/****************************************************************************/ // Directory Integrity Service
// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
#include "dis.h"
#include "jetrpc.h"
#include "jetsdis.h"
#include "sdevent.h"
#pragma warning (push, 4)
// Number of 100-nanosecond periods in 1 second.
#define DEBUG_LOG_FILENAME L"tssdis.log"
const DIRCOLUMNS SessionDirectoryColumns[NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS] = { { "UserName", JET_coltypLongText, 512 }, { "Domain", JET_coltypLongText, 254 }, { "ServerID", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "SessionID", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "TSProtocol", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "CreateTimeLow", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "CreateTimeHigh", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "DisconnectTimeLow", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "DisconnectTimeHigh", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "ApplicationType", JET_coltypLongText, 512 }, { "ResolutionWidth", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "ResolutionHeight", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "ColorDepth", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "State", JET_coltypBit, 0 }, };
const DIRCOLUMNS ServerDirectoryColumns[NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS] = { { "ServerID", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "ServerAddress", JET_coltypLongText, 128 }, { "ClusterID", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "AlmostInTimeLow", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "AlmostInTimeHigh", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "NumberFailedPings", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "SingleSessionMode", JET_coltypBit, 0 }, };
const DIRCOLUMNS ClusterDirectoryColumns[NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS] = { { "ClusterID", JET_coltypLong, 0 }, { "ClusterName", JET_coltypLongText, 128 }, { "SingleSessionMode", JET_coltypBit, 0 }, };
JET_INSTANCE g_instance = 0;
ADOConnection *g_pConnection; HANDLE g_hStopServiceEvent;
BOOL g_bDebug = FALSE;
// Registry settings follow
#if 0
DWORD g_bUseSQL = 0; #endif
enum TraceOutputMode { NoTraceOutput, DebugPrintOutput, StdOutput, FileOutput };
TraceOutputMode g_TraceOutputMode = NoTraceOutput; HANDLE g_hFileOutput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// For debugging purposes, we can set the ping mode to something other than
// WinStationOpenServer using the registry.
enum PingMode { NormalMode, AlwaysSucceed, AlwaysFail };
PingMode g_PingMode = NormalMode;
ULONGLONG g_TimeServerSilentBeforePing = 60 * FILETIME_INTERVAL_TO_SECONDS_MULTIPLIER; DWORD DISNumberSecondsBetweenPings = 10; DWORD g_NumberFailedPingsBeforePurge = 3;
#ifdef DBG
void OutputAllTables(); #endif
void TSDISErrorOut(wchar_t *format_string, ...) { // Immediately bail out if we are in NoTraceOutput mode.
if (g_TraceOutputMode == NoTraceOutput) { return; } else { // Otherwise, do the right thing.
wchar_t TotalString[MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH + MAX_THREADIDSTR_LENGTH]; wchar_t *ThreadIDString = TotalString; wchar_t *DebugOutString = NULL; va_list args; int ThreadStrLength;
// Get the current thread ID
ThreadStrLength = _snwprintf(ThreadIDString, MAX_THREADIDSTR_LENGTH, L"%d: ", GetCurrentThreadId());
// Set the place for the out string to after the string, or after the whole
// buffer if _snwprintf didn't have enough space.
if (ThreadStrLength > 0) DebugOutString = &TotalString[ThreadStrLength]; else DebugOutString = &TotalString[MAX_THREADIDSTR_LENGTH]; va_start(args, format_string);
// Create the debug output string.
_vsnwprintf(DebugOutString, MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH, format_string, args); DebugOutString[MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
// Output to the correct place.
switch (g_TraceOutputMode) { case DebugPrintOutput: OutputDebugString(TotalString); break;
case StdOutput: wprintf(TotalString); break;
case FileOutput: { char TotalStringA[MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH + MAX_THREADIDSTR_LENGTH]; DWORD dwBytes = 0;
// Convert to ANSI.
dwBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, TotalString, -1, TotalStringA, MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH + MAX_THREADIDSTR_LENGTH, 0, 0);
// Don't write the terminating NULL (3rd argument)!
// Ignore return value.
WriteFile(g_hFileOutput, TotalStringA, dwBytes - 1, &dwBytes, NULL); break; } }
va_end(args); } }
// TSDISErrorTimeOut
// This function is used to output a single FILETIME low, high pair. The format
// string, given as the first argument, MUST specify a %s format specifier for
// where the date/time should go.
// Example:
// TSDISErrorTimeOut(L"The date and time are %s\n", CurrTimeLow, CurrTimeHigh);
void TSDISErrorTimeOut(wchar_t *format_string, DWORD TimeLow, DWORD TimeHigh) { if (g_TraceOutputMode == NoTraceOutput) { return; } else { // We just need to convert the FILETIME we have into a SYSTEMTIME,
// and then output the SYSTEMTIME using GetDateFormat and GetTimeFormat.
FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; SYSTEMTIME stloc; int offset = 0; wchar_t DateString[MAX_DATE_TIME_STRING_LENGTH];
ft.dwLowDateTime = TimeLow; ft.dwHighDateTime = TimeHigh;
if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st) != 0) { // st is the system time.
// UTC format?
if (SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &st, &stloc) != 0) { offset = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &stloc, NULL, DateString, MAX_DATE_TIME_STRING_LENGTH);
if (offset != 0) { // Turn the terminating NULL into a space.
DateString[offset - 1] = ' '; // Write the time after the space.
offset = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &stloc, NULL, &DateString[offset], MAX_DATE_TIME_STRING_LENGTH - offset);
if (offset != 0) { // Output the string.
TSDISErrorOut(format_string, DateString); } } } } } }
// This function is duplicated from \nt\termsrv\winsta\server\sessdir.cpp.
