// Util.cpp : Implementation of CUtil
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CompatUI.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <msi.h>
#include <sfc.h>
#include "Aclapi.h"
extern "C" { #include "shimdb.h"
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include <string>
#include <xstring>
#include <map>
#include <locale>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// CUtil
extern "C" VOID InvalidateAppcompatCacheEntry( LPCWSTR pwszDosPath );
BOOL GetExePathFromObject( LPCTSTR lpszPath, // path to an arbitrary object
CComBSTR& bstrExePath );
typedef INSTALLSTATE (WINAPI*PMsiGetComponentPath)( LPCTSTR szProduct, // product code for client product
LPCTSTR szComponent, // component ID
LPTSTR lpPathBuf, // returned path
DWORD *pcchBuf // buffer character count
typedef UINT (WINAPI* PMsiGetShortcutTarget)( LPCTSTR szShortcutTarget, // path to shortcut link file
LPTSTR szProductCode, // fixed length buffer for product code
LPTSTR szFeatureId, // fixed length buffer for feature id
LPTSTR szComponentCode // fixed length buffer for component code
BOOL IsUserAdmin( void );
BOOL GiveUsersWriteAccess( void );
BOOL IsLUAEnabled( LPCWSTR pszLayers );
wstring StrUpCase( wstring& wstr );
BOOL ShimExpandEnvironmentVars( LPCTSTR lpszCmd, CComBSTR& bstr ) { DWORD dwLength; LPTSTR lpBuffer = NULL; BOOL bExpanded = FALSE; if (_tcschr(lpszCmd, TEXT('%')) == NULL) { goto out; }
dwLength = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(lpszCmd, NULL, 0); if (!dwLength) { goto out; }
lpBuffer = new TCHAR[dwLength]; if (NULL == lpBuffer) { goto out; }
dwLength = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(lpszCmd, lpBuffer, dwLength); if (!dwLength) { goto out; } bstr = lpBuffer; bExpanded = TRUE;
out: if (!bExpanded) { bstr = lpszCmd; } if (lpBuffer) { delete[] lpBuffer; } return bExpanded; }
wstring ShimUnquotePath( LPCTSTR pwszFileName ) { wstring sFileName; LPCTSTR pScan = pwszFileName; LPCTSTR pQuote; LPCTSTR pLastQuote = NULL;
// skip over the leading spaces
pScan += _tcsspn(pScan, TEXT(" \t")); while (*pScan) { pQuote = _tcschr(pScan, TEXT('\"')); if (NULL == pQuote) { sFileName += pScan; break; } //
// we found a quote
// is this the first quote we've found?
if (pLastQuote == NULL) { pLastQuote = pQuote; // add the current string
sFileName += wstring(pScan, (int)(pQuote-pScan)); } else { // we have a closing quote
++pLastQuote; sFileName += wstring(pLastQuote, (int)(pQuote-pLastQuote)); pLastQuote = NULL; }
pScan = pQuote + 1;
return sFileName; }
// ShimGetPathFromCmdLine
BOOL ShimGetPathFromCmdLine( LPCTSTR pwszCmdLine, CComBSTR& StrPath ) { TCHAR chSave; LPTSTR pScan = (LPTSTR)pwszCmdLine; LPTSTR pAppName; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLength; DWORD dwAttributes; BOOL bScan = FALSE; CComBSTR bstrPathName;
if (*pScan == TEXT('\"')) { // seek till we find matching "
pAppName = ++pScan; while (*pScan) { if (*pScan == TEXT('\"')) { break; } ++pScan; } } else { pAppName = pScan; while (*pScan) { if (_istspace(*pScan)) { bScan = TRUE; break; } ++pScan; } }
while (TRUE) {
chSave = *pScan; *pScan = TEXT('\0');
ShimExpandEnvironmentVars(pAppName, bstrPathName);
// Check this path
dwLength = SearchPathW(NULL, bstrPathName, TEXT(".exe"), CHARCOUNT(szBuffer), szBuffer, NULL); //
// restore the character
*pScan = chSave;
if (dwLength && dwLength < CHARCOUNT(szBuffer)) { //
// check attributes
dwAttributes = GetFileAttributesW(szBuffer); if ((dwAttributes != (DWORD)-1) && !(dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { //
// we are mighty done
