Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: fruser.cpp
Abstract: Implements user fault reporting for unhandled exceptions
Revision History: created derekm 07/07/00
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dbghelp.h"
#include "wtsapi32.h"
#include "pchrexec.h"
#include "frmc.h"
#include "Tlhelp32.h"
// the size of the following buffer must be evenly divisible by 2 or an
// alignment fault could occur on ia64.
struct SQueuedFaultBlob { DWORD cbTotal; DWORD cbFB; DWORD_PTR dwpAppPath; DWORD_PTR dwpModPath; UINT64 pvOffset; WORD rgAppVer[4]; WORD rgModVer[4]; BOOL fIs64bit; SYSTEMTIME stFault; };
struct SQueuePruneData { LPWSTR wszVal; FILETIME ftFault; };
// utility functions
// **************************************************************************
BOOL GetFaultingModuleFilename(LPVOID pvFaultAddr, LPWSTR wszMod, DWORD cchMod) { USE_TRACING("GetFaultingModuleFilename");
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (pvFaultAddr == 0 || wszMod == NULL || cchMod == 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
*wszMod = L'\0';
hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, GetCurrentProcessId()); TESTBOOL(hr, (hSnap != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
ZeroMemory(&mod, sizeof(mod)); mod.dwSize = sizeof(mod); TESTBOOL(hr, Module32FirstW(hSnap, &mod)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
do { pvEnd = mod.modBaseAddr + mod.modBaseSize; if (pvFaultAddr >= mod.modBaseAddr && pvFaultAddr < pvEnd) { if (cchMod > wcslen(mod.szExePath)) { wcscpy(wszMod, mod.szExePath); fRet = TRUE; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); fRet = FALSE; } break; } } while(Module32NextW(hSnap, &mod));
done: if (hSnap != NULL) CloseHandle(hSnap);
return fRet; }
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal StartDWException(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pep, DWORD dwOpt, DWORD dwFlags, LPCSTR szServer, DWORD dwTimeToWait) { USE_TRACING("StartDWException");
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; DWSharedMem15 *pdwsm = NULL; STARTUPINFOW si; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HANDLE hevDone = NULL, hevAlive = NULL, hmut = NULL; HANDLE hfmShared = NULL, hProc = NULL; HANDLE rghWait[2]; LPWSTR wszAppCompat = NULL; WCHAR *pwszCmdLine, wszDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszAppName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dw, dwStart, cch, cchNeed; BOOL fDWRunning = TRUE;
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (pep == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
dwFlags |= (fDwWhistler | fDwUseHKLM | fDwAllowSuspend | fDwMiniDumpWithUnloadedModules);
// we need the following things to be inheritable, so create a SD that
// says it can be.
ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(sa)); sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
// create the necessary events & mutexes
hevDone = CreateEvent(&sa, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); TESTBOOL(hr, (hevDone != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
hevAlive = CreateEvent(&sa, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); TESTBOOL(hr, (hevAlive != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
hmut = CreateMutex(&sa, FALSE, NULL); TESTBOOL(hr, (hmut != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
TESTBOOL(hr, DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcess(), &hProc, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// create the shared memory region & map it
hfmShared = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &sa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(DWSharedMem), NULL); TESTBOOL(hr, (hfmShared != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
pdwsm = (DWSharedMem *)MapViewOfFile(hfmShared, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); TESTBOOL(hr, (pdwsm != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// populate all the stuff that DW needs
ZeroMemory(pdwsm, sizeof(DWSharedMem15));
pdwsm->dwSize = sizeof(DWSharedMem15); pdwsm->pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); pdwsm->tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); pdwsm->eip = (DWORD_PTR)pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress; pdwsm->pep = pep; pdwsm->hEventDone = hevDone; pdwsm->hEventNotifyDone = NULL; pdwsm->hEventAlive = hevAlive; pdwsm->hMutex = hmut; pdwsm->hProc = hProc; pdwsm->bfDWBehaviorFlags = dwFlags; pdwsm->msoctdsResult = msoctdsNull; pdwsm->fReportProblem = FALSE; pdwsm->bfmsoctdsOffer = msoctdsQuit; pdwsm->bfmsoctdsNotify = 0; if (dwOpt == 1) pdwsm->bfmsoctdsOffer |= msoctdsDebug; pdwsm->bfmsoctdsLetRun = pdwsm->bfmsoctdsOffer; pdwsm->iPingCurrent = 0; pdwsm->iPingEnd = 0; pdwsm->lcidUI = GetUserDefaultUILanguage();
strcpy(pdwsm->szServer, szServer); strcpy(pdwsm->szRegSubPath, c_szDWRegSubPath); strcpy(pdwsm->szBrand, c_szDWBrand); strcpy(pdwsm->szPIDRegKey, c_szRKVDigPid); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, pdwsm->wzModuleFileName, DW_MAX_PATH);
TESTHR(hr, GetVerName(pdwsm->wzModuleFileName, wszAppName, sizeofSTRW(wszAppName))); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cch = CreateTempDirAndFile(NULL, c_wszACFileName, &wszAppCompat); TESTBOOL(hr, (cch != 0)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { WCHAR wszMod[MAX_PATH], *pwszMod = NULL;
TESTBOOL(hr, GetFaultingModuleFilename(pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, wszMod, sizeofSTRW(wszMod))); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) pwszMod = wszMod;
TESTBOOL(hr, GetAppCompatData(pdwsm->wzModuleFileName, pwszMod, wszAppCompat)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && wszAppCompat != NULL && wcslen(wszAppCompat) < sizeofSTRW(pdwsm->wzAdditionalFile)) wcscpy(pdwsm->wzAdditionalFile, wszAppCompat); }
wszAppName[sizeofSTRW(wszAppName) - 1] = L'\0';
wcsncpy(pdwsm->wzFormalAppName, wszAppName, DW_APPNAME_LENGTH);
// pdwsm->wzDotDataDlls[0]=0;
cch = GetSystemDirectoryW(wszDir, sizeofSTRW(wszDir)); if (cch == 0 || cch > sizeofSTRW(wszDir)) { DBG_MSG("Bad GetSystemDirectoryW call"); goto done; }
// the +12 is for the max size of an integer in decimal
cchNeed = cch + wcslen(wszDir) + sizeofSTRW(c_wszDWCmdLineU) + 12; __try { pwszCmdLine = (WCHAR *)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { pwszCmdLine = NULL; } if (pwszCmdLine == NULL) { DBG_MSG("Out of memory"); SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
swprintf(pwszCmdLine, c_wszDWCmdLineU, wszDir, hfmShared);
// create the process
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
// always want to launch this in the interactive workstation
si.cb = sizeof(si); si.lpDesktop = L"Winsta0\\Default";
ErrorTrace(0, "launching [%S]", pwszCmdLine);
TESTBOOL(hr, CreateProcessW(NULL, pwszCmdLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, wszDir, &si, &pi)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// don't need the thread handle & we gotta close it, so close it now
// assume we succeed from here on...
