Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: Useful routines for parsing DDE commands.
08/14/2001 robkenny Moved code inside the ShimLib namespace.
// This code was copied from:
// \\index1\src\shell\shell32\unicpp\dde.cpp
// with minimal processing.
#include "Windows.h"
#include "ParseDDE.h"
#include <ShlObj.h>
namespace ShimLib { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns a pointer to the first non-whitespace character in a string.
LPSTR SkipWhite(LPSTR lpsz) { /* prevent sign extension in case of DBCS */ while (*lpsz && (UCHAR)*lpsz <= ' ') lpsz++;
return(lpsz); }
LPSTR GetCommandName(LPSTR lpCmd, const char * lpsCommands[], UINT *lpW) { CHAR chT; UINT iCmd = 0; LPSTR lpT;
/* Eat any white space. */ lpCmd = SkipWhite(lpCmd); lpT = lpCmd;
/* Find the end of the token. */ while (IsCharAlpha(*lpCmd)) lpCmd = CharNextA(lpCmd);
/* Temporarily NULL terminate it. */ chT = *lpCmd; *lpCmd = 0;
/* Look up the token in a list of commands. */ *lpW = (UINT)-1; while (*lpsCommands) { const char * knownCommand = *lpsCommands; if (!_strcmpi(knownCommand, lpT)) { *lpW = iCmd; break; } iCmd++; ++lpsCommands; }
*lpCmd = chT;
return(lpCmd); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reads a parameter out of a string removing leading and trailing whitespace.
// Terminated by , or ). ] [ and ( are not allowed. Exception: quoted
// strings are treated as a whole parameter and may contain []() and ,.
// Places the offset of the first character of the parameter into some place
// and NULL terminates the parameter.
// If fIncludeQuotes is false it is assumed that quoted strings will contain single
// commands (the quotes will be removed and anything following the quotes will
// be ignored until the next comma). If fIncludeQuotes is TRUE, the contents of
// the quoted string will be ignored as before but the quotes won't be
// removed and anything following the quotes will remain.
LPSTR GetOneParameter(LPCSTR lpCmdStart, LPSTR lpCmd, UINT *lpW, BOOL fIncludeQuotes) { LPSTR lpT;
switch (*lpCmd) { case ',': *lpW = (UINT) (lpCmd - lpCmdStart); // compute offset
*lpCmd++ = 0; /* comma: becomes a NULL string */ break;
case '"': if (fIncludeQuotes) { //TraceMsg(TF_DDE, "GetOneParameter: Keeping quotes.");
// quoted string... don't trim off "
*lpW = (UINT) (lpCmd - lpCmdStart); // compute offset
++lpCmd; while (*lpCmd && *lpCmd != '"') lpCmd = CharNextA(lpCmd); if (!*lpCmd) return(NULL); lpT = lpCmd; ++lpCmd;
goto skiptocomma; } else { // quoted string... trim off "
++lpCmd; *lpW = (UINT) (lpCmd - lpCmdStart); // compute offset
while (*lpCmd && *lpCmd != '"') lpCmd = CharNextA(lpCmd); if (!*lpCmd) return(NULL); *lpCmd++ = 0; lpCmd = SkipWhite(lpCmd);
// If there's a comma next then skip over it, else just go on as
// normal.
if (*lpCmd == ',') lpCmd++; } break;
case ')': return(lpCmd); /* we ought not to hit this */
case '(': case '[': case ']': return(NULL); /* these are illegal */
default: lpT = lpCmd; *lpW = (UINT) (lpCmd - lpCmdStart); // compute offset
skiptocomma: while (*lpCmd && *lpCmd != ',' && *lpCmd != ')') { /* Check for illegal characters. */ if (*lpCmd == ']' || *lpCmd == '[' || *lpCmd == '(' ) return(NULL);
/* Remove trailing whitespace */ /* prevent sign extension */ if (*lpCmd > ' ') lpT = lpCmd;
lpCmd = CharNextA(lpCmd); }
/* Eat any trailing comma. */ if (*lpCmd == ',') lpCmd++;
/* NULL terminator after last nonblank character -- may write over
* terminating ')' but the caller checks for that because this is * a hack. */
#ifdef UNICODE
lpT[1] = 0; #else
lpT[IsDBCSLeadByte(*lpT) ? 2 : 1] = 0; #endif
break; }
// Return next unused character.
return(lpCmd); }
// Extracts an alphabetic string and looks it up in a list of possible
// commands, returning a pointer to the character after the command and
// sticking the command index somewhere.
