Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common functions for all modules
12/15/1999 linstev Created 01/10/2000 linstev Format to new style 03/14/2000 robkenny Added StringWiden and StringNWiden, StringSubstituteRoutine[A|W] was not using the proper compare routine when calling recursively. 07/06/2000 t-adams Added IsImage16Bit 10/18/2000 a-larrsh Move PatternMatch to common removing redundent code in shims. 10/25/2000 linstev Cleaned up 08/14/2001 robkenny Moved code inside the ShimLib namespace. 09/11/2001 mnikkel Modified DebugPrintfList, DebugPrintf, ShimLogList and ShimLog to retain LastError 09/25/2001 rparsons Modified logging code to use NT calls. Added critical section. 10/18/2001 rparsons Removed critical section, added mutex for logging.
#include "ShimHook.h"
#include "ShimLib.h"
#include "ShimHookMacro.h"
#include <stdio.h>
namespace ShimLib {
BOOL g_bFileLogEnabled = FALSE; // enable/disable file logging
WCHAR g_wszFileLog[MAX_PATH]; // name of the log file
HANDLE g_hMemoryHeap = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL g_bDebugLevelInitialized = FALSE; DEBUGLEVEL g_DebugLevel = eDbgLevelBase;
inline HANDLE GetHeap() { if (g_hMemoryHeap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_hMemoryHeap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); }
return g_hMemoryHeap; }
void * __cdecl ShimMalloc(size_t size) { HANDLE heap = GetHeap();
void* memory = HeapAlloc(heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
return memory; }
void __cdecl ShimFree(void * memory) { HANDLE heap = GetHeap(); HeapFree(heap, 0, memory); }
void * __cdecl ShimCalloc( size_t num, size_t size ) { size_t nBytes = size * num; void * callocMemory = ShimMalloc(nBytes); ZeroMemory(callocMemory, nBytes);
return callocMemory; }
void * __cdecl ShimRealloc(void * memory, size_t size) { if (memory == NULL) return ShimMalloc(size);
HANDLE heap = GetHeap(); void * reallocMemory = HeapReAlloc(heap, 0, memory, size);
return reallocMemory; }
if (g_bDebugLevelInitialized) { return g_DebugLevel; }
g_DebugLevel = eDbgLevelBase;
if (GetEnvironmentVariableA( szDebugEnvironmentVariable, cEnv, MAX_PATH)) {
CHAR c = cEnv[0];
if ((c >= '0') || (c <= '9')) { g_DebugLevel = (DEBUGLEVEL)((int)(c - '0')); } }
g_bDebugLevelInitialized = TRUE;
return g_DebugLevel; }
Function Description:
Assert that prints file and line number.
IN dwDetail - Detail level above which no print will occur IN pszFmt - Format string
Return Value:
11/01/1999 markder Created
#if DBG
VOID DebugAssert( LPCSTR szFile, DWORD dwLine, BOOL bAssert, LPCSTR szHelpString ) { if (!bAssert ) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "\n"); DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "ASSERT: %s\n", szHelpString); DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "FILE: %s\n", szFile); DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "LINE: %d\n", dwLine); DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "\n");
DebugBreak(); } }
Function Description:
Print a formatted string using DebugOutputString.
IN dwDetail - Detail level above which no print will occur IN pszFmt - Format string
Return Value:
11/01/1999 markder Created
VOID DebugPrintfList( LPCSTR szShimName, DEBUGLEVEL dwDetail, LPCSTR pszFmt, va_list vaArgList ) { // This must be the first line of this routine to preserve LastError.
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
extern DEBUGLEVEL GetDebugLevel();
char szT[1024];
szT[1022] = '\0'; _vsnprintf(szT, 1022, pszFmt, vaArgList);
// make sure we have a '\n' at the end of the string
int len = lstrlen(szT);
if (szT[len-1] != '\n') { lstrcpy(&szT[len], "\n"); }
if (dwDetail <= GetDebugLevel()) { switch (dwDetail) { case eDbgLevelError: OutputDebugStringA ("[FAIL] "); break; case eDbgLevelWarning: OutputDebugStringA ("[WARN] "); break; case eDbgLevelInfo: OutputDebugStringA ("[INFO] "); break; }
OutputDebugStringA(" - ");
OutputDebugStringA(szT); }
// This must be the last line of this routine to preserve LastError.
