// sfm.cpp : SFM shares, sessions and open resources
1/24/97 JonN I have looked over the enumeration API usage in SFMMGR.CPL: The Users dialog uses AfpAdminSessionEnum for the upper LB and AfpAdminConnectionEnum for the lower LB. The Volumesdialog uses AfpAdminVolumeEnum for the upper LB and AfpAdminConnectionEnum for the lower LB. The Files dialog uses AfpAdminFileEnum for single LB. 8/20/97 EricDav Added code to support the SFM property sheet. The following functions were added: DisplaySfmProperties() CleanupSfmProperties(); UserHasAccess(); SetSfmPropSheet();
The SFM prop sheet is a modeless prop sheet and is global for a machine running SFM.
4/16/98 EricDav Added code to properly check if SFM is installed and running. Able to start the service as necessary.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cmponent.h"
#include "safetemp.h"
#include "FileSvc.h"
#include "DynamLnk.h" // DynamicDLL
#include "ShrPgSFM.h" // Share Properties Page
#include "compdata.h"
#include "progress.h" // service control progress dialog
#include "dataobj.h"
#include "sfm.h"
#include "sfmutil.h" // Support for the SFM config prop sheet
#include "shlobjp.h" // LPITEMIDLIST
#include "wraps.h" // Wrap_ILCreateFromPath
#include "macros.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
DynamicDLL g_SfmDLL( _T("SFMAPI.DLL"), g_apchFunctionNames );
SfmFileServiceProvider::SfmFileServiceProvider( CFileMgmtComponentData* pFileMgmtData ) : m_ulSFMServerConnection( NULL ), m_pSfmPropSheet(NULL), // not subject to localization
FileServiceProvider( pFileMgmtData ) { VERIFY( m_strTransportSFM.LoadString( IDS_TRANSPORT_SFM ) ); }
SfmFileServiceProvider::~SfmFileServiceProvider() { CleanupSfmProperties(); SFMDisconnect(); }
BOOL SfmFileServiceProvider::SFMConnect(LPCWSTR pwchServerName, BOOL fDisplayError) { if (NULL != m_ulSFMServerConnection) { if (NULL == pwchServerName) { if (0 == m_ulSFMServerConnectionMachine.GetLength() ) return TRUE; // already connected to local machine
} else { if (0 == lstrcmpi(m_ulSFMServerConnectionMachine, pwchServerName)) return TRUE; // already connected to this machine
} SFMDisconnect(); ASSERT (NULL == m_ulSFMServerConnection); } if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK; DWORD retval = ((CONNECTPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_CONNECT])( const_cast<LPWSTR>(pwchServerName), &m_ulSFMServerConnection ); if ( 0 != retval ) { ASSERT( NULL == m_ulSFMServerConnection ); m_ulSFMServerConnection = NULL; m_ulSFMServerConnectionMachine = _T(""); if (fDisplayError) { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, retval, IDS_POPUP_SFM_CONNECT, pwchServerName ); } return FALSE; } else { m_ulSFMServerConnectionMachine = (pwchServerName ? pwchServerName : _T("")); }
return TRUE; }
void SfmFileServiceProvider::SFMDisconnect() { if (NULL == m_ulSFMServerConnection) return; if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return; ((DISCONNECTPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_DISCONNECT])( m_ulSFMServerConnection ); m_ulSFMServerConnection = NULL; }
HRESULT SfmFileServiceProvider::PopulateShares( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pcookie) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pcookie);
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
if ( !SFMConnect(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()) ) return S_OK;
AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0; DWORD hEnumHandle = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success; do { retval = ((VOLUMEENUMPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_VOLUME_ENUM])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&pvolumeinfo, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &hEnumHandle ); if (NERR_Success == retval) { hr = AddSFMShareItems( pResultData, pcookie, pvolumeinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pvolumeinfo = NULL; break; } else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == retval) { ASSERT( NULL != hEnumHandle ); hr = AddSFMShareItems( pResultData, pcookie, pvolumeinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pvolumeinfo = NULL; continue; } else if (RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE == retval && 0 == hEnumHandle) { // SFM just isn't installed, don't worry about it
retval = NERR_Success; break; } else { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, retval, IDS_POPUP_SFM_SHARES, pcookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName() ); break; } } while (S_OK == hr);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(retval); }
typedef struct _AFP_VOLUME_INFO { LPWSTR afpvol_name; // Name of the volume max.
DWORD afpvol_id; // id of this volume. generated by sever
LPWSTR afpvol_password; // Volume password, max. AFP_VOLPASS_LEN
DWORD afpvol_max_uses; // Max opens allowed
DWORD afpvol_props_mask; // Mask of volume properties
DWORD afpvol_curr_uses; // Number of curr open connections.
