_KEY_SECURITY Security, IN ULONG CellSize); void ScanCell (PHCELL Cell, ULONG CellSize);
void DumpSecurityDescriptor (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD); void CtxDumpSid (PSID, PCHAR, PULONG); void DumpAcl (PACL, PCHAR, PULONG); void DumpAce (PACE_HEADER, PCHAR, PULONG); BOOL AreWeRunningTerminalServices(void);
VOID WINAPI ErrorPrintf (int nErrorResourceID, ...);
LPCTSTR inFileName = NULL; LPCTSTR outFileName = NULL;
HANDLE infilehandle; HANDLE outfilehandle;
ULONG HiveVersion;
ULONG SizeSDData=0; ULONG NumSDData=0;
ULONG BlockNumb = 0; ULONG BadACL = 0; ULONG BadACE = 0;
// Description :
// Basic arg check, arg echo, process calls and result dump
// Args :
// if you have to ask ...
// Return :
int __cdecl main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
//Check if we are running under Terminal Server
if(!AreWeRunningTerminalServices()) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_NOT_TS); return(1); }
if (argc < 3) { ErrorPrintf (IDS_ERROR_USAGE); exit (1); }
inFileName = argv [1]; outFileName = argv [2];
// echo the args
ErrorPrintf (IDS_WORKING);
// open the in and out files
openFile ();
// and process it
ScanHive ();
ErrorPrintf (IDS_DONE); ErrorPrintf (IDS_SD_NUMBER, NumSDData); ErrorPrintf (IDS_BAD_ACL_NUMBER, BadACL); ErrorPrintf (IDS_BAD_ACE_NUMBER, BadACE);
return (0); }
// Description :
// Closes file handles based on input args
// Args :
// which - signals if input or output or both files should be closed
// Return : Nothing
void closeFile (unsigned which) { if (which & INFILE) { if (infilehandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (infilehandle); infilehandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
if (which & OUTFILE) { if (infilehandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (outfilehandle); outfilehandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } }
// Description :
// Opens input and output files
// Args : Nada
// Return : Nada
void openFile (void) { //
// open the input file
if (infilehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf (stderr, "regfix: Could not open file '%s' error = %08lx\n", inFileName, GetLastError()); exit(1); }
// open the output file
if (outfilehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { closeFile (INFILE); fprintf (stderr, "hivestat: Could not create file '%s' error = %08lx\n", outFileName, GetLastError()); exit(1); } }
// Description :
// Scan the hive, looking for security cells. Load the
// hive block by block and write each block to the output
// file after processing it.
// Args : None
// Return : Nyet
void ScanHive (void) { static char buffer[HBLOCK_SIZE]; PHBASE_BLOCK bbp; BOOL rf; BOOL wf; ULONG readcount; ULONG writecount; ULONG hivelength; ULONG hiveposition; PHCELL cp; PHCELL guard; PHBIN hbp; ULONG hoff; ULONG binread; ULONG binsize; ULONG cellsize; ULONG boff; ULONG lboff; ULONG SizeTotal;
// read the header
rf = ReadFile (infilehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &readcount, NULL); if ((!rf) || (readcount != HBLOCK_SIZE) ) { closeFile (BOTHFILE); fprintf (stderr, "regfix: '%s' - cannot read base block!\n", inFileName); exit(1); }
bbp = (PHBASE_BLOCK)(&(buffer[0]));
if ((bbp->Major != HSYS_MAJOR) || (bbp->Minor > HSYS_MINOR)) {
closeFile (BOTHFILE);
fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: major/minor != %d/%d get newer hivestat\n", HSYS_MAJOR, HSYS_MINOR ); exit(1); }
HiveVersion = bbp->Minor;
hivelength = bbp->Length + HBLOCK_SIZE; hiveposition = HBLOCK_SIZE; hoff = 0;
// scan the hive
guard = (PHCELL)(&(buffer[0]) + HBLOCK_SIZE);
wf = WriteFile (outfilehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &writecount, NULL); if ((!wf) || (writecount != HBLOCK_SIZE) ) { closeFile (BOTHFILE); fprintf (stderr, "regfix: '%s' - cannot write base block!\n", outFileName); exit(1); }
// hiveposition is file relative offset of next block we will read
// hoff is the file relative offset of the last block we read
// hivelength is actual length of file (header's recorded length plus
// the size of the header.
