Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Retry passwords at 128-bit encryption if 40-bit fails. Most code from Money team. We have to patch the API directly since it is called from within it's own DLL, i.e. it doesn't go through the import table.
The function we're patching is cdecl and is referenced by it's ordinal because the name is mangled.
This is an app specific shim.
07/11/2002 linstev Created 08/07/2002 linstev Fixed allocations to go through crt
#include "precomp.h"
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(Money2002) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
#include <wincrypt.h>
#define Assert(a)
void *crtmalloc(size_t size) { HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandleW(L"msvcrt.dll");
if (hMod) {
typedef void * (__cdecl *_pfn_malloc)(size_t size);
_pfn_malloc pfnmalloc = (_pfn_malloc) GetProcAddress(hMod, "malloc"); if (pfnmalloc) { return pfnmalloc(size); } }
return malloc(size); }
void crtfree(void *memblock) { HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandleW(L"msvcrt.dll");
if (hMod) {
_pfn_free pfnfree = (_pfn_free) GetProcAddress(hMod, "free"); if (pfnfree) { pfnfree(memblock); return; } }
free(memblock); }
// This section from the Money team
#define MAXLEN (100)
#define KEY_LENGTH (128)
#define KEY_LENGTH40 (40)
#define LgidMain(lcid) PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(lcid))
#define LgidSub(lcid) SUBLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(lcid))
// this function is only used for conversion
BOOL FFrenchLCID() { LCID lcidSys=::GetSystemDefaultLCID(); if (LgidMain(lcidSys)==LANG_FRENCH && LgidSub(lcidSys)==SUBLANG_FRENCH) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// the smallest buffer size is 8
#define BLOCKSIZE 8
// process a block, either encrypt it or decrypt it
// this function is only used for conversion
void ProcessBlock(BOOL fEncrypt, BYTE * buffer) { BYTE mask[BLOCKSIZE]; // mask array
BYTE temp[BLOCKSIZE]; // temporary array
int rgnScramble[BLOCKSIZE]; // scramble array
int i;
// initialized scramble array
for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) rgnScramble[i] = i;
// generate mask and scramble indice
for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) mask[i] = (BYTE)rand();
for (i=0; i<4*BLOCKSIZE; i++) { int temp; int ind = rand() % BLOCKSIZE; temp = rgnScramble[i%BLOCKSIZE]; rgnScramble[i%BLOCKSIZE] = rgnScramble[ind]; rgnScramble[ind] = temp; }
if (fEncrypt) { // xor encryption
for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) mask[i] ^= buffer[i];
// scramble the data
for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) buffer[rgnScramble[i]] = mask[i]; } else { // descramble the data
for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) temp[i] = buffer[rgnScramble[i]];
// xor decryption
for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) buffer[i] = (BYTE) (temp[i] ^ mask[i]); } }
// this function is only used for conversion
BYTE * DecryptFrench(const BYTE * pbEncryptedBlob, DWORD cbEncryptedBlob, DWORD * pcbDecryptedBlob, LPCSTR szPassword) { BYTE buffer[BLOCKSIZE]; int i; unsigned int seed = 0; unsigned int seedAdd = 0; BYTE * pb; BYTE * pbResult = NULL; unsigned int cBlocks; unsigned int cbResult = 0; unsigned int iBlocks;
// make sure blob is at least 1 block long
// and it's an integral number of blocks
Assert(cbEncryptedBlob >= BLOCKSIZE); Assert(cbEncryptedBlob % BLOCKSIZE == 0); *pcbDecryptedBlob = 0; if (cbEncryptedBlob < BLOCKSIZE || cbEncryptedBlob % BLOCKSIZE != 0) return NULL;
// calculate initial seed
