* * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * snapshot.cpp * * Abstract: * CSnapshot, CSnapshot class functions * * Revision History: * Ashish Sikka (ashishs) 05/05/2000 * created * *****************************************************************************/
#include "snapshoth.h"
#include "srrpcapi.h"
#include "srapi.h"
#include "..\datastor\datastormgr.h"
#include "..\service\evthandler.h"
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
static LPCWSTR s_cszCOMDBBackupFile = L"ComDb.Dat"; static LPCWSTR s_cszWMIBackupFile = L"Repository"; static LPCWSTR s_cszIISBackupFile = L"IISDB"; static LPCWSTR s_cszIISSuffix = L".MD"; static LPCWSTR s_cszIISBackupPath = L"%windir%\\system32\\inetsrv\\metaback\\"; static LPCWSTR s_cszIISOriginalPath = L"%windir%\\system32\\inetsrv\\metabase.bin"; static LPCWSTR s_cszSnapshotUsrClassLocation = L"Local Settings\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Windows\\UsrClass.dat"; static LPCWSTR s_cszSnapshotUsrClass = L"USRCLASS_"; static LPCWSTR s_cszSnapshotNtUser = L"NTUSER_"; static LPCWSTR s_cszClassesKey = L"_Classes"; static LPCWSTR s_cszSnapshotUsersDefaultKey = L".DEFAULT"; static LPCWSTR s_cszSnapshotHiveList = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Hivelist"; static LPCWSTR s_cszRestoreTempKey = L"Restore122312"; static LPCWSTR s_cszHKLMPrefix = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\"; static LPCSTR s_cszRegDBBackupFn = "RegDBBackup"; static LPCSTR s_cszRegDBRestoreFn = "RegDBRestore";
#define VALIDATE_DWRET(str) \
if ( dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) \ { \ ErrorTrace(0, str " failed ec=%d", dwRet); \ goto Exit; \ } \
#define LOAD_KEY_NAME TEXT("BackupExecReg")
DWORD SnapshotCopyFile(WCHAR * pszSrc, WCHAR * pszDest);
struct WMISnapshotParam { HANDLE hEvent; CRestorePoint *pRpLast; BOOL fSerialized; WCHAR szSnapshotDir[MAX_PATH]; };
DWORD WINAPI DoWMISnapshot(VOID * pParam);
DWORD DoIISSnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir);
DWORD SnapshotRestoreFilelistFiles(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, BOOL fSnapshot);
DWORD CallSnapshotCallbacks(LPCWSTR pszEnumKey, LPCWSTR pszSnapshotDir, BOOL fSnapshot);
CSnapshot::CSnapshot() { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::CSnapshot"); m_hRegdbDll = NULL; m_pfnRegDbBackup = NULL; m_pfnRegDbRestore = NULL;
TraceFunctLeave(); }
CSnapshot::~CSnapshot() { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::~CSnapshot"); m_pfnRegDbBackup = NULL; m_pfnRegDbRestore = NULL; if (NULL != m_hRegdbDll) { _VERIFY(TRUE==FreeLibrary(m_hRegdbDll)); } TraceFunctLeave(); }
DWORD CSnapshot::DeleteSnapshot(WCHAR * pszRestoreDir) { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::DeleteSnapshot"); WCHAR szSnapshotDir[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fStop=FALSE; DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// create the snapshot directory name from the restore directory
// name and create the actual directory.
lstrcpy(szSnapshotDir, pszRestoreDir); lstrcat(szSnapshotDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME);
dwErr = Delnode_Recurse(szSnapshotDir, TRUE, // Delete the ROOT dir
&fStop); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorTrace(0, "Fatal error %ld deleting snapshot directory",dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// the following function checks to see if the file passed in is a
// temporary copy of a reghive created before the restore.
// It does this by checking if the file suffix is s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix
BOOL IsRestoreCopy(const WCHAR * pszFileName) { BOOL fReturn=FALSE; DWORD dwLength, dwSuffixLen;
// Find
dwLength = lstrlen(pszFileName); dwSuffixLen = lstrlen(s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix); if (dwSuffixLen > dwLength) { goto cleanup; } dwLength -= dwSuffixLen;
// If the file is indeed a restore copy, dwLength points to the
// first character of s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix
if (0==lstrcmpi(pszFileName+dwLength, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix)) { fReturn = TRUE; } cleanup: return fReturn; }
DWORD ProcessPendingRenames(LPWSTR pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("ProcessPendingRenames"); WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwRc; HKEY hKey = NULL; dwRc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszSessionManagerRegKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRc) { DWORD dwType = REG_MULTI_SZ; DWORD dwSize = 0; dwRc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, s_cszMoveFileExRegValue, 0, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if (dwRc == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwSize > 0) { WCHAR * pwcBuffer = new WCHAR [dwSize / 2]; if (pwcBuffer == NULL) { trace(0, "Error allocating pwcBuffer"); dwRc = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; }
dwRc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, s_cszMoveFileExRegValue, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) pwcBuffer, &dwSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRc && REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) { int iFirst = 0; int iSecond = 0; int iFile = 1;
while ((iFirst < (int) dwSize/2) && pwcBuffer[iFirst] != L'\0') { iSecond = iFirst + lstrlenW(&pwcBuffer[iFirst]) + 1; DebugTrace(0, "Src : %S, Dest : %S", &pwcBuffer[iFirst], &pwcBuffer[iSecond]); if (pwcBuffer[iSecond] != L'\0') { // snapshot the source file to a file MFEX-i.DAT in the snapshot dir
wsprintf(szDest, L"%s\\MFEX-%d.DAT", pszSnapshotDir, iFile++);
SRCopyFile(&pwcBuffer[iFirst+4], szDest); } iFirst = iSecond + lstrlenW(&pwcBuffer[iSecond]) + 1; } } delete [] pwcBuffer; } else { dwRc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { trace(0, "! RegOpenKeyEx on %S : %ld", s_cszSessionManagerRegKey, dwRc); }
done: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey); TraceFunctLeave(); return dwRc; }
DWORD CSnapshot::CreateSnapshot(WCHAR * pszRestoreDir, HMODULE hCOMDll, LPWSTR pszRpLast, BOOL fSerialized) { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::CreateSnapshot"); HANDLE hThread = NULL; HANDLE hEvent = NULL; WMISnapshotParam * pwsp = NULL; WCHAR pszSnapShotDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwErr, dwAttrs; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; BOOL fCoInitialized = FALSE; BOOL fWMISnapshotParamCleanup = TRUE; HRESULT hr; CTokenPrivilege tp; // create the snapshot directory name from the restore directory
// name and create the actual directory.
lstrcpy(pszSnapShotDir, pszRestoreDir); lstrcat(pszSnapShotDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME); if (FALSE == CreateDirectory( pszSnapShotDir, // directory name
NULL)) // SD
{ dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Fatal error %ld creating snapshot directory",dwErr); goto cleanup; } } // set the directory to be uncompressed by default
dwAttrs = GetFileAttributesW (pszSnapShotDir); if ( (dwAttrs != INVALID_FILE_SIZE) && (0 != (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED & dwAttrs)) ) { dwErr = CompressFile ( pszSnapShotDir, FALSE, // uncompress
TRUE ); // target is a directory
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorTrace(0, "! CreateDataStore CompressFile : %ld", dwErr); // this is not a fatal error
} }
pwsp = new WMISnapshotParam; if (NULL == pwsp) { dwReturn = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ErrorTrace(0, "cannot allocate CWMISnapshotParam"); goto cleanup; }
if (pszRpLast) { pwsp->pRpLast = new CRestorePoint; if (NULL == pwsp->pRpLast) { dwReturn = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ErrorTrace(0, "cannot allocate CRestorePoint"); goto cleanup; } pwsp->pRpLast->SetDir(pszRpLast); } else { pwsp->pRpLast = NULL; }
lstrcpyW (pwsp->szSnapshotDir, pszSnapShotDir); pwsp->fSerialized = fSerialized; hEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); // manual reset
if (NULL == hEvent ) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! CreateEvent : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; }
if (FALSE == DuplicateHandle (GetCurrentProcess(), hEvent, GetCurrentProcess(), &pwsp->hEvent, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! DuplicateHandle : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; }
if (! fSerialized) { trace(0, "Parallellizing WMI snapshot"); hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, DoWMISnapshot, pwsp, 0, NULL); if (hThread == NULL) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! CreateThread : %ld", dwReturn); CloseHandle (pwsp->hEvent); pwsp->hEvent = NULL; goto cleanup; } if (g_pEventHandler) g_pEventHandler->GetCounter()->Up(); fWMISnapshotParamCleanup = FALSE; // ownership transferred
// before doing the registry snapshot, clear the restore error
// this will prevent us from snapshotting a registry that has
// this error set. Note this that error is only used for the
// restore process and we do not want to restore any regsitries
// what have this error set.
