Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. /* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
  2. /* File created by MIDL compiler version 2.00.0102 */
  3. /* at Thu Apr 11 09:26:39 1996
  4. */
  6. #include "rpc.h"
  7. #include "rpcndr.h"
  8. #ifndef __rpcpub_h__
  9. #define __rpcpub_h__
  10. #ifdef __cplusplus
  11. extern "C"{
  12. #endif
  13. /* Forward Declarations */
  14. void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t);
  15. void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void __RPC_FAR * );
  16. #ifndef __TriggerPublicRPC_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
  17. #define __TriggerPublicRPC_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
  18. /****************************************
  19. * Generated header for interface: TriggerPublicRPC
  20. * at Thu Apr 11 09:26:39 1996
  21. * using MIDL 2.00.0102
  22. ****************************************/
  23. /* [auto_handle][unique][version][uuid] */
  24. #ifndef RPC_COMMON_IDL
  25. #define RPC_COMMON_IDL
  26. #define szTriggerRPCProtocol TEXT("ncacn_np")
  27. #define szTriggerRPCSecurity TEXT("Security=impersonation dynamic true")
  28. /* size is 4 */
  29. typedef long RPC_BOOL;
  30. /* size is 1 */
  31. typedef small RPC_BYTE;
  32. /* size is 4 */
  33. typedef long RPC_INT;
  34. /* size is 4 */
  35. typedef long RPC_SC;
  36. /* size is 4 */
  37. typedef long RPC_EC;
  38. /* size is 4 */
  39. typedef long RPC_DWORD;
  40. /* size is 2 */
  41. typedef wchar_t RPC_CHAR;
  42. /* size is 4 */
  43. typedef /* [string] */ RPC_CHAR __RPC_FAR *RPC_SZ;
  44. /* size is 16 */
  45. typedef struct __MIDL_TriggerPublicRPC_0001
  46. {
  47. short rgwSystemTime[ 8 ];
  49. /* size is 172 */
  50. typedef struct __MIDL_TriggerPublicRPC_0002
  51. {
  52. RPC_BYTE rgbTzi[ 172 ];
  54. /* size is 28 */
  55. typedef struct __MIDL_TriggerPublicRPC_0003
  56. {
  57. long rgdwServiceStatus[ 7 ];
  59. #define ecOK 0 // no error
  60. #define ecGeneralFailure 50001 // a failure occurred that caused proxy generation to stop
  61. #define ecSomeProxiesFailed 50002 // some proxies failed to get generated
  62. #define ecTargetNotValid 50003 // supplied target address not valid
  63. #define ecTargetNotUnique 50004 // supplied target address not unique
  64. #define ecProxyDLLNotImplemented 50005 // not implemented yet
  65. #define ecProxyDLLOOM 50006 // memory allocation error
  66. #define ecProxyDLLError 50007 // general error
  67. #define ecProxyDLLProtocol 50008 // protocol error
  68. #define ecProxyDLLSyntax 50009 // syntax error
  69. #define ecProxyDLLEOF 50010 // end of file
  70. #define ecProxyDLLSoftware 50011 // error in software
  71. #define ecProxyDLLConfig 50012 // configuration error
  72. #define ecProxyDLLContention 50013 // contention error
  73. #define ecProxyDLLNotFound 50014 // not found
  74. #define ecProxyDLLDiskSpace 50015 // out of disk space
  75. #define ecProxyDLLException 50016 // exception thrown
  76. #define ecProxyDLLDefault 50017 // unknown error
  77. #define ecProxyNotValid 50018 // supplied proxy not valid
  78. #define ecProxyNotUnique 50019 // supplied proxy not unique or unable to generate a unique proxy
  79. #define ecProxyDuplicate 50020 // a primary proxy of the same type was also supplied
  80. /* size is 16 */
  81. typedef struct _PROXYNODE
  82. {
  83. struct _PROXYNODE __RPC_FAR *pnodeNext;
  84. RPC_SZ wszProxy;
  85. RPC_EC ec;
  86. RPC_SZ wszDN;
  87. } PROXYNODE;
  88. /* size is 4 */
  89. typedef struct _PROXYNODE __RPC_FAR *PPROXYNODE;
  90. /* size is 48 */
  91. typedef struct _PROXYINFO
  92. {
  93. RPC_BOOL fContinueOnError;
  94. RPC_BOOL fIgnoreOldSecondaries;
  95. RPC_SZ wszDN;
  96. RPC_SZ wszNickName;
  97. RPC_SZ wszCommonName;
  98. RPC_SZ wszDisplayName;
  99. RPC_SZ wszSurName;
  100. RPC_SZ wszGivenName;
  101. RPC_SZ wszInitials;
  102. RPC_SZ wszTargetAddress;
  103. PROXYNODE __RPC_FAR *pPNVerifyProxy;
  104. PROXYNODE __RPC_FAR *pPNExcludeProxy;
  105. } PROXYINFO;
  106. /* size is 4 */
  107. typedef struct _PROXYINFO __RPC_FAR *PPROXYINFO;