LPWSTR afpvol_path; // The actual path
// Ignored for VolumeSetInfo
HRESULT SfmFileServiceProvider::AddSFMShareItems( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pParentCookie, PVOID pinfo, DWORD nItems) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pParentCookie); TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pinfo);
if (0 >= nItems) return S_OK;
RESULTDATAITEM tRDItem; ::ZeroMemory( &tRDItem, sizeof(tRDItem) ); // CODEWORK should use MMC_ICON_CALLBACK
AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)pinfo;
DWORD nItemsToAdd = 0; for (DWORD i = 0; i < nItems; i++ ) { if (!IsInvalidSharename(pvolumeinfo[i].afpvol_name)) nItemsToAdd++; }
CSfmShareCookie* pcookiearray = new CSfmShareCookie[nItemsToAdd]; CSfmCookieBlock* pCookieBlock = new CSfmCookieBlock( pcookiearray,nItemsToAdd,pParentCookie->QueryTargetServer(),pinfo ); pParentCookie->m_listResultCookieBlocks.AddHead( pCookieBlock );
CString str;
for ( ; nItems > 0; nItems--, pvolumeinfo++, pcookiearray++ ) { if (IsInvalidSharename(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_name)) continue;
pcookiearray->m_pobject = pvolumeinfo; // WARNING cookie cast
tRDItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((CCookie*)pcookiearray); HRESULT hr = pResultData->InsertItem(&tRDItem); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
return S_OK; }
DWORD AfpAdminSessionEnum( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, OUT LPBYTE * lpbBuffer, IN DWORD dwPrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle ); */
// if pResultData is not NULL, add sessions/resources to the listbox
// if pResultData is NULL, delete all sessions/resources
// if pResultData is NULL, return SUCCEEDED(hr) to continue or
// FAILED(hr) to abort
HRESULT SfmFileServiceProvider::EnumerateSessions( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pcookie, bool bAddToResultPane) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pcookie);
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
if ( !SFMConnect(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()) ) return S_OK;
AFP_SESSION_INFO* psessioninfo = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0; DWORD hEnumHandle = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success; do { retval = ((SESSIONENUMPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_SESSION_ENUM])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&psessioninfo, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &hEnumHandle ); if (NERR_Success == retval) { hr = HandleSFMSessionItems( pResultData, pcookie, psessioninfo, dwEntriesRead, bAddToResultPane); psessioninfo = NULL; break; } else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == retval) { ASSERT( NULL != hEnumHandle ); hr = HandleSFMSessionItems( pResultData, pcookie, psessioninfo, dwEntriesRead, bAddToResultPane); psessioninfo = NULL; continue; } else if (RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE == retval && 0 == hEnumHandle) { // SFM just isn't installed, don't worry about it
retval = NERR_Success; break; } else { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, retval, IDS_POPUP_SFM_SESSIONS, pcookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName() ); break; } } while (S_OK == hr);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(retval); }
typedef struct _AFP_SESSION_INFO { DWORD afpsess_id; // Id of the session
LPWSTR afpsess_ws_name; // Workstation Name,
LPWSTR afpsess_username; // User Name, max. UNLEN
DWORD afpsess_num_cons; // Number of open volumes
DWORD afpsess_num_opens; // Number of open files
LONG afpsess_time; // Time session established
DWORD afpsess_logon_type; // How the user logged on
ShirishK 1/24/97: afpsess_logon_type: tells you how the user is logged on: 0 -> Guest, 2 -> the standard MS way, 3 -> Admin */
HRESULT SfmFileServiceProvider::HandleSFMSessionItems( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pParentCookie, PVOID pinfo, DWORD nItems, BOOL bAddToResultPane) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pParentCookie); TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pinfo);
if (0 >= nItems) return S_OK;
BOOL fDeleteAllItems = (NULL == pResultData);
RESULTDATAITEM tRDItem; ::ZeroMemory( &tRDItem, sizeof(tRDItem) ); // CODEWORK should use MMC_ICON_CALLBACK
tRDItem.nImage = iIconSFMSession; tRDItem.nCol = COLNUM_SESSIONS_USERNAME; tRDItem.mask = RDI_STR | RDI_IMAGE | RDI_PARAM; tRDItem.str = MMC_CALLBACK;
AFP_SESSION_INFO* psessioninfo = (AFP_SESSION_INFO*)pinfo;
CSfmSessionCookie* pcookiearray = new CSfmSessionCookie[nItems]; CSfmCookieBlock* pCookieBlock = new CSfmCookieBlock( pcookiearray,nItems,pParentCookie->QueryTargetServer(),pinfo ); bool bAdded = false; if ( !fDeleteAllItems || !bAddToResultPane ) { pParentCookie->m_listResultCookieBlocks.AddHead( pCookieBlock ); bAdded = true; }
for ( ; nItems > 0; nItems--, psessioninfo++, pcookiearray++ ) { pcookiearray->m_pobject = psessioninfo;
if ( bAddToResultPane ) { if (fDeleteAllItems) { DWORD dwApiResult = CloseSession( pcookiearray ); if (0L != dwApiResult) { CString strName; TranslateIPToComputerName(psessioninfo->afpsess_ws_name, strName); (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, dwApiResult, IDS_POPUP_SFM_DISCONNECTALLSESSION_ERROR, strName ); //return S_FALSE;