while (*szPassword) seed += *szPassword++; srand(seed);
// retrieve the first block
for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) buffer[i] = *pbEncryptedBlob++; ProcessBlock(FALSE, buffer);
// find out the byte count and addon seed
cbResult = *pcbDecryptedBlob = *((DWORD*)buffer); seedAdd = *(((DWORD*)buffer) + 1);
// find out how many blocks we need
cBlocks = 1 + (*pcbDecryptedBlob-1)/BLOCKSIZE;
// make sure we have the right number of blocks
Assert(cBlocks + 1 == cbEncryptedBlob / BLOCKSIZE); if (cBlocks + 1 == cbEncryptedBlob / BLOCKSIZE) { // allocate output memory
pbResult = (BYTE*)crtmalloc(*pcbDecryptedBlob); if (pbResult) { // re-seed
srand(seed + seedAdd); pb = pbResult;
// process all blocks of data
for (iBlocks=0; iBlocks<cBlocks; iBlocks++) { for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE; i++) buffer[i] = *pbEncryptedBlob++; ProcessBlock(FALSE, buffer); for (i=0; i<BLOCKSIZE && cbResult>0; i++, cbResult--) *pb++ = buffer[i]; } } }
if (!pbResult) *pcbDecryptedBlob = 0; return pbResult; }
HCRYPTKEY CreateSessionKey(HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, LPCSTR szPassword, BOOL fConvert, BOOL f40bit) { HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; DWORD dwEffectiveKeyLen; DWORD dwPadding = PKCS5_PADDING; DWORD dwMode = CRYPT_MODE_CBC;
if (f40bit) dwEffectiveKeyLen=KEY_LENGTH40; else dwEffectiveKeyLen= KEY_LENGTH; //--------------------------------------------------------------------
// The file will be encrypted with a session key derived from a
// password.
// The session key will be recreated when the file is decrypted.
// Create a hash object.
if (!CryptCreateHash( hCryptProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash)) { goto CLEANUP; }
// Hash the password.
if (!CryptHashData( hHash, (BYTE *)szPassword, strlen(szPassword)*sizeof(CHAR), 0)) { goto CLEANUP; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------
// Derive a session key from the hash object.
if (!CryptDeriveKey( hCryptProv, ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM, hHash, (fConvert ? 0 : (KEY_LENGTH << 16) | CRYPT_EXPORTABLE), &hKey)) { goto CLEANUP; }
// set effective key length explicitly
if (!CryptSetKeyParam( hKey, KP_EFFECTIVE_KEYLEN, (BYTE*)&dwEffectiveKeyLen, 0)) { if(hKey) CryptDestroyKey(hKey); hKey = 0; goto CLEANUP; } if (!fConvert && !f40bit) { // set padding explicitly
if (!CryptSetKeyParam( hKey, KP_PADDING, (BYTE*)&dwPadding, 0)) { if(hKey) CryptDestroyKey(hKey); hKey = 0; goto CLEANUP; }
// set mode explicitly
if (!CryptSetKeyParam( hKey, KP_MODE, (BYTE*)&dwMode, 0)) { if(hKey) CryptDestroyKey(hKey); hKey = 0; goto CLEANUP; } }
// Destroy the hash object.
if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash);
return hKey; }
BYTE * DecryptWorker(const BYTE * pbEncryptedBlob, DWORD cbEncryptedBlob, DWORD * pcbDecryptedBlob, LPCSTR szPassword, BOOL fConvert, BOOL f40bit, BOOL* pfRet) { HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv = NULL; // CSP handle
HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; DWORD cbDecryptedMessage = 0; BYTE* pbDecryptedMessage = NULL; DWORD dwBlockLen; DWORD dwBufferLen;
Assert(pfRet); *pfRet=TRUE; //--------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin processing.
*pcbDecryptedBlob = 0;
if (!pbEncryptedBlob || cbEncryptedBlob == 0) return NULL;
if (FFrenchLCID() && fConvert) return DecryptFrench(pbEncryptedBlob, cbEncryptedBlob, pcbDecryptedBlob, szPassword);
// Get a handle to a cryptographic provider.
if (!CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, // Address for handle to be returned.