SetLastError(dwLastError); }
VOID DebugPrintf( LPCSTR szShimName, DEBUGLEVEL dwDetail, LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { // This must be the first line of this routine to preserve LastError.
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
va_list vaArgList; va_start(vaArgList, pszFmt);
DebugPrintfList(szShimName, dwDetail, pszFmt, vaArgList);
// This must be the last line of this routine to preserve LastError.
SetLastError(dwLastError); }
#endif // DBG
Function Description:
Prints a log in the log file if logging is enabled
IN pszFmt - Format string
Return Value:
03/03/2000 clupu Created
#define MAX_LOG_LENGTH 1024
char g_szLog[MAX_LOG_LENGTH];
Function Description:
Prints a log in the log file if logging is enabled
IN wszShimName - Name of shim that string originates from IN dwDetail - Detail level above which no print will occur IN pszFmt - Format string
Return Value:
03/03/2000 clupu Created 09/25/2001 rparsons Converted to NT calls
void ShimLogList( LPCSTR szShimName, DEBUGLEVEL dwDbgLevel, LPCSTR pszFmt, va_list arglist ) { //
// This must be the first line of this routine to preserve LastError.
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
int nLen = 0; NTSTATUS status; SYSTEMTIME lt;
UNICODE_STRING strLogFile = {0}; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; char szNewLine[] = "\r\n"; DWORD dwWaitResult; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hLogMutex;
// Convert the path to the log file from DOS to NT.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&strLogFile, g_wszFileLog);
status = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(strLogFile.Buffer, &strLogFile, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[ShimLogList] 0x%X Failed to convert log file '%ls' to NT path", status, g_wszFileLog); return; }
// Attempt to get a handle to our log file.
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &strLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[ShimLogList] 0x%X Failed to open log file %ls", status, g_wszFileLog); return; }
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
// Print a header consisting of data, time, app name, and shim name.
sprintf(g_szLog, "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d %s %d - ", lt.wMonth, lt.wDay, lt.wYear, lt.wHour, lt.wMinute, lt.wSecond, szShimName, dwDbgLevel);
nLen = lstrlen(g_szLog);
// Write the header out to the file.
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
// Get a handle to the mutex and attempt to get ownership.
if (!hLogMutex) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[ShimLogList] %lu Failed to open logging mutex", GetLastError()); goto exit; }
dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(hLogMutex, 500);
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwWaitResult) { //
// Write the header to the log file.
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)g_szLog, (ULONG)nLen, &liOffset, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[ShimLogList] 0x%X Failed to write header to log file", status); goto exit; }
// Format our string using the specifiers passed.
_vsnprintf(g_szLog, MAX_LOG_LENGTH - 1, pszFmt, arglist); g_szLog[MAX_LOG_LENGTH - 1] = 0;
// Write the actual data out to the file.
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
nLen = lstrlen(g_szLog);
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)g_szLog, (ULONG)nLen, &liOffset, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[ShimLogList] 0x%X Failed to make entry in log file", status); goto exit; }
// Now write a new line to the log file.
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
nLen = lstrlen(szNewLine);
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)szNewLine, (ULONG)nLen, &liOffset, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[ShimLogList] 0x%X Failed to write new line to log file", status); goto exit; } }
// Dump it out to the debugger on checked builds.
#if DBG
DebugPrintf(szShimName, dwDbgLevel, g_szLog); DebugPrintf(szShimName, dwDbgLevel, "\n"); #endif // DBG
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { NtClose(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (hLogMutex) { ReleaseMutex(hLogMutex); }
// This must be the last line of this routine to preserve LastError.
