// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Enhancement of std::basic_string; Windows-aware version
// 8-14-97 sburns
// Users of this class should assume that none of the member functions here
// are threadsafe: that is, that concurrent calls to member functions on the
// same instance are not guaranteed to produce correct results. The static
// class functions are, however, threadsafe.
typedef std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits<char>, Burnslib::Heap::Allocator<char> > AnsiString;
typedef std::basic_string< wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, Burnslib::Heap::Allocator<wchar_t> > StringBase;
class String : public StringBase { public:
typedef StringBase base;
// contructor pass-thrus: we support all of the constructors of the
// base class.
explicit String() : base() { }
//lint -e(1931) allow implicit type conversion with this ctor
String(const base& x) : base(x) { }
String(const String& x, base::size_type p, base::size_type m) : base(x, p, m) { }
String(base::const_pointer s, base::size_type n) : base(s, n) { }
//lint -e(1931) allow implicit type conversion with this ctor
String(base::const_pointer s) : base(s) { }
String(base::size_type n, base::value_type c) : base(n, c) { }
String(base::const_iterator f, base::const_iterator l) : base(f, l) { }
// Enhancements to the base class std::base
// conversion from ANSI to Unicode
String(PCSTR lpsz); String(const AnsiString& s);
// Same as compare, except case is ignored.
int icompare(const String& str) const;
// returns true if the string consists entirely of digits, false
// otherwise.
bool is_numeric() const;
// Overload of the replace() family of methods. Replaces all occurrances
// of the substring 'from' with the string 'to'. Returns *this. All
// characters of the string are examined exactly once. If the replacement
// results in the creation of new occurrances of the 'from' substring,
// these are not reconsidered.
// from - The substring to be replaced. If 'from' is the empty string,
// then no change is made.
// to - The string to replace 'from'. If 'to' is the empty string, then
// all occurrances of 'from' are removed from the string.
//lint -e(1511) we are properly overloading base::replace
String& replace(const String& from, const String& to);
enum StripType { LEADING = 0x01, TRAILING = 0x02, BOTH = LEADING | TRAILING };
// Removes all consecutive occurrances of a given character from one or
// more ends of the string. Returns *this.
String& strip( StripType type = TRAILING, wchar_t charToStrip = L' ');
// Converts all lower case characters of the string to upper case. Returns
// *this.
String& to_upper();
// Converts all upper case characters of the string to lower case. Returns
// *this.
String& to_lower();
// Copy the string into an OLESTR that has been allocated with
// CoTaskMemAlloc, which the caller is responsible for deleting with
// CoTaskMemFree. Returns S_OK on success, E_OUTOFMEMORY if CoTaskMemAlloc
// fails.
// oleString - where to place the allocated copy.
HRESULT as_OLESTR(LPOLESTR& oleString) const;
// Converts the string from Unicode to the ANSI character set, for as many
// characters as this can be done. See the restrictions for
// WideCharToMultiByte.
// ansi - the string (i.e. basic_string<char>) in which the result is
// placed. If the conversion fails, this is set to the empty string.
ConvertResult convert(AnsiString& ansi) const;
// For all numeric converions, the string is expected in the following
// form:
// [whitespace] [{+ | �}] [0 [{ x | X }]] [digits]
// whitespace may consist of space and tab characters, which are ignored;
// digits are one or more decimal digits. The first character that does not
// fit this form stops the scan.
// The default radix for the conversion is 10 (decimal). If radix is 0,
// then the the initial characters of the string are used to determine the
// radix for which the digits are to be interpreted. If the first character
// is 0 and the second character is not 'x' or 'X', the string is
// interpreted as an octal integer; otherwise, it is interpreted as a
// decimal number. If the first character is '0' and the second character
// is 'x' or 'X', the string is interpreted as a hexadecimal integer. If
// the first character is '1' through '9', the string is interpreted as a
// decimal integer. The letters 'a' through 'z' (or 'A' through 'Z') are
// assigned the values 10 through 35; only letters whose assigned values
// are less than the radix are permitted. The radix must be within the
// range from 2 to 36, or the conversion will fail with an error
// CONVERT_BAD_RADIX, and the result parameter is set to 0.
