// Microsoft WMI OLE DB Provider
// (C) Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// IPersistFile interface implementation for Datasource object
#include "headers.h"
// Key values of the different properties to be stored in the file
WCHAR wszDataSource[] = L"DataSource"; // DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE
WCHAR wszMode[] = L"Mode"; // DBPROP_INIT_MODE
WCHAR wszProtection[] = L"ProtectionLevel"; // DBPROP_INIT_PROTECTION_LEVEL
WCHAR wszImpersonation[] = L"ImpersonationLevel"; // DBPROP_INIT_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL
WCHAR wszWmioledbQualif[] = L"WmiOledbQualifiers"; // DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_QUALIFIERS
WCHAR wszWmioledbAuthority[]= L"Authority"; // DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_AUTHORITY
WCHAR wszSystemProperties[] = L"System Properties"; // DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_SYSTEMPROPERTIES
// Get the CLSID of the DSO.
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK The method succeeded.
// E_FAIL Provider-specific error.
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::GetClassID( CLSID *pClassID ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// Serialize the object
CAutoBlock cab(m_pObj->GetCriticalSection());
// Clear Error information
// Check the pointer
if ( pClassID ){ memcpy( pClassID, &CLSID_WMIOLEDB, sizeof(CLSID) ); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
hr = hr == S_OK ? hr :g_pCError->PostHResult(hr,&IID_IRowsetLocate);
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"IPersistFile::GetClassID"); return hr; }
// Checks an object for changes since it was last saved to its current file.
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK The object has changed since it was last saved
// S_FALSE The object has not changed since the last saved
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::IsDirty(void) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// Serialize the object
CAutoBlock cab(m_pObj->GetCriticalSection()); // Clear previous Error Object for this thread
hr = m_pObj->m_bIsPersitFileDirty ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
hr = hr == S_OK ? hr :g_pCError->PostHResult(hr,&IID_IRowsetLocate);
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"IPersistFile::IsDirty"); return hr; }
// Retrieves either the absolute path to the object's current working file
// or, if there is no current working file, the object's default filename prompt.
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK A valid absolute path was successfully returned
// S_FALSE The default save prompt was returned
// E_OUTOFMEMORY The operation failed due to insufficient memory
// E_FAIL The operation failed due to some reason other than
// insufficient memory
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::GetCurFile( LPOLESTR *ppszFileName) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; int nFileNameLen = 0; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// Serialize the object
CAutoBlock cab(m_pObj->GetCriticalSection()); // Clear previous Error Object for this thread
g_pCError->ClearErrorInfo(); if (ppszFileName == NULL) hr = E_FAIL; else if(m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName != NULL) { nFileNameLen = (SysStringLen(m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName) + 1 )* sizeof(WCHAR); *ppszFileName = (LPOLESTR )g_pIMalloc->Alloc(nFileNameLen); if ( ! *ppszFileName ) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { wcscpy(*ppszFileName,m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName); hr = S_OK; } } // Else if file name is null then return the defauld save prompt ie "*.dso"
else if(m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName == NULL) { static const WCHAR wszDefaultSavePrompt[] = L"*.dso"; nFileNameLen = (wcslen(wszDefaultSavePrompt) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); try { *ppszFileName = (OLECHAR*)(LPOLESTR )g_pIMalloc->Alloc(nFileNameLen); } catch(...) { if(*ppszFileName) { g_pIMalloc->Free(*ppszFileName); *ppszFileName = NULL; } throw; }
if ( ! *ppszFileName ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { // Copy the string
wcscpy(*ppszFileName, wszDefaultSavePrompt); hr = S_FALSE; }
hr = hr == S_OK ? hr :g_pCError->PostHResult(hr,&IID_IRowsetLocate);
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"IPersistFile::GetCurFile"); return hr; }
// Opens the specified file and initializes an object from the file contents.
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK The object was successfully loaded
// S_FALSE The default save prompt was returned
// E_OUTOFMEMORY The object could not be loaded due to a lack of memory
// DB_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED The object is already initialized and so load failed
// STG_E_INVALIDNAME The name of the file passed is invalid or null
// STG_E_FILENOTFOUND The specified file not found
// E_FAIL The operation failed due to some reason other than
// insufficient memory
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::Load(LPCOLESTR pszFileName, DWORD dwMode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
CAutoBlock cab(m_pObj->GetCriticalSection());
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
// @devnote We ignore the 'dwMode' parameter.
// Illegal to load if initialized.
if (IsInitialized()) hr = DB_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED; // Read all the properties from the file.
// But we just store them; client has to call IDBInitialize.
else if (!pszFileName) { hr = STG_E_INVALIDNAME; } else { // Read the file and initialize the object
hr = ReadFromFile(pszFileName);
// Clear the dirty flag, store name.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ClearDirtyFlag();
// Save the filename, if given.
if (pszFileName) { SysFreeString(m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName); m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pszFileName); } }
hr = hr == S_OK ? hr :g_pCError->PostHResult(hr,&IID_IRowsetLocate);
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"IPersistFile::Load"); return hr; }
// Saves a copy of the object into the specified file.ie. saves initialization properties
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK The object was successfully loaded
// S_FALSE The default save prompt was returned
// E_OUTOFMEMORY The object could not be loaded due to a lack of memory
// STG_E_INVALIDNAME The name of the file passed is invalid or null
// E_FAIL The operation failed due to some reason other than
// insufficient memory
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::Save(LPCOLESTR pszFileName,BOOL fRemember) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCOLESTR pFileNameTemp; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// Serialize the object
CAutoBlock cab(m_pObj->GetCriticalSection()); // Clear previous Error Object for this thread
if(m_pObj->m_fDSOInitialized == FALSE) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else // if file name stored AND the filename passed is NULL
if(( pszFileName == NULL && m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName == NULL) || (pszFileName != NULL && wcslen(pszFileName) == 0)) hr = STG_E_INVALIDNAME; else { pFileNameTemp = pszFileName == NULL ? m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName : pszFileName; // Call this function to save properties to the file
if(S_OK == (hr = WriteToFile(pFileNameTemp))) { ClearDirtyFlag(); }
// if the name of file is not to be remembered then free the string
if(pszFileName != NULL && fRemember == TRUE) { SysFreeString(m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName); m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(pszFileName);
// SysFreeString(m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName);
// m_pObj->m_strPersistFileName = NULL;
// m_pObj->m_bIsPersitFileDirty = TRUE;
} if(fRemember == FALSE) { m_pObj->m_bIsPersitFileDirty = TRUE; } }
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"IPersistFile::Save"); hr = hr == S_OK ? hr :g_pCError->PostHResult(hr,&IID_IRowsetLocate); return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Notifies the object that it can write to its file
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK Returned in all cases
STDMETHODIMP CImpIPersistFile::SaveCompleted(LPCOLESTR pszFileName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSetStructuredExceptionHandler seh;
// Clear previous Error Object for this thread
CATCH_BLOCK_HRESULT(hr,L"IPersistFile::SaveCompleted"); return hr; }
// Function to Write initialization properties to the file
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK Writing into file is successful
// E_FAIL Writing to file failed
// Return values of GetProperties
HRESULT CImpIPersistFile::WriteToFile(LPCOLESTR strFileName) { DBPROPSET* prgPropertySets; ULONG ulPropSets = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG nPropSetIndex = 0; ULONG nPropIndex = 0; WCHAR * wszKey = NULL; VARIANT varTemp; BOOL bWriteToFile = TRUE;
// Get data source object's properties
if(S_OK == (hr = m_pObj->m_pUtilProp->GetProperties(PROPSET_DSO,0,NULL,&ulPropSets,&prgPropertySets))) { for(nPropSetIndex = 0 ; nPropSetIndex < ulPropSets ; nPropSetIndex++) { // Only Initialization properties are stored in the file
if(prgPropertySets[nPropSetIndex].guidPropertySet == DBPROPSET_DBINIT || prgPropertySets[nPropSetIndex].guidPropertySet == DBPROPSET_WMIOLEDB_DBINIT) { // For all properties in the property set returned
for(nPropIndex = 0 ; nPropIndex < prgPropertySets[nPropSetIndex].cProperties ; nPropIndex++) { bWriteToFile = TRUE; // Switch on the property ID to get the appropriate key value
switch(prgPropertySets[nPropSetIndex].rgProperties[nPropIndex].dwPropertyID) { case DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE: wszKey = &wszDataSource[0]; break;
case DBPROP_AUTH_USERID: wszKey = &wszUserId[0];
case DBPROP_INIT_MODE: wszKey = &wszMode[0]; break;
case DBPROP_INIT_PROTECTION_LEVEL: wszKey = &wszProtection[0]; break;
case DBPROP_INIT_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL: wszKey = &wszImpersonation[0]; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_QUALIFIERS: wszKey = &wszWmioledbQualif[0]; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_SYSTEMPROPERTIES: wszKey = &wszSystemProperties[0]; break;
case DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_AUTHORITY: wszKey = &wszWmioledbAuthority[0]; break; default: bWriteToFile = FALSE; }
// If everything is successful then write value to file
if(bWriteToFile == TRUE) { // If property is not of type BSTR convert it into BSTR
VariantClear(&varTemp); if(prgPropertySets[nPropSetIndex].rgProperties[nPropIndex].vValue.vt != VT_BSTR) { // Convert the value to string
VariantChangeType(&varTemp,&prgPropertySets[nPropSetIndex].rgProperties[nPropIndex].vValue, VARIANT_NOVALUEPROP,VT_BSTR); } else { VariantCopy(&varTemp,&prgPropertySets[nPropSetIndex].rgProperties[nPropIndex].vValue); } // Call the member function to persist into a file
if(!WritePrivateProfileString(WMIOLEDB,wszKey,varTemp.bstrVal,strFileName)) { VariantClear(&varTemp); return E_FAIL; } } } } } //==========================================================================
// Free memory we allocated to by GetProperties
m_pObj->m_pUtilProp->m_PropMemMgr.FreeDBPROPSET(ulPropSets, prgPropertySets);
} VariantClear(&varTemp); return hr;
// Read properties from the file and initialize the datasource object by setting the
// initialization properties
// Returns one of the following values
// S_OK Reading from file and datasource initiallization was successful
// STG_E_FILENOTFOUND The specified file not found
// E_FAIL Reading from file faied , due to lack of memory
// Return values of SetProperties
HRESULT CImpIPersistFile::ReadFromFile(LPCOLESTR pszFileName) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; WCHAR wszFileNameFull[MAX_PATH]; // fill in with full path name
WCHAR wszValue[MAX_PATH]; VARIANT varProp; LONG lValue = 0; VariantInit(&varProp);
// Check if file exists and also get the full absolute path
if(S_OK == (hr = GetCurrentFile(pszFileName,wszFileNameFull,GENERIC_READ))) { memset(wszValue,0,MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Get the DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE from the file
if(GetPrivateProfileStr(WMIOLEDB,wszDataSource,pszFileName,wszValue)) { varProp.vt = VT_BSTR; varProp.bstrVal = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(wszValue); // Set DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE property
// Get the DBPROP_AUTH_USERID from the file
if(GetPrivateProfileStr(WMIOLEDB,wszUserId,pszFileName,wszValue)) { varProp.vt = VT_BSTR; varProp.bstrVal = Wmioledb_SysAllocString(wszValue); // Set DBPROP_AUTH_USERID property
// Get the DBPROP_INIT_MODE from the file