SetLastError(dwLastError); }
Function Description:
Initializes the support for file logging.
IN pszShim - the name of the shim DLL
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if failed
03/03/2000 clupu Created
BOOL InitFileLogSupport( char *pszShim ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; WCHAR wszAppPatch[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR* pwsz = NULL; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hLogMutex = NULL; DWORD dwLen = 0; NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING strLogFile = {0}; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
// Attempt to create a mutex. If the mutex already exists,
// we don't need to go any further as the log file has
// already been created.
hLogMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, "SHIMLIB_LOG_MUTEX");
if (!hLogMutex) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[InitFileLogSupport] Failed to create logging mutex"); return FALSE; }
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == dwLastError) { fReturn = TRUE; goto exit; }
// We'll create the log file in %windir%\AppPatch.
if (!GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(g_wszFileLog, MAX_PATH)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[InitFileLogSupport] Failed to get windir path"); goto exit; }
lstrcatW(g_wszFileLog, L"\\AppPatch\\");
dwLen = lstrlenW(g_wszFileLog); pwsz = g_wszFileLog + dwLen;
// Query the environment variable and get the name of our log file.
if (!GetEnvironmentVariableW(wszFileLogEnvironmentVariable, pwsz, (MAX_PATH - dwLen) * sizeof(WCHAR))) { goto exit; }
// Convert the path to the log file from DOS to NT.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&strLogFile, g_wszFileLog);
status = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(strLogFile.Buffer, &strLogFile, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[InitFileLogSupport] 0x%X Failed to convert log file '%ls' to NT path", status, g_wszFileLog); goto exit; }
// Attempt to create the log file. If it exists, the contents will be cleared.
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &strLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "[InitFileLogSupport] 0x%X Failed to open log file %ls", status, g_wszFileLog); goto exit; }
// Turn on the flag that tells everyone that logging is enabled.
// Release the mutex so that others can use it.
g_bFileLogEnabled = TRUE;
fReturn = TRUE;
return fReturn; }
Function Description:
Determine the drive type a file resides on.
IN lpFileName - Filename or relative filename
Return Value:
See GetDriveType in MSDN
10/25/2000 linstev Created
UINT GetDriveTypeFromFileNameA(LPCSTR lpFileName, char *lpDriveLetter) { WCHAR * lpwszFileName = ToUnicode(lpFileName); if (lpwszFileName) { WCHAR szDrive; UINT uType = GetDriveTypeFromFileNameW(lpwszFileName, &szDrive);
if (lpDriveLetter) { *lpDriveLetter = (char) szDrive; }
return uType; } else { return DRIVE_UNKNOWN; } }
Function Description:
Determine the drive type a file resides on.
IN lpFileName - Filename or relative filename
Return Value:
See GetDriveType in MSDN
10/25/2000 linstev Created
UINT GetDriveTypeFromFileNameW(LPCWSTR lpFileName, WCHAR *lpDriveLetter) { if (lpFileName && (lpFileName[0] == L'\\') && (lpFileName[1] == L'\\')) { // UNC naming - always network
if (lpDriveLetter) { *lpDriveLetter = L'\0'; } return DRIVE_REMOTE; }
WCHAR cDrive;
if (lpFileName && lpFileName[0] && (lpFileName[1] == L':')) { // Format is Drive:Path\File, so just take the drive
cDrive = lpFileName[0]; } else { // Must be a relative path
cDrive = 0;
WCHAR *wzCurDir = NULL; DWORD dwCurDirSize = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, wzCurDir);
if (!dwCurDirSize) { goto EXIT; }
wzCurDir = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwCurDirSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!wzCurDir) { goto EXIT; }
dwCurDirSize = GetCurrentDirectoryW(dwCurDirSize, wzCurDir); if (!dwCurDirSize || wzCurDir[0] == L'\\') { goto EXIT; }
cDrive = wzCurDir[0];
EXIT: if (wzCurDir) { LocalFree(wzCurDir); } }
if (lpDriveLetter) { *lpDriveLetter = L'\0'; }
if (cDrive) { WCHAR wzDrive[4]; wzDrive[0] = cDrive; wzDrive[1] = L':'; wzDrive[2] = L'\\'; wzDrive[3] = L'\0'; if (lpDriveLetter) { *lpDriveLetter = (WCHAR)cDrive; }
return GetDriveTypeW(wzDrive); } else { return DRIVE_UNKNOWN; } }
Function Description:
Widen and duplicate a string into malloc memory.
