// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CmdLineParser.c
// Abstract:
// This modules implements parsing of command line arguments for the specified options
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 1-Sep-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 1-Sep-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
#include "CmdLineRes.h"
// macros
#define CHECK_FLAG( value, mask, flag ) ( ( value & mask ) == flag ? TRUE : FALSE )
// defines / constants / enumerations
#define OPTION_CHARACTERS _T( "-/" )
// error messages
// private functions ... used only within this file
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// returns the argument value is option or not
// Arguments:
// [ in ] szOption : a pointer to a constant string
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL __IsOption( LPCTSTR szOption ) { // check the input value
if ( szOption == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// check whether the string starts with '-' or '/' character
if ( lstrlen( szOption ) > 1 && _tcschr( OPTION_CHARACTERS, szOption[ 0 ] ) != NULL ) return TRUE; // string value is an option
// this is not an option
return FALSE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// compares the option value with argument and returns true
// or false accordingly
// Arguments:
// [in] szOption : a pointer to a string which specifies the option
// against which the argument is to be compared
// [in] szArgument : a pointer to a string which specifies the argument
// for which the option string is to be compared
// [in] bIgnoreCase : Ignore the case
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL __CompareArgument( LPCTSTR szOption, LPCTSTR szArgument, BOOL bIgnoreCase ) { // local variables
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// check the input value
if ( szOption == NULL || szArgument == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// first check whether the argument is an option or not
// if the argument is not an option, return from here itself
if ( __IsOption( szArgument ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// do the case-insensitive comparision
// Note: here while comparing ignore the first character in the argument
// this is im-material for us ... 'coz we are comparing the option and the argument
// only after confirming that the argument is starting with the option character
bResult = InString( szArgument + 1, szOption, TRUE );
// return the result
return bResult; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// checks the cmdOptions array for the given option and
// returns the index of the cmdOptions array at which the given option
// matches
// Arguments:
// [ in ] dwOptions : no. of options in the options array
// [ in ] pcmdOptions : an array of TCMDPARSER structors (i.e. options array)
// [ in ] szOption : a pointer to a string which is the option that is to be
// compared
// Return Value:
// The index of the options array at which the given option matches
// ***************************************************************************
LONG __MatchOption( DWORD dwOptions, PTCMDPARSER pcmdOptions, LPCTSTR szOption ) { // local variables
DWORD dwIndex = 0; BOOL bOption = TRUE; LONG lDefaultIndex = -1; // holds the default options index
// check the input value
if ( pcmdOptions == NULL || szOption == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); return -1; }
// check whether the passed argument is an option or not.
// option : starts with '-' or '/'
bOption = __IsOption( szOption );
// parse thru the list of options and return the appropriate option id to the caller
for( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwOptions; dwIndex++ ) { // get the
TCMDPARSER cmdparser = pcmdOptions[ dwIndex ];
// check if the current cmdparser option referes to the default option
// if yes, save the index
if ( cmdparser.dwFlags & CP_DEFAULT ) lDefaultIndex = dwIndex;
// based on the argument, if it starts with option character
if ( bOption ) { // find the appropriate option entry in parser list
if ( __CompareArgument( cmdparser.szOption, szOption, TRUE ) ) return dwIndex; // option matched
