// PropertyPages.Cpp
// Copyright 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// implementation of CPropertyPage object.
#include "pch.h"
#include "PropPage.H"
#if defined(VS_HELP) || defined(HTML_HELP)
#ifdef MS_BUILD
#include "HtmlHelp.h"
#include "HtmlHelp.hxx"
#ifdef VS_HELP
#include "VSHelp.h" // Visual Studio html help support
// for ASSERT and FAIL
// this variable is used to pass the pointer to the object to the hwnd.
static CPropertyPage *s_pLastPageCreated;
// CPropertyPage::CPropertyPage
// constructor.
// Parameters:
// IUnknown * - [in] controlling unknown
// int - [in] object type.
// Notes:
#pragma warning(disable:4355) // using 'this' in constructor
CPropertyPage::CPropertyPage ( IUnknown *pUnkOuter, int iObjectType ) : CUnknownObject(pUnkOuter, this), m_ObjectType(iObjectType) { // initialize various dudes.
m_pPropertyPageSite = NULL; m_hwnd = NULL; m_cObjects = 0;
m_fDirty = FALSE; m_fActivated = FALSE; m_fDeactivating = FALSE; m_ppUnkObjects = NULL; } #pragma warning(default:4355) // using 'this' in constructor
// CPropertyPage::~CPropertyPage
// destructor.
// Notes:
CPropertyPage::~CPropertyPage() { // clean up our window.
if (m_hwnd) { SetWindowLong(m_hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, 0xffffffff); DestroyWindow(m_hwnd); m_hwnd = NULL; }
// release all the objects we're holding on to.
// release the site
RELEASE_OBJECT(m_pPropertyPageSite); }
// CPropertyPage::InternalQueryInterface
// we support IPP and IPP2.
// Parameters:
// REFIID - [in] interface they want
// void ** - [out] where they want to put the resulting object ptr.
// Output:
// Notes:
HRESULT CPropertyPage::InternalQueryInterface ( REFIID riid, void **ppvObjOut ) { IUnknown *pUnk;
*ppvObjOut = NULL;
if (DO_GUIDS_MATCH(IID_IPropertyPage, riid)) { pUnk = (IUnknown *)this; } else if (DO_GUIDS_MATCH(IID_IPropertyPage2, riid)) { pUnk = (IUnknown *)this; } else { return CUnknownObject::InternalQueryInterface(riid, ppvObjOut); }
pUnk->AddRef(); *ppvObjOut = (void *)pUnk; return S_OK; }
// CPropertyPage::SetPageSite [IPropertyPage]
// the initialization function for a property page through which the page
// receives an IPropertyPageSite pointer.
// Parameters:
// IPropertyPageSite * - [in] new site.
// Output:
// Notes;
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::SetPageSite ( IPropertyPageSite *pPropertyPageSite ) { RELEASE_OBJECT(m_pPropertyPageSite); m_pPropertyPageSite = pPropertyPageSite; ADDREF_OBJECT(pPropertyPageSite);
return S_OK; }
// CPropertyPage::Activate [IPropertyPage]
// instructs the page to create it's display window as a child of hwndparent
// and to position it according to prc.
// Parameters:
// HWND - [in] parent window
// LPCRECT - [in] where to position ourselves
// BOOL - [in] whether we're modal or not.
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::Activate ( HWND hwndParent, LPCRECT prcBounds, BOOL fModal ) { HRESULT hr;
// first make sure the dialog window is loaded and created.
hr = EnsureLoaded(); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// fire off a PPM_NEWOBJECTS now
hr = NewObjects(); // Note: m_fDirty is cleared after this call
// set our parent window if we haven't done so yet.