IN strToCopy - String to copy
Return Value:
String in malloc memory
03/07/2000 robkenny Created 05/16/2000 robkenny Moved MassagePath (shim specific) routines out of here.
WCHAR * ToUnicode(const char *strToCopy) { if (strToCopy == NULL) { return NULL; }
// Get the number of characters in the resulting string, includes NULL at end
int nChars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strToCopy, -1, NULL, 0); WCHAR *lpwsz = (WCHAR *) malloc(nChars * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpwsz) { nChars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strToCopy, -1, lpwsz, nChars); // If MultibyteToWideChar failed, return NULL
if (nChars == 0) { free(lpwsz); lpwsz = NULL; } }
return lpwsz; }
Function Description:
Convert a WCHAR string to a char string
IN lpOld - String to convert to char
Return Value:
char string in malloc memory
06/19/2000 robkenny Created
char * ToAnsi(const WCHAR *lpOld) { if (lpOld == NULL) { return NULL; }
// Get the number of bytes necessary for the WCHAR string
int nBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpOld, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); char *lpsz = (char *) malloc(nBytes); if (lpsz) { nBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpOld, -1, lpsz, nBytes, NULL, NULL); // If WideCharToMultibyte failed, return NULL
if (nBytes == 0) { free(lpsz); lpsz = NULL; } }
return lpsz; }
Function Description:
Duplicate the first nChars of strToCopy string into malloc memory.
IN strToCopy - String to copy IN nChar - Number of chars to duplicate, does not count NULL at end.
Return Value:
String in malloc memory
06/02/2000 robkenny Created
char * StringNDuplicateA(const char *strToCopy, int nChars) { if (strToCopy == NULL) { return NULL; }
size_t nBytes = (nChars + 1) * sizeof(strToCopy[0]);
char *strDuplicate = (char *) malloc(nBytes); if (strDuplicate) { memcpy(strDuplicate, strToCopy, nBytes); strDuplicate[nChars] = 0; }
return strDuplicate; }
Function Description:
Duplicate a string into malloc memory.
IN strToCopy - String to copy
Return Value:
String in malloc memory
01/10/2000 linstev Updated 02/14/2000 robkenny Converted from VirtualAlloc to malloc 06/02/2000 robkenny Use StringNDuplicateA
char * StringDuplicateA(const char *strToCopy) { if (strToCopy == NULL) { return NULL; }
char *strDuplicate = StringNDuplicateA(strToCopy, strlen(strToCopy)); return strDuplicate; }
Function Description:
Duplicate the first nChars of strToCopy string into malloc memory.
IN strToCopy - String to copy IN nChar - Number of chars to duplicate, does not count NULL at end.
Return Value:
String in malloc memory
06/02/2000 robkenny Created
WCHAR * StringNDuplicateW(const WCHAR *strToCopy, int nChars) { if (strToCopy == NULL) { return NULL; }
size_t nBytes = (nChars + 1) * sizeof(strToCopy[0]);
WCHAR *strDuplicate = (WCHAR *) malloc(nBytes); if (strDuplicate) { memcpy(strDuplicate, strToCopy, nBytes); strDuplicate[nChars] = 0; }
return strDuplicate; }
Function Description:
Duplicate a string into malloc memory.
