// Windows 2000 Active Directory Service domain trust verification WMI provider
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000
// File: trust.cpp
// Contents: Trust class implementation
// Classes: CTrustInfo
// History: 27-Mar-00 EricB created
#include <stdafx.h>
PCWSTR CSTR_PROP_TRUST_DIRECTION = L"TrustDirection"; // uint32
PCWSTR CSTR_PROP_TRUST_TYPE = L"TrustType"; // uint32
PCWSTR CSTR_PROP_TRUST_ATTRIBUTES = L"TrustAttributes"; // uint32
PCWSTR CSTR_PROP_TRUST_STATUS = L"TrustStatus"; // uint32
// Define NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY if not found so this will build for W2K.
// This constant is in the Whistler version of lmaccess.h
// Class: CTrustInfo
CTrustInfo::CTrustInfo() : m_ulTrustDirection(0), m_ulTrustType(0), m_ulTrustAttributes(0), m_trustStatus(ERROR_SUCCESS), m_VerifyStatus(VerifyStatusNone), m_fPwVerifySupported(TRUE) { m_liLastVerified.QuadPart = 0; }
// Method: CTrustInfo::Verify
// Synopsis: Verify the status of the trust
// Returns: FALSE if the trust was not outbound.
BOOL CTrustInfo::Verify(TrustCheckLevel CheckLevel) { TRACE(L"CTrustInfo::Verify, verify level %d\n", CheckLevel); NET_API_STATUS netStatus = NERR_Success; NETLOGON_INFO_2 * pNetlogonInfo2 = NULL; VerifyStatus Status = VerifyStatusNone; PCWSTR pwzTrustedDomain = GetTrustedDomain(); CString strDCName, strResetTarget = GetTrustedDomain();
if (DONT_VERIFY == CheckLevel) { TRACE(L"\tCheck-Level set to not verify trust.\n"); SetTrustStatus(NERR_Success, VerifyStatusTrustNotChecked); return TRUE; }
TRACE(L"\tVerifying trust with %s\n", GetTrustedDomain());
if ((TRUST_TYPE_MIT == GetTrustType()) || (TRUST_TYPE_DCE == GetTrustType())) { // don't verify non-Windows trusts.
TRACE(L"\tNot a windows trust, returning.\n"); SetTrustStatus(NERR_Success, VerifyStatusNotWindowsTrust); SetLastVerifiedTime(); return TRUE; }
if (!IsTrustOutbound()) { // don't verify inbound-only trusts.
TRACE(L"\tInbound-only trust, returning.\n"); SetTrustStatus(NERR_Success, VerifyStatusNotOutboundTrust); SetLastVerifiedTime(); return FALSE; }
// NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY - get the status (locally) and the name of trusted DC
// Note that the secure channel is set up only on demand, so it is not an error if
// it is not set up. The SC_QUERY will return ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS if this is the
// case.
netStatus = I_NetLogonControl2(NULL, NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY, 2, (LPBYTE)&pwzTrustedDomain, (LPBYTE *)&pNetlogonInfo2);
if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { ASSERT(pNetlogonInfo2);
netStatus = pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_tc_connection_status;
if (netStatus == NERR_Success) { SetTrustedDCName(pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_trusted_dc_name); strDCName = pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_trusted_dc_name; #if !defined(NT4_BUILD)
// Compose the domain\dc string for the reset command so it will not change
// DCs as a result of the reset. This only works with NT5 or later NetLogon.
strResetTarget += L"\\"; strResetTarget += pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_trusted_dc_name + 2; // skip the UNC double slashes
} else { if (ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS == netStatus) { // This is the error returned when the SC has not yet been set up.
// It is also returned if no DCs are reachable. DsGetDcName is called with the
// force flag to discover if any DCs are reachable on the net.
#if !defined(NT4_BUILD)
dwRet = DsGetDcName(NULL, pwzTrustedDomain, NULL, NULL, DS_FORCE_REDISCOVERY, &pDCInfo); #endif
if (NO_ERROR == dwRet) { // A DC is reachable, so it is safe to assume that the SC has not yet been
// set up. Treat this as success.
netStatus = NERR_Success; TRACE(L"SC_QUERY has returned ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS, SC not yet set up.\n"); #if !defined(NT4_BUILD)
SetTrustedDCName(pDCInfo->DomainControllerName); NetApiBufferFree(pDCInfo); #endif
} else { // If there are no DCs, there is nothing to be done except return the error.
