PrintSys.CPP -- WMI provider class implementation
Generated by Microsoft WMI Code Generation Engine TO DO: - See individual function headers - When linking, make sure you link to framedyd.lib & msvcrtd.lib (debug) or framedyn.lib & msvcrt.lib (retail).
Description: ******************************************************************/
#include "pchealth.h"
#include "PrintSys.h"
// tracing stuff
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// initialization
// Property names
const static WCHAR *c_wszGenDrv = L"GenDrv"; const static WCHAR *c_wszName = L"Name"; const static WCHAR *c_wszPath = L"Path"; const static WCHAR *c_wszUniDrv = L"UniDrv"; const static WCHAR *c_wszUsePrintMgrSpooling = L"UsePrintMgrSpooling";
// construction / destruction
// ***************************************************************************
CPrintSys::CPrintSys (LPCWSTR lpwszName, LPCWSTR lpwszNameSpace ) : Provider(lpwszName, lpwszNameSpace) { m_pParamOut = NULL; m_pCurrent = NULL; m_pParamIn = NULL; m_lFlags = 0; }
// ***************************************************************************
CPrintSys::~CPrintSys() { }
// exposed methods
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintSys::EnumerateInstances(MethodContext *pMethodContext, long lFlags) { TraceFunctEnter("CPrintSys::EnumerateInstances");
// Create a new instance of PCH_Printer Class based on the passed-in MethodContext
CInstancePtr pPrintSysInst(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext), false);
hr = this->GetObject(pPrintSysInst, 0); TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintSys::ExecMethod (const CInstance& Instance, const BSTR bstrMethodName, CInstance *pInParams, CInstance *pOutParams, long lFlags) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintSys::GetObject(CInstance* pInstance, long lFlags) { TraceFunctEnter("CPrintSys::GetObject");
// Objects
IWbemClassObjectPtr pFileObj = NULL; // Variants
CComVariant varValue; CComVariant varNotAvail = L"Not Available";
// Strings
CComBSTR bstrDriverWithPath; CComBSTR bstrDetails; CComBSTR bstrVersion = L"Version"; CComBSTR bstrFileSize = L"FileSize"; CComBSTR bstrModifiedDate = L"LastModified";
LPCTSTR lpctstrUniDriver = _T("unidrv.dll"); LPCTSTR lpctstrGenDriver = _T("gendrv.dll"); LPCTSTR lpctstrWindows = _T("Windows"); LPCTSTR lpctstrDevice = _T("Device"); LPCTSTR lpctstrNoUniDrv = _T("(unidrv.dll) = NotInstalled"); LPCTSTR lpctstrNoGenDrv = _T("(gendrv.dll) = NotInstalled"); LPCTSTR lpctstrPrintersHive = _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Printers"); LPCTSTR lpctstrYes = _T("yes"); LPCTSTR lpctstrAttributes = _T("Attributes"); LPCTSTR lpctstrSpooler = _T("Spooler");
TCHAR tchBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR tchPrinterKeyName[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR *ptchToken;
// Booleans
BOOL fDriverFound = FALSE; BOOL fAttribFound = FALSE;
DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwType;
// Return Values;
ULONG ulPrinterAttribs;
LONG lRegRetVal;
struct tm tm;
WBEMTime wbemtime;
HKEY hkeyPrinter = NULL; HKEY hkeyPrinters = NULL;
// *** Set the properties associated with the default printer
// In "win.ini" file under "Windows" section "Device" represents the default printer
if(GetProfileString(lpctstrWindows, lpctstrDevice, "\0", tchBuffer, MAX_PATH) > 1) { // The Above GetProfileString returns "printerName", "PrinterDriver"
// and "PrinterPath" seperated by commas. Ignore "PrinterDriver"
// and use the other two to set the properties.
