// Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// alanbos 15-Aug-96 Created.
// Defines the implementation of ISWbemNamedValueSet
#include "precomp.h"
// CSWbemNamedValueSet::CSWbemNamedValueSet
// Constructor.
CSWbemNamedValueSet::CSWbemNamedValueSet() : m_pCWbemPathCracker (NULL), m_bMutable (true), m_cRef (0), m_pIWbemContext (NULL), m_pSWbemServices (NULL) { m_Dispatch.SetObj (this, IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet, CLSID_SWbemNamedValueSet, L"SWbemNamedValueSet"); // Create a context
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemContext, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemContext, (LPVOID *) &m_pIWbemContext); InterlockedIncrement(&g_cObj); }
// CSWbemNamedValueSet::CSWbemNamedValueSet
// Constructor.
CSWbemNamedValueSet::CSWbemNamedValueSet( CSWbemServices *pService, IWbemContext *pContext ) : m_pCWbemPathCracker (NULL), m_bMutable (true), m_cRef (0), m_pIWbemContext (pContext), m_pSWbemServices (pService) { m_Dispatch.SetObj (this, IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet, CLSID_SWbemNamedValueSet, L"SWbemNamedValueSet"); if (m_pIWbemContext) m_pIWbemContext->AddRef (); if (m_pSWbemServices) m_pSWbemServices->AddRef ();
InterlockedIncrement(&g_cObj); }
// CSWbemNamedValueSet::CSWbemNamedValueSet
// Constructor.
CSWbemNamedValueSet::CSWbemNamedValueSet( CWbemPathCracker *pCWbemPathCracker, bool bMutable ) : m_pCWbemPathCracker (pCWbemPathCracker), m_bMutable (bMutable), m_cRef (0), m_pIWbemContext (NULL), m_pSWbemServices (NULL) { m_Dispatch.SetObj (this, IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet, CLSID_SWbemNamedValueSet, L"SWbemNamedValueSet"); // Create a context
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemContext, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemContext, (LPVOID *) &m_pIWbemContext);
if (m_pCWbemPathCracker) { m_pCWbemPathCracker->AddRef ();
// Artificial refcount hike as the following may do an AddRef/Release
// pair on this
m_cRef++; BuildContextFromKeyList (); m_cRef--; }
InterlockedIncrement(&g_cObj); }
// CSWbemNamedValueSet::~CSWbemNamedValueSet
// Destructor.
CSWbemNamedValueSet::~CSWbemNamedValueSet(void) { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cObj);
if (m_pIWbemContext) { m_pIWbemContext->EndEnumeration (); m_pIWbemContext->Release (); m_pIWbemContext = NULL; }
RELEASEANDNULL(m_pSWbemServices) RELEASEANDNULL(m_pCWbemPathCracker) }
// HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::QueryInterface
// long CSWbemNamedValueSet::AddRef
// long CSWbemNamedValueSet::Release
// Standard Com IUNKNOWN functions.
STDMETHODIMP CSWbemNamedValueSet::QueryInterface (
IN REFIID riid, OUT LPVOID *ppv ) { *ppv=NULL;
if (IID_IUnknown==riid) *ppv = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(this); else if (IID_IDispatch==riid) *ppv = (IDispatch *)this; else if (IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet==riid) *ppv = (ISWbemNamedValueSet *)this; else if (IID_ISWbemInternalContext==riid) *ppv = (ISWbemInternalContext *) this; else if (IID_IObjectSafety==riid) *ppv = (IObjectSafety *) this; else if (IID_ISupportErrorInfo==riid) *ppv = (ISupportErrorInfo *) this; else if (IID_IProvideClassInfo==riid) *ppv = (IProvideClassInfo *)this;
if (NULL!=*ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; }
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSWbemNamedValueSet::AddRef(void) { InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); return m_cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSWbemNamedValueSet::Release(void) { InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (0L!=m_cRef) return m_cRef; delete this; return 0; }
// HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo
// Standard Com ISupportErrorInfo functions.
