#include "pch.h"
#include "compress.h"
#include "mrcicode.h"
#define COMPRESS_SIG 0x434F4D50 //COMP
#define COMPRESS_CONT_SIG 0x434F4D43 //COMC
#define COMPRESS_NEWFILE 0x434F4D46 //COMF
#define COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE 0x8000 //32K
BOOL g_ErrorMode = FALSE;
unsigned CompressData( IN CompressionType Type, IN PBYTE Data, IN unsigned DataSize, OUT PBYTE CompressedData, IN unsigned BufferSize ) { unsigned u;
switch(Type) {
case CompressNone: default: //
// Force caller to do something intelligent, such as
// writing directly out of the uncompressed buffer.
// This avoids an extra memory move.
u = (unsigned)(-1); break;
case CompressMrci1: u = Mrci1MaxCompress(Data,DataSize,CompressedData,BufferSize); break;
case CompressMrci2: u = Mrci2MaxCompress(Data,DataSize,CompressedData,BufferSize); break; }
return(u); }
unsigned DecompressData( IN CompressionType Type, IN PBYTE CompressedData, IN unsigned CompressedDataSize, OUT PBYTE DecompressedData, IN unsigned BufferSize ) { unsigned u;
switch(Type) {
case CompressNone: if(BufferSize >= CompressedDataSize) { memmove(DecompressedData,CompressedData,CompressedDataSize); u = CompressedDataSize; } else { u = (unsigned)(-1); } break;
case CompressMrci1: u = Mrci1Decompress(CompressedData,CompressedDataSize,DecompressedData,BufferSize); break;
case CompressMrci2: u = Mrci2Decompress(CompressedData,CompressedDataSize,DecompressedData,BufferSize); break;
default: u = (unsigned)(-1); break; }
return(u); }
VOID CompressCleanupHandleA ( IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle ) { if (CompressedHandle) { if (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer); } if (CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer); } if (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer); } if (CompressedHandle->StorePath) { FreePathStringA (CompressedHandle->StorePath); } if (CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern) { FreePathStringA (CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern); } if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle) && (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); } ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle, sizeof (COMPRESS_HANDLEA)); } }
VOID CompressCleanupHandleW ( IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle ) { if (CompressedHandle) { if (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer); } if (CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer); } if (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer); } if (CompressedHandle->StorePath) { FreePathStringW (CompressedHandle->StorePath); } if (CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern) { FreePathStringW (CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern); } if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle) && (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); } ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle, sizeof (COMPRESS_HANDLEW)); } }
BOOL CompressCreateHandleA ( IN PCSTR StorePath, IN PCSTR MainFilePattern, IN UINT StartIndex, IN LONGLONG MaxFileSize, OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle ) { CHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_SIG; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle, sizeof (COMPRESS_HANDLEA)); if (StartIndex == 0) { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = 1; } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = StartIndex; } CompressedHandle->FirstFileIndex = CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex; if (MaxFileSize == 0) { CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize = COMPRESS_DEFAULT_SIZE; } else { CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize = MaxFileSize; } CompressedHandle->StorePath = DuplicatePathStringA (StorePath, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->StorePath) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern = DuplicatePathStringA (MainFilePattern, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern) { __leave; } wsprintfA (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsA (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfCreateFileA (currFullPath); if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
// write the signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
// reserve room for writing how many files we stored
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&CompressedHandle->FilesStored), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->CompBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->CompBuffer) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer) { __leave; }
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } if (!result) { CompressCleanupHandleA (CompressedHandle); } PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL CompressCreateHandleW ( IN PCWSTR StorePath, IN PCWSTR MainFilePattern, IN UINT StartIndex, IN LONGLONG MaxFileSize, OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle ) { WCHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_SIG; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle, sizeof (COMPRESS_HANDLEW)); if (StartIndex == 0) { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = 1; } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = StartIndex; } CompressedHandle->FirstFileIndex = CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex; if (MaxFileSize == 0) { CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize = COMPRESS_DEFAULT_SIZE; } else { CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize = MaxFileSize; } CompressedHandle->StorePath = DuplicatePathStringW (StorePath, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->StorePath) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern = DuplicatePathStringW (MainFilePattern, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern) { __leave; } wsprintfW (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsW (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfCreateFileW (currFullPath); if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
// write the signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
// reserve room for writing how many files we stored
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&CompressedHandle->FilesStored), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->CompBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->CompBuffer) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer) { __leave; }