// PostSessDirErrorValueEvent
// Utility function used to create a system log error event containing one
// hex DWORD error code value.
void PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(unsigned EventCode, DWORD ErrVal) { HANDLE hLog; WCHAR hrString[128]; PWSTR String = NULL; static DWORD numInstances = 0; //
//count the numinstances of out of memory error, if this is more than
//a specified number, we just won't log them
if( MY_STATUS_COMMITMENT_LIMIT == ErrVal ) { if( numInstances > MAX_INSTANCE_MEMORYERR ) return; //
//if applicable, tell the user that we won't log any more of the out of memory errors
if( numInstances >= MAX_INSTANCE_MEMORYERR - 1 ) { wsprintfW(hrString, L"0x%X. This type of error will not be logged again to avoid eventlog fillup.", ErrVal); String = hrString; } numInstances++; }
hLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, L"TermServSessDir"); if (hLog != NULL) { if( NULL == String ) { wsprintfW(hrString, L"0x%X", ErrVal); String = hrString; } ReportEvent(hLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, EventCode, NULL, 1, 0, (const WCHAR **)&String, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(hLog); } }
// DISJetGetServersPendingReconnects
// Returns arrays of max length 10 of servers pending reconnects, where the
// reconnect is greater than g_TimeServerSilentBeforePing seconds.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DISJetGetServersPendingReconnects( OUT long __RPC_FAR *pNumSessionsReturned, OUT WCHAR ServerAddressRows[10][SERVER_ADDRESS_LENGTH], OUT DWORD ServerIDs[10]) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; DWORD zero = 0; *pNumSessionsReturned = 0; unsigned i = 0; unsigned long cbActual; // These are really FILETIMEs, but we want to do 64-bit math on them,
// and they're the same structure as FILETIMEs.
ULARGE_INTEGER ulCurrentTime; ULARGE_INTEGER ulAITTime; //TSDISErrorOut(L"GetPendRec...");
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
// Get the current file time.
SYSTEMTIME st; // Retrieve the time.
GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, (FILETIME *) &ulCurrentTime);
CALL(JetBeginTransaction(sesid)); // Since Jet has no unsigned long type, go through the servers first
// looking for keys greater than 0, 0, then looking for keys less than 0, 0
// TODO: Consider how to do this with JET_coltypDateTime or using NULLs
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerAlmostInTimes"));
CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, &zero, sizeof(zero), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, &zero, sizeof(zero), 0));
if (0 == j) err = JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekGT); else err = JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekLT);
while ((i < TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions) && (JET_errSuccess == err)) {
// Get AlmostInTimeLow, AlmostInTimeHigh (3 + 4) for computation.
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(ulAITTime.LowPart), sizeof(ulAITTime.LowPart), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(ulAITTime.HighPart), sizeof(ulAITTime.HighPart), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// If the difference between the current time and the time the
// server was stamped is greater than the set
// TimeServerSilentBeforePing, then put it in the return array,
// else don't.
if ((ulCurrentTime.QuadPart - ulAITTime.QuadPart) > g_TimeServerSilentBeforePing) {
// Get ServerID
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ServerIDs[i], sizeof(ServerIDs[i]), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// Get the ServerAddress for this record.
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ServerAddressRows[i][0], sizeof(ServerAddressRows[i]), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
i += 1; }
// Move to the next matching record.
if (0 == j) err = JetMove(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_MoveNext, 0); else err = JetMove(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_MovePrevious, 0); } }
*pNumSessionsReturned = i; CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
return S_OK;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); } return E_FAIL; }
#if 0
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DISSQLGetServersPendingReconnects( OUT long __RPC_FAR *pNumSessionsReturned, OUT CVar *pVarRows) { long NumRecords = 0; HRESULT hr; ADOCommand *pCommand; ADOParameters *pParameters; ADORecordset *pResultRecordSet; CVar varFields; CVar varStart;
ASSERT((pNumSessionsReturned != NULL),(TB,"NULL pNumSess"));
hr = CreateADOStoredProcCommand(L"SP_TSDISGetServersPendingReconnects", &pCommand, &pParameters); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Execute the command.
hr = pCommand->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc, &pResultRecordSet);
pParameters->Release(); pCommand->Release(); } else { ERR((TB,"GetServersWDiscSess: Failed create cmd, hr=0x%X", hr)); } // At this point we have a result recordset containing the server rows
// corresponding to all of the disconnected sessions.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { long State;
NumRecords = 0;
hr = pResultRecordSet->get_State(&State); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!(State & adStateClosed)) { VARIANT_BOOL VB;
// If EOF the recordset is empty.
hr = pResultRecordSet->get_EOF(&VB); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (VB) { TRC1((TB,"GetServersWDiscSess: Result recordset EOF, " "0 rows")); goto PostUnpackResultSet; } } else { ERR((TB,"GetServersWDiscSess: Failed get_EOF, hr=0x%X", hr)); goto PostUnpackResultSet; } } else { ERR((TB,"GetServersWDiscSess: Closed result recordset")); goto PostUnpackResultSet; } } else { ERR((TB,"GetServersWDiscSess: get_State failed, hr=0x%X", hr)); goto PostUnpackResultSet; } // Grab the result data into a safearray, starting with the default
// current row and all fields.
varStart.InitNoParam(); varFields.InitNoParam(); hr = pResultRecordSet->GetRows(adGetRowsRest, varStart, varFields, pVarRows); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SafeArrayGetUBound(pVarRows->parray, 2, &NumRecords); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // 0-based array bound was returned, num rows is that + 1.
TRC1((TB,"%d rows retrieved from safearray", NumRecords)); } else { ERR((TB,"GetServersWithDisc: Failed safearray getubound, " "hr=0x%X", hr)); goto PostUnpackResultSet; } } else { ERR((TB,"GetServersWDiscSess: Failed to get rows, hr=0x%X", hr)); goto PostUnpackResultSet; }
PostUnpackResultSet: pResultRecordSet->Release(); } else { ERR((TB,"GetServersWDiscSess: Failed exec, hr=0x%X", hr)); }
*pNumSessionsReturned = NumRecords; return hr; } #endif
/****************************************************************************/ // DISDebugControlHandler
// Handle console control events for when service is in debug mode.
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI DISDebugControlHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { switch(dwCtrlType) { case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: case CTRL_C_EVENT: TSDISErrorOut(L"Stopping service\n");
SetEvent(g_hStopServiceEvent); // Should I wait for that to complete?
return TRUE; break; } return FALSE; }
/****************************************************************************/ // DISPingServer
// Given the IP address of a server, pings it. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE
// on failure.
