// Microsoft WMIOLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// cRowColumnInfoMemMgr object implementation - implements column information
#include "headers.h"
// cRowColumnInfoMemMgr class implementation
// Constructor
cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::cRowColumnInfoMemMgr(cRowColumnInfoMemMgr *pSrcRsColInfo) { m_DBColInfoList = NULL; m_rgdwDataOffsets = NULL; m_rgCIMType = NULL; m_dwOffset = 0; m_cbTotalCols = 0L; m_cbCurrentIndex = 0L; m_lpCurrentName = NULL;
m_pbColumnNames = NULL; m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed = 0L; m_nFirstIndex = 0L; m_pSrcRsColInfo = pSrcRsColInfo; if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { m_nFirstIndex = m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; m_cbCurrentIndex = 0; } }
// Destructor
cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::~cRowColumnInfoMemMgr() { FreeColumnNameList(); FreeColumnInfoList(); }
// Reallocate the column list
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::ReAllocColumnInfoList() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DBCOUNTITEM cNewCols = m_cbTotalCols + DEFAULT_COLUMNS_TO_ADD; DBCOUNTITEM cOldCols = m_cbTotalCols; DBCOUNTITEM cbColumnInfoBytesUsed = m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed;
// If there is a source rowset info then adjuct the column numbers and bytes
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { cOldCols = cOldCols - m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; cbColumnInfoBytesUsed = cbColumnInfoBytesUsed - m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed; } //==================================================
// save the old buffer ptrs
DBCOLUMNINFO* OldCol = m_DBColInfoList; DBBYTEOFFSET* OldOffset = m_rgdwDataOffsets; DWORD* OldCIMTypes = m_rgCIMType;
hr = AllocColumnInfoList(cNewCols); if( S_OK == hr ){ //==============================================
// copy what we have so far
memcpy(m_DBColInfoList,OldCol,cbColumnInfoBytesUsed); memcpy(m_rgdwDataOffsets,OldOffset,cOldCols*sizeof(DBBYTEOFFSET)); memcpy(m_rgCIMType,OldCIMTypes,cOldCols*(sizeof(ULONG)));
// Get the current column information
DBCOLUMNINFO ** cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::CurrentColInfo() { return &m_pCurrentColInfo; }
// Get the column information of a particular column
DBCOLUMNINFO * cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetColInfo(DBORDINAL icol) { if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL && icol < m_nFirstIndex) { return &(m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_DBColInfoList[icol]); } else { return &(m_DBColInfoList[icol-m_nFirstIndex]); }
return NULL;
// Initialize the indexes and pointer to point to the first column
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::ResetColumns() { //=================================================================
// Initialize ptr to beginning of DBCOLUMNINFO struct list,
// beginning with 1 ( 0 is a bookmark )
m_dwOffset = offsetof( ROWBUFF, pdData ); m_cbCurrentIndex = 1; // m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed = 1;
m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed = sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO);
// if the columninfo has a parent rowset then there is no need of BOOKMARK column
// as the current col info is just a extenstion of the source rowset and source rowset
// will have the bookmark column
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { m_nFirstIndex = m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; m_cbCurrentIndex = 0; } else { InitializeBookMarkColumn(); } m_pCurrentColInfo = &m_DBColInfoList[m_cbCurrentIndex]; return S_OK; }
// Allocate memory for th columnlist for the given number of columns
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::AllocColumnInfoList(DBCOUNTITEM cCols) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DBCOUNTITEM nTotalColsToAlloc = 0;
// Add an extra index, so we can be 1 based
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { nTotalColsToAlloc = cCols - m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; } else { nTotalColsToAlloc = cCols; } m_cbTotalCols = cCols ; m_DBColInfoList = new DBCOLUMNINFO[nTotalColsToAlloc]; m_rgdwDataOffsets = new DBBYTEOFFSET[nTotalColsToAlloc]; m_rgCIMType = new ULONG[nTotalColsToAlloc];
// 06/07/00
if ( m_DBColInfoList == NULL || m_rgdwDataOffsets == NULL || m_rgCIMType == NULL ){ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { memset(m_DBColInfoList,0,nTotalColsToAlloc * sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); memset(m_rgdwDataOffsets,0,nTotalColsToAlloc * sizeof(DBBYTEOFFSET)); memset(m_rgCIMType,0,nTotalColsToAlloc * sizeof(ULONG));
// Set all ptrs to the beginning
ResetColumns(); }
return hr; }
// Function to initialize the column info for the bookmark column
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::InitializeBookMarkColumn() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
memset(&m_DBColInfoList[0],0,sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); m_DBColInfoList[0].iOrdinal = 0; m_DBColInfoList[0].dwFlags = DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISBOOKMARK || DBCOLUMNFLAGS_MAYBENULL; m_DBColInfoList[0].ulColumnSize = BOOKMARKSIZE; m_DBColInfoList[0].wType = DBTYPE_I4; m_DBColInfoList[0].columnid.eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID ; m_DBColInfoList[0].columnid.uGuid.guid = DBCOL_SPECIALCOL; m_DBColInfoList[0].columnid.uName.ulPropid = 3; // This should be more than 2 for bookmarks that are not self bookmark
m_dwOffset = ROUND_UP( m_dwOffset, COLUMN_ALIGNVAL ); m_rgdwDataOffsets[0] = m_dwOffset; m_dwOffset += offsetof( COLUMNDATA, pbData );
return hr; }
// Commit the column information and move to the next column
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::CommitColumnInfo() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; //==============================================================
// Set the offset from the start of the row, for this column,
// then advance past.
