// Copyright (c) 1996-1999, Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved
// This file implements basic classes for event representation.
// See eventrep.h for documentation.
// History:
// 11/27/96 a-levn Compiles.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ess.h>
CEventRepresentation::CEventTypeData CEventRepresentation::staticTypes[] = { {e_EventTypeExtrinsic, L"__ExtrinsicEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeNamespaceCreation, L"__NamespaceCreationEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeNamespaceDeletion, L"__NamespaceDeletionEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeNamespaceModification, L"__NamespaceModificationEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeClassCreation, L"__ClassCreationEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeClassDeletion, L"__ClassDeletionEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeClassModification, L"__ClassModificationEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeInstanceCreation, L"__InstanceCreationEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeInstanceDeletion, L"__InstanceDeletionEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeInstanceModification, L"__InstanceModificationEvent", NULL}, {e_EventTypeTimer, L"__TimerEvent", NULL} };
IWbemDecorator* CEventRepresentation::mstatic_pDecorator = NULL;
// public
// See eventrep.h for documentation
int CEventRepresentation::NumEventTypes() { return sizeof(staticTypes) / sizeof CEventTypeData; }
// public
// See eventrep.h for documentation
HRESULT CEventRepresentation::Initialize(IWbemServices* pNamespace, IWbemDecorator* pDecorator) { mstatic_pDecorator = pDecorator; pDecorator->AddRef();
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CEventRepresentation::Shutdown() { if(mstatic_pDecorator) { mstatic_pDecorator->Release(); mstatic_pDecorator = NULL; }
for(int i = 0; i < NumEventTypes(); i++) { if(staticTypes[i].pEventClass != NULL) { staticTypes[i].pEventClass->Release(); staticTypes[i].pEventClass = NULL; } } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } //******************************************************************************
// public
// See eventrep.h for documentation
CEventRepresentation::~CEventRepresentation() { if(m_bAllocated) { // All fields have been allocated, and need to be deleted
// ======================================================
delete wsz1; delete wsz2; delete wsz3;
for(int i = 0; i < nObjects; i++) { (apObjects[i])->Release(); } delete [] apObjects; }
if(m_pCachedObject) m_pCachedObject->Release(); }
// public
// See eventrep.h for documentation
DELETE_ME CEventRepresentation* CEventRepresentation::MakePermanentCopy() { // Allocate a new event structure and set flags to "allocated"
// ===========================================================
CEventRepresentation* pCopy = _new CEventRepresentation; if(pCopy == NULL) return NULL;
pCopy->m_bAllocated = TRUE;
pCopy->type = type; pCopy->dw1 = dw1; pCopy->dw2 = dw2;
if(wsz1) { pCopy->wsz1 = _new WCHAR[wcslen(wsz1)+1]; if(pCopy->wsz1 == NULL) { delete pCopy; return NULL; } wcscpy(pCopy->wsz1, wsz1); } else pCopy->wsz1 = NULL;
if(wsz2) { pCopy->wsz2 = _new WCHAR[wcslen(wsz2)+1]; if(pCopy->wsz2 == NULL) { delete pCopy; return NULL; } wcscpy(pCopy->wsz2, wsz2); } else pCopy->wsz2 = NULL;
if(wsz3) { pCopy->wsz3 = _new WCHAR[wcslen(wsz3)+1]; if(pCopy->wsz3 == NULL) { delete pCopy; return NULL; } wcscpy(pCopy->wsz3, wsz3); } else pCopy->wsz3 = NULL;
pCopy->nObjects = nObjects; pCopy->apObjects = _new IWbemClassObject*[nObjects]; if(pCopy->apObjects == NULL) { delete pCopy; return NULL; }
// Make fresh copies of all objects
// ================================
// TBD: more effecient solutions may be possible here!