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } if (!result) { CompressCleanupHandleW (CompressedHandle); } PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL pPrepareNextFileA ( IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle, IN BOOL ReadOnly ) { CHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_SIG; LONGLONG contSig = COMPRESS_CONT_SIG; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; }
if (!CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle)) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize = 0;
CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex ++;
wsprintfA (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsA (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); if (ReadOnly) { CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfOpenReadFileA (currFullPath); } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfCreateFileA (currFullPath); } if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
if (ReadOnly) { // read the signature
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (signature != COMPRESS_SIG) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; }
// read special continuation signature
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&contSig), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex > 1) { if (contSig != COMPRESS_CONT_SIG) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; } } } else { // write the signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
// write special continuation signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&contSig), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG); }
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL pPrepareNextFileW ( IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle, IN BOOL ReadOnly ) { WCHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_SIG; LONGLONG contSig = COMPRESS_CONT_SIG; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; }
if (!CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle)) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize = 0;
CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex ++;
wsprintfW (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsW (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); if (ReadOnly) { CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfOpenReadFileW (currFullPath); } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfCreateFileW (currFullPath); } if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
if (ReadOnly) { // read the signature
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (signature != COMPRESS_SIG) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; }
// read special continuation signature
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&contSig), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex > 1) { if (contSig != COMPRESS_CONT_SIG) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; } } } else { // write the signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
// write special continuation signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&contSig), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG); }
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL pDeleteNextFilesA ( IN PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle, IN UINT SavedIndex ) { CHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCSTR currFullPath = NULL;
while (TRUE) { wsprintfA (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, SavedIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsA (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); if (currFullPath) { if (DoesFileExistA (currFullPath)) { DeleteFileA (currFullPath); } else { break; } FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } SavedIndex ++; } if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } return TRUE; }
BOOL pDeleteNextFilesW ( IN PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle, IN UINT SavedIndex ) { WCHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR currFullPath = NULL;
while (TRUE) { wsprintfW (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, SavedIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsW (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); if (currFullPath) { if (DoesFileExistW (currFullPath)) { DeleteFileW (currFullPath); } else { break; } FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } SavedIndex ++; } if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } return TRUE; }
BOOL CompressAddFileToHandleA ( IN PCSTR FileName, IN PCSTR StoredName, IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle ) { HANDLE fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LONGLONG fileSize; DWORD bytesRead; DWORD bytesWritten; DWORD bytesComp; DWORD bytesUncomp; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_NEWFILE; DWORD fileNameSize; DWORD headerSize; USHORT compType = 0; USHORT compSize = 0; PCWSTR unicodeName = NULL; UINT savedIndex = 0; LARGE_INTEGER savedSize; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
// save the state of the compress handle
savedIndex = CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex; savedSize.QuadPart = CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize;
fileSize = BfGetFileSizeA (FileName); fileHandle = BfOpenReadFileA (FileName); if ((fileHandle == NULL) || (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; }
// handle UNICODE files
unicodeName = ConvertAtoW (StoredName); if (!unicodeName) { __leave; } fileNameSize = SizeOfStringW (unicodeName); headerSize = sizeof (DWORD) + sizeof (LONGLONG) + sizeof (DWORD) + fileNameSize;
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize + headerSize > CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize) { if (!pPrepareNextFileA (CompressedHandle, FALSE)) { __leave; } }
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileSize), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileNameSize), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(unicodeName), fileNameSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += fileNameSize; FreeConvertedStr (unicodeName); unicodeName = NULL;
while (fileSize) {
ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT));
if (!ReadFile (fileHandle, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesRead, NULL)) { __leave; } if (bytesRead == 0) { // Somehow the file points is beyond the end of the file. Probably file in use.