ptchToken = _tcstok(tchBuffer, _T(",")); if(ptchToken != NULL) { // ** name (token 1)
varValue = ptchToken; if (pInstance->SetVariant(c_wszName, varValue) == FALSE) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on Name failed."); // ** path (token 3)
ptchToken = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); if(ptchToken != NULL) { // gotta skip the 2nd token cuz it's the printer dirver & we
// don't give a rat's patoshki about it at this moment...
ptchToken = _tcstok(NULL, _T(",")); if(ptchToken != NULL) { varValue = ptchToken; if (pInstance->SetVariant(c_wszPath, varValue) == FALSE) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on Path failed."); } } } }
// couldn't fetch the properties of the default printer, so shove in some
// default values...
else { // set Name to "Not Available"
if (pInstance->SetVariant(c_wszName, varNotAvail) == FALSE) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Se Variant on Name failed.");
// set Path to "Not Available"
if (pInstance->SetVariant(c_wszPath, varValue) == FALSE) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on Path failed."); }
// *** Set the properties associated with using print manager spooling
// First try to get the Spooling information from the registry which is
// available if there are any installed printers
// HKLM\system\CCS\Control\Print\Printers
lRegRetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, lpctstrPrintersHive, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyPrinters); if(lRegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Enumerate the keys under this hive.
ZeroMemory(&ft, sizeof(ft)); dwIndex = 0; dwSize = MAX_PATH; lRegRetVal = RegEnumKeyEx(hkeyPrinters, dwIndex, tchPrinterKeyName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft); if(lRegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // There is atleast one printer installed.
lRegRetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyPrinters, tchPrinterKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyPrinter); if(lRegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Opened the first printer key
// Query for , regname "Attributes"
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); lRegRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyPrinter, lpctstrAttributes, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&ulPrinterAttribs, &dwSize); if(lRegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // if the PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT bit in ulPrinterAttribs
// is set, then we have spooling...
if((ulPrinterAttribs & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECT) != 0) varValue = VARIANT_FALSE; else varValue = VARIANT_TRUE;
if (ulPrinterAttribs > 0) fAttribFound = TRUE; } } } } if (hkeyPrinter != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hkeyPrinter); hkeyPrinter = NULL; } if (hkeyPrinters != NULL) { RegCloseKey(hkeyPrinters); hkeyPrinters = NULL; }
if(fAttribFound == FALSE) { // If not get the "spooler" key value from the win.ini file. If the entry is not present default to "yes".
if(GetProfileString(lpctstrWindows, lpctstrSpooler, _T("yes"), tchBuffer, MAX_PATH) > 1) { // if it's yes, then we have spooling...
if(_tcsicmp(tchBuffer, lpctstrYes) == 0) varValue = VARIANT_TRUE; else varValue = VARIANT_FALSE; } }
// Set the Spooling Property.
if (pInstance->SetVariant(c_wszUsePrintMgrSpooling, varValue) == FALSE) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on usePrintManagerSpooling failed.");
// *** Set the properties associated with using print manager spooling
// Get the complete path for unidrv.dll
fDriverFound = getCompletePath(lpctstrUniDriver, bstrDriverWithPath); if(fDriverFound) { // Need to use GetCIMDataFile to get the unidriver properties
if (SUCCEEDED(GetCIMDataFile(bstrDriverWithPath, &pFileObj))) { bstrDetails.Empty();
// Get the Version & append it to the value string...
varValue.Clear(); hr = pFileObj->Get(bstrVersion, 0, &varValue, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(varValue.vt == VT_BSTR) { bstrDetails.Append(varValue.bstrVal); bstrDetails.Append(_T(" ")); } }
// Get the FileSize & append it to the value string...
varValue.Clear(); hr = pFileObj->Get(bstrFileSize, 0, &varValue, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(varValue.vt == VT_BSTR) { bstrDetails.Append(varValue.bstrVal); bstrDetails.Append(_T(" ")); } }
// Get the date & time & append them to the value string...