if (!m_fActivated) { SetParent(m_hwnd, hwndParent); m_fActivated = TRUE; }
// now move ourselves to where we're told to be and show ourselves
Move(prcBounds); ShowWindow(m_hwnd, SW_SHOW);
return S_OK; }
// CPropertyPage::Deactivate [IPropertyPage]
// instructs the page to destroy the window created in activate
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::Deactivate ( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_fDeactivating = TRUE;
SendMessage(m_hwnd, PPM_FREEOBJECTS, 0, (LPARAM)&hr); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// blow away your window.
if (m_hwnd) { DestroyWindow(m_hwnd); m_hwnd = NULL; }
m_fActivated = FALSE; m_fDeactivating = FALSE;
return S_OK; }
// CPropertyPage::GetPageInfo [IPropertyPage]
// asks the page to fill a PROPPAGEINFO structure
// Parameters:
// PROPPAGEINFO * - [out] where to put info.
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::GetPageInfo ( PROPPAGEINFO *pPropPageInfo ) { RECT rect;
// clear it out first.
memset(pPropPageInfo, 0, sizeof(PROPPAGEINFO));
pPropPageInfo->pszTitle = OLESTRFROMRESID(TITLEIDOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType)); pPropPageInfo->pszDocString = OLESTRFROMRESID(DOCSTRINGIDOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType)); pPropPageInfo->pszHelpFile = OLESTRFROMANSI(HELPFILEOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType)); pPropPageInfo->dwHelpContext = HELPCONTEXTOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType);
if (!(pPropPageInfo->pszTitle && pPropPageInfo->pszDocString && pPropPageInfo->pszHelpFile)) goto CleanUp;
// if we've got a window yet, go and set up the size information they want.
if (m_hwnd) { GetWindowRect(m_hwnd, &rect);
pPropPageInfo->size.cx = rect.right - rect.left; pPropPageInfo->size.cy = rect.bottom - rect.top; }
return S_OK;
CleanUp: if (pPropPageInfo->pszDocString) { CoTaskMemFree(pPropPageInfo->pszDocString); pPropPageInfo->pszDocString = NULL; } if (pPropPageInfo->pszHelpFile) { CoTaskMemFree(pPropPageInfo->pszHelpFile); pPropPageInfo->pszHelpFile = NULL; } if (pPropPageInfo->pszTitle) { CoTaskMemFree(pPropPageInfo->pszTitle); pPropPageInfo->pszTitle = NULL; }
// CPropertyPage::SetObjects [IPropertyPage]
// provides the page with the objects being affected by the changes.
// Parameters:
// ULONG - [in] count of objects.
// IUnknown ** - [in] objects.
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::SetObjects ( ULONG cObjects, IUnknown **ppUnkObjects ) { HRESULT hr; ULONG x;
//Vegas 33683 - joejo
// make sure the old control is updated
// if page is dirty!
if (m_fDirty) hr = Apply();
// make sure we've been loaded, and free out any other objects that might
// have been hanging around
if (!cObjects) return S_OK;
// now go and set up the new ones.
m_ppUnkObjects = (IUnknown **)CtlHeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, cObjects * sizeof(IUnknown *)); RETURN_ON_NULLALLOC(m_ppUnkObjects);
// loop through and copy over all the objects.