SetLastError(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION); __leave; }
bytesComp = CompressData ( CompressMrci1, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), bytesRead, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE );
if (bytesComp < bytesRead) { bytesUncomp = DecompressData ( CompressMrci1, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), bytesComp, CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE ); if (bytesUncomp != bytesRead) { bytesComp = COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { if (!TestBuffer (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer, bytesRead)) { bytesComp = COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE; } } }
if (bytesComp >= bytesRead) { compType = CompressNone; compSize = (USHORT)bytesRead; CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, &compType, sizeof (USHORT)); CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + sizeof (USHORT), &compSize, sizeof (USHORT));
compSize += (2 * sizeof (USHORT));
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize + compSize > CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize) { if (!pPrepareNextFileA (CompressedHandle, FALSE)) { __leave; } }
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize; } else { compType = CompressMrci1; compSize = (USHORT)bytesComp; CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, &compType, sizeof (USHORT)); CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer + sizeof (USHORT), &compSize, sizeof (USHORT));
compSize += (2 * sizeof (USHORT));
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize + compSize > CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize) { if (!pPrepareNextFileA (CompressedHandle, FALSE)) { __leave; } }
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize; } fileSize -= bytesRead; } CompressedHandle->FilesStored ++;
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (unicodeName) { FreeConvertedStr (unicodeName); unicodeName = NULL; } if (fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (fileHandle); } if (!result) { // let's restore the state of the compress handle
if (savedIndex == CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex) { if (savedSize.QuadPart != CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize) { SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, savedSize.LowPart, &(savedSize.HighPart), FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize = savedSize.QuadPart; } } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = savedIndex - 1; pPrepareNextFileA (CompressedHandle, TRUE); SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, savedSize.LowPart, &(savedSize.HighPart), FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize = savedSize.QuadPart; pDeleteNextFilesA (CompressedHandle, savedIndex); } } PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL CompressAddFileToHandleW ( IN PCWSTR FileName, IN PCWSTR StoredName, IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle ) { HANDLE fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; LONGLONG fileSize; DWORD bytesRead; DWORD bytesWritten; DWORD bytesComp; DWORD bytesUncomp; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_NEWFILE; DWORD fileNameSize; DWORD headerSize; USHORT compType = 0; USHORT compSize = 0; UINT savedIndex = 0; LARGE_INTEGER savedSize; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
// save the state of the compress handle
savedIndex = CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex; savedSize.QuadPart = CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize;
fileSize = BfGetFileSizeW (FileName); fileHandle = BfOpenReadFileW (FileName); if ((fileHandle == NULL) || (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; }
fileNameSize = SizeOfStringW (StoredName); headerSize = sizeof (DWORD) + sizeof (LONGLONG) + sizeof (DWORD) + fileNameSize;
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize + headerSize > CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize) { if (!pPrepareNextFileW (CompressedHandle, FALSE)) { __leave; } }
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileSize), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileNameSize), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(StoredName), fileNameSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += fileNameSize;
while (fileSize) {
ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT));
if (!ReadFile (fileHandle, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesRead, NULL)) { __leave; } if (bytesRead == 0) { // Somehow the file points is beyond the end of the file. Probably file in use.
SetLastError(ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION); __leave; }
bytesComp = CompressData ( CompressMrci1, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), bytesRead, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE );
if (bytesComp < bytesRead) { bytesUncomp = DecompressData ( CompressMrci1, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), bytesComp, CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE ); if (bytesUncomp != bytesRead) { bytesComp = COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { if (!TestBuffer (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + 2 * sizeof (USHORT), CompressedHandle->ExtraBuffer, bytesRead)) { bytesComp = COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE; } } }
if (bytesComp >= bytesRead) { compType = CompressNone; compSize = (USHORT)bytesRead; CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, &compType, sizeof (USHORT)); CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer + sizeof (USHORT), &compSize, sizeof (USHORT));
compSize += (2 * sizeof (USHORT));
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize + compSize > CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize) { if (!pPrepareNextFileW (CompressedHandle, FALSE)) { __leave; } }
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize; } else { compType = CompressMrci1; compSize = (USHORT)bytesComp; CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, &compType, sizeof (USHORT)); CopyMemory (CompressedHandle->CompBuffer + sizeof (USHORT), &compSize, sizeof (USHORT));
compSize += (2 * sizeof (USHORT));
if (CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize + compSize > CompressedHandle->MaxFileSize) { if (!pPrepareNextFileW (CompressedHandle, FALSE)) { __leave; } }
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize; } fileSize -= bytesRead; } CompressedHandle->FilesStored ++;
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (fileHandle); } if (!result) { // let's restore the state of the compress handle
if (savedIndex == CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex) { if (savedSize.QuadPart != CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize) { SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, savedSize.LowPart, &(savedSize.HighPart), FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize = savedSize.QuadPart; } } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = savedIndex - 1; pPrepareNextFileW (CompressedHandle, TRUE); SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, savedSize.LowPart, &(savedSize.HighPart), FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize = savedSize.QuadPart; pDeleteNextFilesW (CompressedHandle, savedIndex); } } PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL CompressFlushAndCloseHandleA ( IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle ) { CHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_SIG; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
