/*** misc.c - Miscellaneous functions
* * Copyright (c) 1996,1997 Microsoft Corporation * Author: Michael Tsang (MikeTs) * Created: 10/14/96 * * MODIFICATION HISTORY */
#include "aslp.h"
/***LP ValidASLNameSeg - Check if the token is an ASL NameSeg
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * pszToken -> token string * icbLen - length of the token to be considered a NameSeg * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TRUE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns FALSE */
BOOL LOCAL ValidASLNameSeg(PTOKEN ptoken, PSZ pszToken, int icbLen) { BOOL rc = TRUE; int i, j; static PSZ apszReservedNames[] = { "ADR", "ALN", "BAS", "BBN", "BCL", "BCM", "BDN", "BIF", "BM_", "BST", "BTP", "CID", "CRS", "CRT", "DCK", "DCS", "DDC", "DDN", "DEC", "DGS", "DIS", "DMA", "DOD", "DOS", "DSS", "EC_", "EJD", "FDE", "FDI", "GL_", "GLK", "GPE", "GRA", "GTF", "GTM", "HE_", "HID", "INI", "INT", "IRC", "LCK", "LEN", "LID", "LL_", "MAF", "MAX", "MEM", "MIF", "MIN", "MSG", "OFF", "ON_", "OS_", "PCL", "PIC", "PR_", "PRS", "PRT", "PRW", "PSC", "PSL", "PSR", "PSV", "PSW", "PTS", "PWR", "REG", "REV", "RMV", "RNG", "ROM", "RQ_", "RW_", "SB_", "SBS", "SCP", "SHR", "SI_", "SIZ", "SRS", "SST", "STA", "STM", "SUN", "TC1", "TC2", "TMP", "TRA", "TSP", "TYP", "TZ_", "UID", "WAK", "AC0", "AC1", "AC2", "AC3", "AC4", "AC5", "AC6", "AC7", "AC8", "AC9", "AL0", "AL1", "AL2", "AL3", "AL4", "AL5", "AL6", "AL7", "AL8", "AL9", "EC0", "EC1", "EC2", "EC3", "EC4", "EC5", "EC6", "EC7", "EC7", "EC9", "EJ0", "EJ1", "EJ2", "EJ3", "EJ4", "Exx", "Lxx", "Qxx", "S0_", "S1_", "S2_", "S3_", "S4_", "S5_", "S0D", "S1D", "S2D", "S3D", "S4D", "S5D", "PR0", "PR1", "PR2", "PS0", "PS1", "PS2", "PS3" }; #define NUM_RESERVED_NAMES (sizeof(apszReservedNames)/sizeof(PSZ))
ENTER((1, "ValidASLNameSeg(ptoken=%p, Token=%s,Len=%d)\n", ptoken, pszToken, icbLen));
pszToken[0] = (char)toupper(pszToken[0]); if ((icbLen > sizeof(NAMESEG)) || !ISLEADNAMECHAR(pszToken[0])) { rc = FALSE; } else { for (i = 1; i < icbLen; ++i) { pszToken[i] = (char)toupper(pszToken[i]); if (!ISNAMECHAR(pszToken[i])) { rc = FALSE; break; } }
if ((rc == TRUE) && (*pszToken == '_')) { char szName[sizeof(NAMESEG)] = "___";
memcpy(szName, &pszToken[1], icbLen - 1); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RESERVED_NAMES; ++i) { if (strcmp(szName, apszReservedNames[i]) == 0) break; else { for (j = 0; j < sizeof(NAMESEG) - 1; ++j) { if (apszReservedNames[i][j] != szName[j]) { if ((apszReservedNames[i][j] != 'x') || !isxdigit(szName[j])) { break; } } }
if (j == sizeof(NAMESEG) - 1) { break; } } }
if (i == NUM_RESERVED_NAMES) { PrintTokenErr(ptoken, "not a valid reserved NameSeg", FALSE); } } }
EXIT((1, "ValidASLNameSeg=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ValidASLNameSeg
/***LP ValidASLName - Check if the token is an ASL name
* * ENTRY * ptoken - token stream * pszToken -> token string * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns TRUE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns FALSE */
BOOL LOCAL ValidASLName(PTOKEN ptoken, PSZ pszToken) { BOOL rc = TRUE; PSZ psz1, psz2 = NULL; int icbLen;
ENTER((1, "ValidASLName(ptoken=%p,Token=%s)\n", ptoken, pszToken));