} continue; }
// WARNING cookie cast
tRDItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((CCookie*)pcookiearray); HRESULT hr = pResultData->InsertItem(&tRDItem); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } }
if ( !bAdded ) // they were not added to the parent cookie's list
delete pCookieBlock;
return S_OK; }
DWORD AfpAdminFileEnum( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, OUT LPBYTE * lpbBuffer, IN DWORD dwPrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle ); */
// if pResultData is not NULL, add sessions/resources to the listbox
// if pResultData is NULL, delete all sessions/resources
// if pResultData is NULL, return SUCCEEDED(hr) to continue or
// FAILED(hr) to abort
HRESULT SfmFileServiceProvider::EnumerateResources( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pcookie) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pcookie);
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
if ( !SFMConnect(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()) ) return S_OK;
AFP_FILE_INFO* pfileinfo = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0; DWORD hEnumHandle = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; NET_API_STATUS retval = NERR_Success; do { retval = ((FILEENUMPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_FILE_ENUM])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&pfileinfo, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, &hEnumHandle ); if (NERR_Success == retval) { hr = HandleSFMResourceItems( pResultData, pcookie, pfileinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pfileinfo = NULL; break; } else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == retval) { ASSERT( NULL != hEnumHandle ); hr = HandleSFMResourceItems( pResultData, pcookie, pfileinfo, dwEntriesRead ); pfileinfo = NULL; continue; } else if (RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE == retval && 0 == hEnumHandle) { // SFM just isn't installed, don't worry about it
retval = NERR_Success; break; } else { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, retval, IDS_POPUP_SFM_RESOURCES, pcookie->QueryNonNULLMachineName() ); break; } } while (S_OK == hr);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(retval); }
#if 0
typedef enum _COLNUM_RESOURCES { COLNUM_RESOURCES_FILENAME = 0, COLNUM_RESOURCES_USERNAME, COLNUM_RESOURCES_NUM_LOCKS, // we don't try to display sharename for now, since
// only SFM has this information
typedef struct _AFP_FILE_INFO { DWORD afpfile_id; // Id of the open file fork
DWORD afpfile_open_mode; // Mode in which file is opened
DWORD afpfile_num_locks; // Number of locks on the file
DWORD afpfile_fork_type; // Fork type
LPWSTR afpfile_username; // File opened by this user. max UNLEN
LPWSTR afpfile_path; // Absolute canonical path to the file
HRESULT SfmFileServiceProvider::HandleSFMResourceItems( IResultData* pResultData, CFileMgmtCookie* pParentCookie, PVOID pinfo, DWORD nItems) { TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pParentCookie); TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(pinfo);
if (0 >= nItems) return S_OK;
BOOL fDeleteAllItems = (NULL == pResultData);
RESULTDATAITEM tRDItem; ::ZeroMemory( &tRDItem, sizeof(tRDItem) ); // CODEWORK should use MMC_ICON_CALLBACK
tRDItem.nImage = iIconSFMResource; tRDItem.nCol = COLNUM_RESOURCES_FILENAME; tRDItem.mask = RDI_STR | RDI_IMAGE | RDI_PARAM; tRDItem.str = MMC_CALLBACK;
AFP_FILE_INFO* pfileinfo = (AFP_FILE_INFO*)pinfo;
CSfmResourceCookie* pcookiearray = new CSfmResourceCookie[nItems]; CSfmCookieBlock* pCookieBlock = new CSfmCookieBlock( pcookiearray,nItems,pParentCookie->QueryTargetServer(),pinfo ); if (!fDeleteAllItems) { pParentCookie->m_listResultCookieBlocks.AddHead( pCookieBlock ); }
CString str; for ( ; nItems > 0; nItems--, pfileinfo++, pcookiearray++ ) { pcookiearray->m_pobject = pfileinfo;
if (fDeleteAllItems) { DWORD dwApiResult = CloseResource( pcookiearray ); if (0L != dwApiResult) { (void) DoErrMsgBox(GetActiveWindow(), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP, dwApiResult, IDS_POPUP_SFM_DISCONNECTALLRESOURCE_ERROR, pfileinfo->afpfile_path ); return S_FALSE; } continue; }
// WARNING cookie cast
tRDItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>((CCookie*)pcookiearray); HRESULT hr = pResultData->InsertItem(&tRDItem); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
if (fDeleteAllItems) // they were not added to the parent cookie's list
delete pCookieBlock;
return S_OK; }
DWORD AfpAdminFileClose( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN DWORD dwConnectionId ); DWORD AfpAdminConnectionEnum( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, OUT LPBYTE *ppbBuffer, IN DWORD dwFilter, IN DWORD dwId, IN DWORD dwPrefMaxLen, OUT LPDWORD lpdwEntriesRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwTotalEntries, IN LPDWORD lpdwResumeHandle ); DWORD AfpAdminConnectionClose( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN DWORD dwConnectionId ); DWORD AfpAdminVolumeGetInfo ( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN LPWSTR lpwsVolumeName, OUT LPBYTE * lpbBuffer );
typedef struct _AFP_VOLUME_INFO { LPWSTR afpvol_name; // Name of the volume max.
