Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Volume SnapShot Writer for WMI
a-shawnb 06-Nov-00 Created
#include "precomp.h"
#include "writer.h"
#include <genutils.h> // for EnableAllPrivileges()
#include <malloc.h>
CWbemVssWriter::CWbemVssWriter() : CVssWriter(), m_pBackupRestore(NULL), m_Lock(THROW_LOCK,0x80000000 | 500L) { }
CWbemVssWriter::~CWbemVssWriter() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (m_pBackupRestore) { hr = m_pBackupRestore->Resume(); m_pBackupRestore->Release(); m_pBackupRestore = NULL; } }
// {A6AD56C2-B509-4e6c-BB19-49D8F43532F0}
static VSS_ID s_WRITERID = {0xa6ad56c2, 0xb509, 0x4e6c, 0xbb, 0x19, 0x49, 0xd8, 0xf4, 0x35, 0x32, 0xf0}; static LPCWSTR s_WRITERNAME = L"WMI Writer";
HRESULT CWbemVssWriter::Initialize() { return CVssWriter::Initialize(s_WRITERID, s_WRITERNAME, VSS_UT_SYSTEMSERVICE, VSS_ST_OTHER); }
extern HRESULT GetRepositoryDirectory(wchar_t wszRepositoryDirectory[MAX_PATH+1]);
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWbemVssWriter::OnIdentify(IN IVssCreateWriterMetadata *pMetadata) { wchar_t wszRepositoryDirectory[MAX_PATH+1]; HRESULT hr = GetRepositoryDirectory(wszRepositoryDirectory); if (FAILED(hr)) return false;
hr = pMetadata->AddComponent( VSS_CT_FILEGROUP, NULL, L"WMI", L"Windows Managment Instrumentation", NULL, 0, false, false, false ); if (FAILED(hr)) return false;
hr = pMetadata->AddFilesToFileGroup( NULL, L"WMI", wszRepositoryDirectory, L"*.*", true, NULL ); if (FAILED(hr)) return false;
hr = pMetadata->SetRestoreMethod( VSS_RME_RESTORE_AT_REBOOT, NULL, NULL, VSS_WRE_NEVER, true ); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; return true; }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWbemVssWriter::OnPrepareSnapshot() { return true; }
// Doing the Job on this method, we will have a time-out guarantee
// We sync the OnFreeze and the OnAbort/OnThaw calls,
// so that, if a TimeOut occurs, we are not arbitrarly unlocking the repository
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWbemVssWriter::OnFreeze() { #ifdef _X86_
DWORD * pDW = (DWORD *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); #endif
LockGuard<CriticalSection> lg(m_Lock); if (!lg.locked()) return false; // m_pBackupRestore should always be NULL coming into this
if (m_pBackupRestore) { return false; }
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemBackupRestore, 0, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWbemBackupRestoreEx, (LPVOID *) &m_pBackupRestore); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = EnableAllPrivileges(TOKEN_PROCESS))) { hr = m_pBackupRestore->Pause(); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pBackupRestore->Release(); m_pBackupRestore = NULL; } } } return (SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWbemVssWriter::OnThaw() { #ifdef _X86_
DWORD * pDW = (DWORD *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); #endif
LockGuard<CriticalSection> lg(m_Lock); while (!lg.locked()){ Sleep(20); lg.acquire(); };
if (!m_pBackupRestore) { // if m_pBackupRestore is NULL, then we haven't been
// asked to prepare or we failed our preparation
DebugBreak(); return false; }
HRESULT hr = m_pBackupRestore->Resume(); m_pBackupRestore->Release(); m_pBackupRestore = NULL;
return (SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
bool STDMETHODCALLTYPE CWbemVssWriter::OnAbort() { #ifdef _X86_
DWORD * pDW = (DWORD *)_alloca(sizeof(DWORD)); #endif
LockGuard<CriticalSection> lg(m_Lock); while (!lg.locked()){ Sleep(20); lg.acquire(); }; HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
if (m_pBackupRestore) { hr = m_pBackupRestore->Resume(); m_pBackupRestore->Release(); m_pBackupRestore = NULL; }
return (SUCCEEDED(hr)); }