} else { // else find the default option entry
if ( cmdparser.dwFlags & CP_DEFAULT ) return dwIndex; // the current entry represents the default
} }
// here we know that option is not found
return lDefaultIndex; };
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
VOID __SplitColon( LPCTSTR pszOption, LPTSTR* ppszOptionArg, LPTSTR* ppszValueArg ) { // local variables
DWORD dwValueLength = 0; DWORD dwOptionLength = 0; LPCTSTR pszTemp = NULL;
// search for ':' seperator
pszTemp = _tcschr( pszOption, _T( ':' ) ); if ( pszTemp == NULL ) return;
// determine the length of option and value arguments
dwValueLength = lstrlen( pszTemp ) - 1; dwOptionLength = lstrlen( pszOption ) - dwValueLength - 1;
// now allocate buffers for option and value arguments
*ppszValueArg = __calloc( dwValueLength + 5, sizeof( TCHAR ) ); *ppszOptionArg = __calloc( dwOptionLength + 5, sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if ( *ppszValueArg == NULL || *ppszOptionArg == NULL ) { __free( *ppszValueArg ); __free( *ppszOptionArg ); *ppszValueArg = NULL; *ppszOptionArg = NULL; return; }
// copy the values into appropriate buffers
lstrcpy( *ppszValueArg, pszTemp + 1 ); lstrcpyn( *ppszOptionArg, pszOption, dwOptionLength + 1 ); // +1 for null character
// public functions ... exposed to external world
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// The routine will parse the command line arguments for the options
// Arguments:
// [ in ] dwCount : an integer variable represents no. of arguments supplied
// through command line
// [ in ] argv : an array of command line arguments
// [ in ] dwOptionsCount : an integer represents the no.of elements in pcmdOptions
// array
// [ in ] pcmdOptions : an array of TCMDPARSER structures (i.e an array of options)
// Return Value:
// returns TRUE if parsing done successfully, otherwise returns FALSE
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL DoParseParam( DWORD dwCount, LPCTSTR argv[], DWORD dwOptionsCount, PTCMDPARSER pcmdOptions ) { // local variables
DWORD i = 0; LONG lTemp = 0; LONG lIndex = 0; BOOL bUsage = FALSE; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bDefault = TRUE; BOOL bProcessValue = FALSE; BOOL bOptionHasValue = FALSE; BOOL bValueWithColon = FALSE; LPCTSTR pszValue = NULL; LPCTSTR pszOption = NULL; LPTSTR pszValueArg = NULL; LPTSTR pszOptionArg = NULL; PTCMDPARSER pcmdparser = NULL; __STRING_512 szBuffer = NULL_STRING; __STRING_512 szUtilityName = NULL_STRING;
BOOL bCheck = FALSE ;
// check the input value
if ( argv == NULL || pcmdOptions == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// check for version compatibility
if ( IsWin2KOrLater() == FALSE ) { SetReason( ERROR_OS_INCOMPATIBLE ); return FALSE; }
// prepare the utility name
{ pszOption = NULL; for( i = 0; i < dwOptionsCount; i++ ) { pcmdparser = pcmdOptions + i; if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MAIN_OPTION ) { pszOption = pcmdparser->szOption; break; } }
// strip the utility name
lIndex = 0; while ( (pszValue = FindOneOf( argv[ 0 ], _T( "\\:" ), lIndex )) != NULL ) { // determine and save the position
lIndex = lstrlen( argv[ 0 ] ) - lstrlen( pszValue ) + 1; }
// ...
lstrcpy( szUtilityName, _X( argv[ 0 ] + lIndex ) );
// check whether .EXE is present in the name or not if yes detach it
lIndex = lstrlen( szUtilityName ) - 4; // total length - length of ".EXE"
if ( lIndex <= 0 || StringCompare( szUtilityName + lIndex, _T( ".EXE" ), TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { szUtilityName[ lIndex ] = '\0'; }
// if main option is available, add it
if ( pszOption != NULL ) { // add one space ( seperation )
lstrcat( szUtilityName, _T( " /" ) ); lstrcat( szUtilityName, pszOption ); }
// now add the help string ( /? )
lstrcat( szUtilityName, _T( " /?" ) );
// convert the string into upper case
CharUpper( szUtilityName ); }
// Note: though the array starts at index 0 in C, the value at the array index 0
// in a command line is the executable name ... so leave and parse the command line
// from the second parameter i.e; array index 1
SetReason( NULL_STRING ); // clear the existing error reason
for( i = 1; i < dwCount; i++ ) { // reset ...