DWORD afpvol_id; // id of this volume. generated by sever
LPWSTR afpvol_password; // Volume password, max. AFP_VOLPASS_LEN
DWORD afpvol_max_uses; // Max opens allowed
DWORD afpvol_props_mask; // Mask of volume properties
DWORD afpvol_curr_uses; // Number of curr open connections.
LPWSTR afpvol_path; // The actual path
// Ignored for VolumeSetInfo
DWORD AfpAdminVolumeDelete( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN LPWSTR lpwsVolumeName ); */
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::DeleteShare( LPCWSTR pwchServerName, LPCWSTR pwchShareName ) { if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
if ( !SFMConnect(pwchServerName, TRUE) ) return S_OK;
PAFP_VOLUME_INFO pAfpVolumeInfo = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = ((VOLUMEGETINFOPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_VOLUME_GET_INFO])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, const_cast<LPTSTR>(pwchShareName), (LPBYTE*)&pAfpVolumeInfo);
if (AFPERR_VolumeNonExist == dwRetCode) return NERR_Success;
if (NO_ERROR == dwRetCode) { ASSERT( NULL != pAfpVolumeInfo); //
// Check if there are any open resources on the volume
PAFP_FILE_INFO pAfpFileInfos = NULL; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0; dwRetCode = ((FILEENUMPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_FILE_ENUM])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, (PBYTE*)&pAfpFileInfos, (DWORD)-1L, &dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, NULL );
if (NO_ERROR == dwRetCode) { PAFP_FILE_INFO pAfpFileInfoIter = pAfpFileInfos; for ( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwEntriesRead; dwIndex++, pAfpFileInfoIter++ ) { if (_tcsnicmp(pAfpVolumeInfo->afpvol_path, pAfpFileInfoIter->afpfile_path, _tcslen(pAfpVolumeInfo->afpvol_path)) == 0) { ((FILECLOSEPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_FILE_CLOSE])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, pAfpFileInfoIter->afpfile_id ); } }
// Check if there are any users connected to the volume
// by enumerating the connections to this volume.
PAFP_CONNECTION_INFO pAfpConnections = NULL; dwRetCode = ((AFPCONNECTIONENUMPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_CONNECTION_ENUM])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, (LPBYTE*)&pAfpConnections, AFP_FILTER_ON_VOLUME_ID, pAfpVolumeInfo->afpvol_id, (DWORD)-1, // Get all conenctions
&dwEntriesRead, &dwTotalEntries, NULL ); ((BUFFERFREEPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_BUFFER_FREE])(pAfpVolumeInfo);
if (NO_ERROR == dwRetCode) { PAFP_CONNECTION_INFO pAfpConnInfoIter = pAfpConnections; for ( DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwEntriesRead; dwIndex++, pAfpConnInfoIter++ ) { ((AFPCONNECTIONCLOSEPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_CONNECTION_CLOSE])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, pAfpConnInfoIter->afpconn_id ); }
dwRetCode = ((VOLUMEDELPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_VOLUME_DEL])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, const_cast<LPTSTR>(pwchShareName) );
if (AFPERR_VolumeNonExist == dwRetCode) dwRetCode = NERR_Success; }
return dwRetCode; }
DWORD AfpAdminSessionClose( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN DWORD dwSessionId ); */
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::CloseSession(CFileMgmtResultCookie* pcookie) { if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK; USES_CONVERSION; if ( !SFMConnect(T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()))) ) return S_OK;
ASSERT( FILEMGMT_SESSION == pcookie->QueryObjectType() ); AFP_SESSION_INFO* psessioninfo = (AFP_SESSION_INFO*)pcookie->m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != psessioninfo );
DWORD dwRet = ((SESSIONCLOSEPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_SESSION_CLOSE])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, psessioninfo->afpsess_id );
return (AFPERR_InvalidId == dwRet ? NERR_Success : dwRet); }
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::CloseResource(CFileMgmtResultCookie* pcookie) { if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
