// The CDataSource class encapsulates a data source, which might be live data
// from WMI, data saved in an NFO file, or data from XML.
#pragma once
#include "category.h"
#include "refreshthread.h"
#include "xmlobject.h"
extern CMSInfoHistoryCategory catHistorySystemSummary; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDataSource is a base class for the actual data sources.
class CDataSource { public: CDataSource() : m_pRoot(NULL), m_fStaticTree(FALSE) {}; virtual ~CDataSource() { if (m_pRoot) { RemoveTree(m_pRoot); m_pRoot = NULL; }
}; virtual CMSInfoCategory * GetRootCategory() { return m_pRoot; };
virtual HTREEITEM GetNodeByName(LPCTSTR szName, CMSInfoCategory * pLookFrom = NULL) { CMSInfoCategory * pRoot = pLookFrom;
if (pRoot == NULL) pRoot = GetRootCategory();
if (pRoot) { CString strName; pRoot->GetNames(NULL, &strName); if (strName.CompareNoCase(CString(szName)) == 0) return pRoot->GetHTREEITEM(); }
for (CMSInfoCategory * pChild = pRoot->GetFirstChild(); pChild;) { HTREEITEM hti = GetNodeByName(szName, pChild);
if (hti) return hti;
pChild = pChild->GetNextSibling(); }
return NULL; };
protected: void RemoveTree(CMSInfoCategory * pCategory) { if (pCategory) { for (CMSInfoCategory * pChild = pCategory->GetFirstChild(); pChild;) { CMSInfoCategory * pNext = pChild->GetNextSibling(); RemoveTree(pChild); pChild = pNext; }
// If the tree is static, then don't actually delete, just reset
// some state variables (possibly).
if (m_fStaticTree) pCategory->ResetCategory(); else delete pCategory; } }
CMSInfoCategory * m_pRoot; // root of the category tree
BOOL m_fStaticTree; // the tree shouldn't be deleted
// CLiveDataSource provides current system information from WMI.
class CLiveDataSource : public CDataSource { public: CLiveDataSource(); virtual ~CLiveDataSource();
virtual HRESULT Create(LPCTSTR szMachine, HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR szFilter = NULL); virtual void LockData() { if (m_pThread) m_pThread->EnterCriticalSection(); }; virtual void UnlockData() { if (m_pThread) m_pThread->LeaveCriticalSection(); }; virtual void WaitForRefresh() { if (m_pThread) m_pThread->WaitForRefresh(); }; virtual BOOL InRefresh() { if (m_pThread) return m_pThread->IsRefreshing(); return FALSE; }; void SetMachineForCategories(CMSInfoLiveCategory * pCategory);
virtual CMSInfoCategory * GetRootCategory() { return ((m_iDeltaIndex == -1) ? m_pRoot : m_pHistoryRoot); }; virtual BOOL GetDeltaList(CStringList * pstrlist); virtual BOOL ShowDeltas(int iDeltaIndex); virtual HRESULT ValidDataSource();
private: void AddExtensions(); void GetExtensionSet(CStringList & strlistExtensions); void ConvertVersion5Categories(CMapWordToPtr & mapVersion5Categories, DWORD dwRootID, CMSInfoLiveCategory * m_pRoot); CMSInfoLiveCategory * GetNodeByName(const CString & strSearch, CMSInfoLiveCategory * pRoot); CMSInfoLiveCategory * MakeVersion6Category(INTERNAL_CATEGORY * pCategory5); void ApplyCategoryFilter(LPCTSTR szFilter);
public: CComPtr<IStream> m_pHistoryStream; //protected:
CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> m_pXMLDoc; CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> m_pXMLFileDoc; CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> m_pXMLLiveDoc; public:
// Get the XML document (this will be requested by the nodes displaying
// history). In a test build, this may be loaded from a file; in release
// builds this will be created from the history stream
// if szpathName is not null (it's default value is null), use it to create BSTR argument for m_pXMLDoc->load
// (to open XML file); otherwise open from DCO stream
CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> GetXMLDoc() { return m_pXMLDoc; }