_VERIFY(TRUE==SetRestoreError(ERROR_SUCCESS)); // clear this error
dwErr = ProcessPendingRenames(pszSnapShotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } dwErr = tp.SetPrivilegeInAccessToken(SE_BACKUP_NAME); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "SetPrivilegeInAccessToken failed ec=%d", dwErr); dwReturn = ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; goto cleanup; }
// Create resgistry snapshot
dwErr = DoRegistrySnapshot(pszSnapShotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
//snapshot files listed in filelist.xml
dwErr = SnapshotRestoreFilelistFiles(pszSnapShotDir, TRUE); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// do COM snapshot
dwErr = DoCOMDbSnapshot(pszSnapShotDir, hCOMDll); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// someone called it with other mode
hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); } if (FAILED(hr)) { dwReturn = (DWORD) hr; ErrorTrace(0, "! CoInitializeEx : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; }
fCoInitialized = TRUE;
// do IIS snapshot
dwErr = DoIISSnapshot(pszSnapShotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
lstrcatW (pszSnapShotDir, L"\\domain.txt"); dwErr = GetDomainMembershipInfo (pszSnapShotDir, NULL); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; trace(0, "! GetDomainMembershipInfo : %ld", dwErr); goto cleanup; }
// if serialized WMI snapshot, do it here
if (fSerialized) { trace(0, "Serializing WMI snapshot"); fWMISnapshotParamCleanup = FALSE; dwReturn = DoWMISnapshot(pwsp); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { trace(0, "! DoWMISnapshot : %ld", dwErr); goto cleanup; } } else { // wait for the WMI Pause to finish
dwErr = WaitForSingleObject (hEvent, CLock::TIMEOUT); if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwErr) { trace (0, "WMI thread timed out"); } else if (WAIT_FAILED == dwErr) { trace (0, "WaitForSingleObject failed"); } trace(0, "WMI Pause is done"); }
cleanup: if (hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle (hEvent); }
if (fWMISnapshotParamCleanup && NULL != pwsp) { if (pwsp->pRpLast) delete pwsp->pRpLast; delete pwsp; trace(0, "CreateSnapshot released pwsp"); }
if (fCoInitialized) CoUninitialize();
if (hThread != NULL) CloseHandle (hThread);
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
BOOL IsWellKnownHKLMHive(WCHAR * pszHiveName) { return ( (0==lstrcmpi(pszHiveName, s_cszSoftwareHiveName)) || (0==lstrcmpi(pszHiveName, s_cszSystemHiveName )) || (0==lstrcmpi(pszHiveName, s_cszSamHiveName )) || (0==lstrcmpi(pszHiveName, s_cszSecurityHiveName)) ); }
DWORD SaveRegKey(HKEY hKey, // handle to parent key
const WCHAR * pszSubKeyName, // name of subkey to backup
WCHAR * pszFileName) // filename of backup file
{ TraceFunctEnter("SaveRegKey"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; DWORD dwDisposition; HKEY hKeyToBackup = NULL; // open the key - pass the REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE to bypass
// security checking
dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx(hKey, // handle to open key
pszSubKeyName, // subkey name
0, // reserved
NULL, // class string
REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE, // special options
KEY_READ, // desired security access
NULL, // inheritance
&hKeyToBackup, // key handle
&dwDisposition); // disposition value buffer
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "RegCreateKeyEx failed for %S, error %ld", pszSubKeyName, dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// now make sure that the key already existed - else delete the key
if (REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY != dwDisposition) { // no key existed - delete the key
ErrorTrace(0, "Key %S did not exist, error %ld", pszSubKeyName, dwErr); dwReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS==RegCloseKey(hKeyToBackup)); hKeyToBackup = NULL; _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS==RegDeleteKey(hKey, // handle to open key
pszSubKeyName));// subkey name
// BUGBUG test above case
goto cleanup; } dwErr = RegSaveKeyEx(hKeyToBackup,// handle to key
pszFileName,// data file
REG_NO_COMPRESSION); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "RegSaveKey failed for %S, error %ld", pszSubKeyName, dwErr); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"File was ", pszFileName); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: if (NULL != hKeyToBackup) { _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS==RegCloseKey(hKeyToBackup)); } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// the saved NTUser.dat file name is of the form
DWORD CreateNTUserDatPath(WCHAR * pszDest, DWORD dwDestLength, // length in characters
WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, WCHAR * pszUserSID) { TraceFunctEnter("CreateNTUserDatPath"); DWORD dwLengthRequired; dwLengthRequired = lstrlen(pszSnapshotDir) + lstrlen(s_cszUserPrefix) + lstrlen(s_cszSnapshotNtUser)+ lstrlen(pszUserSID) +2; if (dwDestLength < dwLengthRequired) { ErrorTrace(0, "Insuffcient buffer. Buffer passed in %d, Required %d", dwDestLength, dwLengthRequired); TraceFunctLeave(); return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } wsprintf(pszDest, L"%s\\%s%s%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszUserPrefix, s_cszSnapshotNtUser, pszUserSID); TraceFunctLeave(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// the saved UsrClass.dat file name is of the form
DWORD CreateUsrClassPath(WCHAR * pszDest, DWORD dwDestLength, // length in characters
WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, WCHAR * pszUserSID) { TraceFunctEnter("CreateUsrClassPath"); DWORD dwLengthRequired; dwLengthRequired = lstrlen(pszSnapshotDir) + lstrlen(s_cszUserPrefix) + lstrlen(s_cszSnapshotUsrClass)+ lstrlen(pszUserSID) +2; if (dwDestLength < dwLengthRequired) { ErrorTrace(0, "Insuffcient buffer. Buffer passed in %d, Required %d", dwDestLength, dwLengthRequired); TraceFunctLeave(); return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } wsprintf(pszDest, L"%s\\%s%s%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszUserPrefix, s_cszSnapshotUsrClass, pszUserSID); TraceFunctLeave(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// function to write movefileex entries to a saved system hive file
DWORD SrMoveFileEx( LPWSTR pszSnapshotDir, LPWSTR pszSrc, LPWSTR pszDest) { TraceFunctEnter("SrMoveFileEx"); DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkMount = NULL; DWORD cbData1 = 0; PBYTE pNewMFE = NULL, pOldMFE = NULL, pNewPos = NULL; BOOL fRegLoaded = FALSE; WCHAR szNewEntry1[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szNewEntry2[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szNewEntry3[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbNewEntry1 = 0, cbNewEntry2 = 0, cbNewEntry3 = 0; WCHAR szSysHive[MAX_PATH]; //
// load system hive file
wsprintf(szSysHive, L"%s\\%s%s%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, s_cszSystemHiveName, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix); CHECKERR(RegLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszRegHiveTmp, szSysHive ), L"RegLoadKey");
fRegLoaded = TRUE; CHECKERR(RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszRegHiveTmp, &hkMount ), L"RegOpenKey");
// get old entries
lstrcpy(szSysHive, s_cszRegLMSYSSessionMan); ChangeCCS(hkMount, szSysHive); pOldMFE = (PBYTE) SRGetRegMultiSz( hkMount, szSysHive, SRREG_VAL_MOVEFILEEX, &cbData1 );
// alloc mem for old + new
// allocate enough to hold 3 new paths + some extra characters
pNewMFE = (PBYTE) malloc(cbData1 + 4*MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (! pNewMFE) { ErrorTrace(0, "Out of memory"); dwErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Err; } if (pOldMFE) memcpy(pNewMFE, pOldMFE, cbData1);
// format new entries - a delete and a rename
wsprintf(szNewEntry2, L"\\\?\?\\%s", pszSrc); cbNewEntry2 = (lstrlen(szNewEntry2) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
wsprintf(szNewEntry3, L"!\\\?\?\\%s", pszDest); cbNewEntry3 = (lstrlen(szNewEntry3) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR); DebugTrace(0, "%S", szNewEntry2); DebugTrace(0, "%S", szNewEntry3);
// find position to insert new entries - overwrite trailing '\0'
if (pOldMFE) { DebugTrace(0, "Old MFE entries exist"); cbData1 -= sizeof(WCHAR); pNewPos = pNewMFE + cbData1; } else { DebugTrace(0, "No old MFE entries exist"); pNewPos = pNewMFE; } //
// append rename
memcpy(pNewPos, (BYTE *) szNewEntry2, cbNewEntry2); pNewPos += cbNewEntry2; memcpy(pNewPos, (BYTE *) szNewEntry3, cbNewEntry3); pNewPos += cbNewEntry3; //
// add trailing '\0'
*((LPWSTR) pNewPos) = L'\0';
// write back to registry
if (! SRSetRegMultiSz( hkMount, szSysHive, SRREG_VAL_MOVEFILEEX, (LPWSTR) pNewMFE, cbData1 + cbNewEntry2 + cbNewEntry3 + sizeof(WCHAR))) { ErrorTrace(0, "! SRSetRegMultiSz"); dwErr = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
Err: if (hkMount != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkMount);
if (fRegLoaded) RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszRegHiveTmp);
if (pOldMFE) delete pOldMFE; if (pNewMFE) free(pNewMFE);
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
// the saved UsrClass.dat file name is of the form
DWORD CreateUsrDefaultPath(WCHAR * pszDest, DWORD dwDestLength, // length in characters
WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("CreateUsrDefaultPath"); DWORD dwLengthRequired; dwLengthRequired = lstrlen(pszSnapshotDir) + lstrlen(s_cszUserPrefix) + lstrlen(s_cszSnapshotUsersDefaultKey) +2; if (dwDestLength < dwLengthRequired) { ErrorTrace(0, "Insuffcient buffer. Buffer passed in %d, Required %d", dwDestLength, dwLengthRequired); TraceFunctLeave(); return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
wsprintf(pszDest, L"%s\\%s%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszUserPrefix, s_cszSnapshotUsersDefaultKey); TraceFunctLeave(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD SetNewRegistry(HKEY hBigKey, // handle to open key
const WCHAR * pszHiveName, // subkey name
WCHAR * pszDataFile, // data file
WCHAR * pszOriginalFile, WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("SetNewRegistry"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, dwDisposition; WCHAR szBackupFile[MAX_PATH]; // backup file
HKEY hLocalKey=NULL; REGSAM samDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED; WCHAR szTempRegCopy[MAX_PATH]; // first check to see if the file is a copy created for this
// restore process. If not, we need to create a copy since
// RegReplaceKey removes the input file.
