Copyright (c) 2000 - 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
General helper functions to get BITS to work on NT4
Author :
Revision History :
#include "qmgrlibp.h"
#include <bitsmsg.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#if !defined(BITS_V12_ON_NT4)
#include "nt4thunks.tmh"
#if defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
BOOL BITSAltGetFileSizeEx( HANDLE hFile, // handle to file
PLARGE_INTEGER lpFileSize // file size
) {
DWORD HighPart;
DWORD Result = GetFileSize( hFile, &HighPart );
if ( INVALID_FILE_SIZE == Result && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR ) return FALSE;
lpFileSize->HighPart = (LONG)HighPart; lpFileSize->LowPart = Result; return TRUE;
BOOL BITSAltSetFilePointerEx( HANDLE hFile, // handle to file
LARGE_INTEGER liDistanceToMove, // bytes to move pointer
PLARGE_INTEGER lpNewFilePointer, // new file pointer
DWORD dwMoveMethod // starting point
) {
LONG DistanceToMoveHigh = liDistanceToMove.HighPart; DWORD DistanceToMoveLow = liDistanceToMove.LowPart;
DWORD Result = SetFilePointer( hFile, (LONG)DistanceToMoveLow, &DistanceToMoveHigh, dwMoveMethod );
if ( INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == Result && NO_ERROR != GetLastError() ) return FALSE;
if ( lpNewFilePointer ) { lpNewFilePointer->HighPart = DistanceToMoveHigh; lpNewFilePointer->LowPart = (DWORD)DistanceToMoveLow; }
return TRUE;
// Local macros
#define STRING_GUID_LEN 36
#define SDDL_LEN_TAG( tagdef ) ( sizeof( tagdef ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) - 1 )
#define SDDL_SIZE_TAG( tagdef ) ( wcslen( tagdef ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) )
#define SDDL_SIZE_SEP( sep ) (sizeof( WCHAR ) )
#define SDDL_VALID_DACL 0x00000001
#define SDDL_VALID_SACL 0x00000002
ULONG BITSAltSetLastNTError( IN NTSTATUS Status ) { ULONG dwErrorCode;
dwErrorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError( Status ); SetLastError( dwErrorCode ); return( dwErrorCode ); }
BOOL BITSAltConvertSidToStringSidW( IN PSID Sid, OUT LPWSTR *StringSid ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine converts a SID into a string representation of a SID, suitable for framing or display
Sid - SID to be converted.
StringSid - Where the converted SID is returned. Allocated via LocalAlloc and needs to be freed via LocalFree.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure
Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeStringSid;
if ( NULL == Sid || NULL == StringSid ) { //
// invalid parameter
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return( FALSE ); }
// Convert using the Rtl functions
Status = RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString( &UnicodeStringSid, Sid, TRUE );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
BITSAltSetLastNTError( Status ); return( FALSE ); }
// Convert it to the proper allocator
*StringSid = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, UnicodeStringSid.Length + sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( *StringSid == NULL ) {
RtlFreeUnicodeString( &UnicodeStringSid );
SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return( FALSE );
RtlCopyMemory( *StringSid, UnicodeStringSid.Buffer, UnicodeStringSid.Length ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &UnicodeStringSid );
SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return( TRUE ); }
// Private functions
BOOL LocalConvertStringSidToSid ( IN PWSTR StringSid, OUT PSID *Sid, OUT PWSTR *End ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will convert a string representation of a SID back into a sid. The expected format of the string is: "S-1-5-32-549" If a string in a different format or an incorrect or incomplete string is given, the operation is failed.
The returned sid must be free via a call to LocalFree
StringSid - The string to be converted
Sid - Where the created SID is to be returned
End - Where in the string we stopped processing
Return Value:
TRUE - Success.
