/* dbg.cpp */
#include "precomp.h"
#include <cstring.hpp>
#include <regentry.h>
#include <confreg.h>
#include <confdbg.h>
#ifdef NM_DEBUG /* Almost the whole file */
// Special Debugbreak macro
#if defined (_M_IX86)
#define _DbgBreak() __asm { int 3 }
#define _DbgBreak() DebugBreak()
// Special Mutex Macros
#define ACQMUTEX(hMutex) WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE)
#define RELMUTEX(hMutex) ReleaseMutex(hMutex)
// Constant for GlobalAddAtom
const int CCHMAX_ATOM = 255;
// Local Variables
static PNMDBG _gpDbg = NULL; // Shared data in mmf after zone info
static HANDLE _ghMutexFile = NULL; // Mutex for writing to file
static PZONEINFO _gprgZoneInfo = NULL; // the address in which the zone is mapped,points to an array of zones
static HANDLE _ghDbgZoneMap = NULL; // the handle of the memory mapped file for zones
static HANDLE _ghDbgZoneMutex = NULL; // Mutex for accessing Zone information
static long _gLockCount = 0;
VOID DbgCurrentTime(PCHAR psz);
/* _ D B G P R I N T F */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: _DbgPrintf
The main, low level, debug output routine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static VOID WINAPI _DbgPrintf(LPCSTR pszFile, PCSTR pszPrefix, PCSTR pszFormat, va_list ap) { CHAR szOutput[1024]; PCHAR pszOutput = szOutput; UINT cch;
if (NULL == _gprgZoneInfo) return;
if (DBG_FMTTIME_NONE != _gpDbg->uShowTime) { DbgCurrentTime(pszOutput); pszOutput += lstrlenA(pszOutput); }
if (_gpDbg->fShowThreadId) { wsprintfA(pszOutput, "[%04X] ", GetCurrentThreadId()); pszOutput += lstrlenA(pszOutput); }
wvsprintfA(pszOutput, pszFormat, ap);
// Append carriage return, if necessary
// WARNING: This code is not DBCS-safe.
cch = lstrlenA(szOutput); if (szOutput[cch-1] == '\n') { if (szOutput[cch-2] != '\r') { lstrcpyA(&szOutput[cch-1], "\r\n"); cch++; } } else { lstrcpyA(&szOutput[cch], "\r\n"); cch += 2; }
// Output to debug handler
if (_gpDbg->fOutputDebugString) { OutputDebugStringA(szOutput); }
// Output to File
if (_gpDbg->fFileOutput || (NULL != pszFile)) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dw;
// Lock access to file
if (NULL == pszFile) pszFile = _gpDbg->szFile;
// open a log file for appending. create if does not exist
hFile = CreateFileA(pszFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE)NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // seek to end of file
dw = SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
#ifdef TEST /* Test/Retail version truncates at 40K */
if (dw > 0x040000) { CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = CreateFileA(pszFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE)NULL); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) #endif
{ WriteFile(hFile, szOutput, lstrlenA(szOutput), &dw, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); } }
// Unlock access to file
RELMUTEX(_ghMutexFile); }
// Output to viewer. This is at the end of the function because
// we potentially truncate szOutput.
if ((_gpDbg->fWinOutput) && (NULL != _gpDbg->hwndCtrl)) { // Make sure that the string doesn't exceed the maximum atom size.
