// Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Non-domain Naming Context checking code
// 13 July 2000 sburns, from code supplied by jeffparh
#include "headers.hxx"
#include "state.hpp"
#include "resource.h"
#include "NonDomainNc.hpp"
#define LOG_LDAP(msg, ldap) LOG(msg); LOG(String::format(L"LDAP error %1!ld!", (ldap)))
#define LOG_LDAP(msg, ldap)
HRESULT LdapToHresult(int ldapError) { // CODEWORK: I'm told that ldap_get_option for LDAP_OPT_SERVER_ERROR or
// an error result with "higher fidelity"
return Win32ToHresult(::LdapMapErrorToWin32(ldapError)); }
// provided by jeffparh
DWORD IsLastReplicaOfNC( IN LDAP * hld, IN LPWSTR pszConfigNC, IN LPWSTR pszNC, IN LPWSTR pszNtdsDsaDN, OUT BOOL * pfIsLastReplica ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine whether any DSAs other than that with DN pszNtdsDsaDN hold replicas of a particular NC.
hld (IN) - LDAP handle to execute search with. pszConfigNC (IN) - DN of the config NC. Used as a base for the search. pszNC (IN) - NC for which to check for other replicas. pszNtdsDsaDN (IN) - DN of the DSA object known to currently have a replica of the NC. We are specifically looking for replicas *other than* this one. pfIsLastReplica (OUT) - On successful return, TRUE iff no DSAs hold replicas of pszNC other than that with DN pszNtdsDsaDN.
Return Values:
Win error.
--*/ { LOG_FUNCTION2(IsLastReplicaOfNC, pszNC ? pszNC : L"(null)"); ASSERT(hld); ASSERT(pszConfigNC); ASSERT(pszNC); ASSERT(pszNtdsDsaDN); ASSERT(pfIsLastReplica);
if ( !hld || !pszConfigNC || !pszNC || !pszNtdsDsaDN || !pfIsLastReplica) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Just checking for existence -- don't really want any attributes
// returned.
static LPWSTR rgpszDsaAttrsToRead[] = { L"__invalid_attribute_name__", NULL };
static WCHAR szFilterFormat[] = L"(&(objectCategory=ntdsDsa)(hasMasterNCs=%ls)(!(distinguishedName=%ls)))";
*pfIsLastReplica = TRUE; int ldStatus = 0; DWORD err = 0; LDAPMessage * pDsaResults = NULL; LDAPMessage * pDsaEntry = NULL; size_t cchFilter; PWSTR pszFilter; LDAP_TIMEVAL lTimeout = {3*60, 0}; // three minutes
do { cchFilter = sizeof(szFilterFormat) / sizeof(*szFilterFormat) + wcslen(pszNtdsDsaDN) + wcslen(pszNC);
pszFilter = (PWSTR) new BYTE[sizeof(WCHAR) * cchFilter];
swprintf(pszFilter, szFilterFormat, pszNC, pszNtdsDsaDN);
// Search config NC for any ntdsDsa object that hosts this NC other
// than that with dn pszNtdsDsaDN. Note that we cap the search at one
// returned object -- we're not really trying to enumerate, just
// checking for existence.
ldStatus = ldap_search_ext_sW(hld, pszConfigNC, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, pszFilter, rgpszDsaAttrsToRead, 0, NULL, NULL, &lTimeout, 1, &pDsaResults); if (pDsaResults) { // Ignore any error (such as LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED) when the
// search returns results.
ldStatus = 0; pDsaEntry = ldap_first_entry(hld, pDsaResults); *pfIsLastReplica = (NULL == pDsaEntry); } else if (ldStatus) { // Search failed and returned no results.
LOG_LDAP(L"Config NC search failed", ldStatus); break; } else { // No error, no results. This shouldn't happen.
LOG("ldap_search_ext_sW returned no results and no error!"); ASSERT(false); } } while (0);
if (NULL != pDsaResults) { ldap_msgfree(pDsaResults); }
if (pszFilter) { delete[] pszFilter; }
if (!err && ldStatus) { err = LdapMapErrorToWin32(ldStatus); } return err; }
// S_OK if this machine (the localhost) is the last replica of at least one
// non-domain NC, S_FALSE if not, or error otherwise. If S_OK, then the
// StringList will contain the DNs of the non domain NCs for which this
// machine is the last replica.