if ( !SFMConnect(T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>(pcookie->QueryTargetServer()))) ) return S_OK;
ASSERT( FILEMGMT_RESOURCE == pcookie->QueryObjectType() ); AFP_FILE_INFO* pfileinfo = (AFP_FILE_INFO*)pcookie->m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pfileinfo );
DWORD dwRet = ((FILECLOSEPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_FILE_CLOSE])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, pfileinfo->afpfile_id );
return (AFPERR_InvalidId == dwRet ? NERR_Success : dwRet); }
DWORD AfpAdminDirectoryGetInfo( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN LPWSTR lpwsPath, OUT LPBYTE *ppAfpDirectoryInfo );
DWORD AfpAdminDirectorySetInfo( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN LPBYTE pAfpDirectoryInfo, IN DWORD dwParmNum ); */
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::GetDirectoryInfo( LPCTSTR ptchServerName, LPCWSTR pszPath, DWORD* pdwPerms, CString& strOwner, CString& strGroup ) { if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
if ( !SFMConnect(ptchServerName, TRUE) ) return S_OK;
AFP_DIRECTORY_INFO* pdirinfo = NULL; DWORD retval = ((DIRECTORYGETINFOPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_DIRECTORY_GET_INFO])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, const_cast<LPWSTR>(pszPath), (LPBYTE*)&pdirinfo ); if (0L != retval) { return retval; } ASSERT( NULL != pdirinfo ); *pdwPerms = pdirinfo->afpdir_perms; strOwner = pdirinfo->afpdir_owner; strGroup = pdirinfo->afpdir_group; FreeData( pdirinfo ); return 0L; }
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::SetDirectoryInfo( LPCTSTR ptchServerName, LPCWSTR pszPath, DWORD dwPerms, LPCWSTR pszOwner, LPCWSTR pszGroup ) { if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
if ( !SFMConnect(ptchServerName, TRUE) ) return S_OK;
AFP_DIRECTORY_INFO dirinfo; ::memset( &dirinfo, 0, sizeof(dirinfo) ); dirinfo.afpdir_path = const_cast<LPWSTR>(pszPath); dirinfo.afpdir_perms = dwPerms; dirinfo.afpdir_owner = const_cast<LPWSTR>(pszOwner); dirinfo.afpdir_group = const_cast<LPWSTR>(pszGroup); dirinfo.afpdir_in_volume = FALSE; return ((DIRECTORYSETINFOPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_DIRECTORY_SET_INFO])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, (LPBYTE)&dirinfo, AFP_DIR_PARMNUM_ALL ); }
DWORD AfpAdminVolumeSetInfo ( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hAfpServer, IN LPBYTE pBuffer, IN DWORD dwParmNum ); */
VOID SfmFileServiceProvider::DisplayShareProperties( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK pCallBack, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle) { /*
add General page */ CSharePageGeneralSFM * pPage = new CSharePageGeneralSFM(); if ( !pPage->Load( m_pFileMgmtData, pDataObject ) ) return;
// This mechanism deletes the CSharePageGeneral when the property sheet is finished
pPage->m_pfnOriginalPropSheetPageProc = pPage->m_psp.pfnCallback; pPage->m_psp.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pPage); pPage->m_psp.pfnCallback = &CSharePageGeneralSFM::PropSheetPageProc; pPage->m_handle = handle;
HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage=MyCreatePropertySheetPage(&pPage->m_psp); pCallBack->AddPage(hPage);
CreateFolderSecurityPropPage(pCallBack, pDataObject); }
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::ReadShareProperties( LPCTSTR ptchServerName, LPCTSTR ptchShareName, OUT PVOID* ppvPropertyBlock, OUT CString& /*strDescription*/, OUT CString& strPath, OUT BOOL* pfEditDescription, OUT BOOL* pfEditPath, OUT DWORD* pdwShareType) { if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) { ASSERT(FALSE); return S_OK; }
if (ppvPropertyBlock) *ppvPropertyBlock = NULL; if (pdwShareType) *pdwShareType = 0; if (pfEditDescription) *pfEditDescription = FALSE; if (pfEditPath) *pfEditPath = FALSE;
USES_CONVERSION; if ( !SFMConnect(T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchServerName))) ) return S_OK;
AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = NULL; NET_API_STATUS retval = ((VOLUMEGETINFOPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_VOLUME_GET_INFO])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchShareName)), (LPBYTE*)&pvolumeinfo); if (NERR_Success == retval) { strPath = pvolumeinfo->afpvol_path; if (ppvPropertyBlock) { *ppvPropertyBlock = pvolumeinfo; // will be freed by the caller
