// FileIO.cpp Implementation of MSInfoFile classes.
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FileIO.h"
//#include "DataSrc.h"
#include "category.h"
#include "MSInfo5Category.h"
//#include "Resource.h"
CFileFormatException CMSInfoFile::xptFileFormat; const unsigned CMSInfoFile::DefaultReadBufferSize = 512; // 256;
* CMSInfoFile - Construct an MSInfoFile, setting the CFile to the pointer passed * * History: a-jsari 10/20/97 Initial version */
void CMSInfoFile::ReadCategoryHeader() { LONG l; ASSERT(this->m_pFile != NULL); ReadLong(l); // Save time.
m_tsSaveTime = (ULONG) l; #ifdef _WIN64
ReadLong(l); // Save time.
m_tsSaveTime |= ((time_t) l) << 32; #endif
CString szDummy; ReadString(szDummy); // Network machine name
ReadString(szDummy); // Network user name
CMSInfoFile::CMSInfoFile(CFile *pFile) { if (pFile != NULL) m_pFile = pFile; }
* CMSInfoFile - Construct an MSInfoFile, opening the CFile * * History: a-jsari 11/13/97 Initial version */ CMSInfoFile::CMSInfoFile(LPCTSTR szFileName, UINT nFlags) :m_strFileName(szFileName) { m_pFile = new CFile(szFileName, nFlags); if (m_pFile == NULL) ::AfxThrowMemoryException(); }
* ~CMSInfoFile - Destroy an MSInfoFile, closing the CFile pointer * * History: a-jsari 10/20/97 Initial version */ CMSInfoFile::~CMSInfoFile() { if (m_pFile) { //m_pFile->Close();
delete m_pFile; } }
* ReadUnsignedInt - Read an int from a file with the same byte-order * as our current implementation. * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadUnsignedInt(unsigned &uValue) { ReadUnsignedFromCFile(m_pFile, uValue); }
* ReadUnsignedLong - Read a long from a file with the same byte-order * as our current implementation. * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadUnsignedLong(unsigned long &dwValue) { long lValue;
ReadLongFromCFile(m_pFile, lValue); ::memcpy(&dwValue, &lValue, sizeof(unsigned long)); }
* ReadLong - Read a long from a file written with our current byte-order * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadLong(long &lValue) { ReadLongFromCFile(m_pFile, lValue); }
* ReadSignedInt - Read a signed integer value. * * History: a-jsari 10/20/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadSignedInt(int &wValue) { unsigned uValue;
ReadUnsignedInt(uValue); ::memcpy(&wValue, &uValue, sizeof(int)); }
* ReadTchar - Read a tchar. * * History: a-jsari 12/26/97 Initial version. */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadTchar(TCHAR &tcValue) { ReadTcharFromCFile(m_pFile, tcValue); }
* ReadString - Read a string. * * History: a-jsari 10/20/97 Initial version. */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadString(CString &szString) { unsigned wStringLength; WCHAR szBuffer[DefaultReadBufferSize]; // Maximum string length = sizeof(szBuffer)
LPWSTR pszBuffer = szBuffer;
ASSERT(m_pFile); ReadUnsignedInt(wStringLength); if (wStringLength > sizeof(szBuffer)) ThrowFileFormatException(); szBuffer[wStringLength] = (WCHAR)'\0'; wStringLength *= sizeof(WCHAR); if (m_pFile->Read(reinterpret_cast<void *>(pszBuffer), wStringLength) != wStringLength) ThrowFileFormatException(); szString = pszBuffer; }
* WriteHeader - Write the header for the current version (currently * Version 5.00). * * History: a-jsari 10/31/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteHeader(CDataSource *) { time_t tNow; WriteUnsignedInt(VERSION_500_MAGIC_NUMBER); // File magic number.
WriteUnsignedInt(0x500); // Version number
time(&tNow); WriteLong((LONG)tNow); // Current time.
#ifdef _WIN64
WriteLong((LONG) (tNow>>32)); #endif
WriteString(""); // Network machine
WriteString(""); // Network user name.