StrPath = (LPCWSTR)szBuffer; return TRUE; } }
if (!bScan || *pScan == TEXT('\0')) { break; }
++pScan; while (*pScan) { if (_istspace(*pScan)) { break; } ++pScan; }
return FALSE; }
// This class allows us to change error mode on selected apis
class CSaveErrorMode { public: CSaveErrorMode() { m_uiErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); } ~CSaveErrorMode() { SetErrorMode(m_uiErrorMode); } protected: UINT m_uiErrorMode; };
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::IsCompatWizardDisabled(BOOL* pbDisabled) { *pbDisabled = FALSE;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::RemoveArgs(BSTR pVar, VARIANT* pRet) { // TODO: Add your implementation code here
CComBSTR bstr; CSaveErrorMode ErrMode;
if (!ShimGetPathFromCmdLine(pVar, bstr)) { bstr = pVar; }
pRet->vt = VT_BSTR; pRet->bstrVal = bstr.Copy();
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::GetItemKeys(BSTR pVar, VARIANT *pRet) { CComBSTR bstr = pVar; CComBSTR bstrOut; LPWSTR pwszPermKeys; DWORD cbSize; BOOL bLayers;
bLayers = SdbGetPermLayerKeys(bstr, NULL, &cbSize, GPLK_USER); if (bLayers) { pwszPermKeys = new WCHAR[cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR)]; bLayers = SdbGetPermLayerKeys(bstr, pwszPermKeys, &cbSize, GPLK_USER); if (bLayers) { bstrOut = pwszPermKeys; } delete [] pwszPermKeys; }
if (!bstrOut) { pRet->vt = VT_NULL; } else { pRet->vt = VT_BSTR; pRet->bstrVal = bstrOut.Copy(); }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::SetItemKeys(BSTR pszPath, VARIANT* pKeys, BOOL *pVal) { // TODO: Add your implementation code here
CComBSTR bstrKeys; CComBSTR bstrKeysMachine; BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; VARIANT varKeys; VARIANT varKeysMachine;
if (pKeys->vt == VT_NULL || pKeys->vt == VT_EMPTY) { bSuccess &= SdbDeletePermLayerKeys(pszPath, FALSE); } else { VariantInit(&varKeys); if (SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&varKeys, pKeys, 0, VT_BSTR))) { bstrKeys = varKeys.bstrVal; VariantClear(&varKeys); }
if (bstrKeys) { bSuccess &= SdbSetPermLayerKeys(pszPath, bstrKeys, FALSE); } }
*pVal = bSuccess;
return S_OK; }
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&SIDAuth, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, dwGroup, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSID)) { ATLTRACE(_T("[SearchGroupForSID] AllocateAndInitializeSid failed 0x%lx\n"), GetLastError());
return FALSE; }
if (!CheckTokenMembership(NULL, pSID, pfIsMember)) { ATLTRACE(_T("[SearchGroupForSID] CheckTokenMembership failed 0x%x\n"), GetLastError()); fRes = FALSE; }
return fRes; }
BOOL IsUserAdmin( void ) { BOOL fIsUser, fIsAdmin, fIsPowerUser;
if (!SearchGroupForSID(DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS, &fIsUser) || !SearchGroupForSID(DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, &fIsAdmin)) { return FALSE; }
return (fIsUser && fIsAdmin); }
#if 0
BOOL GiveUsersWriteAccess( void ) { DWORD dwRes; PACL pOldDACL; PACL pNewDACL = NULL; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD = &sd; GUID guidChildObjectType; // GUID of object to control creation of
PSID pTrusteeSID; // trustee for new ACE
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(LUA_REDIR_W, szDir, MAX_PATH);
if (!CreateDirectory(szDir, NULL)) { DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return FALSE; } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { goto Cleanup; }
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&SIDAuth, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pUsersSID) ) { goto Cleanup; }
// Initialize an EXPLICIT_ACCESS structure for the new ACE.