NULL, // Container
(fConvert ? NULL : MS_ENHANCED_PROV), // Use the default provider.
PROV_RSA_FULL, // Need to both encrypt and sign.
{ Assert(FALSE); goto CLEANUP; }
// Create the session key.
hKey = CreateSessionKey(hCryptProv, szPassword, fConvert, f40bit); if (!hKey) { goto CLEANUP; }
dwBlockLen = cbEncryptedBlob; dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen;
// Allocate memory.
pbDecryptedMessage = (BYTE *)crtmalloc(dwBufferLen); if (!pbDecryptedMessage) { // Out of memory
goto CLEANUP; }
memcpy(pbDecryptedMessage, pbEncryptedBlob, cbEncryptedBlob); cbDecryptedMessage = cbEncryptedBlob;
// Decrypt data.
if (!CryptDecrypt( hKey, 0, TRUE, 0, pbDecryptedMessage, &cbDecryptedMessage)) { crtfree(pbDecryptedMessage); pbDecryptedMessage = NULL; cbDecryptedMessage = 0; *pfRet=FALSE; goto CLEANUP; }
// Clean up memory.
if(hKey) CryptDestroyKey(hKey);
if (hCryptProv) { CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv,0); // The CSP has been released.
*pcbDecryptedBlob = cbDecryptedMessage;
return pbDecryptedMessage; }
BYTE * __cdecl Decrypt(const BYTE * pbEncryptedBlob, DWORD cbEncryptedBlob, DWORD * pcbDecryptedBlob, LPCSTR szEncryptionPassword, BOOL fConvert) { BYTE* pbDecryptedMessage; BOOL fRet; // try 128 bit first, if we fail, try 40 bit again.
pbDecryptedMessage = DecryptWorker(pbEncryptedBlob, cbEncryptedBlob, pcbDecryptedBlob, szEncryptionPassword, fConvert, FALSE, &fRet); if (!fRet) { if (pbDecryptedMessage) crtfree(pbDecryptedMessage); pbDecryptedMessage = DecryptWorker(pbEncryptedBlob, cbEncryptedBlob, pcbDecryptedBlob, szEncryptionPassword, fConvert, TRUE, &fRet); } return pbDecryptedMessage; }
// End section from Money team
Patch the Decrypt entry point.
CRITICAL_SECTION g_csPatch; DWORD g_dwDecrypt = (DWORD_PTR)&Decrypt;
HINSTANCE APIHOOK(LoadLibraryA)( LPCSTR lpLibFileName ) { HMODULE hMod = ORIGINAL_API(LoadLibraryA)(lpLibFileName);
// Wrap the patch in a critical section so we know the library won't be
// freed underneath us
HMODULE hMoney = GetModuleHandleW(L"mnyutil.dll"); if (hMoney) { // Patch the dll with a jump to our function
LPBYTE lpProc = (LPBYTE) GetProcAddress(hMoney, (LPCSTR)290);
if (lpProc) { __try { DWORD dwOldProtect; if (VirtualProtect((PVOID)lpProc, 5, PAGE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtect)) { *(WORD *)lpProc = 0x25ff; lpProc += 2; *(DWORD *)lpProc = (DWORD_PTR)&g_dwDecrypt; } } __except(1) { LOGN(eDbgLevelError, "[LoadLibraryA] Exception while patching entry point"); } } }
return hMod; }
BOOL APIHOOK(FreeLibrary)( HMODULE hModule ) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_csPatch); BOOL bRet = ORIGINAL_API(FreeLibrary)(hModule); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csPatch);
return bRet; }
Register hooked functions
BOOL NOTIFY_FUNCTION( DWORD fdwReason ) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&g_csPatch, 0x80000000)) { LOGN(eDbgLevelError, "[NotifyFn] Failed to initialize critical section"); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }