// Microsoft WMIOLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// IBindResource.CPP CImplIBindRsrc interface implementation for
// Session object
#include "headers.h"
// Method of the IBindResource which binds the requested URL
// S_OK Bind succeeded
// DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED Bind succeeded, but some bind flags
// or properties were not satisfied
// DB_E_NOAGGREGATION Aggregation not supported by the
// object requested
// DB_E_NOTFOUND Object requested as from URL not found
// DB_E_OBJECTMISMATCH The object requested and the URL passed
// does not match
// DB_SEC_E_PERMISSIONDENIED User does not have permission for the
// object requested
// E_FAIL Other error ( WMI specifice errors)
// E_INVALIDARG one or more arguments are not valid
// E_NOINTERFACE The interface requested is not supported
// E_UNEXPECTED unexpected error
STDMETHODIMP CImplIBindRsrc::Bind( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPCOLESTR pwszURL, DBBINDURLFLAG dwBindURLFlags, REFGUID rguid, REFIID riid, IAuthenticate * pAuthenticate, DBIMPLICITSESSION * pImplSession, DBBINDURLSTATUS * pdwBindStatus, IUnknown ** ppUnk) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR strUrl; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// Serialize the object
CAutoBlock cab(m_pObj->GetCriticalSection());
// Clear ErrorInfo
// If URL is NULL return Invalid Argument
if(pwszURL == NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else {
// Allocate the string
strUrl = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pwszURL);
// Check if the flags passed are valid for the object requested
if(!CheckBindURLFlags(dwBindURLFlags,rguid)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if(!CheckIfProperURL(strUrl,rguid,pdwBindStatus)) { hr = DB_E_OBJECTMISMATCH; } else if( pUnkOuter != NULL && riid != IID_IUnknown) { hr = DB_E_NOAGGREGATION; } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //=========================================================================================
// Calling this to bind the URL to the appropriate object
hr = BindURL(pUnkOuter,strUrl,dwBindURLFlags,rguid,riid,pImplSession,pdwBindStatus,ppUnk); }
// Free the string
SysFreeString(strUrl); } hr = hr == S_OK ? hr :g_pCError->PostHResult(hr,&IID_IBindResource);
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"IBindResource::Bind on Session object"); return hr; }
// Function which checks if the URL flags matches the requested object
// This is as per the OLEDB specs
BOOL CImplIBindRsrc::CheckBindURLFlags(DBBINDURLFLAG dwBindURLFlags , REFGUID rguid) { BOOL bFlag = FALSE; LONG lTemp = 0;
if( DBGUID_DSO == rguid) { lTemp = DBBINDURLFLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS | DBBINDURLFLAG_READ | DBBINDURLFLAG_WAITFORINIT; //=========================================================================================
// Flags can have only these values
if((dwBindURLFlags & ~lTemp) == 0) bFlag = TRUE;
if( DBGUID_SESSION == rguid) { if( dwBindURLFlags == DBBINDURLFLAG_READ) // Flags can have only these values
bFlag = TRUE; }
if( DBGUID_COMMAND == rguid) { lTemp = DBBINDURLFLAG_READ | DBBINDURLFLAG_WAITFORINIT; if((dwBindURLFlags & ~lTemp) == 0) bFlag = TRUE; }
if( DBGUID_ROW == rguid) { bFlag = TRUE; }
if( DBGUID_ROWSET == rguid) { if(!((dwBindURLFlags & DBBINDURLFLAG_DELAYFETCHCOLUMNS) || // Flags cannot have any of these two values
if( DBGUID_STREAM == rguid) { }
return bFlag; }
// Function which checks if the URL is valid for the requested object
BOOL CImplIBindRsrc::CheckIfProperURL(BSTR & strUrl,REFGUID rguid,DBBINDURLSTATUS * pdwBindStatus) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; LONG lUrlType = -1; CURLParser urlParser; //=========================================================================================
// Set the URL string of the URL parser utility class
if(SUCCEEDED(urlParser.SetURL(strUrl))) { // If the url is a valid URL
if((lUrlType = urlParser.GetURLType()) != -1) { switch(lUrlType) { case URL_ROW: case URL_EMBEDEDCLASS: bRet = TRUE;
// if the url is of type row or rowset and if the requested object is
// datasource or session or command , then set the status
case URL_DATASOURCE: //=========================================================================================
// check if the url is of type datasource and the requested object is
// row or rowset or stream
if(!(rguid == DBGUID_ROW || rguid == DBGUID_ROWSET || rguid == DBGUID_STREAM)) bRet = TRUE;
// if the url is of type rowset and if the requested object is
// datasource or session or command , then set the status
if(rguid == DBGUID_DSO || rguid == DBGUID_SESSION || rguid == DBGUID_COMMAND) *pdwBindStatus = DBBINDURLSTATUS_S_REDIRECTED; bRet = TRUE; if(rguid == DBGUID_ROW) bRet = FALSE;
break; }; } }
return bRet; }
// Function to bind the requested URL
// NTRaid:136545
// 07/05/00
HRESULT CImplIBindRsrc::BindURL(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, LPCOLESTR pwszURL, DBBINDURLFLAG dwBindURLFlags, REFGUID rguid, REFIID riid, DBIMPLICITSESSION * pImplSession, DBBINDURLSTATUS * pdwBindStatus, IUnknown ** ppUnk) {
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BSTR strURL = NULL; strURL = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pwszURL);
// If the requested object is DSO then create the object aggregating with the outer object
if( rguid == DBGUID_DSO) {
hr = m_pObj->m_pCDataSource->QueryInterface(riid,(void **)ppUnk);
} else //=========================================================================================
// If the requested object is Session object then QI for the requiested object
if( rguid == DBGUID_SESSION) { hr = m_pObj->QueryInterface(riid,(void **)ppUnk); } else //=========================================================================================
// If requested object is command then call function to
// to create a command
if(rguid == DBGUID_COMMAND) { hr = m_pObj->CreateCommand(pUnkOuter,riid,ppUnk); } //=========================================================================================
// If requested object is row then call function to
// to create a row
if( rguid == DBGUID_ROW) { hr = m_pObj->CreateRow(pUnkOuter,strURL,riid,ppUnk); } //=========================================================================================
// If requested object is rowset then call function to
// to create a rowset
if( rguid == DBGUID_ROWSET) { hr = m_pObj->CreateRowset(pUnkOuter,strURL,riid,ppUnk); }
if(! SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppUnk = NULL; }
return hr ; }