FALSE - Failure. Additional information returned from GetLastError(). Errors set are:
ERROR_SUCCESS indicates success
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY indicates a memory allocation for the ouput sid failed ERROR_INVALID_SID indicates that the given string did not represent a sid
--*/ { DWORD Err = ERROR_SUCCESS; UCHAR Revision, Subs; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY IDAuth; PULONG SubAuth = NULL; PWSTR CurrEnd, Curr, Next; WCHAR Stub, *StubPtr = NULL; ULONG Index; INT gBase=10; INT lBase=10; ULONG Auto;
if ( NULL == StringSid || NULL == Sid || NULL == End ) {
// if ( wcslen( StringSid ) < 2 || ( *StringSid != L'S' && *( StringSid + 1 ) != L'-' ) ) {
// no need to check length because StringSid is NULL
// and if the first char is NULL, it won't access the second char
if ( (*StringSid != L'S' && *StringSid != L's') || *( StringSid + 1 ) != L'-' ) { //
// string sid should always start with S-
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_SID ); return( FALSE ); }
Curr = StringSid + 2;
if ( (*Curr == L'0') && ( *(Curr+1) == L'x' || *(Curr+1) == L'X' ) ) {
gBase = 16; }
Revision = ( UCHAR )wcstol( Curr, &CurrEnd, gBase );
if ( CurrEnd == Curr || *CurrEnd != L'-' || *(CurrEnd+1) == L'\0' ) { //
// no revision is provided, or invalid delimeter
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_SID ); return( FALSE ); }
Curr = CurrEnd + 1;
// Count the number of characters in the indentifer authority...
Next = wcschr( Curr, L'-' ); /*
Length = 6 doesn't mean each digit is a id authority value, could be 0x...
if ( Next != NULL && (Next - Curr == 6) ) {
for ( Index = 0; Index < 6; Index++ ) {
// IDAuth.Value[Index] = (UCHAR)Next[Index]; what is this ???
IDAuth.Value[Index] = (BYTE) (Curr[Index]-L'0'); }
Curr +=6;
} else { */ if ( (*Curr == L'0') && ( *(Curr+1) == L'x' || *(Curr+1) == L'X' ) ) {
lBase = 16; } else { lBase = gBase; }
Auto = wcstoul( Curr, &CurrEnd, lBase );
if ( CurrEnd == Curr || *CurrEnd != L'-' || *(CurrEnd+1) == L'\0' ) { //
// no revision is provided, or invalid delimeter
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_SID ); return( FALSE ); }
IDAuth.Value[0] = IDAuth.Value[1] = 0; IDAuth.Value[5] = ( UCHAR )Auto & 0xFF; IDAuth.Value[4] = ( UCHAR )(( Auto >> 8 ) & 0xFF ); IDAuth.Value[3] = ( UCHAR )(( Auto >> 16 ) & 0xFF ); IDAuth.Value[2] = ( UCHAR )(( Auto >> 24 ) & 0xFF ); Curr = CurrEnd; // }
// Now, count the number of sub auths, at least one sub auth is required
Subs = 0; Next = Curr;
// We'll have to count our sub authoritys one character at a time,
// since there are several deliminators that we can have...
while ( Next ) {
if ( *Next == L'-' && *(Next-1) != L'-') {
// do not allow two continuous '-'s
// We've found one!