// based on code from jeffparh
// hld (IN) - LDAP handle bound to DSA to evaluate.
// result (OUT) - string list to receive DNs of the non-domain NCs.
HRESULT IsLastNdncReplica(LDAP* hld, StringList& result) { LOG_FUNCTION(IsLastNdncReplica); ASSERT(hld); ASSERT(result.empty());
HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; LDAPMessage* rootResults = 0; PWSTR* configNc = 0; PWSTR* schemaNc = 0; PWSTR* domainNc = 0; PWSTR* masterNcs = 0; PWSTR* ntdsDsaDn = 0;
do { // Gather basic rootDSE info.
LOG(L"Calling ldap_search_s");
int ldStatus = ldap_search_sW( hld, 0, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"(objectClass=*)", ROOT_ATTRS_TO_READ, 0, &rootResults); if (ldStatus) { LOG_LDAP(L"RootDSE search failed", ldStatus); hr = LdapToHresult(ldStatus); break; }
configNc = ldap_get_valuesW(hld, rootResults, LDAP_OPATT_CONFIG_NAMING_CONTEXT_W); schemaNc = ldap_get_valuesW(hld, rootResults, LDAP_OPATT_SCHEMA_NAMING_CONTEXT_W); domainNc = ldap_get_valuesW(hld, rootResults, LDAP_OPATT_DEFAULT_NAMING_CONTEXT_W); masterNcs = ldap_get_valuesW(hld, rootResults, LDAP_OPATT_NAMING_CONTEXTS_W); ntdsDsaDn = ldap_get_valuesW(hld, rootResults, LDAP_OPATT_DS_SERVICE_NAME_W);
if ( (0 == configNc) || (0 == schemaNc) || (0 == domainNc) || (0 == masterNcs) || (0 == ntdsDsaDn)) { LOG(L"Can't find key rootDSE attributes!");
hr = Win32ToHresult(ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE); break; }
// There is only one value for each of these attributes...
ASSERT(1 == ldap_count_valuesW(configNc)); ASSERT(1 == ldap_count_valuesW(schemaNc)); ASSERT(1 == ldap_count_valuesW(domainNc)); ASSERT(1 == ldap_count_valuesW(ntdsDsaDn));
DWORD masterNcCount = ldap_count_valuesW(masterNcs); LOG(String::format(L"masterNcCount = %1!d!", masterNcCount)); // '3' => 1 nc for config, 1 nc for schema, 1 nc for this DC's own
// domain.
if (masterNcCount <= 3) { // DSA holds no master NCs other than config, schema, and its own
// domain. Thus, it is not the last replica of any NDNC.
LOG(L"This dsa holds no master NCs other than config, schema, and domain"); ASSERT(3 == masterNcCount); ASSERT(0 == ldStatus); ASSERT(hr == S_FALSE);
break; }
// Loop through non-config/schema/domain NCs to determine those for
// which the DSA is the last replica.
for (int i = 0; 0 != masterNcs[i]; ++i) { PWSTR nc = masterNcs[i];
LOG(L"Evaluating " + String(nc));
if ( (0 != wcscmp(nc, *configNc)) && (0 != wcscmp(nc, *schemaNc)) && (0 != wcscmp(nc, *domainNc))) { // A non-config/schema/domain NC.
LOG(L"Calling IsLastReplicaOfNC on " + String(nc));
BOOL isLastReplica = FALSE; DWORD err = IsLastReplicaOfNC( hld, *configNc, nc, *ntdsDsaDn, &isLastReplica); if (err) { LOG(L"IsLastReplicaOfNC() failed");
hr = Win32ToHresult(err); break; }
if (isLastReplica) { // This DSA is indeed the last replica of this particular
// NC. Return the DN of this NC to our caller.
