// Microsoft WMI OLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Module : CMDTEXT.CPP - ICommandText interface implementation
// Also has implementation of CUtlParam class
#include "headers.h"
#include "command.h"
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpICommandText::AddRef(void) { DEBUGCODE(InterlockedIncrement( (long*) &m_cRef));
return m_pcmd->GetOuterUnknown()->AddRef(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CImpICommandText::Release(void) { DEBUGCODE(long lRef = InterlockedDecrement((long*)&m_cRef)); DEBUGCODE(if( lRef < 0 ){ ASSERT("Reference count on Object went below 0!") })
return m_pcmd->GetOuterUnknown()->Release(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
STDMETHODIMP CImpICommandText::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv ) { return m_pcmd->GetOuterUnknown()->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
// Echos the current command as text, including all post-processing operations added.
STDMETHODIMP CImpICommandText::GetCommandText( GUID* pguidDialect, LPOLESTR* ppwszCommand ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// At the creation of the CAutoBlock object a critical section
// is entered. This is because the method manipulates shared structures
// access to which must be serialized . The critical
// section is left when this method terminate and the destructor
// for CAutoBlock is called.
CAutoBlock cab( m_pcmd->GetCriticalSection() );
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// Check Function Arguments
if ( ppwszCommand == NULL ){ hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else //===============================================================================
// If the command has not been set, make sure the buffer
// contains an empty stringt to return to the consumer
if(!(m_pcmd->m_pQuery->GetStatus() & CMD_TEXT_SET)){ hr = DB_E_NOCOMMAND; } else { //===============================================================================
// Copy our saved text into the newly allocated string
// If the text we're giving back is a different dialect than was
// requested, let the caller know what dialect the text is in
if (pguidDialect && *pguidDialect != DBGUID_DEFAULT && *pguidDialect!= DBGUID_WQL && *pguidDialect != DBGUID_LDAP && *pguidDialect != GUID_NULL && *pguidDialect != DBGUID_WMI_METHOD && *pguidDialect != DBGUID_LDAPSQL){ hr = DB_S_DIALECTIGNORED; } }
if ( FAILED(hr) ){ if ( pguidDialect ) { memset(pguidDialect, 0, sizeof(GUID)); } } else { if(pguidDialect) { GUID guidTemp = m_pcmd->m_pQuery->GetDialectGuid(); memcpy(pguidDialect, &guidTemp,sizeof(GUID)); } }
hr = hr != S_OK ? g_pCError->PostHResult(hr, &IID_ICommandText): hr;
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"ICommandText::GetCommandText"); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Sets the current command text
STDMETHODIMP CImpICommandText::SetCommandText( REFGUID rguidDialect, LPCOLESTR pwszCommand ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT varQryLang; VariantInit(&varQryLang);
CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// At the creation of the CAutoBlock object a critical section
// is entered. This is because the method manipulates shared structures
// access to which must be serialized . The critical
// section is left when this method terminate and the destructor
// for CAutoBlock is called.
CAutoBlock cab( m_pcmd->GetCriticalSection() );
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// Don't allow text to be set if we've got a rowset open
if ( m_pcmd->IsRowsetOpen() ){ return g_pCError->PostHResult((DB_E_OBJECTOPEN), &IID_ICommandText); }
// Check Dialect
if (rguidDialect != DBGUID_WQL && rguidDialect != DBGUID_DEFAULT && rguidDialect != DBGUID_LDAP && rguidDialect != DBGUID_WMI_METHOD && rguidDialect != DBGUID_LDAPSQL){
return g_pCError->PostHResult((DB_E_DIALECTNOTSUPPORTED), &IID_ICommandText); }
if(rguidDialect == DBGUID_WMI_METHOD) { m_pcmd->m_pQuery->SetType(METHOD_ROWSET); } //=========================================================================
// Unprepare if we've already got something prepared
// NTRaid 134165
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pcmd->GetQueryLanguage(varQryLang))) { //=========================================================================
// Delete the old text
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pcmd->m_pQuery->InitQuery(varQryLang.bstrVal))) { //=========================================================================
// Save the new text
if (pwszCommand && *pwszCommand){ hr = m_pcmd->m_pQuery->SetQuery(pwszCommand,rguidDialect); } else{ //=========================================================================
// There is no text
hr = m_pcmd->m_pQuery->SetDefaultQuery(); } } } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // If everything is fine then set the datasource persist info to dirty
// Clear the column information
SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pcmd->m_pColumns); m_pcmd->m_cTotalCols = 0; m_pcmd->m_cCols = 0; m_pcmd->m_cNestedCols = 0; } VariantClear(&varQryLang); hr = hr != S_OK ? g_pCError->PostHResult(hr, &IID_ICommandText): hr;
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"ICommandText::SetCommandText"); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Return an interface from the session object that created this command object
STDMETHODIMP CImpICommandText::GetDBSession( REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppSession) { HRESULT hr;
CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// At the creation of the CAutoBlock object a critical section
// is entered. This is because the method manipulates shared structures
// access to which must be serialized . The critical
// section is left when this method terminate and the destructor
// for CAutoBlock is called.