if ( (*(Next+1) == L'0') && ( *(Next+2) == L'x' || *(Next+2) == L'X' ) ) { //
// this is hex indicator
Next += 2;
} else if ( *Next == SDDL_SEPERATORC || *Next == L'\0' || *Next == SDDL_ACE_ENDC || *Next == L' ' || ( *(Next+1) == SDDL_DELIMINATORC && (*Next == L'G' || *Next == L'O' || *Next == L'S')) ) { //
// space is a terminator too
if ( *( Next - 1 ) == L'-' ) { //
// shouldn't allow a SID terminated with '-'
} else { Subs++; }
*End = Next; break;
} else if ( !iswxdigit( *Next ) ) {
Err = ERROR_INVALID_SID; *End = Next; // Subs++;
} else {
// Note: SID is also used as a owner or group
// Some of the tags (namely 'D' for Dacl) fall under the category of iswxdigit, so
// if the current character is a character we care about and the next one is a
// delminiator, we'll quit
if ( *Next == L'D' && *( Next + 1 ) == SDDL_DELIMINATORC ) {
// We'll also need to temporarily truncate the string to this length so
// we don't accidentally include the character in one of the conversions
Stub = *Next; StubPtr = Next; *StubPtr = UNICODE_NULL; *End = Next; Subs++; break; }
if ( Err == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
if ( Subs != 0 ) Subs--;
if ( Subs != 0 ) {
SubAuth = ( PULONG )LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, Subs * sizeof( ULONG ) );
if ( SubAuth == NULL ) {
} else {
for ( Index = 0; Index < Subs; Index++ ) {
if ( (*Curr == L'0') && ( *(Curr+1) == L'x' || *(Curr+1) == L'X' ) ) {
lBase = 16; } else { lBase = gBase; }
SubAuth[Index] = wcstoul( Curr, &CurrEnd, lBase ); Curr = CurrEnd + 1; } }
} else {
// Now, create the SID
if ( Err == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
*Sid = ( PSID )LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof( SID ) + Subs * sizeof( ULONG ) );
if ( *Sid == NULL ) {
} else {
PISID ISid = ( PISID )*Sid; ISid->Revision = Revision; ISid->SubAuthorityCount = Subs; RtlCopyMemory( &( ISid->IdentifierAuthority ), &IDAuth, sizeof( SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY ) ); RtlCopyMemory( ISid->SubAuthority, SubAuth, Subs * sizeof( ULONG ) ); } }
LocalFree( SubAuth );
// Restore any character we may have stubbed out
if ( StubPtr ) {
*StubPtr = Stub; }
SetLastError( Err );
return( Err == ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
BOOL BITSAltConvertStringSidToSidW( IN LPCWSTR StringSid, OUT PSID *Sid )
Routine Description:
This routine converts a stringized SID into a valid, functional SID
StringSid - SID to be converted.
Sid - Where the converted SID is returned. Buffer is allocated via LocalAlloc and should be free via LocalFree.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure
Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
ERROR_INVALID_SID - The format of the given sid was incorrect
{ PWSTR End = NULL; BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; PSID pSASid=NULL; ULONG Len=0; DWORD SaveCode=0; DWORD Err=0;
if ( StringSid == NULL || Sid == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ReturnValue; }
ReturnValue = LocalConvertStringSidToSid( ( PWSTR )StringSid, Sid, &End );
if ( !ReturnValue ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ReturnValue; }
if ( ( ULONG )( End - StringSid ) != wcslen( StringSid ) ) {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_SID ); LocalFree( *Sid ); *Sid = FALSE; ReturnValue = FALSE;
} else { SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
return ReturnValue;
BOOL BITSAltCheckTokenMembership( IN HANDLE TokenHandle OPTIONAL, IN PSID SidToCheck, OUT PBOOL IsMember ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function checks to see whether the specified sid is enabled in the specified token.
TokenHandle - If present, this token is checked for the sid. If not present then the current effective token will be used. This must be an impersonation token.
SidToCheck - The sid to check for presence in the token
IsMember - If the sid is enabled in the token, contains TRUE otherwise false.
Return Value:
TRUE - The API completed successfully. It does not indicate that the sid is a member of the token.