for (x = 0; x < cObjects; x++) { m_ppUnkObjects[x] = ppUnkObjects[x]; ADDREF_OBJECT(m_ppUnkObjects[x]); }
// go and tell the page that there are new objects [but only if it's been
// activated]
hr = S_OK; m_cObjects = cObjects; if (m_fActivated) hr = NewObjects(); // Note: m_fDirty is cleared after this call
return hr; }
// CPropertyPage::Show [IPropertyPage]
// asks the page to show or hide its window
// Parameters:
// UINT - [in] whether to show or hide
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::Show ( UINT nCmdShow ) { if (m_hwnd) ShowWindow(m_hwnd, nCmdShow); else return E_UNEXPECTED;
return S_OK; }
// CPropertyPage::Move [IPropertyPage]
// asks the page to relocate and resize itself to a position other than what
// was specified through Activate
// Parameters:
// LPCRECT - [in] new position and size
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::Move ( LPCRECT prcBounds ) { // do what they sez
if (m_hwnd) SetWindowPos(m_hwnd, NULL, prcBounds->left, prcBounds->top, prcBounds->right - prcBounds->left, prcBounds->bottom - prcBounds->top, SWP_NOZORDER); else return E_UNEXPECTED;
return S_OK; }
// CPropertyPage::IsPageDirty [IPropertyPage]
// asks the page whether it has changed its state
// Output
// S_OK - yep
// S_FALSE - nope
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::IsPageDirty ( void ) { return m_fDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// CPropertyPage::Apply [IPropertyPage]
// instructs the page to send its changes to all the objects passed through
// SetObjects()
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::Apply ( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_hwnd) { SendMessage(m_hwnd, PPM_APPLY, 0, (LPARAM)&hr); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(hr);
if (m_fDirty) { m_fDirty = FALSE;
if (m_pPropertyPageSite && !m_fDeactivating) m_pPropertyPageSite->OnStatusChange(PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY); } } else return E_UNEXPECTED;
return S_OK; }
// CPropertyPage::Help [IPropertyPage]
// instructs the page that the help button was clicked.
// Parameters:
// LPCOLESTR - [in] help directory
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::Help ( LPCOLESTR pszHelpDir // Note: With VS_HELP set this parameter is ignored
) { char *pszExt; char buf[MAX_PATH]; BOOL f = FALSE;
#ifdef VS_HELP
BOOL bHelpStarted; HRESULT hr; #endif
ASSERT(m_hwnd, "CPropertyPage::Help called with no hwnd!");
pszExt = FileExtension(HELPFILEOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType)); if (pszExt) {
#ifdef VS_HELP
#if defined(VS_HELP) || defined(HTML_HELP)
if (lstrcmpi(pszExt, "CHM") == 0) {
#ifdef VS_HELP
lstrcpy(buf, HELPFILEOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType));
// First try to show help through VisualStudio
hr = VisualStudioShowHelpTopic(buf, HELPCONTEXTOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType), &bHelpStarted); f = SUCCEEDED(hr);
// Check to see if Visual Studio help could be successfully started. If not,
// assume it doesn't exist
if (!bHelpStarted) #endif
{ MAKE_ANSIPTR_FROMWIDE(psz, pszHelpDir); lstrcpy(buf, psz); lstrcat(buf, "\\"); lstrcat(buf, HELPFILEOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType));
// Show the help topic manually by calling HtmlHelp directly
f = (BOOL) HtmlHelp(m_hwnd, buf, HH_HELP_CONTEXT, HELPCONTEXTOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType)); }
#ifdef VS_HELP
else { ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to show help topic from Visual Studio"); }
else if (lstrcmpi(pszExt, "HLP") == 0) #endif
{ // WinHelp
// get the helpfile name
MAKE_ANSIPTR_FROMWIDE(psz, pszHelpDir); lstrcpy(buf, psz); lstrcat(buf, "\\"); lstrcat(buf, HELPFILEOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType));
lstrcat(buf, ">LangRef"); // Use LangRef window style
f = WinHelp(m_hwnd, buf, HELP_CONTEXT, HELPCONTEXTOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType)); }
#if defined(VS_HELP) || defined(HTML_HELP)
else { FAIL("Unrecognized help file type"); }
return f ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
static BOOL IsLastTabItem(HWND hdlg, HWND hctl, UINT nCmd) { if ((SendMessage(hdlg, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0L) & (DLGC_WANTALLKEYS | DLGC_WANTMESSAGE | DLGC_WANTTAB)) == 0) { // Get top level child for controls with children, like combo.