HRESULT LoadXMLDoc(LPCTSTR szpathName) { m_pXMLFileDoc = CreateXMLDoc(szpathName); if (m_pXMLFileDoc) { m_pXMLDoc = m_pXMLFileDoc; return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; }
} CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> CreateXMLDoc(LPCTSTR szpathName = NULL) { CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> pXMLDoc; if ((m_pHistoryStream || szpathName)) { HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DOMDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IXMLDOMDocument, (void**)&pXMLDoc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (szpathName != NULL) { VARIANT_BOOL varBSuccess; COleVariant bstrPath = szpathName; if (FAILED(pXMLDoc->load(bstrPath, &varBSuccess)) || varBSuccess == FALSE) { pXMLDoc.Release(); pXMLDoc = NULL; } } else { VARIANT_BOOL varBSuccess; CComVariant varStream(m_pHistoryStream); if (FAILED(pXMLDoc->load(varStream, &varBSuccess)) || !varBSuccess) { ASSERT(0 && "Failed to load xml doc from stream"); pXMLDoc.Release(); pXMLDoc = NULL; } } } }
return pXMLDoc; }
//switch from XML doc loaded from file to doc created from DCO stream
void RevertToLiveXML() { m_pXMLDoc = m_pXMLLiveDoc; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the history stream (which is generated by the DCO and is used to
// show deltas).
void SetHistoryStream(CComPtr<IStream> pHistoryStream) { m_pHistoryStream = pHistoryStream; try { m_pXMLLiveDoc = this->CreateXMLDoc(); } catch(COleException e) { e.ReportError(); } catch(...) {
} m_pXMLDoc = m_pXMLLiveDoc; }
public: CRefreshThread * m_pThread; int m_iDeltaIndex; protected: CMSInfoHistoryCategory * m_pHistoryRoot; private: CString m_strMachine;
public: HWND m_hwnd; };
// CXMLDataSource provides system information from an XML snapshot. It derives
// from CLiveDataSource because much of the functionality is the same (the
// same categories, refresh functions, delta display, etc.).
class CXMLSnapshotCategory; class CXMLDataSource : public CLiveDataSource { private: // CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> m_pXMLDoc; CLiveDataSource has m_pXMLDoc member
//CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> m_pSnapshotNode;
public: CXMLDataSource() {}; ~CXMLDataSource() {}; HRESULT Create(LPCTSTR szMachine) { return S_OK; }; HRESULT Create(CString strFileName, CMSInfoLiveCategory* pRootLiveCat, HWND hwnd); HRESULT Refresh(CXMLSnapshotCategory* pCat); };
// CNFO6DataSource provides information from a 5.0/6.0 NFO file.
class CNFO6DataSource : public CDataSource { public: CNFO6DataSource(); ~CNFO6DataSource();
HRESULT Create(HANDLE h, LPCTSTR szFilename = NULL); };
// CNFO7DataSource provides information from a 7.0 NFO file.
class CNFO7DataSource : public CDataSource { public: CNFO7DataSource(); ~CNFO7DataSource();
HRESULT Create(LPCTSTR szFilename = NULL); };
class CMSIControl; class CMSInfo4Category; class CNFO4DataSource : public CDataSource { public: CNFO4DataSource(); ~CNFO4DataSource(); // HRESULT RecurseLoad410Tree(CMSInfo4Category** ppRoot, CComPtr<IStream> pStream,CComPtr<IStorage> pStorage,CMapStringToString& mapStreams);
//HRESULT ReadMSI4NFO(CString strFileName/*HANDLE hFile*/,CMSInfo4Category** ppRootCat);
HRESULT Create(CString strFileName); void AddControlMapping(CString strCLSID, CMSIControl* pControl) { m_mapCLSIDToControl.SetAt(strCLSID, pControl); } BOOL GetControlFromCLSID(CString strCLSID,CMSIControl*& pControl) { return m_mapCLSIDToControl.Lookup(strCLSID,(void*&)pControl); } void UpdateCurrentControl(CMSIControl* pControl); protected: CMapStringToPtr m_mapCLSIDToControl; CMSIControl* m_pCurrentControl; };