FALSE - The API failed. A more detailed status code can be retrieved via GetLastError()
// The size of the privilege set needs to contain the set itself plus
// any privileges that may be used. The privileges that are used
// are SeTakeOwnership and SeSecurity, plus one for good measure
BYTE PrivilegeSetBuffer[sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET) + 3*sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)]; PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet = (PPRIVILEGE_SET) PrivilegeSetBuffer; ULONG PrivilegeSetLength = sizeof(PrivilegeSetBuffer); ACCESS_MASK AccessGranted = 0; NTSTATUS AccessStatus = 0; PACL Dacl = NULL;
*IsMember = FALSE;
// Get a handle to the token
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TokenHandle)) { EffectiveToken = TokenHandle; } else { Status = NtOpenThreadToken( NtCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, // don't open as self
&EffectiveToken );
// if there is no thread token, try the process token
if (Status == STATUS_NO_TOKEN) { Status = NtOpenProcessToken( NtCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE, &ProcessToken ); //
// If we have a process token, we need to convert it to an
// impersonation token
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BOOL Result; Result = DuplicateToken( ProcessToken, SecurityImpersonation, &EffectiveToken );
CloseHandle(ProcessToken); if (!Result) { return(FALSE); } } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Construct a security descriptor to pass to access check
// The size is equal to the size of an SD + twice the length of the SID
// (for owner and group) + size of the DACL = sizeof ACL + size of the
// ACE, which is an ACE + length of
// ths SID.
SecurityDescriptorSize = sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + sizeof(ACL) + 3 * RtlLengthSid(SidToCheck);
SecDesc = (PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, SecurityDescriptorSize ); if (SecDesc == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Cleanup; } Dacl = (PACL) (SecDesc + 1);
RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( SecDesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION );
// Fill in fields of security descriptor
RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor( SecDesc, SidToCheck, FALSE ); RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor( SecDesc, SidToCheck, FALSE );
Status = RtlCreateAcl( Dacl, SecurityDescriptorSize - sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR), ACL_REVISION ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; } Status = RtlAddAccessAllowedAce( Dacl, ACL_REVISION, MEMBER_ACCESS, SidToCheck );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Set the DACL on the security descriptor
Status = RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor( SecDesc, TRUE, // DACL present
Dacl, FALSE // not defaulted
); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
Status = NtAccessCheck( SecDesc, EffectiveToken, MEMBER_ACCESS, &GenericMapping, PrivilegeSet, &PrivilegeSetLength, &AccessGranted, &AccessStatus ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; }
// if the access check failed, then the sid is not a member of the
// token
if ((AccessStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) && (AccessGranted == MEMBER_ACCESS)) { *IsMember = TRUE; }
Cleanup: if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TokenHandle) && (EffectiveToken != NULL)) { (VOID) NtClose(EffectiveToken); }
if (SecDesc != NULL) { LocalFree(SecDesc); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BITSAltSetLastNTError(Status); return(FALSE); } else { return(TRUE); } }
VOID WINAPI BITSAltRegisterServiceThunk( DWORD dwControl // requested control code
) {
(*g_BITSAltRegisterServiceFunc)( dwControl, 0, NULL, NULL ); return;
SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE BITSAltRegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW( LPCTSTR lpServiceName, // name of service
LPHANDLER_FUNCTION_EX lpHandlerProc, // handler function
LPVOID lpContext // user data
) {
// First check if RegisterServerCtrlHandlerEx if available and use
// it, otherwise thunk the call.
HMODULE AdvapiHandle = LoadLibraryW( L"advapi32.dll" );
if ( !AdvapiHandle ) { // Something is messed up, every machine should have this DLL.
return NULL; }
SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE ReturnValue; FARPROC RegisterFunc = GetProcAddress( AdvapiHandle, "RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW" );
if ( RegisterFunc ) { ReturnValue = (*(REGISTER_FUNC_TYPE)RegisterFunc)( lpServiceName, lpHandlerProc, lpContext ); } else {
if ( g_BITSAltRegisterServiceFunc || lpContext ) { ReturnValue = 0; SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } else { g_BITSAltRegisterServiceFunc = lpHandlerProc; ReturnValue = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( lpServiceName, BITSAltRegisterServiceThunk );
if ( !ReturnValue) g_BITSAltRegisterServiceFunc = NULL; }
DWORD OldError = GetLastError(); FreeLibrary( AdvapiHandle ); SetLastError( OldError );
return ReturnValue; }