for(int i = 0; i < nObjects; i++) { HRESULT hres = apObjects[i]->Clone(pCopy->apObjects + i); if(FAILED(hres)) { // Abort
pCopy->nObjects = i; // successfully copied
delete pCopy; return NULL; } }
return pCopy; }
// public
// See esssink.h for documentation
INTERNAL LPCWSTR CEventRepresentation::GetEventName(EEventType type) { for(int i = 0; i < NumEventTypes(); i++) { if(staticTypes[i].type == type) return staticTypes[i].wszEventName; } return NULL; }
// public
// See esssink.h for documentation
INTERNAL IWbemClassObject* CEventRepresentation::GetEventClass( CEssNamespace* pNamespace, EEventType type) { for(int i = 0; i < NumEventTypes(); i++) { if(staticTypes[i].type == type) { if(staticTypes[i].pEventClass == NULL) { _IWmiObject* pClass = NULL; HRESULT hres = pNamespace->GetClass(staticTypes[i].wszEventName, &pClass); if(FAILED(hres)) return NULL;
staticTypes[i].pEventClass = pClass; }
return staticTypes[i].pEventClass; } } return NULL; }
INTERNAL IWbemClassObject* CEventRepresentation::GetEventClass(CEss* pEss, EEventType type) { CEssNamespace* pNamespace = NULL; HRESULT hres = pEss->GetNamespaceObject( L"root", FALSE, &pNamespace); if(FAILED(hres)) return NULL;
IWbemClassObject* pClass = GetEventClass(pNamespace, type); pNamespace->Release(); return pClass; }
// public
// See esssink.h for documentation
DWORD CEventRepresentation::GetTypeMaskFromName(READ_ONLY LPCWSTR wszEventName) { if(wszEventName[0] != '_') return 1 << e_EventTypeExtrinsic;
for(int i = 0; i < NumEventTypes(); i++) { if(!wbem_wcsicmp(staticTypes[i].wszEventName, wszEventName)) return (1 << staticTypes[i].type); }
if(!wbem_wcsicmp(wszEventName, L"__Event")) { return 0xFFFFFFFF; }
if(!wbem_wcsicmp(wszEventName, L"__NamespaceOperationEvent")) { return (1 << e_EventTypeNamespaceCreation) | (1 << e_EventTypeNamespaceDeletion) | (1 << e_EventTypeNamespaceModification); } if(!wbem_wcsicmp(wszEventName, L"__ClassOperationEvent")) { return (1 << e_EventTypeClassCreation) | (1 << e_EventTypeClassDeletion) | (1 << e_EventTypeClassModification); } if(!wbem_wcsicmp(wszEventName, L"__InstanceOperationEvent")) { return (1 << e_EventTypeInstanceCreation) | (1 << e_EventTypeInstanceDeletion) | (1 << e_EventTypeInstanceModification); }
if(!wbem_wcsicmp(wszEventName, EVENT_DROP_CLASS) || !wbem_wcsicmp(wszEventName, QUEUE_OVERFLOW_CLASS) || !wbem_wcsicmp(wszEventName, CONSUMER_FAILURE_CLASS)) { return (1 << e_EventTypeSystem); }
return 1 << e_EventTypeExtrinsic; }
// public
// See esssink.h for documentation
EEventType CEventRepresentation::GetTypeFromName(READ_ONLY LPCWSTR wszEventName) { for(int i = 0; i < NumEventTypes(); i++) { if(!_wcsicmp(staticTypes[i].wszEventName, wszEventName)) return staticTypes[i].type; }
return e_EventTypeExtrinsic; }
// public
// See esssink.h for documentation
HRESULT CEventRepresentation::MakeWbemObject( CEssNamespace* pNamespace, RELEASE_ME IWbemClassObject** ppEventObj) { HRESULT hres;
// Check if we have a cached copy
// ==============================
if(m_pCachedObject != NULL) { *ppEventObj = m_pCachedObject; m_pCachedObject->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
if(type == e_EventTypeExtrinsic || type == e_EventTypeTimer || type == e_EventTypeSystem) { *ppEventObj = apObjects[0]; (*ppEventObj)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } // Create an instance
// ==================
IWbemClassObject* pClass = GetEventClass(pNamespace, (EEventType)type); if(pClass == NULL) { return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; }
IWbemClassObject* pEventObj = NULL; if(FAILED(pClass->SpawnInstance(0, &pEventObj))) { return WBEM_E_FAILED; } CReleaseMe rm1(pEventObj);
// Set event-dependent properties
// ==============================
VARIANT vFirst, vSecond; VariantInit(&vFirst); VariantInit(&vSecond); CClearMe cm1(&vFirst); CClearMe cm2(&vSecond);
if(nObjects > 0) { V_VT(&vFirst) = VT_EMBEDDED_OBJECT; V_EMBEDDED_OBJECT(&vFirst) = apObjects[0]; apObjects[0]->AddRef(); }
if(nObjects > 1) { V_VT(&vSecond) = VT_EMBEDDED_OBJECT; V_EMBEDDED_OBJECT(&vSecond) = apObjects[1]; if(apObjects[1]) apObjects[1]->AddRef(); else V_VT(&vSecond) = VT_NULL; // no previous!
