// Microsoft WMIOLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// CWBEMWRAP.CPP | CWbem* class implementation. These are classes talking to WMI
// NTRaid:: 139685 Transaction support removed
#define _WIN32_DCOM
#include "headers.h"
//#include <wbemprov.h>
const WCHAR szSelectCountQry[] = L"select __PATH from "; const WCHAR szWhereClause[] = L" WHERE __CLASS=\""; const WCHAR szDoubleQuotes[] = L"\""; const WCHAR szReferenceOfQry[] = L"REFERENCES"; const WCHAR szAssociatersQry[] = L"ASSOCIATORS"; const WCHAR szWQL[] = L"WQL"; const WCHAR szLDAP[] = L"LDAP"; const WCHAR szLDAPSQL[] = L"SQL"; const WCHAR szInstance[] = L"WMIInstance"; const WCHAR szCollection[] = L"Collection";
BOOL AllocateAndCopy( WCHAR *& pwcsDestination, WCHAR * pwcsSource ) { BOOL fRc = FALSE; if( wcslen( pwcsSource ) > 0){ pwcsDestination = new WCHAR[wcslen(pwcsSource)+2]; wcscpy(pwcsDestination,pwcsSource); fRc = TRUE; } return fRc; }
HRESULT MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(HRESULT hrToMap) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; switch( hrToMap ){
case S_OK: hr = S_OK; break;
case WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED : hr = DB_SEC_E_PERMISSIONDENIED; LogMessage("Access denied to do this operation" , hr); break;
case WBEM_E_CANNOT_BE_KEY: hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED; LogMessage("Error in setting a property as Key" , hr); break;
case WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND : hr = E_UNEXPECTED; LogMessage("Object not found" , hr); break;
case WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS : hr = DB_E_NOTABLE; LogMessage("The class specified is not present" , hr); break;
case WBEMERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND : hr = DB_E_BADCOLUMNID; LogMessage("Object not found" , hr); break;
case WBEM_E_INVALID_OPERATION : hr = DB_E_DROPRESTRICTED; LogMessage("Provider not able to drop do the operation as the operation is invalid" , hr); break;
case WBEMERROR_QUALIFIER_NOT_FOUND : hr = DB_E_BADCOLUMNID; LogMessage("Qualifier does not exist" , hr); break;
case WBEM_E_PROPAGATED_PROPERTY : hr = DB_E_DROPRESTRICTED; LogMessage("Error due to attempt to delete a property that was not owned" , hr); break;
case WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE: hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED; LogMessage("Invalid Namespace" , hr); break;
case E_ACCESSDENIED: hr = DB_SEC_E_PERMISSIONDENIED; LogMessage("Acess Denied" , hr); break;
case WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY: hr = DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND; LogMessage("Error in the query string" , hr); break;
//NTRaid 138547
case WBEM_E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED; LogMessage("User Name and password cannot be given for local machine" , hr); break;
// NTRaid:144995
case WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY_TYPE: hr = DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND; LogMessage("Invalid Query Type" , hr); break;
case S_FALSE: hr = S_FALSE; break;
default: hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemConnectionWrapper::CWbemConnectionWrapper() { // HRESULT hr = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
InitVars(); }
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::FInit(CWbemConnectionWrapper *pWrap , WCHAR *pstrPath,INSTANCELISTTYPE instListType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; InitVars(); CBSTR strPath(pstrPath); IWbemServicesEx *pSerEx = NULL; LONG lFlag = instListType == SCOPE ? WBEM_FLAG_OPEN_SCOPE : WBEM_FLAG_OPEN_COLLECTION; // Call the function to initialize the
hr = m_PrivelagesToken.FInit(); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && SUCCEEDED(pWrap->GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServicesEx,(void **)&pSerEx))) { if(pstrPath) { IWbemServicesEx *pCollectionEx = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr =pSerEx->Open(strPath,NULL,lFlag,NULL,&pCollectionEx,NULL))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pCollectionEx->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServices,(void **)&m_pIWbemServices))) { m_pDataSourceCon = pWrap; } } } else { hr = pSerEx->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServices,(void **)&m_pIWbemServices); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pSerEx); } return hr; }
CWbemConnectionWrapper::~CWbemConnectionWrapper() { // CoUninitialize();
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemServices); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pCtx); if(m_strUser) { SysFreeString(m_strUser); } if(m_strPassword) { SysFreeString(m_strPassword); } if(m_strLocale) { SysFreeString(m_strLocale); } if(m_strAuthority) { SysFreeString(m_strAuthority); }
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CWbemConnectionWrapper::InitVars() { m_vNamespace.SetStr(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE);
m_pIWbemServices = NULL; m_pCtx = NULL; m_dwAuthnLevel = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE; m_dwImpLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT; m_strUser = NULL; m_strPassword = NULL; m_strLocale = NULL; m_pDataSourceCon = NULL; m_strAuthority = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWbemConnectionWrapper::ValidConnection() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if( m_pIWbemServices ){ bRet = TRUE; } if( S_OK == GetConnectionToWbem() ){ bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CWbemConnectionWrapper::SetValidNamespace(VARIANT * v) { if((V_VT(v) == VT_NULL ) || (V_VT(v) == VT_EMPTY )){ m_vNamespace.SetStr(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE); } else{ m_vNamespace.SetStr(V_BSTR(v)); } }
void CWbemConnectionWrapper::SetUserInfo(BSTR strUser,BSTR strPassword,BSTR strAuthority) { m_strUser = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(strUser); m_strPassword = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(strPassword); m_strAuthority = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(strAuthority); }
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetConnectionToWbem( void ) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemLocator *pLoc = 0; IWbemServicesEx *pSer = NULL;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &pLoc); if(SUCCEEDED(hr )){
hr = pLoc->ConnectServer(m_vNamespace,m_strUser, m_strPassword, m_strLocale,0, m_strAuthority, 0, &m_pIWbemServices ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr)){ IClientSecurity *pClientSecurity = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(m_pIWbemServices->QueryInterface(IID_IClientSecurity,(void **)&pClientSecurity))) { hr = CoSetProxyBlanket( m_pIWbemServices, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE, NULL, m_dwAuthnLevel, m_dwImpLevel, NULL, EOAC_NONE ); pClientSecurity->Release(); }
HRESULT hr1 = m_pIWbemServices->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServicesEx,(void **)&pSer); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pSer); } pLoc->Release(); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && !g_pIWbemCtxClassFac) { CoGetClassObject(CLSID_WbemContext,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,NULL,IID_IClassFactory,(void **)&g_pIWbemCtxClassFac); } if(hr == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE; } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Set the conneciton attributes for the connection
void CWbemConnectionWrapper::SetConnAttributes(DWORD dwAuthnLevel , DWORD dwImpLevel) { m_dwAuthnLevel = dwAuthnLevel; m_dwImpLevel = dwImpLevel; }
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::DeleteClass(BSTR strClassName) { HRESULT hr = m_pIWbemServices->DeleteClass(strClassName, 0,NULL,NULL); if(hr == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS; }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Begin a transaction
// Removing transaction support as per alanbos mail ( core is removing the support)
// 06/30/2000
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::BeginTransaction(ULONG uTimeout,ULONG uFlags,GUID *pTransGUID) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* IWbemTransaction * pWbemTrans = NULL;
IWbemServicesEx *pTest = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemTransaction,(void **)&pWbemTrans))) { hr = pWbemTrans->Begin(uTimeout,uFlags,pTransGUID); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pWbemTrans); */ return hr; }
// Commit/Rollback a transaction
// Removing transaction support as per alanbos mail ( core is removing the support)
// 06/30/2000
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::CompleteTransaction(BOOL bRollBack,ULONG uFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* IWbemTransaction * pWbemTrans = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemTransaction,(void **)&pWbemTrans))) { if(bRollBack) { hr = pWbemTrans->Rollback(uFlags); } else { hr = pWbemTrans->Commit(uFlags); } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pWbemTrans); */ return hr; }
IWbemServices* CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetServicesPtr() { return m_pIWbemServices; }
WCHAR * CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetNamespace() { WCHAR *pNameSpace = NULL; if(!m_pDataSourceCon) { pNameSpace = m_vNamespace.GetStr(); } else { pNameSpace = m_pDataSourceCon->GetNamespace(); } return pNameSpace; }
// Set the Locale Identifier
void CWbemConnectionWrapper::SetLocale(LONG lLocaleID) { WCHAR wstrLocale[LOCALESTRING_MAXSIZE]; swprintf(wstrLocale,L"MS_%x",lLocaleID); m_strLocale = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(wstrLocale); }
// Create an new namespace and initialize the wrapper
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::CreateNameSpace() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR strNameSpace = NULL; BSTR strParentNameSpace = NULL; CURLParser urlParser;
if(m_pIWbemServices) { hr = DB_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED; } else { VARIANT varTemp; VariantInit(&varTemp); varTemp.vt = VT_BSTR; urlParser.SetPath(m_vNamespace.GetStr()); if(SUCCEEDED(hr = urlParser.ParseNameSpace(strParentNameSpace,strNameSpace))) { varTemp.bstrVal = strParentNameSpace; SetValidNamespace(&varTemp); // connect to the Parent namespace
if(SUCCEEDED(hr =GetConnectionToWbem())) { IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; CBSTR strNamespaceClass(L"__NameSpace");
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIWbemServices->GetObject((BSTR)strNamespaceClass,WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE,NULL,&pClass,NULL))) { // Create the namespace instance and save the object
// after saving the name
IWbemClassObject *pNewInstance = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pClass->SpawnInstance(0,&pNewInstance))) { varTemp.bstrVal = strNameSpace; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pNewInstance->Put(L"Name",0,&varTemp,CIM_STRING)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIWbemServices->PutInstance(pNewInstance,WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY,NULL,NULL))) { // Open the namespace and replace the IWbemServices pointer to point to new namespcee
IWbemServices *pTempSer = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIWbemServices->OpenNamespace(strNameSpace,WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE,m_pCtx,&pTempSer,NULL))) { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemServices); pTempSer->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServices,(void **)&m_pIWbemServices); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pTempSer); } } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pNewInstance); } } SysFreeString(strParentNameSpace); SysFreeString(strNameSpace); urlParser.GetNameSpace(strNameSpace); varTemp.bstrVal = strNameSpace;
// Set the correct namespace
SetValidNamespace(&varTemp); SysFreeString(strNameSpace);
hr = MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } } if(FAILED(hr)) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pIWbemServices); }
return hr; }
// Delete a namespace
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::DeleteNameSpace() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR strNameSpace = NULL; BSTR strParentNameSpace = NULL; CURLParser urlParser;
if(m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { VARIANT varTemp; VariantInit(&varTemp); varTemp.vt = VT_BSTR; urlParser.SetPath(m_vNamespace.GetStr()); if(SUCCEEDED(hr = urlParser.ParseNameSpace(strParentNameSpace,strNameSpace))) { // Store the pointer in temporary variable
IWbemServices *pSerTemp = NULL; m_pIWbemServices->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServices,(void **)&pSerTemp); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemServices);
varTemp.bstrVal = strParentNameSpace; SetValidNamespace(&varTemp); // connect to the Parent namespace
if(SUCCEEDED(hr =GetConnectionToWbem())) { WCHAR strNameSpaceObject[PATH_MAXLENGTH]; wcscpy(strNameSpaceObject,L""); swprintf(strNameSpaceObject,L"__NAMESPACE.Name=\"%s\"",strNameSpace);
CBSTR strNameSpacePath(strNameSpaceObject);
// Delete the namespace instance
if(FAILED(hr = m_pIWbemServices->DeleteInstance(strNameSpacePath,WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE,m_pCtx,NULL))) { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemServices); strNameSpacePath.Clear(); urlParser.GetNameSpace((BSTR &)strNameSpacePath); varTemp.bstrVal = (BSTR)strNameSpacePath; // Set the correct namespace
SetValidNamespace(&varTemp); pSerTemp->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServices, (void **)&m_pIWbemServices);
} else { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemServices); } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pSerTemp); SysFreeString(strParentNameSpace); SysFreeString(strNameSpace); } hr = MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
return hr; }
// Delete a namespace
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetObjectAccessRights(BSTR strPath, ULONG *pcAccessEntries, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W **prgAccessEntries, ULONG ulAccessEntries, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W *pAccessEntries) { IWbemServicesEx *pSerEx = NULL; IWbemRawSdAccessor *pSdAccessor = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
*pcAccessEntries = 0; *prgAccessEntries = NULL;
if(m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { CWbemSecurityDescriptor wbemSD; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = wbemSD.Init(m_pIWbemServices,strPath,GetContext()))) { PACL pDacl; BOOL bDacl = TRUE; BOOL bDefaultDacl = TRUE; if(GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(wbemSD.GetSecurityDescriptor(),&bDacl,&pDacl,&bDefaultDacl) && bDacl ) { hr = GetExplicitEntriesFromAclW(pDacl,pcAccessEntries,prgAccessEntries); } else // DACL for SD was null
if(bDacl == FALSE) { hr = FALSE; } } else if(hr == WBEM_E_NULL_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) { hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
// Delete a namespace
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::SetObjectAccessRights(BSTR strPath, ULONG ulAccessEntries, EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W *pAccessEntries) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { CWbemSecurityDescriptor wbemSD; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = wbemSD.Init(m_pIWbemServices,strPath,GetContext()))) { PACL pDacl; BOOL bDacl = TRUE; BOOL bDefaultDacl = TRUE; // Get the security descriptor DACL for the given Security descriptor