if (*pszToken == CH_ROOT_PREFIX) { pszToken++; } else { while (*pszToken == CH_PARENT_PREFIX) { pszToken++; } }
for (psz1 = pszToken; (rc == TRUE) && (psz1 != NULL) && (*psz1 != '\0'); psz1 = psz2) { psz2 = strchr(psz1, CH_NAMESEG_SEP); icbLen = (psz2 != NULL)? (int)(psz2 - psz1): strlen(psz1); if (((rc = ValidASLNameSeg(ptoken, psz1, icbLen)) == TRUE) && (psz2 != NULL)) { psz2++; } }
EXIT((1, "ValidASLName=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //ValidASLName
/***LP EncodeName - Encode name string
* * ENTRY * pszName -> name string * pbBuff -> buffer to hold name encoding * pdwLen -> initially contains buffer size, but will be updated to show * actual encoding length * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL EncodeName(PSZ pszName, PBYTE pbBuff, PDWORD pdwLen) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; PBYTE pb = pbBuff; PSZ psz; int icNameSegs, i;
ENTER((1, "EncodeName(Name=%s,pbBuff=%p,Len=%d)\n", pszName, pbBuff, *pdwLen));
if (*pszName == CH_ROOT_PREFIX) { if (*pdwLen >= 1) { *pb = OP_ROOT_PREFIX; pb++; (*pdwLen)--; pszName++; } else rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; } else { while (*pszName == CH_PARENT_PREFIX) { if (*pdwLen >= 1) { *pb = OP_PARENT_PREFIX; pb++; (*pdwLen)--; pszName++; } else { rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; break; } } }
for (psz = pszName, icNameSegs = 0; (psz != NULL) && (*psz != '\0');) { icNameSegs++; if ((psz = strchr(psz, CH_NAMESEG_SEP)) != NULL) psz++; }
if (icNameSegs > 255) rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; else if (icNameSegs > 2) { if (*pdwLen >= sizeof(NAMESEG)*icNameSegs + 2) { *pb = OP_MULTI_NAME_PREFIX; pb++; *pb = (BYTE)icNameSegs; pb++; } else rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; } else if (icNameSegs == 2) { if (*pdwLen >= sizeof(NAMESEG)*2 + 1) { *pb = OP_DUAL_NAME_PREFIX; pb++; } else rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { //
// If we have only name prefix characters, we must put a null name
// separator to tell the boundary from the next opcode which may happen
// to be a NameSeg.
if (icNameSegs == 0) { *pb = 0; pb++; } else { while (icNameSegs > 0) { *((PDWORD)pb) = NAMESEG_BLANK; for (i = 0; (i < sizeof(NAMESEG)) && ISNAMECHAR(*pszName); ++i, pszName++) { pb[i] = *pszName; }
if (*pszName == CH_NAMESEG_SEP) pszName++;
pb += 4; icNameSegs--; } }
*pdwLen = (DWORD)(pb - pbBuff); }
EXIT((1, "EncodeName=%d (Len=%d)\n", rc, *pdwLen)); return rc; } //EncodeName
/***LP EncodePktLen - Encode packet length
* * ENTRY * dwCodeLen - actual code length * pdwPktLen -> to hold the encoded packet length * picbEncoding -> to hold the number of encoding bytes * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL EncodePktLen(DWORD dwCodeLen, PDWORD pdwPktLen, PINT picbEncoding) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((1, "EncodePktLen(CodeLen=%ld,pdwPktLen=%p)\n", dwCodeLen, pdwPktLen));
if (dwCodeLen <= 0x3f) { *pdwPktLen = dwCodeLen; *picbEncoding = 1; } else { *pdwPktLen = (dwCodeLen & 0x0ffffff0) << 4; *pdwPktLen |= (dwCodeLen & 0xf);
if (dwCodeLen <= 0x0fff) *picbEncoding = 2; else if (dwCodeLen <= 0x0fffff) *picbEncoding = 3; else if (dwCodeLen <= 0x0fffffff) *picbEncoding = 4; else rc = ASLERR_PKTLEN_TOO_LONG;