CAutoBlock cab( m_pcmd->GetCriticalSection() );
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// Check Arguments
if (ppSession == NULL){
return g_pCError->PostHResult((E_INVALIDARG), &IID_ICommandText); }
// Initialize output param
*ppSession = NULL;
// Query for the interface on the session object. If failure,
// return the error from QueryInterface.
hr = (m_pcmd->m_pCDBSession->GetOuterUnknown())->QueryInterface(riid, (VOID**)ppSession); hr = hr != S_OK ? g_pCError->PostHResult(hr, &IID_ICommandText): hr;
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"ICommandText::GetSession"); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The consumer can allocate a secondary thread in which to cancel
// the currently executing thread. This cancel will only succeed if
// the result set is still being generated. If the rowset object is being
// created, then it will be to late to cancel.
STDMETHODIMP CImpICommandText::Cancel(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
m_pcmd->m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Enter(); if (m_pcmd->m_pQuery){
HRESULT retcode = m_pcmd->m_pQuery->CancelQuery(); if( S_OK == retcode){ m_pcmd->m_pQuery->InitQuery(); // ?
} else{ hr = DB_E_CANTCANCEL; } m_pcmd->m_pQuery->SetCancelStatus(CMD_EXEC_CANCELED); } else{ m_pcmd->m_pQuery->SetCancelStatus(CMD_EXEC_CANCELED | CMD_EXEC_CANCELED_BEFORE_CQUERY_SET); } m_pcmd->m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Leave();
hr = hr != S_OK ? g_pCError->PostHResult(hr, &IID_ICommandText): hr;
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"ICommandText::Cancel"); return hr; }
// Execute the command.
STDMETHODIMP CImpICommandText::Execute( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, //@parm IN | Interface ID of the interface being queried for.
DBPARAMS* pParams, //@parm INOUT | Parameter Array
DBROWCOUNT* pcRowsAffected, //@parm OUT | count of rows affected by command
IUnknown** ppRowsets //@parm OUT | Pointer to interface that was instantiated
) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh; VARIANT varQryLang; VariantInit(&varQryLang);
TRY_BLOCK; //=========================================================================
// At the creation of the CAutoBlock object a critical section is entered.
// This is because the method manipulates shared structures access to which
// must be serialized . The critical section is left when this method
// terminate and the destructor for CAutoBlock is called.
CAutoBlock cab( m_pcmd->GetCriticalSection() );
m_pcmd->m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Enter(); if (m_pcmd->m_pQuery->GetCancelStatus() & CMD_EXEC_CANCELED_BEFORE_CQUERY_SET){
m_pcmd->m_pQuery->ClearCancelStatus(CMD_EXEC_CANCELED | CMD_EXEC_CANCELED_BEFORE_CQUERY_SET); } if (m_pcmd->m_pQuery->GetStatus() & CMD_EXECUTED_ONCE){
m_pcmd->m_pQuery->ClearStatus(CMD_EXECUTED_ONCE); } // get the QueryLanguage Property and set it on the
// query object
// NTRaid 134165
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pcmd->GetQueryLanguage(varQryLang))) { hr = m_pcmd->m_pQuery->SetQueryLanguage(varQryLang.bstrVal); } m_pcmd->m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Leave();
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
g_pCError->ClearErrorInfo(); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //=========================================================================
// Execute the command
hr = m_pcmd->Execute(pUnkOuter, riid, pParams, pcRowsAffected, ppRowsets); } VariantClear(&varQryLang); CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"ICommandText::Execute"); return hr;
// CUtlParam class
// This routine builds the binding information needed to execute a command with parameters
// HRESULT indicating status
// S_OK | No problem processing parameter or statement
// E_FAIL | Provider specific error
// E_OUTOFMEMORY | Not enough resources
// E_UNEXPECTED | Zombie State
// DB_E_BADACCESSORHANDLE | Accessor handle invalid
// DB_E_BADACCESSORTYPE | Non-Parameter Accessor used
// DB_E_BADPARAMETER | Parameter information not correct
// DB_E_BADPARAMETERCOUNT | Bad Parameter Count
// DB_E_DUPLICATEPARAM | Same parameter used twice
STDMETHODIMP CUtlParam::BuildBindInfo( CCommand *pcmd, DBPARAMS *pParams, const IID* piid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // NTRaid::111812
// 06/07/00
