Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/
bltarrow.hxx arrow object within the spin button
FILE HISTORY: terryk 15-May-91 Created terryk 10-Jul-91 second code review change. Attend: beng rustanl chuckc terryk terryk 19-Jul-91 change the constructor's parameters to TCHAR * instead of ULONG. terryk 12-Aug-91 Remove BLT_TIMER object from the class. terryk 20-Aug-91 Add OnLMouseDblClk function to correct double click problem.
#ifndef _BLTARROW_HXX_
#define _BLTARROW_HXX_
#include "bltctrl.hxx"
#include "bltbutn.hxx"
SYNOPSIS: This is a class which creates the bitmap push button which lives within the SPIN button. It is similar to GRAPHICAL_BUTTON class. However the differents are: 1. It will fit the bitmap to the push button 2. User can specified the disable bitmap for display 3. It will notify the SPIN_GROUP parent if it is hit by the user. 4. It will set up a timer to record the time different between mouse button down and mouse button up.
HISTORY: terryk 29-May-91 Created terryk 19-Jul-91 Change the bitmap parameter to TCHAR * instead of ULONG beng 31-Jul-1991 Changed QMessageInfo to QEventEffects beng 04-Oct-1991 Win32 conversion beng 04-Aug-1992 Loads bitmaps by ordinal
DLL_CLASS ARROW_BUTTON: public GRAPHICAL_BUTTON_WITH_DISABLE, public CUSTOM_CONTROL { private: static const TCHAR * _pszClassName; // default class name
int _cTimerClick; // if counter is bigger than 10, use big
// increase value
BOOL _fPress; // flag for the button is down or not
protected: virtual BOOL OnLMouseButtonDown( const MOUSE_EVENT &event ); virtual BOOL OnLMouseButtonUp( const MOUSE_EVENT &event ); virtual BOOL OnLMouseButtonDblClick( const MOUSE_EVENT & event ) { return OnLMouseButtonDown( event ); } virtual BOOL OnTimer( const TIMER_EVENT &event );
virtual UINT QueryEventEffects( const CONTROL_EVENT & e );
public: ARROW_BUTTON( OWNER_WINDOW *powin, CID cid, BMID nIdEnable, BMID nIdEnableInvert, BMID nIdDisable ); ARROW_BUTTON( OWNER_WINDOW *powin, CID cid, BMID nIdEnable, BMID nIdEnableInvert, BMID nIdDisable, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle = BS_OWNERDRAW|WS_BORDER|WS_CHILD ); };
#endif // _BLTARROW_HXX_