// cp is pointer into memory, within range of buffer, it's a cell pointer
while (hiveposition < hivelength) {
// read in first block of bin, check signature, determine key type
rf = ReadFile (infilehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &readcount, NULL); if ((! rf) || (readcount != HBLOCK_SIZE)) { closeFile (BOTHFILE); fprintf (stderr, "hivestat: '%s' read error @%08lx\n", inFileName, hiveposition); exit (1); } BlockNumb++;
hbp = (PHBIN)(&(buffer[0]));
if (hbp->Signature != HBIN_SIGNATURE) { closeFile (BOTHFILE); fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: '%s' bad bin sign. @%08lx\n", inFileName, hiveposition); exit(1); }
hiveposition += HBLOCK_SIZE; hoff += HBLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT (hoff+HBLOCK_SIZE == hiveposition);
binsize = hbp->Size; //
// scan the bin
// cp = pointer to cell we are looking at
// boff = offset within bin
// lboff = last offset within bin, used only for consistency checks
// binread = number of bytes of bin we've read so far
cp = (PHCELL)((PUCHAR)hbp + sizeof(HBIN)); boff = sizeof(HBIN); lboff = (ULONG)-1; binread = HBLOCK_SIZE;
while (binread <= binsize) {
// if free, update pointer only
// else scan it
if (cp->Size > 0) { cellsize = cp->Size; } else { cellsize = -1 * cp->Size; ScanCell (cp, cellsize); }
// do basic consistency check
#if 0
if (cp->Last != lboff) { printf("e!,x%08lx bad LAST pointer %08lx\n", hoff+((PUCHAR)cp - &(buffer[0])), cp->Last); } #endif
// advance to next cell
lboff = boff; cp = (PHCELL)((PUCHAR)cp + cellsize); boff += cellsize;
// scan ahead in bin, if cp has reached off end of block,
// AND there's bin left to read.
// do this BEFORE breaking out for boff at end.
while ((cp >= guard) && (binread < binsize)) {
// write out the currently loaded block
wf = WriteFile (outfilehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &writecount, NULL); if ((!wf) || (writecount != HBLOCK_SIZE) ) { closeFile (BOTHFILE); fprintf (stderr, "regfix: '%s' - cannot write block %d!\n", BlockNumb, outFileName); exit(1); }
rf = ReadFile(infilehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &readcount, NULL); if ((!rf) || (readcount != HBLOCK_SIZE)) { closeFile (BOTHFILE); fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: '%s' read error @%08lx\n", inFileName, hiveposition); exit(1); } BlockNumb++;
cp = (PHCELL)((PUCHAR)cp - HBLOCK_SIZE); hiveposition += HBLOCK_SIZE; hoff += HBLOCK_SIZE; binread += HBLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT (hoff+HBLOCK_SIZE == hiveposition); }
if (boff >= binsize) { break; // we are done with this bin
} }
wf = WriteFile (outfilehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &writecount, NULL); if ((!wf) || (writecount != HBLOCK_SIZE) ) { closeFile (BOTHFILE); fprintf (stderr, "regfix: '%s' - cannot write block %d!\n", BlockNumb, outFileName); exit(1); }
return; }
// Description :
// Given a pointer to an HCELL, check the SD type cell signature
// If it is pass to the SD processing routines.
// Note : framework is in place to handle other cell types
// Args :
// Cell - Supplies a pointer to the HCELL
// CellSize - Supplies the size of the HCELL
// Return : Nothing
void ScanCell (IN PHCELL Cell, IN ULONG CellSize) { PCELL_DATA Data;
if (HiveVersion==1) { Data = (PCELL_DATA)&Cell->u.OldCell.u.UserData; } else { Data = (PCELL_DATA)&Cell->u.NewCell.u.UserData; }
// grovel through the data, see if we can find the SD keys
if ((Data->u.KeyNode.Signature == CM_KEY_NODE_SIGNATURE) && (CellSize > sizeof(CM_KEY_NODE))) { //
// probably a key node
return; } else if ((Data->u.KeyValue.Signature == CM_KEY_VALUE_SIGNATURE) && (CellSize > sizeof(CM_KEY_VALUE))) {
// probably a key value
} else if ((Data->u.KeySecurity.Signature == CM_KEY_SECURITY_SIGNATURE) && (CellSize > sizeof(CM_KEY_SECURITY))) {
// probably a security descriptor
DoKeySD (&Data->u.KeySecurity, CellSize);
} else if ((Data->u.KeyIndex.Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) || (Data->u.KeyIndex.Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF)) { //
// probably a key index
return; } else { //
// Nothing with a signature, could be either
// name
// key list
// value data
} }
// Description :
// Expects an SD cell pointer. Extracts the SD descriptor
// and passes it on for further processing
// Args :
// Security - Pointer to PCM_KEY_SECURITY type cell
// CellSize - size of the HCELL
// Return : Nothing
SizeSDData += CellSize; NumSDData++;
pSD = &Security->Descriptor; DumpSecurityDescriptor (pSD); }
