// File: chm.cpp
// History: 21-Mar-00 vadimb Created.
// Desc: This file contains all code needed to produce chm project files
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "make.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "chm.h"
#include "FileIO.h"
TCHAR gszTagXMLBR[] = _T("<br/>"); TCHAR gszTagBR[] = _T("<br>");
TCHAR gszTagXMLP[] = _T("<p/>"); TCHAR gszTagP[] = _T("<p>");
TCHAR gszHFileName[] = _T("apperr.h");
BOOL ChmMakeFilePath( CString& csPath, LPCTSTR lpszPath, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCTSTR lpszExt = NULL) { csPath.Empty();
if (NULL != lpszPath) {
csPath = lpszPath; if (csPath.GetLength() >= 1 && csPath.Right(1) != _T("\\")) { csPath += _T('\\'); } } csPath += lpszFileName; if (NULL != lpszExt) { csPath += lpszExt; }
return(csPath.GetLength() > 0); }
CString ChmConstructArticleName( SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile, SdbAppHelp* pAppHelp, CString& csLangID) { CString csArticleName, csLCID;
csArticleName = pOutputFile->GetParameter(_T("ARTICLE NAME TEMPLATE")); if (!csArticleName.GetLength()) { csArticleName = _T("idh_w2_$HTMLHELPID$"); }
ReplaceStringNoCase(csArticleName, _T("$HTMLHELPID$"), pAppHelp->m_csName); ReplaceStringNoCase(csArticleName, _T("$LANGID$"), csLangID); csLCID.Format(_T("%X"), pAppHelp->m_pDB->m_pCurrentMakefile->GetLangMap(csLangID)->m_lcid); ReplaceStringNoCase(csArticleName, _T("$LCID$"), csLCID);
return csArticleName; }
BOOL ChmCreatePage( SdbDatabase* pDB, SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile, SdbAppHelp* pAppHelp, SdbMessage* pMessage, CString& csTemplate, CString& csLangID ) { CString csHelpID; CString csFilePath; CString csTemp; CString csContents; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
SdbMessageField FieldIcon; SdbMessageField FieldMessage; SdbMessageField FieldMSHAID; SdbMessageField FieldAName; SdbMessageField FieldAppTitle; SdbMessageField FieldAppVersion; SdbMessageField FieldContactInfo; SdbMessageField FieldDetails; SdbMessageField FieldCompanyName; SdbRefArray<SdbMessageField> rgFields;
CString csURL, csContactInfo, csAppTitle; CString csDetails, csEncoding; CTextFile* pFile = NULL;
csEncoding = pOutputFile->GetParameter(_T("ENCODING"));
if (!pMessage->m_pDB->ConstructMessageParts( pAppHelp, pMessage, csLangID, &dwHTMLHelpID, &csURL, &csContactInfo, &csAppTitle, NULL, &csDetails)) { SDBERROR_PROPOGATE(); goto eh; }
// generate name for the file -- this name appears also in
// other places like in a tag at the beginning of the page, in
// meta tag and in help project file, as well as in apperr.h
// give this entry a name in form idh_w2_helpid
// this is also a filename (sans .htm)
csHelpID = ChmConstructArticleName(pOutputFile, pAppHelp, csLangID); csFilePath.Format(_T("%s%s.htm"), pOutputFile->GetDirectory(), csHelpID);
try { if (0 == csEncoding.CompareNoCase(_T("ANSI"))) { pFile = new CANSITextFile(csFilePath, pDB->m_pCurrentMakefile->GetLangMap(csLangID)->m_dwCodePage, CFile::typeText | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite);
} else { pFile = new CUTF8TextFile(csFilePath, CFile::typeText | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite); }
csContents = csTemplate; // first up is the MS_HAID
csTemp.Format(_T("<META NAME=\"MS_HAID\" CONTENT=\"a_%s\">\n"), (LPCTSTR)csHelpID); FieldMSHAID.m_csName = _T("MS_HAID"); FieldMSHAID.m_csValue = csTemp;
// problem level...
