Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

301 lines
7.3 KiB

  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <!---------------------------->
  4. <!-- Document Title -->
  5. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  6. <!---------------------------->
  7. <title> Trouble Shooting </title>
  8. <basefont face="Tahoma,Arial" color="black" size=1>
  9. <style>
  10. <!--
  11. TD {text-align: left}
  12. A {font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color=black}
  13. -->
  14. </style>
  15. </head>
  16. <script language="VBScript">
  17. <!--
  18. 'Main functions to perform task highlighting on with mouse movement
  19. Sub DoMouseOver(task)
  20. document.anchors("Task" & task).style.color="#0000CC"
  21. document.anchors("Task" & task).style.textdecorationunderline=true
  22. End Sub
  23. Sub DoMouseOut(task)
  24. document.anchors("Task" & task).style.color="black"
  25. document.anchors("Task" & task).style.textdecorationunderline=false
  26. End Sub
  27. -->
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  29. <body bgcolor="white" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0>
  30. <!--
  31. *** Title Area ***
  32. 1 2 3
  33. /---------------------------------------------------------\
  34. | Picture | TaskPad Title | P |
  35. | 89x89 | Description | a | 1
  36. | | | d |
  37. \---------------------------------------------------------/
  38. -->
  39. <table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 background="NTtile.gif">
  40. <tr height=89>
  41. <td width=89>
  42. <img align="middle" src="NTDisk.gif" width=89 height=89>
  43. </td>
  44. <td valign="top">
  45. <font size=4><b>
  46. <!---------------------------->
  47. <!-- TaskPad Title -->
  48. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  49. <!---------------------------->
  50. Trouble Shooting
  51. </b></font><br>
  52. <font size=2>
  53. <!---------------------------->
  54. <!-- Description -->
  55. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  56. <!---------------------------->
  57. This will link you to the tools you can use to help solve problems with your computer.
  58. </font>
  59. </td>
  60. <!-- empty cell for right-hand spacing -->
  61. <td halign=left valign=top width=5 background="NTtile.gif">
  62. </td>
  63. </tr>
  64. </table>
  65. <br><br>
  66. <!--
  67. *** Body Area ***
  68. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  69. /---------------------------------------------------------\
  70. | P | Icon1 | Task1 Title | P | Icon2 | Task2 Title | P |
  71. | a | | Description | a | | Description | a | 1
  72. | d | | | d | | | d |
  73. |---------------------------------------------------------|
  74. | Pad | 2
  75. |---------------------------------------------------------|
  76. | P | Icon3 | Task3 Title | P | | | P |
  77. | a | | Description | a | | | a | 3
  78. | d | | | d | | | d |
  79. |---------------------------------------------------------|
  80. | Pad | 4
  81. \---------------------------------------------------------/
  82. -->
  83. <table width=* border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=4>
  84. <!-- ********** Task 1 goes here ********** -->
  85. <!-- Row 1 -->
  86. <tr valign=top>
  87. <!-- Column 1 -->
  88. <td width=50></td>
  89. <!-- Column 2 -->
  90. <td align=left valign=top width=34>
  91. <!---------------------------->
  92. <!-- icon & hypertext link -->
  93. <!-- change the HREF -->
  94. <!-- change the SRC -->
  95. <!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
  96. <!---------------------------->
  97. <a name="icon01" HREF="eventvwr.msc"
  98. language="VBScript"
  99. onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("01")
  100. onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("01")>
  101. <img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0">
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  103. </td>
  104. <!-- Column 3 -->
  105. <td width=300>
  106. <font size=2>
  107. <!---------------------------->
  108. <!-- title & hypertext link -->
  109. <!-- change the HREF -->
  110. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  111. <!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
  112. <!---------------------------->
  113. <a name="task01" HREF="eventvwr.msc"
  114. language="VBScript"
  115. onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("01")
  116. onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("01")>
  117. Event Logs
  118. </a><br>
  119. <!---------------------------->
  120. <!-- description -->
  121. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  122. <!---------------------------->
  123. Applications and componets log information, warnings and errors in event logs. This is a great place to start for historical information.
  124. </font>
  125. </td>
  126. <!-- ********** Task 2 goes here ********** -->
  127. <!-- Column 4 -->
  128. <td width=50></td>
  129. <!-- Column 5 -->
  130. <td align=left valign=top width=34>
  131. <!---------------------------->
  132. <!-- icon & hypertext link -->
  133. <!-- change the HREF -->
  134. <!-- change the SRC -->
  135. <!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
  136. <!---------------------------->
  137. <a name="icon02" HREF="devmgmt.msc"
  138. language="VBScript"
  139. onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("02")
  140. onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("02")>
  141. <img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0">
  142. </a>
  143. </td>
  144. <!-- Column 6 -->
  145. <td width=300>
  146. <font size=2>
  147. <!---------------------------->
  148. <!-- title & hypertext link -->
  149. <!-- change the HREF -->
  150. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  151. <!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
  152. <!---------------------------->
  153. <a name="task02" HREF="devmgmt.msc"
  154. language="VBScript"
  155. onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("02")
  156. onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("02")>
  157. Device Problems
  158. </a><br>
  159. <!---------------------------->
  160. <!-- description -->
  161. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  162. <!---------------------------->
  163. This tool will help you solve problems with device conflicts on your computer.
  164. </font>
  165. </td>
  166. <!-- Column 7 -->
  167. <!-- empty cell for right-hand spacing -->
  168. <td halign=left valign=top width=5>
  169. </td>
  170. </tr>
  171. <!-- Row 2 -->
  172. <!-- blank row for spacing -->
  173. <tr><td>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  174. <!-- ********** Task 3 goes here ********** -->
  175. <!-- Row 3 -->
  176. <tr valign=top>
  177. <!-- Column 1 -->
  178. <td width=50></td>
  179. <!-- Column 2 -->
  180. <td align=left valign=top width=34>
  181. <!---------------------------->
  182. <!-- icon & hypertext link -->
  183. <!-- change the HREF -->
  184. <!-- change the SRC -->
  185. <!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
  186. <!---------------------------->
  187. <a name="icon03" HREF="..\TShoot\ras.htm"
  188. language="VBScript"
  189. onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("03")
  190. onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("03")>
  191. <img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0">
  192. </a>
  193. </td>
  194. <!-- Column 3 -->
  195. <td width=300>
  196. <font size=2>
  197. <!---------------------------->
  198. <!-- title & hypertext link -->
  199. <!-- change the HREF -->
  200. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  201. <!-- verify the NUMBERS -->
  202. <!---------------------------->
  203. <a name="task03" HREF="..\TShoot\ras.htm"
  204. language="VBScript"
  205. onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("03")
  206. onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("03")>
  207. Remote Access Troubleshooting Wizard
  208. </a><br>
  209. <!---------------------------->
  210. <!-- description -->
  211. <!-- change the TEXT -->
  212. <!---------------------------->
  213. This wizard will lists recommended troubleshooting steps in the order of greatest potential benefit and least cost to you (the user).
  214. </font>
  215. </td>
  216. </table>
  217. </body>
  218. </html>