if(GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(wbemSD.GetSecurityDescriptor(),&bDacl,&pDacl,&bDefaultDacl) && bDacl ) { PACL pNewDacl; BOOL bRet = SetEntriesInAclW(ulAccessEntries,pAccessEntries,pDacl,&pNewDacl); if(bRet) { if(SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(wbemSD.GetSecurityDescriptor(),TRUE,pNewDacl,TRUE)) { hr = wbemSD.PutSD(); } } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } else // DACL for SD was null
if(bDacl == FALSE) { hr = FALSE; } } else if(hr == WBEM_E_NULL_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) { hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::SetObjectOwner(BSTR strPath,TRUSTEE_W *pOwner) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { CWbemSecurityDescriptor wbemSD; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = wbemSD.Init(m_pIWbemServices,strPath,GetContext()))) { PSID psid; if(!wbemSD.GetSID(pOwner,psid)) { hr = E_FAIL; } else if(SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(wbemSD.GetSecurityDescriptor(),psid,TRUE)) { // set the Security descriptor for the object
hr = wbemSD.PutSD(); } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
} else if(hr == WBEM_E_NULL_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) { hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetObjectOwner( BSTR strPath,TRUSTEE_W ** ppOwner) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { CWbemSecurityDescriptor wbemSD; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = wbemSD.Init(m_pIWbemServices,strPath,GetContext()))) { PSID psid; BOOL bOwnerDefaulted = TRUE; if(!GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(wbemSD.GetSecurityDescriptor(),&psid,&bOwnerDefaulted)) { hr = E_FAIL; } else if(psid == NULL) { hr = SEC_E_NOOWNER; } else BuildTrusteeWithSidW(*ppOwner,psid); } else if(hr == WBEM_E_NULL_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) { hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::IsObjectAccessAllowed( BSTR strPath,EXPLICIT_ACCESS_W *pAccessEntry,BOOL *pfResult) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; *pfResult = FALSE;
if(m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { CWbemSecurityDescriptor wbemSD; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = wbemSD.Init(m_pIWbemServices,strPath,GetContext()))) { PACL pDacl; BOOL bDacl = TRUE; BOOL bDefaultDacl = TRUE; ACCESS_MASK AccMask; // Get the security descriptor DACL for the given Security descriptor
if(GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(wbemSD.GetSecurityDescriptor(),&bDacl,&pDacl,&bDefaultDacl) && bDacl ) { // Get the permissions for a particular trustee
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == (hr = GetEffectiveRightsFromAclW(pDacl,&(pAccessEntry->Trustee),&AccMask))) { ACCESS_MASK AccMaskTemp; AccMaskTemp = AccMask & pAccessEntry->grfAccessPermissions; if(AccMaskTemp >= pAccessEntry->grfAccessPermissions) { *pfResult = TRUE; } } }
} else if(hr == WBEM_E_NULL_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) { hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
BOOL CWbemConnectionWrapper::IsValidObject(BSTR strPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if(m_pIWbemServices == NULL) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIWbemServices->GetObject(strPath,WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE,GetContext(),NULL,NULL))) { bRet = TRUE; } } return bRet; }
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetParameters(BSTR strPath,BSTR &strClassName,BSTR *strNameSpace) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemLocator *pLoc = NULL; IWbemServices *pSer = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pObject = NULL; VARIANT varProp; VariantInit(&varProp);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &pLoc); if(SUCCEEDED(hr )) {
hr = pLoc->ConnectServer(strNameSpace ? *strNameSpace : strPath, m_strUser, m_strPassword, m_strLocale,0, m_strAuthority, 0, &pSer);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IClientSecurity *pClientSecurity = NULL; hr = pSer->QueryInterface(IID_IClientSecurity,(void **)&pClientSecurity);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CoSetProxyBlanket( pSer,RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE, NULL, m_dwAuthnLevel, m_dwImpLevel, NULL, EOAC_NONE ); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClientSecurity); } else { hr = S_OK; }
if(strNameSpace) { hr = pSer->GetObject(strPath,0,NULL,&pObject,NULL); } else { hr = pSer->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject , (void **)&pObject); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pObject->Get(L"__CLASS",0,&varProp,NULL,NULL))) { strClassName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(varProp.bstrVal); VariantClear(&varProp); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pObject); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pSer); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pLoc); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// get the class name of the object pointed by the classname
// NTRaid : 134967
// 07/12/00
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetClassName(BSTR strPath,BSTR &strClassName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pObject = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIWbemServices->GetObject(strPath,WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE,GetContext(),&pObject,NULL))) { VARIANT varVal; VariantInit(&varVal); if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pObject->Get(L"__CLASS",0,&varVal,NULL,NULL))) { strClassName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(varVal.bstrVal); } VariantClear(&varVal); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pObject); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// 07/12/2000
// NTRaid : 142348
// function which executes Action queries
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::ExecuteQuery(CQuery *pQuery) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumObject = NULL;
CBSTR stQryLanguage(pQuery->GetQueryLang()); CBSTR strQuery(pQuery->GetQuery());
hr = m_pIWbemServices->ExecQuery(stQryLanguage,strQuery,0,GetContext(),&pEnumObject); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pEnumObject);
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// function which gets the pointer to the the object for which it is pointing
// If the connection doesn not point to object then this returns the namespace
HRESULT CWbemConnectionWrapper::GetNodeName(BSTR &strNode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pObject = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pIWbemServices->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject,(void **)&pObject))) { VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); if(FAILED(hr = pObject->Get(L"__URL",0,&var,NULL,NULL))) { hr = pObject->Get(L"__PATH",0,&var,NULL,NULL); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strNode = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(var.bstrVal); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pObject); VariantClear(&var); } else { strNode = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(GetNamespace()); hr = S_OK; }
return hr;
// CWbemClassParameters
CWbemClassParameters::CWbemClassParameters(DWORD dwFlags,WCHAR * pClassName,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap ) { m_dwNavFlags = 0; m_dwFlags = dwFlags; m_dwQueryFlags = WBEM_FLAG_SHALLOW; m_pConnection = pWrap; m_pwcsClassName = NULL; m_bSystemProperties = FALSE; m_pwcsClassName = NULL; m_pwcsParentClassName = NULL; m_pIContext = NULL; }
CWbemClassParameters::CWbemClassParameters(DWORD dwFlags,IDispatch *pDisp,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap ) { m_dwNavFlags = 0; m_dwFlags = dwFlags; m_pConnection = pWrap; m_pwcsClassName = NULL; m_bSystemProperties = FALSE; m_pwcsParentClassName = NULL; // GetClassNameForWbemObject(pDisp);
// Destructor
CWbemClassParameters::~CWbemClassParameters() { DeleteClassName(); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIContext); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwcsClassName); }
// Function to get the class name and copy it to the member variable from
// the instance pointed by the IDispatch pointer
HRESULT CWbemClassParameters::GetClassNameForWbemObject(IWbemClassObject *pInstance ) { HRESULT hr = 0; BSTR strClassPropName; VARIANT varClassName;
strClassPropName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(L"__CLASS");
hr = pInstance->Get(strClassPropName,0,&varClassName,NULL, NULL);
if( hr == S_OK ) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwcsClassName) m_pwcsClassName = new WCHAR[SysStringLen(varClassName.bstrVal)]; wcscpy(m_pwcsClassName,(WCHAR *)varClassName.bstrVal); }
VariantClear(&varClassName); SysFreeString(strClassPropName); return hr; }
// function to set the enumerator flags
void CWbemClassParameters::SetEnumeratorFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { m_dwNavFlags |= dwFlags; }
// function to set the enumerator flags
void CWbemClassParameters::SetQueryFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { m_dwQueryFlags = dwFlags; }
// function which seperates class name and its
// parent classname if present in the name
HRESULT CWbemClassParameters::ParseClassName() { WCHAR *pTemp = NULL; pTemp = wcsstr(m_pwcsClassName,CLASSSEPARATOR); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(pTemp != NULL) { m_pwcsParentClassName = new WCHAR[pTemp - m_pwcsClassName + 1]; //NTRaid:111763 & NTRaid:111764
// 06/07/00
if(m_pwcsParentClassName) { memset(m_pwcsParentClassName , 0,(pTemp - m_pwcsClassName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(m_pwcsParentClassName,m_pwcsClassName,(pTemp - m_pwcsClassName) * sizeof(WCHAR));
pTemp += wcslen(CLASSSEPARATOR);
wcscpy(m_pwcsClassName,pTemp); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
} else { m_pwcsParentClassName = NULL; } return hr; }
// Function to get class Name
WCHAR * CWbemClassParameters::GetClassName() { return m_pwcsClassName; }
// Function to remove an object from a container
HRESULT CWbemClassParameters::RemoveObjectFromContainer(BSTR strContainerObj,BSTR strObject) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemServicesEx * pServicesEx = NULL; IWbemServicesEx * pContainerServicesEx = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServicesEx,(void **)&pServicesEx))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr =pServicesEx->Open(strContainerObj,NULL,WBEM_FLAG_OPEN_COLLECTION,NULL,&pContainerServicesEx,NULL))) { hr = pContainerServicesEx->Remove(strObject,0,NULL,NULL); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pContainerServicesEx); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pServicesEx); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Function to add an object to a container
HRESULT CWbemClassParameters::AddObjectFromContainer(BSTR strContainerObj,BSTR strObject) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemServicesEx * pServicesEx = NULL; IWbemServicesEx * pContainerServicesEx = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServicesEx,(void **)&pServicesEx))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr =pServicesEx->Open(strContainerObj,NULL,WBEM_FLAG_OPEN_COLLECTION,NULL,&pContainerServicesEx,NULL))) { hr = pContainerServicesEx->Add(strObject,0,NULL,NULL); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pContainerServicesEx); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pServicesEx); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Function to clone an object from one scope to another
HRESULT CWbemClassParameters::CloneAndAddNewObjectInScope(CWbemClassWrapper *pClass,BSTR strObj,WCHAR *& pstrNewPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemServicesEx * pServicesEx = NULL; IWbemServicesEx * pContainerServicesEx = NULL; IWbemClassObject* pNewObject = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED( hr = ((CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *)pClass)->CloneInstance(pNewObject))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServicesEx,(void **)&pServicesEx))) { // Open object as scope
if(SUCCEEDED(hr =pServicesEx->Open(strObj,NULL,WBEM_FLAG_OPEN_SCOPE,NULL,&pContainerServicesEx,NULL))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pContainerServicesEx->PutInstance(pNewObject,WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY,GetContext(),NULL))) { CVARIANT var; CBSTR strProp; strProp.SetStr(L"__PATH");
HRESULT hr = pNewObject->Get(L"__PATH",0,var,NULL,NULL); if( hr == S_OK ) { try { pstrNewPath = new WCHAR[wcslen(var.GetStr()) + 1]; } catch(...) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pstrNewPath); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pContainerServicesEx); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pServicesEx); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pNewObject); throw; } if(pstrNewPath) { wcscpy(pstrNewPath,var.GetStr()); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pContainerServicesEx); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pServicesEx); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pNewObject); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Set the search preferences for DS provider
HRESULT CWbemClassParameters::SetSearchPreferences(ULONG cProps , DBPROP rgProp[]) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT nStrId = 0; WCHAR wcsPreferenceName[SEARCHPREFERENCE_NAMESIZE]; VARIANT varValue; memset(wcsPreferenceName,0,SEARCHPREFERENCE_NAMESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); VariantInit(&varValue);
for(ULONG i = 0 ; i < cProps ; i++) { nStrId = 0; if(!m_pIContext) { hr = g_pIWbemCtxClassFac->CreateInstance(NULL,IID_IWbemContext,(void **)&m_pIContext); } else { m_pIContext->DeleteAll(); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { switch(rgProp[i].dwPropertyID) { case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_DEREFALIAS : nStrId = IDS_DS_DEREFALIAS; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_SIZELIMIT : nStrId = IDS_DS_SIZELIMIT; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_PAGEDTIMELIMIT: nStrId = IDS_DS_PAGEDTIMELIMIT; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_ASYNCH: nStrId = IDS_DS_ASYNC; varValue.vt = VT_BOOL; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.boolVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_ATTRIBONLY: nStrId = IDS_DS_ATTRIBONLY; varValue.vt = VT_BOOL; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.boolVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_TOMBSTONE: nStrId = IDS_DS_TOMBSTONE; varValue.vt = VT_BOOL; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.boolVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_SEARCHSCOPE: nStrId = IDS_DS_SEARCHSCOPE; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_TIMEOUT: nStrId = IDS_DS_TIMEOUT; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_PAGESIZE: nStrId = IDS_DS_PAGESIZE; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_TIMELIMIT: nStrId = IDS_DS_TIMELIMIT; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_CHASEREF: nStrId = IDS_DS_CHASEREF; varValue.vt = VT_I4; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.lVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_FILTER: nStrId = IDS_DS_FILTER; varValue.vt = VT_BSTR; varValue.bstrVal = rgProp[i].vValue.bstrVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_ATTRIBUTES: nStrId = IDS_DS_ATTRIBUTES; varValue.vt = VT_BSTR; varValue.bstrVal = rgProp[i].vValue.bstrVal; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_DS_CACHERESULTS: nStrId = IDS_DS_CACHERESULTS; varValue.vt = VT_BOOL; varValue.lVal = rgProp[i].vValue.boolVal; break;