ZeroMemory(&ea, sizeof(EXPLICIT_ACCESS)); ea.grfAccessPermissions = FILE_ALL_ACCESS; ea.grfAccessMode = GRANT_ACCESS; ea.grfInheritance = SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; ea.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID; ea.Trustee.TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP; ea.Trustee.ptstrName = (LPTSTR)pUsersSID;
// Create a new ACL that merges the new ACE
// into the existing DACL.
dwRes = SetEntriesInAcl(1, &ea, pOldDACL, &pNewDACL);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { goto Cleanup; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { goto Cleanup; }
if (pUsersSID) { FreeSid(pUsersSID); }
return (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
BOOL IsLUAEnabled( LPCWSTR pszLayers ) { LPCWSTR pchStart = pszLayers; LPCWSTR pch; wstring strTok; BOOL bLUAEnabled = FALSE;
pchStart += wcsspn(pchStart, L"#!");
while (pchStart != NULL && *pchStart != L'\0' && !bLUAEnabled) { pchStart += wcsspn(pchStart, L" \t"); if (*pchStart == L'\0') { break; }
pch = wcspbrk(pchStart, L" \t"); if (pch == NULL) { strTok = pchStart; pchStart = NULL; } else { strTok = wstring(pchStart, (size_t)(pch - pchStart)); StrUpCase(strTok); pchStart = pch; } bLUAEnabled = (strTok == L"LUA"); }
return bLUAEnabled;
// this method returns true when we should present the LUA checkbox and
// false when we should not
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::CheckAdminPrivileges(BOOL *pVal) { *pVal = IsUserAdmin(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::RunApplication(BSTR pLayers, BSTR pszCmdLine, BOOL bEnableLog, DWORD* pResult) {
LPCWSTR pszExt; BOOL bShellExecute = FALSE; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD dwError = 0; DWORD dwBinaryType = 0; DWORD dwCreateProcessFlags = 0; CSaveErrorMode ErrMode;
CComBSTR bstrAppName = pszCmdLine; ShimGetPathFromCmdLine(pszCmdLine, bstrAppName);
CComBSTR bstrExePath;
// check if we are using .lnk file
pszExt = PathFindExtension(bstrAppName); if (pszExt != NULL) { bShellExecute = !_tcsicmp(pszExt, TEXT(".lnk")); }
if (!bShellExecute) { // not shell exec? check the binary
if (!pszExt || (_tcsicmp(pszExt, TEXT(".cmd")) && _tcsicmp(pszExt, TEXT(".bat")))) { bShellExecute = !GetBinaryTypeW(bstrAppName, &dwBinaryType); if (!bShellExecute && (dwBinaryType == SCS_WOW_BINARY || dwBinaryType == SCS_PIF_BINARY)) { dwCreateProcessFlags |= CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM; } } } //
// invalidate cache
if (::GetExePathFromObject(bstrAppName, bstrExePath)) { InvalidateAppcompatCacheEntry(bstrExePath); }
SetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("__COMPAT_LAYER"), pLayers); SetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("SHIM_FILE_LOG"), bEnableLog ? TEXT("shim.log") : NULL);
// now we shall either ShellExecute or do a CreateProcess
if (bShellExecute) { int nLength = bstrAppName.Length() + 3; LPTSTR pszCmdLineShellExec = new TCHAR[nLength]; SHELLEXECUTEINFO ShExecInfo = { 0 };
if (pszCmdLineShellExec == NULL) { //
// out of memory, just do a create process
goto HandleCreateProcess; } nLength = _sntprintf(pszCmdLineShellExec, nLength, TEXT("\"%s\""), (LPCTSTR)bstrAppName); if (nLength < 0) { delete[] pszCmdLineShellExec; goto HandleCreateProcess; }
ShExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(ShExecInfo); ShExecInfo.fMask = 0; //SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI;
ShExecInfo.lpVerb = L"open"; ShExecInfo.lpFile = pszCmdLineShellExec; ShExecInfo.nShow = SW_SHOW;
bSuccess = ShellExecuteEx(&ShExecInfo); if (!bSuccess || (int)((INT_PTR)ShExecInfo.hInstApp) < 32) { dwError = GetLastError(); } delete[] pszCmdLineShellExec;