LOG(L"last replica of " + String(nc));
result.push_back(nc); } else { LOG(L"not last replica of " + String(nc)); } } }
// If we broke out of the prior loop with an error, jump out to the
// cleanup section.
hr = result.size() > 0 ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } while (0);
if (rootResults) { ldap_msgfree(rootResults); } if (0 != configNc) { ldap_value_freeW(configNc); }
if (0 != schemaNc) { ldap_value_freeW(schemaNc); }
if (0 != domainNc) { ldap_value_freeW(domainNc); }
if (0 != masterNcs) { ldap_value_freeW(masterNcs); }
if (0 != ntdsDsaDn) { ldap_value_freeW(ntdsDsaDn); }
for ( StringList::iterator i = result.begin(); i != result.end(); ++i) { LOG(*i); } #endif
return hr; }
// S_OK if this machine (the localhost) is the last replica of at least one
// non-domain NC, S_FALSE if not, or error otherwise.
// result - If S_OK is returned, receives the DNs of the non domain NCs for
// which this machine is the last replica. Should be empty on entry.
HRESULT IsLastNonDomainNamingContextReplica(StringList& result) { LOG_FUNCTION(IsLastNonDomainNamingContextReplica); ASSERT(result.empty());
HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; LDAP* hld = 0;
do { // Connect to target DSA.
LOG(L"Calling ldap_open");
hld = ldap_openW(L"localhost", LDAP_PORT); if (!hld) { LOG("Cannot open LDAP connection to localhost"); hr = Win32ToHresult(ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE); break; }
// Bind using logged-in user's credentials.
int ldStatus = ldap_bind_s(hld, 0, 0, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE); if (ldStatus) { LOG_LDAP(L"LDAP bind failed", ldStatus);
hr = LdapToHresult(ldStatus); break; }
// go do the real work
hr = IsLastNdncReplica(hld, result); } while (0);
if (hld) { ldap_unbind(hld); }
return hr; }
static const DWORD HELP_MAP[] = { 0, 0 };
NonDomainNcErrorDialog::NonDomainNcErrorDialog(StringList& ndncList_) : Dialog(IDD_NON_DOMAIN_NC_ERROR, HELP_MAP), ndncList(ndncList_), warnIcon(0) { LOG_CTOR(NonDomainNcErrorDialog);
ASSERT(ndncList.size()); }
NonDomainNcErrorDialog::~NonDomainNcErrorDialog() { LOG_DTOR(NonDomainNcErrorDialog);
if (warnIcon) { Win::DestroyIcon(warnIcon); } }
void NonDomainNcErrorDialog::OnInit() { LOG_FUNCTION(NonDomainNcErrorDialog::OnInit);
// set the warning icon NTRAID#NTBUG9-239678-2000/11/28-sburns
HRESULT hr = Win::LoadImage(IDI_WARN, warnIcon); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
Win::SendMessage( Win::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_WARNING_ICON), STM_SETICON, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(warnIcon), 0);
PopulateListView(); }
// Unwraps the safearray of variants inside a variant, extracts the strings
// inside them, and catenates the strings together with semicolons in between.
// Return empty string on error.
// variant - in, the variant containing a safearray of variants of bstr.
String GetNdncDescriptionHelper(VARIANT* variant) { LOG_FUNCTION(GetNdncDescriptionHelper); ASSERT(variant); ASSERT(V_VT(variant) == (VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT));
String result;
SAFEARRAY* psa = V_ARRAY(variant);
do { ASSERT(psa); ASSERT(psa != (SAFEARRAY*)-1);
if (!psa or psa == (SAFEARRAY*)-1) { LOG(L"variant not safe array"); break; }
if (::SafeArrayGetDim(psa) != 1) { LOG(L"safe array: wrong number of dimensions"); break; }
VARTYPE vt = VT_EMPTY; HRESULT hr = ::SafeArrayGetVartype(psa, &vt); if (FAILED(hr) || vt != VT_VARIANT) { LOG(L"safe array: wrong element type"); break; }
long lower = 0; long upper = 0; hr = ::SafeArrayGetLBound(psa, 1, &lower); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT2(hr, L"can't get lower bound");
hr = ::SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 1, &upper); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT2(hr, L"can't get upper bound"); VARIANT varItem; ::VariantInit(&varItem);
for (long i = lower; i <= upper; ++i) { hr = ::SafeArrayGetElement(psa, &i, &varItem); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format(L"index %1!d! failed", i)); continue; }
result += V_BSTR(&varItem);
if (i < upper) { result += L";"; }
::VariantClear(&varItem); } } while (0);
LOG(result); return result; }
// bind to an ndnc, read it's description(s), and return them catenated
// together. Return empty string on error.