// WARNING: This code is not DBCS-safe.
static const CHAR szTruncatedSuffix[] = "...\r\n"; static const int cchTruncatedSuffix = ARRAY_ELEMENTS(szTruncatedSuffix) - 1;
if (CCHMAX_ATOM < cch) { lstrcpyA(&szOutput[CCHMAX_ATOM - cchTruncatedSuffix], szTruncatedSuffix); }
ATOM aDbgAtom = GlobalAddAtomA(szOutput);
if (aDbgAtom) { if (!PostMessage(_gpDbg->hwndCtrl, _gpDbg->msgDisplay, (WPARAM)aDbgAtom, 0L)) { // Unable to post Message, so free the atom
GlobalDeleteAtom(aDbgAtom); } } }
PSTR WINAPI DbgZPrintf(HDBGZONE hZone, UINT iZone, PSTR pszFormat,...) { CHAR sz[MAXSIZE_OF_MODULENAME+MAXSIZE_OF_ZONENAME+1]; PCHAR psz; va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat);
if ((NULL != hZone) && (iZone < MAXNUM_OF_ZONES)) { wsprintfA(sz, "%hs:%hs", ((PZONEINFO) hZone)->pszModule, ((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szZoneNames[iZone]); psz = sz; } else { psz = NULL; }
if ((NULL != hZone) && ('\0' != ((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szFile[0])) { // Use the private module output filename, if specified
_DbgPrintf(((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szFile, psz, pszFormat, v1); } else { _DbgPrintf(NULL, psz, pszFormat, v1); } va_end(v1); return pszFormat; }
if ((NULL != hZone) && (iZone < MAXNUM_OF_ZONES)) { wsprintfA(sz, "%hs:%hs", ((PZONEINFO) hZone)->pszModule, ((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szZoneNames[iZone]); psz = sz; } else { psz = NULL; }
if ((NULL != hZone) && ('\0' != ((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szFile[0])) { // Use the private module output filename, if specified
_DbgPrintf(((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szFile, psz, pszFormat, ap); } else { _DbgPrintf(NULL, psz, pszFormat, ap); } return pszFormat; }
VOID WINAPI DbgPrintf(PCSTR pszPrefix, PCSTR pszFormat, va_list ap) { _DbgPrintf(NULL, pszPrefix, pszFormat, ap); }
VOID DbgInitEx(HDBGZONE * phDbgZone, PCHAR * psz, UINT cZones, long ulZoneDefault) { UINT i; HDBGZONE hDbgZone; DBGZONEINFO dbgZoneParm;
//DbgMsg("Module %s (%d zones)", *psz, cZones);
InterlockedIncrement( &_gLockCount );
ZeroMemory(&dbgZoneParm, sizeof(dbgZoneParm)); // First string is the module name
lstrcpynA(dbgZoneParm.pszModule, *psz, CCHMAX(dbgZoneParm.pszModule));
// Copy the zone names
for (i = 0; i < cZones; i++) { lstrcpynA(dbgZoneParm.szZoneNames[i], psz[1+i], CCHMAX(dbgZoneParm.szZoneNames[0])); }
// Get the detault zone settings
dbgZoneParm.ulZoneMask = ulZoneDefault;
hDbgZone = NmDbgCreateZone(dbgZoneParm.pszModule); if (NULL == hDbgZone) { OutputDebugStringA("DbgInit: Failed to create zones!\r\n"); return; }
NmDbgSetZone(hDbgZone, &dbgZoneParm); *phDbgZone = hDbgZone; }
VOID DbgDeInit(HDBGZONE * phDbgZone) { if (NULL == phDbgZone) return;
if (NULL == *phDbgZone) return;
//DbgMsg("Freeing Zone [%s]",((PZONEINFO)(*phDbgZone))->pszModule);
NmDbgDeleteZone("", *phDbgZone); *phDbgZone = NULL;
if( 0 == InterlockedDecrement( &_gLockCount ) ) { UnMapDebugZoneArea();
if( _ghMutexFile ) { CloseHandle( _ghMutexFile ); _ghMutexFile = NULL; }
if( _ghDbgZoneMutex ) { CloseHandle( _ghDbgZoneMutex ); _ghDbgZoneMutex = NULL; } } }
// from dbgzone.cpp
Name : NmDbgCreateZones
Purpose : A module calls this to allocate/initialize the zone area for debugging purposes.