if (FALSE == IsRestoreCopy(pszDataFile)) { wsprintf(szTempRegCopy, L"%s%s", pszDataFile, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix); dwErr = SnapshotCopyFile(pszDataFile, szTempRegCopy); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } } else { lstrcpy(szTempRegCopy, pszDataFile); } wsprintf(szBackupFile, L"%s%s",szTempRegCopy,s_cszRegReplaceBackupSuffix); dwErr = RegCreateKeyEx( hBigKey,// handle to open key
pszHiveName,// subkey name
0,// reserved
NULL,// class string
REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE,// special options
samDesired,// desired security access
NULL,// inheritance
&hLocalKey,// key handle
&dwDisposition );// disposition value buffer
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr ) { ErrorTrace(0, "RegCreateKeyEx failed for %S, error %ld", pszHiveName, dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
dwErr = RegReplaceKey( hLocalKey, NULL, szTempRegCopy, szBackupFile );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ErrorTrace(0, "RegReplaceKey failed for %S, error %ld", pszHiveName, dwErr); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"File was ", szTempRegCopy);
// last ditch effort - try movefileex
if (pszSnapshotDir) { DebugTrace(0, "Trying movefileex"); dwReturn = SrMoveFileEx(pszSnapshotDir, szTempRegCopy, pszOriginalFile); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorTrace(0, "! SrMoveFileEx : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; } } else { _ASSERT(0); // we can't do anything here
} } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: if (NULL != hLocalKey) { dwErr = RegCloseKey( hLocalKey ); _ASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS==dwErr); } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// this function copies the file - it takes care of the attributes
// (like read only and hidden) which prevent overwrite of the file.
DWORD SnapshotCopyFile(WCHAR * pszSrc, WCHAR * pszDest) { TraceFunctEnter("SnapshotCopyFile"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, dwAttr; BOOL fRestoreAttr = FALSE; // if destination file does not exist, ignore
if (DoesFileExist(pszDest)) { dwAttr =GetFileAttributes(pszDest); // name of file or directory
if (dwAttr == -1) { // keep going. Maybe the copy will succeed
dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "GetFileAttributes failed %d", dwErr); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"File was ", pszDest); } else { // we need to keep track of which attributes we will restore.
// now set the attributes of the destination file to be
// normal so that we can overwrite this file
if (!SetFileAttributes( pszDest, // file name
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL )) // attributes
{ // keep going. Maybe the copy will succeed
dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "SetFileAttributes failed %d", dwErr); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"File was ", pszDest); } } }
dwErr = SRCopyFile(pszSrc, pszDest); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorTrace(0, "SRCopyFile failed. ec=%d", dwErr); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"src= ", pszSrc); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"dst= ", pszDest); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: if (TRUE == fRestoreAttr) { // now restore the attributes of the destination file
if (!SetFileAttributes( pszDest, // file name
dwAttr )) // attributes
{ dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "SetFileAttributes failed %d", dwErr); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"File was ", pszDest); } } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// the following function attempts to copy the user profile hives
// (ntuser.dat and usrclass.dat) from the profile path (or vice versa).
// This can fail if the user's profile is in use.
// if fRestore is TRUE it restores the profile
// if fRestore is FALSE it snapshots the profile
DWORD CopyUserProfile(HKEY hKeyProfileList, WCHAR * pszUserSID, WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, BOOL fRestore, WCHAR * pszNTUserPath) { TraceFunctEnter("CopyUserProfile"); DWORD dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, dwErr,dwSize,dwType; HKEY hKeySID = NULL; WCHAR szNTUserPath[MAX_PATH]; int cbNTUserPath = 0; PWCHAR pszSrc, pszDest;
// find the ProfileImagePath
//open the parent key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyProfileList,// handle to open key
pszUserSID,// subkey name
0,// reserved
KEY_READ,// security access mask
&hKeySID);// handle to open key
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0,"Error %d in opening ProfileList of %S", dwErr, pszUserSID); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
//now query for the profile image path
{ WCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; dwSize = sizeof(szData)/sizeof(WCHAR); dwType = REG_EXPAND_SZ; dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hKeySID,// handle to key
s_cszSnapshotProfileImagePath, // value name
NULL, // reserved
&dwType, // type buffer
(LPBYTE) szData, // data buffer
&dwSize);// size of data buffer
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0,"Error %d in querying Profilepath of %S", dwErr, pszUserSID); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } if (0 == ExpandEnvironmentStrings( szData, szNTUserPath, sizeof(szNTUserPath)/sizeof(WCHAR))) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "ExpandEnvironmentStrings failed for %S, ec=%d", szData, dwErr); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto cleanup; }
cbNTUserPath = lstrlen(szNTUserPath); }
{ WCHAR szSnapshotPath[MAX_PATH]; // save off the ntuser.dat into datastore
lstrcat(szNTUserPath, L"\\"); lstrcat(szNTUserPath, s_cszSnapshotNTUserDat); lstrcpy(pszNTUserPath, szNTUserPath); if (ERROR_SUCCESS!= CreateNTUserDatPath( szSnapshotPath, sizeof(szSnapshotPath)/sizeof(WCHAR), pszSnapshotDir, pszUserSID)) { dwReturn=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto cleanup; } if (fRestore == TRUE) { pszSrc=szSnapshotPath; pszDest=szNTUserPath; } else { pszSrc=szNTUserPath; pszDest=szSnapshotPath; } if (fRestore) { //
// delete current ntuser.dat before putting old one back
if (FALSE == DeleteFile(pszDest)) { ErrorTrace(0, "! DeleteFile on ntuser.dat : %ld", GetLastError()); } else { DebugTrace(0, "NTuser.dat deleted"); } } dwErr = SnapshotCopyFile(pszSrc, pszDest); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } // save off the usrclass.dat also into datastore
szNTUserPath[cbNTUserPath] = L'\0'; lstrcat(szNTUserPath, L"\\"); lstrcat(szNTUserPath, s_cszSnapshotUsrClassLocation); if (ERROR_SUCCESS!= CreateUsrClassPath( szSnapshotPath, sizeof(szSnapshotPath)/sizeof(WCHAR), pszSnapshotDir, pszUserSID)) { dwReturn=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto cleanup; } if (fRestore == TRUE) { pszSrc=szSnapshotPath; pszDest=szNTUserPath; } else { pszSrc=szNTUserPath; pszDest=szSnapshotPath; } if (fRestore) { //
// delete current usrclass.dat before putting old one back
if (FALSE == DeleteFile(pszDest)) { ErrorTrace(0, "! DeleteFile on usrclass.dat", GetLastError()); } else { DebugTrace(0, "Usrclass.dat deleted"); } } dwErr = SnapshotCopyFile(pszSrc, pszDest); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { // if we are here and the usrclass file could not be copied,
// then we can ignore this error since the usrclass file may
// not exist.
DebugTrace(0, "UsrClass cannot be copied. ec=%d. Ignoring this error", dwErr); //dwReturn = dwErr;
//goto cleanup;
} }
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: if (NULL != hKeySID) { _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS==RegCloseKey(hKeySID)); } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
void CreateClassesKeyName( WCHAR * pszKeyName, WCHAR * pszUserSID) { wsprintf(pszKeyName, L"%s%s", pszUserSID, s_cszClassesKey); }
DWORD ProcessUserRegKeys( WCHAR * pszUserSID, WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, BOOL fRestore, WCHAR * pszOriginalFile) { TraceFunctEnter("ProcessUserRegKeys"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (!szDest || !szKeyName) { ErrorTrace(0, "Cannot allocate memory"); dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto cleanup; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != CreateNTUserDatPath(szDest, MAX_PATH, pszSnapshotDir, pszUserSID)) { dwReturn=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto cleanup; } if (FALSE == fRestore) { dwErr = SaveRegKey(HKEY_USERS, pszUserSID, // Subkey to save
szDest); // File to save in
} else { dwErr = SetNewRegistry(HKEY_USERS, // handle to open key
pszUserSID, // subkey name
szDest, // snapshot file
pszOriginalFile, // original file
pszSnapshotDir); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "SaveRegKey or SetNewRegistry failed ec=%d", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != CreateUsrClassPath(szDest, MAX_PATH, pszSnapshotDir, pszUserSID)) { dwReturn=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto cleanup; }
CreateClassesKeyName(szKeyName, pszUserSID);
if (FALSE == fRestore) { dwErr = SaveRegKey(HKEY_USERS, szKeyName, // Subkey to save
szDest); // File to save in
} else { dwErr = SetNewRegistry(HKEY_USERS, // handle to open key
szKeyName, // subkey name
szDest, // data file
pszOriginalFile, pszSnapshotDir); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { // if we are here and the usrclass file could not be copied,
// then we can ignore this error since the usrclass file may
// not exist.