if( hr == S_OK && GetPrivateProfileLong(WMIOLEDB,wszMode,pszFileName,lValue)) { VariantClear(&varProp); varProp.vt = VT_I4; varProp.lVal = lValue; // Set DBPROP_INIT_MODE property
// Get the DBPROP_INIT_PROTECTION_LEVEL from the file
if( hr == S_OK && GetPrivateProfileLong(WMIOLEDB,wszProtection,pszFileName,lValue)) { VariantClear(&varProp); varProp.vt = VT_I4; varProp.lVal = lValue; // Set DBPROP_INIT_PROTECTION_LEVEL property
if( hr == S_OK && GetPrivateProfileLong(WMIOLEDB,wszImpersonation,pszFileName,lValue)) { VariantClear(&varProp); varProp.vt = VT_I4; varProp.lVal = lValue; // Set DBPROP_INIT_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL property
// Get the DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_QUALIFIERS from the file
if( hr == S_OK && GetPrivateProfileLong(WMIOLEDB,wszWmioledbQualif,pszFileName,lValue)) { VariantClear(&varProp); varProp.vt = VT_I4; varProp.lVal = lValue; // Set DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_QUALIFIERS property
if( hr == S_OK && GetPrivateProfileLong(WMIOLEDB,wszSystemProperties,pszFileName,lValue)) { VariantClear(&varProp); varProp.vt = VT_BOOL; varProp.boolVal = (BOOL)lValue; // Set DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_QUALIFIERS property
// Get the DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_AUTHORITY from the file
if( hr == S_OK && GetPrivateProfileStr(WMIOLEDB,wszWmioledbAuthority,pszFileName,wszValue)) { VariantClear(&varProp); varProp.vt = VT_BSTR; varProp.bstrVal = SysAllocString(wszValue); // Set DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_AUTHORITY property
hr = SetDBInitProp(DBPROP_WMIOLEDB_AUTHORITY,DBPROPSET_WMIOLEDB_DBINIT,varProp); } } VariantClear(&varProp); return hr; }
// Clear the dirty flag
void CImpIPersistFile::ClearDirtyFlag() { m_pObj->m_bIsPersitFileDirty = FALSE; }
// Check if Datasource is Initialized
BOOL CImpIPersistFile::IsInitialized() { return m_pObj->m_fDSOInitialized; }
// Write a key value to the File in INI file format
BOOL CImpIPersistFile::WritePrivateProfileString(LPCOLESTR wszAppName,LPCOLESTR wszKeyName,LPCOLESTR wszValue,LPCOLESTR wszFileName) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; // If operation system supports UNICODE then call UNICODE version
if(g_bIsAnsiOS == FALSE) { fRet = ::WritePrivateProfileStringW(wszAppName, wszKeyName, wszValue, wszFileName); } // Else convert the strings to ANSI format and call ANSI version of the function
else { LPSTR szAppName = NULL; LPSTR szKeyName = NULL; LPSTR szValue = NULL; LPSTR szFileName = NULL;
if( UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszAppName,szAppName) && UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszKeyName,szKeyName) && UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszValue,szValue) && UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszFileName,szFileName) ) {
fRet = ::WritePrivateProfileStringA(szAppName, szKeyName, szValue, szFileName); } // release the memory
return fRet; }
// Get a String Key value from the file
// Assumption: that the the buffer size of wszValue is MAX_PATH
BOOL CImpIPersistFile::GetPrivateProfileStr(LPCOLESTR wszAppName,LPCOLESTR wszKeyName,LPCOLESTR wszFileName,LPOLESTR wszValue) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; // If operation system supports UNICODE then call UNICODE version
if(g_bIsAnsiOS == FALSE) { fRet = ::GetPrivateProfileStringW(wszAppName, wszKeyName, NULL, wszValue, MAX_PATH, wszFileName); } // Else convert the strings to ANSI format and call ANSI version of the function
else { LPSTR szAppName = NULL; LPSTR szKeyName = NULL; LPSTR szFileName = NULL;
LPSTR pszValue = NULL; pszValue = new char[MAX_PATH * DBCS_MAXWID];
if( UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszAppName,szAppName) && UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszKeyName,szKeyName) && UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszFileName,szFileName) ) { if(0 != (fRet = ::GetPrivateProfileStringA(szAppName, szKeyName, NULL, pszValue, MAX_PATH * DBCS_MAXWID, szFileName))) { // convert back to UNICODE
AllocateAndConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszValue,wszValue); } } // release the memory
return fRet; }
// Get a Long Key value from the file
// //NTRaid:111772
// 06/07/00