} else { FreeData(pvolumeinfo); } } return retval; }
// the changed values have already been loaded into pvPropertyBlock
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::WriteShareProperties(LPCTSTR ptchServerName, LPCTSTR /*ptchShareName*/, PVOID pvPropertyBlock, LPCTSTR /*ptchDescription*/, LPCTSTR /*ptchPath*/) { if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
USES_CONVERSION; if ( !SFMConnect(T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>(ptchServerName))) ) return S_OK;
ASSERT( NULL != pvPropertyBlock );
AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)pvPropertyBlock; DWORD retval = ((VOLUMESETINFOPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_VOLUME_SET_INFO])( m_ulSFMServerConnection, (LPBYTE)pvolumeinfo, AFP_VOL_PARMNUM_ALL); pvolumeinfo->afpvol_path = NULL; return retval; }
VOID SfmFileServiceProvider::FreeShareProperties(PVOID pvPropertyBlock) { FreeData( pvPropertyBlock ); }
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::QueryMaxUsers(PVOID pvPropertyBlock) { AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)pvPropertyBlock; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); return pvolumeinfo->afpvol_max_uses; }
VOID SfmFileServiceProvider::SetMaxUsers(PVOID pvPropertyBlock, DWORD dwMaxUsers) { AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)pvPropertyBlock; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); pvolumeinfo->afpvol_max_uses = dwMaxUsers; }
VOID SfmFileServiceProvider::FreeData(PVOID pv) { if (pv != NULL) { ASSERT( NULL != g_SfmDLL[AFP_BUFFER_FREE] ); (void) ((BUFFERFREEPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_BUFFER_FREE])( pv ); } }
LPCTSTR SfmFileServiceProvider::QueryTransportString() { return m_strTransportSFM; }
BOOL SfmFileServiceProvider::DisplaySfmProperties(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, CFileMgmtCookie* pcookie) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return S_OK;
CString strServerName; HRESULT hr = ExtractString( pDataObject, CFileMgmtDataObject::m_CFMachineName, &strServerName, MAX_PATH );
if ( !SFMConnect(strServerName) ) return S_OK;
CString strTitle; // check to see if we have a sheet up, if so make it active.
if (m_pSfmPropSheet) { m_pSfmPropSheet->SetActiveWindow(); return TRUE; }
// nothing up, create a new sheet
strTitle.LoadString(IDS_PROP_SHEET_TITLE); SetSfmPropSheet(new CSFMPropertySheet);
if (!m_pSfmPropSheet->FInit(NULL, m_ulSFMServerConnection, strTitle, this, pcookie->QueryTargetServer())) { delete m_pSfmPropSheet; SetSfmPropSheet(NULL); return FALSE; }
return m_pSfmPropSheet->DoModelessSheet(pDataObject); }
void SfmFileServiceProvider::CleanupSfmProperties() { if (m_pSfmPropSheet) { // we're going away, so set the pointer to NULL
// so the property sheet won't try to call back into us.
m_pSfmPropSheet->SetProvider(NULL); m_pSfmPropSheet->CancelSheet(); m_pSfmPropSheet->Release(); SetSfmPropSheet(NULL); } }
void SfmFileServiceProvider::SetSfmPropSheet(CSFMPropertySheet * pSfmPropSheet) { if (m_pSfmPropSheet) m_pSfmPropSheet->Release();
m_pSfmPropSheet = pSfmPropSheet; }
DWORD SfmFileServiceProvider::UserHasAccess(LPCWSTR pwchServerName) { PAFP_SERVER_INFO pAfpServerInfo; DWORD err; if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return FALSE;
if ( !SFMConnect(pwchServerName) ) return FALSE;
err = ((SERVERGETINFOPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_SERVER_GET_INFO])(m_ulSFMServerConnection, (LPBYTE*) &pAfpServerInfo); if (err == NO_ERROR) { ((BUFFERFREEPROC) g_SfmDLL[AFP_BUFFER_FREE])(pAfpServerInfo); }
return err; }
BOOL SfmFileServiceProvider::FSFMInstalled(LPCWSTR pwchServerName) { BOOL bInstalled = FALSE; if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return FALSE;
if ( !SFMConnect(pwchServerName) ) return FALSE;
// check to make sure the service is there
SC_HANDLE hScManager = ::OpenSCManager(pwchServerName, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (hScManager) { SC_HANDLE hService = ::OpenService(hScManager, AFP_SERVICE_NAME, GENERIC_READ); if (hService != NULL) { // the service is there. May or may not be started.