HWND hwnd; for (/**/; hctl != hdlg; hctl = GetParent(hctl)) hwnd = hctl;
// Walk the zorder list until we reached the end
// or until we get to a valid tab item
do { if ((hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, nCmd)) == NULL) return TRUE; } while ((GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & (WS_DISABLED|WS_TABSTOP|WS_VISIBLE)) != (WS_TABSTOP|WS_VISIBLE)); } return FALSE; }
// CPropertyPage::TranslateAccelerator [IPropertyPage]
// informs the page of keyboard events, allowing it to implement it's own
// keyboard interface.
// Parameters:
// LPMSG - [in] message that triggered this
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::TranslateAccelerator ( LPMSG pmsg ) { ASSERT(m_hwnd, "How can we get a TranslateAccelerator call if we're not visible?"); CHECK_POINTER(pmsg);
BOOL fHandled = FALSE; HWND hctl;
// Special consideration for the Return and Escape keys.
if ((pmsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) && ((pmsg->wParam == VK_RETURN) || (pmsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE))) {
// Always let the frame handle the Escape key, but if we have the
// Return key, then we need to ask the focus control if it wants it.
// Usually, controls that want the Return key will return DLGC_WANTALLKEYS
// when they process WM_GETDLGCODE. This is the case when an
// Edit or RichEdit control has the ES_MULTILINE style
if (VK_RETURN == pmsg->wParam && m_hwnd != pmsg->hwnd && (SendMessage(pmsg->hwnd, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0L) & DLGC_WANTALLKEYS)) {
// Pass the Return key on as a WM_CHAR, because
// this is what TranslateMessage will do for a
// If a control does not process this message, then
// it should return non-zero, in which case we can
// pass it on to the Frame
fHandled = !SendMessage(pmsg->hwnd, WM_CHAR, pmsg->wParam, pmsg->lParam); }
// If the message was not handled, then let the
// Frame handle this message, but we need to change
// the window handle to that of the propage.
// This needs to be done because edit controls
// which will cause the Frame not to handle the Escape key
return fHandled ? S_OK : (pmsg->hwnd = m_hwnd, S_FALSE); }
if (pmsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pmsg->wParam == VK_TAB && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0) { // If we already have the focus. Let's determine whether we should
// pass focus up to the frame.
if (IsChild(m_hwnd, pmsg->hwnd)) { // Fix for default button border
DWORD dwDefID = SendMessage(m_hwnd, DM_GETDEFID, 0, 0); if (HIWORD(dwDefID) == DC_HASDEFID) { hctl = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, LOWORD(dwDefID)); if (NULL != hctl && IsWindowEnabled(hctl)) SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)hctl, 1L); } // If the focus control is the last the the tab order
// then we will pass the message to the frame
if (IsLastTabItem(m_hwnd, pmsg->hwnd, GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0 ? GW_HWNDPREV : GW_HWNDNEXT)) { // Pass focus to the frame by letting the page site handle
// this message.
if (NULL != m_pPropertyPageSite) fHandled = m_pPropertyPageSite->TranslateAccelerator(pmsg) == S_OK; }
} else {
// We don't already have the focus. The frame is passing the
// focus to us.
hctl = GetNextDlgTabItem(m_hwnd, NULL, GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0); if (NULL != hctl) fHandled = (BOOL)SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)hctl, 1L); } }
// just pass this message on to the dialog proc and see if they want it.
// just pass this message on to the dialog proc and see if they want it.
if (FALSE == fHandled) { // In order for accelerators to work properly, we need to
// temporarily replace the message window handle to that
// of the first child in the property page in response
// to a WM_SYSKEYDOWN. This will allow the user to use an
// accelerator key to go from a tab to a control on the
// active page.
hctl = pmsg->hwnd; if (WM_SYSKEYDOWN == pmsg->message && !IsChild(m_hwnd, pmsg->hwnd)) pmsg->hwnd = GetWindow(m_hwnd, GW_CHILD);
fHandled = IsDialogMessage(m_hwnd, pmsg); pmsg->hwnd = hctl; }
return fHandled ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// CPropertyPage::EditProperty [IPropertyPage2]
// instructs the page to set the focus to the property matching the dispid.
