// Microsoft WMI OLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Command base Routines
#ifndef __COMMAND_H__
#define __COMMAND_H__
#include "errinf.h"
#include "utlparam.h"
#include "utilprop.h"
class CCommand; class CImpIAccessor; class CColInfo; class CImpIColumnsInfoCmd;
typedef CCommand* PCCOMMAND; typedef CImpIConvertType* PIMPICONVERTTYPE; typedef CImpIColumnsInfoCmd* PIMPCOLINFOCMD;
// For CCommand::m_dwStatus
// These are bit masks.
enum COMMAND_STATUS_FLAG { // Command Object status flags
CMD_TEXT_SET = 0x00000001, // Set when the command is set
CMD_READY = 0x00000002, //
CMD_EXECUTED_ONCE = 0x00000004, // Set when the command has changed.
CMD_TEXT_PARSED = 0X00000008, // Set if text has been parsed
CMD_PARAMS_USED = 0x00000010, // command uses parameters
CMD_HAVE_COLUMNINFO = 0x00000020, CMD_EXEC_CANCELED = 0x00000040, CMD_EXEC_CANCELED_BEFORE_CQUERY_SET = 0x00000080, /* = 0x00000100,
= 0x00000200, = 0x00000400, = 0x00000800, = 0x00001000, = 0x00002000, = 0x00004000, = 0x00008000, = 0x00010000, = 0x00020000, = 0x10000000, = 0x20000000,*/ }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Constant values for dwFlags on ICommand::Execute
const DWORD EXECUTE_NOROWSET = 0x00000001; const DWORD EXECUTE_SUCCESSWITHINFO = 0x00000002; const DWORD EXECUTE_NEWSTMT = 0x00000004; const DWORD EXECUTE_NONROWRETURNING = 0x00000008; const DWORD EXECUTE_RESTART = 0x00000010; const DWORD EXECUTE_MULTIPLERESULTS = 0x00000020; const DWORD EXECUTE_NULL_PROWSETPROPS = 0x00000040; const DWORD EXECUTE_ERROR = 0x00000080;
// Used in escape code processing
const WCHAR x_wchSTX = L'\02'; const WCHAR x_wchETX = L'\03';
// CCommand::m_prgbCallParams constants
// Defines for UnprepareHelper
struct PARAMTYPE { PWSTR pwszName; // Type Name
WORD wWMIType; // Default WMI Server Type for above name
WORD wDBType; // Default OLE DB type for above name
LONG cbLength; // length of WMI Server Type
class CQuery { private:
DWORD m_dwStatus; // Execution Status Flags
DWORD m_dwCancelStatus; // Cancel status flags
LPWSTR m_pwstrWMIText; // current WMI text, if any
ULONG m_cwchWMIText; // length of current WMI text
GUID m_guidCmdDialect; // GUID for dialect of current text or tree
unsigned int m_uRsType; CFlexArray * m_pParamList; // Consumer provided param info
CUtlParam* m_pCUtlParam; LPWSTR m_pwstrQryLang;
CQuery (); ~CQuery();
CCriticalSection *m_pcsQuery; //Critical Section for Query
HRESULT InitQuery(BSTR strQryLang = NULL); HRESULT SetQuery(LPCOLESTR wcsQuery, GUID rguidDialect); HRESULT SetDefaultQuery(); HRESULT GetQuery(WCHAR *& wcsQuery); LPWSTR GetQuery() { return m_pwstrWMIText; } LPWSTR GetQueryLang() { return m_pwstrQryLang; } HRESULT CancelQuery(); HRESULT AddConsumerParamInfo(ULONG_PTR ulParams,PPARAMINFO pParamInfo);
inline DWORD GetStatus() { return m_dwStatus; } inline DWORD GetStatus(DWORD dw) { return (m_dwStatus & dw); } inline void SetStatus(DWORD dw) { m_dwStatus |= dw; } inline void InitStatus(DWORD dw) { m_dwStatus = dw; } inline void ClearStatus(DWORD dw) { m_dwStatus &= ~dw; }
inline GUID GetDialectGuid() { return m_guidCmdDialect; }
inline DWORD GetCancelStatus() { return m_dwCancelStatus;} inline void SetCancelStatus(DWORD dw) { m_dwCancelStatus |= dw; } inline void ClearCancelStatus(DWORD dw) { m_dwCancelStatus &= ~dw; }
inline BOOL FIsEmpty() const { return (m_cwchWMIText == 0); } inline BYTE* RgbCallParams() const { return m_prgbCallParams;} inline BOOL FAreParametersUsed() { return !!(m_dwStatus & CMD_PARAMS_USED); }; inline void SetProviderParamInfo(PPARAMINFO prgParamInfo){ m_prgProviderParamInfo = prgParamInfo; } void DeleteConsumerParamInfo(void); HRESULT SetQueryLanguage(BSTR strQryLang); PPARAMINFO GetParamInfo(ULONG iParams); inline void SetBindInfo(CUtlParam* pCUtlParam){ pCUtlParam->AddRef(); m_pCUtlParam = pCUtlParam; }