STDMETHODIMP CSWbemNamedValueSet::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo (IN REFIID riid) { return (IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet == riid) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
void CSWbemNamedValueSet::BuildContextFromKeyList () { if (m_pCWbemPathCracker) { ULONG lKeyCount = 0;
if (m_pCWbemPathCracker->GetKeyCount (lKeyCount)) { for (ULONG i = 0; i <lKeyCount; i++) { VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); CComBSTR bsName; WbemCimtypeEnum cimType; if (m_pCWbemPathCracker->GetKey (i, bsName, var, cimType)) { SetValueIntoContext (bsName, &var, 0); }
VariantClear (&var); } } } }
// CSWbemNamedValueSet::GetIWbemContext
// Return the IWbemContext interface corresponding to this scriptable wrapper.
// ppContext holds the IWbemContext pointer on return
// S_OK success
// E_FAIL otherwise
// If successful, the returned interface is AddRef'd; the caller is
// responsible for release.
STDMETHODIMP CSWbemNamedValueSet::GetIWbemContext (IWbemContext **ppContext) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // By default if we have no context to copy
if (ppContext) { *ppContext = NULL;
if (m_pIWbemContext) { /*
* Before returning a context, we ensure that coercion is performed * to render the type down to either an IUnknown or a Qualifier * type. This is done for the benefit of imposing a fixed typing * system for provider context, rather than have providers take * the burden of using VariantChangeType etc. themselves. */
if (SUCCEEDED (hr = m_pIWbemContext->Clone (ppContext))) { if (SUCCEEDED (hr = (*ppContext)->BeginEnumeration (0))) { BSTR bsName = NULL; VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var);
while (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == (*ppContext)->Next(0, &bsName, &var)) { VARIANT vTemp; VariantInit (&vTemp);
// Stage 1 of transformation involves homogenisation of
// arrays, transformation of JScript arrays, and weedling
// out of IWbemClassObject's
// If successful hr will be a a success code and vTemp will
// hold the value, which will either be a VT_UNKNOWN or a
// "simple" (non-object) type, or array thereof.
if((VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT) == V_VT(&var)) { // A classical dispatch-style array of variants - map them
// down to a homogeneous array of primitive values
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = ConvertArray(&vTemp, &var))) { // Now check if we should map any VT_DISPATCH's inside
// the array
hr = MapToCIMOMObject(&vTemp); } } else if (VT_DISPATCH == V_VT(&var)) { // First try a JScript array - if this succeeds it
// will map to a regular SAFEARRAY. If not, we try
// to map to an IWbem interface
if (FAILED(ConvertDispatchToArray (&vTemp, &var))) { if (SUCCEEDED (hr = VariantCopy (&vTemp, &var))) hr = MapToCIMOMObject(&vTemp); } } else { // Just copy so we have the result in vTemp in all cases
hr = VariantCopy (&vTemp, &var); }
// Stage 2 of the transformation involves casting of simple
// (non-VT_UNKNOWN) types to a qualifier type.