TRACE(L"DsGetDcName /FORCE has returned %d, DC not found.\n", dwRet); // Save the error code and fixed by method
SetTrustStatus(dwRet, VerifyStatusBroken); SetLastVerifiedTime();
return TRUE; } } else { TRACE(L"SC_QUERY has returned %d.\n", netStatus); } } NetApiBufferFree(pNetlogonInfo2); } else { TRACE(L"I_NetLogonControl2 has returned %d.\n", netStatus); }
// Do a trust PW verification if the other domain supports it.
if (PW_VERIFY == CheckLevel) { if (m_fPwVerifySupported) { netStatus = I_NetLogonControl2(NULL, NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY, 2, (LPBYTE)&pwzTrustedDomain, (LPBYTE *)&pNetlogonInfo2);
if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { ASSERT(pNetlogonInfo2); netStatus = pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_tc_connection_status; NetApiBufferFree(pNetlogonInfo2); } if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { TRACE(L"PW Verify successful on %s\n", pwzTrustedDomain); Status = VerifyStatusTrustOK; } else { if (ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL == netStatus || ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED == netStatus || RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE == netStatus || RPC_NT_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE == netStatus) { TRACE(L"NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY is not supported on %s\n", pwzTrustedDomain); m_fPwVerifySupported = FALSE; Status = VerifyStatusPwCheckNotSupported; netStatus = NERR_Success; // call it success since we don't know the true state
} else { TRACE(L"NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY returned 0x%08x on %s\n", netStatus, pwzTrustedDomain); Status = VerifyStatusBroken; } } } else { Status = VerifyStatusPwCheckNotSupported; } }
// Try an SC Reset against the DC returned by the SC query
if (SC_RESET == CheckLevel) { PCWSTR pwzResetTarget = strResetTarget;
netStatus = I_NetLogonControl2(NULL, NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER, 2, (LPBYTE)&pwzResetTarget, (LPBYTE *)&pNetlogonInfo2);
if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { ASSERT(pNetlogonInfo2); netStatus = pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_tc_connection_status; NetApiBufferFree(pNetlogonInfo2); } if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { TRACE(L"SC_RESET successfull on %s\n", pwzResetTarget); Status = VerifyStatusRediscover; } else { TRACE(L"SC_RESET returned 0x%08x on %s\n", netStatus, pwzResetTarget); } }
#ifdef NT4_BUILD
// Force trust pw replication from PDC to BDCs; only works on pre-W2K.
if (netStatus != NERR_Success) { // perform only once, ignore the result
ForceReplication(); } #endif
// If still in an error state, do an SC reset against any DC
if (netStatus != NERR_Success) { netStatus = ForceRediscover(NULL, &strDCName);
if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { Status = VerifyStatusRediscover;
SetTrustedDCName(const_cast<PWSTR>((PCWSTR)strDCName)); } }
// Walk through the DCs trying to establish an SC: TRCHK_RETARGET_ON_ERROR
if (NERR_Success != netStatus) { vector<LPWSTR> dcList; LPBYTE pbuf = NULL; TRACE(L"Attempting to retarget...\n");
// Enumerate all DCs in the trusted domain
// Attempt reconnecting to another DC.
// The returned value is not recorded.
// (if not enumerated, skip this step)
if( NERR_Success == GetDCList(strDCName, dcList, &pbuf)) { //
// Try to connect to every DC until success
for (vector<LPWSTR>::iterator ppszDCName = dcList.begin(); NERR_Success != netStatus && ppszDCName != dcList.end(); ppszDCName++) { netStatus = ForceRediscover(*ppszDCName, &strDCName); } }
if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { SetTrustedDCName(const_cast<PWSTR>((PCWSTR)strDCName)); Status = VerifyStatusRetarget; }
// Clean up the DC list
if (pbuf) { VERIFY( NERR_Success == NetApiBufferFree(pbuf)); } }
// Save the error code and Status
SetTrustStatus(netStatus, Status); SetLastVerifiedTime();
return TRUE; }
// Method: CTrustInfo::SetLastVerifiedTime
// Synopsis: Record the time of verification.
void CTrustInfo::SetLastVerifiedTime(void) { SYSTEMTIME st;
GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, (LPFILETIME)&m_liLastVerified); }
// Method: CTrustInfo::IsVerificationStale
// Synopsis: Checks to see if the last verification time is older than the
// passed in criteria.
// Returns: TRUE if older.
// Notes: If the trust hasn't been verified (m_liLastVerified == 0),
// then the verification is defined to be stale.
