Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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210 lines
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  1. #MAJORCOMP=admin
  2. #MINORCOMP=common
  3. TARGETNAME=hmsnapin
  6. DLLENTRY=_DllMainCRTStartup
  7. UMTYPE=windows
  11. USE_ATL=1
  12. #ATL_VER=30
  13. USE_VCCOM=1
  14. # required for C++ exceptions
  16. # required for thread-safe heap
  17. USE_MSVCRT=1
  18. # required to support dynamic_cast
  19. USE_RTTI=1
  20. # required for STL (list, vector, string, etc.)
  21. USE_STL=1
  23. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\mmc.lib \
  24. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \
  25. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\user32.lib \
  26. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \
  27. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\ole32.lib \
  28. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\oleaut32.lib \
  29. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\uuid.lib \
  30. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\netapi32.lib \
  31. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\version.lib \
  32. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\comctl32.lib \
  33. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\gdi32.lib \
  34. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\shell32.lib \
  35. $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\wbemuuid.lib
  36. INCLUDES=.;\
  37. $(NET_INC_PATH);\
  38. ..\connmgr\dll\$(O);
  39. PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE = stdafx.h
  41. SOURCES= Action.cpp \
  42. ActionAssociationPage.cpp \
  43. ActionCmdLinePage.cpp \
  44. ActionConfigListener.cpp \
  45. ActionEmailPage.cpp \
  46. ActionGeneralPage.cpp \
  47. ActionLogFilePage.cpp \
  48. ActionManResultsView.cpp \
  49. ActionManScopeItem.cpp \
  50. ActionNtEventLogPage.cpp \
  51. ActionPagingPage.cpp \
  52. ActionPolicy.cpp \
  53. ActionPolicyResultsView.cpp \
  54. ActionPolicyScopeItem.cpp \
  55. ActionResultsView.cpp \
  56. ActionSchedulePage.cpp \
  57. ActionScopeItem.cpp \
  58. ActionScriptPage.cpp \
  59. ActionStatusListener.cpp \
  60. AlertPage.cpp \
  61. AllSystemsResultsView.cpp \
  62. AllSystemsScopeItem.cpp \
  63. BccDialog.cpp \
  64. CcDialog.cpp \
  65. ClearEventsDlg.cpp \
  66. ConfigCreationListener.cpp \
  67. ConfigDeletionListener.cpp \
  68. ConfigResultsView.cpp \
  69. ConfigScopeItem.cpp \
  70. ConnectionManager.cpp \
  71. DataElement.cpp \
  72. DataElementConfigListener.cpp \
  73. DataElementEvent.cpp \
  74. DataElementResultsView.cpp \
  75. DataElementScopeItem.cpp \
  76. DataElementStatsListener.cpp \
  77. DataElementStatusListener.cpp \
  78. DataGroup.cpp \
  79. DataGroupConfigListener.cpp \
  80. DataGroupResultsView.cpp \
  81. DataGroupScopeItem.cpp \
  82. DataGroupStatusListener.cpp \
  83. DataPointEventContainer.cpp \
  84. DataPointStatistics.cpp \
  85. Debug.cpp \
  86. DisableThresholdDlg.cpp \
  87. DPComPlusPage.cpp \
  88. DPFileInfoPage.cpp \
  89. DPFtpPage.cpp \
  90. DPGeneralPage.cpp \
