// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1996.
// File: wizpage.cxx
// Contents: Implementation of wizard page class
// History: 4-30-1997 DavidMun Created
#include "..\pch\headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "myheaders.hxx"
// CWizPage statics
ULONG CWizPage::s_cInstances; HFONT CWizPage::s_hfBigBold; HFONT CWizPage::s_hfBold; #ifdef WIZARD95
SDIBitmap CWizPage::s_Splash; #endif // WIZARD95
// CPropPage overrides
// Member: CWizPage::CWizPage
// Synopsis: ctor
// Arguments: [szTmplt] - dialog resource for page
// [ptszJobPath] - full path to task object
// History: 4-30-1997 DavidMun Created
CWizPage::CWizPage( LPCTSTR szTmplt, LPTSTR ptszJobPath): #ifdef WIZARD95
_fActiveWindow(FALSE), _fPaletteChanged(FALSE), #endif // WIZARD95
CPropPage(szTmplt, ptszJobPath) { InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG) &s_cInstances); }
// Member: CWizPage::~CWizPage
// Synopsis: dtor
// History: 4-30-1997 DavidMun Created
CWizPage::~CWizPage() { //
// If no more instances of this class are active, destroy the gdi stuff
// stored in statics.
if (!InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG) &s_cInstances)) { if (s_hfBigBold) { VERIFY(DeleteObject(s_hfBigBold)); s_hfBigBold = NULL; }
if (s_hfBold) { VERIFY(DeleteObject(s_hfBold)); s_hfBold = NULL; } #ifdef WIZARD95
_DeleteSplashBitmap(); #endif // WIZARD95
} }
// Member: CWizPage::DlgProc
// Synopsis: Overrides the CPropPage dialog proc for special message
// handling, delegates to it for everything else.
// Arguments: standard windows
// Returns: standard windows
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Created
LRESULT CWizPage::DlgProc( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lr;
if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { m_fInInit = TRUE; _BaseInit();
// Create the gdi objects stored in statics if this is the first
// instance of the class to receive an initdialog.
#ifdef WIZARD95
if (!s_Splash.hbmp) { _CreateSplashBitmap(); } #endif // WIZARD95
if(!s_hfBigBold && !s_hfBold) { _CreateHeaderFonts(); }
// Set the fonts of header strings to bold and large bold
// Let derived class init the dialog controls
lr = _OnInitDialog(lParam); m_fInInit = FALSE; } else if (uMsg == g_msgFindWizard) { //
// If this wizard is already focused on the tasks folder indicated
// by lParam, come to the foreground and indicate to the caller
// that another wizard would be a duplicate and shouldn't be opened.
if (!lstrcmpi((LPCTSTR) lParam, GetTaskPath())) { SetForegroundWindow(GetParent(Hwnd())); SetWindowLongPtr(Hwnd(), DWLP_MSGRESULT, g_msgFindWizard); } lr = TRUE; // indicate we processed message
} #ifdef WIZARD95
else if (uMsg == WM_PALETTECHANGED && (HWND) wParam != Hwnd()) { _fPaletteChanged = TRUE; InvalidateRect(Hwnd(), NULL, FALSE); } else if (uMsg == WM_ACTIVATE) { _fActiveWindow = LOWORD(wParam) != WA_INACTIVE; InvalidateRect(Hwnd(), NULL, FALSE); } #endif // WIZARD95
else if (uMsg == WM_PAINT) { #ifdef WIZARD95
// If some other window changed the palette, restore it before
// painting, unless we're merely a background app.
if (_fActiveWindow) { HDC hdc = GetDC(Hwnd());
if (!SelectPalette(hdc, s_Splash.hPalette, FALSE)) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; }
if (RealizePalette(hdc) == GDI_ERROR) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; }
_fPaletteChanged = FALSE; ReleaseDC(Hwnd(), hdc); } #endif // WIZARD95
// Do any custom painting required (the splash bitmap on first and
// last pages). Returning FALSE will allow the dialog manager to
// process the paint as well.
lr = _OnPaint((HDC) wParam); } else { //
// The message has no special meaning for the wizard; delegate
// to base class so it can dispatch to the appropriate member.
lr = CPropPage::DlgProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
return lr; }
// Member: CWizPage::_OnNotify
// Synopsis: Aggregate the CPropPage WM_NOTIFY handler to provide
// wizard-specific dispatching.
// Arguments: standard windows
// Returns: standard windows
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Created
LRESULT CWizPage::_OnNotify( UINT uMessage, UINT uParam, LPARAM lParam) { // TRACE_METHOD(CWizPage, _OnNotify);
LPNMHDR pnmhdr = (LPNMHDR) lParam;
switch (pnmhdr->code) { //
// Delegate to base class for notification processing it provides
// which we don't need to override.
default: return CPropPage::_OnNotify(uMessage, uParam, lParam);
// Support notifications unique to wizard pages
case PSN_WIZBACK: return _OnWizBack();
case PSN_WIZNEXT: return _OnWizNext();
case PSN_WIZFINISH: return _OnWizFinish(); }
return TRUE; }
// CWizPage methods
// Member: CWizPage::_OnPaint
// Synopsis: Return FALSE to let dialog manager handle painting.