if( m_cbCurrentIndex > m_cbTotalCols ){ hr = ReAllocColumnInfoList(); } // NTRaid:111762
// 06/13/00
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_dwOffset = ROUND_UP( m_dwOffset, COLUMN_ALIGNVAL ); m_rgdwDataOffsets[m_cbCurrentIndex] = m_dwOffset; m_dwOffset += offsetof( COLUMNDATA, pbData ); m_pCurrentColInfo->columnid.eKind = DBKIND_NAME; m_pCurrentColInfo->columnid.uName.pwszName = m_pCurrentColInfo->pwszName;
m_cbCurrentIndex++; m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed += sizeof(*m_pCurrentColInfo); m_pCurrentColInfo = &m_DBColInfoList[m_cbCurrentIndex]; } return hr; }
// Allocate memory for the Column Name list
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::AllocColumnNameList(DBCOUNTITEM nCols) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; DBCOUNTITEM nTotalColsToAlloc = 0;
// Adjust the number of colinfo to allocate , if there is a source rowset ( which is in case of row object
// created from rowset)
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { nTotalColsToAlloc = nCols - m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; } else { nTotalColsToAlloc = nCols; }
if( !m_pbColumnNames || m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL){
if( nCols > 0 ){
// Allocate memory for the columns names.Commit it all, then de-commit and release
// once we know size.
m_pbColumnNames = (WCHAR *) VirtualAlloc( NULL, nSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if (NULL == m_pbColumnNames){ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else{ //=================================================================
// Initialize ptrs to the beginning of the column name buffer
m_lpCurrentName = m_pbColumnNames; m_cbFreeColumnNameBytes = nSize; hr = S_OK; } } } return hr; }
// Add a column name to the list of columns
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::AddColumnNameToList(WCHAR * pColumnName, DBCOLUMNINFO ** pCol) {
// initialize stuff
int nLen = wcslen(pColumnName) * sizeof(WCHAR); (*pCol)->pwszName = NULL;
if( nLen > 0 ){ //=============================================================
// Store the Column Name in the Heap, providing there is one
if (!( (!m_cbFreeColumnNameBytes) || ( ((ULONG) nLen + 2 ) <= m_cbFreeColumnNameBytes ))){
// Reallocate and copy what was there to new buffer
} else{ //=====================================================
// we have enough space, so
// Copy the name of the column to the memory and set
// a ptr to it in the DBCOLINFO struct
memcpy( m_lpCurrentName, pColumnName, nLen); (*pCol)->pwszName = m_lpCurrentName;
// Increment the current ptr, add a NULL,and decrement
// free bytes
m_lpCurrentName += wcslen(pColumnName);//nLen;
m_cbFreeColumnNameBytes -= nLen;
*m_lpCurrentName++ = NULL; m_cbFreeColumnNameBytes--;
hr = S_OK; } } return hr; }
// Set the rows size
ULONG_PTR cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::SetRowSize() { ULONG_PTR lRowSize = 0; // Adjust the rowsize , if there is a source rowset ( which is in case of row object
// created from rowset)
if (NULL != m_pSrcRsColInfo) { lRowSize = ROUND_UP( m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_dwOffset, COLUMN_ALIGNVAL ); }
lRowSize += ROUND_UP( m_dwOffset, COLUMN_ALIGNVAL ); //=================================================================
// Set the row size
// return ( ROUND_UP( m_dwOffset, COLUMN_ALIGNVAL ));
return lRowSize; }
// Free unused memory
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::FreeUnusedMemory() { //==================================================================================
// Decommit unused memory in our column-name buffer. We know it will never grow
// beyond what it is now. Decommit all pages past where we currently are.