Parameters: pszName - the name of the module
Returns :
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ HDBGZONE WINAPI NmDbgCreateZone(LPSTR pszName) {
if (!(pZoneInfo = FindZoneForModule(pszName))) pZoneInfo = AllocZoneForModule(pszName); return ((HDBGZONE)pZoneInfo); }
Name : NmDbgDeleteZones
Purpose :
Returns :
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ void WINAPI NmDbgDeleteZone(LPSTR pszName, HDBGZONE hDbgZone) { //decrement reference count
ASSERT( _ghDbgZoneMutex );
if (pZoneInfo) { pZoneInfo->ulRefCnt--; if (pZoneInfo->ulRefCnt == 0) { pZoneInfo->bInUse = FALSE; pZoneInfo->ulSignature = 0; } }
RELMUTEX(_ghDbgZoneMutex); }
Name : NmDbgSetZones
Purpose :
Returns :
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI NmDbgSetZone(HDBGZONE hDbgZone, PDBGZONEINFO pZoneParam) { PZONEINFO pZoneInfo = (PZONEINFO)hDbgZone;
if (!pZoneInfo) return FALSE; if (lstrcmpA(pZoneInfo->pszModule,pZoneParam->pszModule)) return FALSE;
pZoneInfo->ulZoneMask = pZoneParam->ulZoneMask; CopyMemory(pZoneInfo->szZoneNames, pZoneParam->szZoneNames, (sizeof(CHAR) * MAXNUM_OF_ZONES * MAXSIZE_OF_ZONENAME)); return(TRUE); }
Name : NmDbgGetZoneParams
Purpose :
Returns :
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI NmDbgGetAllZoneParams(PDBGZONEINFO *plpZoneParam,LPUINT puCnt) { UINT ui; PZONEINFO pCurZone;
if ((NULL == plpZoneParam) || (NULL == puCnt)) return FALSE; ACQMUTEX(_ghDbgZoneMutex);
*puCnt = 0; for (pCurZone = _gprgZoneInfo, ui=0; ui<MAXNUM_OF_MODULES && pCurZone!=NULL; ui++,pCurZone++) { if ((pCurZone->bInUse) && (pCurZone->ulSignature == ZONEINFO_SIGN)) { (*puCnt)++; } }
*plpZoneParam = _gprgZoneInfo; RELMUTEX(_ghDbgZoneMutex); return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI NmDbgFreeZoneParams(PDBGZONEINFO pZoneParam) { return TRUE; }
PZONEINFO FindZoneForModule(LPCSTR pszModule) { int i; PZONEINFO pCurZone;
for (pCurZone = _gprgZoneInfo,i=0;i<MAXNUM_OF_MODULES && pCurZone!=NULL;i++,pCurZone++) { if ((pCurZone->bInUse) && (pCurZone->ulSignature == ZONEINFO_SIGN) && (!lstrcmpA(pCurZone->pszModule,pszModule))) { ACQMUTEX(_ghDbgZoneMutex); pCurZone->ulRefCnt++; RELMUTEX(_ghDbgZoneMutex); return pCurZone; } } return NULL;
Name : AllocZoneForModule
Purpose : Allocates the
Returns :
Comment :
***************************************************************************/ PZONEINFO AllocZoneForModule(LPCSTR pszModule) { int i; PZONEINFO pCurZone; PZONEINFO pZoneForMod=NULL;
ACQMUTEX(_ghDbgZoneMutex); for (pCurZone = _gprgZoneInfo,i=0; (i<MAXNUM_OF_MODULES && pCurZone!=NULL); i++,pCurZone++) { if (!(pCurZone->bInUse)) { pCurZone->bInUse = TRUE; pCurZone->ulSignature = ZONEINFO_SIGN; pCurZone->ulRefCnt = 1; lstrcpyA(pCurZone->pszModule, pszModule); pZoneForMod = pCurZone; break; } } RELMUTEX(_ghDbgZoneMutex); return(pZoneForMod);
VOID SetDbgFlags(void) { PTSTR psz;
_gpDbg->fOutputDebugString = TRUE; _gpDbg->fWinOutput = FALSE; _gpDbg->fFileOutput = FALSE;
_gpDbg->uShowTime = DBG_FMTTIME_NONE; _gpDbg->fShowThreadId = FALSE; _gpDbg->fShowModule = FALSE;
{ UINT cchFile;
cchFile = GetWindowsDirectoryA(_gpDbg->szFile, CCHMAX(_gpDbg->szFile)); _gpDbg->szFile[cchFile++] = '\\'; lstrcpyA(_gpDbg->szFile + cchFile, CUSTRING(TEXT("rddbg.txt"))); } }
VOID InitZoneMmf(PZONEINFO prgZoneInfo) { ZeroMemory(prgZoneInfo, CBMMFDBG);