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) *pdwPktLen |= (*picbEncoding - 1) << 6; }
EXIT((1, "EncodePktLen=%d (Encoding=%lx,icbEncoding=%d)\n", rc, *pdwPktLen, *picbEncoding)); return rc; } //EncodePktLen
/***LP EncodeKeywords - Encode keyword arguments
* * ENTRY * pArgs -> argument array * dwSrcArgs - source argument bit vector * iDstArgNum - destination argument number * * EXIT * None */
VOID LOCAL EncodeKeywords(PCODEOBJ pArgs, DWORD dwSrcArgs, int iDstArgNum) { int i; DWORD dwData = 0;
ENTER((1, "EncodeKeywords(pArgs=%p,SrcArgs=%lx,DstArgNum=%d)\n", pArgs, dwSrcArgs, iDstArgNum));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ARGS; ++i) { if (dwSrcArgs & (1 << i)) { if (pArgs[i].dwCodeType == CODETYPE_KEYWORD) { dwData |= TermTable[pArgs[i].dwTermIndex].dwTermData & 0xff; } else if (pArgs[i].dwCodeType == CODETYPE_INTEGER) { pArgs[i].dwCodeType = CODETYPE_UNKNOWN; dwData |= pArgs[i].dwCodeValue; } else { ASSERT(pArgs[i].dwCodeType == CODETYPE_INTEGER); } } }
SetIntObject(&pArgs[iDstArgNum], dwData, sizeof(BYTE));
EXIT((1, "EncodeKeywords!\n")); } //EncodeKeywords
/***LP DecodeName - Decode name encoding back to a name string
* * ENTRY * pb -> name encoding buffer * pszName -> to hold the decoded name string * iLen - length of name string buffer * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL DecodeName(PBYTE pb, PSZ pszName, int iLen) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; int i = 0, icNameSegs;
ENTER((1, "DecodeName(pb=%p,pszName=%p,iLen=%d)\n", pb, pszName, iLen));
iLen--; //reserve one space for NULL character
pszName[iLen] = '\0'; if (*pb == OP_ROOT_PREFIX) { if (i < iLen) { pszName[i] = CH_ROOT_PREFIX; i++; pb++; } else rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; }
while (*pb == OP_PARENT_PREFIX) { if (i < iLen) { pszName[i] = CH_PARENT_PREFIX; i++; pb++; } else rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; }
if (*pb == OP_DUAL_NAME_PREFIX) { icNameSegs = 2; pb++; } else if (*pb == OP_MULTI_NAME_PREFIX) { pb++; icNameSegs = (int)(*pb); pb++; } else if (*pb == 0) { icNameSegs = 0; } else { icNameSegs = 1; }
if (icNameSegs > 0) { do { if ((int)(i + sizeof(NAMESEG)) <= iLen) { strncpy(&pszName[i], (PCHAR)pb, sizeof(NAMESEG)); pb += sizeof(NAMESEG); i += sizeof(NAMESEG); icNameSegs--;
if (icNameSegs > 0) { if (i < iLen) { pszName[i] = CH_NAMESEG_SEP; i++; } else rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG; } } else rc = ASLERR_NAME_TOO_LONG;
} while ((rc == ASLERR_NONE) && (icNameSegs > 0)); }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) pszName[i] = '\0'; else { ERROR(("DecodeName: Name is too long - %s", pszName)); }
EXIT((1, "DecodeName=%d (Name=%s)\n", rc, pszName)); return rc; } //DecodeName
/***LP SetDefMissingKW - Set default missing keyword
* * ENTRY * pArg -> argument code object * dwDefID - default ID to be used if argument is missing * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL SetDefMissingKW(PCODEOBJ pArg, DWORD dwDefID) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE;
ENTER((2, "SetDefMissingKW(pArg=%p,ID=%d)\n", pArg, dwDefID));
if (pArg->dwfCode & CF_MISSING_ARG) { pArg->dwfCode &= ~CF_MISSING_ARG; pArg->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_KEYWORD; pArg->dwCodeValue = dwDefID; rc = LookupIDIndex(pArg->dwCodeValue, &pArg->dwTermIndex); }