} } WMIOledb_LoadStringW(nStrId,wcsPreferenceName,SEARCHPREFERENCE_NAMESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); m_pIContext->SetValue(wcsPreferenceName,0,&varValue); VariantClear(&varValue); wcscpy(wcsPreferenceName,L""); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Common base class functions in dealing with a class definition or an instance
CWbemClassWrapper::CWbemClassWrapper( CWbemClassParameters * p ) { m_pParms = p; m_pClass = NULL; m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet = NULL; m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet = NULL;
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemClassWrapper::~CWbemClassWrapper( ) { m_pPropQualifList.RemoveAll();
if( m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet != NULL) { m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->EndEnumeration(); }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pClass); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet); }
// funciton to check if the pointer to IWbemQualiferSet for property qualifer is valid
// If not then it will get the pointer to it
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::IsValidPropertyQualifier(BSTR strProperty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemQualifierSet *pQualifierSet = NULL;
if(NULL == m_pPropQualifList.GetPropertyQualifierSet(strProperty)) { if(S_OK ==(hr = m_pClass->GetPropertyQualifierSet(strProperty, &pQualifierSet))) { //NTRaid:111779
// 06/13/00
hr = m_pPropQualifList.Add(pQualifierSet,strProperty); }
return hr;
// funciton to check if the pointer to IWbemQualiferSet for class qualifer is valid
// If not then it will get the pointer to it and starts the enumeration on the qualiferset
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::IsValidClassQualifier() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(NULL == m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet) { if(S_OK == (hr = m_pClass->GetQualifierSet(&m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet))) hr = m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->BeginEnumeration(0);
return hr;
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetPropertyQualifier(BSTR pPropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue,CIMTYPE * pType , LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr; // if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidPropertyQualifier(pPropertyQualifier)))
{ hr = m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->Get(pPropertyQualifier,0, vValue, plFlavor); //hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetPropertyQualifierSet(pPropertyQualifier)->Get(pPropertyQualifier,0, vValue, plFlavor);
return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::ValidClass( ) { CBSTR bstrClassName(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName); IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; HRESULT hr = 0;
// NOTE: This is simply a utility class, we MUST have
// a valid pointer set when this class is constructed
if( m_pClass == NULL ){
hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->GetObject(bstrClassName, 0, NULL, &pClass, NULL); if( hr == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND || hr == WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT_PATH) return DB_E_NOTABLE; else if( hr == S_OK) pClass->Release();
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } return S_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::SetProperty(BSTR pProperty, VARIANT * vValue,CIMTYPE lType ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(lType == -1) { hr = m_pClass->Put(pProperty,0, vValue,NULL); } else { hr = m_pClass->Put(pProperty,0, vValue,lType); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::SetPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty, BSTR Qualifier, VARIANT * vValue, LONG lQualifierFlags ) { HRESULT hr; //==============================================================
// If coming thru here the first time, get the qualifier set
// otherwise, just use it
// hr = m_pClass->GetPropertyQualifierSet(pProperty, &m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet);
if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidPropertyQualifier(pProperty))) { hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetPropertyQualifierSet(pProperty)->Put(Qualifier, vValue, lQualifierFlags); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::DeletePropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty, BSTR Qualifier ) { HRESULT hr; //==============================================================
// If coming thru here the first time, get the qualifier set
// otherwise, just use it
// hr = m_pClass->GetPropertyQualifierSet(pProperty, &m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet);
if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidPropertyQualifier(pProperty))) { hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetPropertyQualifierSet(pProperty)->Delete(Qualifier); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::BeginPropertyEnumeration() { LONG lFlags = (m_pParms->m_bSystemProperties == TRUE)? 0 : WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY; HRESULT hr = m_pClass->BeginEnumeration(lFlags); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::EndPropertyEnumeration() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_pClass->EndEnumeration(); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG & ulSysPropCount) { HRESULT hr; ulPropCount = 0L; ulSysPropCount = 0; LONG lFlavour = 0;
if( S_OK == (hr = BeginPropertyEnumeration())){
while( S_OK == (hr = GetNextProperty(NULL,NULL,NULL,&lFlavour))){ // If the property is system property increment the systemproperty count
if(lFlavour == WBEM_FLAVOR_ORIGIN_SYSTEM) ulSysPropCount++; else ulPropCount ++;
if ( WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA == hr ){ hr = S_OK; } EndPropertyEnumeration(); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetNextProperty(BSTR * pProperty, VARIANT * vValue,CIMTYPE * pType , LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr; if( !pProperty ){ hr = m_pClass->Next(0,NULL,NULL,pType,plFlavor); } else{ hr = m_pClass->Next(0,pProperty, vValue, pType, plFlavor); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetProperty(BSTR pProperty, VARIANT * var,CIMTYPE * pType , LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr;
hr = m_pClass->Get(pProperty,0,var,pType,plFlavor); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::DeleteProperty(BSTR pProperty ) { HRESULT hr; hr = m_pClass->Delete(pProperty);
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function to get the number of qualifer for a property
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::TotalPropertyQualifier(BSTR strPropName , ULONG & ulCount ) { HRESULT hr; ulCount = 0L; if( S_OK == (hr = BeginPropertyQualifierEnumeration(strPropName))) { while( S_OK == (hr = m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->Next(0,NULL,NULL,NULL))) { ulCount ++; }
if ( WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA == hr ){ hr = S_OK; } EndPropertyQualifierEnumeration(); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
//Get the property qualifier and begin the enumeration
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::BeginPropertyQualifierEnumeration(BSTR strPropName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; //Release the previous quality Qualifier
if(m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet) { m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->Release(); m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet = NULL; }
if( S_OK == (hr = m_pClass->GetPropertyQualifierSet(strPropName,&m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet))) hr = m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->BeginEnumeration(0);
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty,BSTR PropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemQualifierSet *pQualiferSet = NULL;
if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidPropertyQualifier(pProperty))) { pQualiferSet = m_pPropQualifList.GetPropertyQualifierSet(pProperty); hr = pQualiferSet->Get(PropertyQualifier, 0,vValue, plFlavor); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
//Get the property qualifier and begin the enumeration
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetNextPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty, BSTR * pPropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue,CIMTYPE * pType , LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemQualifierSet * pQualiferSet = NULL; WCHAR * pStrQualiferTemp = NULL; DBROWOFFSET lRelativePos = 1;
if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidPropertyQualifier(pProperty))) { // IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->GetDirFlag() == FALSE) lRelativePos = 0;
// Check if the qualifer is already fetched
hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->GetRelative(lRelativePos,pStrQualiferTemp);
if( hr == WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED) { pQualiferSet = m_pPropQualifList.GetPropertyQualifierSet(pProperty);
if(S_OK ==(hr = pQualiferSet->Next(0,pPropertyQualifier, vValue, plFlavor))) //NTRaid:111779
// 06/13/00
hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->Add(*pPropertyQualifier); } // If already fetched get the qualifier name from the QualiferPosList
else if( hr = S_OK) { *pPropertyQualifier = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pStrQualiferTemp); m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->SetRelPos(lRelativePos); hr = GetPropertyQualifier(pProperty,*pPropertyQualifier,vValue,pType,plFlavor); m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->SetDirFlag(FETCHDIRFORWARD); } } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
//Get the property qualifier
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetPrevPropertyQualifier(BSTR pProperty, BSTR * pPropertyQualifier, VARIANT * vValue,CIMTYPE * pType , LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR *pStrQualiferTemp = NULL; DBROWOFFSET lRelativePos = -1;
if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidPropertyQualifier(pProperty))) { // IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->GetDirFlag() == TRUE) lRelativePos = 0;
// Get the name of the qualifier previous in the list
hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->GetRelative(lRelativePos,pStrQualiferTemp);
if( hr == DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION) { hr = DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; } if(hr == S_OK) { *pPropertyQualifier = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pStrQualiferTemp); m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->SetRelPos(lRelativePos); hr = GetPropertyQualifier(pProperty,*pPropertyQualifier,vValue,pType,plFlavor); m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(pProperty)->SetDirFlag(FETCHDIRBACKWARD); } } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// End the property qualifer enumeration and release the pointers
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::EndPropertyQualifierEnumeration() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->EndEnumeration(); m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->Release(); m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet = NULL; return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::SetClass( IWbemClassObject * pPtr) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if( pPtr ){ SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pClass); m_pClass = pPtr; m_pClass->AddRef(); hr = S_OK; } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// if strPath parameter is NULL then the object to be obtained is same as the object represented by the
// connection. THis is because GetObject is not working for absolute UMI paths
CWbemClassWrapper * CWbemClassWrapper::GetInstance(BSTR strPath) {
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pInst = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
// Get the required instance
if(strPath == NULL) { hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject,(void **)&pClass); } else { hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->GetObject(strPath,0,m_pParms->GetContext(),&pClass ,NULL); }
if( hr == S_OK ) { pInst = new CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); //NTRaid:111778
// 06/07/00
if(pInst) { pInst->SetClass(pClass ); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClass); }
return (CWbemClassWrapper *)pInst; }
// Get the key properties
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetKeyPropertyNames( SAFEARRAY **ppsaNames) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = m_pClass->GetNames(NULL,WBEM_FLAG_ALWAYS | WBEM_FLAG_KEYS_ONLY , NULL, ppsaNames); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Function to get a next class/instance qualifer
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetNextClassQualifier(BSTR * pClassQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR * pStrQualifierTemp = NULL; DBROWOFFSET lRelativePos = 1;
if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidClassQualifier())) { // IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_QualifierPos.GetDirFlag() == FALSE) lRelativePos = 0;
// Check if the qualifer is already fetched
hr = m_QualifierPos.GetRelative(lRelativePos,pStrQualifierTemp);
if(S_OK ==( hr = m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->Next(0,pClassQualifier, vValue, plFlavor))) //NTRaid:111779
// 06/13/00
hr = m_QualifierPos.Add(*pClassQualifier); } else if( hr == S_OK) { *pClassQualifier = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pStrQualifierTemp); m_QualifierPos.SetRelPos(lRelativePos); hr = GetClassQualifier(*pClassQualifier,vValue,pType,plFlavor); m_QualifierPos.SetDirFlag(FETCHDIRFORWARD); } } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
//Get the property qualifier and begin the enumeration
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetPrevClassQualifier(BSTR * pClassQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR * pStrQualiferTemp = NULL; DBROWOFFSET lRelativePos = 1;
if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidClassQualifier())) { // IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_QualifierPos.GetDirFlag() == TRUE) lRelativePos = 0;
// Get the name of the qualifier previous in the list
hr = m_QualifierPos.GetRelative(lRelativePos,pStrQualiferTemp);
if( hr == DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION) { hr = DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; } if(hr == S_OK) { *pClassQualifier = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pStrQualiferTemp); m_QualifierPos.SetRelPos(lRelativePos); hr = GetClassQualifier(*pClassQualifier,vValue,pType,plFlavor); m_QualifierPos.SetDirFlag(FETCHDIRBACKWARD); } } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Function to get a particular class/instance qualifer