LPVOID pDiscardPage; DBLENGTH ulSize;
pDiscardPage = (LPVOID)ROUND_UP( m_lpCurrentName, g_dwPageSize ); ulSize = (ULONG)(MAX_HEAP_SIZE - ((BYTE *)pDiscardPage - (BYTE*) m_pbColumnNames)); if (ulSize > 0){ VirtualFree( pDiscardPage, ulSize, MEM_DECOMMIT ); }
// We shouldn't generate a mem fault.
assert( '\0' == (*m_lpCurrentName = '\0'));
return S_OK; }
// Free the columninfo list
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::FreeColumnInfoList() { //===============================================================
// Release buffer for column names
SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_DBColInfoList ); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( m_rgdwDataOffsets ); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_rgCIMType); return S_OK;
// free the column name list
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::FreeColumnNameList() { //===============================================================
// Release buffer for column names
if (NULL != m_pbColumnNames){ VirtualFree((VOID *) m_pbColumnNames, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); m_pbColumnNames = NULL; } return S_OK;
// allocate a new colinfo and Copy column information
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::CopyColumnInfoList(DBCOLUMNINFO *& pNew,BOOL bBookMark) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ULONG_PTR nBytesToAlloc = m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed; DBCOLUMNINFO * pTemp = NULL; ULONG_PTR cSourceBytesToBeCopied = 0;
// Adjust the bytes to be allocated for column info , if there is a source rowset ( which is in case of row object
// created from rowset)
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { pTemp = m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_DBColInfoList; cSourceBytesToBeCopied = m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed;
nBytesToAlloc += cSourceBytesToBeCopied;
// If there is no bookmarks required , then calculate
// the bytes to be copied accordingly
if( bBookMark == FALSE) { pTemp = pTemp++; cSourceBytesToBeCopied -= sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO); } }
if( bBookMark == FALSE) { nBytesToAlloc -= sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO); }
try { pNew = (DBCOLUMNINFO *)g_pIMalloc->Alloc( nBytesToAlloc ); } catch(...) { if(pNew) { g_pIMalloc->Free(pNew); } throw; } if( pNew ){ //===================================================================================================================
// if there is a source rowset then copy the col info of the source rowset and then col info of the remaining
// columns
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { memcpy(pNew,pTemp,cSourceBytesToBeCopied); memcpy(((BYTE *)pNew) + cSourceBytesToBeCopied,m_DBColInfoList,m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed); } else { if(bBookMark == TRUE) { memcpy(pNew,m_DBColInfoList,m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed); } else { memcpy(pNew,&m_DBColInfoList[1],m_cbColumnInfoBytesUsed-sizeof(DBCOLUMNINFO)); } } hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
// Copy column names to the buffer
HRESULT cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::CopyColumnNamesList(WCHAR *& pNew) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DBLENGTH nBytesUsed = (ULONG)((m_lpCurrentName - m_pbColumnNames) * sizeof(WCHAR)); DBLENGTH nBytesUsedBySrcRs = 0; WCHAR *pTemp = NULL;
pTemp = m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL ? m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_pbColumnNames : m_pbColumnNames;
// Adjust the bytes to be allocated for column names , if there is a source rowset ( which is in case of row object
// created from rowset)
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { nBytesUsedBySrcRs = (m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_lpCurrentName - m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_pbColumnNames) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
try { pNew = (WCHAR *)g_pIMalloc->Alloc( nBytesUsed + nBytesUsedBySrcRs); } // try
catch(...) { if(pNew) { g_pIMalloc->Free(pNew); }
throw; } if( pNew ) { //===================================================================================================================
// if there is a source rowset then copy the names of the source rowset and then the names of the remaining
// columns
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { memcpy( pNew, pTemp, nBytesUsedBySrcRs); memcpy( ((BYTE *)pNew) + nBytesUsedBySrcRs, m_pbColumnNames, nBytesUsed); } else { memcpy( pNew, pTemp, nBytesUsed); } hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; }
// Gives the ordinal of the column given the name of the column
DBORDINAL cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetColOrdinal(WCHAR *pColName) { DBORDINAL lOrdinal = -1; DBCOUNTITEM cCols = m_cbTotalCols;