/* msiFile.WriteString("");
msiFile.WriteUnsignedInt(1); msiFile.WriteUnsignedInt(0); msiFile.WriteString(""); msiFile.WriteUnsignedInt(0); msiFile.WriteByte(0x00); msiFile.WriteUnsignedInt(0); msiFile.WriteUnsignedInt(CMSInfo5Category::CHILD);*/ }
* WriteChildMark - Write the special integer which specifies that the * following folder will be the child of the previous folder. * * History: a-jsari 11/5/97 Initial version. */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteChildMark() { WriteUnsignedInt(CMSInfo5Category::CHILD); }
* WriteEndMark - Write the special integer which specifies that the * end of data has been reached. * * History: a-jsari 11/5/97 Initial version. */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteEndMark() { WriteUnsignedInt(CMSInfo5Category::END); }
* WriteNextMark - Write the special integer which specifies that the * following folder will be the next folder in the list. * * History: a-jsari 11/5/97 Initial version. */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteNextMark() { WriteUnsignedInt(CMSInfo5Category::NEXT); }
* WriteParentMark - Write the special mark specifying a parent node, with * the number of times the reading function should go up. * * History: a-jsari 11/5/97 Initial version. */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteParentMark(unsigned cIterations) { WriteUnsignedInt(CMSInfo5Category::PARENT | cIterations); }
* WriteByte - Write a byte to our internal file. * * History: a-jsari 10/22/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteByte(BYTE bValue) { m_pFile->Write(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&bValue), sizeof(bValue)); }
* WriteString - Write szValue as a string of wide characters, prefixed by * the string length. * * History: a-jsari 10/22/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteString(CString szValue) { LPWSTR pszString;
USES_CONVERSION; WriteUnsignedInt(szValue.GetLength()); pszString = T2W(const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR)szValue)); m_pFile->Write(reinterpret_cast<void *>(pszString), szValue.GetLength() * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
* WriteLong - Write a long value to our internal file. * * History: a-jsari 10/22/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteLong(long lValue) { m_pFile->Write(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&lValue), sizeof(lValue)); }
* WriteUnsignedInt - Write an unsigned integer value to our internal file. * * History: a-jsari 10/22/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteUnsignedInt(unsigned uValue) { // unsigned* utest = (unsigned*) (reinterpret_cast<void *>(&uValue));
// UINT utest2 = (UINT) *utest;
m_pFile->Write(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&uValue), sizeof(uValue)); }
* WriteUnsignedLong - Write an unsigned long value to our internal file. * * History: a-jsari 12/1/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::WriteUnsignedLong(unsigned long dwValue) { long lValue;
::memcpy(&lValue, &dwValue, sizeof(dwValue)); WriteLong(lValue); }
* ReadTcharFromCFile - Read a TCHAR value from the file specified. * * History: a-jsari 12/26/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadTcharFromCFile(CFile *pFile, TCHAR &tcValue) { ASSERT(pFile != NULL); if (pFile->Read(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&tcValue), sizeof(tcValue)) != sizeof(tcValue)) ThrowFileFormatException(); }
* ReadUnsignedFromCFile - Read an unsigned value from the file specified. * * History: a-jsari 10/20/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadUnsignedFromCFile(CFile *pFile, unsigned &uValue) { ASSERT(pFile); if (pFile->Read(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&uValue), sizeof(uValue)) != sizeof(uValue)) ThrowFileFormatException(); }
* ReadLongFromCFile - Read a long from the file specified. * * History: a-jsari 10/20/97 Initial version. */ void CMSInfoFile::ReadLongFromCFile(CFile *pFile, long &lValue) { ASSERT(pFile); if (pFile->Read(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&lValue), sizeof(lValue)) != sizeof(lValue)) { ThrowFileFormatException(); } }
* CMSInfoTextFile - Constructor * * History: a-jsari 11/13/97 Initial version */ CMSInfoTextFile::CMSInfoTextFile(LPCTSTR szFileName, UINT nFlags) { try { m_pFile = new CFile(szFileName, nFlags); } catch (CFileException * e) { e->ReportError(); throw; } }
* CMSInfoTextFile - Constructor * * History: a-jsari 12/26/97 Initial version */ CMSInfoTextFile::CMSInfoTextFile(CFile *pFile) :CMSInfoFile(pFile) {
* WriteHeader - Write the special header for the text file. * * History: a-jsari 10/31/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoTextFile::WriteHeader(CDataSource *pSource) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState());
// mark file as unicode
WCHAR wHeader = 0xFEFF; m_pFile->Write( &wHeader, 2);
// FIX: Make this point to the right time.