if ((dwFlags & fDwHeadless) == fDwHeadless) frrvRet = frrvOkHeadless; else frrvRet = frrvOk;
rghWait[0] = hevAlive; rghWait[1] = pi.hProcess;
dwStart = GetTickCount(); while(fDWRunning) { // gotta periodically get the Alive signal from DW.
switch(WaitForMultipleObjects(2, rghWait, FALSE, 300000)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: DBG_MSG("hevAlive signalled");
if (WaitForSingleObject(hevDone, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DBG_MSG("hevDone signalled"); fDWRunning = FALSE; }
if (dwTimeToWait != (DWORD)-1 && RolloverSubtract(GetTickCount(), dwStart) > dwTimeToWait) { frrvRet = frrvErrTimeout; fDWRunning = FALSE; }
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: DBG_MSG("DW died"); fDWRunning = FALSE; continue; }
switch(WaitForSingleObject(hmut, DW_TIMEOUT_VALUE)) { // yay! we got the mutex. Try to detemine if DW finally responded
// while we were grabbing the mutex.
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: DBG_MSG("got hmut"); switch(WaitForMultipleObjects(2, rghWait, FALSE, 0)) { // If it hasn't responded, tell it to go away & fall thru
// into the 'it died' case.
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: DBG_MSG("wait timed out"); SetEvent(hevDone);
// It died. Clean up.
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: DBG_MSG("wait died"); fDWRunning = FALSE; frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; continue; }
// ok, it responded. Is it done?
if (WaitForSingleObject(hevDone, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) fDWRunning = FALSE;
ReleaseMutex(hmut); break;
// if the wait was abandoned, it means DW has gone to the great bit
// bucket in the sky without cleaning up. So release the mutex and
// fall into the default case
case WAIT_ABANDONED: DBG_MSG("hmut timed out"); ReleaseMutex(hmut);
// if we timed out or otherwise failed, just die.
default: DBG_MSG("hmut died"); frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; fDWRunning = FALSE; break; } } if (frrvRet != frrvOk) { DBG_MSG("not OK"); goto done; }
// if user told us to debug, return that back to the
if (pdwsm->msoctdsResult == msoctdsDebug) frrvRet = frrvLaunchDebugger;
// if we're going to launch Dr. Watson, wait for the DW process to die.
// Give it 5 minutes. If the user doesn't hit close by then, just return
// anyway...
if (dwOpt == (DWORD)-1) { if (WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 300000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) frrvRet = frrvErrTimeout; }
done: // preserve the error code so that the following calls don't overwrite it
dw = GetLastError();
if (wszAppCompat != NULL) { if (pi.hProcess) WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 300000); DeleteTempDirAndFile(wszAppCompat, TRUE); MyFree(wszAppCompat); } if (pi.hProcess) CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
if (pdwsm != NULL) UnmapViewOfFile(pdwsm); if (hfmShared != NULL) CloseHandle(hfmShared); if (hevDone != NULL) CloseHandle(hevDone); if (hevAlive != NULL) CloseHandle(hevAlive); if (hmut != NULL) CloseHandle(hmut); if (hProc != NULL) CloseHandle(hProc);
return frrvRet; }
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal StartManifestReport(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pep, LPWSTR wszExe, DWORD dwOpt, DWORD dwTimeToWait) { USE_TRACING("StartManifestReport");
SPCHExecServFaultRequest *pesdwreq = NULL; SPCHExecServFaultReply *pesrep = NULL; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD cbReq, cbRead; WCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH]; BYTE Buf[ERRORREP_PIPE_BUF_SIZE], *pBuf; BYTE BufRep[ERRORREP_PIPE_BUF_SIZE];
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszExe == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
ZeroMemory(Buf, sizeof(Buf)); pesdwreq = (SPCHExecServFaultRequest *)Buf;
// the following calculation ensures that pBuf is always aligned on a
// sizeof(WCHAR) boundry...
cbReq = sizeof(SPCHExecServFaultRequest) + sizeof(SPCHExecServFaultRequest) % sizeof(WCHAR); pBuf = Buf + cbReq;
pesdwreq->cbESR = sizeof(SPCHExecServFaultRequest); pesdwreq->pidReqProcess = GetCurrentProcessId(); pesdwreq->thidFault = GetCurrentThreadId(); pesdwreq->pvFaultAddr = (UINT64)pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress; pesdwreq->pEP = (UINT64)pep; #ifdef _WIN64
pesdwreq->fIs64bit = TRUE; #else
pesdwreq->fIs64bit = FALSE; #endif
// marshal in the strings
pesdwreq->wszExe = (UINT64)MarshallString(wszExe, Buf, sizeof(Buf), &pBuf, &cbReq); if (pesdwreq->wszExe == 0) goto done;
pesdwreq->cbTotal = cbReq;
// check and see if the system is shutting down. If so, CreateProcess is
// gonna pop up some annoying UI that we can't get rid of, so we don't
// want to call it if we know it's gonna happen.
if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SHUTTINGDOWN)) goto done;
// Send the buffer out to the server- wait at most 2m for this to
// succeed. If it times out, bail. BTW, need to zero out BufRep here
// cuz the call to the named pipe CAN fail & we don't want to start
// processing garbage results...
ZeroMemory(BufRep, sizeof(BufRep)); wcscpy(wszName, ERRORREP_FAULT_PIPENAME); TESTHR(hr, MyCallNamedPipe(wszName, Buf, cbReq, BufRep, sizeof(BufRep), &cbRead, 120000, 120000)); if (FAILED(hr)) { // determine the error code that indicates whether we've timed out so
// we can set the return code appropriately.
goto done; }
pesrep = (SPCHExecServFaultReply *)BufRep;
// did the call succeed?
VALIDATEEXPR(hr, (pesrep->ess == essErr), Err2HR(pesrep->dwErr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(pesrep->dwErr); goto done; }
// this is only necessary if we actually launched DW. If we just queued
// the fault for later, then we obviously can't wait on DW.
if (pesrep->ess == essOk) { DWORD dwExitCode = msoctdsNull;
// gotta wait for DW to be done before we nuke the manifest file, but
// if it hasn't parsed it in 5 minutes, something's wrong with it.
if (pesrep->hProcess != NULL) { DWORD dwTimeout;
// so, if we're going to pop up the JIT debugger dialog if we timeout,
// then maybe we should just not bother timeing out...
dwTimeout = (dwOpt == froDebug) ? INFINITE : 300000;
if (WaitForSingleObject(pesrep->hProcess, dwTimeout) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) frrvRet = frrvErrTimeout;
// see if we need to debug the process
else if (GetExitCodeProcess(pesrep->hProcess, &dwExitCode) == FALSE) dwExitCode = msoctdsNull;
CloseHandle(pesrep->hProcess); pesrep->hProcess = NULL; }
// we're only going to delete the files if DW has finished with them.
