Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@echo off if "%_ECHO"=="1" (echo on)
if "%1"=="" goto usage if "%SDXROOT%"=="" goto usage
set DWPFSRCX86=\\redist\redist\watson\%1\x86 set DWPFSRCIA64=\\redist\redist\watson\%1\ia64
if not exist %DWPFSRCX86% (goto badbuild) if not exist %DWPFSRCIA64% (goto badbuild)
set LANG=1025 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1035 1036 1037 1038 1040 set LANG=%LANG% 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1048 1049 1050 1051 set LANG=%LANG% 1053 1054 1055 1060 2052 2070 3076 3082
call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCX86%\debug %DWPFSRCX86%\retail chk\i386 call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCX86%\retail %DWPFSRCX86%\retail fre\i386 call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCIA64%\debug %DWPFSRCIA64%\retail chk\ia64 call :CopyBin %DWPFSRCIA64%\retail %DWPFSRCIA64%\retail fre\ia64
echo propped... echo. goto done
:CopyBin rem %1 is the dw*.exe source directory root. rem %2 is the dwintl.dll source directory root. Debug rem directories don't have the international DLLs rem so can be different from the dw*.exe root. rem %3 is the target directory.
echo *** Processing %3 echo Checking out binaries... cd binary_release\%3 sd edit ... > nul 2> nul
echo Copying binaries
copy %1\0\dw15.exe dwwin.exe > nul delcert dwwin.exe > nul 2> nul resetpdb -p "dwwin.pdb" dwwin.exe > nul 2> nul copy %1\0\dw15.pdb dwwin.pdb > nul touch dwwin.pdb
for %%i in (%LANG%) do ( if exist %2\%%i\dwintl.dll ( if not exist dwil%%i.dll ( echo WARNING: \\redist has extra %%i\dwintl.dll ) if exist dwil%%i.dll ( copy %2\%%i\dwintl.dll dwil%%i.dll > nul delcert dwil%%i.dll > nul 2> nul resetpdb -p "dwil%%i.pdb" dwil%%i.dll > nul 2> nul ) ) if not exist %2\%%i\dwintl.dll ( if exist dwil%%i.dll ( echo WARNING: Depot has extra dwil%%i.dll ) ) )
echo. cd ..\..\.. goto :EOF
:badbuild echo unable to find build %1. The available builds are: dir /b \\redist\redist\watson echo. echo If no builds are listed above, you may not have access to the drop share echo (\\redist\redist\watson) or it may be currently unavailable. echo.
goto done
:usage echo Usage: echo propdw [DW build number] echo. echo Note that you must run this from a NT build window (razzle shell) and have echo access to the drop share (\\redist\redist\watson) to prop these binaries. echo.
:done endlocal