VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "HssExt" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit
Private m_oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject Private m_oDocNode As IXMLDOMNode Private m_ocollValidSkus As Scripting.Dictionary Private m_iValidFlag As Integer Const V_DISPLAY_NAME As Integer = 2 ^ 0 Const V_APPLICABLE_SKUS As Integer = 2 ^ 1 Const V_EXECUTABLE_NAME As Integer = 2 ^ 2 Const V_OWNER As Integer = 2 ^ 3 Const V_EXTENSION_FOLDER As Integer = 2 ^ 4 Const V_VALID_EXTENSION As Integer = (V_DISPLAY_NAME Or _ V_APPLICABLE_SKUS Or _ V_EXECUTABLE_NAME Or _ V_OWNER Or _ V_EXTENSION_FOLDER)
Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set m_oFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject Dim oDom As DOMDocument: Set oDom = New DOMDocument Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement, oNode As IXMLDOMNode Set oElem = oDom.createElement("hss-tools-extension") Set m_oDocNode = oDom.appendChild(oElem) Set m_ocollValidSkus = New Scripting.Dictionary m_ocollValidSkus.Add "STD", True ' 0 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "PRO", True ' 1 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "SRV", True ' 2 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "ADV", True ' 3 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "DAT", True ' 4 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "PRO64", True ' 5 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "ADV64", True ' 6 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "DAT64", True ' 7 m_ocollValidSkus.Add "WINME", True ' 8 End Sub
Function IsValid(Optional ByRef strMsg As String) As Boolean
IsValid = ((m_iValidFlag And V_VALID_EXTENSION) = V_VALID_EXTENSION) If (IsValid) Then strMsg = "HSS Extension is valid" Else strMsg = "HSS Extension information is invalid for the following items:" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf If ((m_iValidFlag And V_DISPLAY_NAME) <> V_DISPLAY_NAME) Then strMsg = strMsg + "Display Name" + vbCrLf End If If ((m_iValidFlag And V_APPLICABLE_SKUS) <> V_APPLICABLE_SKUS) Then strMsg = strMsg + "Applicable skus" + vbCrLf End If If ((m_iValidFlag And V_EXECUTABLE_NAME) <> V_EXECUTABLE_NAME) Then strMsg = strMsg + "Extension executable name" + vbCrLf End If If ((m_iValidFlag And V_OWNER) <> V_OWNER) Then strMsg = strMsg + "Owner name" + vbCrLf End If If ((m_iValidFlag And V_EXTENSION_FOLDER) <> V_EXTENSION_FOLDER) Then strMsg = strMsg + "Extension folder" + vbCrLf End If End If
End Function
Function InitFromDisk(ByVal strExtPath As String) As DOMDocument
Set InitFromDisk = Nothing strExtPath = Trim$(strExtPath) If (Len(strExtPath) = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit If (Not (m_oFs.FileExists(strExtPath))) Then GoTo Common_Exit Dim oDomExt As DOMDocument: Set oDomExt = New DOMDocument oDomExt.async = False oDomExt.Load (strExtPath) If (oDomExt.parseError <> 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit Dim oEl2 As IXMLDOMElement ' Set oEl2 = oDomExt.selectSingleNode("hss-tools-extension/executable-name") ' oEl2.Text = oSubF.Path + "\" + oEl2.Text ' Now we need to recreate the in-core only information of the Extension. Set oEl2 = oDomExt.createElement("extension-folder") oEl2.Text = m_oFs.GetParentFolderName(strExtPath) oDomExt.documentElement.appendChild oEl2 Set oEl2 = oDomExt.createElement("run-this-extension") oEl2.Text = "no" oDomExt.documentElement.appendChild oEl2 Set m_oDocNode = oDomExt.documentElement Set InitFromDisk = oDomExt Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Function SaveToDisk(Optional strDestFolder As String = "") As Boolean SaveToDisk = False Dim strMsg As String If (Not IsValid(strMsg)) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, "HssExt::SaveTodisk", _ strMsg End If If (Len(strDestFolder) <> 0 And (strDestFolder <> ExtensionFolder)) Then If (Not m_oFs.FolderExists(strDestFolder)) Then m_oFs.CreateFolder strDestFolder Else m_oFs.DeleteFolder strDestFolder, True End If ' We first need to copy the Extension to the Extension Folder m_oFs.CopyFolder ExtensionFolder, strDestFolder, True ExtensionFolder = strDestFolder End If PersistableExtensionDom.save ExtensionFolder + "\ExtensionDescription.xml"