// Yes this means we can leave stray files in the temp dir, but this
// is better than having DW randomly fail while sending...
if (frrvRet != frrvErrTimeout) { LPWSTR pwsz, pwszEnd;
if (pesrep->wszDir != 0) { if (pesrep->wszDir < cbRead && pesrep->wszDir >= sizeof(SPCHExecServFaultReply)) pesrep->wszDir += (UINT64)pesrep; else pesrep->wszDir = 0; }
if (pesrep->wszDumpName != 0) { if (pesrep->wszDumpName < cbRead && pesrep->wszDumpName >= sizeof(SPCHExecServFaultReply)) pesrep->wszDumpName += (UINT64)pesrep; else pesrep->wszDumpName = 0; }
// make sure that there is a NULL terminator for each string
// before the end of the buffer...
pwszEnd = (LPWSTR)((BYTE *)pesrep + cbRead); if (pesrep->wszDumpName != 0) { for (pwsz = (LPWSTR)pesrep->wszDumpName; pwsz < pwszEnd && *pwsz != L'\0'; pwsz++); if (*pwsz != L'\0') pesrep->wszDumpName = 0; }
if (pesrep->wszDir != 0) { for (pwsz = (LPWSTR)pesrep->wszDir; pwsz < pwszEnd && *pwsz != L'\0'; pwsz++); if (*pwsz != L'\0') pesrep->wszDir = 0; }
frrvRet = (dwExitCode == msoctdsDebug) ? frrvLaunchDebugger : frrvOkManifest; }
// if we queued it, set the appropriate return code (duh)
else if (pesrep->ess == essOkQueued) { frrvRet = frrvOkQueued; }
done: if ((frrvRet == frrvOkManifest || frrvRet == frrvLaunchDebugger) && pesrep != NULL && pesrep->wszDir != 0) { LPWSTR wszToDel = NULL; DWORD cchDir = 0, cchFile = 0;
cchDir = wcslen((LPWSTR)pesrep->wszDir); if (pesrep->wszDumpName != 0) cchFile = wcslen((LPWSTR)pesrep->wszDumpName);
if (cchFile < sizeofSTRW(c_wszACFileName)) cchFile = sizeofSTRW(c_wszACFileName);
if (cchFile < sizeofSTRW(c_wszManFileName)) cchFile = sizeofSTRW(c_wszManFileName);
__try { wszToDel = (LPWSTR)_alloca((cchFile + cchDir + 4) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszToDel = NULL; } if (wszToDel != NULL) { LPWSTR pwszToDel; wcscpy(wszToDel, (LPWSTR)pesrep->wszDir);
pwszToDel = wszToDel + cchDir; *pwszToDel++ = L'\\';
if (pesrep->wszDumpName != 0) { wcscpy(pwszToDel, (LPWSTR)pesrep->wszDumpName); #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
DeleteFullAndTriageMiniDumps(wszToDel); #else
DeleteFileW(wszToDel); #endif
} wcscpy(pwszToDel, c_wszACFileName); DeleteFileW(wszToDel); wcscpy(pwszToDel, c_wszManFileName); DeleteFileW(wszToDel); }
DeleteTempDirAndFile((LPWSTR)pesrep->wszDir, FALSE); }
return frrvRet; }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT PruneQ(HKEY hkeyQ, DWORD cQSize, DWORD cMaxQSize, DWORD cchMaxVal, DWORD cbMaxData) { USE_TRACING("PruneQ");
SQueuedFaultBlob *psqfb = NULL; SQueuePruneData *pqpd = NULL; FILETIME ft; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR pwsz, pwszCurrent = NULL; DWORD cchVal, cbData, dwType, cToDel = 0, cInDelList = 0; DWORD i, iEntry, dw, cValid = 0;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (hkeyQ == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (cMaxQSize > cQSize) goto done;
cToDel = cQSize - cMaxQSize + 1;
// alloc the various buffers that we'll need:
// the delete list
// the current file we're working with
// the data blob associated with the current file
cbData = (sizeof(SQueuePruneData) + (cchMaxVal * sizeof(WCHAR))) * cToDel; pwszCurrent = (LPWSTR)MyAlloc(cchMaxVal * sizeof(WCHAR)); psqfb = (SQueuedFaultBlob *)MyAlloc(cbMaxData); pqpd = (SQueuePruneData *)MyAlloc(cbData); if (psqfb == NULL || pwszCurrent == NULL || pqpd == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
// intiailize all the string pointers in the delete list
pwsz = (LPWSTR)((BYTE *)pqpd + (sizeof(SQueuePruneData) * cToDel)); for (i = 0; i < cToDel; i++) { pqpd[i].ftFault.dwHighDateTime = 0; pqpd[i].ftFault.dwLowDateTime = 0; pqpd[i].wszVal = pwsz; pqpd[i].wszVal[0] = L'\0'; pwsz += cchMaxVal; }
// ok, get a list of all the valid items and build an array in sorted order
// so that we can easily pick off the top n items
for(iEntry = 0; iEntry < cQSize; iEntry++) { cchVal = cchMaxVal; cbData = cbMaxData; dw = RegEnumValueW(hkeyQ, iEntry, pwszCurrent, &cchVal, 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)psqfb, &cbData); if (dw == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; else if (dw != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue; else if (cbData < sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob) || psqfb->cbFB != sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob) || psqfb->cbTotal != cbData) { RegDeleteValueW(hkeyQ, pwszCurrent); DeleteFileW(pwszCurrent); continue; }
SystemTimeToFileTime(&psqfb->stFault, &ft);
for (i = 0; i < cInDelList; i++) { if ((ft.dwHighDateTime < pqpd[i].ftFault.dwHighDateTime) || (ft.dwHighDateTime == pqpd[i].ftFault.dwHighDateTime && ft.dwLowDateTime < pqpd[i].ftFault.dwLowDateTime)) break; }
// if it's in the middle of the current list, then we gotta move
// stuff around
if (cInDelList > 0 && i < cInDelList - 1) { LPWSTR pwszTemp = pqpd[cInDelList - 1].wszVal;
MoveMemory(&pqpd[i], &pqpd[i + 1], (cInDelList - i) * sizeof(SQueuePruneData));
pqpd[i].wszVal = pwszTemp; }
if (i < cToDel) { // note that this copy is safe cuz each string slot is the same
// size as the buffer pointed to by pwszCurrent and that buffer is
// protected from overflow by the size we pass into
// RegEnumValueW()
wcscpy(pqpd[i].wszVal, pwszCurrent); pqpd[i].ftFault = ft;
if (cInDelList < cToDel) cInDelList++; }
cValid++; }
// if there aren't enuf valid entries to warrant a purge, then don't purge
if (cValid < cMaxQSize) goto done;
cToDel = MyMin(cToDel, cValid - cMaxQSize + 1);
// purge enuf entries that we go down to 1 below our max (since we have to
// be adding 1 to get here- don't want that 1 to drive us over the limit
for(i = 0; i < cToDel; i++) { if (pqpd[i].wszVal != NULL) { DeleteFileW(pqpd[i].wszVal); RegDeleteValueW(hkeyQ, pqpd[i].wszVal); } }
done: if (pqpd != NULL) MyFree(pqpd); if (psqfb != NULL) MyFree(psqfb); if (pwszCurrent != NULL) MyFree(pwszCurrent);
return hr; }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT CheckQSizeAndPrune(HKEY hkeyQ) { USE_TRACING("CheckQueueSizeAndPrune");
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HANDLE hmut = NULL; DWORD cMaxQSize = 0, cDefMaxQSize = 10; DWORD cQSize, cchMaxVal, cbMaxData; DWORD cb, dw; HKEY hkey = NULL;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (hkeyQ == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// find out the max Q size
TESTHR(hr, OpenRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_wszRPCfg, 0, &hkey)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cb = sizeof(cMaxQSize); TESTHR(hr, ReadRegEntry(hkey, c_wszRVMaxQueueSize, NULL, (PBYTE)&cMaxQSize, &cb, (PBYTE)&cDefMaxQSize, sizeof(cDefMaxQSize))); RegCloseKey(hkey); hkey = NULL; if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// if the Q size is 0, then we are effectively disabled for Qing faults.
