/*************** ************************************************************/ // tsappcmp.c
// Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corp.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
extern void InitRegisterSupport();
extern DWORD gpTermsrvTlsIndex;
BOOL GetDefaultUserProfileName(LPWSTR lpProfileDir, LPDWORD lpcchSize); extern WCHAR gpwszDefaultUserName[];
extern void FreeLDRTable();
DWORD g_dwFlags=0;
* Read flags, if flags don't exit, then assume default behavior. * The default behavior is the same as dwFlags = 0x0 * The default behavior will result is the loadlib func calls to be patched by our * redirected func TLoadLibraryExW(). * */ void ReadImportTablePatchFLagsAndAppCompatMode( DWORD *pdwFlags, BOOLEAN *pInAppCompatMode ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; UNICODE_STRING KeyName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; HANDLE KeyHandle; UCHAR Buffer[100]; PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION KeyValueInformation = (PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION) Buffer; ULONG KeyValueLength = 100; ULONG ResultLength;
*pdwFlags=0; *pInAppCompatMode=FALSE;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &KeyName, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server" );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, NULL );
NtStatus = NtOpenKey( &KeyHandle, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { return; // so nothing found, just return since we do have a default behavior.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &KeyName, REG_TERMSRV_APPCOMPAT );
NtStatus = NtQueryValueKey( KeyHandle, &KeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, KeyValueInformation, KeyValueLength, &ResultLength ); if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { //
// Check that the data is the correct size and type - a DWORD.
if ((KeyValueInformation->DataLength >= sizeof(DWORD)) && (KeyValueInformation->Type == REG_DWORD)) { *pInAppCompatMode = * (PBOOLEAN) KeyValueInformation->Data; } }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &KeyName, TERMSRV_COMPAT_IAT_FLAGS );
NtStatus = NtQueryValueKey( KeyHandle, &KeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, KeyValueInformation, KeyValueLength, &ResultLength );
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) {
// Check that the data is the correct size and type - a DWORD.
if ((KeyValueInformation->DataLength >= sizeof(DWORD)) && (KeyValueInformation->Type == REG_DWORD)) { *pdwFlags = * (PDWORD) KeyValueInformation->Data; } }
BOOL WINAPI LibMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) {
static ULONG attachCount=0; static BOOLEAN inAppCompatMode=FALSE;
switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { PWCHAR pwch, pwchext; WCHAR pwcAppName[MAX_PATH+1]; PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS pUserParam; DWORD dwSize;
ReadImportTablePatchFLagsAndAppCompatMode( &g_dwFlags , &inAppCompatMode ); // this will initialize our global flag for IAT and debug
if ( g_dwFlags & DEBUG_IAT ) { DbgPrint("tsappcmp: LibMain: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH called, attach count = %d \n", attachCount ); }
if ( inAppCompatMode ) { // Get the path of the executable name
pUserParam = NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters; // Get the executable name, if there's no \ just use the name as it is
pwch = wcsrchr(pUserParam->ImagePathName.Buffer, L'\\'); if (pwch) { pwch++; } else { pwch = pUserParam->ImagePathName.Buffer; } wcscpy(pwcAppName, pwch); pwch = pwcAppName; #if DBGX
DbgPrint("\nApp-name : %ws\n", pwch ); #endif
// Check if it's a DOS or Win16 app by checking if the app is ntvdm.exe
// Only disable ThreadLibrary calls if not ntvdm.
if (_wcsicmp(pwch, L"ntvdm.exe")) { DisableThreadLibraryCalls (hInstance); } else { gpTermsrvTlsIndex = TlsAlloc(); ASSERT(gpTermsrvTlsIndex != 0xFFFFFFFF); } // Init support for the register command
InitRegisterSupport(); dwSize = MAX_PATH; if (!GetDefaultUserProfileName(gpwszDefaultUserName, &dwSize)) { gpwszDefaultUserName[0] = L'\0'; } }
break; }
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: { if (inAppCompatMode ) { TlsSetValue(gpTermsrvTlsIndex,NULL); } }
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { attachCount--;
if ( g_dwFlags & DEBUG_IAT ) { DbgPrint("tsappcmp: LibMain: DLL_PROCESS_DETACH called, attach count = %d \n", attachCount ); }
if (inAppCompatMode ) { if (attachCount==0 ) { FreeLDRTable(); } } }
return TRUE; }
PWCHAR TermsrvFormatObjectName(LPCWSTR OldName) {
PWCHAR pstrNewObjName = NULL;
#if 0
SIZE_T Size;
Size = ( wcslen(OldName) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(L"Local\\") + sizeof(WCHAR);
pstrNewObjName = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, Size);
if (pstrNewObjName) {
} #endif
return pstrNewObjName;
DWORD TermsrvGetComputerName( LPWSTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD nSize ) { ULONG ulCompatFlags=0, ulAppType = 0; WINSTATIONINFORMATIONW WSInfo;
ULONG ValueLength; HMODULE hwinsta = NULL;
GetCtxAppCompatFlags(&ulCompatFlags, &ulAppType);
// Return the username instead of the computername?