  91. DPGenericPage.cpp \
  92. DPHttpPage.cpp \
  93. DPIcmpPage.cpp \
  94. DPInetProtocolPage.cpp \
  95. DPNtEventPage.cpp \
  96. DPPerfMonPage.cpp \
  97. DPSchedulePage.cpp \
  98. DPServicePage.cpp \
  99. DPSmtpPage.cpp \
  100. DPSNMPDataPage.cpp \
  101. DPWmiPolledQueryPage.cpp \
  102. DPWmiQueryPage.cpp \
  103. EnableThresholdDlg.cpp \
  104. Event.cpp \
  105. EventContainer.cpp \
  106. EventManager.cpp \
  107. FileVersion.cpp \
  108. GroupGeneralPage.cpp \
  109. HealthmonResultsPane.cpp \
  110. HealthmonScopePane.cpp \
  111. HealthmonSnapinAbout.cpp \
  112. HMContext.cpp \
  113. HMDataElementConfiguration.cpp \
  114. HMDataElementStatistics.cpp \
  115. HMDataElementStatus.cpp \
  116. HMDataGroupConfiguration.cpp \
  117. HMDataGroupStatus.cpp \
  118. HMEventResultsPaneItem.cpp \
  119. HMGeneralPage.cpp \
  120. hmgraphview.cpp \
  121. HMGraphViewEventSink.cpp \
  122. HMHeaderCtrl.cpp \
  123. HMHistoryPage.cpp \
  124. HMList.cpp \
  125. hmlistview.cpp \
  126. HMListViewColumn.cpp \
  127. HMListViewEventSink.cpp \
  128. HMObject.cpp \
  129. HMPropertyPage.cpp \
  130. HMPropertyStatus.cpp \
  131. HMPropertyStatusInstance.cpp \
  132. HMResultsPaneItem.cpp \
  133. HMRuleConfiguration.cpp \
  134. HMRuleStatus.cpp \
  135. HMRuleStatusInstance.cpp \
  136. HMScopeItem.cpp \
  137. HMSnapinAbout.cpp \
  138. HMStatistics.cpp \
  139. HMSystem.cpp \
  140. HMSystemStatus.cpp \
  141. hmtabview.cpp \
  142. HttpAdvancedDlg.cpp \
  143. InsertionStringMenu.cpp \
  144. ListViewColumn.cpp \
  145. MMCMsgHook.cpp \
  146. MsgHook.cpp \
  147. NewActionAssociationDlg.cpp \
  148. NewSystemDlg.cpp \
  149. NewSystemShortcutDlg.cpp \
  150. ProxyDialog.cpp \
  151. RemoveGroupDlg.cpp \
  152. RemoveSystemDlg.cpp \
  153. ResizeableDialog.cpp \
  154. ResultsPane.cpp \
  155. ResultsPaneItem.cpp \
  156. ResultsPaneView.cpp \
  157. RootResultsView.cpp \
  158. RootScopeItem.cpp \
  159. Rule.cpp \
  160. RuleConfigListener.cpp \
  161. RuleEvent.cpp \
  162. RuleInstanceEvent.cpp \
  163. RuleResultsView.cpp \
  164. RuleScopeItem.cpp \
  165. RuleStatusListener.cpp \
  166. ScopePane.cpp \
  167. ScopePaneItem.cpp \
  168. SelectSystemsDlg.cpp \
  169. SnapIn.cpp \
  170. SnapinAbout.cpp \
  171. SnapinDataObject.cpp \
  172. SortClass.cpp \
  173. SplitPaneResultsView.cpp \
  174. splitter.cpp \
  175. Statistics.cpp \
  176. SysGeneralPage.cpp \
  177. System.cpp \
  178. SystemConfigListener.cpp \
  179. SystemEventContainer.cpp \
  180. SystemGroup.cpp \
  181. SystemGroupResultsView.cpp \
  182. SystemGroupScopeItem.cpp \
  183. SystemResultsView.cpp \
  184. SystemScopeItem.cpp \
  185. SystemsResultsView.cpp \
  186. SystemsScopeItem.cpp \
  187. SystemStatusListener.cpp \
  188. THExpressionPage.cpp \
  189. THGeneralPage.cpp \
  190. THMessagePage.cpp \
  191. THPolicyPage.cpp \
  192. THSchedulePage.cpp \
  193. Tree.cpp \
  194. WbemClassObject.cpp \
  195. WbemEventListener.cpp \
  196. WmiBrowseDlg.cpp \
  197. WmiPropertyBrowseDlg.cpp \
  198. snapin.rc
  199. MISCFILES = \
  200. hmonitor.msc \
  201. hmonitor.ico