// Return S_FALSE to indicate this
if (cMaxQSize == 0) { hr = S_FALSE; goto done; }
// -1 means there is no limit
else if (cMaxQSize == (DWORD)-1) { hr = NOERROR; goto done; }
else if (cMaxQSize > c_cMaxQueue) cMaxQSize = c_cMaxQueue;
hmut = OpenMutexW(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, c_wszMutUserName); TESTBOOL(hr, (hmut != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// wait for 5s for the mutex to become available- this should be enuf time
// for anyone else to add something to the queue dir. It could take longer
// if someone is processing the dir, but then items are being removed
// anyway...
dw = WaitForSingleObject(hmut, 5000); if (dw != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // if the wait timed out, then someone is already going thru the faults
// so it's likely to be reduced sometime soon
if (dw == WAIT_TIMEOUT) hr = NOERROR; else hr = Err2HR(GetLastError()); goto done; }
__try { // determine what the Q size is.
TESTERR(hr, RegQueryInfoKey(hkeyQ, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cQSize, &cchMaxVal, &cbMaxData, NULL, NULL)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (cQSize >= cMaxQSize)) { cchMaxVal++; TESTHR(hr, PruneQ(hkeyQ, cQSize, cMaxQSize, cchMaxVal, cbMaxData)); } else { hr = NOERROR; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
done: if (hmut != NULL) { ReleaseMutex(hmut); CloseHandle(hmut); }
return hr; }
// exported functions
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal APIENTRY ReportFaultFromQueue(LPWSTR wszDump, BYTE *pbData, DWORD cbData) { USE_TRACING("ReportFaultFromQueue");
CPFFaultClientCfg oCfg; SQueuedFaultBlob *pqfb = (SQueuedFaultBlob *)pbData; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; SDWManifestBlob dwmb; SYSTEMTIME stLocal; FILETIME ft, ftLocal; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR wszAppPath, wszModPath; LPWSTR wszModName, wszAppName, pwszApp, pwszEnd; LPWSTR wszStage1, wszStage2, wszCorpPath, wszHdr, wszErrMsg; LPWSTR wszNewDump = NULL, wszDir = NULL; LPWSTR wszManifest = NULL, pwszAppCompat = NULL; WCHAR wszDate[128], wszTime[128], *pwsz; WCHAR *pwch; WCHAR wszAppFriendlyName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszBuffer[160]; WCHAR wszUnknown[] = L"unknown"; DWORD dw, cchTotal, cchSep = 0, cch, cchDir; BYTE *pbBuf = NULL; BOOL fMSApp = FALSE, fAllowSend = TRUE, fOkCopy = FALSE;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszDump == NULL || pbData == NULL) || cbData < sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob) || pqfb->cbFB != sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob) || pqfb->cbTotal != cbData || pqfb->dwpAppPath >= cbData || pqfb->dwpModPath >= cbData); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
wszAppPath = (LPWSTR)(pqfb->dwpAppPath + pbData); wszModPath = (LPWSTR)(pqfb->dwpModPath + pbData); pwszEnd = (LPWSTR)(pbData + cbData);
// make sure there's a NULL terminator on the ModPath string before the end
// of the buffer...
for (pwch = wszModPath; pwch < pwszEnd && *pwch != L'\0'; pwch++); if (pwch >= pwszEnd) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
// convieniently, pwch is now at the end of ModPath string, so we can
// parse back to find the first backslash & get the module name
for(pwch -= 1; pwch >= wszModPath && *pwch != L'\\'; pwch--); if (*pwch == L'\\') wszModName = pwch + 1; else wszModName = wszModPath; if (*wszModName == L'\0') wszModName = wszUnknown;
// make sure there's a NULL terminator on the AppPath string before the end
// of the buffer...
for (pwch = wszAppPath; pwch < wszModPath && *pwch != L'\0'; pwch++); if (pwch >= wszModPath) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
// convieniently, pwch is now at the end of AppPath string, so we can
// parse back to find the first backslash & get the module name
for(pwch -= 1; pwch >= wszAppPath && *pwch != L'\\'; pwch--); if (*pwch == L'\\') wszAppName = pwch + 1; else wszAppName = wszAppPath;
// get the config info
TESTHR(hr, oCfg.Read(eroPolicyRO)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() == eedDisabled && oCfg.get_DoReport() == eedDisabled) goto done;
// figure out how we're reporting / notifying the user
if (oCfg.get_DoReport() == eedDisabled || oCfg.ShouldCollect(wszAppPath, &fMSApp) == FALSE) fAllowSend = FALSE;
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() == eedDisabled) { LPCWSTR wszULPath = oCfg.get_DumpPath(NULL, 0);
// check and make sure that we have a corporate path specified. If we
// don't, bail
if (wszULPath == NULL || *wszULPath == L'\0') goto done; }
// log an event- don't care if it fails or not.