} else { HandleCreateProcess:
// get working directory
TCHAR szWorkingDir[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pAppName = (LPTSTR)bstrAppName.m_str; int nLength; LPTSTR pszWorkingDir = NULL; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo;
LPTSTR pBackslash = _tcsrchr(pAppName, TEXT('\\')); if (pBackslash != NULL) { //
// check for root
nLength = (int)(pBackslash - pAppName); if (nLength == 2 && pAppName[1] == TEXT(':')) { ++nLength; } _tcsncpy(szWorkingDir, pAppName, nLength); szWorkingDir[nLength] = TEXT('\0'); pszWorkingDir = szWorkingDir; }
ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo); ZeroMemory(&ProcessInfo, sizeof(ProcessInfo));
bSuccess = CreateProcess(NULL, pszCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, pszWorkingDir, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo);
if (!bSuccess) { dwError = GetLastError(); }
if (ProcessInfo.hThread) { CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); } if (ProcessInfo.hProcess) { CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); } }
*pResult = dwError;
SetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("__COMPAT_LAYER"), NULL); SetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("SHIM_FILE_LOG") , NULL);
return S_OK; }
BOOL GetExePathFromLink( LPMALLOC pMalloc, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLinkFull, LPCTSTR pszLinkFile, LPTSTR pszExePath, DWORD dwBufferSize ) { IShellLink* psl = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HRESULT hr; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; IPersistFile* ipf = NULL; IShellLinkDataList* pdl; DWORD dwFlags = 0; BOOL bMsiLink = FALSE; HMODULE hMSI = NULL;
// first do the link
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID*)&psl); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return FALSE; // we can't create link object
hr = psl->SetIDList(pidlLinkFull); // set the id list
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto out; }
hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ipf); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto out; }
hr = ipf->Load(pszLinkFile, STGM_READ); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto out; }
// resolve the link for now
// hr = psl->Resolve(NULL, SLR_NO_UI|SLR_NOUPDATE);
hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IShellLinkDataList, (LPVOID*)&pdl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pdl->GetFlags(&dwFlags);
bMsiLink = SUCCEEDED(hr) && (dwFlags & SLDF_HAS_DARWINID);
pdl->Release(); }
if (bMsiLink) { //
// this is msi link, we need to crack it using msi
UINT ErrCode; TCHAR szProduct [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFeatureId [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szComponentCode[MAX_PATH]; INSTALLSTATE is;
hMSI = LoadLibrary(TEXT("Msi.dll")); if (NULL == hMSI) { goto out; }
PMsiGetComponentPath pfnGetComponentPath = (PMsiGetComponentPath )GetProcAddress(hMSI, "MsiGetComponentPathW"); PMsiGetShortcutTarget pfnGetShortcutTarget = (PMsiGetShortcutTarget)GetProcAddress(hMSI, "MsiGetShortcutTargetW");
if (!pfnGetComponentPath || !pfnGetShortcutTarget) { goto out; }
ErrCode = pfnGetShortcutTarget(pszLinkFile, szProduct, szFeatureId, szComponentCode); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ErrCode) { goto out; }
*pszExePath = TEXT('\0');
is = pfnGetComponentPath(szProduct, szComponentCode, pszExePath, &dwBufferSize); bSuccess = (INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL == is);
} else {
hr = psl->GetPath(pszExePath, dwBufferSize, &wfd, 0); bSuccess = SUCCEEDED(hr); }
out: if (hMSI) { FreeLibrary(hMSI); }