IN strToCopy - String to copy
Return Value:
String in malloc memory
01/10/2000 linstev Updated 02/14/2000 robkenny Converted from VirtualAlloc to malloc 06/02/2000 robkenny Use StringNDuplicateW
WCHAR * StringDuplicateW(const WCHAR *strToCopy) { if (strToCopy == NULL) { return NULL; }
WCHAR *wstrDuplicate = StringNDuplicateW(strToCopy, wcslen(strToCopy)); return wstrDuplicate; }
Function Description:
Skip leading whitespace
IN str - String to scan
Return Value:
01/10/2000 linstev Updated
VOID SkipBlanksW(const WCHAR *& str) { if (str) { // Skip leading whitespace
static const WCHAR *WhiteSpaceString = L" \t"; str += wcsspn(str, WhiteSpaceString); } }
Function Description:
Find the first occurance of strCharSet in string Case insensitive
IN string - String to search IN strCharSet - String to search for
Return Value:
First occurance or NULL
12/01/1999 robkenny Created 12/15/1999 linstev Reformatted
char* __cdecl stristr( IN const char* string, IN const char* strCharSet ) { char *pszRet = NULL;
long nstringLen = strlen(string) + 1; long nstrCharSetLen = strlen(strCharSet) + 1;
char *szTemp_string = (char *) malloc(nstringLen); char *szTemp_strCharSet = (char *) malloc(nstrCharSetLen);
if ((!szTemp_string) || (!szTemp_strCharSet)) { goto Fail; }
strcpy(szTemp_string, string); strcpy(szTemp_strCharSet, strCharSet); _strlwr(szTemp_string); _strlwr(szTemp_strCharSet);
pszRet = strstr(szTemp_string, szTemp_strCharSet);
if (pszRet) { pszRet = ((char *) string) + (pszRet - szTemp_string); }
Fail: if (szTemp_string) { free(szTemp_string); }
if (szTemp_strCharSet) { free(szTemp_strCharSet); }
return pszRet; }
Function Description:
Find the first occurance of strCharSet in string Case insensitive
IN string - String to search IN strCharSet - String to search for
Return Value:
First occurance or NULL
12/01/1999 robkenny Created 12/15/1999 linstev Reformatted 05/04/2001 maonis Changed to use more efficient implementation.
#define _UPPER 0x1 /* upper case letter */
#define iswupper(_c) (iswctype(_c,_UPPER))
WCHAR* __cdecl wcsistr( IN const WCHAR* wcs1, IN const WCHAR* wcs2 ) { wchar_t *cp = (wchar_t *) wcs1; wchar_t *s1, *s2; wchar_t cs1, cs2;
while (*cp) { s1 = cp; s2 = (wchar_t *) wcs2;
cs1 = *s1; cs2 = *s2;
if (iswupper(cs1)) cs1 = towlower(cs1);
if (iswupper(cs2)) cs2 = towlower(cs2);
while ( *s1 && *s2 && !(cs1-cs2) ) {
s1++, s2++;
cs1 = *s1; cs2 = *s2;
if (iswupper(cs1)) cs1 = towlower(cs1);
if (iswupper(cs2)) cs2 = towlower(cs2); }
if (!*s2) return(cp);
cp++; }
return(NULL); }
Function Description:
Find the next token in a string. See strtok in MSDN. Implemented here so we don't need CRT.
OUT strToken - string containing token(s) IN strDelimit - token list
Return Value:
Return a pointer to the next token found.
04/19/2000 linstev Created
char * __cdecl _strtok( char *strToken, const char *strDelimit ) { unsigned char *str = (unsigned char *)strToken; const unsigned char *ctrl = (const unsigned char *)strDelimit;
unsigned char map[32]; int count; char *token;
static char *nextoken;
// Clear strDelimit map
for (count = 0; count < 32; count++) { map[count] = 0; }
// Set bits in delimiter table
do { map[*ctrl >> 3] |= (1 << (*ctrl & 7)); } while (*ctrl++);
// If strToken==NULL, continue with previous strToken
if (!str) { str = (unsigned char *)nextoken; }
// Find beginning of token (skip over leading delimiters). Note that
// there is no token iff this loop sets strToken to point to the terminal
// null (*strToken == '\0')
while ((map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7))) && *str) { str++; }
token = (char *)str;
// Find the end of the token. If it is not the end of the strToken,
// put a null there.