PPARAMINFO m_prgProviderParamInfo; BYTE* m_prgbCallParams; // information about param markes
// in {call..} statements
inline PPARAMINFO GetParam(ULONG u ) { if(m_pParamList != NULL) return (PPARAMINFO) m_pParamList->GetAt(u); else return NULL; }
inline ULONG GetParamCount() const { if( m_pParamList ) return m_pParamList->Size(); return 0; } inline void RemoveParam(ULONG_PTR u) { if( m_pParamList ) m_pParamList->RemoveAt((int)u); } inline unsigned int GetType() { return m_uRsType;} inline void SetType(unsigned int x) { m_uRsType = x; } DBTYPE GetParamType(DBORDINAL lOrdinal);
}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CImpICommandText : public ICommandText { private: PCCOMMAND m_pcmd; DEBUGCODE(ULONG m_cRef);
public: CImpICommandText(PCCOMMAND pcmd) { m_pcmd = pcmd; DEBUGCODE(m_cRef = 0); } ~CImpICommandText() {}
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv); STDMETHODIMP Cancel(); STDMETHODIMP Execute( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, DBPARAMS* pParams, DBROWCOUNT* pcRowsAffected, IUnknown** ppRowset ); STDMETHODIMP GetDBSession(REFIID riid, IUnknown** ppSession);
STDMETHODIMP GetCommandText(GUID* pguidDialect, LPOLESTR* ppwszCommand); STDMETHODIMP SetCommandText(REFGUID rguidDialect, LPCOLESTR pwszCommand); }; typedef CImpICommandText* PIMPICOMMANDTEXT;
class CImpICommandWithParameters : public ICommandWithParameters { private: DEBUGCODE(ULONG m_cRef); PCCOMMAND m_pcmd;
public: CImpICommandWithParameters(PCCOMMAND pcmd){ DEBUGCODE(m_cRef = 0L); m_pcmd = pcmd; } ~CImpICommandWithParameters() {} STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);
STDMETHODIMP GetParameterInfo( DB_UPARAMS* pcParams, DBPARAMINFO** prgParamInfo, OLECHAR** ppNamesBuffer ); STDMETHODIMP MapParameterNames( DB_UPARAMS cParamNames, const OLECHAR* rgParamNames[], DB_LPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[] ); STDMETHODIMP SetParameterInfo( DB_UPARAMS cParams, const DB_UPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[], const DBPARAMBINDINFO rgParamBindInfo[] ); };
class CImpICommandProperties : public ICommandProperties { private: DEBUGCODE(ULONG m_cRef); PCCOMMAND m_pcmd;
CImpICommandProperties(PCCOMMAND pcmd){ DEBUGCODE(m_cRef = 0L); m_pcmd = pcmd; } ~CImpICommandProperties() {}
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv); STDMETHODIMP GetProperties( const ULONG cPropertySets, const DBPROPIDSET rgPropertySets[], ULONG* pcProperties, DBPROPSET** prgProperties ); STDMETHODIMP SetProperties( ULONG cProperties, DBPROPSET rgProperties[] ); };
typedef CImpICommandProperties* PIMPICOMMANDPROPERTIES;
class CCommand : public CBaseObj { // Contained interfaces are friends
friend class CImpIAccessor; friend class CImpICommandText; friend class CImpICommandWithParameters; friend class CImpICommandProperties; friend class CImpIColumnsInfo; friend class CImpIConvertType; friend class CImpIPersistFile; friend class CImpISupportErrorInfo; friend class CTableDefinition; friend class CIndexDefinition; friend class CImpIColumnsInfoCmd;
protected: CImpIAccessor *m_pIAccessor; CImpICommandText *m_pICommandText; CImpICommandWithParameters *m_pICommandWithParameters; CImpICommandProperties *m_pICommandProperties; CImpIColumnsInfoCmd *m_pIColumnsInfo; CImpIConvertType *m_pIConvertType; CImpISupportErrorInfo *m_pISupportErrorInfo;
LPBITARRAY m_pbitarrayParams; //@cmember bit array to mark referenced params
CDBSession* m_pCDBSession; //Parent Session Object
CUtilProp * m_pUtilProps; //Rowset Properties
CError m_CError; //Error data object
CQuery* m_pQuery; //Statement object
ULONG m_cRowsetsOpen; //Count of Active Rowsets on this command object
GUID m_guidImpersonate; // Impersonation GUID
// DBCOLUMNINFO m_CRowMetadata; // metadata for first statement in the command
CExtBuffer m_extNamePool; // name pool for row metadata