ULONG cErrors = 0; DBORDINAL iParam; BYTE *pbData; ULONG cBindInfo; ULONG iDupBind; WMIBINDINFO *pBindInfo; BOOL fDeriveParamsFromSql = FALSE;
// Copy DBPARAMS struct (C++ bitwise copy)
m_dbparams = *pParams;
// Add an extra reference count to the user's accessor,
// since we're now holding a pointer to it in m_dbparams
m_pIAccessor = pcmd->GetIAccessorPtr(); m_pIAccessor->AddRefAccessor(m_dbparams.hAccessor, NULL);
// Obtain pointer to the accessor that the user passed to us
m_pIAccessor->GetAccessorPtr()->GetItemOfExtBuffer(pParams->hAccessor, &pAccessor); m_cbRowSize = 999; //==========================================================
// Make sure at least one binding for each parameter
m_cParams = pcmd->GetParamCount(); if (pAccessor->cBindings < m_cParams){ hr = DB_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL; } else { //==========================================================
// Allocate mem ory for binding information
iDupBind = m_cParams; cBindInfo = max(m_cParams, pAccessor->cBindings); m_prgBindInfo = new WMIBINDINFO[cBindInfo];
if (NULL == m_prgBindInfo){ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { memset(m_prgBindInfo, 0, sizeof(WMIBINDINFO)*cBindInfo);
// Process each binding of the given accessor
for (iBind = 0; iBind < pAccessor->cBindings; iBind++){
// Get the pointer to the binding of interest
pBind = pAccessor->rgBindings + iBind;
// Make sure this binding's ordinal is valid
if (!pBind->iOrdinal || pBind->iOrdinal > m_cParams){
// This is a bad accessor; set status if bound
// Count this error and look for more
cErrors++; continue; } iParam = pBind->iOrdinal - 1; //======================================================
// Save the binding
if (NULL == m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pBinding){
m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pBinding = pBind; if (pBind->eParamIO & DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT) m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags |= DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT; if (pBind->eParamIO & DBPARAMIO_INPUT) m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags |= DBPARAMIO_INPUT; } else {
// Multiple bindings for this parameter
pBindInfo = m_prgBindInfo + iDupBind++; pBindInfo->pBinding = pBind; pBindInfo->pNextBindInfo = m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pNextBindInfo; m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pNextBindInfo = pBindInfo; if (pBind->eParamIO & DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT) m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags |= DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT; if (pBind->eParamIO & DBPARAMIO_INPUT){
if (m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags & DBPARAMIO_INPUT){
// A bad accessor; set status if bound
SetStatus(pBind, DBSTATUS_E_BADACCESSOR); //==========================================
// Count this error and look for more
cErrors++; continue; } m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags |= DBPARAMIO_INPUT; } } //======================================================
// Get the parameter type from the accessor
switch (pBind->eParamIO){
case DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM: default: // This is a bad accessor; set status if bound
// Count this error and look for more
cErrors++; continue; }
for (pbData = (BYTE*)m_dbparams.pData, iParamSet = 0;iParamSet < m_dbparams.cParamSets;pbData += m_cbRowSize, iParamSet++ ){
// If this is not an output param and we aren't given a value
// or a DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL, that's an error
BOOL fOutput = m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags & DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT; if ((!fOutput ) && !(pBind->dwPart & DBPART_VALUE) && (!(pBind->dwPart & DBPART_STATUS) || *(DBSTATUS *)((BYTE *)pbData + pBind->obStatus) != DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL) ) {
// This is a bad accessor; set status if bound
if (pBind->dwPart & DBPART_STATUS){
*(DBSTATUS *)(pbData + pBind->obStatus) =DBSTATUS_E_BADACCESSOR; }
// Count this error and look for more
cErrors++; break; } if ((pBind->dwPart & DBPART_STATUS) && DBSTATUS_S_DEFAULT == *(DBSTATUS*)((BYTE*)pbData + pBind->obStatus)) { m_dwStatus |= CUTLPARAM_DEFAULT_PARAMS; }
} } // end of outer for loop
// Any errors in processing bindings?