if (NULL != ipf) { ipf->Release(); }
if (NULL != psl) { psl->Release(); }
return bSuccess;
BOOL GetExePathFromObject( LPCTSTR lpszPath, // path to an arbitrary object
CComBSTR& bstrExePath ) { IShellFolder* psh = NULL; LPMALLOC pMalloc = NULL; HRESULT hr; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; DWORD dwAttributes; CComBSTR bstr; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
hr = SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto cleanup; }
hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&psh); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto cleanup; }
if (!ShimGetPathFromCmdLine(lpszPath, bstr)) { goto cleanup; }
// parse display name
hr = psh->ParseDisplayName(NULL, NULL, bstr, // path to the executable file
NULL, // number of chars eaten
&pidl, &dwAttributes); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto cleanup; }
// display name parsed, check whether it's a link
if (dwAttributes & SFGAO_LINK) { TCHAR szExePath[MAX_PATH]; //
// it's a link, crack it
bSuccess = GetExePathFromLink(pMalloc, pidl, bstr, szExePath, CHARCOUNT(szExePath)); // after recovering the path -- get the env vars expanded
if (bSuccess) { ShimExpandEnvironmentVars(szExePath, bstrExePath); }
} else if (dwAttributes & SFGAO_FILESYSTEM) { //
// filesystem object (a file)
bstrExePath = bstr; bSuccess = TRUE; }
if (pidl) { pMalloc->Free(pidl); } if (psh) { psh->Release(); } if (pMalloc) { pMalloc->Release(); } return bSuccess; }
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::GetExePathFromObject(BSTR pszPath, VARIANT* pExePath) { CComBSTR bstrExePath; BOOL bSuccess; CSaveErrorMode ErrMode;
bSuccess = ::GetExePathFromObject(pszPath, bstrExePath); if (bSuccess) { pExePath->vt = VT_BSTR; pExePath->bstrVal = bstrExePath.Copy(); } else { pExePath->vt = VT_NULL; }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::IsSystemTarget(BSTR bstrPath, BOOL *pbSystemTarget) { CComBSTR bstrExePath; BOOL bSystemTarget = FALSE; DWORD dwAttributes; CSaveErrorMode ErrMode;
// This code was used to check system directory
ULONG uSize; int nch; TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szCommonPath[MAX_PATH];
uSize = ::GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szSystemDir, CHARCOUNT(szSystemDir)); if (uSize == 0 || uSize > CHARCOUNT(szSystemDir)) { *pbSystemTarget = FALSE; return S_OK; } --*/
if (!::GetExePathFromObject(bstrPath, bstrExePath)) { bstrExePath = bstrPath; }
// this code was used before -- it checked system directory as
// well as sfc, we are only checking sfc now
nch = PathCommonPrefix(szSystemDir, bstrExePath, szCommonPath); bSystemTarget = (nch == (int)uSize); if (!bSystemTarget) { bSystemTarget = SfcIsFileProtected(NULL, bstrExePath); } --*/
bSystemTarget = SfcIsFileProtected(NULL, bstrExePath);
if (!bSystemTarget) { dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(bstrExePath); bSystemTarget = (dwAttributes == (DWORD)-1 || (dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); }
*pbSystemTarget = bSystemTarget;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CUtil::IsExecutableFile(BSTR bstrPath, BOOL *pbExecutableFile) { BOOL bExecutable = FALSE; DWORD dwExeType = 0; CComBSTR bstrExePath; LPCWSTR pszExt; CSaveErrorMode ErrMode;
if (!::GetExePathFromObject(bstrPath, bstrExePath)) { bstrExePath = bstrPath; }
bExecutable = GetBinaryTypeW(bstrExePath, &dwExeType); if (!bExecutable) { // is this a batch file? if not -- you are out!
pszExt = PathFindExtension(bstrPath); if (pszExt != NULL) { bExecutable = !_tcsicmp(pszExt, TEXT(".bat")) || !_tcsicmp(pszExt, TEXT(".cmd")); } } *pbExecutableFile = bExecutable;
return S_OK; }