DWORD m_dwStatusPrep; // rowset status for prepared command
cRowColumnInfoMemMgr * m_pColumns; DBCOUNTITEM m_cTotalCols; // Total number of columns
DBCOUNTITEM m_cCols; // Count of Parent Columns in Result Set
DBCOUNTITEM m_cNestedCols; // Number of child rowsets ( chaptered columns)
HRESULT AddInterfacesForISupportErrorInfo();
public: CCommand(CDBSession* pCSession, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter); ~CCommand();
inline CImpIAccessor * GetIAccessorPtr() { return m_pIAccessor; } HRESULT FInit(CCommand* pCloneCmd, const IID* piid); HRESULT FInit(WORD wRowsetProps = 0);
virtual HRESULT ReExecute(CRowset* pCRowset,LONG* pcCursorRows, WORD* pcCols );
inline HRESULT CheckCanceledHelper(CQuery* pstmt); inline CDBSession* GetSessionObject() { return m_pCDBSession; }; inline CQuery* GetStmt() { return m_pQuery; } inline CError* GetErrorData() { return &m_CError; } // inline CUtilProps* GetRowsetProps() { return &m_CUtilProps;}
inline void DecrementOpenRowsets() { if(m_cRowsetsOpen > 0) {InterlockedDecrement( (LONG*) &m_cRowsetsOpen ); assert( m_cRowsetsOpen != ULONG(-1) );} } inline void IncrementOpenRowsets() { InterlockedIncrement( (LONG*) &m_cRowsetsOpen ); } inline BOOL IsRowsetOpen() { return (m_cRowsetsOpen > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; };
HRESULT GetColumnInfo( const IID* piid, DBCOLUMNINFO *pDBCOLUMNINFO, // OUT | pointer to the row metadata
CExtBuffer **ppextBuffer // OUT | pointer to the name pool
); void SetColumnInfo( DBCOLUMNINFO *DBCOLUMNINFO, // IN | pointer to the row metadata
CExtBuffer * pextBuffer); // IN | pointer to the name pool
STDMETHODIMP MapParameterNames( DB_UPARAMS cPNames, const OLECHAR* rgPNames[], DB_LPARAMS rgPOrdinals[], const IID* piid ); STDMETHODIMP Execute( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, DBPARAMS* pParams, DBROWCOUNT* pcRowsAffected, IUnknown** ppRowsets ); STDMETHODIMP ExecuteWithParameters( DBPARAMS *pParams, DWORD *dwFlags, const IID *piid ); STDMETHODIMP OpenRowset( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, DBID* pTableID, REFIID riid, ULONG cPropertySets, DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[], IUnknown** ppRowset); STDMETHODIMP UnprepareHelper(DWORD dwUnprepareType); STDMETHODIMP PostExecuteErrors( CErrorData* pErrorData, const IID* piid ); STDMETHODIMP PostExecuteWarnings( CErrorData* pErrorData, const IID* piid ); STDMETHODIMP GetParamInfo( const IID *piid ); PPARAMINFO GetParamInfo( ULONG i) { return m_pQuery->GetParamInfo(i);}
HRESULT GetParameterInfo( DB_UPARAMS* pcParams, DBPARAMINFO** prgDBParamInfo, WCHAR** ppNamesBuffer, const IID* piid ); HRESULT SetParameterInfo( DB_UPARAMS cParams, const DB_UPARAMS rgParamOrdinals[], const DBPARAMBINDINFO rgParamBindInfo[] );
BOOL FHaveBookmarks(); ULONG GetParamCount() { return m_pQuery->GetParamCount();} DBTYPE GetParamType(DBORDINAL lOrdinal) { return m_pQuery->GetParamType(lOrdinal); } HRESULT GetQueryLanguage(VARIANT &varProp); };
class CImpIColumnsInfoCmd : public IColumnsInfo { private: DEBUGCODE(ULONG m_cRef); PCCOMMAND m_pcmd;
HRESULT GetColInfo(DBORDINAL* pcColumns, DBCOLUMNINFO** prgInfo,WCHAR** ppStringsBuffer); HRESULT GatherColumnInfo(); public:
CImpIColumnsInfoCmd(PCCOMMAND pcmd) { DEBUGCODE(m_cRef = 0L); m_pcmd = pcmd; }
~CImpIColumnsInfoCmd() { }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void) { DEBUGCODE(InterlockedIncrement((long*)&m_cRef)); return m_pcmd->GetOuterUnknown()->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void) { DEBUGCODE(long lRef = InterlockedDecrement((long*)&m_cRef); if( lRef < 0 ){ ASSERT("Reference count on Object went below 0!") }) return m_pcmd->GetOuterUnknown()->Release();
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { return m_pcmd->GetOuterUnknown()->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); }
#endif // __COMMAND_H__