varValue.Clear(); hr = pFileObj->Get(bstrModifiedDate, 0, &varValue, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(varValue.vt == VT_BSTR) { WCHAR *pwsz;
// there is a slight problem when WMI returns to us a
// time that has a '*' in it. The WBEMTime class plain
// refuses to deal with it. So change '*'s to '0's...
for (pwsz = varValue.bstrVal; *pwsz != L'\0'; pwsz++) { if (*pwsz == L'*') *pwsz = L'0'; }
wbemtime = varValue.bstrVal; if(wbemtime.GetStructtm(&tm)) { varValue = asctime(&tm); bstrDetails.Append(varValue.bstrVal); } } }
// set the value
varValue.vt = VT_BSTR; varValue.bstrVal = bstrDetails.Detach(); }
// Since I don't seem to have unindrv.dll installed, I can't verify
// this, but going by the other WMI providers, GetObject doesn't seem
// to like it when u release objects fetched by it. So, I am not
// going to release it.
if (pFileObj != NULL) { // pFileObj->Release();
pFileObj = NULL; } }
// the unidriver dll isn't present. Use a default value
else { varValue.Clear(); varValue = lpctstrNoUniDrv; }
// set the property
if (pInstance->SetVariant(c_wszUniDrv, varValue) == FALSE) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on UniDriver failed.");
// *** Set the properties associated with using print manager spooling
// Get the complete path for gendrv.dll
bstrDriverWithPath.Empty(); fDriverFound = getCompletePath(lpctstrGenDriver, bstrDriverWithPath); if(fDriverFound) { bstrDetails.Empty();
// Need to use GetCIMDataFile to get the gen driver properties
if(SUCCEEDED(GetCIMDataFile(bstrDriverWithPath, &pFileObj))) { // Get the Version & append it to the value string...
varValue.Clear(); hr = pFileObj->Get(bstrVersion, 0, &varValue, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(varValue.vt == VT_BSTR) { bstrDetails.Append(varValue.bstrVal); bstrDetails.Append(_T(" ")); } } // Get the FileSize & append it to the value string...
varValue.Clear(); hr = pFileObj->Get(bstrFileSize, 0, &varValue, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(varValue.vt == VT_BSTR) { bstrDetails.Append(varValue.bstrVal); bstrDetails.Append(_T(" ")); } }
// Get the date & time & append them to the value string...
varValue.Clear(); hr = pFileObj->Get(bstrModifiedDate, 0, &varValue, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(varValue.vt == VT_BSTR) { WCHAR *pwsz;
// there is a slight problem when WMI returns to us a
// time that has a '*' in it. The WBEMTime class plain
// refuses to deal with it. So change '*'s to '0's...
for (pwsz = varValue.bstrVal; *pwsz != L'\0'; pwsz++) { if (*pwsz == L'*') *pwsz = L'0'; }
wbemtime = varValue.bstrVal; if(wbemtime.GetStructtm(&tm)) { varValue = asctime(&tm); bstrDetails.Append(varValue.bstrVal); } } }
// set the value
varValue.vt = VT_BSTR; varValue.bstrVal = bstrDetails.Detach(); }
// Since I don't seem to have gendrv.dll installed, I can't verify
// this, but going by the other WMI providers, GetObject doesn't seem
// to like it when u release objects fetched by it. So, I am not
// going to release it.
if (pFileObj != NULL) { // pFileObj->Release();
pFileObj = NULL; } }
// the gen driver dll is not present...
else { varValue.Clear(); varValue = lpctstrNoGenDrv; }
if (pInstance->SetVariant(c_wszGenDrv, varValue) == FALSE) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on GenDrv failed.");
// WOOHOO!! We can commit now
hr = pInstance->Commit(); if(FAILED(hr)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error on commiting!");
TraceFunctLeave(); return hr; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintSys::ExecQuery(MethodContext *pMethodContext, CFrameworkQuery& Query, long lFlags) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintSys::PutInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE; }
// *****************************************************************************
HRESULT CPrintSys::DeleteInstance(const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE; }