/****************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN DISPingServer(WCHAR *ServerAddress) { HANDLE hServer = NULL; hServer = WinStationOpenServer(ServerAddress);
// The only case where we return false is where hServer is NULL and the
// reason is not ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
if (hServer == NULL) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) return FALSE; } else { // The hServer is valid, so clean up.
WinStationCloseServer(hServer); } return TRUE; }
/****************************************************************************/ // DISGetServerStatus
// Given the IP address of a server, determines its state (Responding or
// NotResponding).
// Currently implemented as a ping. See lengthy comment in main for one
// possible future optimization.
/****************************************************************************/ SERVER_STATUS DISGetServerStatus(WCHAR *ServerAddress) {
switch (g_PingMode) {
case AlwaysFail: return NotResponding;
case AlwaysSucceed: return Responding;
default: if (DISPingServer(ServerAddress) == TRUE) return Responding; else return NotResponding;
#if 0
HRESULT DISSQLInitialize() { // Retrieve number of seconds to wait from the registry -- NOT IMPLEMENTED
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR ConnectString = NULL; LONG RegRetVal; HKEY hKey; BSTR ConnectStr = NULL; BSTR UserStr = NULL; BSTR PwdStr = NULL;
RegRetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\DIS"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD Type, DataSize;
// Determine the needed size.
DataSize = 0; RegRetVal = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ConnectString", NULL, &Type, NULL, &DataSize); DataSize &= ~1; if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS && Type == REG_SZ) { ConnectString = SysAllocStringLen(L"", DataSize / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ConnectString != NULL) { RegRetVal = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ConnectString", NULL, &Type, (BYTE *)ConnectString, &DataSize); if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Hold onto the connect string for use below.
TRC1((TB,"Retrieved conn str %S", ConnectString)); } else { ERR((TB,"Final RegQuery failed, err=%u", RegRetVal)); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; } } else { ERR((TB,"Failed alloc connect string")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } } else { ERR((TB,"Failed RegQuery - err=%u, DataSize=%u, type=%u", RegRetVal, DataSize, Type)); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { ERR((TB,"RegOpenKeyEx returned err %u", RegRetVal)); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
// Alloc the BSTRs for the connection.
ConnectStr = SysAllocString(ConnectString); UserStr = SysAllocString(L""); PwdStr = SysAllocString(L"");
if ((ConnectStr == NULL) || (UserStr == NULL) || (PwdStr == NULL)) { ERR((TB, "Failed alloc Connect, User, or PwdStr")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Create an ADO connection instance and connect.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CADOConnection, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IADOConnection, (LPVOID *)&g_pConnection); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Do the open.
hr = g_pConnection->Open(ConnectStr, UserStr, PwdStr, adOpenUnspecified); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ERR((TB,"Failed open DB, hr=0x%X", hr)); g_pConnection->Release(); g_pConnection = NULL; } } else { ERR((TB,"CoCreate(ADOConn) returned 0x%X", hr)); }
// SysFreeString(NULL) is ok.
SysFreeString(ConnectString); SysFreeString(ConnectStr); SysFreeString(UserStr); SysFreeString(PwdStr);
return hr; } #endif
HRESULT DISJetInitialize() { JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil;; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; JET_TABLEID clusdirtableid; JET_DBID dbid = JET_dbidNil;
// This is a string security descriptor. Look up "Security Descriptor
// Definition Language" in MSDN for more details.
// This one says:
// D: <we are creating a DACL>
// (A; <Allow ACE>
// OICI; <Perform object and container inheritance, i.e., let files and
// directories under this one have these attributes>
// GA <Generic All Access--Full Control>
// ;;;SY) <SYSTEM>
// (A;OICI;GA;;;BA) <same for Builtin Administrators group>
// (A;OICI;GA;;;CO) <same for creator/owner>
// We'll use it below to create our directory with the right permissions.
WCHAR *pwszSD = L"D:(A;OICI;GA;;;SY)(A;OICI;GA;;;BA)(A;OICI;GA;;;CO)"; #if 0 // Failover support--before reactivating, check logic versus reading curr directory from registry.
DWORD dwClusterState;
// First, determine whether we are running in a cluster. If so, files
// will have to go on the shared drive. If not, files will go in
dwError = GetNodeClusterState(NULL, &dwClusterState);
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwClusterState = ClusterStateNotInstalled; TSDISErrorOut(L"TSDIS: Unable to get cluster state, err = %d\n", dwError); }
if (dwClusterState == ClusterStateRunning) { HCLUSTER hclus; HRESOURCE hrSD; WCHAR *pszDriveLetter = NULL; DWORD cchDriveLetter = MAX_DRIVE_LETTER_LENGTH;
// Change the current directory to the right place on the shared
// drive.
// Open the cluster.
hclus = OpenCluster(NULL);
if (hclus == NULL) { // TODO: Log event.
TSDISErrorOut(L"Unable to open cluster, error %d\n", GetLastError()); goto HandleError; }
// Open the session directory resource.
// TODO: Don't want to hardcode this.
hrSD = OpenClusterResource(hclus, L"DIS");
if (hrSD == NULL) { // TODO: Log event.
TSDISErrorOut(L"Unable to open cluster resource, error %d\n", GetLastError()); goto HandleError; }
pszDriveLetter = new WCHAR[cchDriveLetter];
if (pszDriveLetter == NULL) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Failed to allocate memory for drive letter.\n"); goto HandleError; } // Get the drive we're supposed to use.
dwError = ResUtilFindDependentDiskResourceDriveLetter(hclus, hrSD, pszDriveLetter, &cchDriveLetter);
if (dwError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { // Wow, big drive letter!
delete [] pszDriveLetter; pszDriveLetter = new WCHAR[cchDriveLetter];
if (pszDriveLetter == NULL) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Failed to allocate memory for drive letter\n"); goto HandleError; } dwError = ResUtilFindDependentDiskResourceDriveLetter(hclus, hrSD, pszDriveLetter, &cchDriveLetter); }
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Could not determine resource drive letter.\n"); delete [] pszDriveLetter; goto HandleError; }
// Switch the working directory to that drive.
if (SetCurrentDirectory(pszDriveLetter) == FALSE) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Could not set current directory to that of " L"shared disk %s. Error=%d\n", pszDriveLetter, GetLastError()); delete [] pszDriveLetter; goto HandleError; } delete [] pszDriveLetter; } else { // This is where file deletion used to go.