SaveToDisk = True Common_Exit: Exit Function End Function
Private Function PersistableExtensionDom() As DOMDocument
Set PersistableExtensionDom = Nothing ' We need to filter out al the In-Core only information ' then we have a Disk Good Image. Dim oDom As DOMDocument: Set oDom = New DOMDocument oDom.loadXML m_oDocNode.ownerDocument.xml If (oDom.parseError <> 0) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, "HssExt::PersistableExtensionDom", _ "Unexpected parsing error while creating Persistable DOM Extension Image" End If ' This are the in-core items we want to filter. Dim oNode As IXMLDOMNode, oDocEl As IXMLDOMNode Set oDocEl = oDom.documentElement Set oNode = oDocEl.selectSingleNode("run-this-extension") If (Not oNode Is Nothing) Then oDom.removeChild oNode Set oNode = oDocEl.selectSingleNode("extension-folder") If (Not oNode Is Nothing) Then oDocEl.removeChild oNode Set PersistableExtensionDom = oDom End Function
' This function Creates an Extension that is Good for ' saving in the root directory of the Extension itself ' This means that all elements/attributes that live ' only in-memory or in the Summary ExtensionsList are ' not created here. Those should be set upon extension ' discovery. Function CreateExtension(ByVal strDisplayName As String, _ ByVal strComment As String, _ ByVal strOwner As String, _ ByVal strExecutable As String, _ ByVal bModifiesCab As Boolean, _ ByRef ocollSkuList As Scripting.Dictionary _ ) As IXMLDOMNode Set CreateExtension = Nothing If (Not m_oDocNode.childNodes Is Nothing) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ "HssExt::CreateExtension", _ "This function can only be called as a Constructor" End If DisplayName = strDisplayName Comment = strComment ExecutableName = strExecutable ModifiesCab = bModifiesCab ApplicableSkus = ocollSkuList
End Function
' ============= Properties ================== Private Function GetSimpleElement( _ ByVal strElement As String, _ Optional ByRef oNode As IXMLDOMNode _ ) As String Set oNode = m_oDocNode.selectSingleNode(strElement) If (oNode Is Nothing) Then GetSimpleElement = "" Else GetSimpleElement = oNode.Text End If End Function
Private Sub SetSimpleElement( _ ByVal strElement As String, _ strNewValue As String _ ) Dim oEl As IXMLDOMElement GetSimpleElement strElement, oEl If (oEl Is Nothing) Then Set oEl = m_oDocNode.ownerDocument.createElement(strElement) m_oDocNode.appendChild oEl End If oEl.Text = strNewValue End Sub
Public Property Get DisplayName() As String DisplayName = GetSimpleElement("display-name") End Property
Public Property Let DisplayName(ByVal strNewValue As String) strNewValue = Trim$(strNewValue) If (Len(strNewValue) = 0) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ "HssExt::Let DisplayName", _ "Display Name must contain something" End If
SetSimpleElement "display-name", strNewValue m_iValidFlag = (m_iValidFlag Or V_DISPLAY_NAME) End Property
Public Property Get Comment() As String Comment = GetSimpleElement("comment") End Property
Public Property Let Comment(ByVal strNewValue As String) strNewValue = Trim$(strNewValue) If (Len(strNewValue) = 0) Then GoTo Common_Exit SetSimpleElement "comment", strNewValue
Common_Exit: Exit Property End Property
Public Property Get ExecutableName() As String ExecutableName = GetSimpleElement("executable-name") End Property
Public Property Let ExecutableName(ByVal strNewValue As String) strNewValue = Trim$(strNewValue) If ((Len(strNewValue) = 0) Or _ (Not m_oFs.FileExists(ExtensionFolder + "\" + strNewValue)) Or _ (Not IsExecutableExtension(strNewValue))) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ "HssExt::Let ExecutableName", _ "Executable Name must contain a valid executable file" End If SetSimpleElement "executable-name", strNewValue m_iValidFlag = (m_iValidFlag Or V_EXECUTABLE_NAME)
End Property
Public Property Get ExtensionFolder() As String ExtensionFolder = GetSimpleElement("extension-folder") End Property