if (cErrors){ hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED; } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr = BuildParamInfo(pcmd, piid))) {
for (iParam = 0; iParam < m_cParams; iParam++){ if ((m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags & DBPARAMIO_INPUT) && !((m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pParamInfo->dwFlags & DBPARAMFLAGS_ISINPUT)) || ((m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags & DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT) && !(m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pParamInfo->dwFlags & DBPARAMFLAGS_ISOUTPUT))){
// This is a bad accessor; set status if bound
SetStatus(pBind, DBSTATUS_E_BADACCESSOR); for (pBindInfo = m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pNextBindInfo; pBindInfo; pBindInfo = pBindInfo->pNextBindInfo) SetStatus(pBindInfo->pBinding, DBSTATUS_E_BADACCESSOR);
// Count this error and look for more
cErrors++; } } if (cErrors) { hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED; } } } // if memory is allocated properly
} // else for checking for DB_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL error
hr = hr != S_OK ? g_pCError->PostHResult(hr, piid): hr; return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This routine builds the parameter information for the command from the binding information.
// HRESULT indicating status
// S_OK | No problem processing parameter or statement
// E_FAIL | Provider specific error
// E_OUTOFMEMORY | Not enough resources
STDMETHODIMP CUtlParam::BuildParamInfo( CCommand *pcmd, const IID* piid ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG iParam(0); PPARAMINFO pParamInfo; DBBINDING *pBind; BYTE* pbData = NULL; DWORD* pdwLength; DWORD dwLength(0); DBSTATUS* pdwStatus; DBSTATUS dwStatus(0); DBLENGTH cbMaxLen(0); VARIANT varValue;
m_rgpParamInfo = new PPARAMINFO[m_cParams]; if (NULL == m_rgpParamInfo) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { memset(m_rgpParamInfo, 0, sizeof(PPARAMINFO)*m_cParams);
for (iParam = 0; iParam < m_cParams; iParam++){
VariantClear(&varValue); pParamInfo = pcmd->GetParamInfo(iParam); if (pParamInfo){
m_rgpParamInfo[m_cParamInfo++] = pParamInfo;
pParamInfo->dwFlags = DBPARAMFLAGS_ISNULLABLE; if (m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags & DBPARAMIO_INPUT) pParamInfo->dwFlags |= DBPARAMFLAGS_ISINPUT; if (m_prgBindInfo[iParam].wFlags & DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT) pParamInfo->dwFlags |= DBPARAMFLAGS_ISOUTPUT;
// Bind the parameter
pBind = GetBinding(m_prgBindInfo+iParam); if( pBind ){ BindParamData(1, iParam+1, pBind, &pParamInfo->pbData, &pdwLength, (ULONG*)&pParamInfo->cbColLength, &pdwStatus, &dwStatus, &(pParamInfo->wOLEDBType));
// Get the data type for variant params
if (pParamInfo->wOLEDBType == DBTYPE_VARIANT && pParamInfo->pbData != NULL) pParamInfo->wOLEDBType = V_VT((VARIANT *)pParamInfo->pbData);
// For variable length params, find the max len
cbMaxLen = 0; if (DBTYPE_STR == pParamInfo->wOLEDBType || DBTYPE_WSTR == pParamInfo->wOLEDBType || DBTYPE_BSTR == pParamInfo->wOLEDBType || DBTYPE_BYTES == pParamInfo->wOLEDBType) {
ULONG iParamSet; DBTYPE wDstType = (DBTYPE_BSTR == pParamInfo->wOLEDBType) ? DBTYPE_WSTR : pParamInfo->wOLEDBType;
cbMaxLen = pBind->cbMaxLen; for (iParamSet = 2; iParamSet <= m_dbparams.cParamSets; iParamSet++) {
DBTYPE wSrcType;
// Bind the parameter
pBind = m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pBinding; BindParamData(iParamSet, iParam+1, pBind, &pbData, &pdwLength, &dwLength, &pdwStatus, &dwStatus, &wSrcType);
cbMaxLen = pBind->cbMaxLen; }
// Initialize the parameter info
BOOL bArray = FALSE; CDataMap Map; if(hr == S_OK) { hr = Map.MapOLEDBTypeToCIMType(pParamInfo->wOLEDBType, pParamInfo->CIMType ) ;