// ** The following routines are hacks of the dumpsd
// ** lib code in private\citrix\syslib
// ** This util can easily be modified as a standalone
// ** utility for a variety of hive security processing
// Description :
// Unfolds an SD descriptor passing SID and ACL pointers
// for further processing
// Args :
// pSD - Pointer to SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure
// Return : Nothing
DbgPrint ("DUMP_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: Revision %d, Sbz1 %d, Control 0x%x\n", p->Revision, p->Sbz1, p->Control );
if (p->Control & SE_SELF_RELATIVE ) { DbgPrint("Self Relative\n"); }
DbgPrint("PSID Owner 0x%x\n",p->Owner); */
// If this is self relative, must offset the pointers
if( p->Owner != NULL ) { if (p->Control & SE_SELF_RELATIVE) { pTmp = (PCHAR)pSD; pTmp += (ULONG)p->Owner; CtxDumpSid ((PSID)pTmp, (PCHAR)p, &Size ); } else { // can reference it directly
CtxDumpSid (p->Owner, (PCHAR)p, &Size ); } }
DbgPrint("PSID Group 0x%x\n",p->Group); */ // If this is self relative, must offset the pointers
if (p->Group != NULL) { if (p->Control & SE_SELF_RELATIVE) { pTmp = (PCHAR)pSD; pTmp += (ULONG)p->Group; CtxDumpSid( (PSID)pTmp, (PCHAR)p, &Size ); } else { // can reference it directly
CtxDumpSid( p->Group, (PCHAR)p, &Size ); } }
// DbgPrint("\n");
// DbgPrint("PACL Sacl 0x%x\n",p->Sacl);
// If this is self relative, must offset the pointers
if (p->Sacl != NULL) { if (p->Control & SE_SELF_RELATIVE) { pTmp = (PCHAR)pSD; pTmp += (ULONG)p->Sacl; DumpAcl( (PSID)pTmp, (PCHAR)p, &Size ); } else { // can reference it directly
DumpAcl (p->Sacl, (PCHAR)p, &Size); } }
// DbgPrint("\n");
// DbgPrint ("PACL Dacl 0x%x\n",p->Dacl);
// If this is self relative, must offset the pointers
if (p->Dacl != NULL) { if (p->Control & SE_SELF_RELATIVE) { pTmp = (PCHAR)pSD; pTmp += (ULONG)p->Dacl; DumpAcl( (PSID)pTmp, (PCHAR)p, &Size ); } else { // can reference it directly
DumpAcl( p->Dacl, (PCHAR)p, &Size ); } }
// Description :
// Examine an SD descriptor for subauthority and owner
// info
// Args :
// pSid - Pointer to SID structure
// pBase - not used (kept for historical reasons)
// pSize - holds the SID size on return
// Return : Nothing
void CtxDumpSid ( PSID pSid, PCHAR pBase, PULONG pSize) { PISID p; ULONG i; BOOL OK; DWORD szUserName; DWORD szDomain; SID_NAME_USE UserSidType; WCHAR UserName[256]; WCHAR Domain[256]; ULONG Size = 0;
p = (PISID)pSid;
// DbgPrint("Revision %d, SubAuthorityCount %d\n", p->Revision, p->SubAuthorityCount);
Size += 2; // Revision, SubAuthorityCount
DbgPrint("IdentifierAuthority: %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", p->IdentifierAuthority.Value[0], p->IdentifierAuthority.Value[1], p->IdentifierAuthority.Value[2], p->IdentifierAuthority.Value[3], p->IdentifierAuthority.Value[4], p->IdentifierAuthority.Value[5] ); */ Size += 6; // IdentifierAuthority
for (i=0; i < p->SubAuthorityCount; i++) {
// DbgPrint("SubAuthority[%d] 0x%x\n", i, p->SubAuthority[i]);
Size += sizeof(ULONG); }
if (pSize) { *pSize = Size; }
szUserName = sizeof (UserName); szDomain = sizeof (Domain);
// Now print its account
OK = LookupAccountSidW ( NULL, // Computer Name
pSid, UserName, &szUserName, Domain, &szDomain, &UserSidType); */
// if (OK)
// {
// DbgPrint("Account Name %ws, Domain %ws, Type %d, SidSize %d\n",UserName,Domain,UserSidType,Size);
// }
// else
// {
// DbgPrint("Error looking up account name %d, SizeSid %d\n",GetLastError(),Size);
// }
// Description :
// Unfolds an ACL dumping all the ACEs in the process
// checking consistency by tracking the actual size
// Args :
// pAcl - Pointer to ACL structure
// pBase - not used (kept for historical reasons)
// pSize - holds the size on return
// Return : Nothing
void DumpAcl (PACL pAcl, PCHAR pBase, PULONG pSize) { USHORT i; PCHAR pTmp; ULONG Size, MySize; PACL p = pAcl; PCHAR pCur = (PCHAR)pAcl;
MySize = 0;
// DbgPrint ("AclRevision %d, Sbz1 %d, AclSize %d, AceCount %d, Sbz2 %d\n",
// p->AclRevision, p->Sbz1, p->AclSize, p->AceCount, p->Sbz2);
// bump over the ACL header to point to the first ACE
pCur += sizeof (ACL);
MySize += sizeof (ACL);
for (i=0; i < p->AceCount; i++) { DumpAce ((PACE_HEADER)pCur, pBase, &Size );
pCur += Size; MySize += Size; }
// ACL consistency check
if( p->AclSize != MySize ) { //
// |
// |
// |
// v
if (p->AclSize == 1023) // This hack is in response to MS bug #1607. The hive load fails on ACL
{ // size alignment check. The sw hive file that causes this problem has
p->AclSize = 1024; // about 3k SD entries of ACL size 1023. This hack adjusts this.