} #endif // Failover support
// Create security descriptor for database directory
SA.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); SA.bInheritHandle = FALSE; br = ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(pwszSD, SDDL_REVISION_1, &(SA.lpSecurityDescriptor), NULL);
if (br == 0) { PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_COULDNOTSECUREDIR, GetLastError()); goto HandleError; }
// Create the system32\tssesdir directory.
if (CreateDirectory(JETDISDBDIRECTORYW, &SA) == 0) { if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != (dwError = GetLastError())) { PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_COULDNOTCREATEDIR, dwError); goto HandleError; } } else { // We created it successfully, so set the directory attributes to not
// compress.
// Obtain a handle to the directory.
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hSDDirectory) { // We've succeeded opening the directory.
USHORT CompressionState = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE; USHORT OldCompressionState; DWORD BytesReturned = 0;
// Get the current compression state.
if (DeviceIoControl(hSDDirectory, FSCTL_GET_COMPRESSION, NULL, 0, &OldCompressionState, sizeof(USHORT), &BytesReturned, NULL) != 0) {
// If the current compression state is compressed, uncompress.
if (OldCompressionState != COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE) { if (DeviceIoControl(hSDDirectory, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &CompressionState, sizeof(USHORT), NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL) == 0) { // Set compression state failed--this should only be a trace,
// it may merely mean that the drive is FAT.
TSDISErrorOut(L"TSDIS: Set compression state off failed, " L"lasterr=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); } else { PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_UNDID_COMPRESSION, 0); } } } CloseHandle(hSDDirectory);
} else { // Nonfatal to have an error opening the directory
TSDISErrorOut(L"TSDIS: Open directory to change compression state " L"failed, lasterr=0x%X\n", GetLastError()); }
// Delete the database and all other JET files (if present), and start anew.
(void) DeleteFile(JETDBFILENAMEW); (void) DeleteFile(JETAUXFILENAME1W); (void) DeleteFile(JETAUXFILENAME2W); (void) DeleteFile(JETAUXFILENAME3W); (void) DeleteFile(JETAUXFILENAME4W); (void) DeleteFile(JETAUXFILENAME5W); (void) DeleteFile(JETAUXFILENAME6W);
// Delete numbered log files. Jet can create a bunch of log files
// of the form edb00001.log, edb00002.log, . . ., edb0000a.log,
// edb0000b.log, . . ., edb0000f.log, edb00010.log, . . .
for (int i = 1; i < 0xfffff; i++) { swprintf(filename, JETDISDBDIRECTORYW L"edb%05X.log", i);
// If the delete fails for any reason, break out of the loop.
// Most likely, the failure is because the file does not exist.
// If it failed for some other reason,
if (DeleteFile(filename) == 0) { dwError = GetLastError();
if (dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { break; } else { PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_PROBLEM_DELETING_LOGS, dwError); break; } } } CALL(JetSetSystemParameter(&g_instance, 0, JET_paramSystemPath, 0, JETDISDBDIRECTORY)); CALL(JetSetSystemParameter(&g_instance, 0, JET_paramTempPath, 0, JETDISDBDIRECTORY)); //CALL(JetSetSystemParameter(&g_instance, 0, JET_paramMaxSessions,
CALL(JetSetSystemParameter(&g_instance, 0, JET_paramLogFilePath, 0, JETDISDBDIRECTORY)); CALL(JetSetSystemParameter(&g_instance, 0, JET_paramCircularLog, 1, NULL)); CALL(JetInit(&g_instance)); CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); err = JetCreateDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0);
if (JET_errDatabaseDuplicate == err) { JET_COLUMNDEF jcd;
err = JetAttachDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, 0);
// if we get a wrnDatabaseAttached, then we have recovered. Otherwise,
// check the return value as usual.
if (JET_wrnDatabaseAttached != err) { CALL(err); }
// Populate our columnid arrays
CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ClusterDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &clusdirtableid));
for (count = 0; count < NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { CALL(JetGetColumnInfo(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", SessionDirectoryColumns[count].szColumnName, &jcd, sizeof(jcd), 0)); sesdircolumnid[count] = jcd.columnid; } for (count = 0; count < NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { CALL(JetGetColumnInfo(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", ServerDirectoryColumns[count].szColumnName, &jcd, sizeof(jcd), 0)); servdircolumnid[count] = jcd.columnid; } for (count = 0; count < NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { CALL(JetGetColumnInfo(sesid, dbid, "ClusterDirectory", ClusterDirectoryColumns[count].szColumnName, &jcd, sizeof(jcd), 0)); clusdircolumnid[count] = jcd.columnid; }
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
goto NormalExit; } else { CALL(err); }
// Set up to create session directory schema
tSess.cbStruct = sizeof(tSess); tSess.szTableName = "SessionDirectory"; tSess.szTemplateTableName = NULL; tSess.ulPages = 0; tSess.ulDensity = 100; tSess.rgcolumncreate = &cSess[0]; tSess.cColumns = NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS; tSess.rgindexcreate = NULL; tSess.cIndexes = 0; tSess.grbit = JET_bitTableCreateFixedDDL;
for (count = 0; count < NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { cSess[count].cbStruct = sizeof(JET_COLUMNCREATE); cSess[count].szColumnName = SessionDirectoryColumns[count].szColumnName; cSess[count].coltyp = SessionDirectoryColumns[count].coltyp; cSess[count].cbMax = SessionDirectoryColumns[count].colMaxLen; cSess[count].grbit = 0; cSess[count].pvDefault = NULL; cSess[count].cbDefault = 0; cSess[count].cp = 1200; cSess[count].columnid = 0; cSess[count].err = JET_errSuccess; }
// Actually create the session directory table.