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::GetClassQualifier(BSTR ClassQualifier, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr; if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidClassQualifier())) { hr = m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->Get(ClassQualifier,0, vValue, plFlavor); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::ReleaseClassQualifier() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet != NULL) { m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->EndEnumeration(); m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->Release(); m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet = NULL; m_QualifierPos.RemoveAll(); } return hr;
void CWbemClassWrapper::ReleasePropertyQualifier(BSTR strQualifier) { m_pPropQualifList.Remove(strQualifier);
// If qualifername parameter is null, then the class qualifer has
// to be positioned
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::SetQualifierRelPos(DBROWOFFSET lRelPos ,BSTR strPropertyName) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BSTR strQualifier; if(strPropertyName != NULL) { if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidPropertyQualifier(strPropertyName))) { hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(strPropertyName)->SetRelPos(lRelPos); if(hr == WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED) { do { if(S_OK != (hr =m_pPropQualifList.GetPropertyQualifierSet(strPropertyName)->Next(0,&strQualifier, NULL, NULL))) break; else { //NTRaid:111779
// 06/13/00
if(FAILED(hr = m_pPropQualifList.GetQualiferPosObject(strPropertyName)->Add(strQualifier))) { SAFE_FREE_SYSSTRING(strQualifier); break; } SAFE_FREE_SYSSTRING(strQualifier); lRelPos--; } }while(hr == WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED || lRelPos != 0); } } } else if( S_OK == (hr = IsValidClassQualifier())) { hr = m_QualifierPos.SetRelPos(lRelPos); if(hr == WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED) { do { if(S_OK != (hr =m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->Next(0,&strQualifier, NULL, NULL))) break; else { //NTRaid:111779
// 06/13/00
if(FAILED(hr = m_QualifierPos.Add(strQualifier))) { break; SAFE_FREE_SYSSTRING(strQualifier); } lRelPos--; SAFE_FREE_SYSSTRING(strQualifier); } }while(hr == WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED || lRelPos != 0); } }
return hr;
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassWrapper::SetClassQualifier(BSTR Qualifier, VARIANT * vValue, LONG lQualifierFlags ) {
HRESULT hr; //==============================================================
// call this function to get the qualifer set if not obtained
hr = IsValidClassQualifier(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ){ hr = m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->Put(Qualifier, vValue, lQualifierFlags); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Deal with a class definition
CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper( CWbemClassParameters * p,BOOL bGetClass ): CWbemClassWrapper(p) { m_bSchema = FALSE; if(bGetClass) { GetClass(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::~CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper( ) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::GetEmptyWbemClass( ) { HRESULT hr; SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pClass); hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->GetObject( NULL, 0, NULL, &m_pClass, NULL); if( hr == S_OK ){ m_pClass->AddRef(); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::DeleteClass() { HRESULT hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->DeleteClass(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY,NULL,NULL); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::GetClass( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pClass);
if(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName != NULL) { CBSTR bstrClassName(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName); hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->GetObject(bstrClassName, 0, NULL, &m_pClass, NULL); if( hr == S_OK ){ m_pClass->AddRef(); } } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::CreateClass() { HRESULT hr;
CBSTR bstrName(L"__Class"); CBSTR bstrClassName,bstrSuperClassName; CVARIANT NameVal; IWbemClassObject *pNewClass = NULL;
// Parse the class name if it contains the parent class name from which
// it is to be derived from
//NTRaid:111763 & NTRaid:111764
// 06/07/00
if( S_OK == (hr = m_pParms->ParseClassName())) { bstrClassName.SetStr(m_pParms->GetClassName()); bstrSuperClassName.SetStr( m_pParms->GetSuperClassName()); NameVal.SetStr(bstrClassName);
if( S_OK == (hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->GetObject(bstrSuperClassName, 0, NULL, &pNewClass, NULL))) { if(m_pParms->GetSuperClassName() != NULL) hr = pNewClass->SpawnDerivedClass(0, &m_pClass); else hr = pNewClass->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject, (void **)&m_pClass); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pNewClass);
// Set the name of the class
hr = m_pClass->Put((BSTR)bstrName, 0, &NameVal, CIM_STRING); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::DeleteClassQualifier(BSTR Qualifier) {
HRESULT hr; //==============================================================
// call this function to get the qualifer set if not obtained
hr = IsValidClassQualifier(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ){ hr = m_pIWbemClassQualifierSet->Delete(Qualifier); }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Method to change the class name to which the classdefination class points to
// NOTE:This method is to be called before fetching any instance
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::SetClass( WCHAR *pClassName) { if(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName != NULL) delete [] m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName;
m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName = new WCHAR[wcslen(pClassName)+2]; wcscpy(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName,pClassName);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CBSTR bstrClassName(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName);
hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->GetObject(bstrClassName, 0, NULL, &m_pClass, NULL); if( hr == S_OK ){ m_pClass->AddRef(); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Method to save the the class defination into WMI
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::SaveClass(BOOL bNewClass) { LONG lFlag = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(bNewClass == TRUE) lFlag = WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY; else lFlag = WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY;
hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->PutClass(m_pClass,lFlag,NULL,NULL);
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Method to get the number of instances of a class
// This function executes a query "select __path from class" , so that time is reduced in
// getting the count
HRESULT CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::GetInstanceCount(ULONG_PTR &cInstance) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; cInstance = -1; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = NULL; LONG_PTR lObjectsReturned = 0; LONG_PTR lInstance = 0; BSTR strWQL,strQry; int nBuffSize = 0;
if(ValidClass() == S_OK) { nBuffSize = wcslen(szSelectCountQry) + wcslen(GetClassName()) + 1; // If the query is not deep then add the where clause for the query
// to get just the instances of the class
if(WBEM_FLAG_DEEP != m_pParms->m_dwQueryFlags) { nBuffSize = nBuffSize + wcslen(szWhereClause) + wcslen(GetClassName()) + wcslen(szDoubleQuotes); }
WCHAR *szCountQry = new WCHAR[nBuffSize]; //NTRaid:111773
// 06/07/00
if(szCountQry) { strWQL = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(szWQL);
// frame the query
wcscpy(szCountQry , szSelectCountQry); wcscat(szCountQry , GetClassName()); // If the query is not deep then add the where clause for the query
// to get just the instances of the class
if(WBEM_FLAG_DEEP != m_pParms->m_dwQueryFlags) { wcscat(szCountQry,szWhereClause); wcscat(szCountQry,GetClassName()); wcscat(szCountQry,szDoubleQuotes); }
strQry = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(szCountQry); // free the memory
delete [] szCountQry;
// Execute the query just to get the __Path property of the instances
hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->ExecQuery(strWQL, strQry,WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY , m_pParms->GetContext(),&pEnum); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if(hr == S_OK) { lInstance = 0; do { // get NUMBEROFINSTANCESTOBEFETCHED at once and increment the count accordingly
CCOMPointer<IWbemClassObject > pObjects[NUMBEROFINSTANCESTOBEFETCHED]; hr = pEnum->Next(WBEM_INFINITE ,NUMBEROFINSTANCESTOBEFETCHED,(IWbemClassObject **)pObjects,(ULONG *)&lObjectsReturned); if(!FAILED(hr)) { lInstance += lObjectsReturned; }
if(lObjectsReturned < NUMBEROFINSTANCESTOBEFETCHED) { break; } } while(hr != WBEM_S_FALSE || !FAILED(hr));
hr = hr == WBEM_S_FALSE ? S_OK : hr;
// Release interfaces and free the string
pEnum->Release(); SysFreeString(strWQL); SysFreeString(strQry); }
} else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS; }
if( hr == S_OK) cInstance = lInstance;
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Deal with a class instance
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::CWbemClassInstanceWrapper( CWbemClassParameters * p ): CWbemClassWrapper(p) { m_lPos = 0; m_dwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::~CWbemClassInstanceWrapper( ) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::GetKey(CBSTR & Key) { CVARIANT var; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(FAILED(hr = GetProperty(L"__URL",var ))) { hr = GetProperty(L"__PATH",var ); }
if( hr == S_OK ){ Key.SetStr(var.GetStr()); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::ResetInstanceFromKey(CBSTR Key) { HRESULT hr; SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pClass); hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->GetObject(Key, 0, NULL, &m_pClass, NULL); if( hr == S_OK ){ m_pClass->AddRef(); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Refresh the internal pointer of the instance
// Object is refreshed by getting object by __PATH for WMI object
// and __URL property for WMI objects returned by UMI Providers
HRESULT CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::RefreshInstance() { CBSTR strPath; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = GetKey(strPath);
if( hr == S_OK){ m_pClass->Release(); m_pClass = NULL;
hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->GetObject(strPath,0,m_pParms->GetContext(),&m_pClass ,NULL); }
if(hr == S_OK) { m_dwStatus = DBSTATUS_S_OK; } else { m_dwStatus = DBSTATUS_E_UNAVAILABLE; }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Get the name of the class to which the instance belongs
// THe returned pointer is to be cleaned by the callee
WCHAR * CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::GetClassName() { WCHAR *pClass = NULL; BSTR strPropName; HRESULT hr = 0;
strPropName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(L"__Class");
VARIANT varClassName; VariantInit(&varClassName);
// Get the class name
hr = m_pClass->Get(strPropName,0, &varClassName , NULL , NULL);
if( hr == S_OK) { AllocateAndCopy(pClass,varClassName.bstrVal); VariantClear(&varClassName); } return pClass; }
HRESULT CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::CloneInstance(IWbemClassObject *& pInstance) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; pInstance = NULL;
hr = m_pClass->Clone(&pInstance);
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// function which get the RElative path
// Gets __RELURL property for objects of UMI
// gets the __RELPATH for normal WMI objects ( as __RELURL property fetching fails)
HRESULT CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::GetRelativePath(WCHAR *& pstrRelPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT varRelPath; VariantInit(&varRelPath); LONG nStringLen = 0;
if(FAILED(hr = m_pClass->Get(L"__RELURL",0,&varRelPath,NULL,NULL))) { hr = m_pClass->Get(L"__RELPATH",0,&varRelPath,NULL,NULL); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(varRelPath.vt == VT_BSTR && varRelPath.bstrVal != NULL) { nStringLen = (SysStringLen(varRelPath.bstrVal) +1) * sizeof(WCHAR); pstrRelPath = NULL; pstrRelPath = new WCHAR[nStringLen]; if(pstrRelPath) { memset(pstrRelPath,0, nStringLen); memcpy(pstrRelPath,varRelPath.bstrVal,nStringLen-sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { E_FAIL; } VariantClear(&varRelPath); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Manage class instance list
CWbemInstanceList::CWbemInstanceList(CWbemClassParameters * pParms) { m_pParms = pParms; m_ppEnum = NULL; m_lCurrentPos = 0; m_FetchDir = FETCHDIRNONE; m_nBaseType = FALSE; m_cTotalInstancesInEnum = 0; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_InstanceCs); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemInstanceList::~CWbemInstanceList() { ReleaseAllInstances(); DeleteCriticalSection(&m_InstanceCs); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_ppEnum); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::ReleaseAllInstances() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; //==========================================================================
// Enter the critical section
// Go through the instances one at a time and close them, then delete them
int nSize = m_List.Size();
if( nSize > 0 ){
for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i++){ CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pClass = (CWbemClassInstanceWrapper*) m_List[i]; SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pClass); } m_List.Empty(); }
m_lCurrentPos = 0; //==========================================================================
// Leave Critical Section
Leave(); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::DeleteInstance( CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& pClass ) { HRESULT hr; CBSTR strPath; pClass->GetKey(strPath);
// Delete the instance from CIMOM
hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->DeleteInstance((BSTR)strPath,0,m_pParms->GetContext(),NULL); if( hr == S_OK ){ // hr = ReleaseInstance(pClass);
if(m_cTotalInstancesInEnum) m_cTotalInstancesInEnum--; }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::AddInstance( CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pClass ) { //==========================================================================
// Enter Critical Section
Enter(); //==========================================================================
// Add it to the list
m_List.Add(pClass); //==========================================================================
// Leave Critical Section
Leave(); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(S_OK); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::ReleaseInstance(CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& pClass) { //========================================================================
// Enter the critical section
// Look for it in the list
HRESULT hr = DB_E_NOTFOUND; int n = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < m_List.Size(); i++){
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pClassInList = (CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * ) m_List[i]; if(pClass == pClassInList){ n = i; hr = S_OK; break; } }
// If we found it, then delete it from the list.