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { if (VT_UNKNOWN != (V_VT(&vTemp) & ~(VT_ARRAY|VT_BYREF))) { // Not a VT_UNKNOWN so try to cast to a qualifier type
VARIANT vFinal; VariantInit (&vFinal);
VARTYPE vtOK = GetAcceptableQualType(V_VT(&vTemp));
if (vtOK != V_VT(&vTemp)) { // Need to coerce
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = QualifierVariantChangeType (&vFinal, &vTemp, vtOK))) hr = (*ppContext)->SetValue (bsName, 0, &vFinal); } else hr = (*ppContext)->SetValue (bsName, 0, &vTemp);
VariantClear (&vFinal); } else hr = (*ppContext)->SetValue (bsName, 0, &vTemp); }
VariantClear (&vTemp); SysFreeString (bsName); bsName = NULL; VariantClear (&var); }
(*ppContext)->EndEnumeration (); } } } }
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::Clone
// Clone object
// ppCopy On successful return addresses the copy
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::Clone ( ISWbemNamedValueSet **ppCopy ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
ResetLastErrors ();
if (NULL == ppCopy) hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; else if (m_pIWbemContext) { IWbemContext *pWObject = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == (hr = m_pIWbemContext->Clone (&pWObject))) { // NB: the cloned set is always mutable
CSWbemNamedValueSet *pCopy = new CSWbemNamedValueSet (m_pSWbemServices, pWObject);
if (!pCopy) hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; else if (FAILED(hr = pCopy->QueryInterface (IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet, (PPVOID) ppCopy))) delete pCopy;
pWObject->Release (); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr);
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::BeginEnumeration
// Kick off a value enumeration
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::BeginEnumeration ( ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
ResetLastErrors ();
if (m_pIWbemContext) { // Preface with an end enumeration just in case
hr = m_pIWbemContext->EndEnumeration (); hr = m_pIWbemContext->BeginEnumeration (0); }
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr);
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::Next
// Iterate through value enumeration
// lFlags Flags
// ppNamedValue The next named value (or NULL if at end)
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::Next ( long lFlags, ISWbemNamedValue **ppNamedValue ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
ResetLastErrors ();
if (NULL == ppNamedValue) hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; else { *ppNamedValue = NULL;
if (m_pIWbemContext) { BSTR name = NULL; VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var); if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == (hr = m_pIWbemContext->Next (lFlags, &name, &var))) { *ppNamedValue = new CSWbemNamedValue (m_pSWbemServices, this, name, m_bMutable);
if (!(*ppNamedValue)) hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
SysFreeString (name); }
VariantClear (&var); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr);
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::Add
// Add named value to set
// bsName The property to update/create
// pVal The value
// lFlags Flags
// ppNamedValue The named value created
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::Add ( BSTR bsName, VARIANT *pVal, long lFlags, ISWbemNamedValue **ppNamedValue ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
ResetLastErrors ();
if ((NULL == ppNamedValue) || (NULL == bsName) || (NULL == pVal)) hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; else if (!m_bMutable) hr = WBEM_E_READ_ONLY; else if (m_pIWbemContext) { *ppNamedValue = NULL;
if (VT_BYREF & V_VT(pVal)) { // We must dereference all byref's
VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var);
if (VT_ARRAY & V_VT(pVal)) { var.vt = V_VT(pVal) & ~VT_BYREF; hr = SafeArrayCopy (*(pVal->pparray), &(var.parray)); } else hr = VariantChangeType(&var, pVal, 0, V_VT(pVal) & ~VT_BYREF);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = m_pIWbemContext->SetValue (bsName, lFlags, &var); VariantClear (&var); } else if ((VT_ERROR == V_VT(pVal)) && (DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND == pVal->scode)) { // Treat as NULL assignment
pVal->vt = VT_NULL; hr = m_pIWbemContext->SetValue (bsName, lFlags, pVal); } else hr = m_pIWbemContext->SetValue (bsName, lFlags, pVal);
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { WbemCimtypeEnum cimtype = MapVariantTypeToCimType(pVal); // Add to the path key list if we have one - note this MAY fail
if (m_pCWbemPathCracker) { if (!m_pCWbemPathCracker->SetKey (bsName, cimtype, *pVal)) { // Rats - delete it
m_pIWbemContext->DeleteValue (bsName, 0); hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppNamedValue = new CSWbemNamedValue (m_pSWbemServices, this, bsName);
if (!(*ppNamedValue)) hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } }
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::SetValueIntoContext ( BSTR bsName, VARIANT *pVal, ULONG lFlags ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
if (m_pIWbemContext) { if (VT_BYREF & V_VT(pVal)) { // We must dereference all byref's
VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var);
if (VT_ARRAY & V_VT(pVal)) { var.vt = V_VT(pVal) & ~VT_BYREF; hr = SafeArrayCopy (*(pVal->pparray), &(var.parray)); } else hr = VariantChangeType(&var, pVal, 0, V_VT(pVal) & ~VT_BYREF);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = m_pIWbemContext->SetValue (bsName, lFlags, &var); VariantClear (&var); } else if ((VT_ERROR == V_VT(pVal)) && (DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND == pVal->scode)) { // Treat as NULL assignment
pVal->vt = VT_NULL; hr = m_pIWbemContext->SetValue (bsName, lFlags, pVal); } else hr = m_pIWbemContext->SetValue (bsName, lFlags, pVal); }
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::Item
// Get named value
// bsName The value to retrieve
// lFlags Flags
// ppNamedValue On successful return addresses the value
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::Item ( BSTR bsName, long lFlags, ISWbemNamedValue **ppNamedValue ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED;
ResetLastErrors ();
if (NULL == ppNamedValue) hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; else if (m_pIWbemContext) { VARIANT var; VariantInit (&var);
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == (hr = m_pIWbemContext->GetValue (bsName, lFlags, &var))) { *ppNamedValue = new CSWbemNamedValue (m_pSWbemServices, this, bsName, m_bMutable);
if (!(*ppNamedValue)) hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
VariantClear (&var); }
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr);
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::Remove
// Delete named value
// bsName The value to delete
// lFlags Flags
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::Remove ( BSTR bsName, long lFlags ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; ResetLastErrors ();
if (!m_bMutable) hr = WBEM_E_READ_ONLY; else if (m_pIWbemContext) hr = m_pIWbemContext->DeleteValue (bsName, lFlags);
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr); else { // Remove from our key list if we have one
if (m_pCWbemPathCracker) hr = m_pCWbemPathCracker->RemoveKey (bsName); }
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::DeleteAll
// Empty the bag
// None
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::DeleteAll ( ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; ResetLastErrors ();
if (!m_bMutable) hr = WBEM_E_READ_ONLY; else if (m_pIWbemContext) hr = m_pIWbemContext->DeleteAll ();
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr); else { // Empty the key list
if (m_pCWbemPathCracker) m_pCWbemPathCracker->RemoveAllKeys (); }
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::get__NewEnum
// Return an IEnumVARIANT-supporting interface for collections
// ppUnk on successful return addresses the IUnknown interface
// S_OK success
// E_FAIL otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::get__NewEnum ( IUnknown **ppUnk ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
ResetLastErrors ();
if (NULL != ppUnk) { *ppUnk = NULL; CContextEnumVar *pEnum = new CContextEnumVar (this, 0);
if (!pEnum) hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; else if (FAILED(hr = pEnum->QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, (PPVOID) ppUnk))) delete pEnum; }
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr);
return hr; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::get_Count
// Return the number of items in the collection
// plCount on successful return addresses the count
// S_OK success
// E_FAIL otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::get_Count ( long *plCount ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
ResetLastErrors ();
if (NULL != plCount) { *plCount = 0;
if (m_pIWbemContext) { /*
* This is not the most efficient way of obtaining the count, * but it is the only way that is: * (a) Supported by the underlying interface * (b) Does not require access to any other interface * (c) Does not affect the current enumeration position */ SAFEARRAY *pArray = NULL;
if (WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == m_pIWbemContext->GetNames (0, &pArray)) { long lUBound = 0, lLBound = 0; SafeArrayGetUBound (pArray, 1, &lUBound); SafeArrayGetLBound (pArray, 1, &lLBound); *plCount = lUBound - lLBound + 1; SafeArrayDestroy (pArray); hr = S_OK; } } }
if (FAILED(hr)) m_Dispatch.RaiseException (hr);
return hr; }
// CSWbemNamedValueSet::GetIWbemContext
// Given an IDispatch interface which we hope is also an ISWbemNamedValueSet
// interface, return the underlying IWbemContext interface.
// pDispatch the IDispatch in question
// The underlying IWbemContext interface, or NULL.
// If successful, the returned interface is AddRef'd; the caller is
// responsible for release.