pszOptionArg = NULL; pszValueArg = NULL; bProcessValue = FALSE; // assume no need to process the value
bOptionHasValue = FALSE; // assume that next arg is not a value
bValueWithColon = FALSE; pszValue = NULL_STRING; // clear the existing contents
// check the length of the value ... it should not exceed
// the value defined with MAX_STRING_LENGTH
if ( lstrlen( argv[ i ] ) > MAX_STRING_LENGTH ) { SetReason( ERROR_CMDPARSER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); return FALSE; }
// find the appropriate the option match
pszOption = argv[ i ]; lIndex = __MatchOption( dwOptionsCount, pcmdOptions, pszOption );
// check whether the option was found or not
if ( lIndex == -1 ) { //
// invalid option ... syntax error
// but as a special case user might have specified the value
// along with the option using ':' as delimiter
__SplitColon( pszOption, &pszOptionArg, &pszValueArg ); if ( pszOptionArg != NULL && pszValueArg != NULL ) lIndex = __MatchOption( dwOptionsCount, pcmdOptions, pszOptionArg );
// check whether option was found atleast now or not
if ( lIndex == -1 ) { // set the reason for the failure and return
FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_INVALID_OPTION, _X( pszOption ), szUtilityName ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); return FALSE; } else { pszValue = pszValueArg; pszOption = pszOptionArg; bValueWithColon = TRUE; bProcessValue = TRUE; bOptionHasValue = TRUE; } }
// now get the structure entry representing the current option
// and check the address pValue
pcmdparser = pcmdOptions + lIndex; if ( pcmdparser->pValue == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOACCESS ); __free( pszOptionArg ); __free( pszValueArg ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// now determine whether user has specified default parameter or option
bDefault = FALSE; if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_DEFAULT ) { //
// default option
// but there is twist ... still user might have given default argument
// and again an option ... here there is a twist ... for example
// for some utilities, server names can be given directly without any option
// or else along with the option say -s. We need to handle this carefully
bDefault = ! ( __IsOption( pszOption ) && __CompareArgument( pcmdparser->szOption, pszOption, TRUE ) ); }
// do furthur checking on the current option
// this is to determine whether this is a default option
// option which doesn't take any value
// note: checking depends on the type of the current argument
if ( bDefault == FALSE && __IsOption( pszOption ) == TRUE ) { // check whether next argument is available in array or not
if ( i + 1 < dwCount && bOptionHasValue == FALSE ) { // check whether the next argument length is greater than 255
if ( lstrlen( argv[ i + 1 ] ) > MAX_STRING_LENGTH ) { SetReason( ERROR_CMDPARSER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); return FALSE; } // check whether next argument starts with option character or not
if ( __IsOption( argv[ i + 1 ] ) == TRUE ) { // if the option is expecting a numeric value, check if it is a
// numeric value or not. if it is a numeric value
if ( TYPEIS_NUMERIC( pcmdparser->dwFlags ) && IsNumeric( argv[ i+1 ], 10, TRUE ) ) { // next argument is value ... possibly a -ve value
bOptionHasValue = TRUE; } else { // check if this is an valid option or value
lTemp = __MatchOption( dwOptionsCount, pcmdOptions, argv[ i + 1 ] ); if ( lTemp == -1 && ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_VALUE_MASK ) ) { // this is not an option ... it should a value only
bOptionHasValue = TRUE; } } } else if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_VALUE_MASK ) bOptionHasValue = TRUE; // next option can store this value
} // now check whether the next argument is value or not for an option
// who should have value as mandatory
if ( ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_VALUE_MANDATORY ) && bOptionHasValue == FALSE ) { //
// error ... this option is expecting a value
// set the reason for the failure and return
__free( pszOptionArg ); __free( pszValueArg ); FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_VALUE_EXPECTED, _X( pszOption ), szUtilityName ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); return FALSE; }
// now, if the next argument is a value for the option
if ( bOptionHasValue ) { // if value is not specified with colon, then next argument is the
// value for this option
if ( bValueWithColon == FALSE ) pszValue = argv[ i + 1 ];
// check the length of the value ... it should not exceed
// the value defined with MAX_STRING_LENGTH
if ( lstrlen( pszValue ) > MAX_STRING_LENGTH ) { __free( pszOptionArg ); __free( pszValueArg ); SetReason( ERROR_CMDPARSER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); return FALSE; }
// indicate that value has to be validated
bProcessValue = TRUE; } } else if ( bDefault == TRUE ) { // check the length of the value in the argv ... it should not exceed
// the value defined with MAX_STRING_LENGTH
if ( lstrlen( pszOption ) >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH ) { __free( pszOptionArg ); __free( pszValueArg ); SetReason( ERROR_CMDPARSER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); return FALSE; }
// this is a default option
bProcessValue = TRUE; // need to process the value
pszValue = pszOption; // current option itself is a value
// check whether we need to do the process the value or not
if ( bProcessValue && ( ! ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_IGNOREVALUE ) ) ) { // check whether this value should be in the list of values
if ( ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MODE_VALUES ) && ( ! InString( pszValue, pcmdparser->szValues, TRUE ) ) ) { // current option value is not fitting the list of valid values
// set the reason for the failure and return
if ( bDefault == TRUE ) { FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_DEFAULT_NOTINLIST, _X( argv[ i ] ), szUtilityName ); } else { FORMAT_STRING3( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_NOTINLIST, _X1( argv[ i + 1 ] ), _X2( argv[ i ] ), szUtilityName ); }
// ...