// Adjust the ordinal fo the column , if there is a source rowset ( which is in case of row object
// created from rowset)
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { lOrdinal = m_pSrcRsColInfo->GetColOrdinal(pColName); cCols = m_cbTotalCols - m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; }
// If ordinal is not found in the source rowset then search in the current col info
if( (DB_LORDINAL)lOrdinal == -1) { for(DBORDINAL lIndex = 0 ; lIndex < cCols ; lIndex++) { if(m_DBColInfoList[lIndex].pwszName != NULL) if(0 == _wcsicmp(m_DBColInfoList[lIndex].pwszName,pColName)) { lOrdinal = m_DBColInfoList[lIndex].iOrdinal; break; } } }
return lOrdinal; }
// Gives the column type of the column
DBTYPE cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::ColumnType(DBORDINAL icol) { if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL && icol < m_nFirstIndex) { return m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_DBColInfoList[icol].wType; } else { return m_DBColInfoList[icol-m_nFirstIndex].wType; } }
// Gives the name of the columns
WCHAR * cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::ColumnName(DBORDINAL icol) { if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL && icol < m_nFirstIndex) { return m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_DBColInfoList[icol].pwszName; } else { return m_DBColInfoList[icol-m_nFirstIndex].pwszName; } }
// Gives the column flags of a particular column
DBCOLUMNFLAGS cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::ColumnFlags(DBORDINAL icol) { if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL && icol < m_nFirstIndex) { return m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_DBColInfoList[icol].dwFlags; } else { return m_DBColInfoList[icol-m_nFirstIndex].dwFlags; } }
// Get the offset of a particular columns
DBBYTEOFFSET cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetDataOffset(DBORDINAL icol) { if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL && icol < m_nFirstIndex) { return m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_rgdwDataOffsets[icol]; } else { return m_rgdwDataOffsets[icol-m_nFirstIndex]; } }
// Get the total number of columns in the col info manager for a particula row/rowset
DBCOUNTITEM cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetTotalNumberOfColumns() { DBCOUNTITEM cColumns = m_cbTotalCols; if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { cColumns += m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; }
return m_cbTotalCols;
// Get the number of columns in the sources rowset
DBCOUNTITEM cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetNumberOfColumnsInSourceRowset() { DBCOUNTITEM cColumns = 0; if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { cColumns = m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_cbTotalCols; } return cColumns; }
// Set the CIMTYPE of the column
// IF index is -1 then set the CIMTYPE of the current col
void cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::SetCIMType(ULONG dwCIMType,DBORDINAL lIndex) { if((DB_LORDINAL)lIndex == -1) { lIndex = m_cbCurrentIndex; } if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL && lIndex < m_nFirstIndex) { m_rgCIMType[lIndex] = dwCIMType; } else { m_rgCIMType[lIndex-m_nFirstIndex] = dwCIMType; } }
// Get the CIMTYPE of the column
LONG cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetCIMType(DBORDINAL icol) { LONG lRet = -1; if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL && icol < m_nFirstIndex) { lRet = m_rgCIMType[icol]; } else { lRet = m_rgCIMType[icol-m_nFirstIndex]; } return lRet; }
// get the number of bytes copied for source rowset
DBLENGTH cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetCountOfBytesCopiedForSrcRs() { DBLENGTH nBytesUsedBySrcRs = 0; //===================================================================================================================
// Adjust the bytes to be allocated for column names , if there is a source rowset ( which is in case of row object
// created from rowset)
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { nBytesUsedBySrcRs = (m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_lpCurrentName - m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_pbColumnNames) * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { nBytesUsedBySrcRs = 0; }
return nBytesUsedBySrcRs;
// get the pointer to starting point of the column names
WCHAR * cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::ColumnNameListStartingPoint() { return m_pbColumnNames; }
// get the current index
DBORDINAL cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::GetCurrentIndex() { return (m_cbCurrentIndex + m_nFirstIndex); }
// get the pointer to starting point of the column names for the source rowset
WCHAR * cRowColumnInfoMemMgr::ColumnNameListStartingPointOfSrcRs() { WCHAR *pwszRet = NULL;
if(m_pSrcRsColInfo != NULL) { pwszRet = m_pSrcRsColInfo->m_pbColumnNames; }
return pwszRet; }