DebugTrace(0, "UsrClass cannot be copied. ec=%d. Ignoring this error", dwErr); //dwReturn = dwErr;
//goto cleanup;
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: if (szDest) delete [] szDest; if (szKeyName) delete [] szKeyName; TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// the following function processes the HKeyUsers registry key
// if fRestore is TRUE it restores the registry key
// if fRestore is FALSE it snapshots the registry key
DWORD ProcessHKUsersKey( WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, IN HKEY hKeyHKLM,// handle to an open key from where
// Software\\Microsoft\\ can be read.
BOOL fRestore) { TraceFunctEnter("ProcessHKUsersKey"); WCHAR szSID[100]; DWORD dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, dwErr; HKEY hKeyProfileList = NULL; DWORD dwIndex,dwSize; const WCHAR * pszProfileSubKeyName; if (TRUE == fRestore) { // in this case this is a loaded hive of the system. We need
// to strip system from the subkey name to bew able to read
// this subkey.
pszProfileSubKeyName = s_cszSnapshotProfileList + lstrlen(s_cszSoftwareHiveName) + 1; } else { pszProfileSubKeyName = s_cszSnapshotProfileList; } // open the ProfileList and enumerate
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyHKLM,// handle to open key
pszProfileSubKeyName,// subkey name
0,// subkey name
KEY_READ,// security access mask
&hKeyProfileList);// handle to open key
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "RegOpenKeyEx failed for ProfileList, error %ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
dwIndex = 0; dwSize = sizeof(szSID)/sizeof(WCHAR); while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwErr = RegEnumKeyEx( hKeyProfileList, // handle to key to
// enumerate
dwIndex, // subkey index
szSID,// subkey name
&dwSize, // size of subkey
// buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // class string buffer
NULL,// size of class
// string buffer
NULL)))// last write time
{ WCHAR szOriginalFile[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pszOriginalFile = NULL;
DebugTrace(0, "Enumerated Key %S", szSID); dwIndex++; // try to copy the file - if this fails we will try to save
// the reg key
lstrcpy(szOriginalFile, L""); dwErr = CopyUserProfile(hKeyProfileList, szSID, pszSnapshotDir, fRestore, szOriginalFile); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { DebugTrace(0, "CopyUserProfile for %S failed. Error %d", szSID, dwErr); // The copy may have failed since the user profile may be
// currently loaded - try to use Registry functions for
// this purpose.
DebugTrace(0, "Trying registry APIs for %S", szSID);
if (0 == lstrcmp(szOriginalFile, L"")) pszOriginalFile = NULL; else pszOriginalFile = szOriginalFile;
dwErr = ProcessUserRegKeys(szSID, pszSnapshotDir, fRestore, pszOriginalFile); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Error %d saving key %S - ignoring", dwErr, szSID);
// ignore error -- if profile was deleted by hand
// this could happen
// we will just bravely carry on
} } dwSize = sizeof(szSID)/sizeof(WCHAR); }
{ WCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH]; // also save the .default key
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != CreateUsrDefaultPath(szDest, sizeof(szDest)/sizeof(WCHAR), pszSnapshotDir)) { dwReturn=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto cleanup; } if (TRUE == fRestore) { dwErr = SetNewRegistry(HKEY_USERS, // handle to open key
s_cszSnapshotUsersDefaultKey, // subkey name
szDest, // data file
NULL, NULL); } else { dwErr = SaveRegKey(HKEY_USERS, s_cszSnapshotUsersDefaultKey, szDest); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Error processing default key ec=%d", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; _ASSERT(0); goto cleanup; } } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup:
if (NULL != hKeyProfileList) { _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS==RegCloseKey(hKeyProfileList)); } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// the following function saves or restores a reg hive.
// if fRestore == TRUE it restores the reg hive
// if fRestore == FALSE it saves the reg hive
DWORD SnapshotRegHive(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, WCHAR * pszHiveName) { TraceFunctEnter("SnapshotRegHive"); DWORD i,dwSnapDirLen, dwHivelen; WCHAR szBackupFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; WCHAR * pszSubhiveName; // first construct the name of the file to store the hive
wsprintf(szBackupFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, pszHiveName);
// now replace all \ in the copy of pszHiveName to _
dwSnapDirLen=lstrlen(pszSnapshotDir)+1; // +1 is for the \\ after
dwHivelen = lstrlen(pszHiveName); for (i=dwSnapDirLen; i< dwHivelen+ dwSnapDirLen; i++) { if (szBackupFile[i] == L'\\') { szBackupFile[i] = L'_'; } } // figure out if it is the HKLM hive - we already snapshot the HK
// users hive
if (0 != _wcsnicmp( pszHiveName, s_cszHKLMPrefix,lstrlen(s_cszHKLMPrefix))) { DebugTrace(0, "%S is not a HKLM hive", pszHiveName); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
// get the hive name
pszSubhiveName = pszHiveName + lstrlen(s_cszHKLMPrefix);
// now check to see if the hive is one that we have created
// ourselves. If so, ignore this hive
if ( (lstrcmpi(pszSubhiveName,s_cszRestoreSAMHiveName)==0) || (lstrcmpi(pszSubhiveName,s_cszRestoreSYSTEMHiveName)==0) || (lstrcmpi(pszSubhiveName,s_cszRestoreSECURITYHiveName)==0) ) { DebugTrace(0, "Ignoring %S since it a hive created by restore", pszSubhiveName); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } dwErr = SaveRegKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszSubhiveName, szBackupFile); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "SaveRegKey failed for HiveList, ec=%ld", dwErr); // now check to see if this is a well known HKLM hive. If not, ignore any errors in
// snapshotting this hive
if (FALSE==IsWellKnownHKLMHive(pszSubhiveName)) { dwReturn=ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto cleanup; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: // call reg save key on this
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// the following function does processing of the HKLM key. It does it
// by reading the hives listed in the reg key
// System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Hivelist. It ignores the Users
// subkeys.
DWORD DoHKLMSnapshot(IN WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("DoHKLMSnapshot"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; HKEY hKeyHiveList=NULL; WCHAR szHiveName[MAX_PATH], szDataValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize, dwValueIndex, dwDataSize; const WCHAR * pszHiveSubKeyName;
// open the ProfileList and enumerate
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,// handle to open key
s_cszSnapshotHiveList,// Subkey name
0,// options
KEY_READ,// security access mask
&hKeyHiveList);// handle to open key
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "RegOpenKeyEx failed for HiveList, ec=%ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
for (dwValueIndex = 0; TRUE; dwValueIndex ++) { dwSize = sizeof(szHiveName)/sizeof(WCHAR); dwDataSize = sizeof(szDataValue); // this is in bytes
dwErr= RegEnumValue(hKeyHiveList, // handle to key to query
dwValueIndex, // index of value to query
szHiveName, // value buffer
&dwSize, // size of value buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // type buffer
(PBYTE)szDataValue, // data buffer
&dwDataSize); // size of data buffer
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { _ASSERT(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwErr); break; } // if the hive does not have a data file, do not back it up.