if( bCheck == FALSE ) { bCheck = TRUE ; SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); } }
// validate and set the value based on the 'type' option is expecting
switch( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_TYPE_MASK ) { case CP_TYPE_TEXT: { // check the mode of the input
if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MODE_ARRAY ) { // if the mode is array, add to the array
// but before adding check whether duplicates
// has to be eliminated or not
lIndex = -1; if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_VALUE_NODUPLICATES ) { // check whether current value already exists in the list or not
lIndex = DynArrayFindString( *((PTARRAY) pcmdparser->pValue), pszValue, TRUE, 0 ); }
// now add the value to array only if the item doesn't exist in list
if ( lIndex == -1 ) DynArrayAppendString( *((PTARRAY) pcmdparser->pValue), pszValue, 0 ); } else { // else just do copy
lstrcpy( ( LPTSTR ) pcmdparser->pValue, pszValue ); } // break from the switch ... case
break; }
case CP_TYPE_NUMERIC: { // check whether the value is numeric or not
if ( IsNumeric( pszValue, 10, TRUE ) == FALSE ) { //
// error ... non numeric value
// set the reason for the failure and return
if( bCheck == FALSE ) { bCheck = TRUE ; FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_INVALID_NUMERIC, _X( argv[ i ] ), szUtilityName ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); }
break; }
// check the mode of the input
// if the mode is array, add to the array
if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MODE_ARRAY ) { DynArrayAppendLong( *((PTARRAY) pcmdparser->pValue), AsLong( pszValue, 10 ) ); } else // else just do copy
{ *( ( LONG* ) pcmdparser->pValue ) = AsLong( pszValue, 10 ); }
// break from the switch ... case
break; }
case CP_TYPE_UNUMERIC: { // check whether the value is numeric or not
if ( IsNumeric( pszValue, 10, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { //
// error ... non numeric value
// set the reason for the failure and return
if( bCheck == FALSE ) { bCheck = TRUE ; FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_INVALID_NUMERIC, _X( argv[ i ] ), szUtilityName ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); } break; }
// check the mode of the input
// if the mode is array, add to the array
if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MODE_ARRAY ) { DynArrayAppendDWORD( *((PTARRAY) pcmdparser->pValue), (DWORD) AsLong( pszValue, 10 ) ); } else // else just do copy
{ *( ( DWORD* ) pcmdparser->pValue ) = (DWORD) AsLong( pszValue, 10 ); }
// break from the switch ... case
break; }
case CP_TYPE_FLOAT: { // check whether the value is floating point or not
if ( IsFloatingPoint( pszValue ) == FALSE ) { //
// error ... non floating point value
// set the reason for the failure and return
if( bCheck == FALSE ) { bCheck = TRUE ; FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_INVALID_FLOAT, _X( argv[ i ] ), szUtilityName ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); } break; }
// check the mode of the input
// if the mode is array, add to the array
if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MODE_ARRAY ) { DynArrayAppendFloat( *((PTARRAY) pcmdparser->pValue), (float) AsFloat( pszValue ) ); } else // else just do copy
{ *( ( float* ) pcmdparser->pValue ) = (float) AsFloat( pszValue ); }
// break from the switch ... case
break; }
case CP_TYPE_DOUBLE: { // check whether the value is floating point or not
if ( IsFloatingPoint( pszValue ) == FALSE ) { //
// error ... non floating point value
// set the reason for the failure and return
if( bCheck == FALSE ) { bCheck = TRUE ; FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_INVALID_FLOAT, _X( argv[ i ] ), szUtilityName ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); } break; }
// check the mode of the input
// if the mode is array, add to the array
if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MODE_ARRAY ) { DynArrayAppendDouble( *((PTARRAY) pcmdparser->pValue), AsFloat( pszValue ) ); } else // else just do copy
{ *( ( double* ) pcmdparser->pValue ) = AsFloat( pszValue ); }
// break from the switch ... case
break; }
case CP_TYPE_CUSTOM: { // check whether function pointer is specified or not
// if not specified, error
if ( pcmdparser->pFunction == NULL ) { //
// function ptr not specified ... error
// set the reason for the failure and return
if( bCheck == FALSE ) { bCheck = TRUE ; SetLastError( STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); } break; }