  108. /* size is 8 */
  109. typedef struct _PROXYLIST
  110. {
  111. PROXYNODE __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppPNProxy;
  112. PROXYNODE __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppPNFailedProxyType;
  113. } PROXYLIST;
  114. /* size is 4 */
  115. typedef struct _PROXYLIST __RPC_FAR *PPROXYLIST;
  116. /* size is 192 */
  117. typedef struct __MIDL_TriggerPublicRPC_0004
  118. {
  121. RPC_DWORD dwReturn;
  122. } RemoteSystemTimeInfo;
  123. /* size is 48 */
  124. typedef struct _RemoteServiceStatus
  125. {
  126. RPC_SC sc;
  127. RPC_SZ szShortName;
  128. RPC_SZ szDisplayName;
  129. RPC_SZ szVersion;
  131. struct _RemoteServiceStatus __RPC_FAR *prssNext;
  132. } RemoteServiceStatus;
  133. #define rmsSuspendRepair 0x0001
  134. #define rmsSuspendNotif 0x0002
  135. /* size is 24 */
  136. typedef struct _RemoteMaintenanceStatus
  137. {
  138. RPC_DWORD dwStatus;
  140. RPC_SZ szUser;
  141. } RemoteMaintenanceStatus;
  142. /* size is 12 */
  143. typedef struct _BackupListNode
  144. {
  145. struct _BackupListNode __RPC_FAR *pnodeNext;
  146. struct _BackupListNode __RPC_FAR *pnodeChildren;
  147. RPC_SZ szName;
  148. } BackupListNode;
  149. /* size is 44 */
  150. typedef struct _DistributedLockOwner
  151. {
  152. RPC_CHAR rgchComputer[ 17 ];
  153. RPC_DWORD dwPID;
  154. RPC_DWORD dwTID;
  155. } DistributedLockOwner;
  156. #define DLR_NO_WAIT 0x00000001
  157. #define cchMaxLockName 17
  158. /* size is 84 */
  159. typedef struct _DistributedLockRequest
  160. {
  161. RPC_CHAR rgchLockName[ 17 ];
  162. RPC_DWORD dwFlags;
  163. DistributedLockOwner dlo;
  164. } DistributedLockRequest;
  165. /* size is 48 */
  166. typedef struct _DistributedLockReply
  167. {
  168. RPC_BOOL fGranted;
  169. DistributedLockOwner dlo;
  170. } DistributedLockReply;
  171. #endif // #ifndef RPC_COMMON_IDL
  172. /* size is 4 */
  173. RPC_SC __cdecl ScNetworkTimingTest(
  174. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  175. /* [in] */ long cbSend,
  176. /* [size_is][in] */ small __RPC_FAR rgbSend[ ],
  177. /* [in] */ long cbReceive,
  178. /* [size_is][out] */ small __RPC_FAR rgbReceive[ ]);
  179. /* size is 4 */
  180. RPC_SC __cdecl ScRunRID(
  181. /* [in] */ handle_t h);
  182. /* size is 4 */
  183. RPC_SC __cdecl ScRunRIDEx(
  184. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  185. /* [in] */ RPC_BOOL fProxySpace,
  186. /* [in] */ RPC_BOOL fGwart);
  187. /* size is 4 */
  188. RPC_SC __cdecl ScRunDRACheck(
  189. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  190. RPC_DWORD dw);
  191. #define BPTAdd 1
  192. #define BPTRemove 2
  193. #define BPTUpdate 3
  194. /* size is 4 */
  195. RPC_SC __cdecl ScBulkCreateProxy(
  196. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  197. /* [in] */ RPC_SZ szHeader,
  198. /* [in] */ RPC_DWORD dwOptions);
  199. /* size is 4 */
  200. RPC_SC __cdecl ScBulkCreateMultiProxy(
  201. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  202. /* [in] */ RPC_INT cszHeader,
  203. /* [size_is][in] */ RPC_SZ __RPC_FAR rgszRecipients[ ],
  204. /* [in] */ RPC_DWORD dwOptions);
  205. /* size is 4 */
  206. RPC_SC __cdecl ScBulkUpdateMultiProxy(
  207. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  208. /* [in] */ RPC_INT cszSiteAddress,
  209. /* [size_is][in] */ RPC_SZ __RPC_FAR rgszOldSiteAddress[ ],
  210. /* [size_is][in] */ RPC_SZ __RPC_FAR rgszNewSiteAddress[ ],
  211. /* [in] */ RPC_BOOL fSaveSiteAddress);
  212. /* size is 4 */
  213. RPC_SC __cdecl ScGetBulkProxyStatus(
  214. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  215. /* [out] */ RPC_SYSTEMTIME __RPC_FAR *pstTimeStart,
  216. /* [out] */ RPC_DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwTimeStart,
  217. /* [out] */ RPC_DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwTimeCur,
  218. /* [out] */ RPC_INT __RPC_FAR *piRecipients,
  219. /* [out] */ RPC_INT __RPC_FAR *pcRecipients);
  220. /* size is 4 */
  221. RPC_SC __cdecl ScBulkProxyHalt(
  222. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  223. /* [in] */ RPC_BOOL fWaitForShutdown);