if ((ulCompatFlags & TERMSRV_COMPAT_USERNAME) && (ulCompatFlags & ulAppType)) {
if ( !pWinStationQueryInformationW ) { /*
* Get handle to winsta.dll */ if ( (hwinsta = LoadLibraryA( "WINSTA" )) != NULL ) {
pWinStationQueryInformationW = (PWINSTATIONQUERYINFORMATIONW) GetProcAddress( hwinsta, "WinStationQueryInformationW" ); } }
// Fetch the WinStation's basic information
if ( pWinStationQueryInformationW ) { if ( (*pWinStationQueryInformationW)(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, LOGONID_CURRENT, WinStationInformation, &WSInfo, sizeof(WSInfo), &ValueLength ) ) {
// Check if username will fit in buffer
if (wcslen(WSInfo.UserName) >= *nSize) { return ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } else { wcscpy(lpBuffer, WSInfo.UserName); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } } return ERROR_RETRY;
void TermsrvAdjustPhyMemLimits ( IN OUT LPDWORD TotalPhys, IN OUT LPDWORD AvailPhys, IN DWORD SysPageSize ) { ULONG ulAppType = 0; DWORD PhysicalMemory;
if ( GetCtxPhysMemoryLimits(&ulAppType, &PhysicalMemory) ) {
if (*TotalPhys > PhysicalMemory ) {
*TotalPhys = PhysicalMemory; } }
if ( *AvailPhys > *TotalPhys ) { // Reset the Available Physical Memory to be smaller than the
// Total Physical Memory. It is made smaller to avoid
// possible divide by zero errors when Available and Total are
// equal
*AvailPhys = *TotalPhys - SysPageSize; } return; }
UINT APIENTRY TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryA( LPSTR lpBuffer, UINT uSize )
// If in install mode return the system windows dir
if (TermsrvAppInstallMode()) {
return 0;
if (!TermsrvPerUserWinDirMapping()) {
return 0; }
// if buffer looks real, then init it to zero
if ( lpBuffer ) {
*lpBuffer = '\0'; // in case we have an error, the shell folks want this to be null
// BUG 453487
Path.Length = 0; Path.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(uSize * sizeof( WCHAR )); if ( Path.Buffer = LocalAlloc( LPTR, Path.MaximumLength ) ) {
Status = GetPerUserWindowsDirectory( &Path );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(uSize); AnsiString.Buffer = lpBuffer;
Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &AnsiString, &Path, FALSE );
} else if ( (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) || (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) ) {
DbgPrint( "KERNEL32: GetWindowsDirectoryA: User buffer too small (%u) need(%u)\n", uSize, Path.Length >> 1 );
return( Path.Length >> 1 );
LocalFree( Path.Buffer );
} else {
Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; DbgPrint( "KERNEL32: GetWindowsDirectoryA: No memory\n" );
if ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) {
DbgPrint( "KERNEL32: GetWindowsDirectoryA: User buffer too small (%u) need(%u)\n", uSize, Path.Length >> 1 );
return( Path.Length >> 1 );
} else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
return 0;
} return AnsiString.Length;
UINT APIENTRY TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW( LPWSTR lpBuffer, UINT uSize ) {
// If in install mode return the system windows dir
if (TermsrvAppInstallMode()) {
return 0;
if (!TermsrvPerUserWinDirMapping()) {
return 0; }
// if buffer looks real, then init it to zero
if ( lpBuffer ) {
*lpBuffer = '\0'; // in case we have an error, the shell folks want this to be null
// BUG 453487
* If it fails, return 0 * If buffer too small, return len (not includding NULL) * If buffer ok, return len (not inc. NULL) and fill buffer * (GetPerUserWindowsDirectory will do all of this for us!) */ Path.Length = 0; Path.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(uSize * sizeof( WCHAR )); Path.Buffer = lpBuffer;
Status = GetPerUserWindowsDirectory( &Path );
if ( Status == STATUS_SUCCESS ) { /*
* Add a NULL to the end (if it fits!) */ if ( Path.Length + sizeof( WCHAR ) <= Path.MaximumLength ) { lpBuffer[(Path.Length>>1)] = UNICODE_NULL; } }
return( Path.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) );