#include "lsqline.h"
#include "lsc.h"
#include "lsline.h"
#include "lslinfo.h"
#include "lsqsinfo.h"
#include "lsqcore.h"
#include "lstxtqry.h"
#include "lsqrycon.h"
#include "lsdnode.h"
#include "prepdisp.h"
#include "dispmisc.h"
#include "heights.h"
#include "lschp.h"
#include "dnutils.h"
#include "dninfo.h"
#include "iobj.h"
#include "zqfromza.h"
#include "lsdevice.h"
void AdjustForLeftIndent(PLSQSUBINFO, DWORD, PLSTEXTCELL, long);
#define FIsSplat(endr) (endr == endrEndColumn || \
endr == endrEndSection || \ endr == endrEndPage)
// %%Function: LsQueryLineCpPpoint
// %%Contact: victork
* Returns dim-info of the cp in the line. * * If that cp isn't displayed in the line, take closest to the left that is displayed. * If that's impossible, go to the right. */ LSERR WINAPI LsQueryLineCpPpoint( PLSLINE plsline, LSCP cpQuery, DWORD cDepthQueryMax, /* IN: allocated size of results array */ PLSQSUBINFO plsqsubinfoResults, /* OUT: array[nDepthFormatMax] of query results */ DWORD* pcActualDepth, /* OUT: size of results array (filled) */ PLSTEXTCELL plstextcell) /* OUT: Text cell info */ { LSERR lserr; PLSSUBL plssubl; PLSC plsc; if (!FIsLSLINE(plsline)) return lserrInvalidLine;
plssubl = &(plsline->lssubl); plsc = plssubl->plsc; Assert(FIsLSC(plsc));
lserr = PrepareLineForDisplayProc(plsline); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
/* cp of splat - we can return nothing sensible */ if (cpQuery >= (plsline->lslinfo.cpLim)-1 && FIsSplat(plsline->lslinfo.endr)) { *pcActualDepth = 0; return lserrNone; } if (plsc->lsstate == LsStateFree) { plsc->lsstate = LsStateQuerying; } lserr = QuerySublineCpPpointCore(plssubl, cpQuery, cDepthQueryMax, plsqsubinfoResults, pcActualDepth, plstextcell); if (lserr == lserrNone) { if (plsline->upStartAutonumberingText != 0) { AdjustForLeftIndent(plsqsubinfoResults, *pcActualDepth, plstextcell, plsline->upStartAutonumberingText); }
if (plsqsubinfoResults->idobj == idObjNone) { /* empty line - we can return nothing */ *pcActualDepth = 0; } } if (plsc->lsstate == LsStateQuerying) { plsc->lsstate = LsStateFree; }
return lserr; }
// %%Function: LsQueryLinePointPcp
// %%Contact: victork
* Returns dim-info of the cp in the line that contains given point. * * If that dup isn't in the line, take closest that is instead. */ LSERR WINAPI LsQueryLinePointPcp( PLSLINE plsline, PCPOINTUV ppointuvIn, /* IN: query point */ DWORD cDepthQueryMax, PLSQSUBINFO plsqsubinfoResults, /* IN: pointer to array[nDepthQueryMax] */ DWORD* pcActualDepth, /* OUT */ PLSTEXTCELL plstextcell) /* OUT: Text cell info */ { LSERR lserr; PLSSUBL plssubl; PLSC plsc; POINTUV pointuvStart; if (!FIsLSLINE(plsline)) return lserrInvalidLine;
plssubl = &(plsline->lssubl); plsc = plssubl->plsc; Assert(FIsLSC(plsc));
lserr = PrepareLineForDisplayProc(plsline); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; /* splat - we can return nothing */ if (ppointuvIn->u >= plsline->upLimLine && FIsSplat(plsline->lslinfo.endr)) { *pcActualDepth = 0; return lserrNone; } pointuvStart = *ppointuvIn; // left indent isn't represented in the dnode list
if (plsline->upStartAutonumberingText != 0) { pointuvStart.u -= plsline->upStartAutonumberingText; } lserr = QuerySublinePointPcpCore(plssubl, &pointuvStart, cDepthQueryMax, plsqsubinfoResults, pcActualDepth, plstextcell); if (lserr == lserrNone) { if (plsline->upStartAutonumberingText != 0) { AdjustForLeftIndent(plsqsubinfoResults, *pcActualDepth, plstextcell, plsline->upStartAutonumberingText); }
if (plsqsubinfoResults->idobj == idObjNone) { /* empty line - we can return nothing */ *pcActualDepth = 0; } }
return lserr; }
// %%Function: LsQueryTextCellDetails
// %%Contact: victork
LSERR WINAPI LsQueryTextCellDetails( PLSLINE plsline, PCELLDETAILS pcelldetails, LSCP cpStartCell, /* IN: cpStartCell */ DWORD cCharsInCell, /* IN: nCharsInCell */ DWORD cGlyphsInCell, /* IN: nGlyphsInCell */ WCHAR* pwch, /* OUT: pointer array[nCharsInCell] of char codes */ PGINDEX pgindex, /* OUT: pointer array[nGlyphsInCell] of glyph indices */ long* pdup, /* OUT: pointer array[nGlyphsCell] of glyph widths */ PGOFFSET pgoffset, /* OUT: pointer array[nGlyphsInCell] of glyph offsets */ PGPROP pgprop) /* OUT: pointer array[nGlyphsInCell] of glyph handles */ {
Unreferenced(plsline); // is used in an assert only
pdnText = (PLSDNODE)pcelldetails; // I know it's really PLSDNODE
Assert(FIsLSDNODE(pdnText)); Assert(FIsDnodeReal(pdnText)); Assert(IdObjFromDnode(pdnText) == IobjTextFromLsc(&(plsline->lssubl.plsc->lsiobjcontext)));
// Try to defend again wrong input. Can't do a better job (use cCharsInCell) because of hyphenation.