// ndncDn - in, DN of the ndnc
String GetNdncDescription(const String& ndncDn) { LOG_FUNCTION2(GetNdncDescription, ndncDn); ASSERT(!ndncDn.empty());
String result;
do { String path = L"LDAP://" + ndncDn;
SmartInterface<IADs> iads(0); IADs* dumb = 0; HRESULT hr = ::ADsGetObject( path.c_str(), __uuidof(iads), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&dumb)); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT2(hr, L"ADsGetObject failed on " + path);
// description is a multivalued attrbute for no apparent good reason.
// so we need to walk an array of values.
_variant_t variant; hr = iads->GetEx(AutoBstr(L"description"), &variant); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT2(hr, L"read description failed");
result = GetNdncDescriptionHelper(&variant); } while (0);
return result; }
// Build a list view with two columns, one for the DN of the ndncs for which
// this box is the last replica, another for the description(s) of those
// ndncs.
void NonDomainNcErrorDialog::PopulateListView() { LOG_FUNCTION(NonDomainNcErrorDialog::PopulateListView);
HWND view = Win::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_NDNC_LIST);
// add a column to the list view for the DN
LVCOLUMN column; ::ZeroMemory(&column, sizeof column);
int width = 0; String::load(IDS_NDNC_LIST_NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH).convert(width); column.cx = width;
String label = String::load(IDS_NDNC_LIST_NAME_COLUMN); column.pszText = const_cast<wchar_t*>(label.c_str());
Win::ListView_InsertColumn(view, 0, column);
// add a column to the list view for description.
String::load(IDS_NDNC_LIST_DESC_COLUMN_WIDTH).convert(width); column.cx = width; label = String::load(IDS_NDNC_LIST_DESC_COLUMN); column.pszText = const_cast<wchar_t*>(label.c_str());
Win::ListView_InsertColumn(view, 1, column); // Load up the edit box with the DNs we aliased in the ctor.
LVITEM item; ::ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof item);
for ( StringList::iterator i = ndncList.begin(); i != ndncList.end(); ++i) { item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.pszText = const_cast<wchar_t*>(i->c_str()); item.iSubItem = 0;
item.iItem = Win::ListView_InsertItem(view, item);
// add the description sub-item to the list control
String description = GetNdncDescription(*i); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.pszText = const_cast<wchar_t*>(description.c_str()); item.iSubItem = 1; Win::ListView_SetItem(view, item); } }
bool NonDomainNcErrorDialog::OnCommand( HWND /* windowFrom */ , unsigned controlIDFrom, unsigned code) { // LOG_FUNCTION(NonDomainNcErrorDialog::OnCommand);
if (code == BN_CLICKED) { switch (controlIDFrom) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: { Win::EndDialog(hwnd, controlIDFrom); return true; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-239678-2000/11/28-sburns
case IDC_SHOW_HELP: { if (code == BN_CLICKED) { Win::HtmlHelp( hwnd, L"adconcepts.chm::/ADHelpDemoteWithNDNC.htm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 0); return true; } break; } default: { // do nothing
} } }
return false; }
bool IsLastReplicaOfNonDomainNamingContexts() { LOG_FUNCTION(IsLastReplicaOfNonDomainNamingContexts);
bool result = false;
do { State::RunContext context = State::GetInstance().GetRunContext(); if (context != State::NT5_DC) { // not a DC, so can't be replica of any NCs
LOG(L"not a DC"); break; }
// Find the list of non-domain NCs that this DC is the last replica
// (if any). If we find some, gripe at the user.
StringList ndncList; HRESULT hr = IsLastNonDomainNamingContextReplica(ndncList); if (FAILED(hr)) { popup.Error( Win::GetDesktopWindow(), hr, IDS_FAILED_TO_READ_NDNC_INFO);
result = true; break; }
if (hr == S_FALSE) { LOG(L"Not last replica of non-domain NCs"); ASSERT(result == false); break; }
result = true; // there should be at least one DN in the list.
NonDomainNcErrorDialog(ndncList).ModalExecute(Win::GetDesktopWindow()); } while (0);
LOG(result ? L"true" : L"false");
return result; }