for (; *str; str++) { if (map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7))) { *str++ = '\0'; break; } }
// Update nextoken (or the corresponding field in the per-thread data
// structure
nextoken = (char *)str;
// Determine if a token has been found
if (token == (char *)str) { return NULL; } else { return token; } }
Function Description:
Copy lpSrc into lpDest without overflowing the buffer
OUT lpDest Destination string IN nDestChars Size in chars of lpDest IN lpSrc Original string IN nSrcChars Number of chars to copy
Return Value:
Returns the number of chars copied into lpDest
04/19/2000 Robkenny Created
int SafeStringCopyW( WCHAR *lpDest, DWORD nDestChars, const WCHAR *lpSrc, DWORD nSrcChars ) { size_t nCharsToCopy = __min(nSrcChars, nDestChars); if (nCharsToCopy > 0) { memcpy(lpDest, lpSrc, nCharsToCopy*sizeof(WCHAR));
// Make sure string is properly terminated
if (lpSrc[nSrcChars-1] == 0) { lpDest[nCharsToCopy-1] = 0; } }
return nCharsToCopy; }
Function Description:
Tests whether an executable is 16-Bit.
IN szImageName - The name of the executable image.
Return Value:
TRUE if executable image is found to be 16-bit, FALSE otherwise.
07/06/2000 t-adams Created
BOOL IsImage16BitA(LPCSTR lpApplicationName) { DWORD dwBinaryType;
if (GetBinaryTypeA(lpApplicationName, &dwBinaryType)) { return (dwBinaryType == SCS_WOW_BINARY); } else { return FALSE; } }
Function Description:
Tests whether an executable is 16-Bit.
IN wstrImageName - The name of the executable image.
Return Value:
TRUE if executable image is found to be 16-bit, FALSE otherwise.
07/06/2000 t-adams Created
BOOL IsImage16BitW(LPCWSTR lpApplicationName) { DWORD dwBinaryType;
if (GetBinaryTypeW(lpApplicationName, &dwBinaryType)) { return (dwBinaryType == SCS_WOW_BINARY); } else { return FALSE; } }
Function Description:
Match these two strings, with wildcards. ? matches a single character * matches 0 or more characters The compare is case in-sensitive
IN pszPattern - Pattern for matching. IN pszTestString - String to match against.
Return Value:
TRUE if pszTestString matches pszPattern.
01/09/2001 markder Replaced non-straightforward version.
BOOL PatternMatchW( IN LPCWSTR pszPattern, IN LPCWSTR pszTestString) { //
// March through pszTestString. Each time through the loop,
// pszTestString is advanced one character.
BOOL bDone = TRUE; while (bDone) {
// If pszPattern and pszTestString are both sitting on a NULL,
// then they reached the end at the same time and the strings
// must be equal.
if (*pszPattern == L'\0' && *pszTestString == L'\0') { return TRUE; }
if (*pszPattern != L'*') {
// Non-asterisk mode. Look for a match on this character.
switch (*(pszPattern)) {
case L'?': //
// Match on any character, don't bother comparing.
pszPattern++; break;
case L'\\': //
// Backslash indicates to take the next character
// verbatim. Advance the pointer before making a
// comparison.
default: //
// Compare the characters. If equal, continue traversing.