// The deconstructor will release the wbem class object
if( S_OK == hr ){ m_List.RemoveAt(n); delete pClass; pClass = NULL; } //========================================================================
// Leave critical section
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::NextInstance( CBSTR & Key, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper ** pInst) { LONG lRelativePos = 1; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// Now, enumerate all of the instances
if( m_ppEnum ){
// IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_FetchDir == FETCHDIRBACKWARD) lRelativePos = 0;
// Check if the instance is already fetched
*pInst = GetInstance(m_lCurrentPos +lRelativePos); if( *pInst == NULL){ unsigned long u; IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; hr = m_ppEnum->Next(0,1,&pClass,&u); if( hr == S_OK ){
switch( m_nBaseType ) { case COMMAND_ROWSET: *pInst = new CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper(m_pParms,((CWbemCommandParameters*)m_pParms)->GetCommandManagerPtr()); break;
case SOURCES_ROWSET: *pInst = (CWbemSchemaSourcesInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaSourcesInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case PROVIDER_TYPES_ROWSET: *pInst = (CWbemSchemaProviderTypesInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaProviderTypesInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case CATALOGS_ROWSET: *pInst = (CWbemSchemaCatalogsInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaCatalogsInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case COLUMNS_ROWSET: *pInst = (CWbemSchemaColumnsInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaColumnsInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case TABLES_ROWSET: *pInst = (CWbemSchemaTablesInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaTablesInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case PRIMARY_KEYS_ROWSET: *pInst = (CWbemSchemaPrimaryKeysInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaPrimaryKeysInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case TABLES_INFO_ROWSET: *pInst = (CWbemSchemaTablesInfoInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaTablesInfoInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
default: *pInst = new CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(m_pParms);
} //NTRaid:111798 & 111799
// 06/07/00
if(*pInst) { (*pInst)->SetClass(pClass); (*pInst)->SetPos(++m_lCurrentPos); AddInstance(*pInst); (*pInst)->GetKey(Key); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClass); } else { // Adjust the enumerator to position to the current positon
if(( m_lCurrentPos +lRelativePos) > m_lCurrentPos) hr = m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE ,(LONG)lRelativePos);
m_lCurrentPos += lRelativePos; m_FetchDir = FETCHDIRFORWARD; (*pInst)->GetKey(Key); hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::UpdateInstance(CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pInstance, BOOL bNewInst) { HRESULT hr; LONG lFlag = 0;
hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->PutInstance(pInstance->GetClassObject(),lFlag,m_pParms->GetContext(),NULL); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::Reset() { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; BOOL bGetInstanceEnum = TRUE; //============================================================
// If we already got an enumeration, reset it, otherwise
// don't
if( m_ppEnum ){ if(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags) { ReleaseAllInstances(); m_ppEnum->Release(); m_ppEnum = NULL; } else { hr = m_ppEnum->Reset(); //ReleaseAllInstances();
bGetInstanceEnum = FALSE; } }
if(bGetInstanceEnum == TRUE) { CBSTR bstrClassName(m_pParms->m_pwcsClassName); hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->CreateInstanceEnum(bstrClassName, m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags | m_pParms->m_dwQueryFlags, m_pParms->GetContext(), &m_ppEnum); if( hr == S_OK) m_cTotalInstancesInEnum = 0; } if(hr == S_OK) { m_lCurrentPos = 0; // m_FetchDir = FETCHDIRFORWARD;
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::AddNewInstance(CWbemClassWrapper *pClassWrappper, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper ** ppNewClass ) { IWbemClassObject *pInstClassObject = NULL; CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pInst = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; //==========================================================================
// Enter Critical Section
Enter(); //==========================================================================
// create a new instance
hr = pClassWrappper->GetClass()->SpawnInstance(0, &pInstClassObject);
if( hr == S_OK ){ *ppNewClass = new CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); //NTRaid:111776 & NTRaid:111777
// 06/07/00
if(*ppNewClass) { (*ppNewClass)->SetClass(pInstClassObject); (*ppNewClass)->SetPos(++m_lCurrentPos); AddInstance(*ppNewClass);
if(m_cTotalInstancesInEnum) m_cTotalInstancesInEnum++; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pInstClassObject);
// Leave Critical Section
Leave(); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); } /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function called for instances embededed in another instance.
// This function adds the instance pointed by dispatch to the CWbemInstanceList
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * CWbemInstanceList::AddInstanceToList( IUnknown *pDisp,CBSTR & Key) {
IWbemClassObject * pClassObj = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pInst = NULL;
hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject , (void **) &pClassObj);
if( hr == S_OK) {
pInst = new CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); //NTRaid:111774 & NTRaid:111775
// 06/07/00
if(pInst) { pInst->SetClass(pClassObj); pInst->SetPos(++m_lCurrentPos); AddInstance(pInst); pInst->GetKey(Key); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClassObj);;
return pInst; } */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function to get a previous instance in the enumerator
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::PrevInstance( CBSTR & Key,CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& pInst ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBROWOFFSET lRelativePos = -1; IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL; ULONG u = 0; pInst = NULL; BOOL bResetDone = FALSE;
// if the first call after initialization / restartPositon of rowset is getting
// instance in reverse direction then
if( !(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags) && m_lCurrentPos == 0 && m_FetchDir == FETCHDIRFORWARD) { if(!m_cTotalInstancesInEnum) if(S_OK != (hr = GetNumberOfInstanceInEnumerator())) return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr);
if((LONG)(m_cTotalInstancesInEnum - lRelativePos) > 0) { m_lCurrentPos = m_cTotalInstancesInEnum; } else hr = E_FAIL; } else if( (m_lCurrentPos + lRelativePos) == 0 && m_FetchDir == FETCHDIRBACKWARD) return E_FAIL; else { // IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_FetchDir == FETCHDIRFORWARD) lRelativePos = 0;
// Reset the position to the so that
// NextInstance function gives the instance required
hr = ResetRelPosition(lRelativePos); }
pInst = GetInstance(m_lCurrentPos); if(pInst == NULL) { bResetDone = TRUE; // restore the original position
if(!(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags)) { m_ppEnum->Reset(); m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE,(LONG)(m_lCurrentPos - 1)); hr = m_ppEnum->Next(0,1,&pClass,&u); if( hr == S_OK ) { switch( m_nBaseType ){
case COMMAND_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper(m_pParms,((CWbemCommandParameters*)m_pParms)->GetCommandManagerPtr()); break;
case SOURCES_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaSourcesInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case PROVIDER_TYPES_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaProviderTypesInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case CATALOGS_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemSchemaCatalogsInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaCatalogsInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case COLUMNS_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemSchemaColumnsInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaColumnsInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case TABLES_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemSchemaTablesInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaTablesInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case PRIMARY_KEYS_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemSchemaPrimaryKeysInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaPrimaryKeysInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
case TABLES_INFO_ROWSET: pInst = (CWbemSchemaTablesInfoInstanceWrapper *) new CWbemSchemaTablesInfoInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); break;
default: pInst = new CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(m_pParms); } //NTRaid:111796-111797
// 06/07/00
if(pInst) { (pInst)->SetClass(pClass); (pInst)->SetPos(m_lCurrentPos); AddInstance(pInst); // (pInst)->GetKey(Key);
} else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClass); }
} if(pInst != NULL) { pInst->GetKey(Key); m_FetchDir = FETCHDIRBACKWARD; // setting that the last fetch was backwards
// m_lCurrentPos = m_lCurrentPos + lRelativePos;
} else { if(bResetDone) hr = ResetRelPosition(lRelativePos * (-1));
return hr; }
// Function which returns the instance pointer given the position if already retrieved
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * CWbemInstanceList::GetInstance( ULONG_PTR lPos ) { CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pInst = NULL ;
for(int i = 0; i < m_List.Size(); i++) {
CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *pTempInst = (CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * ) m_List[i]; if(pTempInst->GetPos() == lPos) { pInst = pTempInst; break; } }
return pInst;
// Function to reset the positon by the number of instance specified
// so that the NextInstance function gives the instance required
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::ResetRelPosition( DBROWOFFSET lPos ) { DBROWOFFSET lPosRequired = 0; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CWbemClassInstanceWrapper * pInst = NULL; // Get the position at which the enumerator to be pointed to
lPosRequired = m_lCurrentPos + lPos; if( lPosRequired > 0) { // If skipping is forward then skip by the number of positions
if(lPos > 0) { if(S_OK == (hr = m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE ,(LONG)lPos))) m_lCurrentPos = lPosRequired; else // restore the original position
if(!(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags)) { m_ppEnum->Reset(); hr = m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE,(LONG)m_lCurrentPos); hr = E_FAIL; } } // Else if skipping is negative , then
else if( lPos < 0) { // If enumerator is not forward only then skip Reset
// the begining and spip to the position required
if(!(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags)) { if(S_OK == (hr = m_ppEnum->Reset())) { if(S_OK == (hr = m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE ,(LONG)lPosRequired))) m_lCurrentPos = lPosRequired; else { m_ppEnum->Reset(); hr = m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE,(LONG)m_lCurrentPos); hr = E_FAIL; } } } // other wise if the enumerator is forward only return
// error
else hr = E_FAIL; } else hr = S_OK; } else if(lPosRequired == 0 && !(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags)) { hr = m_ppEnum->Reset(); m_lCurrentPos = lPosRequired; } else // if the initial position is negative when the enumerator is at the begining then
if(lPosRequired < 0 && !(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags) && m_lCurrentPos == 0) { if(!m_cTotalInstancesInEnum) if(S_OK != (hr = GetNumberOfInstanceInEnumerator())) return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr);
if((LONG)(m_cTotalInstancesInEnum + lPos) > 0) { hr = m_ppEnum->Reset(); if(S_OK == (hr = m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE,(LONG)(m_cTotalInstancesInEnum + lPos)))) m_lCurrentPos = m_cTotalInstancesInEnum + lPos; } else hr = E_FAIL; } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Function to get the number of instances in a enumerator
HRESULT CWbemInstanceList::GetNumberOfInstanceInEnumerator(ULONG_PTR *pcInstance) { ULONG ulObj = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_cTotalInstancesInEnum = 0; int i = 0;
if(S_OK == (hr = m_ppEnum->Reset())) { // Calculate the number of instance in the enumerator
while(S_OK == hr) { { CCOMPointer<IWbemClassObject > pObjects[NUMBEROFINSTANCESTOBEFETCHED]; hr = m_ppEnum->Next(0,NUMBEROFINSTANCESTOBEFETCHED,(IWbemClassObject **)pObjects , &ulObj);
} if( hr == S_OK || hr == WBEM_S_FALSE) m_cTotalInstancesInEnum += ulObj; }
// Bring back to the original position
if((S_OK == (hr = m_ppEnum->Reset())) && m_lCurrentPos != 0) hr = m_ppEnum->Skip(WBEM_INFINITE ,(LONG)m_lCurrentPos);