if( S_OK == hr ){
WORD wTmp = 0; DBLENGTH uSize = 0; DWORD dwFlags = 0; // if the length as obtained from BindParamData is 0 and if the parameter
// is input then get the size of parameter for the type
if(pParamInfo->cbColLength == 0 && (pParamInfo->dwFlags & DBPARAMIO_INPUT)) { hr = Map.MapCIMTypeToOLEDBType(pParamInfo->CIMType, wTmp, uSize, dwFlags ); if( hr == S_OK ){
pParamInfo->cbColLength = pParamInfo->cbValueMax = pParamInfo->ulParamSize = uSize;
} }
} } } m_prgBindInfo[iParam].pParamInfo = pParamInfo; } } } } //Exit:
hr = hr != S_OK ? g_pCError->PostHResult(E_OUTOFMEMORY, piid): hr; return hr; }
// Sets the bind status for all parameters, except the one that caused the command to fail,
// Nothing
void CUtlParam::SetParamsUnavailable( ULONG iParamSetFailed, ULONG iParamFailed, BOOL fBackOut ) { assert(iParamSetFailed);
ULONG iParam; ULONG iParamSet; BYTE* pbData; PWMIBINDINFO pBindInfo;
for ( iParamSet = fBackOut? 1 : iParamSetFailed, pbData= (BYTE*)m_dbparams.pData + (iParamSet-1)*m_cbRowSize; iParamSet <= m_dbparams.cParamSets; iParamSet++, pbData += m_cbRowSize){
for ( iParam = 1, pBindInfo = m_prgBindInfo; iParam <= m_cParams; iParam++, pBindInfo++){ DBSTATUS* pdbstatus = (DBSTATUS *) (pbData + pBindInfo->pBinding->obStatus);
if (pBindInfo->pBinding->dwPart & DBPART_STATUS){
if (iParamSet != iParamSetFailed || iParam != iParamFailed || *pdbstatus == DBSTATUS_S_OK || *pdbstatus == DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL || *pdbstatus == DBSTATUS_S_DEFAULT){ *pdbstatus = DBSTATUS_E_UNAVAILABLE; } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CUtlParam::BindParamData( ULONG iParamSet, ULONG iParam, DBBINDING* pBinding,BYTE** ppbValue, DWORD** ppdwLength, DWORD* pdwLength,DBSTATUS** ppdwStatus, DBSTATUS* pdwStatus, DBTYPE* pdbtype ) { assert(iParamSet && iParamSet <= m_dbparams.cParamSets); assert(iParam && iParam <= m_cParams); assert(pBinding); assert(pBinding->iOrdinal == iParam); assert(ppbValue); assert(ppdwLength); assert(pdwLength); assert(ppdwStatus); assert(pdwStatus); BYTE* pbData = (BYTE*)m_dbparams.pData + (iParamSet-1)*m_cbRowSize; *pdbtype = pBinding->wType & ~DBTYPE_BYREF; if (pBinding->dwPart & DBPART_VALUE){ *ppbValue = pbData + pBinding->obValue;
if (pBinding->wType & DBTYPE_BYREF){ assert(!IsBadReadPtr(*ppbValue,sizeof(BYTE*))); *ppbValue = *(BYTE**)*ppbValue; } } else{ *ppbValue = NULL; }
if (pBinding->dwPart & DBPART_STATUS){ assert(!IsBadReadPtr(pbData+pBinding->obStatus,sizeof(DBSTATUS))); *ppdwStatus = (DBSTATUS*)(pbData + pBinding->obStatus); *pdwStatus = **ppdwStatus; } else{ *ppdwStatus = NULL; *pdwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_OK; }
*ppdwLength = (pBinding->dwPart & DBPART_LENGTH) ? (DWORD*)(pbData + pBinding->obLength) : NULL; if (*pdwStatus != DBSTATUS_S_OK || *ppbValue == NULL || pBinding->eParamIO == DBPARAMIO_OUTPUT){ *pdwLength = 0; } //NTRaid:111761
// 06/07/00
else if(*ppdwLength) { *pdwLength = *(*ppdwLength); } else { *pdwLength = 0; }
// check NULL data
if (*pdwStatus == DBSTATUS_S_OK && *ppbValue && (*pdbtype == DBTYPE_VARIANT || *pdbtype == DBTYPE_PROPVARIANT) && V_VT((VARIANT *)(*ppbValue)) == VT_NULL){ *pdwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ULONG CUtlParam::AddRef ( void) { return InterlockedIncrement( (long*) &m_cRef); }
ULONG CUtlParam::Release(void) { assert( m_cRef > 0 ); ULONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &m_cRef); if (!cRef) delete this; return cRef; }
CUtlParam::CUtlParam() { m_cRef = 0; m_cbRowSize = 0; m_cParams = 0; m_cParamInfo = 0; m_dwStatus = 0;
m_pIAccessor = NULL; m_prgBindInfo = NULL; m_rgpParamInfo = NULL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CUtlParam::~CUtlParam() { }