Public Property Let ExtensionFolder(ByVal strNewValue As String) strNewValue = Trim$(strNewValue) If ((Len(strNewValue) = 0) Or (Not m_oFs.FolderExists(strNewValue))) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ "HssExt::Let ExtensionFolder", _ "Extension Folder must contain a valid and accessible Folder" End If SetSimpleElement "extension-folder", strNewValue m_iValidFlag = (m_iValidFlag Or V_EXTENSION_FOLDER)
End Property
'Public Property Get CopyFromFolder() As String ' CopyFromFolder = GetSimpleElement("copy-from-folder") 'End Property ' 'Public Property Let CopyFromFolder(ByVal strNewValue As String) ' strNewValue = Trim$(strNewValue) ' If ((Len(strNewValue) = 0) Or (Not m_oFs.FolderExists(strNewValue))) Then ' Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ ' "HssExt::Let CopyFromFolder", _ ' "Copy From Folder Folder must contain a valid and accessible Folder" ' End If ' ' SetSimpleElement "copy-from-folder", strNewValue ' ' m_iValidFlag = (m_iValidFlag Or V_EXTENSION_FOLDER) ' 'End Property
Public Property Get Owner() As String Owner = GetSimpleElement("owner") End Property
Public Property Let Owner(ByVal strNewValue As String) strNewValue = Trim$(strNewValue) If (Len(strNewValue) = 0) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ "HssExt::Let Owner", _ "Owner Name must contain a valid Name for OEM" End If SetSimpleElement "owner", strNewValue m_iValidFlag = (m_iValidFlag Or V_OWNER)
End Property
Public Property Get ModifiesCab() As Boolean If (GetSimpleElement("modifies-cab") = "yes") Then ModifiesCab = True Else ModifiesCab = False End If End Property
Public Property Let ModifiesCab(ByVal bNewValue As Boolean) SetSimpleElement "modifies-cab", IIf(bNewValue, "yes", "no") End Property
Public Property Get RunThisExtension() As Boolean If (GetSimpleElement("run-this-extension") = "yes") Then RunThisExtension = True Else RunThisExtension = False End If End Property
Public Property Let RunThisExtension(ByVal bNewValue As Boolean) SetSimpleElement "run-this-extension", IIf(bNewValue, "yes", "no") End Property
Public Property Let ApplicableSkus(ByRef oCollSkus As Scripting.Dictionary) If (oCollSkus Is Nothing) Then GoTo Error_NoSku If (oCollSkus.Count = 0) Then Error_NoSku: Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ "HssExt Let ApplicableSkus", _ "You must include at least one SKU" End If Dim oDom As DOMDocument: Set oDom = m_oDocNode.ownerDocument Dim oElem As IXMLDOMElement, oNode As IXMLDOMNode Dim oDomFrag As IXMLDOMDocumentFragment Set oDomFrag = oDom.createDocumentFragment Set oElem = oDom.createElement("applicable-skus") Set oNode = oDomFrag.appendChild(oElem) Dim vSku As Variant For Each vSku In oCollSkus.Keys If (Not IsValidSku(vSku)) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 9999, _ "HssExt Let ApplicableSkus", _ "Sku Value " + vSku + " is not a valid SKU Value" End If Set oElem = oDom.createElement("sku") oElem.Text = vSku oNode.appendChild oElem Next
Dim oOldApplicableSkus As IXMLDOMNode Set oOldApplicableSkus = m_oDocNode.selectSingleNode("applicable-skus") If (Not oOldApplicableSkus Is Nothing) Then m_oDocNode.removeChild oOldApplicableSkus End If m_oDocNode.appendChild oDomFrag m_iValidFlag = (m_iValidFlag Or V_APPLICABLE_SKUS) End Property
Public Property Get ApplicableSkus() As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim oNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList Set oNodeList = m_oDocNode.selectNodes("applicable-skus/sku") If (oNodeList Is Nothing) Then GoTo Common_Exit Dim oNode As IXMLDOMNode, strSku As String For Each oNode In oNodeList strSku = oNode.Text If (ApplicableSkus.Exists(strSku)) Then ApplicableSkus.Add strSku, strSku End If Next Common_Exit: Exit Property End Property
Private Function IsExecutableExtension(ByVal strExe As String) As Boolean IsExecutableExtension = False Select Case UCase$(m_oFs.GetExtensionName(strExe)) Case "EXE", "VBS", "JS", "BAT", "PL" IsExecutableExtension = True End Select End Function
Function IsValidSku(ByVal strSku As String) As Boolean IsValidSku = m_ocollValidSkus.Exists(strSku) End Function