// call the custom function
// and result itself is return value of this function
bResult = ( *pcmdparser->pFunction)( argv[ i ], pszValue, pcmdparser->pFunctionData == NULL ? pcmdparser : pcmdparser->pFunctionData );
// check the result
if ( ( bResult == FALSE ) && (bCheck == FALSE ) ) { bCheck = TRUE ; break ; }
// break from the switch ... case
break; }
case CP_TYPE_DATE: case CP_TYPE_TIME: case CP_TYPE_DATETIME: { // break from the switch ... case
break; }
default: { // default is assumed to boolean type
*( ( BOOL* ) pcmdparser->pValue ) = TRUE;
// break from the switch ... case
break; } } } else { // default is assumed to boolean type
// NOTE: only in case the option is not accepting optional value
if ( (pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_VALUE_MASK) != CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL ) *( ( BOOL* ) pcmdparser->pValue ) = TRUE; }
// check whether next argument is treated as value or not
// if next argument is treated as value and finished, processing,
// increment the argument index variable so that it will process the next option
if ( bOptionHasValue && bValueWithColon == FALSE ) i++;
// increment the option repetition count at the command prompt
// find out if the current option refers help item
if ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_USAGE ) bUsage = TRUE; // usage is specified
// now check whether option repeated excess no. of times or not
if ( pcmdparser->dwCount != 0 && pcmdparser->dwActuals > pcmdparser->dwCount ) { //
// syntax error ... option repeatition count exceeded
// set the reason for the failure and return
if ( bDefault == TRUE ) { // its an default argument
FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_DEFAULT_OPTION_REPEATED, pcmdparser->dwCount, szUtilityName ); } else { // its an option
FORMAT_STRING3( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_OPTION_REPEATED, _X( pszOption ), pcmdparser->dwCount, szUtilityName ); }
// ...
SetReason( NULL_STRING ); __free( pszOptionArg ); __free( pszValueArg ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); return FALSE; }
// release memory
__free( pszValueArg ); __free( pszOptionArg ); }
// atlast check whether the mandatory options has come or not
// NOTE: checking of mandatory options will be done only if help is requested
for( i = 0; bUsage == FALSE && i < dwOptionsCount; i++ ) { // check whether the option has come or not if it is mandatory
pcmdparser = pcmdOptions + i; if ( ( pcmdparser->dwFlags & CP_MANDATORY ) && pcmdparser->dwActuals == 0 ) { //
// mandatory option not exist ... fail
// set the reason for the failure and return
if ( lstrlen( pcmdparser->szOption ) != 0 ) { FORMAT_STRING2( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_MANDATORY_OPTION_MISSING, pcmdparser->szOption, szUtilityName ); } else { FORMAT_STRING( szBuffer, ERROR_CMDPARSER_DEFAULT_OPTION_MISSING, szUtilityName ); } SetReason( NULL_STRING ); SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( szBuffer ); return FALSE; } }
// command line parsing went well ... return success
if( bCheck == TRUE ) { return FALSE ; } else { return TRUE; } }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description: Counts the no. of times the option is repeated at cmd prompt
// Arguments:
// [in] szOption : a pointer to string which is an option for which the search
// is to be made in options array
// [in] dwCount : no. of entries in the cmdOptions array
// [in] pcmdOptions: an array of TCMDPARSER structure (i.e an array of options)
// Return Value:
// the count of no. of time the option is repeated at command prompt
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD GetOptionCount( LPCTSTR szOption, DWORD dwCount, PTCMDPARSER pcmdOptions ) { // local variables
// check the input value
if ( szOption == NULL || pcmdOptions == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); return -1; }
// traverse thru the loop and find out how many times, the option has repeated at cmd prompt
for( dw = 0; dw < dwCount; dw++ ) { // get the option information and check whether we are looking for this option or not
// if the option is matched, return the no. of times the option is repeated at the command prompt
pcp = pcmdOptions + dw; if ( StringCompare( pcp->szOption, szOption, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) return pcp->dwActuals; }
// this will / shouldn't occur
return -1; }