} LPCWSTR wszFirstProp = NULL, wszSecondProp = NULL;
hres = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; switch(type) { case e_EventTypeInstanceCreation: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_INSTANCE_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); break; case e_EventTypeInstanceDeletion: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_INSTANCE_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); break; case e_EventTypeInstanceModification: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_INSTANCE_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) hres = pEventObj->Put(PREVIOUS_INSTANCE_PROPNAME, 0, &vSecond, 0); break;
case e_EventTypeClassCreation: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_CLASS_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); break; case e_EventTypeClassDeletion: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_CLASS_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); break; case e_EventTypeClassModification: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_CLASS_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) hres = pEventObj->Put(PREVIOUS_CLASS_PROPNAME, 0, &vSecond, 0); break;
case e_EventTypeNamespaceCreation: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); break; case e_EventTypeNamespaceDeletion: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); break; case e_EventTypeNamespaceModification: hres = pEventObj->Put(TARGET_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME, 0, &vFirst, 0); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) hres = pEventObj->Put(PREVIOUS_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME, 0, &vSecond, 0); break; }
if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
// Decorate it
// ===========
if(mstatic_pDecorator) { hres = mstatic_pDecorator->DecorateObject(pEventObj, wsz1); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; }
// Store it in our cache
// =====================
m_pCachedObject = pEventObj; m_pCachedObject->AddRef();
*ppEventObj = pEventObj; (*ppEventObj)->AddRef();
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CEventRepresentation::CreateFromObject(IWbemClassObject* pEvent, LPWSTR wszNamespace) { HRESULT hres;
// Get the class of the event
// ==========================
VARIANT vClass; VariantInit(&vClass); pEvent->Get(L"__CLASS", 0, &vClass, NULL, NULL);
type = GetTypeFromName(V_BSTR(&vClass)); dw1 = 0; dw2 = 0; wsz1 = _new WCHAR[wcslen(wszNamespace)+1]; wcscpy(wsz1, wszNamespace); wsz2 = NULL; wsz3 = NULL; nObjects = 1; m_bAllocated = TRUE;
IWbemClassObject** aEmbedded = new IWbemClassObject*[2]; apObjects = (IWbemClassObject**)aEmbedded; aEmbedded[0] = pEvent; pEvent->AddRef();
// If the event is an intrinsic one, get the class of the target object
// ====================================================================
VARIANT vEmbed; VariantInit(&vEmbed);
{ \ pEvent->Release(); \ aEmbedded[0] = (IWbemClassObject*)V_EMBEDDED_OBJECT(&vEmbed); \ aEmbedded[0]->AddRef(); \ aEmbedded[0]->Get(L"__CLASS", 0, &vClass, NULL, NULL); \ wsz2 = _new WCHAR[wcslen(V_BSTR(&vClass))+1]; \ wcscpy(wsz2, V_BSTR(&vClass)); \ VariantClear(&vEmbed); \ }
{ \ nObjects = 2; \ aEmbedded[1] = (IWbemClassObject*)V_EMBEDDED_OBJECT(&vEmbed); \ aEmbedded[1]->AddRef(); \ VariantClear(&vEmbed); \ }
switch(type) { case e_EventTypeClassModification: hres = pEvent->Get(PREVIOUS_CLASS_PROPNAME, 0, &vEmbed, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) SET_SECOND_OBJECT;
case e_EventTypeClassCreation: case e_EventTypeClassDeletion: hres = pEvent->Get(TARGET_CLASS_PROPNAME, 0, &vEmbed, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) SET_FIRST_OBJECT break;
case e_EventTypeInstanceModification: hres = pEvent->Get(PREVIOUS_INSTANCE_PROPNAME, 0, &vEmbed, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) SET_SECOND_OBJECT; case e_EventTypeInstanceCreation: case e_EventTypeInstanceDeletion: hres = pEvent->Get(TARGET_INSTANCE_PROPNAME, 0, &vEmbed, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) SET_FIRST_OBJECT; break; case e_EventTypeNamespaceModification: hres = pEvent->Get(PREVIOUS_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME, 0, &vEmbed, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) SET_SECOND_OBJECT; case e_EventTypeNamespaceCreation: case e_EventTypeNamespaceDeletion: hres = pEvent->Get(TARGET_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME, 0, &vEmbed, NULL, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hres)) SET_FIRST_OBJECT; break; }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// public
// See esssink.h for documentation
HRESULT CEventRepresentation::Get(READ_ONLY LPCWSTR wszPropName, INIT_AND_CLEAR_ME VARIANT* pValue) { // Get the property from the first object
// ======================================
return apObjects[0]->Get((LPWSTR)wszPropName, 0, pValue, NULL, NULL); }
STDMETHODIMP CEventRepresentation::GetPropertyValue(WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME* pName, long lFlags, WBEM_WSTR* pwszCimType, WBEM_VARIANT* pvValue) { if(type == e_EventTypeExtrinsic || type == e_EventTypeTimer) { return GetObjectPropertyValue(apObjects[0], pName, lFlags, pwszCimType, pvValue); } if(pName->m_lNumElements == 0 || pName->m_aElements[0].m_nType != WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY) { return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; }