CTime tNow = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CString strTimeFormat; // strTimeFormat.LoadString(IDS_TIME_FORMAT);
CString strHeaderText = tNow.Format(strTimeFormat); WriteString(strHeaderText); // WriteString(pSource->MachineName());
* WriteTitle - Write the title of a folder. * * History: a-jsari 11/5/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoTextFile::WriteTitle(CString szName) { CString szWriteString = _T("[");
szWriteString += szName + _T("]\n\n"); WriteString(szWriteString); }
* WriteLong - Write a long value in the text file. * * History: a-jsari 10/23/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoTextFile::WriteLong(long lValue) { CString szTextValue;
szTextValue.Format(_T("%ld"), lValue); WriteString(szTextValue); }
* WriteUnsignedInt - Write an unsigned value in the text file. * * History: a-jsari 10/23/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoTextFile::WriteUnsignedInt(unsigned uValue) { CString szTextValue;
szTextValue.Format(_T("%ud"), uValue); WriteString(szTextValue); }
* WriteString - Write a string to a text file. * * History: a-jsari 10/23/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoTextFile::WriteString(CString szValue) { if (szValue.GetLength() == 0) return; //a-stephl dynamic_cast<CFile *>(m_pFile)->Write((LPCTSTR)szValue, szValue.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR));
m_pFile->Write((LPCTSTR)szValue, szValue.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR)); }
* WriteString - Write a string to a memory file. * * History: a-jsari 1/5/98 Initial version */ void CMSInfoMemoryFile::WriteString(CString szValue) { if (szValue.GetLength() == 0) return; m_pFile->Write((LPCTSTR)szValue, szValue.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR)); }
#if 0
* ReadUnsignedInt - * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoReverseEndianFile::ReadUnsignedInt(unsigned &uValue) { CMSInfoReverseEndianFile::ReadUnsignedFromCFile(m_pFile, uValue); }
* ReadLong - * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoReverseEndianFile::ReadLong(long &lValue) { CMSInfoReverseEndianFile::ReadLongFromCFile(m_pFile, lValue); }
* ReadString - * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoReverseEndianFile::ReadString(CString &szValue) { unsigned uStringLength; WCHAR szBuffer[DefaultReadBufferSize]; LPWSTR pszBuffer = szBuffer;
ReadUnsignedInt(uStringLength); for (unsigned i = uStringLength ; i > 0 ; --i) { szBuffer[i] = 0; for (unsigned j = sizeof(WCHAR) ; j > 0 ; --j) { BYTE bRead;
ReadByte(bRead); szBuffer[i] >>= 8; szBuffer[i] |= bRead; } } }
* ReadIntegerFromCFile - Template class to read an arbitrarily sized int * from a CFile pointer. * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ template <class T> void ReadIntegerFromCFile(CFile *pFile, T &tValue) { union ReverseBuffer { BYTE bytes[sizeof(T)]; T tVal; };
union ReverseBuffer rbReverse; union ReverseBuffer rbSwap;
if (pFile->Read(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&tValue), sizeof(T)) != sizeof(T)) ThrowFileFormatException(); unsigned j = 0; for (unsigned i = sizeof(union ReverseBuffer) ; i > 0 ; --i, ++j) { rbSwap.bytes[i] = rbReverse.bytes[j]; } tValue = rbReverse.tVal; }
* ReadUnsignedFromCFile - * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoReverseEndianFile::ReadUnsignedFromCFile(CFile *pFile, unsigned &uValue) { ReadIntegerFromCFile<unsigned>(pFile, uValue); }
* ReadLongFromCFile - * * History: a-jsari 10/21/97 Initial version */ void CMSInfoReverseEndianFile::ReadLongFromCFile(CFile *pFile, long &lValue) { ReadIntegerFromCFile<long>(pFile, lValue); } #endif