  224. /* size is 4 */
  225. RPC_EC __cdecl EcGetProxies(
  226. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  227. /* [in] */ PPROXYINFO pProxyInfo,
  228. /* [out][in] */ PPROXYLIST pProxyList);
  229. /* size is 4 */
  230. RPC_SC __cdecl ScIsProxyUnique(
  231. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  232. /* [in] */ RPC_SZ szProxy,
  233. /* [out] */ RPC_BOOL __RPC_FAR *pfUnique,
  234. /* [out] */ RPC_SZ __RPC_FAR *pszOwner);
  235. /* size is 4 */
  236. RPC_SC __cdecl ScProxyValidate(
  237. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  238. /* [in] */ RPC_SZ szProxy,
  239. /* [out] */ RPC_BOOL __RPC_FAR *pfValid,
  240. /* [out] */ RPC_SZ __RPC_FAR *pszProxyCorrected);
  241. /* size is 4 */
  242. RPC_SC __cdecl ScSiteProxyValidate(
  243. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  244. /* [in] */ RPC_SZ szSiteProxy,
  245. /* [out] */ RPC_BOOL __RPC_FAR *pfValid,
  246. /* [out] */ RPC_SZ __RPC_FAR *pszSiteProxyCorrected);
  247. /* size is 4 */
  248. RPC_SC __cdecl ScProxyReset(
  249. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  250. /* [in] */ RPC_BOOL fWaitUntilCompleted);
  251. #define scNoError 0
  252. #define scInvalidData 1
  253. #define scCannotLogData 2
  254. /* size is 4 */
  255. RPC_SC __cdecl ScSaveTrackingData(
  256. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  257. /* [in] */ RPC_INT cb,
  258. /* [size_is][in] */ RPC_BYTE __RPC_FAR pb[ ],
  259. /* [in] */ RPC_DWORD dwFlags);
  260. #define tevtMessageTransferIn 0
  261. #define tevtReportTransferIn 2
  262. #define tevtMessageSubmission 4
  263. #define tevtMessageTransferOut 7
  264. #define tevtReportTransferOut 8
  265. #define tevtMessageDelivery 9
  266. #define tevtReportDelivery 10
  267. #define tevtStartAssocByMTSUser 18
  268. #define tevtReleaseAssocByMTSUser 23
  269. #define tevtDLExpansion 26
  270. #define tevtRedirection 28
  271. #define tevtRerouting 29
  272. #define tevtDowngrading 31
  273. #define tevtReportAbsorption 33
  274. #define tevtReportGenerated 34
  275. #define tevtUnroutableReportDiscard 43
  276. #define tevtMessageLocalDelivery 1000
  277. #define tevtMessageBackboneTransferIn 1001
  278. #define tevtMessageBackboneTransferOut 1002
  279. #define tevtMessageGatewayTransferOut 1003
  280. #define tevtMessageGatewayTransferIn 1004
  281. #define tevtReportGatewayTransferIn 1005
  282. #define tevtReportGatewayTransferOut 1006
  283. #define tevtReportGatewayGenerated 1007
  284. #define tevtUserMin 2000
  285. /* size is 60 */
  286. typedef struct __MIDL_TriggerPublicRPC_0005
  287. {
  288. RPC_INT nEventType;
  289. RPC_SYSTEMTIME stEvent;
  290. RPC_SZ szGatewayName;
  291. RPC_SZ szPartner;
  292. RPC_SZ szMTSID;
  293. RPC_SZ szRemoteID;
  294. RPC_SZ szOriginator;
  295. RPC_INT nPriority;
  296. RPC_INT nLength;
  297. RPC_INT nSeconds;
  298. RPC_INT nCost;
  299. RPC_SZ szSubjectID;
  301. /* size is 4 */
  302. RPC_SC __cdecl ScSaveGatewayTrackingData(
  303. /* [in] */ handle_t h,
  304. /* [in] */ RPC_GATEWAY_TRACK_INFORMATION __RPC_FAR *pgti,
  305. /* [in] */ RPC_INT cszRecipients,
  306. /* [size_is][in] */ RPC_SZ __RPC_FAR rgszRecipients[ ]);
  307. extern RPC_IF_HANDLE TriggerPublicRPC_ClientIfHandle;
  308. extern RPC_IF_HANDLE TriggerPublicRPC_ServerIfHandle;
  309. #endif /* __TriggerPublicRPC_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
  310. /****************************************
  311. * Generated header for interface: __MIDL__intf_0001
  312. * at Thu Apr 11 09:26:39 1996
  313. * using MIDL 2.00.0102
  314. ****************************************/
  315. /* [local] */
  316. #define szTrackReportRecipientInfoDelivered L("\t0")
  317. #define szTrackReportRecipientInfoNonDelivered L("\t1")
  318. extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL__intf_0001_ClientIfHandle;
  319. extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL__intf_0001_ServerIfHandle;
  320. /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
  321. /* end of Additional Prototypes */
  322. #ifdef __cplusplus
  323. }
  324. #endif
  325. #endif