SetDbgFlags(); }
// Obtain a true NULL security descriptor (so if running as a service, user processes can access it)
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); // NULL DACL = wide open
FillMemory(&sa, sizeof(sa), 0); sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd;
//create a memory mapped object that is backed by paging file
_ghDbgZoneMap = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &sa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, CBMMFDBG, SZ_DBG_MAPPED_ZONE); if (NULL == _ghDbgZoneMap) return NULL;
fCreated = (0 == GetLastError()); prgZoneInfo = (PZONEINFO) MapViewOfFile(_ghDbgZoneMap, FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0,0,0); if (NULL != prgZoneInfo) { // Grab pointer to shared data area
_gpDbg = (PNMDBG) (((PBYTE) prgZoneInfo) + (MAXNUM_OF_MODULES * sizeof(ZONEINFO))); if (fCreated) InitZoneMmf(prgZoneInfo); }
return prgZoneInfo; }
VOID UnMapDebugZoneArea(void) { if (_gprgZoneInfo) { UnmapViewOfFile(_gprgZoneInfo); _gprgZoneInfo = NULL; }
if (_ghDbgZoneMap) { CloseHandle(_ghDbgZoneMap); _ghDbgZoneMap = NULL; } }
VOID InitDbgZone(void) { if (NULL != _gprgZoneInfo) return; // already initialized
_gprgZoneInfo = MapDebugZoneArea();
// Create log file data
// Obtain a true NULL security descriptor (so if running as a service, user processes can access it)
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); // NULL DACL = wide open
FillMemory(&sa, sizeof(sa), 0); sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd;
_ghMutexFile = CreateMutex(&sa, FALSE, SZ_DBG_FILE_MUTEX); _ghDbgZoneMutex = CreateMutex(&sa, FALSE, SZ_DBG_ZONE_MUTEX);
if (_gpDbg->fFileOutput) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dw; CHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; SYSTEMTIME systime;
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { _gpDbg->fFileOutput = FALSE; return; }
wsprintfA(sz, "\r\n======== TRACE Started: %hu/%hu/%hu (%hu:%hu)\r\n", systime.wMonth, systime.wDay, systime.wYear, systime.wHour, systime.wMinute);
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END); WriteFile(hFile, sz, lstrlenA(sz), &dw, NULL);
CloseHandle(hFile); } }
// Routines for controlling debug output
BOOL WINAPI NmDbgRegisterCtl(HWND hwnd, UINT uDisplayMsg) { if ((NULL == _gpDbg) || (NULL != _gpDbg->hwndCtrl)) return FALSE;
_gpDbg->msgDisplay = uDisplayMsg; _gpDbg->hwndCtrl = hwnd; return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI NmDbgDeregisterCtl(HWND hwnd) { if ((NULL == _gpDbg) || (hwnd != _gpDbg->hwndCtrl)) return FALSE;
_gpDbg->hwndCtrl = NULL; _gpDbg->msgDisplay = 0; return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI NmDbgSetLoggingOptions(HWND hwnd, UINT uOptions) { return FALSE; }
PNMDBG WINAPI GetPNmDbg(void) { return _gpDbg; }
VOID WINAPI NmDbgSetZoneFileName(HDBGZONE hZone, LPCSTR pszFile) { PSTR pszZoneFile;
if (IsBadWritePtr((PVOID) hZone, sizeof(ZONEINFO))) return;
if (((PZONEINFO) hZone)->ulSignature != ZONEINFO_SIGN) return;
pszZoneFile = &(((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szFile[0]);
if (NULL == pszFile) { *pszZoneFile = '\0'; } else { lstrcpynA(pszZoneFile, pszFile, CCHMAX(((PZONEINFO) hZone)->szFile)); } }
/* D B G C U R R E N T T I M E */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: DbgCurrentTime