if (cpStartCell < pdnText->cpFirst || cpStartCell > pdnText->cpFirst + (long)pdnText->dcp) { NotReached(); // can only be client's mistake
return lserrContradictoryQueryInput; // in case it isn't noticed
} return QueryTextCellDetails( pdnText->u.real.pdobj, cpStartCell - pdnText->cpFirst, cCharsInCell, cGlyphsInCell, pwch, pgindex, pdup, pgoffset, pgprop); }
// %%Function: LsQueryLineDup
// %%Contact: victork
LSERR WINAPI LsQueryLineDup(PLSLINE plsline, /* IN: pointer to line -- opaque to client */ long* pupStartAutonumberingText, long* pupLimAutonumberingText, long* pupStartMainText, long* pupStartTrailing, long* pupLimLine)
{ LSERR lserr;
if (!FIsLSLINE(plsline)) return lserrInvalidLine;
if (plsline->lssubl.plsc->lsstate != LsStateFree) return lserrContextInUse;
lserr = PrepareLineForDisplayProc(plsline); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
*pupStartAutonumberingText = plsline->upStartAutonumberingText; *pupLimAutonumberingText = plsline->upLimAutonumberingText; *pupStartMainText = plsline->upStartMainText; *pupStartTrailing = plsline->upStartTrailing; *pupLimLine = plsline->upLimLine; return lserrNone;
// %%Function: LsQueryFLineEmpty
// %%Contact: victork
LSERR WINAPI LsQueryFLineEmpty(PLSLINE plsline, /* IN: pointer to line -- opaque to client */ BOOL* pfEmpty) /* OUT: Is line empty? */ {
enum endres endr; PLSDNODE plsdnFirst;
if (!FIsLSLINE(plsline)) return lserrInvalidLine;
if (plsline->lssubl.plsc->lsstate != LsStateFree) return lserrContextInUse;
endr = plsline->lslinfo.endr;
if (endr == endrNormal || endr == endrHyphenated) { // line that ends like that cannot be empty
*pfEmpty = fFalse; return lserrNone; }
// skip autonumbering - it cannot make line non-empty
for(plsdnFirst = plsline->lssubl.plsdnFirst; plsdnFirst != NULL && FIsNotInContent(plsdnFirst); plsdnFirst = plsdnFirst->plsdnNext);
// plsdnFirst points to the first dnode in content now or it is NULL
switch (endr) { case endrEndPara: case endrAltEndPara: case endrSoftCR: // last dnode contains EOP and doesn't count as content
Assert(plsdnFirst != NULL); Assert(plsdnFirst->plsdnNext == NULL || plsdnFirst->plsdnNext->cpFirst < plsline->lslinfo.cpLim); // EOP doesn't count as content - it cannot make line non-empty
*pfEmpty = (plsdnFirst->plsdnNext == NULL); break; case endrEndColumn: case endrEndSection: case endrEndParaSection: case endrEndPage: case endrStopped: *pfEmpty = (plsdnFirst == NULL); break; default: NotReached(); }
return lserrNone;
// %%Function: AdjustForLeftIndent
// %%Contact: victork
void AdjustForLeftIndent(PLSQSUBINFO plsqsubinfoResults, DWORD cQueryLim, PLSTEXTCELL plstextcell, long upStartLine)
{ plstextcell->pointUvStartCell.u += upStartLine; while (cQueryLim > 0) { plsqsubinfoResults->pointUvStartSubline.u += upStartLine; plsqsubinfoResults->pointUvStartRun.u += upStartLine; plsqsubinfoResults->pointUvStartObj.u += upStartLine; plsqsubinfoResults++; cQueryLim--; } }