// History: 5-22-1997 DavidMun Created
LRESULT CWizPage::_OnPaint( HDC hdc) { #ifdef WIZARD95
DEBUG_ASSERT(!hdc); _PaintSplashBitmap(); #endif // WIZARD95
return FALSE; }
// Member: CWizPage::_OnWizBack
// Synopsis: Default handling of PSN_WIZBACK
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Created
LRESULT CWizPage::_OnWizBack() { TRACE_METHOD(CWizPage, _OnWizBack);
SetWindowLongPtr(Hwnd(), DWLP_MSGRESULT, 0); return 0; }
// Member: CWizPage::_OnWizNext
// Synopsis: Default handling of PSN_WIZNEXT
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Created
LRESULT CWizPage::_OnWizNext() { TRACE_METHOD(CWizPage, _OnWizNext);
SetWindowLongPtr(Hwnd(), DWLP_MSGRESULT, 0); return 0; }
// Member: CWizPage::_OnWizFinish
// Synopsis: Default handling of PSN_WIZFINISH
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Created
LRESULT CWizPage::_OnWizFinish() { TRACE_METHOD(CWizPage, _OnWizFinish);
SetWindowLongPtr(Hwnd(), DWLP_MSGRESULT, 0); return 0; }
// Member: CWizPage::_InitHeaderFonts
// Synopsis: Set the font for controls having the BOLDTITLE identifiers.
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Created
VOID CWizPage::_InitHeaderFonts() { _SetControlFont(s_hfBigBold, IDC_BIGBOLDTITLE); _SetControlFont(s_hfBold, IDC_BOLDTITLE); }
// Member: CWizPage::_SetControlFont
// Synopsis: Set the font of control [nId] to [hFont]
// Arguments: [hFont] - font to use
// [nId] - id of control to set
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Created
// Notes: Does nothing if control not found or font handle is NULL.
VOID CWizPage::_SetControlFont( HFONT hFont, INT nId) { if (hFont) { HWND hwndControl = _hCtrl(nId);
if (hwndControl) { SetWindowFont(hwndControl, hFont, TRUE); } } }
// Member: CWizPage::_CreateHeaderFonts
// Synopsis: Create fonts used in header title static text controls.
// History: 5-20-1997 DavidMun Stolen from sample wizard97 code
VOID CWizPage::_CreateHeaderFonts() { DEBUG_ASSERT(!s_hfBigBold); DEBUG_ASSERT(!s_hfBold);
// Create the fonts we need based on the dialog font
ZeroMemory(&ncm, sizeof(ncm)); ncm.cbSize = sizeof(ncm); VERIFY(SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &ncm, 0));
LOGFONT lfBigBold = ncm.lfMessageFont; LOGFONT lfBold = ncm.lfMessageFont;
// Create Big Bold Font and Bold Font
lfBigBold.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; lfBold.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
TCHAR tszFontSizeString[24]; ULONG ulFontSize;
// Load size and name from resources, since these may change
// from locale to locale based on the size of the system font, etc.
fOk = LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_LARGEFONTNAME, lfBigBold.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE);
if (!fOk) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; lstrcpy(lfBigBold.lfFaceName, TEXT("MS Shell Dlg")); }
fOk = LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_LARGEFONTSIZE, tszFontSizeString, ARRAYLEN(tszFontSizeString));
if (fOk) { ulFontSize = _tcstoul(tszFontSizeString, NULL, 10); }
if (!fOk || !ulFontSize) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; ulFontSize = DEFAULT_LARGE_FONT_SIZE; }
HDC hdc = GetDC(Hwnd());
if (hdc) { //
// See KB article PSS ID Number Q74299,
// "Calculating The Logical Height and Point Size of a Font"
lfBigBold.lfHeight = -MulDiv((INT) ulFontSize, GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
s_hfBigBold = CreateFontIndirect(&lfBigBold);
if (!s_hfBigBold) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; }
s_hfBold = CreateFontIndirect(&lfBold);
if (!s_hfBold) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; }
ReleaseDC(Hwnd(), hdc); } else { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; } }
#ifdef WIZARD95
// Member: CWizPage::_CreateSplashBitmap
// Synopsis: Initialize a memory dc with the bitmap used on the first
// and last pages.