bInstalled = TRUE; ::CloseServiceHandle(hService); } ::CloseServiceHandle(hScManager); }
return bInstalled; }
// ensures that SFM is started
BOOL SfmFileServiceProvider::StartSFM(HWND hwndParent, SC_HANDLE hScManager, LPCWSTR pwchServerName) { BOOL bStarted = FALSE; if ( !g_SfmDLL.LoadFunctionPointers() ) return FALSE;
if ( !SFMConnect(pwchServerName) ) return FALSE;
// open the service
SC_HANDLE hService = ::OpenService(hScManager, AFP_SERVICE_NAME, GENERIC_READ); if (hService != NULL) { SERVICE_STATUS ss;
// get the service status
if (::QueryServiceStatus(hService, &ss)) { APIERR err = NO_ERROR;
if (ss.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) { // try to start the service
CString strSvcDisplayName, strMessageBox;
strSvcDisplayName.LoadString(IDS_PROP_SHEET_TITLE); AfxFormatString1(strMessageBox, IDS_START_SERVICE, strSvcDisplayName);
if (AfxMessageBox(strMessageBox, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { TCHAR szName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1] = {0}; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szName);
if (pwchServerName == NULL) { GetComputerName(szName, &dwSize); pwchServerName = szName; }
// the service control progress handles displaying the error
err = CServiceControlProgress::S_EStartService(hwndParent, hScManager, pwchServerName, AFP_SERVICE_NAME, strSvcDisplayName, 0, NULL); } else { // user chose not to start the service.
err = 1; } }
if (err == NO_ERROR) { bStarted = TRUE; } } ::CloseServiceHandle(hService); } return bStarted; }
CSfmCookieBlock::~CSfmCookieBlock() { if (NULL != m_pvCookieData) { (void) ((BUFFERFREEPROC)g_SfmDLL[AFP_BUFFER_FREE])( m_pvCookieData ); m_pvCookieData = NULL; } }
void CSfmCookie::AddRefCookie() { m_pCookieBlock->AddRef(); } void CSfmCookie::ReleaseCookie() { m_pCookieBlock->Release(); }
HRESULT CSfmCookie::GetTransport( FILEMGMT_TRANSPORT* pTransport ) { *pTransport = FILEMGMT_SFM; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSfmShareCookie::GetShareName( CString& strShareName ) { AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); USES_CONVERSION; strShareName = OLE2T(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_name); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSfmShareCookie::GetSharePIDList( OUT LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl ) { ASSERT(ppidl); ASSERT(NULL == *ppidl); // prevent memory leak
*ppidl = NULL;
AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); ASSERT( _tcslen(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_path) >= 3 && _T(':') == *(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_path + 1) ); USES_CONVERSION;
PCTSTR pszTargetServer = m_pCookieBlock->QueryTargetServer(); CString csPath;
if (pszTargetServer) { //
// since MS Windows user cannot see shares created for MAC or Netware users,
// we have to use $ share to retrieve the pidl here.
CString csTemp = OLE2T(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_path); csTemp.SetAt(1, _T('$')); if ( _tcslen(pszTargetServer) >= 2 && _T('\\') == *pszTargetServer && _T('\\') == *(pszTargetServer + 1) ) { csPath = pszTargetServer; } else { csPath = _T("\\\\"); csPath += pszTargetServer; } csPath += _T("\\"); csPath += csTemp; } else { csPath = OLE2T(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_path); }
if (FALSE == csPath.IsEmpty()) *ppidl = ILCreateFromPath(csPath);
return ((*ppidl) ? S_OK : E_FAIL); }
HRESULT CSfmSessionCookie::GetSessionID( DWORD* pdwSessionID ) { AFP_SESSION_INFO* psessioninfo = (AFP_SESSION_INFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pdwSessionID && NULL != psessioninfo ); *pdwSessionID = psessioninfo->afpsess_id; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSfmResourceCookie::GetFileID( DWORD* pdwFileID ) { AFP_FILE_INFO* pfileinfo = (AFP_FILE_INFO*)m_pobject; ASSERT( NULL != pdwFileID && NULL != pfileinfo ); *pdwFileID = pfileinfo->afpfile_id; return S_OK; }