// Parameters:
// DISPID - [in] dispid of property to set focus to.
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CPropertyPage::EditProperty ( DISPID dispid ) { HRESULT hr = E_NOTIMPL;
// send the message on to the control, and see what they want to do with it.
SendMessage(m_hwnd, PPM_EDITPROPERTY, (WPARAM)dispid, (LPARAM)&hr);
return hr; }
// CPropertyPage::EnsureLoaded
// makes sure the dialog is actually loaded
// Output:
// Notes:
HRESULT CPropertyPage::EnsureLoaded ( void ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRSRC hrsrc; HGLOBAL hDlg; LPCDLGTEMPLATE pDlg; HWND hwndDlg;
// duh
if (m_hwnd) return S_OK;
// create the dialog window
hrsrc = FindResource(GetResourceHandle(), TEMPLATENAMEOFPROPPAGE(m_ObjectType), RT_DIALOG); ASSERT(hrsrc, "Failed to find dialog template"); if (!hrsrc) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); hDlg = LoadResource(GetResourceHandle(), hrsrc); ASSERT(hDlg, "Failed to load dialog resource"); if (!hDlg) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
pDlg = (LPCDLGTEMPLATE) LockResource(hDlg); ASSERT(pDlg, "Failed to lock dialog resource"); if (!pDlg) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); // set up the global variable so that when we're in the dialog proc, we can
// stuff this in the hwnd
// crit sect this whole creation process for apartment threading support.
ENTERCRITICALSECTION1(&g_CriticalSection); s_pLastPageCreated = this;
// Why not call CreateDialog instead? The answer is that the property page
// dialog resource may contain Windows custom controls where the window proc for the
// Windows control resides in your control DLL (e.g., .OCX file), not the
// satellite DLL. If CreateDialog calls CreateWindow to create your Windows custom control
// with a different instance than where the window class for the control is
// registered, it will fail.
hwndDlg = CreateDialogIndirect(g_hInstance, pDlg, GetParkingWindow(), (DLGPROC)CPropertyPage::PropPageDlgProc);
ASSERT(hwndDlg, "Couldn't load Dialog Resource!!!"); ASSERT(hwndDlg == m_hwnd, "Returned hwnd doesn't match cached hwnd");
// clean up variables and leave the critical section
s_pLastPageCreated = NULL; LEAVECRITICALSECTION1(&g_CriticalSection);
if (!m_hwnd) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
#if 0
// go and notify the window that it should pick up any objects that are
// available
SendMessage(m_hwnd, PPM_NEWOBJECTS, 0, (LPARAM)&hr); #endif // 0
return hr; }
// CPropertyPage::ReleaseAllObjects
// releases all the objects that we're working with
// Notes:
void CPropertyPage::ReleaseAllObjects ( void ) { HRESULT hr; UINT x;
// some people will want to stash pointers in the PPM_INITOBJECTS case, so
// we want to tell them to release them now.
if (m_fActivated && m_hwnd) SendMessage(m_hwnd, PPM_FREEOBJECTS, 0, (LPARAM)&hr);
if (!m_cObjects) return; // loop through and blow them all away.
for (x = 0; x < m_cObjects; x++) QUICK_RELEASE(m_ppUnkObjects[x]);
CtlHeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, m_ppUnkObjects); m_ppUnkObjects = NULL; m_cObjects = 0; }
// CPropertyPage::PropPageDlgProc
// static global helper dialog proc that gets called before we pass the message
// on to anybody ..