if ((CompressedHandle) && (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle) && (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { result = CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = NULL; if (result) { // write the total number of files compressed into the first file
result = FALSE; wsprintfA (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->FirstFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsA (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfOpenFileA (currFullPath); if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
// write again the signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; }
// write number of files compressed
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&CompressedHandle->FilesStored), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; }
result = CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = NULL; } } } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } CompressCleanupHandleA (CompressedHandle); PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL CompressFlushAndCloseHandleW ( IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle ) { WCHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = COMPRESS_SIG; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
if ((CompressedHandle) && (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle) && (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { result = CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = NULL; if (result) { // write the total number of files compressed into the first file
result = FALSE; wsprintfW (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->FirstFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsW (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfOpenFileW (currFullPath); if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
// write again the signature
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; }
// write number of files compressed
if (!BfWriteFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&CompressedHandle->FilesStored), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; }
result = CloseHandle (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = NULL; } } } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } CompressCleanupHandleW (CompressedHandle); PopError (); }
return result; }
BOOL CompressOpenHandleA ( IN PCSTR StorePath, IN PCSTR MainFilePattern, IN UINT StartIndex, OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle ) { CHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = 0; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try { ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle, sizeof (COMPRESS_HANDLEA)); if (StartIndex == 0) { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = 1; } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = StartIndex; } CompressedHandle->FirstFileIndex = CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex; CompressedHandle->StorePath = DuplicatePathStringA (StorePath, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->StorePath) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern = DuplicatePathStringA (MainFilePattern, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern) { __leave; } wsprintfA (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsA (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfOpenReadFileA (currFullPath); if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (signature != COMPRESS_SIG) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; }
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&CompressedHandle->FilesStored), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->CompBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->CompBuffer) { __leave; }
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringA (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } if (!result) { CompressCleanupHandleA (CompressedHandle); } PopError (); } return result; }
BOOL CompressOpenHandleW ( IN PCWSTR StorePath, IN PCWSTR MainFilePattern, IN UINT StartIndex, OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle ) { WCHAR currFile [MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR currFullPath = NULL; DWORD signature = 0; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try { ZeroMemory (CompressedHandle, sizeof (COMPRESS_HANDLEW)); if (StartIndex == 0) { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = 1; } else { CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex = StartIndex; } CompressedHandle->FirstFileIndex = CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex; CompressedHandle->StorePath = DuplicatePathStringW (StorePath, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->StorePath) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern = DuplicatePathStringW (MainFilePattern, 0); if (!CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern) { __leave; } wsprintfW (currFile, CompressedHandle->MainFilePattern, CompressedHandle->CurrFileIndex); currFullPath = JoinPathsW (CompressedHandle->StorePath, currFile); CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle = BfOpenReadFileW (currFullPath); if ((CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == NULL) || (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL;
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
if (signature != COMPRESS_SIG) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; }
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&CompressedHandle->FilesStored), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG);
CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer) { __leave; }
CompressedHandle->CompBuffer = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 * sizeof (USHORT)); if (!CompressedHandle->CompBuffer) { __leave; }
result = TRUE; } __finally { PushError (); if (currFullPath) { FreePathStringW (currFullPath); currFullPath = NULL; } if (!result) { CompressCleanupHandleW (CompressedHandle); } PopError (); } return result; }
BOOL CompressExtractAllFilesA ( IN PCSTR ExtractPath, IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEA CompressedHandle, IN PCOMPRESSNOTIFICATIONA CompressNotification OPTIONAL ) { DWORD signature; LONGLONG fileSize; LONGLONG fileSizeRead; DWORD fileNameSize; PCWSTR storedName = NULL; PCSTR storedNameA = NULL; PCSTR extractPath = NULL; PCSTR newFileName = NULL; BOOL extractFile = TRUE; HANDLE extractHandle = NULL; USHORT compType = 0; USHORT compSize = 0; DWORD bytesComp; LARGE_INTEGER savedSize; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
for (;;) {
// read the header for this file
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { // It is possible that we continue onto the next file, let's try that.
