// The CUndoLog is used to implement a log of undo entries to allow MSConfig
// to reverse any changes it may have made. Each tab object is responsible for
// writing a string when it makes changes - this string can be used to undo
// the changes the tab made.
// The undo log file will look like this:
// [timestamp tabname "description" <SHOW|FINAL>]
// tab specific string - any line starting with a "[" will have a
// backslash preceding it
// The entries will be arranged in chronological order (most recent first).
// The "description" field will be the only one shown to the user - so it
// will be the only one which needs to be localized. The tab is responsible
// for supplying this text.
#pragma once
// This class encapsulates an undo entry (instance of this class will be
// saved in a list).
class CUndoLogEntry { public: CUndoLogEntry(const CString & strTab, const CString & strDescription, const CString & strEntry, BOOL fFinal, const COleDateTime & timestamp) : m_strTab(strTab), m_strDescription(strDescription), m_strEntry(strEntry), m_timestamp(timestamp), m_fFinal(fFinal) {};
CUndoLogEntry(const CString & strTab, const CString & strDescription, const CString & strEntry, BOOL fFinal) : m_strTab(strTab), m_strDescription(strDescription), m_strEntry(strEntry), m_timestamp(COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime()), m_fFinal(fFinal) {};
~CUndoLogEntry() {};
CString m_strTab; CString m_strDescription; CString m_strEntry; COleDateTime m_timestamp; BOOL m_fFinal; };
// This class implements the undo log.
class CUndoLog { public: CUndoLog(); ~CUndoLog() { while (!m_entrylist.IsEmpty()) { CUndoLogEntry * pEntry = (CUndoLogEntry *)m_entrylist.RemoveHead(); if (pEntry) delete pEntry; } };
// These functions will load the undo log from a file, or save to a file.
// Note - saving to a file will overwrite the contents of the file with
// the contents of the undo log.
BOOL LoadFromFile(LPCTSTR szFilename); BOOL SaveToFile(LPCTSTR szFilename);
// How many undo entries are in this log?
int GetUndoEntryCount() { int iCount = 0;
for (POSITION pos = m_entrylist.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;) { CUndoLogEntry * pEntry = (CUndoLogEntry *)m_entrylist.GetNext(pos); if (pEntry != NULL && !pEntry->m_fFinal) iCount += 1; }
return iCount; }
// Get information about a specific entry (returns FALSE for bad index).
BOOL GetUndoEntryInfo(int iIndex, CString & strDescription, COleDateTime & timestamp) { CUndoLogEntry * pEntry = GetEntryByIndex(iIndex); if (pEntry != NULL) { strDescription = pEntry->m_strDescription; timestamp = pEntry->m_timestamp; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Get the entry data (to pass to a tab to undo). FALSE for bad index.
BOOL GetUndoEntry(int iIndex, CString & strTab, CString & strEntry) { CUndoLogEntry * pEntry = GetEntryByIndex(iIndex); if (pEntry != NULL) { strTab = pEntry->m_strTab; strEntry = pEntry->m_strEntry; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Mark an entry as final (stays in the file, but marked so it won't
// appear in the undo log). FALSE for bad index.
BOOL MarkUndoEntryFinal(int iIndex) { CUndoLogEntry * pEntry = GetEntryByIndex(iIndex); if (pEntry != NULL) { pEntry->m_fFinal = TRUE; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Delete all entries in the log that are older than
// timestampOlderThanThis. The entries will be gone, purged from the file.
BOOL DeleteOldUndoEntries(const COleDateTime & timestampOlderThanThis) { }
// Create a new undo entry, using the current time, and add it to the
// end of the undo log. Shouldn't return FALSE unless there is no memory.
BOOL AddUndoEntry(const CString & strTab, const CString & strDescription, const CString & strEntry) { CUndoLogEntry * pEntry = new CUndoLogEntry(strTab, strDescription, strEntry, FALSE); if (pEntry == NULL) return FALSE;
m_entrylist.AddTail((void *)pEntry); return TRUE; }
private: CUndoLogEntry * GetEntryByIndex(int iIndex) { CUndoLogEntry * pEntry = NULL; POSITION pos = m_entrylist.GetHeadPosition();
do { if (pos == NULL) return NULL;
pEntry = (CUndoLogEntry *)m_entrylist.GetNext(pos); if (pEntry != NULL && !pEntry->m_fFinal) iIndex -= 1; } while (iIndex >= 0);
return pEntry; }
// Member variables.
CPtrList m_entrylist; // list of CUndoLogEntry pointers