} // ^
// |
// |
// |
// |
// DbgPrint("Inconsistent ACL Entry! p->AclSize %d, RealSize %d\n",p->AclSize,MySize);
// p->AclSize = MySize;
BadACL++; }
// return the size of this ACL
*pSize = MySize; return; }
// Description :
// Unfolds an ACE descriptor checking consistency by
// tracking the actual size
// Args :
// pAce - Pointer to ACE structure
// pBase - not used (kept for historical reasons)
// pSize - holds the size on return
// Return : Nothing
// DbgPrint ("ACE_HEADER: Type %d, Flags 0x%x, Size %d\n",
// p->AceType, p->AceFlags, p->AceSize );
switch (p->AceType) {
case ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE: pAl = (PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)p; // DbgPrint("ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE: AccessMask 0x%x, Sid 0x%x\n",pAl->Mask,pAl->SidStart);
MySize = sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE);
if (pAl->SidStart) { pTmp = (PCHAR)&pAl->SidStart; CtxDumpSid( (PSID)pTmp, pBase, &Size ); MySize += Size; // Adjust for the first ULONG of the ACE
// being part of the Sid
MySize -= sizeof(ULONG); } break;
case ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE: pAd = (PACCESS_DENIED_ACE)p; // DbgPrint("ACCESS_DENIED_ACE: AccessMask 0x%x, Sid 0x%x\n",pAd->Mask,pAd->SidStart);
MySize = sizeof(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE);
if (pAd->SidStart) { pTmp = (PCHAR)&pAd->SidStart; CtxDumpSid( (PSID)pTmp, pBase, &Size ); MySize += Size; // Adjust for the first ULONG of the ACE
// being part of the Sid
MySize -= sizeof(ULONG); } break;
case SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE: pSa = (PSYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE)p; // DbgPrint("SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE: AccessMask 0x%x, Sid 0x%x\n",pSa->Mask,pSa->SidStart);
MySize = sizeof(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE);
if ( pSa->SidStart ) { pTmp = (PCHAR)&pSa->SidStart; CtxDumpSid( (PSID)pTmp, pBase, &Size ); MySize += Size; // Adjust for the first ULONG of the ACE
// being part of the Sid
MySize -= sizeof(ULONG); } break;
case SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE: pSl = (PSYSTEM_ALARM_ACE)p; // DbgPrint("SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE: AccessMask 0x%x, Sid 0x%x\n",pSl->Mask,pSl->SidStart);
MySize = sizeof(SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE);
if (pSl->SidStart) { pTmp = (PCHAR)&pSl->SidStart; CtxDumpSid( (PSID)pTmp, pBase, &Size ); MySize += Size; // Adjust for the first ULONG of the ACE
// being part of the Sid
MySize -= sizeof(ULONG); } break;
default: break;
// DbgPrint("Unknown ACE type %d\n", p->AceType);
saveSize = p->AceSize; // Check its consistency
if ( p->AceSize != MySize ) { // DbgPrint("Inconsistent ACE Entry! p->AceSize %d, RealSize %d\n",p->AceSize,MySize);
// p->AceSize = MySize;
BadACE++; }
// return the size so the caller can update the pointer
// *pSize = p->AceSize;
*pSize = saveSize;
// DbgPrint("\n");
return; }
* * AreWeRunningTerminalServices * * Check if we are running terminal server * * ENTRY: * * EXIT: BOOL: True if we are running Terminal Services False if we * are not running Terminal Services * * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL AreWeRunningTerminalServices(void) { OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersionInfo; DWORDLONG dwlConditionMask = 0;
ZeroMemory(&osVersionInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX)); osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); osVersionInfo.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_TERMINAL;
return VerifyVersionInfo( &osVersionInfo, VER_SUITENAME, dwlConditionMask ); }