TESTHR(hr, LogUser(wszAppName, pqfb->rgAppVer, wszModName, pqfb->rgModVer, pqfb->pvOffset, pqfb->fIs64bit, ER_QUEUEREPORT_LOG));
if (CreateTempDirAndFile(NULL, NULL, &wszDir) == 0) goto done;
cchDir = wcslen(wszDir); cch = cchDir + sizeofSTRW(c_wszManFileName) + 4; __try { wszManifest = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszManifest = NULL; } if (wszManifest == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
wcscpy(wszManifest, wszDir); wszManifest[cchDir] = L'\\'; wszManifest[cchDir + 1] = L'\0'; wcscat(wszManifest, c_wszManFileName);
cchDir = wcslen(wszDir); cch = 2 * cchDir + wcslen(wszDump) + sizeofSTRW(c_wszACFileName) + 4; __try { wszNewDump = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszNewDump = NULL; } if (wszNewDump == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
wcscpy(wszNewDump, wszDir); wszNewDump[cchDir] = L'\\'; wszNewDump[cchDir + 1] = L'\0';
fOkCopy = FALSE; for (pwsz = wszDump + wcslen(wszDump); *pwsz != L'\\' && pwsz > wszDump; pwsz--); if (*pwsz == L'\\') { pwsz++; wcscat(wszNewDump, pwsz); for (pwsz = wszNewDump + wcslen(wszNewDump); *pwsz != L'.' && pwsz > wszNewDump; pwsz--); if (*pwsz == L'.' && pwsz > wszNewDump && _wcsicmp(pwsz, c_wszDumpSuffix) == 0) { pwsz--; for(; *pwsz != L'.' && pwsz > wszNewDump; pwsz--); if (*pwsz == L'.' && pwsz > wszNewDump) { wcscpy(pwsz, c_wszDumpSuffix); #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
fOkCopy = CopyFullAndTriageMiniDumps(wszDump, wszNewDump); #else
fOkCopy = CopyFileW(wszDump, wszNewDump, FALSE); #endif
} } } if (fOkCopy == FALSE) wcscpy(wszNewDump, wszDump);
// generate all the URLs / filepaths that we need...
TESTHR(hr, BuildManifestURLs(wszAppName, wszModName, pqfb->rgAppVer, pqfb->rgModVer, pqfb->pvOffset, pqfb->fIs64bit, &wszStage1, &wszStage2, &wszCorpPath, &pbBuf)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// get the friendly name for the app
TESTHR(hr, GetVerName(wszAppPath, wszAppFriendlyName, sizeofSTRW(wszAppFriendlyName))); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
wszAppFriendlyName[sizeofSTRW(wszAppFriendlyName) - 1] = L'\0';
// build the header string
dw = LoadStringW(g_hInstance, IDS_FQHDRTXT, wszBuffer, sizeofSTRW(wszBuffer)); if (dw == 0) goto done;
cchTotal = dw + wcslen(wszAppFriendlyName) + 1; __try { wszHdr = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchTotal * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszHdr = NULL; } if (wszHdr == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
swprintf(wszHdr, wszBuffer, wszAppFriendlyName);
// need to convert the time of the fault to a local time (cuz
// GetSystemTime() returns a UTC time), but unfortunately, only filetimes
// can be converted back and forth between UTC & local, so we have to do
// all of this stuff...
SystemTimeToFileTime(&pqfb->stFault, &ft); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ft, &ftLocal); FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftLocal, &stLocal);
// build the error message string
dw = LoadStringW(g_hInstance, IDS_FQERRMSG, wszBuffer, sizeofSTRW(wszBuffer)); if (dw == 0) goto done;
cchTotal = dw;
dw = GetDateFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &stLocal, NULL, wszDate, sizeofSTRW(wszDate)); if (dw == 0) goto done;
cchTotal += dw;
dw = GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &stLocal, NULL, wszTime, sizeofSTRW(wszTime)); if (dw == 0) goto done;
cchTotal += dw;
cchTotal++; __try { wszErrMsg = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchTotal * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszErrMsg = NULL; } if (wszErrMsg == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
swprintf(wszErrMsg, wszBuffer, wszDate, wszTime);
// we created the wszDump buffer above big enuf to hold both the
// dumpfile path as well as the app compat filename. So make
// use of that right now.
cchSep = wcslen(wszNewDump); pwszAppCompat = wszNewDump + cchSep + 1; wcscpy(pwszAppCompat, wszDir); pwszAppCompat[cchDir] = L'\\'; pwszAppCompat[cchDir + 1] = L'\0'; wcscat(pwszAppCompat, c_wszACFileName);
// if we succeed, turn the NULL following the dump file path into
// the DW separator character
TESTBOOL(hr, GetAppCompatData(wszAppPath, wszModPath, pwszAppCompat)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) wszNewDump[cchSep] = DW_FILESEP;
ZeroMemory(&dwmb, sizeof(dwmb)); dwmb.wszTitle = wszAppFriendlyName; dwmb.wszErrMsg = wszErrMsg; dwmb.wszHdr = wszHdr; dwmb.wszStage1 = wszStage1; dwmb.wszStage2 = wszStage2; dwmb.wszBrand = c_wszDWBrand; dwmb.wszFileList = wszNewDump; dwmb.fIsMSApp = fMSApp; dwmb.wszCorpPath = wszCorpPath;
// check and see if the system is shutting down. If so, CreateProcess is
// gonna pop up some annoying UI that we can't get rid of, so we don't
// want to call it if we know it's gonna happen.
if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SHUTTINGDOWN)) goto done;
// we get back the name of the manifest file here.