// Otherwise, the strings cannot be equal so return FALSE.
if (towupper(*pszPattern) == towupper(*pszTestString)) { pszPattern++; } else { return FALSE; } }
} else {
// Asterisk mode. Look for a match on the character directly
// after the asterisk.
switch (*(pszPattern + 1)) {
case L'*': //
// Asterisks exist side by side. Advance the pattern pointer
// and go through loop again.
pszPattern++; continue;
case L'\0': //
// Asterisk exists at the end of the pattern string. Any
// remaining part of pszTestString matches so we can
// immediately return TRUE.
return TRUE;
case L'?': //
// Match on any character. If the remaining parts of
// pszPattern and pszTestString match, then the entire
// string matches. Otherwise, keep advancing the
// pszTestString pointer.
if (PatternMatchW(pszPattern + 1, pszTestString)) { return TRUE; } break;
case L'\\': //
// Backslash indicates to take the next character
// verbatim. Advance the pointer before making a
// comparison.
pszPattern++; break; }
if (towupper(*(pszPattern + 1)) == towupper(*pszTestString)) { //
// Characters match. If the remaining parts of
// pszPattern and pszTestString match, then the entire
// string matches. Otherwise, keep advancing the
// pszTestString pointer.
if (PatternMatchW(pszPattern + 1, pszTestString)) { return TRUE; } } }
// No more pszTestString left. Must not be a match.
if (!*pszTestString) { return FALSE; }
pszTestString++; } return FALSE; }
Function Description:
Determine if the current process is a SafeDisc process. We do this by simply by testing if both an .EXE and .ICD extension exist for the process name.
Return Value:
TRUE if Safedisc 1.x is detected.
01/23/2001 linstev Created
BOOL bIsSafeDisc1() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1];
if (GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, szFileName, MAX_PATH)) { //
// Find the extension: first '.' after '\'
WCHAR *lpExtension = wcsrchr(szFileName, L'.'); if (lpExtension && (lpExtension > wcsrchr(szFileName, L'\\'))) {
// Detect SafeDisc 1.X, just look for an .ICD file with the same
// name
if (_wcsicmp(lpExtension, L".EXE") == 0) { // Current file is .EXE, check for corresponding .ICD
wcscpy(lpExtension, L".ICD"); bRet = GetFileAttributesW(szFileName) != 0xFFFFFFFF; } } }
if (bRet) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelInfo, "SafeDisc detected: %S", szFileName); }
return bRet; }
Function Description:
Determine if the current process is a SafeDisc process. We do this running the image header and looking for a particular signature.
Return Value:
TRUE if Safedisc 2 is detected.
07/28/2001 linstev Created
BOOL bIsSafeDisc2() { PPEB Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); PLIST_ENTRY LdrHead; PLIST_ENTRY LdrNext; DWORD dwCnt = 0;
// Use the try-except in case the module list changes while we're looking at it
__try { //
// Loop through the loaded modules. We use a count to make sure we
// aren't looping infinitely
LdrHead = &Peb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LdrNext = LdrHead->Flink;
while ((LdrNext != LdrHead) && (dwCnt < 256)) {
if ((SSIZE_T)LdrEntry->DllBase > 0) { //
// A user mode dll, now check for temp name
WCHAR *wzName = LdrEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer; DWORD dwLen;
if (wzName && (dwLen = wcslen(wzName)) && (dwLen > 4) && (_wcsicmp(wzName + dwLen - 4, L".tmp") == 0)) { //
// Name ends in .tmp, so detect SafeDisc
if (_stricmp(pName, "SecServ.dll") == 0) { //
// Export name says this is SafeDisc
DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelInfo, "SafeDisc 2 detected"); return TRUE; } } }
dwCnt++; LdrNext = LdrEntry->InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DPF("ShimLib", eDbgLevelError, "Exception encounterd while detecting SafeDisc 2"); }
return FALSE; }
Function Description:
Determine if the current process is NTVDM.
Return Value:
TRUE if NTVDM is detected.
01/14/2002 clupu Created
BOOL IsNTVDM( void ) { PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY Entry; PLIST_ENTRY Head; PPEB Peb = NtCurrentPeb();
Head = &Peb->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList; Head = Head->Flink;
if (_wcsicmp(Entry->FullDllName.Buffer, L"ntvdm.exe") == 0) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
}; // end of namespace ShimLib