Format the current time -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID DbgCurrentTime(PCHAR psz) { if (DBG_FMTTIME_TICK == _gpDbg->uShowTime) { wsprintfA(psz, "[%04X] ", GetTickCount()); } else { SYSTEMTIME sysTime; GetLocalTime(&sysTime);
switch (_gpDbg->uShowTime) { default: case DBG_FMTTIME_FULL: wsprintfA(psz, "[%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d] ", sysTime.wYear, sysTime.wMonth, sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wHour, sysTime.wMinute, sysTime.wSecond, sysTime.wMilliseconds); break; case DBG_FMTTIME_DAY: wsprintfA(psz, "[%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d] ", sysTime.wHour, sysTime.wMinute, sysTime.wSecond, sysTime.wMilliseconds); break; } } }
/* P S Z P R I N T F */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: PszPrintf
Utility function to wsprintf a string for debug. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PSTR PszPrintf(PCSTR pszFormat,...) { PSTR psz = (PSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, MAX_PATH); if (NULL != psz) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); wvsprintfA(psz, pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); } return psz; }
/* D E B U G T R A P F N */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: DebugTrapFn -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID DebugTrapFn(VOID) { _DbgBreak(); }
VOID DebugPrintfTraceMem(LPCSTR pszFormat,...) { // DO NOTHING
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, pszFormat); va_end(arglist); }
#endif /* NM_DEBUG - almost the whole file */
const int RPF_UNKNOWN = 0; const int RPF_ENABLED = 1; const int RPF_DISABLED = 2;
static int gRpf = RPF_UNKNOWN; static TCHAR gszRetailOutputFilename[MAX_PATH]; // retail trace filename
/* F E N A B L E D R E T A I L P R I N T F */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: FEnabledRetailPrintf
Return TRUE if retail output is enabled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FEnabledRetailPrintf(VOID) { if (RPF_UNKNOWN == gRpf) { gRpf = RPF_DISABLED;
if (RPF_ENABLED != gRpf) { gRpf = RPF_DISABLED; } else { lstrcat(gszRetailOutputFilename, TEXT("rdlog.txt")); }
return (RPF_ENABLED == gRpf); }
/* R E T A I L P R I N T F T R A C E */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: RetailPrintfTrace
Print retail information to a file -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID WINAPI RetailPrintfTrace(LPCSTR pszFormat,...) { HANDLE hFile; va_list v1; CHAR szOutput[1024];
if (!FEnabledRetailPrintf()) return; // Retail output is disabled
va_start(v1, pszFormat);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Also use normal output mechanism for debug builds
_DbgPrintf(NULL, "Retail:PrintfTrace", pszFormat, v1); #endif
wvsprintfA(szOutput, pszFormat, v1);
// Always append the CRLF
ASSERT(lstrlenA(szOutput) < (CCHMAX(szOutput)-2)); lstrcatA(szOutput, "\r\n");
// open a log file for appending. create if does not exist
hFile = CreateFile(gszRetailOutputFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE)NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // seek to end of file
DWORD dw = SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END); WriteFile(hFile, szOutput, lstrlenA(szOutput), &dw, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); } va_end(v1); }