// History: 5-22-1997 DavidMun Created
VOID CWizPage::_CreateSplashBitmap() { TRACE_METHOD(CWizPage, _CreateSplashBitmap);
DEBUG_ASSERT(!s_Splash.hbmp); DEBUG_ASSERT(!s_Splash.hdcMem); DEBUG_ASSERT(!s_Splash.hPalette);
do { s_Splash.hbmp = LoadResourceBitmap(IDB_SPLASH, &s_Splash.hPalette);
if (!s_Splash.hbmp) { break; }
if (!GetObject(s_Splash.hbmp, sizeof(bm), (LPTSTR)&bm)) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
s_Splash.Dimensions.cx = bm.bmWidth; s_Splash.Dimensions.cy = bm.bmHeight;
hdc = GetDC(Hwnd());
if (!hdc) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
s_Splash.hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
if (!s_Splash.hdcMem) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
if (!SelectPalette(hdc, s_Splash.hPalette, FALSE)) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
UINT uiResult = RealizePalette(hdc);
if (uiResult == GDI_ERROR) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
if (!SelectPalette(s_Splash.hdcMem, s_Splash.hPalette, FALSE)) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
uiResult = RealizePalette(s_Splash.hdcMem);
if (uiResult == GDI_ERROR) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
s_Splash.hbmpOld = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(s_Splash.hdcMem, s_Splash.hbmp);
hr = S_OK; } while (0);
if (hdc) { ReleaseDC(Hwnd(), hdc); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { _DeleteSplashBitmap(); } }
// Member: CWizPage::_DeleteSplashBitmap
// Synopsis: Free all gdi objects associated with splash bitmap.
// History: 5-22-1997 DavidMun Created
// Notes: Properly destroys a partly-initialized struct. If the
// struct is already empty, does nothing.
VOID CWizPage::_DeleteSplashBitmap() { TRACE_METHOD(CWizPage, _DeleteSplashBitmap);
if (s_Splash.hdcMem) { DEBUG_ASSERT(s_Splash.hbmp); DEBUG_ASSERT(s_Splash.hPalette);
if (s_Splash.hbmpOld) { HBITMAP hbmp;
hbmp = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(s_Splash.hdcMem, s_Splash.hbmpOld);
DEBUG_ASSERT(hbmp == s_Splash.hbmp); s_Splash.hbmpOld = NULL;
VERIFY(DeleteObject(s_Splash.hbmp)); s_Splash.hbmp = NULL; }
VERIFY(DeleteDC(s_Splash.hdcMem)); VERIFY(DeleteObject(s_Splash.hPalette));
s_Splash.hdcMem = NULL; s_Splash.hPalette = NULL; } else if (s_Splash.hbmp) { DEBUG_ASSERT(s_Splash.hPalette); VERIFY(DeleteObject(s_Splash.hbmp)); VERIFY(DeleteObject(s_Splash.hPalette)); s_Splash.hbmp = NULL; s_Splash.hPalette = NULL; } else { DEBUG_ASSERT(!s_Splash.hbmp); DEBUG_ASSERT(!s_Splash.hPalette); } }
// Member: CWizPage::_PaintSplashBitmap
// Synopsis: Paint the splash bitmap onto the dialog window.
// History: 5-22-1997 DavidMun Created
VOID CWizPage::_PaintSplashBitmap() { TRACE_METHOD(CWizPage, _PaintSplashBitmap); HDC hdc = NULL;
do { //
// If an error prevented us from loading & processing the bitmap,
// there's nothing to paint.
if (!s_Splash.hdcMem) { break; }
// Get the device context of this page's dialog, then blast the
// bitmap onto it.
hdc = GetDC(Hwnd());
if (!hdc) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
BOOL fOk = BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, s_Splash.Dimensions.cx, s_Splash.Dimensions.cy, s_Splash.hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
if (!fOk) { DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR; break; }
// Mark the area containing the bitmap as a valid rect, so the
// dialog manager won't paint over it.
RECT rc = { 0, 0, s_Splash.Dimensions.cx, s_Splash.Dimensions.cy };
ValidateRect(Hwnd(), &rc); } while (0);
if (hdc) { ReleaseDC(Hwnd(), hdc); } } #endif // WIZARD95
// Member: CWizPage::_CreatePage
// Synopsis: Helper function that optionally loads title and subtitle
// strings, sets appropriate flags, then creates the page.
// Arguments: [idsHeaderTitle] - resource id of title, or 0 for none
// [idsHeaderSubTitle] - resource id of subtitle, or 0 for none
// [phPSP] - filled with handle returned by
// CreatePropertySheetPage
// Modifies: *[phPSP]
// History: 5-01-1997 DavidMun Created
VOID CWizPage::_CreatePage( ULONG idsHeaderTitle, ULONG idsHeaderSubTitle, HPROPSHEETPAGE *phPSP) { TCHAR tszHeaderTitle[MAX_TITLE_CCH]; TCHAR tszHeaderSubTitle[MAX_TITLE_CCH]; HRESULT hr;
#ifdef WIZARD97
if (idsHeaderTitle) { hr = LoadStr(idsHeaderTitle, tszHeaderTitle, MAX_TITLE_CCH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE; } }
if (idsHeaderSubTitle) { hr = LoadStr(idsHeaderSubTitle, tszHeaderSubTitle, MAX_TITLE_CCH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE; } }
m_psp.pszHeaderTitle = tszHeaderTitle; m_psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = tszHeaderSubTitle; #endif // WIZARD97
*phPSP = CreatePropertySheetPage(&m_psp);