// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// System Registry Class
// 7-9-98 sburns
class RegistryKey { public:
RegistryKey(); ~RegistryKey();
HRESULT Close();
HRESULT Create( HKEY parentKey, const String& subkeyName, DWORD options = REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, REGSAM desiredAccess = KEY_WRITE, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* securityAttrs = 0, DWORD* disposition = 0);
HRESULT Open( HKEY parentKey, const String& subkeyName, REGSAM desiredAccess = KEY_READ);
// Returns Win32ToHresult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) if the type of the value
HRESULT GetValue( const String& valueName, DWORD& value);
// Retrieves the contents of the named value, and whether the type of the
// key is REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ. Returns
// Win32ToHresult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION) if the type of the value is not
// valueName - name of the value.
// value - receives the contents of the value, if the read was successful.
// cleared on failure.
// isExpandSz - set to true if the value is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ, false
// if the type is REG_SZ (or an error ocurred).
HRESULT GetValue( const String& valueName, String& value, bool& isExpandSz);
// Calls GetValue(), and throws away the isExpandSz result.
HRESULT GetValue( const String& valueName, String& value);
// Inserts strings from a REG_MULTI_SZ value into any container from
// which a std::BackInsertionSequence can be constructed, the elements
// of which must be constructable from an PWSTR.
// BackInsertionSequence - any type that supports the construction of
// a back_insert_iterator on itself, and has a value type that can be
// constructed from an PWSTR.
// valueName - name of REG_MULTI_SZ value to retrieve.
// bii - a reference to a back_insert_iterator of the
// BackInsertionSequence template parameter. The simplest way to make
// one of these is to use the back_inserter helper function.
// Example:
// StringList container;
// hr = key.GetValue(L"myValue", back_inserter(container));
// StringVector container;
// hr = key.GetValue(L"myValue", back_inserter(container));
template <class BackInsertableContainer> HRESULT GetValue( const String& valueName, std::back_insert_iterator<BackInsertableContainer>& bii) { LOG_FUNCTION2(RegistryKey::GetValue-MultiString, valueName); ASSERT(!valueName.empty()); ASSERT(key);
DWORD type = 0; DWORD size = 0; HRESULT hr = Win::RegQueryValueEx(key, valueName, &type, 0, &size); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { // now that we know the size, read the contents
BYTE* buf = new BYTE[size]; // a bitesized buffer! Ha Ha!
memset(buf, 0, size);
type = 0; hr = Win::RegQueryValueEx(key, valueName, &type, buf, &size); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // pull off each of the null-terminated strings
// the container values can be any type that can be constructed
// from PWSTR...
wchar_t* newbuf = reinterpret_cast<PWSTR>(buf); while (*newbuf) { size_t len = wcslen(newbuf);
//lint --e(*) lint does not grok back_insert_iterator
*bii++ = String(newbuf, len);
// move to the next string, + 1 to skip the terminating null
newbuf += len + 1; };
delete[] buf; } } else { // caller requested a string from a non-multi-string key
hr = Win32ToHresult(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); } }
return hr; }
// Calls GetValue and returns the result, or an empty string on failure.
String GetString(const String& valueName);
// Creates and/or sets a value under the currently open key. Returns
// S_OK on success.
// valueName - name of the value. If the value is not already present, it
// is created with a REG_DWORD type.
// value - the value to br written.
HRESULT SetValue( const String& valueName, DWORD value);
// Creates and/or sets a value under the currently open key. Returns
// S_OK on success.
// valueName - name of the value. If the value is not already present, it
// is created.
// value - the value to br written.
// expand - if true, the value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, if false, the value
// type is REG_SZ.
HRESULT SetValue( const String& valueName, const String& value, bool expand = false);
template<class ForwardIterator> HRESULT SetValue( const String& valueName, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) { LOG_FUNCTION2(RegistryKey::SetValue--MultiString, valueName); ASSERT(!valueName.empty());
// determine the size of the buffer to write
size_t bufsize = 0; for ( ForwardIterator f = first, l = last; f != l; ++f) { // + 1 for null terminator
bufsize += (f->length() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); }
// + 2 bytes for double-null terminator at very end
bufsize += 2;
BYTE* buf = new BYTE[bufsize]; memset(buf, 0, bufsize);
// copy the elements of the container into the buffer
wchar_t* newbuf = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(buf); wchar_t* copyPos = newbuf; for ( f = first, l = last; f != l; ++f) { copyPos = std::copy(f->begin(), f->end(), copyPos);
// skip a character for terminating null
copyPos++; }
// write the buffer to the registry
HRESULT hr = Win::RegSetValueEx( key, valueName, REG_MULTI_SZ, buf, bufsize);
delete[] buf;
return hr; }
HKEY key; };