// will not be used now
switch(pAppHelp->m_Type) { case SDB_APPHELP_HARDBLOCK: csTemp = _T("<IMG SRC=\"apphelp_stop.gif\"/>"); break; case SDB_APPHELP_NOBLOCK: csTemp = _T("<IMG SRC=\"apphelp_warn.gif\"/>"); break; }
FieldIcon.m_csName = _T("ICON"); FieldIcon.m_csValue = csTemp;
// next is name
csTemp.Format(_T("<P><A NAME=\"a_%s\"></A></P>"), (LPCTSTR)csHelpID); FieldAName.m_csName = _T("A NAME"); FieldAName.m_csValue = csTemp;
csTemp = csAppTitle; csTemp.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n")); FieldAppTitle.m_csName = _T("TITLE"); FieldAppTitle.m_csValue = csTemp;
csTemp = _T(""); csTemp.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n")); FieldAppVersion.m_csName = _T("VERSION"); FieldAppVersion.m_csValue = csTemp; csTemp = csContactInfo; csTemp.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n")); ReplaceStringNoCase(csTemp, gszTagXMLBR, gszTagBR); ReplaceStringNoCase(csTemp, gszTagXMLP, gszTagP); FieldContactInfo.m_csName = _T("CONTACT INFO"); FieldContactInfo.m_csValue = csTemp; csTemp = csDetails; csTemp.Replace(_T("\r\n"), _T("\n")); ReplaceStringNoCase(csTemp, gszTagXMLBR, gszTagBR); ReplaceStringNoCase(csTemp, gszTagXMLP, gszTagP); FieldDetails.m_csName = _T("DETAILS"); FieldDetails.m_csValue = csTemp;
csTemp = pAppHelp->m_pApp->GetLocalizedVendorName(); FieldCompanyName.m_csName = _T("COMPANY NAME"); FieldCompanyName.m_csValue = csTemp;
rgFields.Add(&FieldIcon); rgFields.Add(&FieldMessage); rgFields.Add(&FieldMSHAID); rgFields.Add(&FieldAName); rgFields.Add(&FieldAppTitle); rgFields.Add(&FieldAppVersion); rgFields.Add(&FieldContactInfo); rgFields.Add(&FieldDetails); rgFields.Add(&FieldCompanyName); if (!pDB->ReplaceFields(csContents, &csContents, &rgFields)) { goto eh; }
if (0 == csEncoding.CompareNoCase(_T("ANSI"))) { ReplaceStringNoCase( csContents, _T("%HTML_CHARSET%"), pDB->m_pCurrentMakefile->GetLangMap(csLangID)->m_csHtmlCharset); } else { ReplaceStringNoCase( csContents, _T("%HTML_CHARSET%"), _T("UTF-8")); }
pFile->WriteString(csContents); pFile->Close();
bSuccess = TRUE;
} catch(CFileException* pFileEx) { pFileEx->Delete(); } catch(CMemoryException* pMemEx) { pMemEx->Delete(); } eh:
if (pFile) { delete pFile; }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL ChmUpdateFile(LPCTSTR lpszFilePath, LPCTSTR lpszString) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
try { CStdioFile File(lpszFilePath, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeNoTruncate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::shareDenyWrite); File.SeekToEnd(); File.WriteString(lpszString); } catch(CFileException* pex) { bSuccess = FALSE; pex->Delete(); }
return(bSuccess); }
// generate apperr.h
// generate symbols for every file
BOOL ChmCreateHFileEntry(SdbAppHelp* pAppHelp, CString& csEntry) { csEntry.Format(_T("#define idh_w2_%s %s"), pAppHelp->m_csName, pAppHelp->m_csName); return(TRUE); }
BOOL ChmUpdateHFile( SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile, SdbMessage* pMessage, SdbAppHelp* pAppHelp) { CString csEntry; BOOL bSuccess; CString csFilePath;
csFilePath = pOutputFile->GetFullPathWithoutExtension() + _T(".h");
bSuccess = ChmCreateHFileEntry(pAppHelp, csEntry); if (bSuccess) { csEntry += _T("\n"); bSuccess = ChmUpdateFile(csFilePath, csEntry); } return(bSuccess); }
BOOL ChmWriteHHPFileHeader( SdbDatabase* pDB, SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile) { CString csHeader, csOut; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
csHeader += _T("[OPTIONS] \n"); csHeader += _T("Binary Index=No \n"); csHeader += _T("Compatibility=1.1 \n"); csHeader += _T("Compiled file=%s.chm \n"); csHeader += _T("Default Window=nobrowse \n"); csHeader += _T("Default topic=%s_first_screen.htm \n"); csHeader += _T("Display compile progress=Yes \n"); csHeader += _T("Error log file=%s.log \n"); csHeader += _T(" \n"); csHeader += _T("[WINDOWS] \n"); csHeader += _T("nobrowse=\"\",,,,,,,,,,,0x0,,,,,,,,0 \n"); csHeader += _T(" \n"); csHeader += _T("[MAP] \n"); csHeader += _T(" \n"); csHeader += _T("[FILES] \n"); csHeader += _T("%s_first_screen.htm \n");
CString csNameWithoutExt = pOutputFile->GetNameWithoutExtension();
csOut.Format(csHeader, csNameWithoutExt, csNameWithoutExt, csNameWithoutExt, csNameWithoutExt);
try { CStdioFile File(pOutputFile->GetFullPathWithoutExtension() + _T(".hhp"), CFile::typeText | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite);