if (lstrlen(szDataValue) == 0) { DebugTrace(0, "There is no data for hive %S. Ignoring", szHiveName); continue; } dwErr = SnapshotRegHive(pszSnapshotDir, szHiveName); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Processing failed for Hive %S, ec=%ld", szHiveName, dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: if (NULL != hKeyHiveList) { _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS==RegCloseKey(hKeyHiveList)); } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD CSnapshot::DoRegistrySnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { DWORD dwErr, dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::DoRegistrySnapshot");
dwErr = ProcessHKUsersKey(pszSnapshotDir, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FALSE); // need to do a snapshot
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "DoHKUsersSnapshot failed error %ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// now snapshot other hives also
dwErr = DoHKLMSnapshot(pszSnapshotDir); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "DoHKLMSnapshot failed error %ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD CSnapshot::GetCOMplusBackupFN(HMODULE hCOMDll) { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::GetCOMplusBackupFN"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
if (NULL == hCOMDll) { goto cleanup; }
// now get the address of the Backup functions
m_pfnRegDbBackup = (PF_REG_DB_API)GetProcAddress(hCOMDll, s_cszRegDBBackupFn); if (NULL == m_pfnRegDbBackup) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "Error getting function RegDBBackup. ec=%d", dwErr); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto cleanup; }
dwReturn= ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD CSnapshot::GetCOMplusRestoreFN() { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::GetCOMplusRestoreFN"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// first load the COM+ dll
if (NULL == m_hRegdbDll) { m_hRegdbDll = LoadLibrary(s_cszCOMDllName); if (NULL == m_hRegdbDll) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); trace(0, "LoadLibrary of %S failed ec=%d", s_cszCOMDllName, dwReturn); goto cleanup; } }
// now get the address of the Backup functions
m_pfnRegDbRestore = (PF_REG_DB_API)GetProcAddress(m_hRegdbDll, s_cszRegDBRestoreFn); if (NULL == m_pfnRegDbRestore) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "Error getting function RegDBRestore. ec=%d", dwErr); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto cleanup; }
dwReturn= ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
void CreateCOMDBSnapShotFileName( WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, WCHAR * pszCOMDBFile ) { wsprintf(pszCOMDBFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszCOMDBBackupFile); return; }
DWORD CSnapshot::DoCOMDbSnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, HMODULE hCOMDll) { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::DoCOMDbSnapshot"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; HMODULE hModCOMDll=NULL; HRESULT hr; WCHAR szCOMDBFile[MAX_PATH];
if (NULL == m_pfnRegDbBackup) { dwErr = GetCOMplusBackupFN(hCOMDll); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } }
// construct the path of the database backup file
CreateCOMDBSnapShotFileName(pszSnapshotDir, szCOMDBFile); hr =m_pfnRegDbBackup( szCOMDBFile ); // call the function to backup the file
if ( FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed to snapshot COM DB. hr=0x%x", hr); goto cleanup; }
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
void CreateWMISnapShotFileName( WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, WCHAR * pszWMIBackupFile ) { wsprintf(pszWMIBackupFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszWMIBackupFile); return; }
DWORD DoWMISnapshot(VOID * pParam) { TraceFunctEnter("DoWMISnapshot"); WMISnapshotParam * pwsp = (WMISnapshotParam *) pParam; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szWMIBackupFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szWMIRepository[MAX_PATH]; IWbemBackupRestoreEx *wbem ; BOOL fCoInitialized = FALSE; CTokenPrivilege tp; BOOL fHaveLock = FALSE; BOOL fSerialized = TRUE;
if (NULL == pwsp) { ErrorTrace(0, "pwsp=NULL"); TraceFunctLeave(); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return dwErr; } fSerialized = pwsp->fSerialized; dwErr = tp.SetPrivilegeInAccessToken(SE_BACKUP_NAME); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "SetPrivilegeInAccessToken failed ec=%d", dwErr); dwErr = ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; goto cleanup; }
// someone called it with other mode
if (FAILED(hr)) { dwErr = (DWORD) hr; ErrorTrace(0, "! CoInitializeEx : %ld", dwErr); goto cleanup; }
fCoInitialized = TRUE;
// construct the path of the database backup file
CreateWMISnapShotFileName(pwsp->szSnapshotDir, szWMIBackupFile);
GetSystemDirectory (szWMIRepository, MAX_PATH); lstrcatW (szWMIRepository, L"\\Wbem\\Repository"); if ( SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemBackupRestore, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWbemBackupRestoreEx, (LPVOID*)&wbem )) ) { if (FAILED(hr = CoSetProxyBlanket (wbem, RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_DEFAULT, COLE_DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING))) { TRACE(0, "CoSetProxyBlanket failed ignoring %x ", hr); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = wbem->Pause())) { // signal to main thread that pause is done
if (pwsp->hEvent != NULL) { SetEvent (pwsp->hEvent); }
// get the datastore lock
if (g_pEventHandler) { fHaveLock = g_pEventHandler->GetLock()->Lock(CLock::TIMEOUT); if (! fHaveLock) { trace(0, "Cannot get lock"); dwErr = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; wbem->Resume(); wbem->Release(); goto cleanup; } }
// do the main wmi snapshotting
if (FALSE == CreateDirectoryW (szWMIBackupFile, NULL)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed to create repository dir. LastError=%d", dwErr); } else dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) dwErr = CopyFile_Recurse (szWMIRepository, szWMIBackupFile);
hr = wbem->Resume(); if ( FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed to resume WMI DB. ignoring hr=0x%x", hr); } } else { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed to pause WMI DB. ignoring hr=0x%x", hr);
// signal to main thread anyway
if (pwsp->hEvent != NULL) { SetEvent (pwsp->hEvent); }
if (g_pEventHandler) { fHaveLock = g_pEventHandler->GetLock()->Lock(CLock::TIMEOUT); if (! fHaveLock) { trace(0, "Cannot get lock with WMI Pause failed"); dwErr = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; wbem->Release(); goto cleanup; } } } wbem->Release() ; }
if (pwsp->hEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle (pwsp->hEvent); pwsp->hEvent = NULL; }
if (fCoInitialized) CoUninitialize();
// now calculate accurate complete size of old restore point
// and snapshot size of current restore point
if (g_pDataStoreMgr && fHaveLock) { dwErr = g_pDataStoreMgr->GetDriveTable()-> ForAllDrives(&CDataStore::SwitchRestorePoint, (LONG_PTR) pwsp->pRpLast); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { trace(0, "! SwitchRestorePoint : %ld", dwErr); } // if this is parallelized, then check fifo conditions here
// else check it in SRSetRestorePointS
if (! pwsp->fSerialized) { g_pDataStoreMgr->TriggerFreezeOrFifo(); } }
if (pwsp) { if (pwsp->pRpLast) delete pwsp->pRpLast; delete pwsp; pwsp = NULL; trace(0, "DoWMISnapshot released pwsp"); }
// release the datastore lock
if (fHaveLock) { if (g_pEventHandler) g_pEventHandler->GetLock()->Unlock(); }
if (! fSerialized && g_pEventHandler) g_pEventHandler->GetCounter()->Down();
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
DWORD RestoreWMISnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("RestoreWMISnapshot"); IWbemBackupRestoreEx *wbem = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fPaused = FALSE; WCHAR szWMIBackupFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szWMIRepository[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szWMITemp[MAX_PATH]; CTokenPrivilege tp;
// construct the path of the database backup file
CreateWMISnapShotFileName(pszSnapshotDir, szWMIBackupFile); GetSystemDirectory (szWMIRepository, MAX_PATH); lstrcpyW (szWMITemp, szWMIRepository); lstrcatW (szWMIRepository, L"\\Wbem\\Repository"); lstrcatW (szWMITemp, L"\\Wbem\\Repository.tmp");
Delnode_Recurse (szWMITemp, TRUE, NULL); // delete previous temp dirs
if (FALSE == CreateDirectoryW (szWMITemp, NULL)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed to create WMI temp dir. Ignoring error=0x%x", dwErr); dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
dwErr = CopyFile_Recurse (szWMIBackupFile, szWMITemp); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed CopyFile_Recurse. Ignoring error=0x%x", dwErr); dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; Delnode_Recurse (szWMITemp, TRUE, NULL); goto cleanup; }
lstrcpyW (szWMIBackupFile, szWMIRepository); lstrcatW (szWMIBackupFile, L".bak");
// If WMI is still running, try to stop it
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemBackupRestore, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWbemBackupRestoreEx, (LPVOID*)&wbem )) ) { tp.SetPrivilegeInAccessToken(SE_BACKUP_NAME); fPaused = SUCCEEDED(hr = wbem->Pause()); if (FAILED(hr)) TRACE(0, "Wbem Pause failed ignoring %x", hr); } else { TRACE(0, "CoCreateInstance failed ignoring %x", hr); }
Delnode_Recurse (szWMIBackupFile, TRUE, NULL); // delete leftover backups
if (FALSE == MoveFile(szWMIRepository, szWMIBackupFile)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! MoveFile : %ld trying SrMoveFileEx", dwErr);
// WMI has locked files, so try SrMoveFileEx
dwErr = SrMoveFileEx(pszSnapshotDir, szWMIRepository, szWMIBackupFile); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { dwErr = SrMoveFileEx(pszSnapshotDir, szWMITemp, szWMIRepository); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) ErrorTrace(0, "! SRMoveFileEx : %ld", dwErr); } else { ErrorTrace(0, "! SRMoveFileEx : %ld", dwErr); Delnode_Recurse (szWMITemp, TRUE, NULL); } goto cleanup; }
if (FALSE == MoveFile(szWMITemp, szWMIRepository)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! MoveFile : %ld", dwErr); goto cleanup; }
Delnode_Recurse (szWMIBackupFile, TRUE, NULL);
if (wbem != NULL) { if (fPaused) wbem->Resume(); wbem->Release(); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
DWORD DoIISSnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("DoIISSnapshot"); DWORD dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; HRESULT hr; WCHAR szRestorePath[MAX_PATH], szBackup[MAX_PATH], szTemp[MAX_PATH]; IMSAdminBase2W *pims = NULL; // construct the path of the database backup file
wsprintf(szRestorePath, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszIISBackupFile);
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSAdminBase_W, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase2_W, (LPVOID*)&pims); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(0, "! CoCreateInstance : 0x%x - ignoring error", hr); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(0, "! BackupWithPasswd : 0x%x", hr); dwReturn = (DWORD) hr; goto cleanup; }
// move the file from their backup to our backup
if (0 == ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s_cszIISBackupPath, szTemp, MAX_PATH)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! ExpandEnvironmentStrings : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; } wsprintf(szBackup, L"%s%s%s%d", szTemp, s_cszIISBackupFile, s_cszIISSuffix, MD_BACKUP_MAX_VERSION); if (FALSE == MoveFile(szBackup, szRestorePath)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! MoveFile : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD RestoreIISSnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("RestoreIISSnapshot"); DWORD dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; HRESULT hr; WCHAR szRestorePath[MAX_PATH], szDest[MAX_PATH]; IMSAdminBase2W *pims = NULL; // construct the path of the database backup file
wsprintf(szRestorePath, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszIISBackupFile);
// if we don't have the file
// there is nothing to restore