CALL(JetCreateTableColumnIndex(sesid, dbid, &tSess));
// Store columnids, tableid for later reference.
for (count = 0; count < NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { sesdircolumnid[count] = cSess[count].columnid; } sessdirtableid = tSess.tableid;
// Create server, session index.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "primaryIndex", 0, "+ServerID\0+SessionID\0", sizeof("+ServerID\0+SessionID\0"), 100)); // Create index by server for deletion.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "ServerIndex", 0, "+ServerID\0", sizeof("+ServerID\0"), 100)); // Create index for disconnected session retrieval.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "DiscSessionIndex", 0, "+UserName\0+Domain\0+State\0", sizeof("+UserName\0+Domain\0+State\0"), 100)); // Create index for all session retrieval.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "AllSessionIndex", 0, "+UserName\0+Domain\0", sizeof("+UserName\0+Domain\0"), 100));
// Create server directory.
tServ.cbStruct = sizeof(tServ); tServ.szTableName = "ServerDirectory"; tServ.szTemplateTableName = NULL; tServ.ulPages = 0; tServ.ulDensity = 100; tServ.rgcolumncreate = &cServ[0]; tServ.cColumns = NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS; tServ.rgindexcreate = NULL; tServ.cIndexes = 0; tServ.grbit = JET_bitTableCreateFixedDDL;
for (count = 0; count < NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { cServ[count].cbStruct = sizeof(JET_COLUMNCREATE); cServ[count].szColumnName = ServerDirectoryColumns[count].szColumnName; cServ[count].coltyp = ServerDirectoryColumns[count].coltyp; cServ[count].cbMax = ServerDirectoryColumns[count].colMaxLen; cServ[count].grbit = 0; cServ[count].pvDefault = NULL; cServ[count].cbDefault = 0; cServ[count].cp = 1200; cServ[count].columnid = 0; cServ[count].err = JET_errSuccess; } // Set the autoincrement column to autoincrement
cServ[0].grbit |= JET_bitColumnAutoincrement;
CALL(JetCreateTableColumnIndex(sesid, dbid, &tServ));
for (count = 0; count < NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { servdircolumnid[count] = cServ[count].columnid; } servdirtableid = tServ.tableid;
// Create Server Name index.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServNameIndex", 0, "+ServerAddress\0", sizeof("+ServerAddress\0"), 100)); // Create Server ID index.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerIDIndex", 0, "+ServerID\0", sizeof("+ServerID\0"), 100)); // Create Pending Reconnect index.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerAlmostInTimes", 0, "+AlmostInTimeLow\0+AlmostInTimeHigh\0", sizeof("+AlmostInTimeLow\0+AlmostInTimeHigh\0"), 100)); // Create the single session index.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "SingleSessionIndex", 0, "+ClusterID\0+SingleSessionMode\0", sizeof("+ClusterID\0+SingleSessionMode\0"), 100)); // Create cluster directory.
tClus.cbStruct = sizeof(tClus); tClus.szTableName = "ClusterDirectory"; tClus.szTemplateTableName = NULL; tClus.ulPages = 0; tClus.ulDensity = 100; tClus.rgcolumncreate = &cClus[0]; tClus.cColumns = NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS; tClus.rgindexcreate = NULL; tClus.cIndexes = 0; tClus.grbit = JET_bitTableCreateFixedDDL;
for (count = 0; count < NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { cClus[count].cbStruct = sizeof(JET_COLUMNCREATE); cClus[count].szColumnName = ClusterDirectoryColumns[count].szColumnName; cClus[count].coltyp = ClusterDirectoryColumns[count].coltyp; cClus[count].cbMax = ClusterDirectoryColumns[count].colMaxLen; cClus[count].grbit = 0; cClus[count].pvDefault = NULL; cClus[count].cbDefault = 0; cClus[count].cp = 1200; cClus[count].columnid = 0; cClus[count].err = JET_errSuccess; } // Set the autoincrement column to autoincrement
cClus[0].grbit |= JET_bitColumnAutoincrement;
CALL(JetCreateTableColumnIndex(sesid, dbid, &tClus));
for (count = 0; count < NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { clusdircolumnid[count] = cClus[count].columnid; } clusdirtableid = tClus.tableid;
// Create Cluster Name index.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, clusdirtableid, "ClusNameIndex", JET_bitIndexUnique, "+ClusterName\0", sizeof("+ClusterName\0"), 100)); // Create cluster ID index.
CALL(JetCreateIndex(sesid, clusdirtableid, "ClusIDIndex", 0, "+ClusterID\0", sizeof("+ClusterID\0"), 100));
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
// Tables were opened with exclusive access from CreateTableColumnIndex.
// Close them now.
NormalExit: CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, clusdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
LocalFree(SA.lpSecurityDescriptor); SA.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
#ifdef DBG
OutputAllTables(); #endif // DBG
return 0;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
LocalFree(SA.lpSecurityDescriptor); SA.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_JET_COULDNT_INIT, err);
exit(1); }
/****************************************************************************/ // DISCleanupGlobals
// Common cleanup code for SQL and Jet code paths.
/****************************************************************************/ void DISCleanupGlobals() { if (g_hStopServiceEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hStopServiceEvent); g_hStopServiceEvent = NULL; }
if (g_hFileOutput != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (CloseHandle(g_hFileOutput) == 0) { ERR((TB, "CloseHandle on output file failed: lasterr=0x%X", GetLastError())); } g_hFileOutput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
#if 0
/****************************************************************************/ // DISCallSPForServer
// Generic function to call a stored procedure that takes a ServerAddress as an
// argument.
/****************************************************************************/ void DISCallSPForServer(WCHAR *StoredProcName, WCHAR *ServerAddress) { HRESULT hr; ADOCommand *pCommand; ADOParameters *pParameters; ADORecordset *pResultRecordSet;
hr = CreateADOStoredProcCommand(StoredProcName, &pCommand, &pParameters);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = AddADOInputStringParam(ServerAddress, L"ServerAddress", pCommand, pParameters, FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Execute the command.
hr = pCommand->Execute(NULL, NULL, adCmdStoredProc, &pResultRecordSet); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pResultRecordSet->Release(); } else { ERR((TB, "DISCallSPForServer: Failed Execute, hr = 0x%X", hr)); } } else { ERR((TB,"DISCallSPForServer: Failed add parameter, hr=0x%X", hr)); }
pParameters->Release(); pCommand->Release(); } else { ERR((TB,"DISCallSPForServer: Failed create cmd, hr=0x%X", hr)); } } #endif
/****************************************************************************/ // DISJetHandleDeadServer
// When a server is not responding, this function call sends the command to the
// Jet database to remove all entries pertaining to that server.