UINT* GetDDECommands(LPSTR lpCmd, const char * lpsCommands[], BOOL fLFN) { UINT cParm, cCmd = 0; UINT *lpW; UINT *lpRet; LPCSTR lpCmdStart = lpCmd; BOOL fIncludeQuotes = FALSE;
if (lpCmd == NULL) return NULL;
lpRet = lpW = (UINT*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, 512L); if (!lpRet) return 0;
while (*lpCmd) { /* Skip leading whitespace. */ lpCmd = SkipWhite(lpCmd);
/* Are we at a NULL? */ if (!*lpCmd) { /* Did we find any commands yet? */ if (cCmd) goto GDEExit; else goto GDEErrExit; }
/* Each command should be inside square brackets. */ if (*lpCmd != '[') goto GDEErrExit; lpCmd++;
/* Get the command name. */ lpCmd = GetCommandName(lpCmd, lpsCommands, lpW); if (*lpW == (UINT)-1) goto GDEErrExit;
// We need to leave quotes in for the first param of an AddItem.
if (fLFN && *lpW == 2) { //TraceMsg(TF_DDE, "GetDDECommands: Potential LFN AddItem command...");
fIncludeQuotes = TRUE; }
/* Start with zero parms. */ cParm = 0; lpCmd = SkipWhite(lpCmd);
/* Check for opening '(' */ if (*lpCmd == '(') { lpCmd++;
/* Skip white space and then find some parameters (may be none). */ lpCmd = SkipWhite(lpCmd);
while (*lpCmd != ')') { if (!*lpCmd) goto GDEErrExit;
// Only the first param of the AddItem command needs to
// handle quotes from LFN guys.
if (fIncludeQuotes && (cParm != 0)) fIncludeQuotes = FALSE;
/* Get the parameter. */ lpCmd = GetOneParameter(lpCmdStart, lpCmd, lpW + (++cParm), fIncludeQuotes); if (!lpCmd) goto GDEErrExit;
/* HACK: Did GOP replace a ')' with a NULL? */ if (!*lpCmd) break;
/* Find the next one or ')' */ lpCmd = SkipWhite(lpCmd); }
// Skip closing bracket.
/* Skip the terminating stuff. */ lpCmd = SkipWhite(lpCmd); }
/* Set the count of parameters and then skip the parameters. */ *lpW++ = cParm; lpW += cParm;
/* We found one more command. */ cCmd++;
/* Commands must be in square brackets. */ if (*lpCmd != ']') goto GDEErrExit; lpCmd++; }
GDEExit: /* Terminate the command list with -1. */ *lpW = (UINT)-1;
return lpRet;
GDEErrExit: GlobalFree(lpW); return(0); }
BOOL SHTestTokenMembership (HANDLE hToken, ULONG ulRID)
BOOL fResult; PSID pSIDLocalGroup;
fResult = FALSE; if (AllocateAndInitializeSid(&sSystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, ulRID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSIDLocalGroup) != FALSE) { if (CheckTokenMembership(hToken, pSIDLocalGroup, &fResult) == FALSE) { //TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "shell32: SHTestTokenMembership call to advapi32!CheckTokenMembership failed with error %d", GetLastError());
fResult = FALSE; } (void*)FreeSid(pSIDLocalGroup); } return(fResult); }
BOOL IsUserAnAdmin() { return(SHTestTokenMembership(NULL, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS)); }
// Map the group name to a proper path taking care of the startup group and
// app hacks on the way.
void GetGroupPath(LPCSTR pszName, LPSTR pszPath, DWORD /*dwFlags*/, INT iCommonGroup) { BOOL bCommonGroup;
if (IsUserAnAdmin()) { if (iCommonGroup == 0) { bCommonGroup = FALSE;
} else if (iCommonGroup == 1) { bCommonGroup = TRUE;
} else { //
// Administrators get common groups created by default
// when the setup application doesn't specificly state
// what kind of group to create. This feature can be
// turned off in the cabinet state flags.
//ReadCabinetState(&cs, sizeof(cs));
//if (cs.fAdminsCreateCommonGroups) {
// bFindPersonalGroup = TRUE;
// bCommonGroup = FALSE; // This might get turned on later
// // if find is unsuccessful
//} else {
// bCommonGroup = FALSE;
bCommonGroup = TRUE; } } else { //
// Regular users can't create common group items.
bCommonGroup = FALSE; }
// Build a path to the directory
if (bCommonGroup) { SHGetSpecialFolderPathA(NULL, pszPath, CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS, TRUE); } else { SHGetSpecialFolderPathA(NULL, pszPath, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, TRUE); } strcat(pszPath, "\\"); strcat(pszPath, pszName); }
}; // end of namespace ShimLib