frrvRet = StartDWManifest(oCfg, dwmb, wszManifest, fAllowSend);
done: dw = GetLastError();
if (pbBuf != NULL) MyFree(pbBuf);
if (frrvRet != frrvErrTimeout) { if (wszNewDump != NULL) { if (pwszAppCompat != NULL) { wszNewDump[cchSep] = L'\0'; DeleteFileW(pwszAppCompat); } #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
DeleteFullAndTriageMiniDumps(wszNewDump); #else
DeleteFileW(wszNewDump); #endif
if (wszManifest != NULL) DeleteFileW(wszManifest); if (wszDir != NULL) { DeleteTempDirAndFile(wszDir, FALSE); MyFree(wszDir); } }
return frrvRet; }
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal APIENTRY ReportFaultToQueue(SFaultRepManifest *pfrm) { USE_TRACING("ReportFaultToQueue");
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; SQueuedFaultBlob *pqfb; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; SMDumpOptions smdo; SYSTEMTIME st; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR pwsz, pwszAppName = NULL, pwszDump = NULL; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hProc = NULL; USHORT usCompress; DWORD cch, cchNeed, cb, dw; WCHAR wszDump[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkeyQ = NULL, hkeyRun = NULL; WORD iFile = 0;
ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(sa)); wszDump[0] = L'\0';
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (pfrm == NULL || pfrm->wszExe == NULL || pfrm->pidReqProcess == 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// get the SD for the file we need to create
TESTBOOL(hr, AllocSD(&sd, ER_ALL_RIGHTS, ER_ALL_RIGHTS, 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
// get the name of the faulting application
for (pwszAppName = pfrm->wszExe + wcslen(pfrm->wszExe) - 1; *pwszAppName != L'\\' && pwszAppName >= pfrm->wszExe; pwszAppName--); if (*pwszAppName == L'\\') pwszAppName++;
// generate the filename
cch = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(wszDump, sizeofSTRW(wszDump)); if (cch == 0) goto done;
// compute minimum required buffer size needed (the '5 * 6' at the end is
// to allow for the 6 WORD values that will be inserted)
cchNeed = cch + wcslen(pwszAppName) + 5 * 6 + sizeofSTRW(c_wszQFileName); if (cchNeed > sizeofSTRW(wszDump)) { __try { pwszDump = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { pwszDump = NULL; } if (pwszDump == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
if (cch > sizeofSTRW(wszDump)) cch = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(wszDump, cchNeed); else wcscpy(pwszDump, wszDump); } else { pwszDump = wszDump; }
pwsz = pwszDump + cch - 1; if (*pwsz != L'\\') { *(++pwsz) = L'\\'; *(++pwsz) = L'\0'; }
wcscpy(pwsz, c_wszQSubdir); pwsz += (sizeofSTRW(c_wszQSubdir) - 1);
GetSystemTime(&st); swprintf(pwsz, c_wszQFileName, pwszAppName, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond);
// set pwsz to point to the 00 at the end of the above string...
pwsz += (wcslen(pwsz) - 7);
// do this in this section to make sure we can open these keys
TESTHR(hr, OpenRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_wszRKUser, orkWantWrite, &hkeyQ)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
TESTHR(hr, OpenRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_wszRKRun, orkWantWrite, &hkeyRun)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// check the size of the file Q and purge it if necessary
TESTHR(hr, CheckQSizeAndPrune(hkeyQ)); if (FAILED(hr) || hr == S_FALSE) goto done;
for(iFile = 1; iFile <= 100; iFile++) { hFile = CreateFileW(pwszDump, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, &sa, CREATE_NEW, 0, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) break;
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) break;
*pwsz = L'0' + (WCHAR)(iFile / 10); *(pwsz + 1) = L'0' + (WCHAR)(iFile % 10); }
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto done;
// get a handle to the target process
hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pfrm->pidReqProcess); if (hProc == NULL) goto done;
// generate the minidump
ZeroMemory(&smdo, sizeof(smdo)); #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
smdo.ulThread = c_ulThreadWriteDefault; smdo.ulMod = c_ulModuleWriteDefault; #else
smdo.ulThread = ThreadWriteThread | ThreadWriteContext | ThreadWriteStack; smdo.ulMod = ModuleWriteModule | ModuleWriteMiscRecord | ModuleWriteDataSeg; #endif
smdo.dwThreadID = pfrm->thidFault; smdo.dfOptions = dfCollectSig; smdo.pvFaultAddr = pfrm->pvFaultAddr; smdo.pEP = pfrm->pEP; smdo.fEPClient = TRUE; smdo.wszModFullPath[0] = L'\0'; wcscpy(smdo.wszAppFullPath, pfrm->wszExe); wcscpy(smdo.wszMod, L"unknown"); #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
TESTBOOL(hr, InternalGenFullAndTriageMinidumps(hProc, pfrm->pidReqProcess, pwszDump, hFile, &smdo, pfrm->fIs64bit)); #else
TESTBOOL(hr, InternalGenerateMinidump(hProc, pfrm->pidReqProcess, hFile, &smdo, pwszDump)); #endif
if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// set the file to use NTFS compression- it is ok if this fails.
usCompress = COMPRESSION_FORMAT_DEFAULT; TESTBOOL(hr, DeviceIoControl(hFile, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &usCompress, sizeof(usCompress), NULL, 0, &cb, NULL));
// log an event- don't care if it fails or not.
TESTHR(hr, LogUser(smdo.wszApp, smdo.rgAppVer, smdo.wszMod, smdo.rgModVer, smdo.pvOffset, pfrm->fIs64bit, ER_USERCRASH_LOG));
// build the blob we'll store with the filename in the registry
cch = wcslen(smdo.wszAppFullPath) + 1; cb = sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob) + (cch + wcslen(smdo.wszModFullPath) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR); __try { pqfb = (SQueuedFaultBlob *)_alloca(cb); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { pqfb = NULL; } if (pqfb == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
CopyMemory(&pqfb->rgAppVer, &smdo.rgAppVer, 4 * sizeof(DWORD)); CopyMemory(&pqfb->rgModVer, &smdo.rgModVer, 4 * sizeof(DWORD)); CopyMemory(&pqfb->stFault, &st, sizeof(st)); pqfb->cbFB = sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob); pqfb->cbTotal = cb; pqfb->fIs64bit = pfrm->fIs64bit; pqfb->pvOffset = smdo.pvOffset;
pwsz = (WCHAR *)((BYTE *)pqfb + sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob));
pqfb->dwpAppPath = sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob); pqfb->dwpModPath = sizeof(SQueuedFaultBlob) + cch * sizeof(WCHAR);
CopyMemory(pwsz, smdo.wszAppFullPath, cch * sizeof(WCHAR));
pwsz += cch; wcscpy(pwsz, smdo.wszModFullPath);
// write out the value to our 'queue' in the registry.
TESTERR(hr, RegSetValueExW(hkeyQ, pwszDump, 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)pqfb, cb)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// write out our app to the 'run' key so that the next admin to log
// in will see that a fault has occurred.
TESTERR(hr, RegSetValueExW(hkeyRun, c_wszRVUFC, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)c_wszRVVUFC, sizeof(c_wszRVVUFC))); if (FAILED(hr)) { RegDeleteValueW(hkeyQ, pwszDump); goto done; }
frrvRet = frrvOk;
done: dw = GetLastError();
// if we failed, then clean everything up.