} if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && &pcInstance) { *pcInstance = m_cTotalInstancesInEnum; } return hr; }
Class CWbemPropertyQualifierList implementation /***********************************************************************************************************/
// Destructor
CWbemPropertyQualifierList::~CWbemPropertyQualifierList() { RemoveAll(); }
// Remove all elements from the list
void CWbemPropertyQualifierList::RemoveAll() { CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *pQualifWrap = NULL; int nSize = m_QualifierList.Size();
if(m_QualifierList.Size() > 0) for( int nIndex = nSize-1 ; nIndex >= 0 ; nIndex--) { pQualifWrap = (CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *)m_QualifierList[nIndex]; m_QualifierList.RemoveAt(nIndex); pQualifWrap->m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->EndEnumeration(); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pQualifWrap); } }
// add a Element to the list
// 06/13/00
HRESULT CWbemPropertyQualifierList::Add(IWbemQualifierSet* pQualifierSet,WCHAR *pwstrPropertyName) { CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *pNewQualifWrap = NULL; pNewQualifWrap = new CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // NTRaid:111779 & NTRaid:111780
// 06/07/00
if(pNewQualifWrap) { pNewQualifWrap->m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet = pQualifierSet; pNewQualifWrap->m_pwstrPropertyName = new WCHAR[wcslen(pwstrPropertyName) + 1]; if(pNewQualifWrap->m_pwstrPropertyName) { wcscpy(pNewQualifWrap->m_pwstrPropertyName,pwstrPropertyName);
// 06/13/00
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_QualifierList.Add(pNewQualifWrap))) { hr = pQualifierSet->BeginEnumeration(0); } else { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pNewQualifWrap->m_pwstrPropertyName) SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pNewQualifWrap) } } else { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pNewQualifWrap); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr;
// Remove a Element from the list
void CWbemPropertyQualifierList::Remove(WCHAR *pwstrPropertyName) { CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *pQualifWrap = NULL;
for( int nIndex = 0 ; nIndex < m_QualifierList.Size(); nIndex++) { if(0 == wbem_wcsicmp(((CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *)m_QualifierList[nIndex])->m_pwstrPropertyName,pwstrPropertyName)) { pQualifWrap = (CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *)m_QualifierList[nIndex]; m_QualifierList.RemoveAt(nIndex); pQualifWrap->m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet->EndEnumeration(); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pQualifWrap); } } }
// Get the IWbemQualifierSet pointer to the required property
IWbemQualifierSet* CWbemPropertyQualifierList::GetPropertyQualifierSet(WCHAR *pwstrPropertyName) { for( int nIndex = 0 ; nIndex < m_QualifierList.Size(); nIndex++) { if(0 == wbem_wcsicmp(((CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *)m_QualifierList[nIndex])->m_pwstrPropertyName,pwstrPropertyName)) return ((CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *)m_QualifierList[nIndex])->m_pIWbemPropertyQualifierSet; }
return NULL; }
// Get the CQualiferPos pointer for a property
CQualiferPos *CWbemPropertyQualifierList::GetQualiferPosObject(WCHAR *pwcsProperty) { for( int nIndex = 0 ; nIndex < m_QualifierList.Size(); nIndex++) { if(0 == wbem_wcsicmp(((CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *)m_QualifierList[nIndex])->m_pwstrPropertyName,pwcsProperty)) return &(((CWbemPropertyQualifierWrapper *)m_QualifierList[nIndex])->m_QualifierPos); }
return NULL; }
Class CQualifier implementation /***********************************************************************************************************/
// Constructor
CQualiferPos::CQualiferPos() { m_lPos = -1; m_FetchDir = FETCHDIRNONE; }
// Destructor
CQualiferPos::~CQualiferPos() { RemoveAll(); m_lPos = -1; }
// Remove all the elements from the list
void CQualiferPos::RemoveAll() { WCHAR *pChar = NULL; int nSize = m_QualifierPos.Size();
if(m_QualifierPos.Size() > 0) for( int nIndex = nSize-1 ; nIndex >= 0 ; nIndex--) { if ( NULL != (pChar = (WCHAR *)m_QualifierPos[nIndex])) { delete [] pChar; pChar = NULL; } m_QualifierPos.RemoveAt(nIndex); } }
// Remove a qualifier from the list
void CQualiferPos::Remove(WCHAR *pwcsQualifier) { int nSize = m_QualifierPos.Size();
if(m_QualifierPos.Size() > 0) for( int nIndex = nSize-1 ; nIndex >= 0 ; nIndex--) { if(wbem_wcsicmp((WCHAR *)m_QualifierPos[nIndex],pwcsQualifier) == 0) { m_QualifierPos.RemoveAt(nIndex); m_lPos--; } } }
// Get qualifier at a particula position
WCHAR * CQualiferPos::operator [] (DBORDINAL nIndex) { if( nIndex <= (ULONG_PTR)m_QualifierPos.Size()) return (WCHAR *)m_QualifierPos[(int)nIndex];
return NULL; }
// Get the qualifier at a relation positon from the current position
HRESULT CQualiferPos::GetRelative (DBROWOFFSET lRelPos, WCHAR *&pwcsQualifier) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lSize = m_QualifierPos.Size();
if( lSize > 0) { if( (m_lPos + lRelPos) >= lSize) { hr = WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED; } else if( (m_lPos + lRelPos) < 0) { hr = DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION; } else { pwcsQualifier = (WCHAR *)m_QualifierPos[(int)(m_lPos + lRelPos)]; } } else hr = lRelPos > 0 ? WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED :DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION;
return hr; }
// Add qualifier to the list
// 06/13/00
HRESULT CQualiferPos::Add(WCHAR *pwcsQualifier) { WCHAR *pstrTemp = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; pstrTemp = new WCHAR[wcslen(pwcsQualifier) +1];
if(pstrTemp) { wcscpy(pstrTemp,pwcsQualifier); if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_QualifierPos.Add(pstrTemp))) { m_lPos++; } else { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pstrTemp); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Set relation position
HRESULT CQualiferPos::SetRelPos(DBROWOFFSET lRelPos) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if( m_QualifierPos.Size() > 0) { if( (m_lPos + lRelPos) >= m_QualifierPos.Size()) { hr = WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED; } else if( (m_lPos + lRelPos) < -1) { hr = DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION; } else { m_lPos = m_lPos + lRelPos; } } else hr = lRelPos > 0 ? WBEMERROR_QUALIFER_TOBE_FETCHED :DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION;
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The COMMAND classes
// The Command Manager, manages all the command interfaces
CWbemCommandManager::CWbemCommandManager(CQuery * p) { m_pClassDefinition = NULL; m_pInstanceList = NULL; m_pInstance = NULL; m_pParms = NULL; m_pQuery = p; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemCommandManager::~CWbemCommandManager() {
// These pointers are all deleted elsewhere, so do not delete, this class is simply a pass-through class
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void CWbemCommandManager::Init(CWbemCommandInstanceList * InstanceList, CWbemCommandParameters * pParms, CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper* pDef) { m_pInstanceList = InstanceList; m_pParms = pParms; m_pClassDefinition = pDef; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CWbemCommandManager::ValidQuery() { if( m_pQuery ){ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemCommandManager::ValidQueryResults() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if( ValidQuery() ){ m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Enter();
if ( !(m_pQuery->GetStatus() & CMD_EXECUTED_ONCE)){
if ( m_pQuery->GetStatus() & CMD_READY){
if( m_pInstanceList ){
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pInstanceList->SetQuery(m_pQuery->GetQuery(),m_pQuery->GetDialectGuid(),m_pQuery->GetQueryLang())) && SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pClassDefinition->SetQueryType(m_pQuery->GetQuery(),m_pQuery->GetDialectGuid(),m_pQuery->GetQueryLang())) ) // if( hr == S_OK )
{ hr = m_pInstanceList->Reset(); if( hr == S_OK ){ m_pQuery->ClearStatus(CMD_READY); m_pQuery->SetStatus(CMD_EXECUTED_ONCE);
} } } } } m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Leave(); } return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemCommandManager::GetClassDefinitionForQueryResults() { CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *pInst = NULL; CBSTR strKey; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CBSTR stQryLanguage(m_pInstanceList->GetQueryLanguage()); CBSTR strQuery(m_pInstanceList->GetQuery()); IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnum = NULL; IWbemClassObject *p = NULL; ULONG cElem = 0;
if(NORMAL == GetObjListType()) { // Execute the query just to get the class defination
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->ExecQuery(stQryLanguage, strQuery, WBEM_FLAG_PROTOTYPE,m_pParms->GetContext(),&pEnum))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pEnum->Next(0,1,&p,&cElem)) && cElem > 0) { pEnum->Release();
((CWbemClassWrapper*)(m_pClassDefinition))->SetClass(p); } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(p); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } }
return hr; }
INSTANCELISTTYPE CWbemCommandManager::GetObjListType() { return m_pClassDefinition->GetObjListType(); }
// The Command parameters
CWbemCommandParameters::CWbemCommandParameters(DWORD dwFlags,CWbemConnectionWrapper * Connect,CWbemCommandManager * p) : CWbemClassParameters(dwFlags,(WCHAR*)NULL,Connect) { m_pwcsClassName = new WCHAR [wcslen(szInstance) + 1]; wcscpy(m_pwcsClassName,szInstance); m_pCmdManager = p; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemCommandParameters::~CWbemCommandParameters() { }
// The Command class definition
CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper( CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCommandManager * pCmd ) : CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper(p) { m_nMaxColumns = 0; m_pCmdManager = pCmd; m_objListType = NORMAL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::~CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper() {
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::ValidClass() { if( ! m_pCmdManager->ValidQuery() ) { return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function to get the total number of columns for a resultset on executing a command
// NTRaid:142133
// 07/11/2000
HRESULT CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG &ulSysPropCount) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
hr = m_pCmdManager->ValidQueryResults();
if( hr == S_OK ){ hr = m_pCmdManager->GetClassDefinitionForQueryResults(); if(hr == S_OK){ switch(m_pCmdManager->GetObjListType()) { case NORMAL: { hr = CWbemClassWrapper::TotalPropertiesInClass(ulPropCount,ulSysPropCount); } break;
case MIXED: { // if it is a heterogenous objects then just have column for
// only the __PATH
ulPropCount = 0; ulSysPropCount = 1; hr = S_OK; } break; } } else // this means that the query was unable to get return any object or unable
// to get the prototype of the resultant object for query execution
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ulPropCount = 0; ulSysPropCount = 0; hr = S_FALSE; } }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Function to set the query type after looking for "ASSOCIATORS OF" and "REFERENCES OF" in the query
HRESULT CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::SetQueryType(LPCWSTR strQry,GUID QryDialect,LPCWSTR strQryLang) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bLDAPQry = FALSE; if((strQryLang != NULL && _wcsicmp(strQryLang,szWQL) == 0) && (!wbem_wcsincmp(strQry,szReferenceOfQry,wcslen(szReferenceOfQry)) || !wbem_wcsincmp(strQry,szAssociatersQry,wcslen(szAssociatersQry))) ) { m_objListType = MIXED; } else if((QryDialect == DBGUID_DEFAULT || QryDialect == DBGUID_WQL) && (!wbem_wcsincmp(strQry,szReferenceOfQry,wcslen(szReferenceOfQry)) || !wbem_wcsincmp(strQry,szAssociatersQry,wcslen(szAssociatersQry))) ) { m_objListType = MIXED; } else if((strQryLang != NULL && _wcsicmp(strQryLang,szWQL)) || (QryDialect != DBGUID_DEFAULT && QryDialect != DBGUID_WQL) ) { hr = E_FAIL; if(strQryLang != NULL) { if(_wcsicmp(strQryLang,szLDAP) == 0) { bLDAPQry = TRUE; m_objListType = MIXED; hr = S_OK; } else if(_wcsicmp(strQryLang,szLDAPSQL) == 0) { bLDAPQry = FALSE; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } else if(QryDialect == DBGUID_LDAP) { bLDAPQry = TRUE; m_objListType = MIXED; hr = S_OK; } if(QryDialect == DBGUID_LDAPSQL) { bLDAPQry = FALSE; m_objListType = MIXED; hr = S_OK; } }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && bLDAPQry == FALSE) { // check if the query is "SELECT * FROM" type of query
// if so then set the query type to MIXED
WCHAR *pStrQry = NULL; WCHAR *strToken = NULL; WCHAR strSeparator[] = L" ";
pStrQry = new WCHAR[wcslen(strQry) + 1]; if(pStrQry) { // by default query is MIXED for LDAP and SQL Queries
// except that if it is select col1,col2 from ...