EXIT((2, "SetDefMissingKW=%d (TermIndex=%ld)\n", rc, pArg->dwTermIndex)); return rc; } //SetDefMissingKW
/***LP SetIntObject - Set an object to type integer
* * ENTRY * pc -> object * dwData - integer data * dwLen - data length * * EXIT * None */
VOID LOCAL SetIntObject(PCODEOBJ pc, DWORD dwData, DWORD dwLen) { ENTER((2, "SetIntObject(pc=%p,Data=%x,Len=%d)\n", pc, dwData, dwLen));
pc->dwCodeType = CODETYPE_INTEGER; pc->dwCodeValue = dwData; pc->dwDataLen = pc->dwCodeLen = dwLen; pc->bCodeChkSum = ComputeDataChkSum((PBYTE)&dwData, dwLen);
EXIT((2, "SetIntObject!\n")); } //SetIntObject
/***LP ComputeChildChkSumLen - Compute len and chksum of child for parent
* * ENTRY * pcParent -> code block of parent * pcChild -> code block of child * * EXIT * None */
VOID LOCAL ComputeChildChkSumLen(PCODEOBJ pcParent, PCODEOBJ pcChild) { ENTER((1, "ComputeChildChkSumLen(pcParent=%p,pcChild=%p,ChildLen=%ld,ChildChkSum=%x)\n", pcParent, pcChild, pcChild->dwCodeLen, pcChild->bCodeChkSum));
pcParent->dwCodeLen += pcChild->dwCodeLen; pcParent->bCodeChkSum = (BYTE)(pcParent->bCodeChkSum + pcChild->bCodeChkSum);
if (pcChild->dwCodeType == CODETYPE_ASLTERM) { int i;
for (i = 0; i < OPCODELEN(pcChild->dwCodeValue); ++i) { pcParent->bCodeChkSum = (BYTE)(pcParent->bCodeChkSum + ((PBYTE)(&pcChild->dwCodeValue))[i]); pcParent->dwCodeLen++; } }
EXIT((1, "ComputeChildChkSumLen! (Len=%ld,ChkSum=%x)\n", pcParent->dwCodeLen, pcParent->bCodeChkSum)); } //ComputeChildChkSumLen
/***LP ComputeArgsChkSumLen - Compute length and checksum of arguments
* * ENTRY * pcode -> code block * * EXIT * None */
VOID LOCAL ComputeArgsChkSumLen(PCODEOBJ pcode) { PCODEOBJ pc; int i;
ENTER((1, "ComputeArgsChkSumLen(pcode=%p)\n", pcode));
ASSERT((pcode->dwCodeType == CODETYPE_ASLTERM) || (pcode->dwCodeType == CODETYPE_USERTERM)); //
// Sum the length of arguments
for (i = 0, pc = (PCODEOBJ)pcode->pbDataBuff; i < (int)pcode->dwDataLen; ++i) { ComputeChildChkSumLen(pcode, &pc[i]); }
EXIT((1, "ComputeArgsChkSumLen! (Len=%ld,ChkSum=%x)\n", pcode->dwCodeLen, pcode->bCodeChkSum)); } //ComputeArgsChkSumLen
/***LP ComputeChkSumLen - Compute length and checksum of code block
* * Compute the length of the given code block and store it in the dwCodeLen * field of the code block. * Compute the checksum of the given code block and store it in the * bCodeChkSum field of the code block. * * ENTRY * pcode -> code block * * EXIT * None * * NOTE * This function does not count the opcode length of the given ASLTERM. * The caller is responsible for adding it if necessary. */
VOID LOCAL ComputeChkSumLen(PCODEOBJ pcode) { PCODEOBJ pc; int i, j;
ENTER((1, "ComputeChkSumLen(pcode=%p)\n", pcode));
ASSERT(pcode->dwCodeType == CODETYPE_ASLTERM);
if (!(TermTable[pcode->dwTermIndex].dwfTermClass & TC_COMPILER_DIRECTIVE)) { ComputeArgsChkSumLen(pcode); } //
// Sum the lengths of children
for (pc = pcode->pcFirstChild; pc != NULL;) { ComputeChildChkSumLen(pcode, pc);
if ((PCODEOBJ)pc->list.plistNext == pcode->pcFirstChild) pc = NULL; else pc = (PCODEOBJ)pc->list.plistNext; } //
// If this term requires a PkgLength encoding, we must include it in the
// length.