BOOL CImpIPersistFile::GetPrivateProfileLong(LPCOLESTR wszAppName,LPCOLESTR wszKeyName,LPCOLESTR wszFileName, LONG &lValue) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; INT nDefaultVal = -1111;
// If operation system supports UNICODE then call UNICODE version
if(g_bIsAnsiOS == FALSE) { if(nDefaultVal != (lValue = ::GetPrivateProfileIntW(wszAppName, wszKeyName, nDefaultVal, wszFileName))) fRet = TRUE; } // Else convert the strings to ANSI format and call ANSI version of the function
else { LPSTR szAppName = NULL; LPSTR szKeyName = NULL; LPSTR szFileName = NULL;
if( UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszAppName,szAppName) && UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszKeyName,szKeyName) && UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)wszFileName,szFileName) ) { if( nDefaultVal != (lValue = ::GetPrivateProfileIntA(szAppName, szKeyName, nDefaultVal, szFileName))) fRet = TRUE; } // release the memory
return fRet; }
// Function which gets the absolute path of the file, then checks whether the file exists for
// the given access on the file
HRESULT CImpIPersistFile::GetCurrentFile(LPCOLESTR pwszFileName,LPOLESTR wszFileNameFull,DWORD dwAccess) { //NTRaid:111771
// 06/07/00
HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwShareMode; DWORD dwCreationDistribution; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Call this function to get the absolute path of the file
if(S_OK == ( hr = GetAbsolutePath(pwszFileName,wszFileNameFull))) { // Set the access, share mpde and file creation flags depending on the access
// for which the file is required
if(dwAccess != GENERIC_READ) { dwAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; dwShareMode = 0; // disallow other user access, FILE_SHARE_READ, _WRITE
dwCreationDistribution = OPEN_ALWAYS; // will create if it doesn't exist
} else { dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ; dwCreationDistribution = OPEN_EXISTING; }
// If operation system supports UNICODE then call UNICODE version
if ( !g_bIsAnsiOS ) { hFile = ::CreateFileW(wszFileNameFull, dwAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreationDistribution, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
} // Else convert the strings to ANSI format and call ANSI version of the function
else { LPSTR szFileName; if(UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)pwszFileName,szFileName)) hFile = ::CreateFileA(szFileName, dwAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreationDistribution, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); else hr = E_FAIL;
// If the handle is invalid then return error
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = STG_E_FILENOTFOUND; } else CloseHandle(hFile); } // Get the full path
return hr;
// Get the absolute path of the file
HRESULT CImpIPersistFile::GetAbsolutePath(LPCOLESTR pwszFileName,LPOLESTR wszFileNameFull) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // If operation system supports UNICODE then call UNICODE version
if ( !g_bIsAnsiOS ) { if(NULL == _wfullpath( wszFileNameFull, pwszFileName, MAX_PATH )) hr = E_FAIL; } // Else convert the strings to ANSI format and call ANSI version of the function
else { LPSTR pszAbs = NULL; LPSTR pszRel = NULL; pszAbs = new char[MAX_PATH * DBCS_MAXWID];
if ( pszAbs ) {
if (!UnicodeToAnsi((WCHAR *)pwszFileName, pszRel )) hr = E_FAIL; else if ( _fullpath(pszAbs, pszRel, MAX_PATH * DBCS_MAXWID) ) { // Convert the output parameter back to UNICODE
AllocateAndConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszAbs,wszFileNameFull); } else hr = E_FAIL;
return hr; }
// Function to set a specific Datasource Initialization property
HRESULT CImpIPersistFile::SetDBInitProp(DBPROPID propId ,GUID guidPropSet,VARIANT vPropValue) { DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[1]; DBPROP rgprop[1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
memset(&rgprop[0],0,sizeof(DBPROP)); memset(&rgPropertySets[0],0,sizeof(DBPROPSET));
rgprop[0].dwPropertyID = propId; VariantCopy(&rgprop[0].vValue,&vPropValue);
rgPropertySets[0].rgProperties = &rgprop[0]; rgPropertySets[0].cProperties = 1; rgPropertySets[0].guidPropertySet = guidPropSet;
hr = m_pObj->m_pUtilProp->SetProperties( PROPSET_INIT,1,rgPropertySets);
return hr; }