BOOL CTrustInfo::IsVerificationStale(LARGE_INTEGER liMaxAge) { TRACE(L"CTrustInfo::IsVerificationStale(0x%08x), MaxAge = %d\n", this, liMaxAge.QuadPart / TRUSTMON_FILETIMES_PER_MINUTE); BOOL fStale = FALSE; LARGE_INTEGER liCurrentTime; SYSTEMTIME st;
GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, (LPFILETIME)&liCurrentTime);
//TRACE(L"\tlast: %I64d, cur: %I64d, max: %I64d\n", m_liLastVerified, liCurrentTime, liMaxAge);
fStale = (m_liLastVerified.QuadPart + liMaxAge.QuadPart) < liCurrentTime.QuadPart;
return fStale; }
// Method: CTrustInfo::GetDCList
// Synopsis: Enumerate all DCs in a domain and return a list in random order.
NET_API_STATUS CTrustInfo::GetDCList(PCWSTR pszKnownServer, // OPTIONAL The server name to be placed in the end of the list
vector<LPWSTR> & dcList, // Vector of PCWSTRs, pointing to the DC names inside pbufptr
LPBYTE * pbufptr ) // This buffer must be freed with NetApiBufferFree when done.
{ TRACE(L"CTrustInfo::GetDCList\n");
ASSERT( pbufptr ); ASSERT( !(*pbufptr) );
NET_API_STATUS netStatus = NERR_Success; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; DWORD dwTotalEntries = 0; DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; DWORD dwIndKnownServer = MAXDWORD; DWORD dwInd = 0; do { // Init
dcList.clear(); //
// Enumerate all the servers belonging to the specified domain
netStatus = NetServerEnum( NULL, 100, // SERVER_INFO_100
pbufptr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, & dwEntriesRead, & dwTotalEntries, SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL | SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL, GetTrustedDomain(), & dwResumeHandle );
TRACE(L"NetServerEnum returned 0x%08x! (%d entries)\n", netStatus, dwEntriesRead);
if( netStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { // should never happen (no enum handle)
// process whatever NetServerEnum returned.
netStatus = NERR_Success; }
if( netStatus != NERR_Success || !dwEntriesRead || !(*pbufptr) ) { TRACE(L"Failure, exiting...\n"); dcList.clear();
if( *pbufptr ) { VERIFY( NERR_Success == NetApiBufferFree( *pbufptr ) ); *pbufptr = NULL; }
break; }
// To simplify buffer access...
PSERVER_INFO_100 pServerInfo100 = PSERVER_INFO_100( *pbufptr );
// Reserve enough space for all the entries
dcList.reserve( dwEntriesRead );
// Create a list of Servers
for( dwInd = 0; dwInd < dwEntriesRead; dwInd++ ) { if( pszKnownServer && !_wcsicmp( pszKnownServer, pServerInfo100[dwInd].sv100_name ) ) { dwIndKnownServer = dwInd; // postpone until the end
} else { dcList.push_back( pServerInfo100[dwInd].sv100_name ); } }
ASSERT( dwEntriesRead );
// Known server should go to the end of the list
if( MAXDWORD != dwIndKnownServer ) { TRACE(L"Server %s placed @ the end\n", pszKnownServer);
dcList.push_back( pServerInfo100[dwIndKnownServer].sv100_name );
// Shuffling should not include the last entry
dwEntriesRead--; }
// Initialize randomizer
srand( (unsigned) time( NULL ) );
// Shuffle by replacing each entry with another random entry
for( dwInd = 0; dwInd < (int) dwEntriesRead; dwInd++ ) { DWORD dwRandPos = DWORD( rand() % dwEntriesRead );
if( dwRandPos == dwInd ) continue; // Swap!
LPWSTR pstrTemp = dcList[ dwRandPos ]; dcList[ dwRandPos ] = dcList[ dwInd ]; dcList[ dwInd ] = pstrTemp; }
} while( FALSE );
return netStatus; }
// Method: CTrustInfo::ForceRediscover
// Synopsis:
NET_API_STATUS CTrustInfo::ForceRediscover(PCWSTR pstrDCName, CString * pstrDCNameRet) { TRACE(L"CTrustInfo::ForceRediscover\n");
NET_API_STATUS netStatus = NERR_Success; NETLOGON_INFO_2 * pNetlogonInfo2 = NULL; CString strTemp; PCWSTR pstrDomainName = GetTrustedDomain();
if( pstrDCName ) { //
// Form domain\dc request
strTemp = pstrDomainName; strTemp += L"\\"; strTemp += pstrDCName;
// Retarget pstrDomainName to the new string
pstrDomainName = strTemp; } //
// Attempt to re-establish trust
netStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( NULL, NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER, 2, ( LPBYTE ) &pstrDomainName, ( LPBYTE *) &pNetlogonInfo2 );
TRACE(L"I_NetLogonControl2:NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER to %s returned 0x%08x\n", pstrDomainName, netStatus); //
// Clean-up
if( pNetlogonInfo2 ) { *pstrDCNameRet = pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_trusted_dc_name; TRACE(L"netlog2_flags=0x%08x, netlog2_pdc_connection_status=0x%08x\n", pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_flags, pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_pdc_connection_status);
TRACE(L"netlog2_trusted_dc_name=%s, netlog2_tc_connection_status=0x%08x\n", pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_trusted_dc_name, pNetlogonInfo2->netlog2_tc_connection_status);
NetApiBufferFree( pNetlogonInfo2 ); }
return netStatus; }
// Method: CTrustInfo::SetTrustStatus
// Synopsis: Set the status string based on the netStatus value if an error
// else based on the VerifyStatus.