/****************************************************************************/ void DISJetHandleDeadServer(WCHAR *ServerAddress, DWORD ServerID) { // FailureCount is initially set to 1, TRUE, to tell SetServerAITInternal
// to increment the failure count and return the resultant count.
DWORD FailureCount = 1;
TSSDSetServerAITInternal(ServerAddress, FALSE, &FailureCount);
TSDISErrorOut(L"Server %s (%d) not responding (Failure Count: %d).\n", ServerAddress, ServerID, FailureCount);
if (FailureCount >= g_NumberFailedPingsBeforePurge) TSSDPurgeServer(ServerID); }
// TODO: Possible optimization: pass in ServerID
void DISJetSetServerPingSuccessful(WCHAR *ServerAddress) { TSSDSetServerAITInternal(ServerAddress, TRUE, NULL); }
#if 0
/****************************************************************************/ // DISSQLHandleDeadServer
// When a server is not responding, this function call sends the command to the
// database to execute SP_TSDISServerNotResponding.
/****************************************************************************/ void DISSQLHandleDeadServer(WCHAR *ServerAddress) { DISCallSPForServer(L"SP_TSDISServerNotResponding", ServerAddress); }
void DISSQLSetServerPingSuccessful(WCHAR *ServerAddress) { DISCallSPForServer(L"SP_TSDISSetServerPingSuccessful", ServerAddress); } #endif
VOID DISCtrlHandler(DWORD opcode) {
switch(opcode) { //case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE:
// pause
// g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_PAUSED;
// break;
// continue
// g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING;
// break;
g_DISStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; g_DISStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_DISStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
if (!SetServiceStatus(g_DISStatusHandle, &g_DISStatus)) { ERR((TB, "SetServiceStatus failed")); }
// Here is where to actually stop the service
SetEvent(g_hStopServiceEvent); // Should I wait for that to complete?
g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
if (!SetServiceStatus(g_DISStatusHandle, &g_DISStatus)) { ERR((TB, "SetServiceStatus failed")); }
case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: // fall through to return current status
default: ERR((TB, "Unrecognized opcode to DISCtrlHandler - 0x%08x", opcode)); }
// send current status
if (!SetServiceStatus(g_DISStatusHandle, &g_DISStatus)) { ERR((TB, "SetServiceStatus failed")); } }
void DISDirectoryIntegrityLoop() { CVar varRows; WCHAR *ServerAddress; #if 0
WCHAR ServerAddressRows[10][SERVER_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; DWORD ServerIDs[10]; long NumSessionsReturned; #if 0
HRESULT hr = S_OK; #endif
SERVER_STATUS ServerStatus; DWORD EventStatus;
#if 0
ServerAddress = ServerAddressBuf; // In SQL case, we need a static buffer
#if 0
TSDISErrorOut(L"%s active\n", g_bUseSQL ? L"Directory Integrity Service" : L"Session Directory"); #endif
TSDISErrorOut(L"Session Directory Active\n"); // Loop forever
for ( ; ; ) { // Retrieve set of servers that have disconnected sessions pending
// reconnects
#if 0
if (g_bUseSQL == FALSE) #endif
DISJetGetServersPendingReconnects(&NumSessionsReturned, ServerAddressRows, ServerIDs); #if 0
else DISSQLGetServersPendingReconnects(&NumSessionsReturned, &varRows); #endif
// For each server,
for (DWORD i = 0; i < (unsigned)NumSessionsReturned; i++) { #if 0
if (g_bUseSQL == FALSE) #endif
ServerAddress = ServerAddressRows[i];
#if 0
else hr = GetRowArrayStringField(varRows.parray, i, 0, ServerAddress, sizeof(ServerAddressBuf) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1);
if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB,"DISDirectoryIntegrityLoop: Row %u returned hr=0x%X", i, hr)); } #endif
ServerStatus = DISGetServerStatus(ServerAddress);
// if the server does not respond, handle dead server.
// The function we call will do the right thing, which may be
// to purge immediately, or may be to simply increment a failure
// count.
if (ServerStatus == NotResponding) { #if 0
if (FALSE == g_bUseSQL) #endif
DISJetHandleDeadServer(ServerAddress, ServerIDs[i]); #if 0
else DISSQLHandleDeadServer(ServerAddress); #endif
#ifdef DBG
OutputAllTables(); #endif // DBG
} // else stop pinging
else if (ServerStatus == Responding) { #if 0
if (FALSE == g_bUseSQL) #endif
DISJetSetServerPingSuccessful(ServerAddress); #if 0
else DISSQLSetServerPingSuccessful(ServerAddress); #endif
} else { ERR((TB, "DISDirectoryIntegrityLoop: ServerStatus enum has bad " "value %d", ServerStatus)); } }
// Wait DISNumberSecondsBetweenPings
EventStatus = WaitForSingleObjectEx(g_hStopServiceEvent, DISNumberSecondsBetweenPings * 1000, FALSE); if (EventStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // do normal stuff
continue; } else if (EventStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // the event was signaled -- clean up
break; } else if (EventStatus == -1) { // there is an error
} else { // weird output from that function
} } }
#if 0
/****************************************************************************/ // DISSQLStart
// Service main entry point for when the service is configured to verify
// SQL tables.
/****************************************************************************/ VOID DISSQLStart(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// unreferenced parameters
argv; argc; g_DISStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; g_DISStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; g_DISStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; g_DISStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; g_DISStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_DISStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; g_DISStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( _T("Directory Integrity Service"), DISCtrlHandler); if (g_DISStatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) { ERR((TB, "DISSQLStart: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed")); goto ExitFunc; }
// Initialization code goes here
hr = DISSQLInitialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) { ERR((TB, "DISSQLStart: DISSQLInitialize failed")); goto PostRegisterService; }
g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; g_DISStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; if (!SetServiceStatus(g_DISStatusHandle, &g_DISStatus)) { ERR((TB, "DISSQLStart: SetServiceHandler failed")); goto PostRegisterService; }
PostRegisterService: g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; g_DISStatus.dwCheckPoint = 2; SetServiceStatus(g_DISStatusHandle, &g_DISStatus);
ExitFunc: DISCleanupGlobals(); } #endif
/****************************************************************************/ // DISJetStart
// Service main entry point for when the service is configured to act as
// an RPC server and use Jet for all session directory transactions.