// Check if it is a system property
// ================================
WBEM_WSTR wszFirst = pName->m_aElements[0].Element.m_wszPropertyName; if(wszFirst[0] == L'_') { if(pwszCimType) *pwszCimType = NULL;
if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, L"__CLASS")) { V_VT(pvValue) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(pvValue) = SysAllocString(GetEventName((EEventType)type)); if(V_BSTR(pvValue) == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, L"__SUPERCLASS")) { LPCWSTR wszClass = GetEventName((EEventType)type); if(wszClass == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
V_VT(pvValue) = VT_BSTR; if(wszClass[2] == 'N') { V_BSTR(pvValue) = SysAllocString(L"__NamespaceOperationEvent"); if(V_BSTR(pvValue) == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if(wszClass[2] == 'C') { V_BSTR(pvValue) = SysAllocString(L"__ClassOperationEvent"); if(V_BSTR(pvValue) == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if(wszClass[2] == 'I') { V_BSTR(pvValue) = SysAllocString(L"__InstanceOperationEvent"); if(V_BSTR(pvValue) == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { V_BSTR(pvValue) = SysAllocString(L"__Event"); if(V_BSTR(pvValue) == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, L"__DYNASTY")) { V_VT(pvValue) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(pvValue) = SysAllocString(L"__SystemClass"); if(V_BSTR(pvValue) == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; }
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// Remove the first segment
// ========================
WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME Rest; Rest.m_lNumElements = pName->m_lNumElements - 1; Rest.m_aElements = pName->m_aElements + 1;
IWbemClassObject* pObj = NULL;
switch(type) { case e_EventTypeInstanceCreation: case e_EventTypeInstanceDeletion: if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, TARGET_INSTANCE_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[0]; break; case e_EventTypeInstanceModification: if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, TARGET_INSTANCE_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[0]; else if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, PREVIOUS_INSTANCE_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[1]; break;
case e_EventTypeClassCreation: case e_EventTypeClassDeletion: if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, TARGET_CLASS_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[0]; break; case e_EventTypeClassModification: if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, TARGET_CLASS_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[0]; else if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, PREVIOUS_CLASS_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[1]; break;
case e_EventTypeNamespaceCreation: case e_EventTypeNamespaceDeletion: if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, TARGET_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[0]; break; case e_EventTypeNamespaceModification: if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, TARGET_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[0]; else if(!_wcsicmp(wszFirst, PREVIOUS_NAMESPACE_PROPNAME)) pObj = apObjects[1]; break; }
if(pObj == NULL) return WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; return GetObjectPropertyValue(pObj, &Rest, lFlags, pwszCimType, pvValue); }
STDMETHODIMP CEventRepresentation::InheritsFrom(WBEM_WSTR wszName) { if(type == e_EventTypeExtrinsic) return apObjects[0]->InheritsFrom(wszName);
LPCWSTR wszEventName = GetEventName((EEventType)type); if(wszEventName == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
if(!_wcsicmp(wszName, wszEventName)) return S_OK; if(!_wcsicmp(wszName, L"__IndicationRelated")) return S_OK; if(!_wcsicmp(wszName, L"__Event")) return S_OK; if(!_wcsicmp(wszName, L"__NamespaceOperationEvent") && wcsstr(wszEventName, L"Namespace")) return S_OK; if(!_wcsicmp(wszName, L"__ClassOperationEvent") && wcsstr(wszEventName, L"Class")) return S_OK; if(!_wcsicmp(wszName, L"__InstanceOperationEvent") && wcsstr(wszEventName, L"Instance")) return S_OK;
return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CEventRepresentation::GetObjectPropertyValue( IWbemClassObject* pObj, WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME* pName, long lFlags, WBEM_WSTR* pwszCimType, VARIANT* pvValue) { // Check if there is no name
// =========================
if(pName->m_lNumElements == 0) { // Return ourselves in a variant
// =============================
if(pwszCimType) *pwszCimType = WbemStringCopy(L"object"); V_VT(pvValue) = VT_EMBEDDED_OBJECT; V_EMBEDDED_OBJECT(pvValue) = (I_EMBEDDED_OBJECT*)pObj; return S_OK; }
IWbemPropertySource* pSource; if(FAILED(pObj->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemPropertySource, (void**)&pSource))) { return WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; } HRESULT hres = pSource->GetPropertyValue(pName, lFlags, pwszCimType, pvValue); pSource->Release(); return hres; }