/*** aslterms.c - Parse ASL terms
* * Copyright (c) 1996,1997 Microsoft Corporation * Author: Michael Tsang (MikeTs) * Created: 10/10/96 * * MODIFICATION HISTORY */
#include "aslp.h"
/***LP DefinitionBlock - Generate code for DefinitionBlock
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL DefinitionBlock(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pArgs; #define OFLAGS (_O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_RDWR | _O_TRUNC)
#define PMODE (_S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE)
ENTER((1, "DefinitionBlock(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; if (fActionFL) { if (gpcodeScope->pcParent != NULL) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Definition block cannot nest", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_NEST_DDB; } else if (strlen((PSZ)pArgs[1].pbDataBuff) != sizeof(ghdrDDB.Signature)) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: DDB signature too long - %s", pArgs[1].pbDataBuff)); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (strlen((PSZ)pArgs[3].pbDataBuff) > sizeof(ghdrDDB.OEMID)) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: OEM ID too long - %s", pArgs[3].pbDataBuff)); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else if (strlen((PSZ)pArgs[4].pbDataBuff) > sizeof(ghdrDDB.OEMTableID)) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: OEM Table ID too long - %s", pArgs[4].pbDataBuff)); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; } else { memset(&ghdrDDB, 0, sizeof(DESCRIPTION_HEADER)); memcpy(&ghdrDDB.Signature, pArgs[1].pbDataBuff, sizeof(ghdrDDB.Signature)); memcpy(&ghdrDDB.Revision, &pArgs[2].dwCodeValue, sizeof(ghdrDDB.Revision)); memcpy(ghdrDDB.OEMID, pArgs[3].pbDataBuff, strlen((PSZ)pArgs[3].pbDataBuff)); memcpy(ghdrDDB.OEMTableID, pArgs[4].pbDataBuff, strlen((PSZ)pArgs[4].pbDataBuff)); memcpy(&ghdrDDB.OEMRevision, &pArgs[5].dwCodeValue, sizeof(ghdrDDB.OEMRevision)); memcpy(ghdrDDB.CreatorID, STR_MS, sizeof(ghdrDDB.CreatorID)); ghdrDDB.CreatorRev = VERSION_DWORD; } } else { int fhAML = 0; PBYTE pb; DWORD dwCodeOffset = sizeof(ghdrDDB);
ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pcParent == NULL); ghdrDDB.Length = gpcodeRoot->dwCodeLen + sizeof(DESCRIPTION_HEADER); ghdrDDB.Checksum = (BYTE)(-(gpcodeRoot->bCodeChkSum + ComputeDataChkSum((PBYTE)&ghdrDDB, sizeof(DESCRIPTION_HEADER))));
if ((gpnschkHead == NULL) || ((rc = ValidateNSChkList(gpnschkHead)) == ASLERR_NONE)) { if (gpszAMLFile == NULL) { strncpy(gszAMLName, (PSZ)pArgs[0].pbDataBuff, _MAX_FNAME - 1); gpszAMLFile = gszAMLName; }
if ((fhAML = _open(gpszAMLFile, OFLAGS, PMODE))== -1) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: failed to open AML file - %s", pArgs[0].pbDataBuff)); rc = ASLERR_CREATE_FILE; } else if (_write(fhAML, &ghdrDDB, sizeof(ghdrDDB)) != sizeof(ghdrDDB)) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: failed to write DDB header")); rc = ASLERR_WRITE_FILE; } else if ((rc = WriteAMLFile(fhAML, gpcodeRoot, &dwCodeOffset)) != ASLERR_NONE) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: failed to write AML file")); } else if ((pb = MEMALLOC(ghdrDDB.Length)) != NULL) { if (_lseek(fhAML, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: failed seeking to beginning of image file")); } else if (_read(fhAML, pb, ghdrDDB.Length) != (int)ghdrDDB.Length) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: failed to read back image file")); } else if (ComputeDataChkSum(pb, ghdrDDB.Length) != 0) { ERROR(("DefinitionBlock: failed to verify checksum of image file")); } MEMFREE(pb); }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { printf("%s(%s): Image Size=%ld, Image Checksum=0x%x\n\n", MODNAME, pArgs[0].pbDataBuff, ghdrDDB.Length, ghdrDDB.Checksum); }
if (fhAML != 0) { _close(fhAML); } } FreeCodeObjs(gpcodeRoot); gpcodeRoot = NULL; }
EXIT((1, "DefinitionBlock=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //DefinitionBlock
/***LP Include - Include an ASL file
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL Include(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc; PCODEOBJ pArgs;
ENTER((1, "Include(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; rc = ParseASLFile((PSZ)pArgs[0].pbDataBuff);
EXIT((1, "Include=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //Include
/***LP External - Declaring external object
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL External(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pArgs;
ENTER((1, "External(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; EncodeKeywords(pArgs, 0x02, 1); gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.dwDataType = pArgs[1].dwCodeValue;
EXIT((1, "External=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //External
/***LP Method - Parse Method statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL Method(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pArgs;
ENTER((1, "Method(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; if (pArgs[1].dwfCode & CF_MISSING_ARG) { pArgs[1].dwfCode &= ~CF_MISSING_ARG; SetIntObject(&pArgs[1], 0, sizeof(BYTE)); } else if (pArgs[1].dwCodeValue > MAX_ARGS) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Method has too many formal arguments", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; }
ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pnsObj != NULL); ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.dwDataType == OBJTYPE_METHOD); gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.uipDataValue = pArgs[1].dwCodeValue;