/****************************************************************************/ VOID DISJetStart(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv) { RPC_STATUS Status; RPC_BINDING_VECTOR *pBindingVector = 0; RPC_POLICY rpcpol = {sizeof(rpcpol), 0, 0};
// unreferenced parameters
argv; argc;
g_DISStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; g_DISStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; g_DISStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; g_DISStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; g_DISStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_DISStatus.dwWaitHint = 0;
if (g_bDebug == FALSE) { g_DISStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( _T("Directory Integrity Service"), DISCtrlHandler);
if (g_DISStatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) { ERR((TB, "DISJetStart: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed")); goto ExitFunc; } }
// Init the RPC server interface.
// Register the named pipe. This uses NT domain authentication.
Status = RpcServerUseProtseqEp( L"ncacn_np", // Protocol Sequence
NUM_JETRPC_THREADS, // Maximum calls at one time
L"\\pipe\\TSSD_Jet_RPC_Service", // Endpoint
NULL); // Security
Status = RpcServerUseProtseqEx(L"ncacn_ip_tcp", 3, 0, &rpcpol); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"DISJetStart: Error %d RpcUseProtseqEp on ncacn_ip_tcp", Status)); PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_INIT_USEPROTSEQ, Status); goto PostRegisterService; }
// Register our interface handle (found in jetrpc.h).
Status = RpcServerRegisterIf(TSSDJetRPC_ServerIfHandle, NULL, NULL); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"DISJetStart: Error %d RegIf", Status)); PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_INIT_REGISTERIF, Status); goto PostRegisterService; }
Status = RpcServerInqBindings(&pBindingVector);
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"DISJetStart: Error %d InqBindings", Status)); PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_INIT_INQBINDINGS, Status); goto PostRegisterService; }
Status = RpcEpRegister(TSSDJetRPC_ServerIfHandle, pBindingVector, 0, 0); // TODO: Probably need to unregister, maybe delete some binding vector.
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"DISJetStart: Error %d EpReg", Status)); PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_INIT_EPREGISTER, Status); goto PostRegisterService; }
Status = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo(0, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, 0, 0);
if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"DISJetStart: Error %d RegAuthInfo", Status)); PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_INIT_REGAUTHINFO, Status); goto PostRegisterService; }
// Now initialize the JET database
// Now do the RPC listen to service calls
Status = RpcServerListen(1, NUM_JETRPC_THREADS, TRUE); if (Status != RPC_S_OK) { ERR((TB,"DISJetStart: Error %d ServerListen", Status)); PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_LISTEN, Status); goto PostRegisterService; }
// We are now up.
g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; g_DISStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; if (g_bDebug == FALSE) SetServiceStatus(g_DISStatusHandle, &g_DISStatus);
// Now we have the RPC server running, we can just wait for the
// service-stop event to be fired to let us know we need to exit.
// We do this inside the Directory Integrity Loop.
// Time to clean up.
// Kill the RPC listener.
RpcServerUnregisterIf(TSSDJetRPC_ServerIfHandle, NULL, NULL);
PostRegisterService: g_DISStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; g_DISStatus.dwCheckPoint = 2; if (g_bDebug == FALSE) SetServiceStatus(g_DISStatusHandle, &g_DISStatus);
ExitFunc: DISCleanupGlobals(); }
/****************************************************************************/ // DISInstallService
// Used to install the service, returns 0 on success, nonzero otherwise.
/****************************************************************************/ int DISInstallService() { WCHAR wzModulePathname[MAX_PATH]; SC_HANDLE hSCM = NULL, hService = NULL;
if (0 != GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wzModulePathname, MAX_PATH)) { hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE); if (hSCM != NULL) { hService = CreateServiceW(hSCM, L"Directory Integrity Service", L"Directory Integrity Service", 0, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_DEMAND_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, wzModulePathname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hService != NULL) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); } else { ERR((TB, "CreateService failed, error = 0x%X", GetLastError())); CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); return -1; } } else { ERR((TB, "OpenSCManager failed, error = 0x%X", GetLastError())); return -1; } } else { ERR((TB, "GetModuleFileNameW failed, error = 0x%X", GetLastError())); return -1; }
return 0; }
/****************************************************************************/ // DISRemoveService()
// Used to remove the service, returns 0 on success, nonzero otherwise.
/****************************************************************************/ int DISRemoveService() { SC_HANDLE hSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT);
if (hSCM != NULL) { // Open this service for DELETE access
SC_HANDLE hService = OpenServiceW(hSCM, L"Directory Integrity Service", DELETE); if (hService != NULL) { // Remove this service from the SCM's database.
DeleteService(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hSCM); return 0; } else { ERR((TB, "Failure opening service for delete, error = 0x%X", GetLastError())); } CloseServiceHandle(hService); } else { ERR((TB, "Failure opening SC Manager, error = 0x%X", GetLastError())); }
return -1; }
// Reads a DWORD value out of the registry.
// In:
// hKey - an open HKEY
// RegValName - the name of the registry value
// pValue - pointer to the value. The value will be set to the registry value
// if the registry operation is a success, else it will remain untouched.
// Out:
// 0 if success, nonzero otherwise
int ReadRegVal(HKEY hKey, WCHAR *RegValName, DWORD *pValue) { DWORD RegRetVal; DWORD Type, Temp, Size;
Size = sizeof(Temp); RegRetVal = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, RegValName, NULL, &Type, (BYTE *)&Temp, &Size); if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pValue = Temp; return 0; } else { TRC1((TB, "TSSDIS: Failed RegQuery for %S - " "err=%u, DataSize=%u, type=%u\n", RegValName, RegRetVal, Size, Type)); return -1; }
// Reads a Unicode text value out of the registry.
// hKey (IN) - an open HKEY
// RegValName (IN) - the name of the registry value
// pText (IN/OUT) - pointer to the buffer to which to write.
