#include "nt.h"
#include "ntrtl.h"
#include "nturtl.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsta.h>
#include <rdpsndp.h>
#include <rdpstrm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strstrea.h>
extern ostrstream szMoreInfo; BOOL IsTSRedirectingAudio( VOID ) { BOOL rv; static BOOL bChecked = FALSE; static BOOL RemoteConsoleAudio = 0; // Allow audio play at
// the console
// when console session is
// remoted
// is not consle ?
rv = !(USER_SHARED_DATA->ActiveConsoleId == NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId);
// console, we don't redirect
if ( !rv ) { szMoreInfo << "Running on the console" << endl; goto exitpt; } else szMoreInfo << "Running in a session" << endl;
// check if audio is redirected on PTS
if ( !bChecked ) { WINSTATIONCLIENT ClientData; ULONG Length;
if (WinStationQueryInformation(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, LOGONID_CURRENT, WinStationClient, &ClientData, sizeof(ClientData), &Length )) { RemoteConsoleAudio = ClientData.fRemoteConsoleAudio; } else { szMoreInfo << "WinStatinQueryInformation failed=" << GetLastError() << endl; RemoteConsoleAudio = 0; } }
rv = !RemoteConsoleAudio;
exitpt: return rv; }
BOOL IsTSAudioDriverEnabled( VOID ) { BOOL rv = FALSE; WINSTATIONCONFIG config; BOOLEAN fSuccess; DWORD returnedLength;
fSuccess = WinStationQueryInformation(NULL, LOGONID_CURRENT, WinStationConfiguration, &config, sizeof(config), &returnedLength); if (!fSuccess) { szMoreInfo << "WinStatinQueryInformation failed=" << GetLastError() <<endl; goto exitpt; }
rv = !config.User.fDisableCam;
exitpt: return rv; }
BOOL DumpStreamInfo( VOID ) { BOOL rv = TRUE; HANDLE hEv = NULL; HANDLE hStream = NULL; PSNDSTREAM Stream = NULL; DWORD dw;
if ( NULL == hEv ) { szMoreInfo << "ERROR: Can't open DataReady event=" << GetLastError() <<endl; rv = FALSE; } else { szMoreInfo << "OK: DataReady event exist" << endl; dw = WaitForSingleObject( hEv, 0 ); if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dw ) { szMoreInfo << "WARNING: DataReady event is signaled (playing sound ?)" <<endl; SetEvent( hEv ); rv = FALSE; } else szMoreInfo << "OK: DataReady event is not signaled" <<endl; CloseHandle( hEv ); }
hEv = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, TSSND_STREAMISEMPTYEVENT); if ( NULL == hEv ) { szMoreInfo << "ERROR: Can't open StreamEmpty event=" << GetLastError() <<endl; rv = FALSE; } else { szMoreInfo << "OK: StreamEmpty event exist" <<endl; dw = WaitForSingleObject( hEv, 0 ); if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dw ) { szMoreInfo << "WARNING: StreamEmpty is signaled (playing sound ?)" <<endl; rv = FALSE; } else { szMoreInfo << "OK: StreamEmpty event is not signaled" <<endl; SetEvent( hEv ); } CloseHandle( hEv ); }
hEv = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, TSSND_WAITTOINIT); if ( NULL == hEv ) { szMoreInfo << "ERROR: Can't open WaitToInit event=" << GetLastError() <<endl; rv = FALSE; } else { szMoreInfo << "OK: WaitToInit event exist" <<endl; dw = WaitForSingleObject( hEv, 0 ); if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dw ) { szMoreInfo << "OK: WaitToInit is signaled" <<endl; } else { szMoreInfo << "WARNING: WaitToInit is NOT signaled" <<endl; rv = FALSE; } CloseHandle( hEv ); }
hEv = OpenMutex(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, TSSND_STREAMMUTEX); if ( NULL == hEv ) { szMoreInfo << "ERROR: Can't open Stream mutex=" << GetLastError() <<endl; rv = FALSE; } else { szMoreInfo << "OK: Stream mutex exist" <<endl; dw = WaitForSingleObject( hEv, 3000 ); if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dw ) { szMoreInfo << "WARNING: Can't acquire Stream mutext after more than 3 seconds" <<endl; rv = FALSE; } else { szMoreInfo << "OK: Stream mutext acquired" <<endl; ReleaseMutex( hEv ); } CloseHandle( hEv ); }
if (NULL == hStream) { szMoreInfo << "ERROR: Can't open the stream mapping" << GetLastError() <<endl; rv = FALSE; goto exitpt; }
Stream = (PSNDSTREAM)MapViewOfFile( hStream, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, // offset
sizeof(*Stream) );
if (NULL == Stream) { szMoreInfo << "ERROR: Can't map the stream view: " << GetLastError() <<endl; rv = FALSE; goto exitpt; }
szMoreInfo << "SNDSTREAM:" <<endl; szMoreInfo << "bNewVolume: 0x" << hex << Stream->bNewVolume <<endl; szMoreInfo << "bNewPitch: 0x" << hex << Stream->bNewPitch <<endl;
szMoreInfo << "dwSoundCaps: 0x" << hex << Stream->dwSoundCaps <<endl; if ( 0 != (TSSNDCAPS_ALIVE & Stream->dwSoundCaps) ) szMoreInfo << "\tTSSNDCAPS_ALIVE" <<endl; if ( 0 != (TSSNDCAPS_VOLUME & Stream->dwSoundCaps) ) szMoreInfo << "\tTSSNDCAPS_VOLUME" << endl; if ( 0 != (TSSNDCAPS_PITCH & Stream->dwSoundCaps) ) szMoreInfo << "\tTSSNDCAPS_PITCH" <<endl;
szMoreInfo << "dwVolume: 0x" << hex << Stream->dwVolume <<endl; szMoreInfo << "dwPitch: 0x" << hex << Stream->dwPitch <<endl;
dw = Stream->cLastBlockQueued; szMoreInfo << "cLastBlockQueued: 0x" << hex << dw <<endl; dw = Stream->cLastBlockSent; szMoreInfo << "cLastBlockSent: 0x" << hex << dw <<endl; dw = Stream->cLastBlockConfirmed; szMoreInfo << "cLastBlockConfirmed: 0x" << hex << dw <<endl;
exitpt: if ( rv ) szMoreInfo << "OK: Stream seems good" <<endl; else szMoreInfo << "ERROR: Stream doesn't seem very healthy" <<endl;
if ( NULL != Stream ) UnmapViewOfFile( Stream );
if ( NULL != hStream ) CloseHandle( hStream );
return rv; }
BOOL IsAudioOk( VOID ) { INT rv = TRUE;
if ( !IsTSRedirectingAudio() ) { szMoreInfo << "Audio is not redirected" <<endl; goto exitpt; }
if ( !IsTSAudioDriverEnabled() ) { szMoreInfo << "TS Auidio driver is disabled" <<endl; goto exitpt; }
szMoreInfo << "Audio redirection is enabled. Dumping stream info" <<endl;
rv = DumpStreamInfo();
exitpt: return rv; }