if (0xFFFFFFFF == GetFileAttributes(szRestorePath)) { DebugTrace(0, "IIS snapshot does not exist"); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } //
// copy the file from our backup to their original location -
// we can do a simple copy here because IIS should be shutdown
// at this time
if (0 == ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s_cszIISOriginalPath, szDest, MAX_PATH)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "! ExpandEnvironmentStrings : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (dwReturn = SnapshotCopyFile(szRestorePath, szDest))) { ErrorTrace(0, "! SnapshotCopyFile : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD SnapshotRestoreFilelistFiles(LPWSTR pszSnapshotDir, BOOL fSnapshot) { TraceFunctEnter("SnapshotRestoreFilelistFiles"); DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwIndex, dwDataSize, dwSize; LPWSTR pszFilePart = NULL ; HKEY hKey = NULL; BOOL fLoaded = FALSE; if (fSnapshot == FALSE) // restore
{ //
// load the software hive of the registry to be restored
WCHAR szSoftwareHive[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szSoftwareHive, L"%s\\%s%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, s_cszSoftwareHiveName); CHECKERR( RegLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LOAD_KEY_NAME, szSoftwareHive), L"RegLoadKey" );
fLoaded = TRUE; }
{ WCHAR szCallbacksKey[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szCallbacksKey, L"%s\\%s\\%s", fSnapshot ? L"Software" : LOAD_KEY_NAME, s_cszSRRegKey2, s_cszCallbacksRegKey); DebugTrace(0, "CallbacksKey=%S", szCallbacksKey);
// call registered snapshot callbacks
dwErr = CallSnapshotCallbacks(szCallbacksKey, pszSnapshotDir, fSnapshot); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorTrace(0, "! CallSnapshotCallbacks : %ld - ignoring", dwErr); } }
{ WCHAR szSnapshotKey[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szSnapshotKey, L"%s\\%s\\%s", fSnapshot ? L"Software" : LOAD_KEY_NAME, s_cszSRRegKey2, s_cszSRSnapshotRegKey);
DebugTrace(0, "SnapshotFilesKey=%S", szSnapshotKey); dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSnapshotKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) // assume key does not exist
{ dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DebugTrace(0, "No filelist files to snapshot/restore"); goto Err; } }
for (dwIndex = 0; TRUE; dwIndex ++) { WCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH], szDest[MAX_PATH], szFile[MAX_PATH]; dwSize = sizeof(szValue)/sizeof(WCHAR); dwDataSize = sizeof(szFile); // this is in bytes
dwErr = RegEnumValue(hKey, // handle to key to query
dwIndex, // index of value to query
szValue, // value buffer
&dwSize, // size of value buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // type buffer
(PBYTE) szFile, // data buffer
&dwDataSize); // size of data buffer
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { break; } if (lstrlen(szFile) == 0) { continue; }
// construct snapshot file path
// make a unique name for it by appending the enum index
pszFilePart = wcsrchr(szFile, L'\\'); if (pszFilePart) { pszFilePart++; } else { pszFilePart = szFile; } wsprintf(szDest, L"%s\\%s-%d", pszSnapshotDir, pszFilePart, dwIndex);
// copy the file
// if file does not exist, keep going
if (fSnapshot) // from orig location to snapshot dir
{ SnapshotCopyFile(szFile, szDest); } else // from snapshot dir to orig location
{ SnapshotCopyFile(szDest, szFile); } }
if (ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == dwErr) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ErrorTrace(0, "! RegEnumValue : %ld", dwErr); } Err: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
if (fLoaded) RegUnLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LOAD_KEY_NAME ); TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
DWORD CTokenPrivilege::SetPrivilegeInAccessToken(WCHAR * pszPrivilegeName) { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::SetPrivilegeInAccessToken"); HANDLE hProcess; HANDLE hAccessToken=NULL; LUID luidPrivilegeLUID; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpTokenPrivilege; // enough for 1 priv
DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); if (!hProcess) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "GetCurrentProcess failed ec=%d", dwErr); goto done; }
// If there is a thread token, attempt to use it first
if (!OpenThreadToken (GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, // check against process's security context
&hAccessToken)) { if (!OpenProcessToken(hProcess, TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY, &hAccessToken)) { dwErr=GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "OpenProcessToken failed ec=%d", dwErr); goto done; }
HANDLE hNewToken; // dup the process token to workaround RPC problem
if (FALSE == DuplicateTokenEx (hAccessToken, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenImpersonation, &hNewToken)) { dwErr=GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "DuplicateTokenEx failed ec=%d", dwErr); goto done; }
CloseHandle (hAccessToken); // close the old process token
hAccessToken = hNewToken; // use the new thread token
if (TRUE == SetThreadToken (NULL, hAccessToken)) { m_fNewToken = TRUE; } else { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "SetThreadToken failed ec=%d", dwErr); goto done; } }
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, pszPrivilegeName, &luidPrivilegeLUID)) { dwErr=GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "LookupPrivilegeValue failed ec=%d",dwErr); goto done; }
tpTokenPrivilege.PrivilegeCount = 1; tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Luid = luidPrivilegeLUID; tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(hAccessToken, FALSE, // Do not disable all
&tpTokenPrivilege, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, // Ignore previous info
NULL)) // Ignore previous info
{ dwErr=GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "AdjustTokenPrivileges %ld", dwErr); goto done; }
done: if (hAccessToken != NULL) { _VERIFY(TRUE==CloseHandle(hAccessToken)); } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
void RemoveReliabilityKey(WCHAR * pszSoftwareHive) { HKEY LocalKey = NULL; DWORD dwStatus, disposition; dwStatus = RegLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LOAD_KEY_NAME, pszSoftwareHive); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { /*
* Open the reliability key */ dwStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LOAD_KEY_NAME TEXT("\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Reliability"), 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_BACKUP_RESTORE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &LocalKey, &disposition ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { RegDeleteValue( LocalKey, TEXT("LastAliveStamp") ) ; RegCloseKey( LocalKey ) ; } RegFlushKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ); RegUnLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LOAD_KEY_NAME ); } }
DWORD CopyHKLMHiveForRestore(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, // Directory where
// snapshot files are kept
const WCHAR * pszRegBackupFile) // Registry backup file
{ TraceFunctEnter("CopyHKLMHiveForRestore"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; WCHAR szDataFile[MAX_PATH], szBackupFile[MAX_PATH];
if (IsRestoreCopy(pszRegBackupFile)) { DebugTrace(0,"%S is already a backup file. Ignoring",pszRegBackupFile); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
// if patch file, ignore
if (lstrcmpi(pszRegBackupFile + lstrlen(pszRegBackupFile) - lstrlen(s_cszPatchExtension), s_cszPatchExtension) != NULL) { DebugTrace(0, "%S is a patch file. Ignoring", pszRegBackupFile); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } */ // construct the path name of the datafile
wsprintf(szDataFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, pszRegBackupFile);
// construct the path name of the backup file
wsprintf(szBackupFile, L"%s\\%s%s", pszSnapshotDir, pszRegBackupFile, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix);
dwErr = SnapshotCopyFile(szDataFile, szBackupFile); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD RestoreHKLMHive(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, // Directory where
// snapshot files are kept
const WCHAR * pszRegBackupFile) // Registry backup file
{ TraceFunctEnter("RestoreHKLMHive"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; DWORD dwDisposition, dwHiveNameLength; WCHAR szHiveName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDataFile[MAX_PATH];
// first ignore anything with a . in it. This is because a
// valid HKLM hive file will not have a . in it.
if (wcschr(pszRegBackupFile, L'.')) { dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } // construct the Hive name
// 1. copy everything after the HKLM prefix into the buffer
lstrcpy(szHiveName, pszRegBackupFile+ lstrlen(s_cszHKLMPrefix)); // 2. now NULL terminate where the RestoreCopySuffix starts
dwHiveNameLength = lstrlen(szHiveName) - lstrlen(s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix); szHiveName[dwHiveNameLength] = L'\0';
// construct the path name of the datafile and the backup file
wsprintf(szDataFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, pszRegBackupFile);
if (0==lstrcmpi(szHiveName, s_cszSoftwareHiveName)) { // if this is the software key then the LastAliveStamp must
// be deleted
RemoveReliabilityKey(szDataFile); } dwErr = SetNewRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle to open key
szHiveName, // subkey name
szDataFile, // data file
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "SetNewRegistry failed for %S, error %ld, file %S", szHiveName, dwErr, pszRegBackupFile); // now check to see if this is a well known HKLM hive. If not,
// ignore any errors in restoring this hive
if (FALSE==IsWellKnownHKLMHive(szHiveName)) { dwReturn=ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto cleanup; }
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup:
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// the following loads the HKLM hive stored in the pszSnapshotDir
// in a temprary place.
DWORD LoadTempHKLM(IN WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, IN const WCHAR * pszHKLMHiveFile, OUT HKEY * phKeyTempHKLM) { TraceFunctEnter("LoadTempHKLM"); DWORD dwErr, dwDisposition, i, dwResult=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
*phKeyTempHKLM = NULL; dwErr = RegLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,// handle to open key
s_cszRestoreTempKey,// subkey name
pszHKLMHiveFile);// registry file name
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr ) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed ::RegLoadKey('%S') ec=%d", pszHKLMHiveFile, dwErr); dwResult= dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// this is how to unload the above hive
// RegUnLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszRestoreTempKey);
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,// handle to open key
s_cszRestoreTempKey,// subkey name
0,// reserved
KEY_WRITE|KEY_READ,// security access mask
phKeyTempHKLM);// handle to open key
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0,"Error %d in opening base key %S", dwErr, s_cszRestoreTempKey); _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegUnLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszRestoreTempKey)); dwResult= dwErr; goto cleanup; }
dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup:
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwResult; }
DWORD CSnapshot::RestoreRegistrySnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) {
DWORD dwErr, dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; HKEY hKeyTempHKLM=NULL; WCHAR szHKLMHiveCopy[MAX_PATH], szHKLMHive[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szHKLMPrefix[MAX_PATH]; CTokenPrivilege tp; TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::RestoreRegistrySnapshot");
dwErr = tp.SetPrivilegeInAccessToken(SE_RESTORE_NAME); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "SetPrivilegeInAccessToken failed ec=%d", dwErr); dwReturn = ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD; goto cleanup; }
// now create the path of the HKLM software hive.