BSTR CSfmShareCookie::GetColumnText( int nCol ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_SHARES_SHARED_FOLDER: return GetShareInfo()->afpvol_name; case COLNUM_SHARES_SHARED_PATH: return GetShareInfo()->afpvol_path; case COLNUM_SHARES_TRANSPORT: return const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_strTransportSFM); case COLNUM_SHARES_COMMENT: break; // not known for SFM
default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return L""; }
BSTR CSfmShareCookie::QueryResultColumnText( int nCol, CFileMgmtComponentData& /*refcdata*/ ) { if (COLNUM_SHARES_NUM_SESSIONS == nCol) return MakeDwordResult( GetNumOfCurrentUses() );
return GetColumnText(nCol); }
extern CString g_cstrClientName; extern CString g_cstrGuest; extern CString g_cstrYes; extern CString g_cstrNo;
BSTR CSfmSessionCookie::GetColumnText( int nCol ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_SESSIONS_USERNAME: if (0 == GetSessionInfo()->afpsess_logon_type && ( !(GetSessionInfo()->afpsess_username) || _T('\0') == *(GetSessionInfo()->afpsess_username) ) ) { return const_cast<BSTR>(((LPCTSTR)g_cstrGuest)); } else { return GetSessionInfo()->afpsess_username; } case COLNUM_SESSIONS_COMPUTERNAME: { TranslateIPToComputerName(GetSessionInfo()->afpsess_ws_name, g_cstrClientName); return const_cast<BSTR>(((LPCTSTR)g_cstrClientName)); } case COLNUM_SESSIONS_TRANSPORT: return const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_strTransportSFM); case COLNUM_SESSIONS_IS_GUEST: if (0 == GetSessionInfo()->afpsess_logon_type) return const_cast<BSTR>(((LPCTSTR)g_cstrYes)); else return const_cast<BSTR>(((LPCTSTR)g_cstrNo)); default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return L""; }
BSTR CSfmSessionCookie::QueryResultColumnText( int nCol, CFileMgmtComponentData& /*refcdata*/ ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_SESSIONS_NUM_FILES: return MakeDwordResult( GetNumOfOpenFiles() ); case COLNUM_SESSIONS_CONNECTED_TIME: return MakeElapsedTimeResult( GetConnectedTime() ); case COLNUM_SESSIONS_IDLE_TIME: return L""; // not known for SFM sessions
default: break; }
return GetColumnText(nCol); }
BSTR CSfmResourceCookie::GetColumnText( int nCol ) { switch (nCol) { case COLNUM_RESOURCES_FILENAME: return GetFileInfo()->afpfile_path; case COLNUM_RESOURCES_USERNAME: return GetFileInfo()->afpfile_username; case COLNUM_RESOURCES_TRANSPORT: return const_cast<BSTR>((LPCTSTR)g_strTransportSFM); case COLNUM_RESOURCES_OPEN_MODE: { return ( MakePermissionsResult( ((AFP_OPEN_MODE_WRITE & GetFileInfo()->afpfile_open_mode) ? PERM_FILE_WRITE : 0) | ((AFP_OPEN_MODE_READ & GetFileInfo()->afpfile_open_mode) ? PERM_FILE_READ : 0) ) ); } default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return L""; }
BSTR CSfmResourceCookie::QueryResultColumnText( int nCol, CFileMgmtComponentData& /*refcdata*/ ) { if (COLNUM_RESOURCES_NUM_LOCKS == nCol) return MakeDwordResult( GetNumOfLocks() );
return GetColumnText(nCol); }
void CSharePageGeneralSFM::ReadSfmSettings() { AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)m_pvPropertyBlock; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); // CODEWORK I may want to use a string of eight spaces rather than
// putting the actual password on screen. I may also want to
// use a confirmation password field.
// See \\kernel\razzle2\src\sfm\afp\ui\afpmgr\volprop.cxx
m_strSfmPassword = pvolumeinfo->afpvol_password; m_bSfmReadonly = !!(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_props_mask & AFP_VOLUME_READONLY); m_bSfmGuests = !!(pvolumeinfo->afpvol_props_mask & AFP_VOLUME_GUESTACCESS); }
void CSharePageGeneralSFM::WriteSfmSettings() { AFP_VOLUME_INFO* pvolumeinfo = (AFP_VOLUME_INFO*)m_pvPropertyBlock; ASSERT( NULL != pvolumeinfo ); pvolumeinfo->afpvol_password = const_cast<LPWSTR>((LPCWSTR)m_strSfmPassword); pvolumeinfo->afpvol_props_mask &= ~(AFP_VOLUME_READONLY|AFP_VOLUME_GUESTACCESS); if (m_bSfmReadonly) pvolumeinfo->afpvol_props_mask |= AFP_VOLUME_READONLY; if (m_bSfmGuests) pvolumeinfo->afpvol_props_mask |= AFP_VOLUME_GUESTACCESS; }