// If any additional, unrecognized characters appear in the string, the
// conversion will fail with an error CONVERT_BAD_INPUT, and the result
// parameter is set to 0.
// If the conversion would produce a result too large or too small for the
// target type, then the conversion fails with error CONVERT_OVERFLOW or
// CONVERT_UNDERFLOW, and the result parameter is set to 0.
// Conversions for unsigned types allow a plus (+) or minus (-) sign
// prefix; a leading minus sign indicates that the result value is to be
// negated.
ConvertResult convert(short& s, int radix = 10) const;
ConvertResult convert(unsigned short& us, int radix = 10) const;
ConvertResult convert(int& i, int radix = 10) const;
ConvertResult convert(long& l, int radix = 10) const;
ConvertResult convert(unsigned& ui, int radix = 10) const;
ConvertResult convert(unsigned long& ul, int radix = 10) const;
ConvertResult convert(double& d) const;
ConvertResult convert(LARGE_INTEGER& li) const;
// Separates the tokens in the string and pushes them in left-to-right
// order into the supplied container as a individual String instances. A
// token is a sequence of characters separated by one or characters in the
// set of delimiters. Similar to the strtok function. Returns the
// number of tokens placed in the container.
// usage:
// String s(L"a list of tokens");
// StringList tokens;
// size_t token_count = s.tokenize(back_inserter(tokens));
// ASSERT(token_count == tokens.size())
template <class BackInsertableContainer> size_t tokenize( std::back_insert_iterator<BackInsertableContainer>& bii, const String& delimiters = String(L" \t") ) const { size_t tokenCount = 0; size_type p1 = 0;
while (1) { p1 = find_first_not_of(delimiters, p1); if (p1 == npos) { // no more tokens
break; } size_type p2 = find_first_of(delimiters, p1 + 1); if (p2 == npos) { // this is the last token
*bii++ = substr(p1); ++tokenCount; break; }
// the region [p1..(p2 - 1)] is a token
*bii++ = substr(p1, p2 - p1); ++tokenCount; p1 = p2 + 1; }
return tokenCount; }
// static functions
// Returns the string resource as a new instance.
// resID - resource ID of the string resource to load.
static String load(unsigned resId, HINSTANCE hInstance = 0);
inline static String load(int resId, HINSTANCE hInstance = 0) { return String::load(static_cast<unsigned>(resId), hInstance); }
// FormatMessage-style formatted output.
#if defined(ALPHA) || defined(IA64)
//lint -e(1916) it's ok to use elipsis here
static String __cdecl String::format( const String& fmt, ...); #else
// the x86 compiler won't allow the first parameter to be a reference
// type. This is a compiler bug.
//lint -e(1916) it's ok to use elipsis here
static String __cdecl String::format( const String fmt, ...); #endif
static String __cdecl format(const wchar_t* qqfmt, ...);
//lint -e(1916) it's ok to use elipsis here
static String __cdecl format(unsigned formatResID, ...);
static String __cdecl format(int formatResID, ...);
// STL support
// Function object class for performing case-insensive comparisons of
// Strings. Can be used with any STL template involving binary_function.
class EqualIgnoreCase : public std::binary_function<String, String, bool> { public:
// Returns true if f and s are equal, ignoring case in the comparison
inline bool operator()( const first_argument_type& f, const second_argument_type& s) const { return (f.icompare(s) == 0); } };
class LessIgnoreCase : public std::binary_function<String, String, bool> { public:
// Returns true if f is less than s, ignoring case in the comparison
inline bool operator()( const first_argument_type& f, const second_argument_type& s) const { return (f.icompare(s) < 0); } };
// Causes this to control a distinct copy of the string, without any shared
// references.
void _copy();
void assignFromAnsi(PCSTR lpsz, size_t len); };