m_objListType = MIXED; memset(pStrQry,0,sizeof(WCHAR) * wcslen(strQry) + 1); wcscpy(pStrQry,strQry); strToken = wcstok( pStrQry, strSeparator );
if(strToken && _wcsicmp(L"Select",strToken) == 0) { m_objListType = NORMAL; strToken = wcstok( NULL, strSeparator ); if(strToken && _wcsicmp(L"*",strToken) == 0) { strToken = wcstok( NULL, strSeparator ); if(strToken && _wcsicmp(L"FROM",strToken) == 0) { m_objListType = MIXED; } } } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pStrQry); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::BeginPropertyEnumeration() { return CWbemClassWrapper::BeginPropertyEnumeration(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::EndPropertyEnumeration() { return CWbemClassWrapper::EndPropertyEnumeration(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::GetNextProperty(BSTR * pProperty, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ) { return CWbemClassWrapper::GetNextProperty(pProperty,vValue,pType,plFlavor); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemCommandClassDefinitionWrapper::BeginPropertyQualifierEnumeration(BSTR strPropName) { return CWbemClassWrapper::BeginPropertyQualifierEnumeration(strPropName); }*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The Command instance list
CWbemCommandInstanceList::CWbemCommandInstanceList(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCommandManager * pCmd): CWbemInstanceList(p) { m_pCmdManager = pCmd; m_pParms = p; m_nBaseType = COMMAND_ROWSET; m_pwstrQueryLanguage = NULL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemCommandInstanceList::~CWbemCommandInstanceList() { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwstrQueryLanguage); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemCommandInstanceList::Reset() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
CBSTR strQryLanguage(m_pwstrQueryLanguage); CBSTR strQuery(m_pwstrQuery); BOOL bExecQuery = TRUE; LONG lFlags = m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags | m_pParms->m_dwQueryFlags | WBEM_FLAG_ENSURE_LOCATABLE;
if(m_ppEnum != NULL) { if(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags) { ReleaseAllInstances(); m_ppEnum->Release(); m_ppEnum = NULL; } else { hr = m_ppEnum->Reset(); bExecQuery = FALSE; } }
if( bExecQuery) { hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->ExecQuery(strQryLanguage, strQuery, lFlags, m_pParms->GetContext(), &m_ppEnum); m_lCurrentPos = 0; }
if(hr == S_OK) { m_lCurrentPos = 0; // m_FetchDir = FETCHDIRFORWARD;
return hr; }
HRESULT CWbemCommandInstanceList::SetQuery( LPWSTR p,GUID QryDialect,LPCWSTR strQryLang) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; m_pwstrQuery = p; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pwstrQueryLanguage);
if(strQryLang == NULL) { if(QryDialect == DBGUID_WQL || QryDialect == DBGUID_DEFAULT) { m_pwstrQueryLanguage = new WCHAR[wcslen(szWQL) + 1]; if(m_pwstrQueryLanguage) { wcscpy(m_pwstrQueryLanguage,szWQL); hr = S_OK; } } else if(QryDialect == DBGUID_LDAP) { // MOdify the string here to be passed for executing
// LDAP queries
m_pwstrQueryLanguage = new WCHAR[wcslen(szLDAP) + 1]; if(m_pwstrQueryLanguage) { wcscpy(m_pwstrQueryLanguage,szLDAP); hr = S_OK; } } else if(QryDialect == DBGUID_LDAPSQL) { // MOdify the string here to be passed for executing
// LDAP queries
m_pwstrQueryLanguage = new WCHAR[wcslen(szLDAPSQL) + 1]; if(m_pwstrQueryLanguage) { wcscpy(m_pwstrQueryLanguage,szLDAPSQL); hr = S_OK; } } else if(QryDialect == DBGUID_WMI_METHOD) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } else { m_pwstrQueryLanguage = new WCHAR[wcslen(strQryLang) + 1]; if(m_pwstrQueryLanguage) { wcscpy(m_pwstrQueryLanguage,strQryLang); hr = S_OK; } } return hr; }
// The Command instance wrapper list
CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper::CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p, CWbemCommandManager * pCmd ): CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(p) { m_pCmdManager = pCmd; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper::~CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper() { }
WCHAR * CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper::GetClassName() { WCHAR *pClass = NULL; BSTR strPropName; HRESULT hr = 0;
// Get the class name only if query is mixed
// meaning heteregenous objects are requested
if(MIXED == m_pCmdManager->GetObjListType()) { strPropName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(L"__Class");
VARIANT varClassName; VariantInit(&varClassName);
// Get the class name
hr = m_pClass->Get(strPropName,0, &varClassName , NULL , NULL);
if( hr == S_OK) { AllocateAndCopy(pClass,varClassName.bstrVal); VariantClear(&varClassName); } }
return pClass; }
// Function to get __PATH of the instance
// __PATH property makes sense only when REFERENCES OF or ASSOCIATERS OF query is run
// otherwise __PATH property will be NULL string
HRESULT CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper::GetKey(CBSTR & Key) { CVARIANT var; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// NTRaid: 130047
// Get the Key name only if query is mixed
// meaning heteregenous objects are requested
// if(MIXED == m_pCmdManager->GetObjListType())
{ if(FAILED(hr = GetProperty(L"__URL",var))) { hr = GetProperty(L"__PATH",var ); } if( hr == S_OK ) { Key.SetStr(var.GetStr()); } } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// This method applies only for instances obtained from REFERENCES OF or ASSOCIATERS OF query
HRESULT CWbemCommandInstanceWrapper::RefreshInstance() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Get the Key name only if query is mixed
// meaning heteregenous objects are requested
if(MIXED == m_pCmdManager->GetObjListType()) { hr = CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::RefreshInstance(); } return hr; }
// The Method class definition
// The Method parameters
CWbemMethodParameters::CWbemMethodParameters(CQuery * p, DWORD dwFlags,CWbemConnectionWrapper * Connect) : CWbemClassParameters(dwFlags,(WCHAR*)NULL,Connect) { m_pwcsClassName = new WCHAR [wcslen(szInstance) + 1]; wcscpy(m_pwcsClassName,szInstance);
m_pQuery = p; m_pwcsInstance=NULL; m_pwcsMethod=NULL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemMethodParameters::~CWbemMethodParameters() { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pwcsInstance); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pwcsMethod); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodParameters::ExtractNamesFromQuery() { HRESULT hr = DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND; WCHAR * wcsQuery = m_pQuery->GetQuery();
// The purpose of this function is to extract the class name and
// method name from the query string. This query is in the format of:
// Win32_Process.Handle="20".GetOwner
DeleteClassName(); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pwcsInstance); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(m_pwcsMethod);
int nMax = wcslen(wcsQuery);
// NTRaid: 136429
// 07/05/00
WCHAR *pTmp1 = NULL; WCHAR *pTmp2 = NULL; WCHAR *pTmp3 = NULL; WCHAR *pTmp4 = NULL;
pTmp1 = new WCHAR[nMax]; pTmp2 = new WCHAR[nMax]; pTmp3 = new WCHAR[nMax]; pTmp4 = new WCHAR[nMax];
if( pTmp1 && pTmp2 && pTmp3 && pTmp4 ){
memset(pTmp1,0,nMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); memset(pTmp2,0,nMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); memset(pTmp3,0,nMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); memset(pTmp4,0,nMax * sizeof(WCHAR));
swscanf(wcsQuery,L"%[^.].%[^=]=%[^.].%s",pTmp1,pTmp2,pTmp3,pTmp4); //============================================================
// Win32_Process.Handle="20" .GetOwner
if(wcslen(pTmp4) == 0 || wcslen(pTmp3) == 0) { swscanf(wcsQuery,L"%[^=].%s",pTmp1,pTmp2); } else { swscanf(wcsQuery,L"%[^.].%s",pTmp1,pTmp2); } _wcsrev(wcsQuery); swscanf(wcsQuery,L"%[^.].%s",pTmp4,pTmp2); _wcsrev(wcsQuery); if(wcslen(pTmp4) > 0 && wcslen(pTmp2) > 0 && wcslen(pTmp1) && wcscmp(pTmp1,pTmp4) != 0) { _wcsrev(pTmp4); _wcsrev(pTmp2); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND; }
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// swscanf(wcsQuery,L"%[^.].%[^=]=\"%[^\"]\".%s",pTmp1,pTmp2,pTmp3,pTmp4);
if( pTmp1 && pTmp2 && pTmp4) { SetClassName(pTmp1); AllocateAndCopy(m_pwcsMethod,pTmp4); AllocateAndCopy(m_pwcsInstance,pTmp2); hr = S_OK; } /*
swscanf(wcsQuery,L"%[^.].%[^=]=\"%[^\"]\".%s",pTmp1,pTmp2,pTmp3,pTmp4); if( pTmp1 && pTmp2 && pTmp3 && pTmp4){ SetClassName(pTmp1); AllocateAndCopy(m_pwcsMethod,pTmp4); AllocateAndCopy(m_pwcsInstance,wcsQuery);
m_pwcsInstance = new WCHAR[nMax]; if( m_pwcsInstance ){ swprintf(m_pwcsInstance,L"%s.%s=\"%s\"",pTmp1,pTmp2,pTmp3); hr = S_OK; } } */ } } else{ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodParameters::ValidMethod() {
if( GetClassName() && m_pwcsInstance && m_pwcsMethod ){ hr = S_OK; } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The class definition for method
CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper(CWbemMethodParameters * parm ) : CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper(parm) { m_nMaxColumns = 0; m_nCount = 0; m_pInClass = NULL; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::~CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper() { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR( m_pInClass ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::Init() { HRESULT hr = DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND;
// The purpose of this function is to extract the class name and
// method name from the query string. This query is in the format of:
// Win32_ProcessHandle="20".GetOwner
hr = ((CWbemMethodParameters*) m_pParms)->ExtractNamesFromQuery();
// Any other initialization?
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::ValidClass() { return ((CWbemMethodParameters*) m_pParms)->ValidMethod(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG &ulSysPropCount) { //=======================================================================
// Since we are return the output parameters are the rowset, we are
// intereseted in the properties of the output parameter class
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
CBSTR bstrClass(((CWbemMethodParameters*) m_pParms)->GetClassName()); CBSTR bstrMethod(((CWbemMethodParameters*) m_pParms)->GetMethodName()); CBSTR bstrInstance(((CWbemMethodParameters*) m_pParms)->GetInstanceName());
hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->GetObject(bstrClass, 0,m_pParms->GetContext(), &pClass, NULL); if( hr == S_OK ){
// Now, get the list of Input and Output parameters
hr = pClass->GetMethod(bstrMethod, 0, &m_pInClass, &m_pClass); if( hr == S_OK ){ hr = CWbemClassWrapper::TotalPropertiesInClass(ulPropCount,ulSysPropCount); }
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pClass); return hr; } /*///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::BeginPropertyEnumeration() {
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::EndPropertyEnumeration() { m_nCount = 0; return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::GetNextProperty(BSTR * pProperty, VARIANT * vValue, CIMTYPE * pType ,LONG * plFlavor ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA;
if( m_nCount == 1 ){ *plFlavor = 0l; *pType = CIM_BOOLEAN; *pProperty = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(L"SUCCESS"); }
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper::BeginPropertyQualifierEnumeration(BSTR strPropName) { return S_OK; }*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The Method instance list
CWbemMethodInstanceList::CWbemMethodInstanceList(CWbemMethodParameters * p,CWbemMethodClassDefinitionWrapper * pDef): CWbemInstanceList(p) { m_pParms = p; m_pClassDefinition = pDef; m_nBaseType = METHOD_ROWSET; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemMethodInstanceList::~CWbemMethodInstanceList() { }
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceList::GetInputParameterName(IWbemClassObject *pObject,DBORDINAL iOrdinal , BSTR &strPropName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pObject->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY))) { for(DBORDINAL i = 0 ; i < iOrdinal && SUCCEEDED(hr); i++) { hr = pObject->Next(0,&strPropName,NULL,NULL,NULL); if(i != iOrdinal && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SysFreeString(strPropName); } } pObject->EndEnumeration(); }
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Function gets the input parameter values and puts it to a input parameters object which it returns
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceList::ProcessInputParameters(IWbemClassObject **ppParamInput) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObject *pParamInput = NULL; LONG lType = 0; CDataMap map; VARIANT varParamValue; VariantInit(&varParamValue);
// Enumerate the properties, read them from the parameter
// list and put them in the input class
if( m_pClassDefinition->GetInputClassPtr() ){
PPARAMINFO pParamInfo; ULONG iParam; ULONG uCount = ((CWbemMethodParameters*)m_pParms)->m_pQuery->GetParamCount(); // Spawn an instance of input paramter object
hr = m_pClassDefinition->GetInputClassPtr()->SpawnInstance(0,&pParamInput); for (iParam = 0; iParam <uCount; iParam++){ VariantClear(&varParamValue); pParamInfo = (PPARAMINFO)((CWbemMethodParameters*)m_pParms)->m_pQuery->GetParam(iParam); if (pParamInfo && (pParamInfo->dwFlags & DBPARAMFLAGS_ISINPUT)){
CBSTR bstrProperty(pParamInfo->pwszParamName); if(pParamInfo->pwszParamName == NULL) { GetInputParameterName(pParamInput,pParamInfo->iOrdinal,(BSTR&)bstrProperty); }
if(S_OK == (hr = pParamInput->Get(bstrProperty,0,NULL,&lType,NULL))) { // Call this function to convert the OLEDB bound type to CIMTYPE of the parameter
hr = map.ConvertToCIMType(pParamInfo->pbData,pParamInfo->wOLEDBType,pParamInfo->cbColLength,lType,varParamValue); // if the value is not empty put the value of the parameter
if( varParamValue.vt != VT_EMPTY && varParamValue.vt != VT_NULL) hr = pParamInput->Put(bstrProperty,0,&varParamValue,0);