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hFile); if (frrvRet != frrvOk && iFile <= 100 && pwszDump != NULL) DeleteFileW(pwszDump); if (sa.lpSecurityDescriptor != NULL) FreeSD((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)sa.lpSecurityDescriptor); if (hkeyQ != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkeyQ); if (hkeyRun != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkeyRun); if (hProc != NULL) CloseHandle(hProc);
return frrvRet; }
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal APIENTRY ReportFaultDWM(SFaultRepManifest *pfrm, LPCWSTR wszDir, HANDLE hToken, LPVOID pvEnv, PROCESS_INFORMATION *ppi, LPWSTR wszDumpFile) { USE_TRACING("ReportFaultDWM");
CPFFaultClientCfg oCfg; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; SDWManifestBlob dwmb; SMDumpOptions smdo; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HANDLE hProc = NULL; #ifndef MANIFEST_HEAP
LPWSTR wszStage1, wszStage2, wszCorpPath; LPWSTR wszManifest = NULL, wszDump = NULL, pwszAppCompat = NULL; DWORD dw, cch, cchDir, cchSep = 0; WCHAR wszAppName[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkeyDebug = NULL; BOOL fAllowSend = TRUE, fMSApp = FALSE, fShowDebug = FALSE; BYTE *pbBuf = NULL;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (pfrm == NULL || pfrm->wszExe == NULL || ppi == NULL || wszDir == NULL || hToken == NULL || wszDumpFile == NULL || wszDir[0] == L'\0')); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
// get the config info
TESTHR(hr, oCfg.Read(eroPolicyRO)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() == eedDisabled && oCfg.get_DoReport() == eedDisabled) goto done;
// figure out how we're reporting / notifying the user
if (oCfg.get_DoReport() == eedDisabled || oCfg.ShouldCollect(pfrm->wszExe, &fMSApp) == FALSE) fAllowSend = FALSE;
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() == eedDisabled) { LPCWSTR wszULPath = oCfg.get_DumpPath(NULL, 0);
// check and make sure that we have a corporate path specified. If we
// don't, bail
if (wszULPath == NULL || *wszULPath == L'\0') goto done; }
cchDir = wcslen(wszDir); cch = cchDir + sizeofSTRW(c_wszManFileName) + 4; __try { wszManifest = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszManifest = NULL; } if (wszManifest == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
wcscpy(wszManifest, wszDir); wszManifest[cchDir] = L'\\'; wszManifest[cchDir + 1] = L'\0'; wcscat(wszManifest, c_wszManFileName);
cchDir = wcslen(wszDir); cch = 2 * cchDir + wcslen(wszDumpFile) + sizeofSTRW(c_wszACFileName) + 4; __try { wszDump = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszDump = NULL; } if (wszDump == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
wcscpy(wszDump, wszDir); wszDump[cchDir] = L'\\'; wszDump[cchDir + 1] = L'\0'; wcscat(wszDump, wszDumpFile);
// checlk and see if we need to put a debug button on the DW dialog
dw = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_wszRKAeDebug, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyDebug); if (dw == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPWSTR wszDebugger; WCHAR wszAuto[32]; DWORD dwType, cbNeed;
cbNeed = sizeof(wszAuto); dw = RegQueryValueExW(hkeyDebug, c_wszRVAuto, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)wszAuto, &cbNeed); if (dw != ERROR_SUCCESS || cbNeed == 0 || dwType != REG_SZ) goto doneDebugCheck;
// only way to get here if Auto == 1 is if drwtsn32 is the JIT debugger
if (wszAuto[0] == L'1') goto doneDebugCheck;
cbNeed = 0; dw = RegQueryValueExW(hkeyDebug, c_wszRVDebugger, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &cbNeed); if (dw != ERROR_SUCCESS || cbNeed == 0 || dwType != REG_SZ) goto doneDebugCheck;
cbNeed += sizeof(WCHAR); __try { wszDebugger = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cbNeed); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW) { wszDebugger = NULL; } if (wszDebugger == NULL) goto doneDebugCheck;
dw = RegQueryValueExW(hkeyDebug, c_wszRVDebugger, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)wszDebugger, &cbNeed); if (dw != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto doneDebugCheck;
if (wszDebugger[0] != L'\0') fShowDebug = TRUE;
doneDebugCheck: RegCloseKey(hkeyDebug); hkeyDebug = NULL; }
hFile = CreateFileW(wszDump, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetLastError(dw); goto done; } #endif // !MANIFEST_HEAP
// get a handle to the target process
hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pfrm->pidReqProcess); if (hProc == NULL) goto done;
// generate the minidump
ZeroMemory(&smdo, sizeof(smdo)); #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
smdo.ulThread = c_ulThreadWriteDefault; smdo.ulMod = c_ulModuleWriteDefault; #else
smdo.ulThread = ThreadWriteThread | ThreadWriteContext | ThreadWriteStack; smdo.ulMod = ModuleWriteModule | ModuleWriteMiscRecord | ModuleWriteDataSeg; #endif
smdo.dwThreadID = pfrm->thidFault; smdo.dfOptions = dfCollectSig; smdo.pvFaultAddr = pfrm->pvFaultAddr; smdo.pEP = pfrm->pEP; smdo.fEPClient = TRUE; smdo.wszModFullPath[0] = L'\0'; wcscpy(smdo.wszAppFullPath, pfrm->wszExe); wcscpy(smdo.wszMod, L"unknown"); #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
TESTBOOL(hr, InternalGenFullAndTriageMinidumps(hProc, pfrm->pidReqProcess, wszDump, NULL, &smdo, pfrm->fIs64bit)); #else
TESTBOOL(hr, InternalGenerateMinidump(hProc, pfrm->pidReqProcess, hFile, &smdo, wszDump)); #endif
if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// log an event- don't care if it fails or not.
TESTHR(hr, LogUser(smdo.wszApp, smdo.rgAppVer, smdo.wszMod, smdo.rgModVer, smdo.pvOffset, pfrm->fIs64bit, ER_USERCRASH_LOG));
// generate all the URLs & file paths we'll need for reporting
TESTHR(hr, BuildManifestURLs(smdo.wszApp, smdo.wszMod, smdo.rgAppVer, smdo.rgModVer, smdo.pvOffset, pfrm->fIs64bit, &wszStage1, &wszStage2, &wszCorpPath, &pbBuf)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
TESTHR(hr, GetVerName(smdo.wszAppFullPath, wszAppName, sizeofSTRW(wszAppName))); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
wszAppName[sizeofSTRW(wszAppName) - 1] = L'\0';
// we created the wszDump buffer above big enuf to hold both the
// dumpfile path as well as the app compat filename. So make
// use of that right now.