* THIS FUNCTION NEEDS FIXING * Currently this function returns the context from the service provider * obtained from the host, if there is one. If there isn't one then it uses * the one passed in from the user. The correct behaviour is to _add_ the * context from the user to the one provided by the service provider if there * is one, if not just use the one from the user */ IWbemContext *CSWbemNamedValueSet::GetIWbemContext ( IDispatch *pDispatch, IServiceProvider *pServiceProvider ) { _RD(static char *me = "CSWbemNamedValueSet::GetIWbemContext";) IWbemContext *pContext = NULL; ISWbemInternalContext *pIContext = NULL;
_RPrint(me, "Called", 0, ""); if (pServiceProvider) { if (FAILED(pServiceProvider->QueryService(IID_IWbemContext, IID_IWbemContext, (LPVOID *)&pContext))) { _RPrint(me, "Failed to get context from services", 0, ""); pContext = NULL; } else { _RPrint(me, "Got context from services", 0, ""); ; } }
if (pDispatch && !pContext) { if (SUCCEEDED (pDispatch->QueryInterface (IID_ISWbemInternalContext, (PPVOID) &pIContext))) { pIContext->GetIWbemContext (&pContext); pIContext->Release (); } }
return pContext; }
* Call GetIWbemContext to get the service context if there is one. * Then wrap the result with an SWbemContext and return */ IDispatch *CSWbemNamedValueSet::GetSWbemContext(IDispatch *pDispatch, IServiceProvider *pServiceProvider, CSWbemServices *pServices) { _RD(static char *me = "CSWbemNamedValueSet::GetSWbemContext";) IDispatch *pDispatchOut = NULL;
IWbemContext *pContext = GetIWbemContext(pDispatch, pServiceProvider);
if (pContext) {
CSWbemNamedValueSet *pCSWbemNamedValueSet = new CSWbemNamedValueSet(pServices, pContext);
if (pCSWbemNamedValueSet) { if (FAILED(pCSWbemNamedValueSet->QueryInterface (IID_IDispatch, (PPVOID) &pDispatchOut))) { delete pCSWbemNamedValueSet; pDispatchOut = NULL; } }
pContext->Release(); }
_RPrint(me, "Returning with context: ", (long)pDispatchOut, "");
return pDispatchOut; }
// SCODE CSWbemNamedValueSet::CContextDispatchHelp::HandleError
// Provide bespoke handling of error conditions in the bolierplate
// Dispatch implementation.
// dispidMember, wFlags,
// pdispparams, pvarResult,
// puArgErr, All passed directly from IDispatch::Invoke
// hr The return code from the bolierplate invoke
// The new return code (to be ultimately returned from Invoke)
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR success
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER bad input parameters
// WBEM_E_FAILED otherwise
HRESULT CSWbemNamedValueSet::CContextDispatchHelp::HandleError ( DISPID dispidMember, unsigned short wFlags, DISPPARAMS FAR* pdispparams, VARIANT FAR* pvarResult, UINT FAR* puArgErr, HRESULT hr ) { /*
* We are looking for calls on the default member (the Item method) which * are PUTs that supplied an argument. These are triggered by attempts * to set a value of a named value (Item) in the collection. * The first argument should be the new value for the item, and the second * argument should be the name of the item. */ if ((DISPID_VALUE == dispidMember) && (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND == hr) && (2 == pdispparams->cArgs) && (DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT == wFlags)) { // Looks promising - get the object to try and resolve this
ISWbemNamedValueSet *pContext = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (m_pObj->QueryInterface (IID_ISWbemNamedValueSet, (PPVOID) &pContext))) { VARIANT valueVar; VariantInit (&valueVar);
if (SUCCEEDED(VariantCopy(&valueVar, &pdispparams->rgvarg[0]))) { VARIANT nameVar; VariantInit (&nameVar);
if (SUCCEEDED(VariantCopy(&nameVar, &pdispparams->rgvarg[1]))) { // Check name is a BSTR and use it to get the item
if (VT_BSTR == V_VT(&nameVar)) { ISWbemNamedValue *pNamedValue = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED (pContext->Item (V_BSTR(&nameVar), 0, &pNamedValue))) { // Try and put the value
if (SUCCEEDED (pNamedValue->put_Value (&valueVar))) hr = S_OK; else { hr = DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH; if (puArgErr) *puArgErr = 0; }
pNamedValue->Release (); } } else { hr = DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH; if (puArgErr) *puArgErr = 1; }
VariantClear (&nameVar); }
VariantClear (&valueVar); }
pContext->Release (); } }
return hr; }