if (TermTable[pcode->dwTermIndex].dwfTerm & TF_PACKAGE_LEN) { DWORD dwPktLen;
if (pcode->dwCodeLen <= 0x3f - 1) pcode->dwCodeLen++; else if (pcode->dwCodeLen <= 0xfff - 2) pcode->dwCodeLen += 2; else if (pcode->dwCodeLen <= 0xfffff - 3) pcode->dwCodeLen += 3; else pcode->dwCodeLen += 4;
if (EncodePktLen(pcode->dwCodeLen, &dwPktLen, &j) == ASLERR_NONE) { for (i = 0; i < j; ++i) { pcode->bCodeChkSum = (BYTE)(pcode->bCodeChkSum + ((PBYTE)&dwPktLen)[i]); } } }
EXIT((1, "ComputeChkSumLen! (len=%ld,ChkSum=%x)\n", pcode->dwCodeLen, pcode->bCodeChkSum)); } //ComputeChkSumLen
/***LP ComputeDataChkSum - Compute checksum of a data buffer
* * ENTRY * pb -> data buffer * dwLen - size of data buffer * * EXIT * returns the checksum byte */
BYTE LOCAL ComputeDataChkSum(PBYTE pb, DWORD dwLen) { BYTE bChkSum = 0;
ENTER((1, "ComputeDataChkSum(pb=%p,Len=%ld)\n", pb, dwLen));
while (dwLen > 0) { bChkSum = (BYTE)(bChkSum + *pb); pb++; dwLen--; }
EXIT((1, "ComputeDataChkSum=%x\n", bChkSum)); return bChkSum; } //ComputeChkSumLen
/***LP ComputeEISAID - Compute EISA ID from the ID string
* * ENTRY * pszID -> ID string * pdwEISAID -> to hold the EISA ID * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
ENTER((1, "ComputeEISAID(pszID=%s,pdwEISAID=%p)\n", pszID, pdwEISAID));
if (*pszID == '*') pszID++;
if (strlen(pszID) != 7) rc = ASLERR_INVALID_EISAID; else { int i;
*pdwEISAID = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if ((pszID[i] < '@') || (pszID[i] > '_')) { rc = ASLERR_INVALID_EISAID; break; } else { (*pdwEISAID) <<= 5; (*pdwEISAID) |= pszID[i] - '@'; } }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { PSZ psz; WORD wData;
(*pdwEISAID) = ((*pdwEISAID & 0x00ff) << 8) | ((*pdwEISAID & 0xff00) >> 8); wData = (WORD)strtoul(&pszID[3], &psz, 16);
if (*psz != '\0') { rc = ASLERR_INVALID_EISAID; } else { wData = (WORD)(((wData & 0x00ff) << 8) | ((wData & 0xff00) >> 8)); (*pdwEISAID) |= (DWORD)wData << 16; } } }
EXIT((1, "ComputeEISAID=%d (EISAID=%lx)\n", rc, *pdwEISAID)); return rc; } //ComputeEISAID
/***LP LookupIDIndex - lookup the given ID in the TermTable and return index
* * ENTRY * lID - ID to look up * pdwTermIndex -> to hold term index found * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL LookupIDIndex(LONG lID, PDWORD pdwTermIndex) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; int i;
ENTER((1, "LookupIDIndex(ID=%ld,pdwTermIndex=%p)\n", lID, pdwTermIndex));
for (i = 0; TermTable[i].pszID != NULL; ++i) { if (lID == TermTable[i].lID) { *pdwTermIndex = (DWORD)i; break; } }
if (TermTable[i].pszID == NULL) { ERROR(("LookupIDIndex: failed to find ID %ld in TermTable", lID)); rc = ASLERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
EXIT((1, "LookupIDIndex=%d (Index=%d)\n", rc, *pdwTermIndex)); return rc; } //LookupIDIndex
/***LP WriteAMLFile - Write code block to AML file
* * ENTRY * fhAML - AML image file handle * pcode -> code block * pdwOffset -> file offset * * EXIT-SUCCESS * returns ASLERR_NONE * EXIT-FAILURE * returns negative error code */
int LOCAL WriteAMLFile(int fhAML, PCODEOBJ pcode, PDWORD pdwOffset) { int rc = ASLERR_NONE; int iLen; DWORD dwPktLen, dwLen;