cchSep = wcslen(wszDump); pwszAppCompat = wszDump + cchSep + 1; wcscpy(pwszAppCompat, wszDir); pwszAppCompat[cchDir] = L'\\'; pwszAppCompat[cchDir + 1] = L'\0'; wcscat(pwszAppCompat, c_wszACFileName);
// if we succeed, turn the NULL following the dump file path into
// the DW separator character
TESTBOOL(hr, GetAppCompatData(smdo.wszAppFullPath, smdo.wszAppFullPath, pwszAppCompat)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) wszDump[cchSep] = DW_FILESEP;
ZeroMemory(&dwmb, sizeof(dwmb)); dwmb.wszTitle = wszAppName; dwmb.nidErrMsg = IDS_FERRMSG; dwmb.wszStage1 = wszStage1; dwmb.wszStage2 = wszStage2; dwmb.wszBrand = c_wszDWBrand; dwmb.wszFileList = wszDump; dwmb.hToken = hToken; dwmb.pvEnv = pvEnv; dwmb.fIsMSApp = fMSApp; dwmb.wszCorpPath = wszCorpPath; if (fShowDebug) dwmb.dwOptions = emoShowDebugButton;
// check and see if the system is shutting down. If so, CreateProcess is
// gonna pop up some annoying UI that we can't get rid of, so we don't
// want to call it if we know it's gonna happen.
if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SHUTTINGDOWN)) goto done;
// we get back the name of the manifest file here. it will be up to the client to
// delete it.
frrvRet = StartDWManifest(oCfg, dwmb, wszManifest, fAllowSend);
CopyMemory(ppi, &dwmb.pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
done: dw = GetLastError();
if (pbBuf != NULL) MyFree(pbBuf); if (hProc != NULL) CloseHandle(hProc); #ifndef MANIFEST_HEAP
if (hFile != NULL) CloseHandle(hFile); #endif
if (frrvRet != frrvOk) { if (wszDump != NULL) { if (pwszAppCompat != NULL) { wszDump[cchSep] = L'\0'; DeleteFileW(pwszAppCompat); } #ifdef MANIFEST_HEAP
DeleteFullAndTriageMiniDumps(wszDump); #else
DeleteFileW(wszDump); #endif
} if (wszManifest != NULL) DeleteFileW(wszManifest); }
return frrvRet; }
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal APIENTRY ReportFault(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pep, DWORD dwOpt) { USE_TRACING("ReportFault");
CPFFaultClientCfg oCfg; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; WCHAR wszFile[MAX_PATH], *pwsz; DWORD dwFlags = 0; HKEY hkey = NULL; BOOL fUseExceptionMode = TRUE, fMSApp = FALSE;
__try { VALIDATEPARM(hr, (pep == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// get the config info
TESTHR(hr, oCfg.Read(eroPolicyRO)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// assume system is on a local drive with a base path of "X:\"
if (oCfg.get_TextLog() == eedEnabled) { HANDLE hFaultLog = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
GetSystemDirectoryW(wszFile, sizeofSTRW(wszFile)); wszFile[3] = L'\0'; wcscat(wszFile, c_wszLogFileName); hFaultLog = CreateFileW(wszFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (hFaultLog != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SYSTEMTIME st; DWORD cb, cbWritten; char szMsg[512];
GetSystemTime(&st); GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wszFile, sizeofSTRW(wszFile)); cb = wsprintf(szMsg, "%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d User fault %08x in %ls\r\n", st.wDay, st.wMonth, st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, wszFile); SetFilePointer(hFaultLog, 0, NULL, FILE_END); WriteFile(hFaultLog, szMsg, cb, &cbWritten, NULL); CloseHandle(hFaultLog); }
wszFile[0] = L'\0'; }
// if reporting and notification are both disabled, then there's nothing of
// great value that we're gonna do here, so bail.
// Return frrvErrNoDW to indicate that we didn't do squat
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() == eedDisabled && oCfg.get_DoReport() == eedDisabled) goto done;
// if setup is in progress, we want to just bail cuz we don't want to hang
// setup. Also, the network isn't setup so we can't really report anyway.
// At some point, might want to cache this info & report on first launch.
TESTERR(hr, RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_wszRKSetup, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD cbData; DWORD dwData;
cbData = sizeof(dwData); dwData = 0; TESTERR(hr, RegQueryValueExW(hkey, c_wszRVSetupNow, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwData, &cbData)); RegCloseKey(hkey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && dwData != 0) goto done; }
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() == eedDisabled) { LPCWSTR wszULPath = oCfg.get_DumpPath(NULL, 0);
fUseExceptionMode = TRUE; dwFlags |= fDwHeadless;
// check and make sure that we have a corporate path specified. If
// we don't, bail
if (wszULPath == NULL || *wszULPath == L'\0') goto done; }
// don't want to go into this if we're already in the middle of reporting
if (g_fAlreadyReportingFault) goto done;
g_fAlreadyReportingFault = TRUE;
// make sure we're not trying to report for DW or dumprep-
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, wszFile, sizeofSTRW(wszFile)); for(pwsz = wszFile + wcslen(wszFile); pwsz >= wszFile && *pwsz != L'\\'; pwsz--); if (*pwsz == L'\\') pwsz++; if (_wcsicmp(pwsz, L"dwwin.exe") == 0 || _wcsicmp(pwsz, L"dumprep.exe") == 0) goto done;
// figure out how we're reporting / notifying the user
if (oCfg.get_DoReport() == eedDisabled || oCfg.ShouldCollect(wszFile, &fMSApp) == FALSE) dwFlags |= fDwNoReporting;
// if it's a MS app, set the flag that says we can have 'please help
// Microsoft' text in DW.
if (fMSApp == FALSE) dwFlags |= fDwUseLitePlea;
// if we're not headless, then we have to see if we have the correct
// security context to launch DW directly. The correct security context
// is defined as the current process having the same security context as
// the user currently logged on interactively to the current session
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() != eedDisabled) { if (oCfg.get_ForceQueueMode()) { fUseExceptionMode = FALSE; } else { fUseExceptionMode = DoUserContextsMatch(); if (fUseExceptionMode == FALSE) fUseExceptionMode = DoWinstaDesktopMatch() && (AmIPrivileged(FALSE) == FALSE); } }
// if we can use exception mode, then just go ahead and use the normal
// reporting mechanism (shared memory block, etc)
if (fUseExceptionMode) { LPCWSTR pwszServer = oCfg.get_DefaultServer(NULL, 0); LPCSTR szServer; char szBuf[MAX_PATH];
// determine what server we're going to send the data to.
szBuf[0] = '\0'; if (pwszServer != NULL && *pwszServer != L'\0') WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszServer, -1, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), NULL, NULL);
if (szBuf[0] != '\0') szServer = szBuf; else szServer = (oCfg.get_UseInternal() == 1) ? c_szDWDefServerI : c_szDWDefServerE;
frrvRet = StartDWException(pep, dwOpt, dwFlags, szServer, -1); }
// otherwise, have to use manifest, which of course means generating the
// minidump ourselves, parsing it for the signature, and everything else
// that DW does automatically for us... Sigh...
else { frrvRet = StartManifestReport(pep, wszFile, dwOpt, -1); } } __except(SetLastError(GetExceptionCode()), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
done: g_fAlreadyReportingFault = FALSE; return frrvRet; }