if (!pPrepareNextFileA (CompressedHandle, TRUE)) { result = TRUE; __leave; } if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD); if (signature != COMPRESS_NEWFILE) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; }
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileSize), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG); fileSizeRead = 0;
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileNameSize), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
storedName = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, fileNameSize);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(storedName), fileNameSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += fileNameSize;
storedNameA = ConvertWtoA (storedName); if (!storedNameA) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; }
extractPath = JoinPathsA (ExtractPath, storedNameA); if (!extractPath) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; }
extractFile = TRUE; newFileName = NULL; if (CompressNotification) { if (!CompressNotification (extractPath, fileSize, &extractFile, &newFileName)) { __leave; } }
if (extractFile) { if (newFileName) { // let's make sure that the directory exists
BfCreateDirectoryExA (newFileName, FALSE); } extractHandle = BfCreateFileA (newFileName?newFileName:extractPath); if ((extractHandle == NULL) || (extractHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } } else { extractHandle = NULL; }
if (newFileName) { FreePathStringA (newFileName); newFileName = NULL; }
FreePathStringA (extractPath); extractPath = NULL;
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, storedName); storedName = NULL;
FreeConvertedStr (storedNameA); storedNameA = NULL;
if (fileSize > 0) { if (!extractFile && g_ErrorMode) { for (;;) { if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { // It is possible that we continue onto the next file, let's try that.
if (!pPrepareNextFileA (CompressedHandle, TRUE)) { // we might be at the end of the compressed file, there are no other files here
result = TRUE; __leave; } if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compSize), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
// let's try to see if we just read a new file signature
*((PUSHORT)(&signature) + 0) = compType; *((PUSHORT)(&signature) + 1) = compSize; if (signature == COMPRESS_NEWFILE) { // this is a new file
CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize -= sizeof (USHORT); CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize -= sizeof (USHORT); // rewind the file current pointer;
savedSize.QuadPart = CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize; SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, savedSize.LowPart, &(savedSize.HighPart), FILE_BEGIN); // we are done with the current file
break; } else { // Let's advance the file pointer
if (SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, compSize, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize; } } } else { for (;;) { if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { // It is possible that we continue onto the next file, let's try that.
if (!pPrepareNextFileA (CompressedHandle, TRUE)) { __leave; } if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compSize), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize;
if (compType == CompressNone) { if (extractFile) { if (!BfWriteFile (extractHandle, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } } fileSizeRead += compSize; } else { bytesComp = DecompressData ( compType, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE ); if (bytesComp > COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; } if (extractFile) { if (!BfWriteFile (extractHandle, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, bytesComp)) { __leave; } } fileSizeRead += bytesComp; }
if (fileSizeRead == fileSize) { // this file is done, let's go to the next one
break; } } } }
if (extractHandle) { CloseHandle (extractHandle); extractHandle = NULL; } } } __finally { if (storedName != NULL) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, storedName); storedName = NULL; } if (storedNameA != NULL) { FreeConvertedStr (storedNameA); storedNameA = NULL; } if (newFileName != NULL) { FreePathStringA (newFileName); newFileName = NULL; } if (extractPath != NULL) { FreePathStringA (extractPath); extractPath = NULL; } if ((extractHandle != NULL) && (extractHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { CloseHandle (extractHandle); extractHandle = NULL; } }
return result; }
BOOL CompressExtractAllFilesW ( IN PCWSTR ExtractPath, IN OUT PCOMPRESS_HANDLEW CompressedHandle, IN PCOMPRESSNOTIFICATIONW CompressNotification OPTIONAL ) { DWORD signature; LONGLONG fileSize; LONGLONG fileSizeRead; DWORD fileNameSize; PCWSTR storedName = NULL; PCWSTR extractPath = NULL; PCWSTR newFileName = NULL; BOOL extractFile = TRUE; HANDLE extractHandle = NULL; USHORT compType = 0; USHORT compSize = 0; DWORD bytesComp; LARGE_INTEGER savedSize; BOOL result = FALSE;
__try {
for (;;) {
// read the header for this file
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { // It is possible that we continue onto the next file, let's try that.