if( S_OK != hr ){ break; } else { *ppParamInput = NULL; hr = pParamInput->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemClassObject , (void **)ppParamInput); } } } } VariantClear(&varParamValue); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pParamInput); ((CWbemMethodParameters*)m_pParms)->m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Leave(); } return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceList::ProcessOutputParameters() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; IWbemClassObject * pClass = ((CWbemClassWrapper*) m_pClassDefinition)->GetClass(); VARIANT varValue; VariantInit(&varValue); //===========================================================
// Enumerate the properties, read them and update the values
// in the parameter list
if( pClass ){ hr = S_OK; ((CWbemMethodParameters*)m_pParms)->m_pQuery->m_pcsQuery->Enter();
PPARAMINFO pParamInfo; ULONG iParam; ULONG uCount = ((CWbemMethodParameters*)m_pParms)->m_pQuery->GetParamCount();
for (iParam = 0; iParam <uCount; iParam++){
pParamInfo = (PPARAMINFO)((CWbemMethodParameters*)m_pParms)->m_pQuery->GetParam(iParam); if (pParamInfo && (pParamInfo->dwFlags & DBPARAMFLAGS_ISOUTPUT)) {
CBSTR bstrProperty(pParamInfo->pwszParamName);
hr = pClass->Get(bstrProperty,0,&varValue,&(pParamInfo)->CIMType,&(pParamInfo)->Flavor);
if( hr == S_OK) { CDataMap map; DWORD dwStatus = 0; // set the size to the maximum available
pParamInfo->cbColLength = pParamInfo->ulParamSize; hr = map.AllocateAndConvertToOLEDBType(varValue,pParamInfo->CIMType , pParamInfo->wOLEDBType , pParamInfo->pbData , pParamInfo->cbColLength , pParamInfo->dwStatus);
} if( S_OK != hr ){ break; } VariantClear(&varValue); } }
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceList::Reset() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
CBSTR bstrMethod(((CWbemMethodParameters*) m_pParms)->GetMethodName()); CBSTR bstrInstance(((CWbemMethodParameters*) m_pParms)->GetInstanceName()); IWbemClassObject ** ppClass = ((CWbemClassWrapper*) m_pClassDefinition)->GetClassPtr();
IWbemClassObject *pParamInput = NULL;
hr = ProcessInputParameters(&pParamInput);
if( S_OK == hr ){
hr = (m_pParms->GetServicesPtr())->ExecMethod( bstrInstance,bstrMethod, 0, m_pParms->GetContext(), m_pClassDefinition->GetInputClassPtr(), ppClass, NULL);
// We should update the DBPARAMS array as well as put these results
// in a rowset
if( S_OK == hr ){ hr = ProcessOutputParameters(); } } SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pParamInput); return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceList::NextInstance(CBSTR & Key, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper ** pInst) { LONG lRelativePos = 1; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// Now, we only have one instance of output parameters
if( m_lCurrentPos == 0 ) { // IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_FetchDir == FETCHDIRBACKWARD) lRelativePos = 0;
// Check if the instance is already fetched
*pInst = GetInstance(m_lCurrentPos +lRelativePos); if( *pInst == NULL) {
*pInst = new CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper((CWbemMethodParameters*)m_pParms);
if( *pInst ){ IWbemClassObject * pClass = ((CWbemClassWrapper*) m_pClassDefinition)->GetClass();
(*pInst)->SetClass(pClass); (*pInst)->SetPos(++m_lCurrentPos); AddInstance(*pInst); (*pInst)->GetKey(Key);
hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { m_lCurrentPos += lRelativePos; m_FetchDir = FETCHDIRFORWARD; (*pInst)->GetKey(Key); hr = S_OK; } } else { hr = WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA; }
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceList::PrevInstance( CBSTR & Key, CWbemClassInstanceWrapper *& pInst) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBROWOFFSET lRelativePos = -1;
// IF the direction has changed compared to the previous fetch then
// the first fetch will be the last one fetched
if( m_FetchDir == FETCHDIRFORWARD) lRelativePos = 0;
// Reset the position to the so that
// NextInstance function gives the instance required
hr = ResetRelPosition(lRelativePos); pInst = GetInstance(m_lCurrentPos); if(pInst != NULL) pInst->GetKey(Key);
return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The Method instance wrapper list
CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper::CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper(CWbemMethodParameters * p): CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(p) {
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper::~CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper::ResetInstanceFromKey(CBSTR Key) { // This doesn't really apply to methods
return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper::RefreshInstance() { // This doesn't really apply to methods
return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
WCHAR * CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper::GetClassName() { return m_pParms->GetClassName(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CWbemMethodInstanceWrapper::GetKey(CBSTR & Key) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; Key.SetStr(L"OutputParameters"); return hr; }
// CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper class implementation
CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper::CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p, WCHAR * pstrPath, INSTANCELISTTYPE objListType) :CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper(p, ((pstrPath == NULL) || (pstrPath != NULL && wcscmp(pstrPath,OPENCOLLECTION) == 0)) ? FALSE : TRUE) { m_pstrPath = NULL; if((pstrPath == NULL) || (pstrPath != NULL && wcscmp(pstrPath,OPENCOLLECTION) == 0)) { m_objListType = objListType; } else { m_objListType = NORMAL; } }
HRESULT CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper::Initialize(WCHAR * pstrPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR *pStrTemp = (WCHAR *)OPENCOLLECTION;
if(pstrPath != NULL) { pStrTemp = pstrPath; }
m_pstrPath = new WCHAR[wcslen(pStrTemp) + 1]; if(m_pstrPath) { wcscpy(m_pstrPath,pStrTemp); // function to get the class defination object if required
hr = Init(m_objListType == NORMAL); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper::~CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper() { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pstrPath); }
HRESULT CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper::ValidClass() { return S_OK; }
HRESULT CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper::TotalPropertiesInClass(ULONG & ulPropCount, ULONG &ulSysPropCount) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // if the rowset refers to a mixed rowset then
// there is only one column in the row
if(m_objListType != NORMAL) { ulPropCount = 0; ulSysPropCount = 1; } else { hr = CWbemClassDefinitionWrapper::TotalPropertiesInClass(ulPropCount,ulSysPropCount); } return hr; }
// CWbemCollectionInstanceList class implementation
CWbemCollectionInstanceList::CWbemCollectionInstanceList(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCollectionManager * pCollectionMgr) :CWbemInstanceList(p) { m_pColMgr = pCollectionMgr; }
CWbemCollectionInstanceList::~CWbemCollectionInstanceList() { }
HRESULT CWbemCollectionInstanceList::Reset() { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; BOOL bGetInstanceEnum = TRUE; //============================================================
// If we already got an enumeration, reset it, otherwise
// don't
if( m_ppEnum ){ if(WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY & m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags) { ReleaseAllInstances(); m_ppEnum->Release(); m_ppEnum = NULL; } else { hr = m_ppEnum->Reset(); bGetInstanceEnum = FALSE; } }
if(bGetInstanceEnum == TRUE) { IWbemServicesEx *pServicesEx = NULL;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pParms->GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServicesEx,(void **)&pServicesEx))) { long lFlags = 0; CBSTR strPath; strPath.SetStr(m_pColMgr->GetObjectPath()); INSTANCELISTTYPE colType = m_pColMgr->GetObjListType();
hr = pServicesEx->CreateInstanceEnum(strPath, m_pParms->m_dwNavFlags | m_pParms->m_dwQueryFlags, m_pParms->GetContext(), &m_ppEnum);
SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pServicesEx); }
if( hr == S_OK) { m_cTotalInstancesInEnum = 0; } } if(hr == S_OK) { m_lCurrentPos = 0; }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// CWbemCollectionParameters class implementation
CWbemCollectionParameters::CWbemCollectionParameters(DWORD dwFlags,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap ,WCHAR *pClassName) : CWbemClassParameters(dwFlags,NULL,pWrap) { m_pServices = NULL; m_pwcsClassName = NULL; }
CWbemCollectionParameters::~CWbemCollectionParameters() { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pServices); }
HRESULT CWbemCollectionParameters::Init(BSTR strPath,CWbemConnectionWrapper * pWrap) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR * pStrTemp = NULL; if(strPath == NULL || (strPath != NULL && wcscmp(strPath,OPENCOLLECTION) == 0)) { pStrTemp = (WCHAR *)szInstance; } else { pStrTemp = strPath; } m_pwcsClassName = new WCHAR [wcslen(pStrTemp) + 1]; if(m_pwcsClassName) { wcscpy(m_pwcsClassName,pStrTemp); hr = pWrap->GetServicesPtr()->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServices,(void **)&m_pServices); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr);
// CWbemCollectionInstanceList class implementation
// Constructor
CWbemCollectionManager::CWbemCollectionManager() { m_pClassDefinition = NULL; m_pInstanceList = NULL; m_pInstance = NULL; m_pParms = NULL; }
// Destructor
CWbemCollectionManager::~CWbemCollectionManager() { }
// Initialization function
void CWbemCollectionManager::Init(CWbemCollectionInstanceList * InstanceList, CWbemCollectionParameters * pParms,CWbemCollectionClassDefinitionWrapper* pDef) { m_pClassDefinition = pDef; m_pInstanceList = InstanceList; m_pInstance = NULL; m_pParms = pParms;
CBSTR strPath; strPath.SetStr(GetObjectPath()); INSTANCELISTTYPE colType = GetObjListType(); }
// CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper class implementation
// Consturctor
CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper::CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper(CWbemClassParameters * p,CWbemCollectionManager * pWbemColMgr) :CWbemClassInstanceWrapper(p) { m_pColMgr = pWbemColMgr; }
// Destructor
CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper::~CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper() { }
// Get classname of the object
WCHAR * CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper::GetClassName() { WCHAR *pClass = NULL; BSTR strPropName; HRESULT hr = 0;
strPropName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(L"__Class");
VARIANT varClassName; VariantInit(&varClassName);
// Get the class name
hr = m_pClass->Get(strPropName,0, &varClassName , NULL , NULL);
if( hr == S_OK) { AllocateAndCopy(pClass,varClassName.bstrVal); VariantClear(&varClassName); }
return pClass; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Refreshing the instance
HRESULT CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper::GetKey(CBSTR & Key) { CVARIANT var; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if(FAILED(hr = GetProperty(L"__URL",&var))) { hr = GetProperty(L"__PATH",var ); } if( hr == S_OK ) { Key.SetStr(var.GetStr()); } return MapWbemErrorToOLEDBError(hr); }
// Refreshing the instance
HRESULT CWbemCollectionInstanceWrapper::RefreshInstance() { return CWbemClassInstanceWrapper::RefreshInstance();
// CWbemSecurityDescriptor class implementaion
CWbemSecurityDescriptor::CWbemSecurityDescriptor() { m_strPath = NULL; m_pISerEx = NULL; m_lSdSize = 0; m_pAccessor = NULL; m_pIContext = NULL;
HRESULT CWbemSecurityDescriptor::Init(IWbemServices *pSer,BSTR strPath,IWbemContext *pContext) { ULONG lSDSize = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = pSer->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemServicesEx , (void**)&m_pISerEx))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pISerEx->GetObject(strPath,0,m_pIContext,&m_pAccessor,NULL))) { CIMTYPE lType = 0; hr = m_pAccessor->Get(CBSTR(L"__SD"),0,&m_sd,&lType,NULL); } } m_pIContext = pContext; if(m_pIContext) { m_pIContext->AddRef(); } return hr; }
CWbemSecurityDescriptor::~CWbemSecurityDescriptor() { SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pISerEx); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pAccessor); SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(m_pIContext); SAFE_FREE_SYSSTRING(m_strPath); }
HRESULT CWbemSecurityDescriptor::PutSD() { HRESULT hr;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pAccessor->Put(CBSTR(L"__SD"),0,&m_sd,VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1))) { hr = m_pISerEx->PutInstance(m_pAccessor,0,m_pIContext,NULL); } return hr; }
BOOL CWbemSecurityDescriptor::GetSID(TRUSTEE_W *pTrustee, PSID & psid) { WCHAR *pName = NULL; BOOL bLookUp = FALSE; PSID psidTemp = NULL; ULONG lSID = 0; BOOL bRet = TRUE; BYTE *pMem = NULL; switch(GetTrusteeFormW(pTrustee)) { case TRUSTEE_IS_NAME: pName = GetTrusteeNameW(pTrustee); bLookUp = TRUE; break;
// THis is only in windows 2000
case TRUSTEE_IS_OBJECTS_AND_NAME: pName = ((OBJECTS_AND_NAME_W *)GetTrusteeNameW(pTrustee))->ptstrName; bLookUp = TRUE; break;
case TRUSTEE_IS_OBJECTS_AND_SID: psidTemp = ((OBJECTS_AND_SID *)GetTrusteeNameW(pTrustee))->pSid; break;
case TRUSTEE_IS_SID : psidTemp = (PSID)GetTrusteeNameW(pTrustee); break; }
if(bLookUp) { SID_NAME_USE sidNameUseTemp; ULONG lDomainName = NULL; // Get the length of SID to be allocated
if(LookupAccountNameW(NULL,pName,NULL,(LPDWORD)&lSID,NULL,(LPDWORD)&lDomainName,&sidNameUseTemp)) { try { pMem = new BYTE[lSID]; } catch(...) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pMem); throw;; } psid = (PSID)pMem; bRet = LookupAccountNameW(NULL,pName,psid,(LPDWORD)&lSID,NULL,(LPDWORD)&lDomainName,&sidNameUseTemp); } } else { lSID = (ULONG)GetLengthSid(psidTemp); try { pMem = new BYTE[lSID]; } catch(...) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pMem); throw;; } psid = (PSID)pMem; bRet = CopySid(lSID,psid,psidTemp); }
if(!bRet) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pMem); psid = NULL; }
return bRet; }