File.Close(); } catch(...) { goto eh; }
bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess; }
BOOL ChmWriteFirstScreen( SdbDatabase* pDB, SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
try { CStdioFile File(pOutputFile->GetFullPathWithoutExtension() + _T("_first_screen.htm"), CFile::typeText | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareDenyWrite);
File.Close(); } catch(...) { goto eh; }
bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess; }
BOOL ChmUpdateHHPFile( SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile, SdbAppHelp* pAppHelp, CString csLangID) { CString csEntry; CString csFilePath; BOOL bSuccess;
csFilePath = pOutputFile->GetFullPathWithoutExtension() + _T(".hhp");
// we presume to be writing file list now
csEntry = ChmConstructArticleName(pOutputFile, pAppHelp, csLangID); csEntry += _T(".htm\n"); bSuccess = ChmUpdateFile(csFilePath, csEntry); return(bSuccess); }
// lpszPath here denotes the path to the help file project's directory
BOOL ChmProcessMessageEntry( SdbDatabase* pDB, SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile, SdbAppHelp* pAppHelp, SdbMessage* pMessage, CString& csTemplate, CString& csLangID) { BOOL bSuccess;
// 1 - generate chum
bSuccess = ChmCreatePage(pDB, pOutputFile, pAppHelp, pMessage, csTemplate, csLangID); if (!bSuccess) { goto eh; }
// 2 - update hhp -- append filename to it
bSuccess = ChmUpdateHHPFile(pOutputFile, pAppHelp, csLangID);
eh: return(bSuccess);
BOOL ChmPrepareDirectory( SdbDatabase* pDB, SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile) { CString csDest; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
try {
if (!ChmWriteHHPFileHeader(pDB, pOutputFile)) { goto eh; }
if (!ChmWriteFirstScreen(pDB, pOutputFile)) { goto eh; }
} catch(CFileException* pex) { pex->Delete(); goto eh; }
bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess; }
// go through all the entries in apphelp database
BOOL ChmWriteProject( SdbOutputFile* pOutputFile, SdbDatabase* pMessageDB) { BOOL bOverallSuccess = FALSE; SdbMessage* pMessage = NULL; SdbAppHelp* pAppHelp = NULL; SdbDatabase* pAppHelpDB = NULL; SdbLocalizedString* pHTMLHelpTemplate = NULL; int i, j; CString csTemplate; CString csLanguagesParam, csLangID; CStringArray rgLanguages;
csLanguagesParam = pOutputFile->GetParameter(_T("LANGUAGES")); if (csLanguagesParam.GetLength()) { if (!ParseLanguagesString(csLanguagesParam, &rgLanguages)) { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Error parsing LANGUAGES parameter in makefile: %s\n"), csLanguagesParam)); goto eh; } } else { rgLanguages.Add(pMessageDB->m_pCurrentMakefile->m_csLangID); }
if (!pOutputFile->GetParameter(_T("HTMLHELP TEMPLATE")).GetLength()) { SDBERROR(_T("No HTMLHELP_TEMPLATE <PARAM> specified for CHM file generation.")); goto eh; }
if (!ChmPrepareDirectory(pMessageDB, pOutputFile)) { SDBERROR(_T("Error preparing HTMLHelp directory.")); goto eh; }
for (j = 0; j < rgLanguages.GetSize(); j++) { csLangID = rgLanguages[j];
pHTMLHelpTemplate = (SdbLocalizedString *) pMessageDB->m_rgHTMLHelpTemplates.LookupName( pOutputFile->GetParameter(_T("HTMLHELP TEMPLATE")), csLangID);
if (!pHTMLHelpTemplate) { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("HTMLHELP_TEMPLATE not found for LANG \"%s\": \"%s\"\n"), csLangID, pOutputFile->GetParameter(_T("HTMLHELP_TEMPLATE")))); goto eh; }
csTemplate = pHTMLHelpTemplate->m_csValue; if (csTemplate.GetLength() == 0) { SDBERROR(_T("No HTMLHelp template specified.")); goto eh; }
pAppHelpDB = pMessageDB; for (i = 0; i < pAppHelpDB->m_rgAppHelps.GetSize(); ++i) {
pAppHelp = (SdbAppHelp*)pAppHelpDB->m_rgAppHelps[i];
if (SDB_APPHELP_NONE == pAppHelp->m_Type) { continue; }
if (!(g_dwCurrentWriteFilter & pAppHelp->m_dwFilter)) { continue; }
if (g_dtCurrentWriteRevisionCutoff > pAppHelp->m_dtLastRevision) { continue; }
pMessage = (SdbMessage *) pMessageDB->m_rgMessages.LookupName(pAppHelp->m_csMessage, csLangID);
if (pMessage == NULL) { //
// Message instance not found in localized file.
SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Localized MESSAGE not found for\n NAME: %s\n HTMLHELPID: %s\n LANG: %s\n"), pAppHelp->m_csMessage, pAppHelp->m_csName, csLangID)); goto eh; }
if (!ChmProcessMessageEntry( pMessageDB, pOutputFile, pAppHelp, pMessage, csTemplate, csLangID)) { SDBERROR_PROPOGATE(); goto eh; } } }
bOverallSuccess = TRUE;
eh: return(bOverallSuccess);