if (!pPrepareNextFileW (CompressedHandle, TRUE)) { result = TRUE; __leave; } if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&signature), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD); if (signature != COMPRESS_NEWFILE) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; }
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileSize), sizeof (LONGLONG))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (LONGLONG); fileSizeRead = 0;
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&fileNameSize), sizeof (DWORD))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (DWORD);
storedName = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, fileNameSize);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(storedName), fileNameSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += fileNameSize;
extractPath = JoinPathsW (ExtractPath, storedName); if (!extractPath) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; }
extractFile = TRUE; newFileName = NULL; if (CompressNotification) { if (!CompressNotification (extractPath, fileSize, &extractFile, &newFileName)) { __leave; } }
if (extractFile) { if (newFileName) { // let's make sure that the directory exists
BfCreateDirectoryExW (newFileName, FALSE); } extractHandle = BfCreateFileW (newFileName?newFileName:extractPath); if ((extractHandle == NULL) || (extractHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { __leave; } } else { extractHandle = NULL; }
if (newFileName) { FreePathStringW (newFileName); newFileName = NULL; }
FreePathStringW (extractPath); extractPath = NULL;
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, storedName); storedName = NULL;
if (fileSize) { if (!extractFile && g_ErrorMode) { for (;;) { if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { // It is possible that we continue onto the next file, let's try that.
if (!pPrepareNextFileW (CompressedHandle, TRUE)) { // we might be at the end of the compressed file, there are no other files here
result = TRUE; __leave; } if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compSize), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
// let's try to see if we just read a new file signature
*((PUSHORT)(&signature + 0)) = compType; *((PUSHORT)(&signature + 1)) = compSize; if (signature == COMPRESS_NEWFILE) { // this is a new file
CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize -= sizeof (USHORT); CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize -= sizeof (USHORT); // rewind the file current pointer;
savedSize.QuadPart = CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize; SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, savedSize.LowPart, &(savedSize.HighPart), FILE_BEGIN); // we are done with the current file
break; } else { // Let's advance the file pointer
if (SetFilePointer (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, compSize, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize; } } } else { for (;;) { if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { // It is possible that we continue onto the next file, let's try that.
if (!pPrepareNextFileW (CompressedHandle, TRUE)) { __leave; } if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compType), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, (PBYTE)(&compSize), sizeof (USHORT))) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += sizeof (USHORT);
if (!BfReadFile (CompressedHandle->CurrFileHandle, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } CompressedHandle->CurrFileSize += compSize;
if (compType == CompressNone) { if (extractFile) { if (!BfWriteFile (extractHandle, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize)) { __leave; } } fileSizeRead += compSize; } else { bytesComp = DecompressData ( compType, CompressedHandle->CompBuffer, compSize, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE ); if (bytesComp > COMPRESS_BUFFER_SIZE) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; } if (extractFile) { if (!BfWriteFile (extractHandle, CompressedHandle->ReadBuffer, bytesComp)) { __leave; } } fileSizeRead += bytesComp; }
if (fileSizeRead == fileSize) { // this file is done, let's go to the next one
break; } } } }
if (extractHandle) { CloseHandle (extractHandle); extractHandle = NULL; } } } __finally { if (storedName != NULL) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, storedName); storedName = NULL; } if (newFileName != NULL) { FreePathStringW (newFileName); newFileName = NULL; } if (extractPath != NULL) { FreePathStringW (extractPath); extractPath = NULL; } if ((extractHandle != NULL) && (extractHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ) { CloseHandle (extractHandle); extractHandle = NULL; } }
return result; }
BOOL CompressSetErrorMode ( IN BOOL ErrorMode ) { BOOL oldErrorMode = g_ErrorMode;
g_ErrorMode = ErrorMode; return oldErrorMode; }