// first construct the name of the file that stores the HKLM registry
// snapshot.
wsprintf(szHKLMHive,L"%s\\%s%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, s_cszSoftwareHiveName);
// to restore the user profiles, we need to first load the HKLM
// hive in a temporary place so that we can read the profile paths.
// copy this hive a temporary file
wsprintf(szHKLMHiveCopy, L"%s.backuphive", szHKLMHive);
DeleteFile(szHKLMHiveCopy); // delete it if it already exists
if (! CopyFile(szHKLMHive, szHKLMHiveCopy, FALSE)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "CopyFile failed. ec=%d", dwErr);
LogDSFileTrace(0,L"src= ", szHKLMHive); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"dst= ", szHKLMHiveCopy); if (ERROR_SUCCESS!= dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto cleanup; }
dwErr = LoadTempHKLM(pszSnapshotDir, szHKLMHiveCopy, &hKeyTempHKLM);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { // could not load hKeyTempHKLM - fatal error
dwReturn = dwErr; ErrorTrace(0, "LoadTempHKLM failed"); goto cleanup; }
// need to copy back ntuser.dat for each user
dwErr = ProcessHKUsersKey(pszSnapshotDir, hKeyTempHKLM, TRUE); // need to do a restore - not a snapshot
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "DoHKUsersSnapshot failed error %ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// first construct the prefix of the files that store the HKLM registry
// snapshot.
wsprintf(szHKLMPrefix, L"%s\\%s*%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix); // need to use RegReplaceKey to restore each hive of the registry
dwErr = ProcessGivenFiles(pszSnapshotDir, RestoreHKLMHive, szHKLMPrefix); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "ProcessGivenFiles failed error %ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
cleanup: // if the HKLM hive is loaded, unload it.
if (NULL != hKeyTempHKLM) { _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS==RegCloseKey(hKeyTempHKLM)); _VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegUnLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszRestoreTempKey)); }
// delete the copy of HKLM software hive - note that this will
// fail if the copy file failed.
DeleteFile(szHKLMHiveCopy); TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD CSnapshot::RestoreCOMDbSnapshot(WCHAR * pszSnapShotDir) { // need to restore COM+ Db using RegDBRestore
TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::RestoreCOMDbSnapshot"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; HMODULE hModCOMDll=NULL; HRESULT hr; WCHAR szCOMDBFile[MAX_PATH]; if (NULL == m_pfnRegDbRestore) { dwErr = GetCOMplusRestoreFN(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } }
// construct the path of the database backup file
CreateCOMDBSnapShotFileName(pszSnapShotDir, szCOMDBFile); hr =m_pfnRegDbRestore( szCOMDBFile ); // call the function to backup the file
if ( FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(0, "Failed to restore COM DB. hr=0x%x", hr); goto cleanup; }
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD CSnapshot::RestoreSnapshot(WCHAR * pszRestoreDir) { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::RestoreSnapshot"); WCHAR szSnapShotDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; BOOL fCoInitialized = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL;
struct { DWORD FilelistFiles : 1; DWORD COMDb : 1; DWORD WMI : 1; DWORD IIS : 1; DWORD Registry : 1; } ItemsCompleted = {0,0,0,0,0}; HRESULT hr;
// create the snapshot directory name from the restore directory
// name and create the actual directory.
lstrcpy(szSnapShotDir, pszRestoreDir); lstrcat(szSnapShotDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME); // does the directory exist ?
if (FALSE == DoesDirExist( szSnapShotDir)) // SD
{ ErrorTrace(0, "Snapshot directory does not exist"); goto cleanup; }
// restore files listed in filelist.xml
dwErr = SnapshotRestoreFilelistFiles(szSnapShotDir, FALSE); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// mark completion
ItemsCompleted.FilelistFiles = 1;
// Restore COM snapshot
dwErr = RestoreCOMDbSnapshot(szSnapShotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// mark completion
ItemsCompleted.COMDb = 1;
// someone called it with other mode
hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); } if (FAILED(hr)) { dwReturn = (DWORD) hr; ErrorTrace(0, "! CoInitializeEx : %ld", dwReturn); goto cleanup; }
fCoInitialized = TRUE; // restore perf counters
// restore WMI snapshot
dwErr = RestoreWMISnapshot(szSnapShotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// mark completion
ItemsCompleted.WMI = 1;
// restore IIS snapshot
dwErr = RestoreIISSnapshot(szSnapShotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
// mark completion
ItemsCompleted.IIS = 1;
// support debug hook to force failure path
// this is checked before the registry restore
// because registry revert does not work
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SRREG_PATH_SHELL, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) ) { DWORD dwDebugTestUndo; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegReadDWORD(hKey, SRREG_VAL_DEBUGTESTUNDO, &dwDebugTestUndo)) { if (dwDebugTestUndo != 0) { DebugTrace(0, "*** Initiating UNDO for test purposes ***"); dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; RegCloseKey(hKey); goto cleanup; } } RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// now the registry snapshot is not atomic, so if we start it,
// we have should assume it made changes. so we mark it in advance
// such that it if fails, we will blast the safe registry over the current
// registry, effectively rolling back the partial changes the failed
// call made. this is a brute force, but simple, way to handle this error
// case, which we expect will never happen. InitRestoreSnapshot makes
// all of the proper checks to ensure this api will succeed when called.
// update: rollback of registry is not really working
// because RegReplaceKey fails on an already replaced hive
// so this might result in reverted user hives and unreverted software/system
// hives, which is pretty bad
// so disable this functionality
// ItemsCompleted.Registry = 1;
// Restore resgistry snapshot
dwErr = this->RestoreRegistrySnapshot(szSnapShotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; }
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: //
// do we need to clean up any completed items due to a failed restore?
if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CRestorePoint rp; WCHAR szSafeDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szSystemVolume[8];
dwErr = 0;
DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Error in RestoreSnapshot\n");
// get the "current" restore point location, it has a snapshot
// of how things where prior to starting this restore
dwErr = GetCurrentRestorePoint(rp); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!GetCurrentRestorePoint failed!\n"); goto end; }
// make sure the "safe" snapshot is there for us to use
GetSystemDrive(szSystemVolume); MakeRestorePath(szSafeDir, szSystemVolume, rp.GetDir());
if (ItemsCompleted.Registry) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != InitRestoreSnapshot(szSafeDir)) { DebugTrace(0, "! InitRestoreSnapshot"); goto end; } } lstrcat(szSafeDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME); if (DoesDirExist(szSafeDir) == FALSE) { DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Safe snapshot directory does not exist!\n"); goto end; }
DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Safe restore point %S\n", szSafeDir);
// roll them back in reverse order
if (ItemsCompleted.Registry) { dwErr = RestoreRegistrySnapshot(szSafeDir); // ignore any error's, we want to restore as much as we can
_ASSERT(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Restored registry\n"); } if (ItemsCompleted.IIS) { dwErr = RestoreIISSnapshot(szSafeDir); // ignore any error's, we want to restore as much as we can
_ASSERT(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Restored IIS\n"); } if (ItemsCompleted.WMI) { dwErr = RestoreWMISnapshot(szSafeDir); // ignore any error's, we want to restore as much as we can
_ASSERT(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Restored WMI\n"); } if (ItemsCompleted.COMDb) { dwErr = RestoreCOMDbSnapshot(szSafeDir); // ignore any error's, we want to restore as much as we can
_ASSERT(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Restored COMDb\n"); } if (ItemsCompleted.FilelistFiles) { dwErr = SnapshotRestoreFilelistFiles(szSafeDir, FALSE); // ignore any error's, we want to restore as much as we can
_ASSERT(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); DebugTrace(0, "srrstr!Restored FilelistFiles\n"); }
end: //
// not much to do
if (fCoInitialized) CoUninitialize();
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// this returns the path of the system hive. The caller must pass
// in a buffer with lenght of this buffer in dwNumChars
DWORD CSnapshot::GetSystemHivePath(WCHAR * pszRestoreDir, WCHAR * pszHivePath, DWORD dwNumChars) {
// first construct the name of the file that stores the HKLM registry
// snapshot.
if (dwNumChars < MAX_PATH) { return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } wsprintf(pszHivePath,L"%s%s\\%s%s%s", pszRestoreDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, s_cszSystemHiveName, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix);
// this returns the path of the software hive. The caller must pass
// in a buffer with lenght of this buffer in dwNumChars
DWORD CSnapshot::GetSoftwareHivePath(WCHAR * pszRestoreDir, WCHAR * pszHivePath, DWORD dwNumChars) {
// first construct the name of the file that stores the HKLM registry
// snapshot.