// Parameters:
// - see win32sdk docs on DialogProc
// Notes:
BOOL CALLBACK CPropertyPage::PropPageDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CPropertyPage *pPropertyPage;
// get the window long, and see if it's been set to the object this hwnd
// is operating against. if not, go and set it now.
pPropertyPage = (CPropertyPage *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA); if ((ULONG)pPropertyPage == 0xffffffff) return FALSE; if (!pPropertyPage) { SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)s_pLastPageCreated); pPropertyPage = s_pLastPageCreated; pPropertyPage->m_hwnd = hwnd; }
ASSERT(pPropertyPage, "Uh oh. Got a window, but no CpropertyPage for it!");
// just call the user dialog proc and see if they want to do anything.
return pPropertyPage->DialogProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
// CPropertyPage::FirstControl
// returns the first controlish object that we are showing ourselves for.
// returns a cookie that must be passed in for Next ...
// Parameters:
// DWORD * - [out] cookie to be used for Next
// Output:
// IUnknown *
// Notes:
IUnknown *CPropertyPage::FirstControl ( DWORD *pdwCookie ) { // just use the implementation of NEXT.
*pdwCookie = 0; return NextControl(pdwCookie); }
// CPropertyPage::NextControl
// returns the next control in the chain of people to work with given a cookie
// Parameters:
// DWORD * - [in/out] cookie to get next from, and new cookie.
// Output:
// IUnknown *
// Notes:
IUnknown *CPropertyPage::NextControl ( DWORD *pdwCookie ) { UINT i;
// go looking through all the objects that we've got, and find the
// first non-null one.
for (i = *pdwCookie; i < m_cObjects; i++) { if (!m_ppUnkObjects[i]) continue;
*pdwCookie = i + 1; // + 1 so we start at next item next time
return m_ppUnkObjects[i]; }
// couldn't find it .
*pdwCookie = 0xffffffff; return NULL; }
// CPropertyPage::NewObjects [helper]
// Sends PPM_NEWOBJECTS message to the property page dialog, so that
// it can initialize its dialog fields.
// Notes:
HRESULT CPropertyPage::NewObjects() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SendMessage(m_hwnd, PPM_NEWOBJECTS, 0, (LPARAM) &hr);
// Clear the dirty bit and make sure the Apply button gets disabled.
if (m_fDirty) { m_fDirty = FALSE; ASSERT(m_fDeactivating == FALSE, "We're being deactivated?"); if (m_pPropertyPageSite) m_pPropertyPageSite->OnStatusChange(PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY); }
return hr; }
// CPropertyPage::MakeDirty [helper, callable]
// marks a page as dirty.
// Notes:
void CPropertyPage::MakeDirty ( void ) { m_fDirty = TRUE; // Need to make sure we have a page site and we're not being deactivated
// IE 4.0 will crash if we attempt to call OnStatusChange while we're being
// deactivated
if (m_pPropertyPageSite && !m_fDeactivating) m_pPropertyPageSite->OnStatusChange(PROPPAGESTATUS_DIRTY|PROPPAGESTATUS_VALIDATE); }
// from Globals.C
extern HINSTANCE g_hInstResources;
// CPropertyPage::GetResourceHandle [helper, callable]
// returns current resource handle, based on pagesites ambient LCID.
// Output:
// Notes:
HINSTANCE CPropertyPage::GetResourceHandle ( void ) { if (!g_fSatelliteLocalization) return g_hInstance;
// if we've already got it, then there's not all that much to do.
// don't need to crit sect this one right here since even if they do fall
// into the ::GetResourceHandle call, it'll properly deal with things.
if (g_hInstResources) return g_hInstResources;
// we'll get the ambient localeid from the host, and pass that on to the
// automation object.
// enter a critical section for g_lcidLocale and g_fHavelocale
ENTERCRITICALSECTION1(&g_CriticalSection); if (!g_fHaveLocale) { if (m_pPropertyPageSite) { m_pPropertyPageSite->GetLocaleID(&g_lcidLocale); g_fHaveLocale = TRUE; } } LEAVECRITICALSECTION1(&g_CriticalSection);
return ::GetResourceHandle(); }