void CTrustInfo::SetTrustStatus(ULONG netStatus, VerifyStatus Status) { WCHAR wzBuf[512];
m_trustStatus = netStatus; m_VerifyStatus = Status;
if (NERR_Success == netStatus) { int nStrID;
switch (Status) { case VerifyStatusNone: //
// This is the default value for the Status parameter.
case VerifyStatusTrustOK: nStrID = IDS_TRUST_STATUS_OK; break;
case VerifyStatusNotWindowsTrust: nStrID = IDS_MIT_TRUST_STATUS; break;
case VerifyStatusNotOutboundTrust: nStrID = IDS_STATUS_INBOUND_ONLY; break;
case VerifyStatusTrustNotChecked: nStrID = IDS_STATUS_NOT_CHECKED; break;
case VerifyStatusPwCheckNotSupported: nStrID = IDS_PW_VERIFY_NOT_SUPPORTED; break;
case VerifyStatusRetarget: nStrID = IDS_FIXED_BY_RETARGET; break;
case VerifyStatusRediscover: nStrID = IDS_STATUS_REDISCOVER; break;
case VerifyStatusBroken: ASSERT(FALSE); // shouldn't get here, fall through.
default: nStrID = IDS_STATUS_UNKNOWN; }
LoadString(_Module.GetModuleInstance(), nStrID, wzBuf, 512); m_strTrustStatus = wzBuf; } else { PWSTR pwzMsg;
if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, netStatus, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (PWSTR)&pwzMsg, 0, NULL)) { PWSTR pwzSuffix = wcsstr(pwzMsg, L"\r\n"); if (pwzSuffix) { *pwzSuffix = L'\0'; } m_strTrustStatus = pwzMsg; LocalFree(pwzMsg); } else { LoadString(_Module.GetModuleInstance(), IDS_TRUST_STATUS_FAILED, wzBuf, 512); m_strTrustStatus = wzBuf; } } }
// Method: CTrustInfo::SetTrustDirectionFromFlags
void CTrustInfo::SetTrustDirectionFromFlags(ULONG ulFlags) { m_ulTrustDirection = 0;
if (DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND & ulFlags) { m_ulTrustDirection |= TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND; } }
// Method: CTrustInfo::SetSid
BOOL CTrustInfo::SetSid(PSID pSid) { if (!pSid) { return TRUE; }
#if !defined(NT4_BUILD)
PWSTR buffer;
BOOL fRet = ConvertSidToStringSid(pSid, &buffer);
if (fRet) { m_strSid = buffer; LocalFree(buffer); }
return fRet; #else
// TODO: Code for NT4 ??
#pragma message("need ConvertSidToStringSid for NT4");
#ifdef NT4_BUILD
// Function: ForceReplication
// Synopsis: Force local Domain Replication -- works only for NT4 domains
NET_API_STATUS ForceReplication(void) { TRACE(L"ForceReplication\n");
NET_API_STATUS netStatus = NERR_Success;
LPBYTE pbInputDataPtr = NULL; PNETLOGON_INFO_1 pNetlogonInfo1 = NULL;
netStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( NULL, NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE, 1, (LPBYTE ) &pbInputDataPtr, (LPBYTE *) &pNetlogonInfo1 );
TRACE(L"I_NetLogonControl2:NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE returned 0x%08x\n", netStatus);
if( pNetlogonInfo1 ) { TRACE(L"netlog1_flags=0x%08x, netlog1_pdc_connection_status=0x%08x\n", pNetlogonInfo1->netlog1_flags, pNetlogonInfo1->netlog1_pdc_connection_status); NetApiBufferFree( pNetlogonInfo1 ); }
return netStatus; }
#endif //NT4_BUILD