if ((rc == ASLERR_NONE) && ((rc = SetDefMissingKW(&pArgs[2], ID_NOTSERIALIZED)) == ASLERR_NONE)) { pArgs[1].dwCodeValue |= TermTable[pArgs[2].dwTermIndex].dwTermData & 0xff; pArgs[1].bCodeChkSum = (BYTE)pArgs[1].dwCodeValue; }
EXIT((1, "Method=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //Method
/***LP Field - Parse Field statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL Field(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((1, "Field(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
EncodeKeywords((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, 0x0e, 1); gdwFieldAccSize = ACCSIZE(((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff)[1].dwCodeValue);
EXIT((1, "Field=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //Field
/***LP IndexField - Parse IndexField statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL IndexField(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((1, "IndexField(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
EncodeKeywords((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, 0x1c, 2); gdwFieldAccSize = ACCSIZE(((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff)[2].dwCodeValue);
EXIT((1, "IndexField=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //IndexField
/***LP BankField - Parse BankField statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL BankField(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((1, "BankField(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
EncodeKeywords((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, 0x38, 3); gdwFieldAccSize = ACCSIZE(((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff)[3].dwCodeValue);
EXIT((1, "BankField=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //BankField
/***LP OpRegion - Parse OperationRegion statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL OpRegion(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pArgs;
ENTER((1, "OpRegion(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; EncodeKeywords(pArgs, 0x02, 1); ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pnsObj != NULL); ASSERT(gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.dwDataType == OBJTYPE_OPREGION); gpcodeScope->pnsObj->ObjData.uipDataValue = (pArgs[3].dwCodeType != CODETYPE_DATAOBJ)? 0xffffffff: (pArgs[3].pbDataBuff[0] == OP_BYTE)? pArgs[3].pbDataBuff[1]: (pArgs[3].pbDataBuff[0] == OP_WORD)? *(PWORD)(&pArgs[3].pbDataBuff[1]): *(PDWORD)(&pArgs[3].pbDataBuff[1]);
EXIT((1, "OpRegion=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //OpRegion
/***LP EISAID - Parse EISAID statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL EISAID(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc; PCODEOBJ pArgs; DWORD dwEISAID;
ENTER((1, "EISAID(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; if ((rc = ComputeEISAID((PSZ)pArgs[0].pbDataBuff, &dwEISAID)) == ASLERR_NONE) { DWORD dwLen;
MEMFREE(pArgs[0].pbDataBuff); pArgs[0].pbDataBuff = NULL; dwLen = (dwEISAID & 0xffff0000)? sizeof(DWORD): (dwEISAID & 0xffffff00)? sizeof(WORD): sizeof(BYTE); SetIntObject(&pArgs[0], dwEISAID, dwLen); pArgs[0].pcParent->dwCodeValue = (dwLen == sizeof(DWORD))? OP_DWORD: (dwLen == sizeof(WORD))? OP_WORD: OP_BYTE; } else { ERROR(("EISAID: invalid EISAID - %s", pArgs[0].pbDataBuff)); }
EXIT((1, "EISAID=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //EISAID
/***LP Match - Parse Match statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL Match(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((1, "Match(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(ptoken); DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
EncodeKeywords((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, 0x02, 1); EncodeKeywords((PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff, 0x08, 3);
EXIT((1, "Match=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //Match
/***LP AccessAs - Parse AccessAs macro
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL AccessAs(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pArgs;
ENTER((1, "AccessAs(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
pArgs = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->pbDataBuff; EncodeKeywords(pArgs, 0x01, 0); if (pArgs[1].dwfCode & CF_MISSING_ARG) { pArgs[1].dwfCode &= ~CF_MISSING_ARG; SetIntObject(&pArgs[1], 0, sizeof(BYTE)); } else if (pArgs[1].dwCodeValue > MAX_BYTE) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Access Attribute can only be a byte value", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; }
EXIT((1, "AccessAs=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //AccessAs
/***LP Else - Parse Else statement
* * ENTRY * ptoken -> token stream * fActionFL - TRUE if this is a fixed list action * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL Else(PTOKEN ptoken, BOOL fActionFL) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PCODEOBJ pcPrevSibling = (PCODEOBJ)gpcodeScope->list.plistPrev;
ENTER((1, "Else(ptoken=%p,fActionFL=%d)\n", ptoken, fActionFL));
DEREF(fActionFL); ASSERT(fActionFL == TRUE);
if ((pcPrevSibling->dwCodeType != CODETYPE_ASLTERM) || (TermTable[pcPrevSibling->dwTermIndex].lID != ID_IF)) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "Else statement has no matching If", TRUE); rc = ASLERR_SYNTAX; }
EXIT((1, "Else=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //Else