// ���C ���y ���X�{��
// ���Ż� 1998/03/15
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "resource.h"
#define CharSize 2 //for unicode file format
typedef struct { DWORD root; DWORD position; } PHRINFO;
int cvtphrase(char *FileName,char *OutName, char *idxName,DWORD *line) { FILE *fin; FILE *fout; FILE *fidx; BYTE buffer; WORD temp; PHRINFO code,oldcode; DWORD header[4]; BOOL SortFlag=TRUE; int i; *line =1; header[0]=header[1]=header[2]=header[3]=0; // open input file
if((fin = fopen(FileName,"rb")) ==NULL) return IDS_ERROPENFILE; fread(&temp,CharSize,1,fin); // for unicode prefix character
// open output file
if((fout=fopen(OutName,"wb"))==NULL) { fclose(fin); return IDS_ERRCREATEFILE; } // open index file
if((fidx=fopen(idxName,"wb"))==NULL) { fclose(fin); fclose(fout); return IDS_ERRCREATEIDX; } code.position=0; oldcode.root=0; //fwrite(&code.position,4,sizeof(DWORD),fidx);
fseek(fidx,16L,0); //header
while(fread(&temp,1,CharSize,fin)) { code.root=0; if (temp!=' ' && temp!=10 && temp!=13 && temp!='|') //�C�C�Ĥ@�r���ťզr��(�ΪťզC)�ɡA�ӦC�Y�����ѦC
{ // get roots
i=0; // how many roots
do { if(temp==' ') break; if (temp>255) //error format
{ fclose(fin); fclose(fout); fclose(fidx); return IDS_ERRFORMATROOT; } buffer=(BYTE)temp; if(buffer>='a' && buffer<='z') buffer-=('a'-'A'); // upcase
// �N�r���ର�s�X
if(buffer>='A' && buffer<='Z') buffer=buffer-'A'+5; else switch(buffer) { case ',': buffer=1; break; case '.': buffer=2; break; case '/': buffer=3; break; case ';': buffer=4; break; default: fclose(fin); fclose(fout); fclose(fidx); return IDS_ERRFORMATROOT; } code.root <<= 5; code.root |= (DWORD)buffer; i++; } while (fread(&temp,1,CharSize,fin));
if (i>=5 || code.root==0) // to many roots!
{ fclose(fin); fclose(fout); fclose(fidx); return IDS_ERRFORMATROOTS; } else { code.root <<= (5-i)*5; if(SortFlag) { if(code.root<oldcode.root) { fclose(fin); fclose(fout); fclose(fidx); return IDS_ERRFORMATPHRASE; } oldcode.root=code.root; } }
// cut space char
while(fread(&temp,1,CharSize,fin)) if(temp!=' ') break;
if(feof(fin)) { fclose(fin); fclose(fout); return IDS_ERRFORMATCODE; }
// ���X�r��
i=0; do { if(temp<=13) break; fwrite (&temp,1,sizeof(temp),fout); // write to output file
i++; } while (fread(&temp,1,CharSize,fin));
if (!i) { fclose(fin); fclose(fout); return IDS_ERRFORMATCODE; }
fwrite (&code,1,sizeof(code),fidx); // write to index file
} if (SortFlag && temp=='|') // data not sort
{ header[0]=*line+1; code.root=0xffffffff; fwrite (&code,1,sizeof(code),fidx); // write to index file
SortFlag = FALSE; } while(temp!=0x000a) // goto end of line ...
if(!fread(&temp,1,CharSize,fin)) break; (*line) ++; }
header[1]=*line+1; code.root=0xffffffff; fwrite (&code,1,sizeof(code),fidx); // write to index file
fseek(fidx,0L,0); fwrite (header,1,16,fidx); // write header
fclose(fin); fclose(fout); fclose(fidx); return 0; }