// cbData (IN) - size of buffer IN BYTES
// returns 0 if success, nonzero otherwise.
int ReadRegTextVal(HKEY hKey, WCHAR *RegValName, WCHAR *pText, DWORD cbData) { DWORD RegRetVal; DWORD Type, Size;
Size = cbData;
RegRetVal = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, RegValName, NULL, &Type, (BYTE *)pText, &Size);
if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } else { TRC1((TB, "TSSDIS: Failed RegQuery for %S - err=%u, DataSize=%u, " "type=%u\n", RegValName, RegRetVal, Size, Type)); return -1; } }
// Reads configuration from the registry and sets global variables.
void ReadConfigAndSetGlobals() { DWORD RegRetVal; HKEY hKey; DWORD Temp; WCHAR WorkingDirectory[MAX_PATH];
// Open the service settings regkey and grab the UseJet flag.
// Absence of the key or the setting means no jet.
#if 0
g_bUseSQL = FALSE; #endif
RegRetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\TermServSessDir", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// With each of these calls, an error is non-fatal.
#if 0
// Query UseSQL value.
ReadRegVal(hKey, L"UseSQL", &g_bUseSQL); #endif
// Query PingMode value. Note this is an enum so sending the variable
// in directly is illegal.
if (ReadRegVal(hKey, L"PingMode", &Temp) == 0) {
// Make sure this is a legal value for the enum.
if (Temp > AlwaysFail) Temp = NormalMode;
g_PingMode = (PingMode) Temp; }
// Query TraceOutputMode value. As above, enum means don't set it
// directly.
if (ReadRegVal(hKey, L"TraceOutputMode", &Temp) == 0) {
// Make sure this is a legal value for the enum.
if (Temp > FileOutput) Temp = NoTraceOutput;
g_TraceOutputMode = (TraceOutputMode) Temp;
// Query NumberFailedPingsBeforePurge.
ReadRegVal(hKey, L"NumberFailedPingsBeforePurge", &g_NumberFailedPingsBeforePurge);
// Query TimeBetweenPings.
ReadRegVal(hKey, L"TimeBetweenPings", &DISNumberSecondsBetweenPings);
// Query TimeServerSilentBeforePing.
if (ReadRegVal(hKey, L"TimeServerSilentBeforePing", &Temp) == 0) { g_TimeServerSilentBeforePing = (ULONGLONG) Temp * FILETIME_INTERVAL_TO_SECONDS_MULTIPLIER; }
// Query Working Directory
if (ReadRegTextVal(hKey, L"WorkingDirectory", WorkingDirectory, sizeof(WorkingDirectory)) == 0) { if (SetCurrentDirectory(WorkingDirectory) == 0) { DWORD Err;
Err = GetLastError(); PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_PROBLEM_SETTING_WORKDIR, Err); ERR((TB, "TERMSRV: Unable to set directory to value read from " "registry. LastErr=0x%X", Err)); } } RegCloseKey(hKey);
// Now, if in file output mode, open the file.
if (g_hFileOutput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR((TB, "Could not open debug log file, lasterror=0x%X", GetLastError())); g_TraceOutputMode = NoTraceOutput; } else { DWORD dwRetVal = 0; // Set the insertion point to the end of the file and output
// something.
dwRetVal = SetFilePointer(g_hFileOutput, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
if (dwRetVal == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { ERR((TB, "Could not set to end of file, lasterror=0x%X", GetLastError())); g_TraceOutputMode = NoTraceOutput; } else { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; char *pszIntro = "\n\nNEW INSTANCE\n"; if (WriteFile(g_hFileOutput, pszIntro, (DWORD) strlen(pszIntro), &dwBytesWritten, NULL) == 0) { ERR((TB, "WriteFile failed, lasterr=0x%X", GetLastError())); } } } }
} else { WRN((TB,"TERMSRV: Unable to open settings key in HKLM, " "lasterr=0x%X", GetLastError())); } }
int __cdecl main() { int nArgc; WCHAR **ppArgv = (WCHAR **) CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgc); BOOL fStartService = (nArgc < 2); int i; HANDLE hMutex;
if ((fStartService == FALSE) && (ppArgv == NULL)) { PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_NO_COMMANDLINE, GetLastError()); return -1; }
// Only allow one session directory at a time. System will close the
// handle automatically when the process terminates.
hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, _T("Global\\Windows Terminal Server Session Directory"));
if (hMutex == NULL) { // Handle creation failed, not because it already existed.
PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_PROBLEM_CREATING_MUTEX, GetLastError()); return -1; } if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // Already a session directory out there.
PostSessDirErrorValueEvent(EVENT_TWO_SESSDIRS, 0); return -1; }
SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY DispatchTable[] = { { _T("Directory Integrity Service"), DISJetStart }, // Default to the
// Jet version.
{ NULL, NULL } };
for (i = 1; i < nArgc; i++) { if ((ppArgv[i][0] == '-') || (ppArgv[i][0] == '/')) { if (wcscmp(&ppArgv[i][1], L"install") == 0) { if (DISInstallService()) { ERR((TB, "Could not install service")); } } if (wcscmp(&ppArgv[i][1], L"remove") == 0) { if (DISRemoveService()) { ERR((TB, "Could not remove service")); } } if (wcscmp(&ppArgv[i][1], L"debug") == 0) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Debugging Jet-based Session Directory\n");
g_hStopServiceEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
g_bDebug = TRUE;
// Log to stdout by default in this mode, but can be
// overridden by the registry.
g_TraceOutputMode = StdOutput; ReadConfigAndSetGlobals();
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(DISDebugControlHandler, TRUE);
DISJetStart(nArgc, ppArgv); } } }
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (PVOID) ppArgv);
if (fStartService) { // Stop event - signals for the ServiceMain thread to exit.
g_hStopServiceEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
#if 0
if (g_bUseSQL) { // Switch from the default to the SQL service start.
DispatchTable[0].lpServiceProc = DISSQLStart; } #endif
if (!StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(DispatchTable)) { #ifdef DBG
DWORD dw = GetLastError(); #endif // DBG
ERR((TB, "Could not start service control dispatcher, error 0x%X", dw)); } }
return 0; }
#pragma warning (pop)