Attribute VB_Name = "BrokenLinkDetection" Option Explicit
Private Const HTTP_C As String = "http://" Private Const HTTP_LEN_C As Long = 7 Private Const HCP_SERVICES_C As String = "hcp://services/" Private Const HCP_SERVICES_LEN_C As Long = 15 Private Const APP_C As String = "app:" Private Const APP_LEN_C As Long = 4
Private Const MS_ITS_HELP_LOCATION_C As String = "ms-its:%help_location%\" Private Const MS_ITS_HELP_LOCATION_LEN_C As Long = 23
Private Const HCP_HELP_C As String = "hcp://help/" Private Const HCP_HELP_LEN_C As Long = 11
Private Const HCP_SYSTEM_C As String = "hcp://system/" Private Const HCP_SYSTEM_LEN_C As Long = 13
Private Const HCP_C As String = "hcp://" Private Const HCP_LEN_C As Long = 6
Private Const HELP_DIR_C As String = "\help\" Private Const SYSTEM_DIR_C As String = "\pchealth\helpctr\system\" Private Const VENDORS_DIR_C As String = "\pchealth\helpctr\vendors\"
Public Function LinkValid( _ ByRef i_strWinDir As String, _ ByRef i_strVendor As String, _ ByRef i_strURI As String, _ ByRef o_strTransformedURI As String _ ) As Boolean
' Assume that i_strWinDir = c:\windows ' ' http://... ' hcp://services/... ' app:... ' ' MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\abc\def.chm::/ghi/jkl.htm -> ' c:\windows\help\abc\def.chm\ghi\jkl.htm ' ' hcp://help/abc/def/ghi.htm -> ' c:\windows\help\abc\def\ghi.htm ' ' hcp://system/abc/def/ghi.htm -> ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\system\abc.chm\def\ghi.htm ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\system\abc\def.chm\ghi.htm ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\system\abc\def\ghi.htm ' ' hcp://<Vendor>/abc/def/ghi.htm -> ' abc/def/ghi.htm ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\vendors\<Vendor>\abc.chm\def\ghi.htm ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\vendors\<Vendor>\abc\def.chm\ghi.htm ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\vendors\<Vendor>\abc\def\ghi.htm ' ' If (i_strURI in recognized format) Then ' If (transformations exist) Then ' If (transformation refers to existing file) Then ' LinkValid = True ' o_strTransformedURI = transformation ' Else ' LinkValid = False ' End If ' Else ' LinkValid = True ' o_strTransformedURI = i_strURI ' End If ' Else ' LinkValid = False ' End If
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim strURI As String Dim strNewURI As String Dim strVendor As String Dim str As String Dim intIndex As Long Dim intLength As Long
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
strURI = LCase$(i_strURI)
' GetAbsolutePathName replaces / and \\ by \
If ((strURI = "") Or _ (Left$(strURI, HTTP_LEN_C) = HTTP_C) Or _ (Left$(strURI, HCP_SERVICES_LEN_C) = HCP_SERVICES_C) Or _ (Left$(strURI, APP_LEN_C) = APP_C)) Then
' recognized format ' no transformations exist LinkValid = True o_strTransformedURI = i_strURI Exit Function
End If
If (InStr(strURI, ":") = 0) Then strURI = HCP_C & i_strVendor & "/" & strURI End If
strNewURI = i_strWinDir & HELP_DIR_C & Mid$(i_strURI, MS_ITS_HELP_LOCATION_LEN_C + 1) strNewURI = Replace$(strNewURI, "::", "\") strNewURI = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(strNewURI)
If (FileExists(strNewURI)) Then LinkValid = True o_strTransformedURI = strNewURI Else LinkValid = False End If
ElseIf (Left$(strURI, HCP_HELP_LEN_C) = HCP_HELP_C) Then
strNewURI = i_strWinDir & HELP_DIR_C & Mid$(i_strURI, HCP_HELP_LEN_C + 1) strNewURI = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(strNewURI)
If (FileExists(strNewURI)) Then LinkValid = True o_strTransformedURI = strNewURI Else LinkValid = False End If
ElseIf (Left$(strURI, HCP_SYSTEM_LEN_C) = HCP_SYSTEM_C) Then
str = Mid$(i_strURI, HCP_SYSTEM_LEN_C + 1) LinkValid = p_TestPaths(FSO, i_strWinDir & SYSTEM_DIR_C, str, o_strTransformedURI)
ElseIf (Left$(strURI, HCP_LEN_C) = HCP_C) Then
' Assume that its hcp://<Vendor> intIndex = InStr(HCP_LEN_C + 1, strURI, "/")
If (intIndex = 0) Then LinkValid = False Exit Function End If
strVendor = Mid$(strURI, HCP_LEN_C + 1, intIndex - HCP_LEN_C - 1) str = Mid$(strURI, intIndex + 1) LinkValid = p_TestPaths(FSO, i_strWinDir & VENDORS_DIR_C & strVendor & "\", str, _ o_strTransformedURI)
' unrecognized format LinkValid = False
End If
End Function
Private Function p_TestPaths( _ ByRef i_FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject, _ ByRef i_strPrefix As String, _ ByRef i_strPathIn As String, _ ByRef o_strPathOut As String _ ) As Boolean
Dim str As String Dim intLength As Long Dim intIndex As Long Dim strPathOut As String
' i_strPrefix is something like c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\system\ ' i_strPathIn is something like abc/def/ghi.htm ' This function tests to see if any of these paths exist: ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\system\abc.chm\def\ghi.htm ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\system\abc\def.chm\ghi.htm ' c:\windows\pchealth\helpctr\system\abc\def\ghi.htm ' If a path exists, then o_strPathOut is set to that path and the function ' returns True. Otherwise, it returns False
str = Replace$(i_strPathIn, "/", "\") intLength = Len(str) For intIndex = 1 To intLength If (Mid$(str, intIndex, 1) = "\") Then strPathOut = i_strPrefix & _ Mid$(str, 1, intIndex - 1) & ".chm" & _ Mid$(str, intIndex) If (FileExists(strPathOut)) Then p_TestPaths = True o_strPathOut = i_FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(strPathOut) Exit Function End If End If Next p_TestPaths = False
End Function