Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Hooks the call to CreateServiceA and changes the start parameter for only the service passed in COMMAND_LINE from SERVICE_AUTO_START to SERVICE_SYSTEM_START. This eliminates a circular dependency during boot up which results in XP taking 15 to 20 minutes to boot.
This is a general purpose shim. Pass the service name in the command line. It tests if the startup type for that service is SERVICE_AUTO_START and if so changes it to SERVICE_SYSTEM_START.
02/19/2001 a-brienw Created 02/20/2001 a-brienw Changed it to a general purpose shim using the command line to pass in the service name.
#include "precomp.h"
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(FixServiceStartupCircularDependency) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
Hook CreateServiceA to change the start parameter for the required service.
SC_HANDLE APIHook_CreateServiceA( SC_HANDLE hSCManager, // handle to SCM database
LPCSTR lpServiceName, // name of service to start
LPCSTR lpDisplayName, // display name
DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // type of access to service
DWORD dwServiceType, // type of service
DWORD dwStartType, // when to start service
DWORD dwErrorControl, // severity of service failure
LPCSTR lpBinaryPathName, // name of binary file
LPCSTR lpLoadOrderGroup, // name of load ordering group
LPDWORD lpdwTagId, // tag identifier
LPCSTR lpDependencies, // array of dependency names
LPCSTR lpServiceStartName, // account name
LPCSTR lpPassword // account password
) { /*
Only change it if it is currently SERVICE_AUTO_START. Do not change the IF statement to read != as there are other startup types which do not result in a circular dependency. */ if (dwStartType == SERVICE_AUTO_START && !_tcsicmp(lpServiceName,COMMAND_LINE)) { LOGN( eDbgLevelInfo, "[CreateServiceA] Fixed startup type: %s.", lpServiceName); dwStartType = SERVICE_SYSTEM_START; } return ORIGINAL_API(CreateServiceA)(hSCManager, lpServiceName, lpDisplayName, dwDesiredAccess, dwServiceType, dwStartType, dwErrorControl, lpBinaryPathName, lpLoadOrderGroup, lpdwTagId, lpDependencies, lpServiceStartName, lpPassword); }
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