if (dwNumChars < MAX_PATH) { return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } wsprintf(pszHivePath,L"%s%s\\%s%s%s", pszRestoreDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, s_cszSoftwareHiveName, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD CSnapshot::GetSamHivePath (WCHAR * pszRestoreDir, WCHAR * pszHivePath, DWORD dwNumChars) { if (dwNumChars < MAX_PATH) { return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
wsprintf(pszHivePath,L"%s%s\\%s%s%s", pszRestoreDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, s_cszSamHiveName, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix);
// this checks whether a specific HKLM registry hive is present in the
// snapshot directory
DWORD CheckHKLMFile(const WCHAR * pszSnapShotDir, const WCHAR * pszHive) { BOOL dwReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; TraceFunctEnter("CheckHKLMFile"); WCHAR szHivePath[MAX_PATH]; // construct the name of the file
wsprintf(szHivePath,L"%s\\%s%s", pszSnapShotDir, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix, pszHive); if (FALSE == DoesFileExist(szHivePath)) { LogDSFileTrace(0, L"Can't find", szHivePath); goto cleanup; } dwReturn=ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; } // this checks whether all the files necessary to restore a snapshot
// are present in the snapshot directory
DWORD CheckforCriticalFiles(WCHAR * pszSnapShotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("CheckforCriticalFiles"); WCHAR szCOMDBFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwRet=ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; dwRet=CheckHKLMFile(pszSnapShotDir,s_cszSoftwareHiveName); VALIDATE_DWRET ("CheckHKLM file Software");
dwRet=CheckHKLMFile(pszSnapShotDir,s_cszSystemHiveName); VALIDATE_DWRET ("CheckHKLM file System");
dwRet=CheckHKLMFile(pszSnapShotDir,s_cszSamHiveName); VALIDATE_DWRET ("CheckHKLM file SAM");
dwRet=CheckHKLMFile(pszSnapShotDir,s_cszSecurityHiveName); VALIDATE_DWRET ("CheckHKLM file Security");
// construct the path of the database backup file
CreateCOMDBSnapShotFileName(pszSnapShotDir, szCOMDBFile); if (FALSE == DoesFileExist(szCOMDBFile)) { LogDSFileTrace(0, L"Can't find", szCOMDBFile); dwRet = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto Exit; } dwRet=ERROR_SUCCESS; Exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwRet; }
// This function must be called to Initialize a restore
// operation. This must be called before calling
// GetSystemHivePath GetSoftwareHivePath
DWORD CSnapshot::InitRestoreSnapshot(WCHAR * pszRestoreDir) { TraceFunctEnter("InitRestoreSnapshot"); WCHAR szSnapshotDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szHKLMPrefix[MAX_PATH]; // this copies all the HKLM registry hives to a temporary location
// since:
// 1. RegReplaceKey will move the file to another location, so
// we will lose the original registry hive.
// 2. We need to do this ahead of time becuase we do not want to
// run out of disk space in the middle of the restore.
// 3. Restore makes changes to the HKLM hives, we do not want
// restore to make these changes to the original registry hives.
// create the snapshot directory name from the restore directory
// name and create the actual directory.
lstrcpy(szSnapshotDir, pszRestoreDir); lstrcat(szSnapshotDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME);
// make sure no obsolete files are left from the previous restore
// could have happened if admin did not login since the last restore to this restore
// point
dwErr = CheckforCriticalFiles(szSnapshotDir); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0,"CheckforCriticalFiles failed ec=%d",dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } // first construct the prefix of the file that stores the HKLM registry
// snapshot.
wsprintf(szHKLMPrefix, L"%s\\%s*", szSnapshotDir, s_cszHKLMFilePrefix); dwErr = ProcessGivenFiles(szSnapshotDir, CopyHKLMHiveForRestore, szHKLMPrefix); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "copying hives failed error %ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD DeleteTempRestoreFile(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, // Directory where
// snapshot files are kept
const WCHAR * pszTempRestoreFile) // Temp file created during restore
{ TraceFunctEnter("DeleteTempRestoreFile"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; WCHAR szDataFile[MAX_PATH];
// construct the path name of the file
wsprintf(szDataFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, pszTempRestoreFile);
if (TRUE != DeleteFile(szDataFile)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; } ErrorTrace(0, "DeleteFile failed ec=%d", dwErr); LogDSFileTrace(0,L"File was ", szDataFile); // we will ignore a failure in deleting a file
//goto cleanup;
dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; //cleanup:
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
DWORD DeleteAllFilesBySuffix(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, const WCHAR * pszSuffix) { TraceFunctEnter("DeleteAllFilesBySuffix"); DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; WCHAR szFindFileData[MAX_PATH]; // first construct the prefix of the file that stores the HKLM registry
// snapshot.
wsprintf(szFindFileData, L"%s\\*%s", pszSnapshotDir, pszSuffix); dwErr = ProcessGivenFiles(pszSnapshotDir, DeleteTempRestoreFile, szFindFileData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Deleting files failed error %ld", dwErr); dwReturn = dwErr; goto cleanup; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }
// delete the reconstructed file corresponding to pszPatchFile
DWORD DeleteReconstructedTempFile(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir, const WCHAR * pszPatchFile) { TraceFunctEnter("DeleteReconstructedTempFile"); WCHAR szDataFile[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szDataFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSnapshotDir, pszPatchFile); // remove the extension
szDataFile[lstrlen(szDataFile)-lstrlen(s_cszPatchExtension)] = L'\0';
if (TRUE != DeleteFile(szDataFile)) { ErrorTrace(0, "! DeleteFile : %ld", GetLastError); LogDSFileTrace(0, L"File was ", szDataFile); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD DeleteAllReconstructedFiles(WCHAR * pszSnapshotDir) { TraceFunctEnter("DeleteAllReconstructedFiles"); DWORD dwErr=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; WCHAR szFindFileData[MAX_PATH]; // first construct the prefix of the file that stores the HKLM registry
// snapshot.
wsprintf(szFindFileData, L"%s\\*%s", pszSnapshotDir, s_cszPatchExtension); dwErr = ProcessGivenFiles(pszSnapshotDir, DeleteReconstructedTempFile, szFindFileData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { ErrorTrace(0, "Deleting files failed error %ld", dwErr); goto cleanup; } cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }
// this function is called after a restore operation. This deletes all
// the files that were created as part of the restore operation and
// are not needed now.
DWORD CSnapshot::CleanupAfterRestore(WCHAR * pszRestoreDir) { WCHAR szSnapshotDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwErr, dwReturn=ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
// create the snapshot directory name from the restore directory
// name and create the actual directory.
lstrcpy(szSnapshotDir, pszRestoreDir); lstrcat(szSnapshotDir, SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME);
DeleteAllFilesBySuffix(szSnapshotDir, L".log"); DeleteAllFilesBySuffix(szSnapshotDir, s_cszRegHiveCopySuffix); DeleteAllFilesBySuffix(szSnapshotDir, s_cszRegReplaceBackupSuffix );
// delete reconstructed files
DeleteAllReconstructedFiles(szSnapshotDir); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
int MyExceptionFilter(int nExceptionCode) { TENTER("MyExceptionFilter");
trace(0, "Exception code=%d", nExceptionCode);
// function to call any registered callbacks
// does not guarantee any order
DWORD CallSnapshotCallbacks( LPCWSTR pszEnumKey, LPCWSTR pszSnapshotDir, BOOL fSnapshot) { TraceFunctEnter("CallSnapshotCallbacks");
DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwSize, dwDataSize; WCHAR szDllPath[MAX_PATH], szDllName[MAX_PATH]; PSNAPSHOTCALLBACK pCallbackFn = NULL; HKEY hKey = NULL; HMODULE hDll = NULL;
// read SystemRestore\SnapshotCallbacks regkey
// enumerate all registered values
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszEnumKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) // assume key does not exist
{ dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DebugTrace(0, "No registered callbacks"); goto Err; } for (dwIndex = 0; TRUE; dwIndex ++) { dwSize = sizeof(szDllName)/sizeof(WCHAR); // this is in characters
dwDataSize = sizeof(szDllPath); // this is in bytes
dwErr = RegEnumValue(hKey, // handle to key to query
dwIndex, // index of value to query
szDllName, // value buffer
&dwSize, // size of value buffer
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // type buffer
(PBYTE) szDllPath, // data buffer
&dwDataSize); // size of data buffer
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { break; }
if (0 == lstrcmp(szDllPath, L"") || 0 == lstrcmp(szDllPath, L" ")) continue; //
// catch any exceptions that may happen in the callback dll
_try { _try { //
// load the registered library
// and call "CreateSnapshot" or "RestoreSnapshot" depending on the situation
hDll = LoadLibrary(szDllPath); if (hDll != NULL) { pCallbackFn = (PSNAPSHOTCALLBACK) GetProcAddress(hDll, fSnapshot ? s_cszCreateSnapshotCallback : s_cszRestoreSnapshotCallback); if (pCallbackFn) { dwErr = (*pCallbackFn) (pszSnapshotDir); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorTrace(0, "Dll: %S, Error:%ld - ignoring", szDllPath, dwErr); dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else { ErrorTrace(0, "! GetProcAddress : %ld", GetLastError()); dwErr = GetLastError(); } } else { ErrorTrace(0, "! LoadLibrary on %S : %ld", szDllPath, GetLastError()); } } _finally {
if (hDll) { FreeLibrary(hDll); hDll = NULL; } } } _except (MyExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode())) { //
// catch all exceptions right here
// we can't do much, just log it and keep going
ErrorTrace(0, "An exception occurred when loading and executing %S", szDllPath); ErrorTrace(0, "Handled exception - continuing"); } }
Err: if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
TraceFunctLeave(); return dwErr; }