ENTER((1, "WriteAMLFile(fhAML=%x,pcode=%p,FileOffset=%x)\n", fhAML, pcode, *pdwOffset));
if (pcode->dwfCode & CF_CREATED_NSOBJ) { ASSERT(pcode->pnsObj != NULL); ASSERT(pcode->pnsObj->dwRefCount == 0); pcode->pnsObj->dwRefCount = *pdwOffset; }
switch (pcode->dwCodeType) { case CODETYPE_ASLTERM: if (pcode->dwCodeValue != OP_NONE) { iLen = OPCODELEN(pcode->dwCodeValue); *pdwOffset += iLen;
if (_write(fhAML, &pcode->dwCodeValue, iLen) != iLen) rc = ASLERR_WRITE_FILE; else if (TermTable[pcode->dwTermIndex].dwfTerm & TF_PACKAGE_LEN) { if ((rc = EncodePktLen(pcode->dwCodeLen, &dwPktLen, &iLen)) == ASLERR_NONE) { *pdwOffset += iLen; if (_write(fhAML, &dwPktLen, iLen) != iLen) { rc = ASLERR_WRITE_FILE; } } }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { if (pcode->pbDataBuff != NULL) { PCODEOBJ pc; int i;
for (i = 0, pc = (PCODEOBJ)pcode->pbDataBuff; i < (int)pcode->dwDataLen; ++i) { if ((rc = WriteAMLFile(fhAML, &pc[i], pdwOffset)) != ASLERR_NONE) { break; } } } } }
if (rc == ASLERR_NONE) { PCODEOBJ pc;
for (pc = pcode->pcFirstChild; pc != NULL;) { if ((rc = WriteAMLFile(fhAML, pc, pdwOffset)) != ASLERR_NONE) { break; }
if ((PCODEOBJ)pc->list.plistNext == pcode->pcFirstChild) { pc = NULL; } else pc = (PCODEOBJ)pc->list.plistNext; } } break;
case CODETYPE_USERTERM: if (pcode->pbDataBuff != NULL) { PCODEOBJ pc; int i;
for (i = 0, pc = (PCODEOBJ)pcode->pbDataBuff; i < (int)pcode->dwDataLen; ++i) { if ((rc = WriteAMLFile(fhAML, &pc[i], pdwOffset)) != ASLERR_NONE) { break; } } } break;
case CODETYPE_FIELDOBJ: dwPktLen = pcode->dwCodeValue? sizeof(NAMESEG): sizeof(BYTE); dwLen = ((pcode->dwDataLen & 0xc0) >> 6) + 1; *pdwOffset += dwPktLen + dwLen; if ((_write(fhAML, &pcode->dwCodeValue, dwPktLen) != (int)dwPktLen) || (_write(fhAML, &pcode->dwDataLen, dwLen) != (int)dwLen)) { rc = ASLERR_WRITE_FILE; } break;
case CODETYPE_NAME: case CODETYPE_DATAOBJ: *pdwOffset += pcode->dwDataLen; if (_write(fhAML, pcode->pbDataBuff, (int)pcode->dwDataLen) != (int)pcode->dwDataLen) { rc = ASLERR_WRITE_FILE; } break;
case CODETYPE_INTEGER: *pdwOffset += pcode->dwDataLen; if (_write(fhAML, &pcode->dwCodeValue, (int)pcode->dwDataLen) != (int)pcode->dwDataLen) { rc = ASLERR_WRITE_FILE; } break;
default: ERROR(("WriteAMLFile: unexpected code type - %x", pcode->dwCodeType)); rc = ASLERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
EXIT((1, "WriteAMLFile=%d\n", rc)); return rc; } //WriteAMLFile
/***LP FreeCodeObjs - free code object tree
* * ENTRY * pcodeRoot -> root of code object subtree to be free * * EXIT * None */
VOID LOCAL FreeCodeObjs(PCODEOBJ pcodeRoot) { PCODEOBJ pcode, pcodeNext;
ENTER((1, "FreeCodeObjs(pcodeRoot=%p,Type=%d,Term=%s,Buff=%p)\n", pcodeRoot, pcodeRoot->dwCodeType, pcodeRoot->dwCodeType == CODETYPE_ASLTERM? TermTable[pcodeRoot->dwTermIndex].pszID: "<null>", pcodeRoot->pbDataBuff)); //
// Free all my children
for (pcode = pcodeRoot->pcFirstChild; pcode != NULL; pcode = pcodeNext) { if ((pcodeNext = (PCODEOBJ)pcode->list.plistNext) == pcodeRoot->pcFirstChild) { pcodeNext = NULL; }
FreeCodeObjs(pcode); }
if (pcodeRoot->pbDataBuff != NULL) MEMFREE(pcodeRoot->pbDataBuff);
EXIT((1, "FreeCodeObjs!\n")); } //FreeCodeObjs